Duxbury Clipper 2010-29-09

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Cranberry Hospice & Palliative Care

Kitchen Tour
Sunday, October 17th 1-5pm
- See our ad on page 4 -

ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.00
Volume LX No. 39 “Modern technology owes ecology an apology.” –– Alan M. Eddison Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waiting on
building news
School officials waiting for
meeting with state on projects
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor The next step is for the MSBA
[email protected]
to set up a meeting with school
Officials are waiting for officials.
word from the state before “We’re very interested
they can proceed with the next in working with them devel-
step in a study process regard- oping a co-located middle
ing new school buildings. school/high school we could
School Committee Vice use as a model,” said Hein-
Chairman John Heinstadt said stadt. He added that a model
that the School Building Com- school could add an additional
mittee, chaired by Elizabeth 5 percent to the expected state
A SPLASH OF COLOR: Bronwyn Jensen, Bella Wehbe, Max White, Seamus Johnston, Joshua Feingold
Lewis, has submitted infor- reimbursement of construction and Brianna Duffy hold up their origami cranes during International Day of Peace observations at Bay
mation to the Massachusetts Farm Montessori School last Tuesday. See page 25 for more photos. Courtesy photo
School Building Authority. continued on page 12

Duxbury Beach swept clean North Hill gag

order rescinded
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
[email protected]
Laurie Mullen with her kids, Teddy and Elizabeth,
look for trash along the bridge side of Duxbury Beach
ozens of people during Saturday’s Beach Sweep. See
were on Duxbury page 18 for more photos. By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor of Weston. The management
Beach Saturday. [email protected]
contract came up for bid in
But they weren’t there to en- An injunction preventing 2008, and when another com-
joy the burst of warm weather the Duxbury Selectmen from pany was awarded the contract,
–  seemingly summer’s last discussing possible contract Doug Johnson sued, saying
gasp. violations at the North Hill the town and the bid winners,
Instead, the people walk- Golf Course has been lifted. Calm Golf of Rockland, con-
ing around the beach had their The Board of Selectmen spired against him.
heads down, searching the had been scheduled to hold a The hearing that was sup-
sand for trash and other debris public hearing last Monday posed to take place dealt with
as part of the annual Beach to discuss possible violations a surety bond. The manage-
Sweep. of the management contract ment contract states that the
Organized by Battelle Labs at North Hill, a town-owned company running the course
as part of the Ocean Conser- nine-hole golf course. While must have one, however John-
vancy’s International Coastal the town owns the course, it son told town officials that due
Cleanup, the Beach Sweep is has been managed for more to his lawsuit he was unable
continued on page 14 than a decade by Johnson Golf
continued on page 9


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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

PILGRIM PAVING Correction Duxbury Almanac

Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
3&4*%&/5*"-t$0..&3$*"- In the photo spread on
page 18 in last week’s Clipper, TIDES
- Fall Special - the man hitting out of a hazard High High Low Low
YBSFBMBZFSTPGBTQIBMUPWFSHSBWFM in the top center photo is mis- Thurs. Sep. 30 4:37 a.m. 4:49 p.m. 11:05 a.m. 11:47 p.m.
$695 identified as David Kellar. In Fri. Oct. 1 5:33 a.m. 5:48 p.m. 12:02 p.m. --
the photo in the lower left cor-
Sat. Oct. 2 6:34 a.m. 6:50 p.m. 12:46 a.m. 1:04 p.m.
ner, the man identified as Ed

Kellar is actually Ross Kellar. Sun. Oct. 3 7:34 a.m. 7:53 p.m. 1:47 a.m. 2:07 p.m.
781.982.9898 Mon. Oct. 4 8:33 a.m. 8:54 p.m. 2:46 a.m. 3:08 p.m.
www.pilgrimpaving.com Tues. Oct. 5 9:29 a.m. 9:53 p.m. 3:42 a.m. 4:06 p.m.
Voter Wed. Oct. 6
Thurs. Oct. 7
10:21 a.m. 10:48 p.m. 4:35 a.m.
11:12 a.m. 11:41p.m. 5:26 a.m.
5:02 p.m.
5:55 p.m.
registration Fri. Oct. 8 12:01 p.m. -- 6:15 a.m. 6:47 p.m.
The last day to register
to vote for the state election SUNRISE AND SUNSET
(Nov. 2, 2010) is Wednesday, Sunrise Sunset
Oct. 13. The town clerk’s of- Thurs. Sep. 30 6:38 a.m. 6:26 p.m.
fice will be open from 8 a.m. Fri. Oct. 1 6:39 a.m. 6:24 p.m.
to 8 p.m. that day. After 4 Sat. Oct. 2 6:40 a.m. 6:22 p.m.
p.m., enter through the rear Sun. Oct. 3 6:41 a.m. 6:20 p.m.
door of the Town Hall. If you
Mon. Oct. 4 6:42 a.m. 6:19 p.m.
are not certain whether you
are a registered voter, call Tues. Oct. 5 6:44 a.m. 6:17 p.m.
the town clerk’s office. 781- Wed. Oct. 6 6:45 a.m. 6:15 p.m.

It’s not done... 934-1100 x150 or x118.

Ballots for the state
election should arrive at the
Thurs. Oct. 7
Fri. Oct. 8
6:46 a.m. 6:14 p.m.
6:47 a.m. 6:12 p.m.

town clerk’s office two to ALAN HURLEY 8F"DDFQU

three weeks before the elec-
tion. Voters may fill out an
...until it’s finished. application for an absentee
ballot in the clerk’s office
and vote in person. Voters
Up to $500 Off on Complete New Roof
may also request an absen-
tee ballot by writing to the tBMBO!BMBOIVSMFZSPPmOHDPN
Town Clerk at 878 Tremont
Designer finishing Walls Furniture Street, Duxbury, MA 02332. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS
Remember to provide your 69 Kingstown Way $175,000 Letitia F. Mcgrath and Leonard C.
& painting Ceilings Cabinetry mailing address and to allow Mcgrath to Eric Boermeester
by Tracy K. Woods enough time for the ballot to 1000 Mayflower St. $555,000 C. Parker Simpson and Ms.
be mailed out and returned Braddock-Simpson to Sarah W . Kossmann
to the town clerk by the
14 Ocean Rd. S. $280,000 David R. Parmenter and Diane J.
close of polls on Tuesday, Parmenter to Brian S. Costello and Amanda Emerson
A Duxbury Business Nov. 2. By law, all in-office
absentee voting ends at noon 1327 Tremont St. $581,350 Wesley E. Horton and Mary G. Horton
(508) 558-0500 to Michael L. Ward and Stark C. Ward
Monday, Nov. 1.
1. Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins 2. The Stormchasers, by Jenna
Basket for teen Blum 3. Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen 4. Little Bee, by Chris Cleave
5. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson 6. Await Your
items for DSS Reply, by Dan Chaon 7. The Monster in the Box, by Ruth Rendell 8.
The ARC of Greater The Girl Who Played With Fire, by Stieg Larsson 9. South of Broad,
Plymouth is collecting toi- by Pat Conroy 10. On Folly Beach, by Karen White
letries for DDS (Department – Westwinds Bookshop
of Development Services)
29th Anniversary Sale to make baskets for teen- WEATHER ALMANAC
age girls and boys in foster Observations From Saturday September 18 Through Friday
“29 years of our Studio ownership care. There is a basket in September 24, 2010
the Young Adult section of
and loving every year of it” the Duxbury Free Library.
High Low Rainfall 6AM Sky Conditions
- Marcy and John Stanton Items sought include tooth- Saturday 67 50 -- Scattered Clouds
and Staff paste, hairbrushes, feminine Sunday 77 51 -- Clear
hygiene products and sham- Monday 65 53 -- Scattered Clouds
Celebrate with us on poo. In the winter there will Tuesday 70 45 -- Clear
be a warm coat drive for the Wednesday 82 60 -- Scattered Clouds
Saturday, October 2nd Plymouth Homeless Coali- Thursday 70 60 0.04” Scattered Clouds
and receive a tion.
Friday 79 58 -- Overcast with Breaks

29% SAVINGS Totals: 0.04”

ON ANY ONE ITEM* Averages & Comparisons

Avg High Above Week 72.9
Open from 10am to 5pm.
Enjoy our food tastings, including Harbor Sweets. Avg High Same Week Last Year 73.7
Avg High Same Week 2000 65.3
– Submitted by Wayne Heward
There are certain exceptions:
* Vera Bradley does not permit discounts. POSTAL STATEMENT
* In store merchandise only.
The Duxbury
* No other discounts apply. Clipper is
* Does not apply to items currently in our published week-
customer hold area. ly by Clipper
* We cannot hold merchandise until Saturday. Press, 11 So.
Station Street,
02331. Periodical
$EPOT3TREETsWWWTHE3TUDIOOF$UXBURYCOM postage permit (USPS#163-260) paid at Duxbury, MA.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury
  Clipper at PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

Volunteers needed for self-study

Andrew Stephens, princi- making necessary preparations schools, and vocational/techni-
pal of Duxbury High School, for the evaluation committee’s cal and career institutions. Ap-
is extending an invitation to visit. proximately 650 public schools
parents of high school students Duxbury High School was throughout New England are TRY OUR ZOOM GROOM
and other interested communi- last accredited in 2002 and has currently accredited through FOR A QUICK CLEAN UP
ty members to assist in a self- maintained continued accredi- the Association’s Commission FOR YOUR MEETING OR
study, which is currently being tation since it was awarded on Public Secondary Schools. WE WORK BY APPOINTMENT
conducted by the school’s pro- NEASC membership in 1945. The Commission works with 781-826-8719
fessional staff. The next accreditation by a individual schools to improve RT. 139, PEMBROKE
The self-study is a signifi- Commission visiting commit- the quality of their programs
cant component in the evalu- tee will be conducted in fall of at all levels through a process
ation process of the Com- 2012. of self-study, evaluation and
mission on Public Secondary Stephens noted that all follow-up activities.
Schools for the accreditation aspects of the school will be Anyone interested in vol-
of Duxbury High School by evaluated during the self-study. unteering time or in learn-
the New England Association Volunteers are most urgently ing more about the self-study
of Schools and Colleges. needed, however, to serve on should contact Donna Holt or
Leading the Steering Com- committees which will evalu- Cheryl Lewis during school
mittee are Donna Holt, K-12 ate the areas of Core Values, hours by calling 781-934-7661
language coordinator, and Beliefs and Learning Expecta- or by e-mailing D_Holt@dux-
Cheryl Lewis, DHS science tions; Curriculum; Instruction; bury.k12.ma.us.
department head. Assessment of and for Student
NEASC membership re- learning; School Culture and

SAVE $100
quires that a school undergo Leadership; School Resources
a self-study and formal evalu- for Learning; and Community
ation at least once every ten Resources for Learning.
years. The Steering Commit- The New England Asso- MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE
tee’s responsibilities include ciation of Schools and Col- $100 ON ANY REPAIR OVER $500!
coordinating a schedule of leges is a voluntary member-
events for the school’s self- ship organization of more than
study, collecting reports from 2,000 public schools, colleges
various subcommittees, and and universities, independent

King Caesar’s Autumnfest Oct. 3 Fully Certified Technicians

Where can you meet a “scrimshaw” making, and the Rt. 53, N. Pembroke
dragon, a British Redcoat, a always popular Great Pump- s 2ENTAL6EHICLES!VAILABLE 781-826-0277
19th century fiddle player, and kin Hunt. s 3HUTTLE3ERVICE
a Union Civil War soldier all Due to the large number of s 4OWING3ERVICE 104 Mattakeesett St.
in one place? The answer: families expected, parking for
2010.SNFRehab.ads:2010.SNF.Rehab.ads 7/4/10 11:48 AM Page 3
Rt. 14 Pembroke
King Caesar’s Autumnfest on the event will be at the Dux- s &RAME,ASER"EAM4ECHNOLOGY
Sunday, Oct. 3. Presented by bury High School.  Attendees s #OLOR-ATCHING3PECIALIST
the Duxbury Rural and His- will then be brought to the
torical Society, Autumnfest is King Caesar House by trol- The Best Auto Collision Center You’ll Find by Accident!
a special day for families and ley. Admission will be $5 for
Hours: Monday – Friday - 8am – 5pm
children at the King Caesar adults, $3 for children (6-12),
House Museum, 120 King under 6 free (maximum of $20
Caesar Road. The event runs per family). Tickets are on sale
from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. AMILY F EMBERS IVE M G
As in past years, the event House or can be purchased the
will feature food, games, and day of the event at the King B P
crafts. There will be wagon Caesar House. 
rides around scenic Powder For further information,
Point. The Gloucester Horn- contact the DRHS office at

pipe and Clog Society will be 781-934-6106 or visit dux-
returning to delight visitors buryhistory.org.
with their eclectic blend of
traditional Celtic tunes, songs of the people
from the British Isles, sea
chanteys and other 19th cen- BIKEWAY surveyed would
tury maritime music. WEBSTER SQUARE-MARSHFIELD
The event will also feature Bay Path
reenactors from two different Rehabilitation &
time periods, members of the Nursing Center
22nd Massachusetts Volun- to a friend or
teer Infantry (representing the
Civil War), and members of family member.
the King’s 10th Regiment of
Foot (representing the Revo-
Fall Bicycle

lutionary War). Other ongoing Tune-Up Individuals responsible for the care and
activities around the grounds well-being of their loved ones gave Bay
will include guided tours of Path a very high satisfaction score.

Only - $49.99
the King Caesar House, pro-
fessional face painting, sev- 781-837-BIKE Results were based on the recently
eral crafts for kids including BikewayMarshfield.Com released Massachusetts Department
of Public Health 2009 Nursing Home REHABILITATION &
Satisfaction Survey. NURSING CENTER
Bay Path is committed to providing 308 Kings Town Way
excellence in patient care and focusing Duxbury, MA
its resources on staff training essential
to ensure high levels of satisfaction.

Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group is a family-owned

company celebrating over 60 years of quality service to older adults. www.welchhrg.com
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New Planning member appointed OSBORN’S

Country Store
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Press In other business:
[email protected] featuring Specials of the week
• Voted unanimously to end Absolut Vodka.....................................................................................1.75L......................$29.99
A 39-year old attorney with the voluntary outdoor water- LaCrema Chardonnay or Pinot Noir.........................750 ml....................$15.99
legal experience related to land ing ban, effective immedi- Sebastiani Chardonnay.............................................................750 ml........................$8.99
use, real estate and zoning law ately. Lindeman's Australian Wines..............................................1.5L............................$9.99
has been chosen to fill a vacan- Bella Sera Pinot Grigio................................................................1.5L...........................$8.99
• Declared a bonus shellfish Coors Light or Miller Lite................................................ 20pk bottles..............$14.99+dep
cy on the Planning Board. Busch or Busch Light............................................................ 20pk bottles..............$10.99+dep
season for the commercial
On Monday, Duxbury harvesting of soft-shell and
prices good through 10/5/10

selectmen and the Planning 2/54%s$58"529s  

quahog clams.
Board voted to make Brian E.
Glennon, II of Colonial Drive • Reappointed Judy Hall to the
the newest planning board Design Review Board; reap-
pointed Josh Cutler as the
member. He fills a vacancy
planning board representative
created when Harold Moody to the South Shore Coalition;
resigned in August. Brian Glennon was appointed to
and accepted a resignation
Glennon applied for the the Planning Board at Monday’s
from Millie Morrison on the
position along with James Board of Selectmen meeting.
Nuclear Advisory Committee.
M.B. Bond of Bay Road and benefit from another lawyer.
• Announced that there are
Paul McCormack of Partridge “I think Mr. Glennon has volunteer opportunities on the
Road. the experience we need,” said following committees: Council
Glennon was chosen for McNab. “I think all three can- on Aging, Design Review
his past experience with land didates were good but it takes a Board, Nuclear Advisory 01&/)064&4"563%":1.
use law. As an attorney with few years to know what you’re Committee, Recreation 8FTU4USFFU
Kopelman and Paige of Boston doing” on the Planning Board. Activities Committee, Sidewalk CFESPPNT CBUIT "TLJOH1SJDF 
for six years until 2006, Glen- Selectmen Chairman and Bike Path Committee,
non represented both public ATLANTIC PROPERTIES
Shawn Dahlen agreed with and Zoning Board of Appeals.
and private clients with cases McNab: “I think Mr. Glennon Contact the town manager’s
relating to real estate laws. He has the expertise that the Plan- office for more information.
also has experience with locat- ning Board needs. I hope the
ing cellular towers and was others will consider running in If you feel you are
a law clerk for a land court the spring.” being bullied walk
judge. Bond, a real estate ap- away and talk to
Currently, Glennon works praiser for 17 years and a Dux-
as a corporate counsel for bury resident since 2008, said an adult nearby
Cumberland Gulf Group, the he was interested in serving
owner of Cumberland Farms the town and felt his residen-
and Gulf Oil Limited. He has tial and commercial appraisal
been a residential landlord and experience could benefit the
property manager and served planning board. 781-934-6568
as a Sergeant in the US Marine McCormack, a full-time
Reserves. resident for 12 years, is a re-
In endorsing Glennon, tired banker who worked in
Planning Board chairman Amy Manhattan for over 20 years.
Lawn in tough
McNab said her board needed He said he was “interested in shape?
someone with the background preserving the character of
knowledge to participate from Duxbury while enabling the
the first day on the job. Also, town to progress and develop TIME TO RESEED
because Moody was an attor- in a suitable manner.” YOUR LAWN!
ney, the board felt they could
We are now aerating

Town rules water and slice seeding lawns

Stop in or call us for

issues all natural

more information

By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff structures and possible water Sunday • October 17th • 1-5pm
[email protected]
pipe leaks – and concluded
After looking into com- that it was caused by the geog-
plaints by Indian Trail residents raphy of the area and an exces-
about excessive water in their sively high ground water due Hours:
basements this past spring, the to “historic” amounts of rain- Sat. 8am-5pm / Sun. 9-5pm / Mon.9am-5pm
town is satisfied that the prob- fall in March. 24%s(!.3/.s  
lems are due to natural causes “The water table was ex- MILENORTHOF3HAWS
and not created by construc- tremely high,” said Giovanoni.
tion or other issues; therefore, “People who never had water
the town cannot solve them. in their basements had water in
According to Town Man- their basements this spring.”
ager Richard MacDonald, ear- Giovanoni sampled the 35 Depot Street 781-934-2863
lier this year he received com- water to see if it was drinking Duxbury Marketplace www.depotstreetmarket.com
plaints about water problems water or ground water and the (across from Tsang's) We Deliver!
from some Indian Trail resi- results showed ground water,
dents and asked Department he said.
of Public Works Director Peter Giovanoni also said he 1. Over 30 entrees
Buttkus and Water Department looked at the aquifer and the 2. Over 10 sides
geography of the land and con-
Superintendent Peter Mackin
to review the issue to see if it cluded that the problem was “a
was caused by recent Route 3A natural issue.” 4. Beef, Chicken, Pork, Seafood and Vegetarian entrees available
reconstruction. He also hired “The entire area drains to 5. Certified Angus Beef, fresh herbs, no preservatives
an engineer, Brian Giovanoni these few homes,” he said. 6. We've done all the prep work, ready for you to bake, grill or saute
from Amory Engineering. MacDonald said the town
MacDonald said state of- had been prepared to address 7. Desserts from Sugar Plum Bakery
ficials denied the water prob- the water problems, but with 8. Menu changes seasonally TRY OUR
lems were caused by any of its these results, there was noth- NEW SESAME
9. Open Daily BEEF
work on Tremont Street. ing the town could do about 10. Weekly meal deals
Giovanoni said he looked them. STIR FRY!
at all the possible contribut- No Indian Trail residents 11. Frequent buyer card
ing factors to the problem – attended the meeting Monday. 12. STOP IN TODAY TO SEE WHAT EVERYONE'S BEEN TALKING ABOUT!
including the town’s drainage
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Speakers at
Cook once, eat twice Holy Family

By Michelle Conway, Clipper columnist
[email protected]
Reverend James Keenan
t’s 5 p.m. and you stand in your kitchen confronted with S.J. will be the first speaker
the dinner hour without an answer to the “what’s for din- of this, the third year of The
ner” question. Seven days a week, 365 days a year, din- Holy Family Speakers Series.
ner must be served. Allowing for one night per week of take Fr. Keenan will discuss Ethical
out, the average home cook produces over 300 dinners per year. Choices for Today, on Wednes- NEW LANGUAGE CENTER IN DUXBURY
The pressure to deliver a healthy, interesting meal can feel over- day evening, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. OPEN THIS FALL: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
whelming but with a little bit of forethought, meal preparation at the Parish Center of Holy Call for visit, tour or information: 781-383-2585
doesn’t have to be so daunting. I abide by the “cook once, eat Family Church. Father Keenan
twice” rule in my house. When I cook something, I cook extra to holds the Founders Professor-
serve either as leftovers or to re-imagine the main ingredient and ship Chair in Theology at Bos-
turn it into a whole new meal. ton College. His publications
Double your favorite red sauce or soup recipe and freeze half include “Commandments of
of it; allow it to cool, spoon it into a freezer bag and place it in Compassion,” “Catholic Ethi-
the freezer in a flat pan. Air is the enemy Pre-Primary Spanish Immersion School (Ages 2-5)
cists on HIV/Aids Prevention” Daily morning classes with extended day option
of food so take extra care to squeeze out and “Moral Wisdom.” Other
all of the air before freezing. Once it is Kindergarten Classes
speakers in the five part speak-
frozen into a freezer-friendly flat shape, ers series will include Sister Afterschool Classes (Grades K-12)
remove the pan. Banana bread and oth- Nancy Corcoran, Chaplain Tutoring
er breakfast breads are large enough to of Wellesley College; Celia Adult Classes (all levels)
serve a family twice. Cut the loaf in half Sirois, Adjunct Professor of St
(or into individual slices), tightly wrap and freeze for another Johns Seminary; Sister / Doc-
day. Throw extra chicken onto the grill or into the roasting pan tor Nancy Kehoe , of Harvard
and use the leftovers a few nights later in pasta with Alfredo Medical School, and Rever-
sauce. Add some frozen peas or broccoli for an easy one-pot end Walter Cunin, Chaplain
meal. Extra cooked fish can be mixed into a lentil soup or added of Brandies University. All are
to a salad. cordially invited to attend.
Pork tenderloin can be repurposed and as an added bonus,
it is often on sale. Prepare a roast pork tenderloin dinner as you
usually do, but add one extra pound of pork to the pan and save
it for a meal later in the week. Shred the pork and combine it
with barbecue sauce for a spin on pulled pork sandwiches. Serve
Plymouth county’s premier aggregate supplier/commercial residential
the sandwiches on a hearty bun with some Alexia frozen sweet
potato fries on the side. Dice leftover pork and throw it into this
flavorful chili.
- ÊUÊ-/" ÊUÊ,6 ÊUÊ-*/
Pork Chili Homeowner Supplies
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 small onion, minced
3 cloves of garlic, minced Commerce Way in Plymouth
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon coriander
2 tablespoons chili powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin Residential &Solutions
1-2 teaspoons cayenne pepper (optional)
2 14.5 ounce cans of diced tomatoes with zesty jalapenos T.L. Edwards is proud to announce our new
2 cups of chicken broth residential division, serving homeowners
1 16 ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed across Southeastern Massachusetts!
1 16 ounce can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
1 lb of cooked pork, cubed SEASONAL SUPPLIES
Heat the oil in a large pot and sauté the garlic and onion until Winter sand and salt, Ice Be Gone
softened. Add the dry spices (chili powder, cumin and cayenne if DECORATIVE STONE AND ROCK
using) to the pan and stir for one minute, allowing the spices to LANDSCAPING MATERIALS
Granite, wall and retaining wall rock,
become fragrant. Add the three cans of tomatoes and the chicken Loam, mulch, wood chips, screened fill,
broth to the pot and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the diced pork and crushed sea shells & sea wall rock
and beans and warm through. PAVING MATERIALS
PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Crushed concrete (green) ,

Duxbury Camera Club to AVAILABLE recycled asphalt, asphalt

feature photo editing options

Duxbury Camera Club’s Oct. 6 meeting will feature Lynne
Shackleton Ford of Marshfield who will present an overview of
software options available for photo editing. This topic has been
requested by members who are anxious to maximize their photo
results. Ford, whose broad knowledge of photography results in
consistent exhibiting, has won numerous awards. She presented to
the club on close-up photography earlier this spring.
Duxbury Camera Club meets the first Wednesday of each
month in the Merry Room of the Duxbury Free Library from
7-9:15 p.m. In addition to monthly meetings, which are open to
the public, the club also sponsors workshops, field trips and cri-
tiques to members only. Upcoming workshops include the follow-
ing: matting and mounting of photographs, introduction to digital
workflow and night photography. For more information, e-mail
[email protected] or stop by the library on Oct. 6.
Elegantly renovated antique colonial Classic antique on glorious 6 acres!
Jan Butterworth s 4BR home with gourmet kitchen s 10 room saltbox with period details
(781) 582-9766 s Separate wing 26’ master suite s 1995 heated barn with loft/in-home office
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Dog Walking
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459 Washington Street. Duxbury. 781.934.2000

Bachelors of Donna Wood Liz Bone Marcia Solberg Kristin Coppola Shawn Moloney
Science in Animal Science Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.
Caring for Animals in Duxbury Since 1985
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010


New teachers were introduced by their respective building principals at last week’s School Committee
meeting. 27.5 teachers were hired this year –– although overall, the district lost 2.1. full-time positions Fine Wine • Beer • Liquor • Cigars
compared to last year.

Task force tackles bullying

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor School Committee Nov. 17. Paul’s mother Kathy was
Stop & Shop Plaza • Kingston

[email protected]
“We don’t have a lot of on hand Wednesday night to
The school district is form- time to get this done,” said present the gift to the music
ing a task force to deal with the School Committee member department.
topic of bullying. Gary Magnuson. “We had a fantastic amaz-
New state legislation re- In accordance with state ing fundraising event, an a
quires all public schools to law, the district has to have cappella night, last March,” LEARN TO SKATE
have a district-wide plan to the plan filed by the end of the she said, adding that the Foun-
deal with bullying. To accom- year. dation will hold another event
Wednesday 10:00am-10:50am – $125
plish this, Assistant Superin- The state has already pro- on Feb. 5. Tots 3-6 yrs and Adults
tendent Edwin Walsh is head- vided some materials that the “We’re really, really happy
ing up a 40-member task force task force will use as a tem- to be able to donate a piano to
Session 2: 11/3-12/22/10
composed of administrators, plate. the music department,” she Thursday 1:00pm-1:50pm (Tots 3-6 yrs)
teachers, guidance counselors “The good news is, we’re said. “Music was very impor-
and parents. doing most of this stuff now, tant to our son. He enjoyed
Session 2: 11/4-12/23/10 - No Class 11/25 (7 Weeks) $110
The group has already met but we probably need to do it teaching younger students; he Thursday 5:00pm-5:50pm (All Ages)
twice, and Walsh had divided better,” said Magnuson. enjoyed performing both vo- Session 2: 11/4-12/23/10 - No Class 11/25 (7 Weeks) $110
the task force into subcommit- Also at the meeting, the cally and instrumentally.”
tees such as leadership, train- School Committee accepted The committee was more Saturday 10:00am-10:50am (All Ages)
ing and professional develop- a gift from the Paul Fortini than happy to accept the dona- Session 2: 11/6-12/18/10 (7 Weeks) $110
ment. Foundation. Paul Fortini was a tion. Call Joan at 781-834-0947 or Starr at 781-585-2111
The group has two meet- DHS graduate, an active par- “It’s a wonderful, tribute or visit our website for a list of all classes for the year.
ings scheduled for October, ticipant in music and theater, to Paul Fortini,” said Mary
and will present a draft of who was killed in a tragic car Lou Buell.
Tel:781-585-2111 Fax: 781-585-6766sWWWBOGICESKATINGCOM
the anti-bullying plan to the accident in New York City.

Social Day
Program offered
The Duxbury Senior
Center offers a Social Day
Program for persons with
Early Stage Alzheimer’s
Disease or related Dementia
on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
9 a.m.-3 p.m. For more in-
formation about the program
or admission requirements
contact Lucille Brogna, In-
termissions Program Coor-
dinator at 781-934-5774 ext.

Richard & Linda Quigley
20 Court Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-1221
[email protected]
‘the only tea grown in England’ an
exceptionally unique gift!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Author Blum visits Duxbury Free Library

Call Karen Morley
William Raveis - Duxbury
617-686-9404 • [email protected]

Kitchen Fresh Swordfish Public

Cooked Parking
Open Shrimp Steaks across
New Shell Lobsters $3.99lb Cod
Chix Lobsters $6.99lb
Take Fried Lobster Tail Plate $15.95
Now serving Beer & Wine
The Duxbury Free Library and Westwinds Bookshop
presented Jenna Blum, author of “Those Who Save Salmo
Us” and “Stormchasers.” Standing at the podium Seafood
with Blum (center) are Marilyn Haraden, proprietor,
Westwinds Bookshop and Carol Jankowski, events
coordinator, Duxbury Free Library. $PVSU4USFFUt 3U"BDSPTTGSPN&SOJFT
Photos by Julius A. Prince, Jr. )PVST%":4BXFFLBNQN

Blum spoke to

4(%+).$%2 '%.4,%2,)0/35#4)/.
an enthusiastic


crowd at the

Duxbury Free ˜
Library. This

presentation was
by the Duxbury iÜʏ>ÃiÀ‡>ÃÈÃÌi`ʏˆ«œÃÕV̈œ˜ÊÌÀi>̓i˜ÌÊ
Free Library ÕÃiÃʏ>ÃiÀÊÌiV…˜œœ}ÞÊ̜ʓiÌÊ>˜`ÊÀi“œÛiÊ՘Ü>˜Ìi`Ê
and Westwinds v>ÌÊpÊ܈̅ʏiÃÃÊ`œÜ˜Ìˆ“iÊ>˜`Ê}Ài>ÌÊÀiÃՏÌÃt


…ÀˆÃ̈˜iÊ>“œÀˆ]Ê ]ÊLœ>À`‡

Poet Eileen Malone Reads at


7>˜ÌÊ̜ÊiÌÊ Lii˜ÊÕȘ}Ê̅iÊ-ˆ“ˆ«œ/ÊLœ`ÞÊ
the Duxbury Free Library V>ÊVi˜ÌiÀ°Ê/…ˆÃÊ ‡>««ÀœÛi`ÊÌiV…˜œœ}ÞÊÃiiV̈ÛiÞʓiÌÃÊ
On Thursday, Sept. 30, at 7 p.m. at the Duxbury Free Li- >˜`ʏiÃÃÊ`ˆÃVœ“vœÀÌÊ̅>˜ÊÌÀ>`ˆÌˆœ˜>Ê“i̅œ`ðÊ
brary, San Francisco poet Eileen Malone, Founder/Director of i>À˜Ê“œÀiÊ>˜`ÊÃV…i`ՏiÊޜÕÀÊÌÀi>̓i˜Ì°ÊÇn£‡™Î{‡ÓÓää°
the Soul-Making Literary Competition will read prize win-
ning poems from her new book of poetry “I Should Have Giv-
en Them Water.” Over five hundred of her poems have been
published in literary journals and anthologies; two have re-
cently been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. She also hosts and
produces a television show on creativity, now streaming on
the internet. All interested poetry enthusiasts and writers are
encouraged to attend. Free tickets are available at the circula- 
tion desk beginning Thursday Sept. 16. For more information, WWWCHRISTINEHAMORICOM

Pilates Group
Personal Training
The Bad Back Program

in Sept.*
(*When you sign up for eft)

Mats, Chairs,
Barrells in
every class!

Kingston 781.585.1188
Norwell 781.982.9545
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Send around town items

including births, anniversaries,
promotions and other life milestones to
[email protected].

➢➢ Ted Clarke was the guest

speaker at a Duxbury Rural and
Historical Society’s King Cae-
sar Barn Lecture series this sum-
mer. Mr. Clarke, author of sev-
eral books of Boston and New
England history, read excerpts
from his books covering topics
from Frederick Law Olmstead
and Isabella Stewart Gardner to
marshmallow fluff.
➢➢ Michelle Brown, a certified
nursing assistant at Duxbury
House Alzheimer’s Care Center
in Duxbury, recently walked in
the annual Alzheimer’s Associ-
ation Memory Walk, held at the
Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth.
Brown’s fundraising efforts After the lecture, Mr. Clarke discussed his books with Nancy Herndon,
helped her raise over $1,300 for Katherine Pillsbury, and Lillian Barlow.
Photo courtesy of Julius A. Prince Jr.
the Alzheimer’s Association.
Brown’s personal connection
to the Alzheimer’s Association Michelle Brown and
Memory Walk goes beyond her State Representative
work –– her father received a Vinny deMacedo pose
diagnosis of early-stage Al- Paige and Margot Gordon with their Clipper in Paris.
before the start of the
zheimer’s. Welch Healthcare & Alzheimer’s Memory
Retirement Group to date has Care Walk held at
raised more than $10,500. Plimoth Plantation in

An exhibit of floral watercolors by Duxbury artist Alison Bed & Breakfast– A Delightful Experience
Congratulations to Dorothea Bester Booy of
Tremont Street who just celebrated her 97th
Davidson is currently on display at the Helen Bumpus
Gallery located on the main floor of the Duxbury Free
390 Washington Street Duxbury by the Sea • Dinners nightly at 5:00 pm Closed Sundays
birthday on Sept. 26. Her best birthday pres- Library. Her exhibit may be viewed during regular
ent was meeting her newest great grandchild, library hours throughout September and October.
Dylan Henri Booy, only 10 weeks old. Photo courtesy of Julius A. Prince Jr.

Mums & Pumpkins
& Ghords
Arriving Daily!


Duxbury residents Rich Sarles, Roger and Andrea Tougas and Anne Marie Winchester, along with friends 9:30am-6:00pm Daily
and family from surrounding towns, recently ran the 209 mile Reach the Beach Relay.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9

North Hill gag order lifted continued from page one

Hill Advisory Committee and and Troy said there will also
to obtain the bond. Not hav- Recreation Director Gordon be a $500,000 bond to be filed
ing this could put Johnson in Cushing, preventing them with the court.
breech of contract. from discussing the potential Now that the restrain-
According to the court violation. ing order has been rescinded,
docket provided by Town On Thursday, Troy trav- the selectmen will again hold
Counsel Robert Troy last eled to Middlesex Superior a public hearing at the next
Monday, Johnson was grant- Court to argue that the re- meeting on Oct. 4. Troy said
ed an emergency temporary straining order should be lift- the selectmen will have sever-
restraining order against the ed, before the same judge that al options, including vacating
town of Duxbury, the North issued it. The order was lifted, the contract.

Fall classes at the Duxbury Art Association

Adult classes Nantucket Baskets Work- 11:30 a.m. or 1-2:30 p.m. Six
Watercolor for Beginners shop with the DAA’s Midsum- weeks. Dates are Oct. 4, 18,
and Intermediates with Michael mer Art Show “Best in Show” 27, Nov. 1, 8 and 15. Sign up
Domina. Starting Wednesday, winner Pam Smith and Patty today – space still available.
Sept. 29: Afternoons from Campbell. Starting Wednes- Carpentry Sculpture with Come celebrate the award winning
1-3:30 p.m. or evenings from day, Oct. 6. 6:30-9 p.m., four Lynda MacDonald: Starting
6:30-9 p.m. Eight weeks. weeks. Tuesday, Sept. 28. 2:30-4:30 Duxbury Music program!
Watercolor for the Sea- Introduction to the Potter’s p.m. Four weeks. The kids The pleasure of your company is requested by the
soned and Advanced Student Wheel with Don Whitney of walk from Alden to the Dux- Duxbury Music Promoters
with Katherine Smit. Start- Mud Man Pots. Starting Thurs- bury Art Association. Sign up at their Music Dinner to benefit the
ing Friday, Oct. 1. Space still day, Oct. 7. 6-9 p.m. Eight now – space still available.
available. 9 a.m.-12 noon. weeks. Space still available. Beginning Sewing with Duxbury Public School Music Programs
Eight weeks. Limited to eight students. Brooke Stanton: Starting Saturday, October 16th 6:30 reception
Photoshop for Total Begin- Make Your Own Glass Tuesday, Sept. 28. 4- 6 p.m. & host dinner to follow
ners with Jess Horton, graphic Beads with Marj Bates at her Six weeks.
designer and webmaster for seaside studio in Scituate. One Exploring Clay with Karina
the DAA. Starting Tuesday, day workshop. Oct. 23 or Nov. Ryan: Starting Thursday, Sept.
Oct. 5 and Thursday, Oct. 7. 13 – all day. 30. 4:30-6 p.m. Eight weeks.
Space still available. Limited Sea Glass and Beach Stone For grades 3 and up. Sign up
to six students. 10-11:30 a.m. Jewelry Workshop with Marj now – space still available.
or 7-8:30 p.m. Four weeks. In Bates at her seaside studio in Cartooning with Lynda
our new digital lab. Scituate. Starting Oct. 28. 3-5 MacDonald, Session 2: Start-
Pastel Painting for Begin- p.m. Six weeks. ing Oct. 25, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
ners with John Nutter. Starting Kids’ classes Four weeks. The kids walk Suggested donation $40 per person
Wednesday, Oct 6. 9:30 a.m.- Kolorful Kids with Jeanne from Alden to the Duxbury Art Would you like to be a guest? For details contact Beth Dubuisson
12:30 p.m. Eight weeks. Space Wolff : For ages 4 1/2- 6. Drop Association. at 781-834-2688 or [email protected]
still available. off class. Starting Oct. 4. 10-

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7%%+%.$ 4HULEBOXES



Congregation Shirat Hayam, P.O. Box 2727, Duxbury 02331, Phone: 781-582-2700
Zion Lutheran Church
386 Court St., No. Plymouth, Rev. C. Robert Stott, Phone: 508-746-3041
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Congregation Beth Jacob

Synagogue: 8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence
Send obituary nOtices Silverman, Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
to [email protected]
THE Deadline is South Shore Quaker
MacDonald Funeral Home
Monday at noon. Phone: 781-749-4383, Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham, (off Rte. 228 at the library/town hall
complex off Levitt St., up the hill to Turkey Hill Lane).
1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Barbara Helen (Lippard) Alves,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day84, gift shop owner
Saints (Mormon)
Barbara Helen
379 Gardner later years,
St., So. Hingham, she Howe,
Bishop John designed
Phone: and paintedSundays
781-293-2520, a line of
(Lippard) Alves,
year round: folkatart
Family worship pieces that were highly sought in the
10 am. “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
84, died on Sept. 22 local area and beyond. Mrs. Alves leaves her
Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
at CapeSt. Cod
Mark ofNurs-
Epheseus daughters Cathy Davis of Montclair, Va., Holly
Orthodox Mission
ing and Rehabili-
261 Main St., Kingston,Anacone ofMcGillicuddy,
Rev. Terrence MashpeePhone:
tation in Buzzards and Nancy Brown of Plymouth; her brother
and Solano Beach, Calif.
Bay surrounded
Islamic Centerby of NewDonald Lippard of Duxbury; seven grandchil-
England Mosques Traditional Funerals Pre-Need Funeral Planning
her family. Born
470 South in dren
St., Quincy, Merritt,74Blake
671-479-8341, and
Chase Dr., Joanna
Sharon, Davis; Heather,
781-784-0434 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
373 Court Street
Marlborough, she Matthew anacone, Amy Jones, and Brandon Manomet
N. Plymouth
was raised in West-
Safe Harbor Church Brown and 5 great-grandchildren.
borough where she
52 Main St., Marshfield, A funeral
Pastor service
Mark Eagling, will be held on Saturday,
781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
graduated from Oct. 2 at the Pilgrim Congregational Church
Westborough High in Duxbury at 11 a.m. followed by burial at
School and then Mayflower Cemetery. Visiting hours will be GRAND
attended Boston University Art School focus- held at the Richard Davis Funeral Home, 373
ing her studies on oil painting and watercolors. Court St (Rt 3A), N. Plymouth on Friday, Oct. FREE Lube, Oil & Filter OPENING!
Autumn Season $21.95
Shortly thereafter, she married Frank Alves 1 from 5-8 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations in 27 Pt. Auto Checkup
Includes up to 5 qts. oil.
(now deceased) and they moved to Duxbury to her memory may be made to the Lewy Body
with written report inspect all
belts and hoses* Most cars*
* Cannot be Joe Allocca, Owner
start their family. She owned the Standish Card Dementia Association, 912 Killian Hill Rd SW, 10% OFF FREE $25.00 combined with Serving the South
and Gift Shop in Duxbury for over 20 years. In Lilburn, GA 30047. Any Brake Tire Rotation OFF any other offers. Shore for 24 years
repairs* with any purchase* w/ service of $100 or more* Exp. 11/12/10

Regina Weiss Chudars, 91, secretary "«i˜Êœ˜°‡Àˆ°Ên>“‡x«“ÊUÊ->Ì°Ên>“‡£Ó˜œœ˜

Regina Weiss Chudars, age 91, of Trumbull, leaves her daughters, Kathryn Tureski and her
Conn. died Sept. 22, 2010 at St. Vincent’s Med- husband Gary of Duxbury, and Judy Chudars of
ical Center in Connecticut. Mrs. Chudars was Alexandria, Va.; four grandchildren Kara Tures- NOW OPEN
born in Bridgeport and was a longtime Trum- ki and her husband Brian Talbot, Brian Tureski,
bull resident. She was a member of the Trum- Carley Tureski and Katie Chudars; and many
bull Women’s Club, the St. Vincent’s Auxiliary nieces and nephews. The funeral was held in
and the Bronson Country Club Bridge Club. Trumbull and Mrs. Chudars was buried in Gate
She worked as a secretary for both Sikorsky of Heaven Cemetery. Memorial contributions
Aircraft and Trumbull High School. She was may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research
the wife of the late James E. Chudars and sister Hospital, stjude.org, Tribute No. 26637481, A Tufankjian Family Dealership
of the late Joseph, Henry and Julius Weiss. She 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105.
EXIT 17 OFF RT 3 • 210 UNION ST • BRAINTREE • 866-441-6609

Doris Schauman, 90, hospital volunteer

Doris Schauman, 90, formerly of Roches- Robert Schauman, owner of Schauman and
ter, N.Y. died Sept. 21 at Plymouth Crossings Sons Funeral Home. She leaves her daughters,
Assisted Living in Plymouth. Susan Paull and Lindsay Blake and her husband
Mrs. Schauman was educated at the Uni- Richard Blake, all of Duxbury; her grandchil-
versity of Rochester where she earned a BA in dre, Kathleen Illingworth, Robert Paull, Emily
sociology. She worked as an office administra- Kiriaziades, Lindsay Paull, and Peter Paull; and
tor during war time. She volunteered for many four great grandchildren.
years at Highland Hospital and at Junior Aides. A private family memorial is planned. Do-
She was also an active member of the Small- nations in her memory may be made to Cran-
wood Garden Club and St. Thomas Episcopal berry Hospice, 36 Cordage Park Circle, Suite
Church. 326, Plymouth, MA 02360.
Mrs. Schauman was the wife of the late

Living Though Loss support group

The “Living Through Loss” support group p.m. in the Herrick room in the lower level of
is open to all people in the Duxbury area who Holy Family Church. Participants are wel-
have lost a loved one and will meet on eight come at anytime. Any questions should be
consecutive Wednesday nights from October addressed to Deacon Art Keefe at 781-585-
13 until Dec. 1. The sessions run from 7:30-9 4444.

Sun Tavern Restaurant & Bar QUALITY SERVICE FOR 20 YEARS

Book Your Private Event or Holiday Gathering Today!

Dinner Service
begins at 5pm
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Let our experienced & knowledgeable
New Fall Menu Now Available
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Come in Sundays for the Prime Rib Special or to watch environment. Now scheduling spring
Football on our new Wide Screen TV at our Expanded Bar clean-ups, turf maintenance, foundation
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plantings, walkways, patios, sprinkler
500 Congress Street, Duxbury container plantings by Beth
systems & more.
781-837-1027 – Fax 781-837-1109
296 Congress Street, Duxbury • 367 R. Court Street, Plymouth
Private Dining Room for Parties and Special Occasions 781.585.3030 • email: [email protected]
Ken Wisneski, Executive Chef
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper DuxburyAd_3.9x7.qxd:Layout 2 8/30/10 12:05 PM Page 111

Candidates corner

NFIB endorses Senator Hedlund
Senate Minority Whip just one of two state senators doesn’t interfere with the abil-

Robert L. Hedlund announc- to have operated a small busi- ity of entrepreneurs to grow
es that he has again won the ness. Later this year, Sen. Hed- their businesses and strength-
endorsement of the National lund will once again become a en our local economy.”
Federation of Independent small business owner with the Sen. Hedlund has been a
Businesses (NFIB). opening of his new restaurant vocal opponent of recent hikes
“We thank [Sen. Hedlund in Weymouth Landing. in the state’s sales, meals and
for his] commitment to the “My experience as a small alcohol taxes, arguing that do-
needs of tens of thousands of business owner has provided ing so will send more business
Main Street small businesses me with the perspective need- out of state to New Hampshire. 

dry cleaning
and their more than one mil- ed to understand how laws and He has also pushed to freeze
lion employees in Massachu- regulations passed on Beacon unemployment insurance tax
setts during your service on Hill can impact Main Street,” rates, reduce the corporate tax
Beacon Hill,” said William Sen. Hedlund said. “Our na- rate, and oppose costly regula-
Vernon, state director of the tional economic recovery will tions such as one proposal to
NFIB. be led by small business own- certify interior designers.
Sen. Hedlund, the former ers. I will continue to work hard
owner of Hedlund Motors, is to make sure that government
• Superior dry cleaning service delivered
Coffee hour with to your door twice a week
Cutler endorsed by Mass Representative • No delivery fee

League of Environmental Voters Webster • Perc-free cleaning - healthier for you

and the environment
The Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters has State Representative Dan-
unanimously endorsed Josh Cutler for State Representative iel Webster will be available to
for the Sixth Plymouth District, Executive Director Lora Won- meet with constituents at Food-
dolowski announced this week. ie’s Market in Hall’s Corner on
“Josh recognizes  that protecting the environment of this Friday, Oct. 8. at 8:30 a.m. Ap-
district  is key to the vitality of the local economy  and he pointments are not necessary
has been a local leader who has fought to protect open space,” and all residents are welcome
said Wondolowski. “A new leader like Cutler is sorely needed to come speak with the Repre-
in the State House.” sentative about issues of con- 30 bucks says
Cutler, 39, is a former selectman, newspaper editor and cern. If you have any questions, Zoots Home Delivery will make your life way easier.
small business owner. He currently serves on the Duxbury you can call Brian Patterson at Call 1-888-myzoots (699-6687) or
Planning Board. He is also a member of the Pembroke Water- Representative Webster’s State go to www.Zoots.com and mention this ad.
shed Association, Wildlands Trust, Sustainable South Shore House Office at 617-722-2487
and Mass. Audubon. or e-mail Rep.DanielWebster@ Zoots has been the dry cleaner for busy people since 1999.




82 Vine Street, Duxbury 4 Elder Brewster Road, Duxbury 12 Prence Road, Duxbury 66 Westminster Road, Weymouth
$599,000 $649,000 $625,000 $289,900
Pristine and like new Colonial offers Great Duxbury location! Tucked Almost new cape nestled in a beach Home is where your story begins....
4 bedrooms and 2 ½ baths! Elegant away on a quiet lane of Standish neighborhood off Bay Road. Nice Well kept 2 bedroom 1 full bath Ranch
entertaining awaits you in the formal Shore sits this solid built cape with open floor plan with large oversized located overlooking Whitmans Pond.
dining and living room with gleaming loads of potential. Deeded beach but cozy rooms. Features includes Enjoy drinking your morning coffee
hardwood floors. Large open kitch- and mooring rights gives you full ac- 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 4 full baths in the enclosed sun porch. Nice sized
en has maple cabinets, corian coun- cess to beach and boating. Features and over 2,800 sq. ft. of living space. eat-in kitchen, Large dining room
tertops and bay window eating area include 9 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 full Large cathedral entryway opens to with bay windows. Harwood thru out
overlooking private backyard. Other baths and over 2,000 sq. ft. of living grand 2nd floor loft that would make home under some carpet. Partially
features include finished lower level, space. a great computer nook or library. finished basement. Storage shed w/
central vacuum, security system, ir- electricity. Updated windows and
rigation and central air. Great home pellet stove for those chilly nites.
and a great opportunity!

102 Washington Street Duxbury • Sunday 1-3

Open 82 Vine Street Duxbury • Sunday 1-3
Houses 5 Kettleview Pinehills • Sunday 1-3 Houses
Price Breaks 66 Westminster Road Weymouth • Sunday 12-2
Price Breaks

22 Depot Street, Duxbury • 781-934-2588 // 99 Derby Street, Hingham • 781-749-0778

327 Washington Street, Norwell • 781-659-2599
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Schools waiting on projects GOOLEY

continued from page one two locations being consid-
ered for a co-located school, if
School Committee Chair-
woman Anne Ward said that
costs, which is 40 percent.
it is approved. One would be a some maintenance would have
After voters approved stand-alone building on Train to be done even if no new
money for a feasibility study Field. The other would be a buildings are approved. Fine Homes & Renovations
at annual Town Meeting in renovation and expansion of “There will be tens of mil-
2009, the town hired the archi- Duxbury
the existing middle school. lions of dollars spent even if
tectural firm Dorr & Whittier. Especially in the case of an we don’t build a new school,” 781.934.2130
Sagamore AC 3.9x2 Size_rev090409.pdf
9/4/09 9:34:04 AM
The architects held “visioning entirely new building on Train she said.
Lic.# 048048

workshops” with school staff Field, there will be little to no Heinstadt also pointed out
in November and December, construction phasing, mean- that the current buildings have
then presented several options ing students won’t have to be structural things like columns
at a public meeting at Dux- moved to another building that would impose limitations
bury Middle School earlier while the new facility is being even on ambitious renovation
this year. built. projects.
A co-located model, which “It would have no negative “It’s really built for a
is currently favored by the effect on the academic pro- 1950s-60s education, said Su-
School Building Committee, gram,” he said. perintendent Benedict Tantillo.
means that the middle school There also is a silver lin- “Research shows that’s really
and high school would be ing to the current economic not the way we should be do-
together in the same build- slump. ing things anymore.”
ing, with student populations “Right now is a very fa- “We’re trying to look to
separate but with some shared vorable time to go out and build a building that will serve
facilities, such as a library or do construction because of our students now and in the
Heinstadt pointed out the
the economy and competition
among contractors,” Heinstadt
future,” he added. “I think the
education part is more impor-
Silver Restoration SALE
SAVE 25% Off Replating and Polishing
benefits of including the two said. tant than the physical plant.”
schools as one project. During September Only!
The cons to the project are
“We would be able to re- mostly cost. Although a single
place both the middle school project would likely cost less 'BNJMZPXOFEBOEPQFSBUFE
and the high school with one than two separate new build-
funding from the MSBA,” he ings, it would be more ex-
said. pensive than one of the other
He also said that there are projects.

Golf tourney to help fund œ“i E

special needs prom >À`i˜ *iÃÌ
Expanding on their success with recent special needs proms,
members of the Pembroke and Rockland Knights of Columbus
chapters and the Rockland/Hanson Rotary Club have formed a $BUFSQJMMBST
new organization, Prom Angels Foundation Inc., to bring more
25 Year
proms and social events to young adults with special needs. To )PVTFIPME 1FTU $POUSPM Warranty
kick off their efforts, the foundation will be holding their first GPS 5FSNJUFT "OUT 
golf tournament fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 2 at Pembroke 8BTQT .JDF FUD
Let the experts bring new life back to your old or damaged flatware,
hollowware, trays & dresser sets (Sterling too) while you SAVE 25%!
Country Club. There will be shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. Tickets Free dent removal and straightening on any pieces we silverplate.
are $125 per golfer or $30 just for dinner. Dinner and raffles
will follow the tournament. The foundation also is looking for .PTRVJUP  5JDL $POUSPM Broken pieces can be soldered and missing parts can be replaced.
Brass polishing available at 15% off, too.
sponsors — individuals and businesses may sponsor a hole for t 4FBTPOBM1SPHSBNT No Appointment Necessary
$100, a table for $1,000 (includes golf for eight people) or the t 0OFUJNF Silver, Brass, Copper, Pewter - Restored & Refinished
event for $2,500 (includes golf for 16 people). To sign up or
donate, call Kevin McKenna at 617-529-9166 or e-mail Paul ZBSEUSFBUNFOUTGPS Full Selection of Complete Lamp
Nicol at [email protected]. For more information about PVUEPPSFWFOUT Shades & Finials Restoration
the Prom Angels, visit promangelsfoundation.org.
Since 1931

'SFF FTUJNBUFT Sale ends October 2, 2010. Bring in your heirlooms today so you can
display and use them again with pride or pass them along with love.
DBMM  24 Elm Street, Cohasset Village • 781-383-0684 OPEN MON.-SAT. 9-5

Standing next to two of artist Mary Cassatt’s self-portraits, Mary Lou

Hannon of Art Matters presented an interesting view of the artist and
her work. This was one of the scheduled monthly art events held at
the Duxbury Senior Center. Photo courtesy of Julius A. Prince Jr.



Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13

A ‘dynamite personality’
By Steve Donovan,
Special to the Clipper
Philip Kevin McNiff,
His brick reads: IN LOV- P.K to his loved ones,
ING MEMORY OF P.K. Mc- had a promising future
NIFF ahead of him when his
P.K. was the family nick- life was cut short after an
name of Philip Kevin McNiff, automobile accident.
Jr., the fourth and last child
of Philip and Jane McNiff.
He was just nineteen in May
of 1985 when his 1979 Ford
Mustang crashed into a tree on
Loring Road in Duxbury. He
and his friend, David Adams,
were returning from a Kings-
ton restaurant. David survived
but P.K. did not.
and after graduation he had cobblestones naming over 500
The Monument Bricks
Bricks for Memories; each
worked at the Duxbury Exxon
Station in Halls Corner where
other sons and daughters who
left much too soon and whose DINNER
brick suggests a story and
helps to provide the funding
to rebuild and refurbish a once
he began by pumping gas and
soon was learning and helping
with automobile repair work.
parents and friends have me-
morialized them in this special
lost Duxbury monument. The
monument lists those from
The manager there was reluc-
tant to take P.K. off the pumps
Each year, usually on the
Sunday after Labor Day, a spe-
Duxbury who served their because the personable young cial service is held at the base c.MJC=Q*A=K
nation in World War One. The man seemed to know everyone of the Edgartown Lighthouse c.MJC=Q-9F<OA;@=K
bricks bear the names and
sentiments of others, some
in town and was well-liked by to honor the children whose c"GL,G9KL=<.MJC=Q
once in uniform, some still the garage’s customers. But names are now part of the Ed- c J=K@-9D9<K
in uniform, some who served P.K. had an insatiable interest gartown Lighthouse Children’s c"GL,G9KL-LM>>=<@A;C=F
their loved ones in other ways in mechanics, caught on very Memorial. c JA=<@A;C=F9DDL@=>APAFK
and all of them recognized for quickly, and remembered ev- The program for Sept. 11, cGF=D=KK.MJC=QJ=9KLK
and by those they touched. erything he learned. His man- 2010 bears this message: “For
If you purchased a brick in
someone’s memory, call and
ager was quoted at the time,
saying of P.K., “He was just a
the families of these children,
whose interrupted lives are Bongi’s Turkey Roost
let us tell the story your gift dynamite personality.” here remembered, let this light- GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE
hints at. The bricks series is A few months before his house be a beacon through the
accident, he had walked into darkness of grief, reminding (781) 585-2392 / www.bongis.com
written by Steve Donovan. He ,GML=
can be reached at 781-837- Sgarzi Pontiac Buick in North and assuring with its bright-
7782. Plymouth and talked his way ness, a safe harbor has been Massachusetts Grown...and freshest
into their mechanic training reached.”
That was a dreadful time program. The service man-
for his family and hard as well ager there said, “I had hopes
for other families in Duxbury; he would be an excellent me-
1985 was a year in which too chanic. He had all the talent.”
many young people lost their P.K. is also remembered
lives in automobile accidents. with two other bricks. One is
P.K. had always loved in the walk-way to the John
Mustangs and the ‘79 had been Alden House. The second, on
his first vehicle. Cars had al- Martha’s Vineyard, is a cob-
ways excited him and his Ford blestone and was arranged for
Mustang had been a dream by family friends. The cobble-
come true for a young man stone bearing his name graces
fascinated by automobiles and the Edgartown Lighthouse
engines. Children’s Memorial and
While still in high school shares that lovely space with

Piano concert at the ACM

The Art Complex Museum will present two artists who share s!CRESOF7ATERFRONT0ROPERTY s3IX"EDROOMS
both a Russian heritage and an intense love for the music they s#ARRIAGE(OUSEWITH&ULL"ATH s&ULLAND(ALF"ATHS
perform on Sunday, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. Sima Kustanovich, pianist,
and Julian Milkison, clarinetist, are well-known for their col- s)NGROUND0OOL s&IREPLACES
laborations which impart a conversational quality to their perfor- s$EEDED"OAT-OORING s7OOD&LOORS4HROUGHOUT
mances. Milkis has established an international stature as a solo- s0RIVATE7ELLWITH)RRIGATION s#ENTRAL!IR
ist and chamber musician. He has appeared in Europe, the Far
East and the Americas and is dedicated to expanding the clarinet Walk to School Campus and Much, Much More!
repertoire. He was the only pupil of Benny Goodman.
Kustanovich is one of the Northeast’s most sought after pia- Call for your private tour today! 45 Cedar Street. Offered at $1,995,000
nists for the extraordinary intensity and brilliance of her playing.
She has performed internationally and, in 1990 was invited to
perform on Steinway and Sons 500,000th piano as it toured the
United States. While she was appointed to the famed Leningrad
Opera and Ballet Theater, she worked intensively with such lu-
minaries as Mikhail Baryshnikov and Natalia Makarova.
The program is free and supported by the Carl A. Weyer-
haeuser Family Charitable Trusts, and by gifts from friends of
the museum. Artcomplex.org.
14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Duxbury beach swept clean Introducing

continued from page one of the pack-in, pack out phi- shoreline for man-made items.
losophy,” she said. “Everyone Tori Coyman and her friend REJUVENESSENCE
more than just an effort to pick
that comes here knows they Sabrina Linskey reported they
up garbage. Each group of
have to keep it clean.” found some fishing debris, and
A proven anti-aging technology that’s easy,
people brought a black trash convenient and has no side effects!
bag and a clipboard, in order to She said that most of the a lot of cigarette butts –– a la-
catalog the items they found. trash that is found, however, is ment repeated by many of the EXPERIENCE SKIN REJUVENATION!

Volunteers wrote down what from recreational beach-goers, volunteers. *Naturally promotes collagen production *Smoothes lines and wrinkles*
*Firms and tightens tired skin- reduces pore size*
kinds of trash they picked up, along with fishing debris. Steve Cunningham and his *Activates blood flow for increased circulation*
where and how much. The in- Two years ago, clean up son Kristian come to the Beach *Beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of red light enhance wound and scar repair process*
formation is then submitted to crews found 480 balloons, Sweep every year.
Call or log on to www.tanexp.net for details!
the Ocean Conservancy. many of which came from “It helps the environment,” And back by popular demand...CUSTOM SPRAY TANNING!
Battelle’s Jeanine Boyle parties or open houses rather Kristian said.
said this year is the 25th for the than people bringing them to “We enjoy [the beach] all 64 Summer St Kingston Center 781-585-2492
International Coastal Cleanup, the beach. year,” added his father. “It’s Log on to www.sunlighttruth.com for the facts on UV Light and tanning
and the 23rd year Duxbury has “They’re really dangerous nice to give back.”
participated. to marine life,” Boyle said.
“It’s used to track the “They look like food ... people
source of marine debris, so need to be aware of what hap-
resources can be put towards pens to them.”
the biggest offenders,” Boyle The weather was beauti-
said. ful on Saturday and 175 vol-
She said that Duxbury unteers, including 78 groups,
Beach is, in general, fairly participated in the clean up.
clean. Out along the sand, people
were eagerly searching the
“Duxbury is great because
Duxbury Free Library hosts batty • Available end of October.
• 1000 sq. ft. free standing building.
book event set for Oct. 2 • A/C Utilities, Gas, Electric.
Children who are batty
about baseball won’t want to “Best Dollar Value in Town”
miss a special family event
at the Duxbury Free Library
Merry Room on Saturday,
Oct. 2 from 1-3 p.m. “Bats at
Please Call ~ Mark Wenham
the Ballgame,” the latest chil- Office: 781-934-2104 • Direct Line: 781-934-2688
dren’s picture book by Dux-
bury’s award-winning author/
illustrator Brian Lies, sweeps
sports fans into a world of bats
that play their own right-side-
up and up-side-down version
of America’s favorite past- Author Brian Lies
time. Brian will read “Bats
at the Ballgame” and show
chased at Once Upon a Time 'BOOJF.BF
some original artwork mul-
prior to Oct. 2 and left for au-
tographing. The new BATS- "QQSPWFE
tiple times during this drop-in
event. No advance registra-
mobile topped with a 10-foot Town Homes
tion is needed but all children
bat sporting a Red Sox cap will
also be on site for photo oppor- Perfectly Designed
must be accompanied by an tunities in the library parking
adult. Once Upon a Time will lot. For more information visit • Fabulous Location • Walk to Train
sell books that Brian will be duxburyfreelibrary.org or call • New England Style Architecture
available to autograph during the children’s department at
• Breathtaking Views • Open Floor Plans
the program. For those unable 781-934-2721x115.
to attend, books may be pur- Choose from 2 or 3 bedroom homes,
each with 2 Car Garage



Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15

Real Estate Services
from Here to Home
Proud to be the #1 Firm in Duxbury...& the #1 Firm in Massachusetts*
*Based on MLSPIN statistics for Sales Volume for the past 12 months

A Dramatic Waterfront Contemporary Home on Kingston Bay!

Enjoy amazing views & luxurious lifestyle in this gorgeous updated home with soaring ceilings, open floor plan, & a fabulous heated indoor swimming pool. This rare opportunity features direct water-
front with privacy on 3 acres of land, in an in-town setting. Recent updates include: top of the line kitchen w/custom cabinetry, granite counter tops, stainless appliances; all new interior, baths, flooring;
& heating & cooling systems. Walk out water view lower level offers a game room plus a private guest suite w/full bath. A one-of-a-kind property! Shown by Appointment. Offered at $1,695,000

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45 Puritan Way ST 78 Alden Street ST
DUXBURY – Custom designed 4bd Contemporary Co- DUXBURY – Located on historic Washington St., this DUXBURY– Pristine village 4BR Antique – just a short
lonial with deeded beach rights to Landing Road Beach. elegant and stately Colonial has been impeccably main- distance to school campus, Bay, & beaches. Renovated in
First floor master bedroom suite, cathedral great room tained and carefully up-dated for the 21st century with a 2005, quality craftsmanship & attention to detail are ap-
with gas fireplace & sliders to a 40’ deck; custom cherry state-of-the-art kitchen, 6 bedrooms, and 3 ½ baths. Fin- parent throughout. Striking white kitchen w/granite &
kitchen w/granite counter and handcrafted island; large walk-in pantry; dining area w/gas fireplace & sliders to
formal DR; and professional landscaping. ished barn with 1,000 sf can be used as an office or in-law
Offered at $629,900 apartment. Offered at $1,329,900 brick patio. Park-like landscaping! Offered at $699,999

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710 Franklin Street JU
S 66 Simmons Drive ST
DUXBURY – Built in 1972, this 4-bedroom Colonial DUXBURY – Lovely, well-appointed 4-bedroom, 2 ½ DUXBURY –Charming 3bd Gambrel in Weston Farm
has been well-cared for and updated throughout. Recently bath Garrison Colonial located in a sought-after cul-de- - tastefully updated w/neutral décor & custom molding.
painted both inside and out; new furnace and water heater sac – convenient to area amenities. Two fireplaces, hard- Open floor plan w/attached sunroom overlooking private
installed this year. Roof and windows are only 5 years old.
Convenient location for commute and town amenities. wood floors on first level; 22’ kitchen with dining area; backyard w/pool & spa. Hardwoods on 1st level, a fireplaced
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Offered at $484,900 Gunite pool and spa! Offered at $699,000 LL media room w/built-ins. Offered at $629,000

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DUXBURY – Highly sought-after one-level Bay Farm DUXBURY – Bright and airy 2nd floor one-level unit in DUXBURY – Stunning Townhouse with 3 levels of liv-
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with 11’ ceilings; eat-in kitchen with newer wine cooler; & 1 ½ baths, large living room with corner fireplace, dining Large windows offer views to conservation land & beyond
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nis, fitness center, clubhouse, & walking trails. A/C, and more! Enjoy the pool, tennis and clubhouse! out most of the living areas - ready to move right in!
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Go to [email protected] for more information
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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grade five visits Camp Wing

he weather was sunny and cool and
perfect for a day outdoors.
Fifth graders from Alden School
spent the day at camp with a full schedule of
planned activities. Designed to promote lead-
ership, risk-taking, cooperation and teamwork,
fifth grade teachers planned the day under the
leadership of Ms. Patti Pietrantonio. Arrivals be-
gan at 7:40 p.m. The scene was a rainbow of col-
or as student teams gathered around the dining
hall to hear a welcome by camp staff. Student
teams rotated through activities which included:
Challenge Course, Crafts, Egg Zip, Miguel’s
Puzzle, Wacky Relays and Total Team. There
were plenty of new friends made and everyone
learned a lot about how to work together. After a
full day, all teams met around the campfire with
final skits, songs and the famous S’Mores! Join-
ing the Alden staff and administrators were over
thirty camp staff and visits from Superintendent
Benedict Tantillo, Assistant Superintendent Ed-
win Walsh and Officer Friend Weiler. When the
announcement was made that the first group
was ready to dismiss, no one wanted to leave. A The green team is ready for a great day!
great day for everyone and a great way to start
the school year!

Camp Wing Staff explain

the wacky relay.

Photos by
Betsey Campbell

Using spotters (in Ninja

Squirrel formation), part-
ners had to communicate
Kids work to protect egg for a trip down the zip line. to stay balanced as the
tightrope got farther and
farther apart.

Yellow team became Opera singers to answer Miguel’s puzzle. Team No. 9 managed to balance the “boat” for 56 seconds.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 17

Farmers market update

heard as to whether you’d pre-
he Duxbury Farm- Members of The DUXFARM
ers and Artisans board are grateful to the spirit fer different hours or a differ- HAVE YOU
Regional Market of cooperation, encourage- ent day, for instance. Surveys
has re-established itself at last ment and optimism that was can be obtained from our ven- FOUND ME?
year’s location on the green expressed during this time. dors or from the market man-
INDOOR & SCARED long hair tuxedo cat, black /w white neck, all
in front of the Tarkiln Com- DUXFARM is committed ager.
paws & bushy black tail. No collar but microchipped.
munity Center. Come and see to providing direct contact be- To show appreciation for Lost near Eli's Lane and Summer Sts. on August 2.
the market at this location on tween customers and produc- the support the market has Call immediately if seen, day or night. 781-264-0745
Wednesdays from 12:30-4:30 ers who are often a source of received, a free raffle will be My heartfelt thanks for your help.
p.m. until Oct. 13. information and inspiration on held during the remaining
It has been a difficult sea- how to cook and prepare fresh markets and the winner will
son for both vendors and cus- ingredients. In order to reach be chosen on the last day. The
tomers who had to contend
not only with construction but
also unseasonably hot weather.
these goals, a survey is being
distributed at the market. This
is a chance for residents to be
prize will be a basket of good-
ies selected from vendors.
T L O
Rosanne Cash in concert at the PAC R K. M
The Dianne DeVanna Cen- ets can be purchased through
ter for Building Stronger Fam- the Dianne DeVanna Center C E S
ilies is bringing Rosanne Cash Web site at devannacenter.org/
to the Duxbury Performing events. For more information  H S
Arts Center on Saturday, Oct. call 781-843-7010. S N
30. The show will begin at 7 The Dianne DeVanna R, MA 
p.m. Rosanne is the daughter Center for Building Stronger
of Johnny Cash, but she has Families helps families and
made her own distinctive mark enhances the lives of children   
as a songwriter, musician and
author. Over the last thirty
by providing direct intensive
assistance, information, and
  
years she has released 12 al- material resources when fami- t$ğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕ t6ĞēğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕ
bums. She won a Grammy in lies are experiencing stress and
1985 for the best country fe- hardship. t$ĘęĜĔ$ĥģĤğĔĩ t$ĘęĜĔ4ĥĠĠğĢĤ
male vocal. She has received t1đĤĕĢĞęĤĩ t1đĢĕĞĤđĜ3ĕĜğēđĤęğĞ
nine other Grammy nomina- Fall captains t1đĢĕĞĤęĞė1ĜđĞģ t$ğĞĤĕĝĠĤģ
tions. She has also written
three books, including her practices t.ğĔęĖęēđĤęğĞģ t.ĕĔęđĤęğĞ4ĕĢĦęēĕģ
most recent, “Composed.” Duxbury Youth Hockey
The Dianne DeVanna Cen- Rosanne Cash, daughter of coun-
will hold captains practices
ter is excited to be bringing try music legend Johnny Cash,
on Tuesdays, through Nov. Call Today for a No-Obligation Consultation
Rosanne Cash, who is such an will perform at the PAC on Oct.
23, from 9-9:50 p.m. at the
outstanding performer, to the 30.
Bog. The cost is $160. Make 781-878-8857 877-878-7080
South Shore. Ticket prices chandise sales will include checks out to Duxbury Youth Business Line Toll Free
are set at $55, $45 and $35, CD’s and copies of Rosanne’s Hockey and bring the checks E-mail: [email protected]
with special “Meet and Greet” book, “Composed” that will to the first session.
tickets available for $85. Mer- be available for signing. Tick- www.MahoneyFamilyLaw.com

$5.00 off
any rental with this AD.*


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Bay State Gas will now be Columbia Gas of Massachusetts

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Pickup & Delivery Ten years ago, Bay State Gas became part of the NiSource family of Columbia Gas companies.
Available Now it’s time for us to take on the well-respected Columbia brand in Massachusetts. You will
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FRED’S DUXBURY ect should be completed by the end of the year.
Only our name is changing. Our employees, products, and services, and our commitment to
638 SUMMER ST. (RT. 53) public safety and the safe, reliable delivery of natural gas to our 300,000 customers through-
DUXBURY, MA 02332 out Massachusetts is unchanged. We’re confident that our customers and the public will very
MON. - SAT. 8AM TO 5PM quickly become as proud of our new name and logo as we are.
Stephen H. Bryant,
Visit us at President, Bay State Gas company For more information about the name change, visit: www.ColumbiaGas.com

781.585.2175 We’re proud to be part of the NiSource family of Columbia Gas companies


*Ad must be presented when
rental contract is written
18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let’s sweep the beach clean!

Brighid Wall and her children Fiona, 2, and Declan, 3

1/2, walked along the shoreline looking for trash.

Ryan, 6, and Caitlin, 4, Clancy

came to the Beach Sweep pre-
pared –– with rubber gloves.

Father and son team, Paul and Brendan Coyman worked to

pick up the beach, during the Duxbury beach sweep.

Steve Cunningham holds a trash bag open while his son

Kristian throws away a piece of trash.

Calder, Storme and Kim Felty search for litter near the resi-
dents’ parking lot at Duxbury Beach.

Lee Hutchinson and her children, Gabrielle

and Tyler, were happy to take time out of a
Saturday morning to help clean up Duxbury

A family takes a break from picking up trash to search for

crabs and other scuttling creatures under the bridge.

Tammy Kirk looks for litter on the bay side.

Tori Coyman and Sabrina Linskey say they found

Volunteers and staff from Batelle Labs helped organize mostly cigarette butts during their scouring of Duxbury
the cleanup and handed out checklists and plastic bags. Beach, part of Saturday’s Beach Sweep.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 19

Newcomers’ Club news Community

Adult social: Please join us for our annual fall social event
for a three course Harvest Moon Dinner at the Sun Tavern on Committee deadline
Saturday, Oct. 2 from 6-9 p.m. Tickets per person are $45. This
All funding request ap-
event is open to non-members. Guests will be welcomed with
plications to the Community
appetizers, a complimentary glass of wine and will choose be-
Preservation Committee must
tween two entrees (sliced London Broil with Chef Ken’s home-
be filed with the CPC no later
made Worcestershire Sauce or Chicken Miguel-butternut squash
than Oct. 15, if the application
ravioli and pan-seared chicken in a maple, brandy and sage
is to be considered for the An- 781-834-6231 • 267 Ocean St., Brant Rock, Marshfield
cream sauce.) Tickets are available at Westwinds Bookshop and
nual Town Meeting in March.
The scope of the project must
Ladies’ Night Out: Please join us for an evening of rock be discussed in detail, allow-
climbing at Lighthouse Fitness in Plymouth on Friday, Oct. 15 ing the CPC sufficient time
from 7-10 p.m. For questions or to RSVP contact Deb Blanch at for review before the Decem-
[email protected]. There is no fee for this event.
Book/cupcake club: Book club will meet Wednesday, Oct.
ber closing of the annual town
meeting warrant. Applications
Refresh your image
are available online at the town
20 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss “One Day” by David Nicholls. A list It’s that time of cool refreshing nights... so how about
of Duxbury Web page un-
of each month’s selected books is available at Westwinds Book-
der Community Preservation refreshing and updating your business or organization
shop, the Duxbury Free Library and on the Newcomers’ Club
Committee or at the Conserva- image? We’ve got professional resources that can help you
Web site duxburynewcomers.com under the Interest Groups and
tion Department on the second look great, right here in town! Don Reed Designs,
Book Club Section. Newcomers’ members receive a 10 percent
floor of Town Hall. The CPC
discount on the selected book at Westwinds Bookshop. Our Lois Wood Graphic Design, Newport Creative
encourages anyone with po-
October cupcake sampling will be from Cupcake Charlies, in Communications, Anchor Press, Performance Printing and
tential proposals to contact the
Plymouth. Come join us for a book and a baked good! RSVP to Promotional Products, Griffin Publishing Company
committee early in the process
Gina Hager-Moitoso at [email protected].
to begin preliminary discus-
Open Playgroup at the Library Playground: Every Thurs- sion. Any questions, call 781-
day, the Newcomers’ and their kids will plan to meet at 9:30 a.m. 934-1100 x 134. Support local businesses:
at the playground. Come join us.

Girl Scout news

Leaders’ meeting: Be sure to mark your calendars and ar-
range to have your troop represented at our first Leaders’ Meet-
ing which is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 6, from 7:30-9 p.m.
at the Girl Scout House on Washington Street. This is your Ser-
vice Unit, and we want to hear your ideas for activities for the
upcoming year. We are also looking forward to meeting our new
leaders. We hope you will plan to join us for this important start-
up meeting.
Just for Daisy Scouts: October is just around the corner,
and our older Scouts are busy preparing for the annual Hallow-
een/Juliette Low Birthday Party, scheduled to be held from 6-8
p.m. on Oct. 29 at Holy Family Church. Fliers have been e-
mailed to all Daisy leaders requesting that they be forwarded to
the girls in their troops. Registration is required and the form is
on the bottom of the flier. This is always a fun-filled evening for Steven Karidoyanes, Conductor
our youngest Scouts and the girls have come up with some new
activities for the girls. Due to the large number of Daisy Scouts
this year we have to limit the number we can accommodate,
so we suggest signing up early to avoid disappointment. Ques-
tions? Call Joan at 781-934-5427.
Opening Night at the Plymouth
Philharmonic Orchestra
Learning is a Journey
Children Enjoy Taking
Saturday, October 2nd
One Step at a Time Memorial Hall, 83 Court Street
Michelle Manganaro, M.Ed., Ph.D
404 Washington Street, Duxbury Timeless Pleasures, 8:00 PM
Exceptional Early Childhood Education [email protected]
~ Infant/Toddler Care, & Preschool/Pre-K-Kindergarten ~
Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No. 1, featuring
Ronald Lowry, Principal Cellist of the
Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra.
Beethoven's Symphony No. 4 and Boston
composer Michael Gandolfi's Y2K Compliant.

e b r a t e t h e
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20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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Benjamin D. Cutler, President is Monday at noon.
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Phone: 781-934-2811

Gag order against Board of Selectmen lifted

E-mail: [email protected]

A shining
example of
n this week’s “College Corner,” in Section B,
Mass Maritime senior Meredith Hall, a 2007 DHS
graduate, gave up her time and place in an important
cross country track race to tend to a competitor who was
experiencing breathing difficulties due to an allergic reaction.
Hall stayed with the competitor, we’re told, until she knew that
help was on the way.
Meredith’s act of sportsmanship is a credit to her, and Give girls’ sports equal treatment —————
to the exemplary kind of student Duxbury High School and
s I look over the sages of sexism give so I dug section front page headlines
the Maritime Academy produces. It should be an example to recent headlines of deeper. In fact, when I reviewed with girls was five. It was a
Duxbury athletes of all ages of the fact that some things are the B/Sports section old copies of the Clipper on- real eye opener and I certainly
there seems to be a significant line going back to December would have hoped for a much
more important than winning. preponderance of sports front 2009 I came up with the fol- more balanced distribution. All
The funny thing about sportsmanship is that it’s getting page headlines about boys and lowing: excluding the summer, the kids, boys and girls, work
harder and harder to practice. Youth sports is rapidly becoming only a minimal representation and weeks when there were no hard and equally deserve to
of girls athletics as the head- boys or girls sports mentioned have their headline moment ––
a battleground, with frothing parents screaming from the line. As a father of two girls the number of B section front please give it to them.
sidelines –– at six-year-olds. Kids are locked into a particular and a son I am keenly aware page headlines focused on boys Guy C Holbrook, IV
of the impact these subtle mes- was 14 and the number of B Pinewood Lane
sport at an early age and spend the summers in specialized
training camps. There’s more and more pressure for everybody
The best deal in town —————————
to succeed at a high level, rather than to stay in shape and have
fun. alue is on the fore- of such value at no charge? for new books, CDs, DVDs
Don’t get us wrong, the “everybody gets a trophy” front of everyone’s Thankfully, Duxbury has a and programs? The purchase of
minds during these strong public library. But like new materials is a critical com-
movement is silly and misguided, but there has to be a happy difficult economic times. One any resource, it must be cared ponent in the Massachusetts ac-
middle ground between that and teaching kindergartners that of the best values around is for and protected. Becoming a creditation process. If you be-
winning is everything. right here in Duxbury. At the Friend of the Library is the best lieve a strong public library is
Duxbury Free Library you can way you can support this town essential for a thriving commu-
Playing youth sports is an essential part of growing up, enjoy bestselling books, mov- treasure and ensure it continues nity consider a donation to the
for a whole variety of reasons, ranging from socialization ies, magazines, discounted to offer the same excellent re- Friends of the Library. You can
museum passes and dynamic sources and programs you en- learn more about us and donate
to physical fitness. At its best, playing sports at a young age
children and adult programs, joy. Did you know our library safely online at duxfol.org.
teaches boys and girls how to win –– and lose –– with respect all for free! When was the last relies on Friends’ donations to Sarah Keating
and dignity. Sportsmanship used to be an important part of that time you received something supplement the town budget Ice House Road
lesson. It’s hard not to read media reports of parents fighting on
the sidelines, or eight-year-old basketball teams blowing out
Not all white flowers are bad ——————
opponents by 100 points, without wondering if that lesson is
getting lost. udi Vose wrote a good white flowers,” I blanched abandon, destroying one of our
article in this week’s white myself, as many of these most beautiful autumn flowers;
Perhaps the deeper question is: does our culture reward Clipper on the invasive vines with small white flowers there are so few that bloom at
sportsmanship? People can’t be expected to do the right thing vines that plague our town, and in bloom right now are the beau- this time, it would be a shame
I’m in total agreement with her tiful autumn clematis, which to mix them up with the other
at the college or professional level if those values aren’t on the terrible bittersweet that smell like jasmine – wonder- vines with small white flow-
instilled at a youth sports level. Coaches at all levels of play killed many of my lilac bushes, ful – and do not hurt anything ers – perhaps we should know
should make sure their players know there are a few things and other nasty vines. as far as I know. I hope that what their name is?
However, when she writes Vose’s article does not prompt Julie Hatfield
more important than plastic trophies. about the “lovely looking vines people in town to hack down Washington Street
Moments like Hall’s, and the national story from a few covering fences ... with small their autumn clematis with
years ago where softball players from the opposing team
Farm Day a success ——————————
carried an injured girl around the bases after a homerun,
shouldn’t be the exception, they should be the norm. arm Day at the O’Neil livan, our resident beekeeper from Troop 62. We send our
– J. Graeber Farm was a huge suc- and Paula Harris, Duxbury’s special thanks to everyone for
cess. Everyone had Mozzarella Queen, for their their assistance and to the com-
a wonderful time listening to agricultural education. The munity at large for coming out
Contact the ombudsman bluegrass music by the Wildcat
Bog Stompers; playing games;
food was wonderful! Our many
adult volunteers helped the day
to enjoy the farm on a beautiful
September day.
Have a question, concern or complaint about the Clipper’s meeting farm animals; having run smoothly, but we especial- Sue Schortmann and
coverage? Former Boston Globe writer Tony Chamberlain is their faces painted; riding the ly want to thank our younger Pat Loring,
the Clipper ombudsman. hay wagon provided by Fred helpers; the teens from Cross- on behalf of the Historic
Contact him at [email protected]. Nava and Timberhill Stables. roads for Kids, the Farmtastic O’Neil Farm, Inc.
Many thanks to Laura Sul- 4-H members and Boy Scouts Board of Directors
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 21

Thank heaven for little girls School project Q&A

igi is a six-month-
old blue cream kit- The process of planning a school building project is
ten who arrived at lengthy and complex. In Massachusetts, a school district
Standish Humane Society in must work collaboratively with the Massachusetts School
Duxbury in August. Soon after Building Authority (MSBA) in order to qualify for significant
arrival, Gigi was rushed to a lo- reimbursement to the town for construction costs. The Dux-
cal veterinary hospital because bury School Building Committee will periodically publish a
she clearly wasn’t feeling Question and Answer column to help keep residents informed
well. After careful study and
and up-to-date on its work and progress with the MSBA. This
various tests it was determined
information will also be available on the school Web site,
that Gigi will have a short life
without surgery to correct a www.duxbury.k12.ma.us.
portosystemic liver shunt. This
is an abnormal communication What is the status of the school building project and
between blood vessels, which what’s happened since the town approved a feasibility
causes blood to bypass the study of DMS and DHS? In the spring of 2009, voters ap-
portal vein and the liver. When proved a feasibility study on the two schools. The purpose
a shunt is present, the portal of the study was to assess the existing conditions and present
vein is inappropriately con- times a day and make sure that donation that it is for Gigi. cost-effective options to address them. The architectural firm
nected to another vein and the she eats four small daily meals Donations by check should of Dore & Whittier was hired to conduct the study. Com-
blood and toxins in the blood of her special food. be made out to Standish Hu- pleted on time and under budget, the study was presented at
flow around, and not into, the The surgery required for mane Society and mailed to several public meetings and at the annual Town Meeting in
liver and its cleansing process. Gigi is a costly procedure even P.O. Box 634, Duxbury, MA March 2010. The study offered multiple options from do-
This abnormal bypass causes though the doctors at VCA of 02331. Donations can also be ing nothing, to renovation of one or both buildings, to new
toxins to build up and results Weymouth have generously made by Paypal on Standish’s construction of one or both buildings, along with preliminary
in many serious problems such discounted the standard surgi- Web site at standishhumaneso- cost estimates.
as intermittent blindness and cal fee. If all goes as expected, ciety.com. Concurrently, the School Building Committee submitted
neurological deficiencies. with the surgery and recupera- Please go to Standish’s a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Build-
Gigi is on a regimen of tion process, Gigi’s surgery Web site to learn more about ing Authority (MSBA) to begin the process of seeking ap-
medications and a special diet expense will be approximate- Gigi and Standish Humane proval and reimbursement from the state for a future building
to help cleanse her body of ly $3,000. This is a daunting Society or e-mail Standish at project. In July 2010, the MSBA voted to invite Duxbury
the toxins that the liver should amount for a small non-profit [email protected] to collaborate to find the most fiscally responsible, educa-
be removing and she is trying shelter to handle, but Standish with any questions. tionally appropriate solution to these buildings. This is the
her best to be a happy kitten. is hopeful that funds can be Donations of any size are first step in working with the MSBA for project approval and
Gigi is receiving much love raised to save Gigi’s life. appreciated in our campaign to ultimately, for reimbursement for a major portion of design
and attention from Standish Please consider making a give sweet little Gigi a chance and construction. The group has been meeting regularly since
Humane’s staff and volunteers donation to Standish Humane at life.
2008 and is currently working with Dore & Whittier to refine
who cuddle with her many Society and indicate on your
project options. The committee is also working to complete
extensive documentation required by the MSBA.
Webster tough on illegal immigrant policy What is MSBA and why does it matter?  The MSBA is

a state agency that reimburses towns for eligible school con-
s a small business effective and immediate ap- his own bill which penalizes struction projects. MSBA was formed in 2004 under the di-
owner and taxpay- proach to this problem, and I am employers who knowingly hire rection of the State Treasurer in response to escalating school
er in this state, the happy to know that my state- illegal aliens; Rep. Webster has construction costs and a backlog of projects seeking fund-
recent debate over illegal im- elected official, Rep. Dan Web- undoubtedly taken a proactive ing. In the past, districts generally lined up with construction
migration certainly resonates ster has built an established re- approach to protect the best projects and waited their turn for reimbursement. From 2004
right here in our small town cord to help prevent this abuse interests of the taxpayer and to 2007, a moratorium was placed on projects. MSBA then
of Duxbury. My company, like from continuing. As a supporter those who have entered our audited the conditions of every school building in the state. It
many others, simply cannot of the Perry amendment, which country legally. Thank you, Mr. established an entirely new process whereby districts need to
compete with those business- requires federal background Webster.
first submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) for major repair and
es that knowingly hire illegal checks for any individual ap- Adam W. Packard
building projects. Using a set of specific criteria, the MSBA
aliens and pay them under the plying for state subsidies, to Linden Lane
table. Those of us who follow annually prioritizes the SOIs and selects a limited number of
Elect a favorite son ———— districts for further study. Districts may then be invited to

the law and pay into unemploy-
ment, provide health insurance, work with MSBA. Duxbury has submitted SOIs each year
etc. increasingly face an un- t hasn’t happened in pulse of our town better than since 2007. In 2009, MSBA approved the roof replacement
fair disadvantage when illegal quite a while, but in a any other candidate running for project at Chandler School and the town received a 40 per-
aliens are granted a free pass. few weeks Duxbury state representative. cent reimbursement.
Undocumented workers con- will have an opportunity to On election day, vote for  
tinue to enter our state illegally, send a “favorite son” to Beacon the candidate who won’t treat Why was Duxbury selected to work with MSBA and
and while their influx into Mas- Hill. That man is Josh Cutler. the state representative’s posi- what does this mean for the community? The MSBA re-
sachusetts may not be on the Not quite 40, Josh already tion like a part-time job. A vote viewed Duxbury’s SOIs for DMS and DHS and sent a senior
scale of Arizona’s troubles, our has an impressive resume of for Josh Cutler is a vote for study team to inspect both buildings earlier this year. Based
public benefits and corrections public service and community Duxbury. on these findings, MSBA Board of Directors voted to invite
systems are strained more and volunteerism. Currently, he Richard S. Prone Duxbury to collaborate on a solution for these buildings.
more. The federal government serves on the Duxbury Plan- Mayflower Street MSBA is currently reviewing the town’s feasibility study
has neglected to champion an ning Board and knows the and will advise what further work may be necessary to fulfill
MSBA’s requirements for its Feasibility Study and the work
required to prepare a Schematic Design. Reimbursement for
Duxbury would be in the range of 35 to 40 percent of design
ccording to the and construction costs. Additionally, MSBA has expressed
Duxbury Clipper, an interest in Duxbury as a model program for a co-located
Sept. 8, 1960, building design. Duxbury would be eligible for an additional
a Duxbury resident played reimbursement of five percent of the project cost if a model
a key role in John F. Ken- school design is adopted. Green building elements also earn
nedy’s campaign for U.S. additional reimbursement dollars.
President. David Blair Mc-
Closky of Loring Road was  Why do we need another feasibility study? Duxbury’s
the young senator’s vocal feasibility study, completed last spring, may fulfill most of
tutor during the campaign. the MSBA’s requirements. However, there may be addi-
McClosky was the former di- tional components required to meet MSBA standards. The
rector of the Plymouth Rock SBC is currently working with MSBA to determine what ad-
Center of Music and Drama ditional study is needed and what that additional work may
in Duxbury, and a profes- cost. MSBA has indicated that Duxbury’s existing study is
sor of voice and speech at valuable because it identified several viable options for a
Boston University. “With project and provides necessary information regarding enroll-
campaign speeches several a singer, breathing from the to McClosky, Kennedy was ment, square footage, educational programming, building
times a day,” he said, “Ken- diaphragm and taking care a very willing student. conditions, etc.
nedy must use his voice like with his timing.” According
Photo by Walter Sanders of Time-Life Photo –– Submitted by Anne Ward, School Committee chairwoman
22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Questions with the candidates: State rep.

to try to reform this law, but has failed. It’s time to
By Josh Cutler
uestion 1: We can’t afford any new change our approach. I currently serve as a plan- This week’s question
taxes right now. The message I’ve ning board member and I have first-hand experi-
ence on how we can work to solve our housing There are three statewide questions on the ballot for No-
heard knocking on doors is clear: gov- vember’s election. Question one would eliminate the state sales
ernment needs to live within needs. These include innovative ideas such as in-
clusionary zoning or “recycled” home programs. tax on alcohol. Question 2 would repeal the affordable housing
its means, just as we all do
We must do more to provide affordable housing law known as 40B, or the ‘anti-snob zoning act.’ Question 3
in our homes and small busi-
nesses. If alcohol were not options, especially for our seniors. would reduce the state sales and use tax rates (which were 6.25
already taxed I would support I will vote in favor of Question 2 and then percent as of September 2009) to 3 percent as of Jan. 1, 2011.
removing the tax-exemption, work with likeminded Democrat and Republi- Please tell us your position on each of these questions, and
as I don’t believe that alco- can legislators to draft a common-sense piece of elaborate on why you support or do not support them.
hol deserves the same status legislation that will help us create much needed
as necessities of life such as housing in a way that is in harmony with our ex-
isting neighborhoods.
food, clothing or prescription medicine. How-
ever, that is not the case; alcohol is already taxed Question 3: I will vote against Question 3. I
Ballot initiative summaries
and highly regulated. support the reduction of our sales tax to the level Question 1: This proposed law would remove the Massachu-
We don’t need to give residents more reasons it was at last year: 5.0 percent. I did not agree setts sales tax on alcoholic beverages and alcohol, where the sale of
to spend their money out of state. As a small-busi- with the decision by the legislature to increase the such beverages and alcohol or their importation into the state is al-
ness advocate I am also sympathetic to the plight sales tax to 6.25 percent, especially in the midst ready subject to a separate excise tax under state law. The proposed
of package stores, most of which are mom-and- of a deep recession with many folks out of work law would take effect on Jan. 1, 2011.
pop operations. For those reasons I favor repeal and many small businesses struggling. In my
of this new tax. view, taxing consumption, which is what the sales Question 2: This proposed law would repeal an existing state
I do believe that alcohol and substance abuse tax essentially is, discourages consumer spending law that allows a qualified organization wishing to build government-
treatment is greatly needed and I will fight to find and just contributes to the downward cycle of the subsidized housing that includes low- or moderate-income units to
economy. apply for a single comprehensive permit from a city or town’s zoning
funds in the state budget to pay for these pro- board of appeals, instead of separate permits from each local agency
grams using existing tax dollars. After all, we I am mindful that local aid and important hu-
man services for our seniors, veterans and dis- or official having jurisdiction over any aspect of the proposed hous-
need a government that is both compassionate ing. The repeal would take effect on January 1, 2011, but would
and cost-effective. abled citizens depend on this revenue and for that
not stop or otherwise affect any proposed housing that had already
Question 2: Chapter 40B is a well-inten- reason I would instead look for cost-savings in
received both a comprehensive permit and a building permit for at
tioned, but deeply flawed law that takes too much other areas of the budget. Specifically I would least one unit.
decision making power away from our cities and scrutinize the tax expenditure budget, which allo- Under the existing law, the ZBA holds a public hearing on the
towns and instead puts it in the hands of real es- cates millions of dollars in corporate tax breaks to application and considers the recommendations of local agencies
tate developers and state bureaucrats. favored special interests with little to no account- and officials. The ZBA may grant a comprehensive permit that may
There are too many flaws in the law to address ability. New taxes are not the answer and I will include conditions or requirements concerning the height, site plan,
them all in just 250 words, but perhaps the biggest work with the majority party to prevent that from size, shape, or building materials of the housing. Persons aggrieved
is the cost-certification process. In an audit last reoccurring, instead of ineffectually complaining by the ZBA’s decision to grant a permit may appeal it to a court. If the
year, state Inspector General Greg Sullivan found from the sidelines as my opponent has done for ZBA denies the permit or grants it with conditions or requirements
that shoddy oversight has allowed unscrupulous eight years. that make the housing uneconomic to build or to operate, the appli-
developers to use 40B to inflate profits and bilk Mr. Cutler is the Democratic nominee for the cant may appeal to the state Housing Appeals Committee (HAC).
cities and towns out of millions of dollars. 6th Plymouth District, which includes Pcts. 2 and After a hearing, if the HAC rules that the ZBA’s denial of a com-
Our current representative has had eight years 5 in Duxbury. prehensive permit was unreasonable and not consistent with local
needs, the HAC orders the ZBA to issue the permit. If the HAC rules
that the ZBA’s decision issuing a comprehensive permit with con-
ditions or requirements made the housing uneconomic to build or

By Daniel Webster communities I represent to include such homes operate and was not consistent with local needs, the HAC orders the
in their affordable housing totals. Unfortunately, ZBA to modify or remove any such condition or requirement so as
uestion 1: I strongly support the to make the proposal no longer uneconomic. The HAC cannot order
repeal of the alcohol tax which the this initiative was not adopted by the state Sen-
ate.  the ZBA to issue any permit that would allow the housing to fall be-
Democratically-controlled state leg- low minimum safety standards or site plan requirements. If the HAC
islature implemented while it hiked taxes eight This referendum will repeal an outdated law
rules that the ZBA’s action was consistent with local needs, the HAC
times in the past two years. First, this tax amounts providing the opportunity for the legislature to must uphold it even if it made the housing uneconomic. The HAC’s
to a double tax on alcohol sold in the Common- truly address the state’s affordable housing is- decision is subject to review in the courts.
wealth as consumers already pay an excise tax sue by reforming Chapter 40A, the state’s zoning A condition or requirement makes housing “uneconomic” if it
on alcohol products. Second, the additional statute, where we can encourage development of would prevent a public agency or non-profit organization from build-
tax on alcohol has crippled less expensive homes while preserving the char- ing or operating the housing except at a financial loss, or it would
small business owners who acter of our respective communities. prevent a limited dividend organization from building or operating
operate restaurants, package Question 3: I support rolling back the sales the housing without a reasonable return on its investment.
stores, and convenience stores tax from 6.25 percent to 3 percent.   Passage of A ZBA’s decision is “consistent with local needs” if it applies
bordering New Hampshire, Question 3 will send a clear message to the tax- requirements that are reasonable in view of the regional need for
Rhode Island and Vermont. and-spend Democratic lawmakers on Beacon low- and moderate-income housing and the number of low-income
Recent statistics have proven Hill that enough is enough. Taxpayers are tired of persons in the city or town, as well as the need to protect health and
that small businesses located having their hard earned money used as dispos- safety, promote better site and building design, and preserve open
in communities along the Mas- able income to offset bloated state budgets and space, if those requirements are applied as equally as possible to
sachusetts border have lost al- fund programs that our state cannot afford. As both subsidized and unsubsidized housing. Requirements are con-
cohol sales to neighboring states because Massa- household budgets have tightened, families have sidered “consistent with local needs” if more than 10 percent of the
chusetts residents are crossing state borders and adjusted. Voters know they cannot spend more city or town’s housing units are low- or moderate-income units or
buying alcohol where it is less expensive. Third, than they earn, and Beacon Hill must learn this if such units are on sites making up at least 1.5 percent of the total
implementing any taxes in this economic down- as well. private land zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use in
During the five budget cycles preceding fiscal the city or town. Requirements are also considered “consistent with
turn, during which Massachusetts has lost over local needs” if the application would result, in any one calendar year,
300,000 jobs, stunts job growth. Jobs will come 2010, state spending increased by $1 billion each
fiscal year. Capital gains tax receipts declined and in beginning construction of low- or moderate-income housing on
back to Massachusetts when businesses are able sites making up more than 0.3 percent of the total private land zoned
to grow because consumers are spending. The surpluses were not diverted to the rainy day fund.
for residential, commercial, or industrial use in the city or town, or
majority party on Beacon Hill has taken the wors As it became evident that the growth of the state on ten acres, whichever is larger.
course by implementing a tax that will discourage budget was unsustainable, I warned Democratic The proposed law states that if any of its parts were declared
consumers from participating in the economy. House members that these signals indicated a se- invalid, the other parts would stay in effect.
Question 2: I support the initiative petition vere economic downturn. 
to repeal Chapter 40B. At its inception, Chapter The only way to bring legislative spending Question 3: This proposed law would reduce the state sales and
40B was designed to create affordable housing under control is to limit the resources Demo- use tax rates (which were 6.25 percent as of September 2009) to 3
opportunities in urban areas.  During the past de- cratic lawmakers have to spend. We can erase percent as of January 1, 2011. It would make the same reduction in
cade, developers have used this law to build on the shortfall caused by the prospective revenue the rate used to determine the amount to be deposited with the state
marginal land in suburban areas by legally skirt- loss by eliminating the 5,000 state jobs added Commissioner of Revenue by non-resident building contractors as
ing local zoning bylaws. The result has been the during the Patrick Administration, enacting real security for the payment of sales and use tax on tangible personal
construction of homes that in many instances are pension reform, by shifting from defined ben- property used in carrying out their contracts.
not in keeping with the character of the suburban efit plans to defined contribution plans, reform- The proposed law provides that if the 3 percent rates would not
communities in which they have been built. Fur- ing MassHealth, by moving subscribers from a produce enough revenues to satisfy any lawful pledge of sales and
thermore, a number of the communities I repre- pay-as-you-go program to managed care, which use tax revenues in connection with any bond, note, or other con-
sent have affordable housing alternatives such as is more preventative in nature. Another Demo- tractual obligation, then the rates would instead be reduced to the
mobile homes, in-law apartments or homes ap- crat on Beacon Hill will only further impede such lowest level allowed by law.
praised well below market value. Chapter 40B cost saving reforms. The proposed law states that if any of its parts were declared
invalid, the other parts would stay in effect.
prohibits these properties from being included in Mr. Webster is the Republican nominee and
a community’s overall affordable housing quota.  incumbent for the 6th Plymouth District, which
Source: “Information For Voters”, prepared by the Secretary of State’s office
Six years ago, I supported legislation which includes Pcts. 2 and 5 in Duxbury.,
passed the House that would have enabled the
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 23

Questions with the GOODRICH

candidates: State rep. DUXBURY HARDWARE CORP.

By Joseph Trucshelli to the job in urban areas where the cost of living
uestion 1: I strongly support the re- was much more expensive but what it’s done to 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
peal of the Alcohol sales tax. Sim- the local towns is drive down property values. (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
ply stated it is a double taxation and My early opinion was that the law be re-written 781-422-0131
I feel it’s unfair not only to the consumer to be to cut out the loopholes that allow for corrup-
hit twice but the small busi- tion and expand what can be considered afford-
ness owners who have to able housing but I would support scrapping it
compete on an uneven play-
ing field with our neighbor-
all together as it clearly is not working in the
best interest of the people.
Question 3: Send Beacon Hill a message
ing states because of it. We
already have state and fed- that is loud and clear. We’ve been taxed enough
eral taxes built into the cost already. This ballot measure is more complex
of the product driving the than just cutting the sales tax to 3 percent. We
cost up 40 percent overall. have to look at the state’s spending versus rev-
As for the programs that enue generation. At 6.25 percent, we have yet
we fund with this money I can assure you that to hit the benchmarks set for revenue and all we

we have plenty of areas in our state budget that have done is discouraged consumer spending in
can be cut that will provide plenty of room for the midst of a recession. It was a bad experi-
the programs to be adequately funded. ment. 5 percent is more pragmatic, but that’s
Question 2: I think the biggest problem I not on the ballot. Sept.1, 2010

have with 40B is that since being enacted into If the ballot measure passes, I will fight to
make sure that the voice of the people is up- Never would have made it without you!
law we have slipped to 49th on the affordable
housing charts, that in itself should be enough held.
evidence that it is not working. I can see the
original purpose of the law and how it was
Mr. Trucshelli is the Republican nominee
for the 12th Plymouth District, which includes
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By Thomas Calter Question 3: If question 3 passes, it will
uestion 1: As a career business ex- reduce the sales tax revenue by about 2.5 bil-
ecutive, I’m sensitive to the impact
taxes have on consumer demand
lion dollars. The amount and timing of such
a cut would impact every citizen in the Com-
monwealth. The reduction in revenue will be
and the state’s competitive market position. Un-
like other taxes, however, those collected from about half of the total amount that the state CRAFT
alcohol sales are dedicated to health care ser- sends to our cities and towns to help pay for
vices, some of which directly address alcohol public school education. Revenue derived from
related illness. Currently, the the sales tax pays for other important services
only goods exempt from the as well, that our citizens value and have come
Massachusetts sales tax are to rely on. I want the citizens of Duxbury and
necessities like food, cloth- my constituents from across the district to know
ing, and prescriptions. In my the truth about Question 3. This perspective is
view, alcohol should not be coming from a legislator who voted against
classified as a necessity. increasing the sales tax from 5 percent to 6.25
Our economic recovery percent in September 2009. I cannot overstate
is real, yet still fragile. This the enormity of the consequences of reducing
is not the time to cut or raise state revenues by 2.5 billion when programs
taxes. Because consumers have already been cut by 3 billion and with the
pay both sales and excise taxes on alcohol, this state facing another 2 billion dollar structural
deficit next year. If passed, our commitment to
issue should be reconsidered once our economy
is in full recovery, and we can maintain ade- rebuilding our roads and bridges will be stalled. THE SPARROW HOUSE
quate funding for necessary health care services Public education for K-12 and higher educa-
tion will suffer, threatening our proud status as 42 Summer Street, Plymouth
from other sources. Given the speed and fragil- 508-747-1240 • www.sparrowhouse.com
ity of our economic recovery, I will vote no on number one in the country. The police, fire, and
Question 1. EMS services that we rely on will be impacted.
Question 2: The Massachusetts Affordable Investments in community preservation and
school building assistance will be reduced, if

Housing Law (40B) was enacted in 1969. Since
then it has generated more than 9.25 billion in not eliminated altogether. Expenditures for vet-
construction and related spending. There is no eran services, councils on aging, and health care
question that 40B has been an economic engine, will be reduced or eliminated. Make no mistake
has created real jobs, and allowed low income about the impact of this measure. Passage will Come meet Brian Lies
wage earners the opportunity to own their own profoundly limit the state’s ability to meet its Author of New York Times Best Seller
homes in this great Commonwealth where ser- financial obligations and maintain its AA bond
vices are plentiful. Because it’s in our cultural rating. Further, if our citizens demand level
“Bats at the Ballgame”*
DNA to care about the common good, we will services after the measure passes, there will
always need an affordable housing law on the be substantial pressure on towns to raise local
books. However, it is time to repeal 40B and property taxes.
pass modern day, affordable housing legisla- Each of the gubernatorial candidates and
tion which genuinely respects the authority and the Massachusetts Taxpayer’s Foundation are
will of host communities while building hous- on record as being opposed to Question 3. I will
ing units for our lower income wage earners. I vote no on Question 3 because I am aware of
will vote yes on question 2, and work toward the profound pain it will cause to the people in
creation of a more equitable affordable housing my district.
law. Mr. Calter is the Democratic nominee and
incumbent for the 12th Plymouth District, which
includes Pcts. 1 and 6 in Duxbury.

Next week’s question: Spending and savings – Reading and book signing –
Duxbury Free Library in the Merry Room
Part 1: What state programs do you feel are underfunded? Please state why these areas are
important and what specifically you would do to increase their budgets. October 2, 2010 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Part 2: Identify some areas in the state budget where you feel savings could be found or cuts *Signed copies are also available at
could be made. Please explain why, and how specifically you would make cuts. /NCE5PONA4IMEs781-934-9788
24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Newly formed Prom Angels Fall into Great Rates!!!

hopes to expand mission
Duxbury Mortgage Services can assist you with all your financing
options. Duxbury Mortgage always has your best interest
in mind! 781-934-0708


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Four years ago, the Pem- When: Saturday, Oct. 2, shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. 781-934-0708
broke Knights of Columbus Where: Pembroke Country Club, 94 West Elm St. MORTGAGE BROKER # 2773
NMLS MLO #20652

and Rockland-Hanson Rotary Cost: $125 per golfer, $30 dinner only
Club’s special needs prom was Sponsorships: $100 for a hole, $1,000 for a table (golf for eight);
just an idea — a way of giving $2,500 for the event (golf for 16)
local high schoolers with dis-
Contact: Kevin McKenna at 617-529-9166, Paul Nicol at majani-
abilities a chance to mix and
[email protected] or promangelsfoundation.org
mingle with their peers. Later,
in its second year, the prom
drew more than 400 people,
including families and prom-
goers ages 16 to 61.
Now, members of the Pem-
broke and Rockland Knights
of Columbus and the Rock-
land-Hanson Rotary Club are
banding together to form their - "7*"7 ÊEÊ
own nonprofit group —  the -  
Prom Angels Foundation — to
Commercial & Residential

make the prom bigger than

ever, bring proms to other local UÊ-i«ÌˆVÊ-ÞÃÌi“ÃÊ iÈ}˜ÊEÊ,i«>ˆÀ
towns and build new programs UÊ-ÌՓ«Ê,i“œÛ>ÊEÊ ˆÃ«œÃ>
for young adults such as golf UÊœ>“ÊUÊ->˜`ÊUÊÀ>Ûi
and basketball leagues. UÊÀiiÊ Ã̈“>ÌiÃ
“Because the prom has UÊ-ˆÌiÊ iÛiœ«“i˜Ì
started growing so large in UÊ i“œˆÌˆœ˜
size now, we created the Prom *\ÊÇn£‡Ó™Î‡nÈää
Angels Foundation,” said Paul ÓÈ£ÊÀ>˜Žˆ˜Ê-Ì°Ê>˜Ãœ˜]ÊÊäÓÎ{£

Nicol, Rotary Club member Young adults enjoy a slow dance during the first special needs
and group co-founder. “Prom
Angels is allowing us to grow
the prom out even larger. This
prom, held in May 2009 at the Pembroke Knights of Columbus.

the curve, because there’s a

File photo by Becca Manning
help from the Prom Angels,
!"#$%&' ()#*#$
year, we’re going to do it at need for it,” he said. “One of will host their annual Hal-
the Pembroke Country Club the biggest things I’m realiz- loween party for young adults
because of the size, and we’re ing is, once my children are with special needs and their
also looking at doing another !"#$
out of high school at the age families. The event is open to
one in Braintree.” of 22, there are very little so- all families in the area; RSVP
In 2009, the Pembroke cial activities for these young by contacting McKenna or ,'-./0.1$2
Knights of Columbus was adults to do.” Nicol. 3-..2
recognized with both state Initially, the prom — held “We’ve had some other 4$'++04
and international community in the spring at the Pembroke great spin-offs that have hap-
awards —  picked from more Knights of Columbus hall — pened because we’ve done the
than 13,000 councils for their was aimed at giving special prom,” Nicol said. “Healthtrax
efforts with the prom. needs high school kids their [in Hanover], for example,
“Now councils across the own prom, but with many ask- started a special needs Zumba
United States, Europe and ing to return year after year class. And Pembroke Country
Canada are following our and all ages wanting to join the Club is getting ready to launch !"#$%&'()
lead and doing special needs fun, prom organizers opened it the first special needs golf
proms,” said Kevin McK- up. league — we’re going to be #*'+
enna, Pembroke Knight and “We had one lady come starting that next year.”
co-founder of Prom Angels. from as far as Buzzard’s Bay “They’re going to be able !"#$%&'(,-
“We’ve been asked to do ad- this year, and she was 61 years to close down the course for
ditional proms in the state of old,” McKenna said. “She had nine holes of golf for these
Massachusetts. We figured the never been to a prom.” children and young adults to
best way to accommodate this Prom Angels will hold go in there and learn how to
Paul D. Fitzgerald, D.M.D., P.C.
is to start a nonprofit organiza- their first major fundraiser on play. We’re working out the Specializing in Orthodontics
tion so it can help more chil- Saturday, Oct. 2 — a golf tour- logistics right now, but that
dren and young adults.” nament at the Pembroke Coun- will be in place next spring,”
At least half a dozen Dux- try Club. Tickets cost $125 per McKenna added.
bury families have attended golfer or $30 for the dinner, He said he had been visit-
the prom at the Knights of Co- which will follow the tourna- ing other golf courses in the
lumbus in the past two years, ment. The foundation also is area to discuss a possible golf
McKenna said. looking for sponsors — $100 league. Already, three other
Among them is dad Wayne for a hole, $1,000 for a table or courses have expressed inter-
Owen and his son, David, who $2,500 for the event. To sign est.
attended the first prom two up or donate, call McKenna “It’s taking on a life of
years ago. Owen said he could at 617-529-9166, e-mail Nicol its own,” McKenna said of
tell his son, then 18, was en- at [email protected] or Prom Angels. “It’s growing
joying the event. visit promangelsfoundation. and growing. We’re going to
“He just came down and org. be able to make a huge differ-
asked for a pen,” Owen said, People also can help by ence.”
sitting with other parents in donating their old prom and The group also is looking
the K of C basement while bridesmaid dresses, dropping to start a Pembroke basketball
the kids danced upstairs. “He them off at Stitch’N Time, 270 league.
wanted to give his cell phone Main St., Hanson or at the golf “We’re getting out there. 187 Summer St. Suite 8
number out to a girl he just tournament. Donors will re- People are starting to recog-
met. So it seems like they’re ceive $20 worth of raffle tick- nize us in the community,”
having a good time.” ets for the event, Nicol said. McKenna said. “Our goal is to 781-585-0024
As a parent of two special Already, the prom has led have this be just like the Jim-
needs children, McKenna said to new opportunities for local my Fund and the Easter Seals
he has seen a need for events residents. — that well known. We’re COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS
such as the prom. On Oct. 30, the Pembroke shooting for the stars.” www.kingstonorthodontics.com
“We have to get ahead of Knights of Columbus, with
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 25

International Day of Peace

he students and staff at Bay Farm Montessori Acad-
emy observed the International Day of Peace with
a brief ceremony held around the Peace Pole on the
Bay Farm campus last Tuesday. Displaying hand-made ceramic
peace doves and origami cranes, the students read poems and fa-
mous quotes for the occasion. The United Nations’ International
Day of Peace is marked every year on Sept. 21. It is a global hol-
iday when individuals, communities, nations, and governments
highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace.

,"  ÊUÊ"-/ ,ÊUÊ1


,"  ÊUÊ"-/ ,ÊUÊ1


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Students sit around the Peace Pole at Bay Farm. Top right: Sarah Whitaker shows off her peace crane. Twice As Nice
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School. www.welchhrg.com
26 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Duxbury School Calendar

Thursday Sept. 30
NHS Induction Ceremony 7:30 p.m. PAC
Wednesday Oct. 6
DMS School Council 4 p.m. DMS Library
School Committee meeting 7 p.m. Alden Rm. 104 Send School news & Photos to
Thursday Oct. 7 [email protected]
Bully Task Force 6:15 p.m. Alden Rm. 102 the Deadline is Monday at noon.
Friday Oct. 8
Professional Development, half day of classes
Monday Oct. 11
No school - Columbus Day
Wednesday Oct. 13
Alden PTA meeting 9:30 a.m.
Saturday Oct. 16
Summa Awards for 2010
Brendan Allen, grade Jillian Desmarais, Social Studies Studies and Foreign
Music Promoters Dinners 9, Technology and grade 11, Science Language
School Lunch Menu
Daryl Denelle, grade 9, Alec Hovey, grade 9, Zoe Moriarty, grade 10,
Katherine Allen, grade Math Music Social Studies
9, 3D Design Abby Dobbens, Ashley Morrison, grade
Week of Oct. 4- Oct. 8 Danielle Jamieson,
Christina Balzotti, grade grade 11, TV Studio grade 10, Art 11, Social Studies
DHS 9, Physical Education Production Davis Muller, grade 10,
Monday: Chicken chow mein, oriental fried rice, Robert Johnson, grade
David Balzotti, grade Maggie Dobbins, grade 10, English Student Chef
oriental vegetable blend, dinner roll. 11, Media 11, Social Studies and
Kyle Jones, grade 10, Peter Muncey, grade
Tuesday: Barbecue pork rib, roasted carrot fries, Anthony Barbati, grade Dragon TV 10, Math and Science
confetti coleslaw, cornbread. Creative Imaging
11, Breadboard Kathleen Doherty, Emilie Munson, grade
Wednesday: Tomato florentine pasta, green grade 11, Science and Johannes Kite-Powell,
Allison Barrett, grade grade 9, Math 10, Math and Foreign
beans, bread stick. Drama
9, Physical Education Language
Thursday: Mom’s mashed potato bowl, popcorn and Student Chef Kristopher Dowling, Aiden Koplovsky, grade
chicken mashed potatoes with gravy, seasoned 9, Student Chef Deidre Murphy, grade
Trevor Barrington, grade 10, English, 10, Physical Education
corn, biscuit. String Ensemble and
grade 10, Social Leyla Kravitz, grade 11,
Friday: Grilled cheese sandwiches on whole Drama English and Foreign John Murphy, grade
Studies 10, Music Technology
wheat bread, chicken noodle soup, carrot and Cameron Draper. grade Language
celery sticks with Ranch dressing. Liam Beatson, grade 9, Grace Nissi, grade 10,
Dragon TV 11, Foreign Language Kevin Kuckuk, grade
All lunches served with choice of milk. 11, Math and Student Physical Education
Vanessa Bernard, Ryan Driscoll, grade
Cold fruit and vegetable bar, fresh food grab-n-go specials daily. 10, Foreign Language Chef Michaela North, grade
grade 10, Science 9, Social Studies
Sophie Dubuisson, Michaela Lake, grade
William Betteridge,
DMS grade 11, Science and grade 10, English 10, Math Brendan North, grade
Monday: Chicken chow mein, oriental fried rice, oriental vegetable Amy Laputz, grade 11, 10, Foreign Language
Social Studies Madison Duddy, grade
blend, dinner roll. 10, Foreign Language Science Matthew O’Keefe,
Thomas J Bicknell, grade 10, Math
Tuesday: Barbecue pork rib, roasted carrot fries, confetti coleslaw, grade 11, Physical Amelia Dudley, grade Drew Lawrence, grade
cornbread. Education 10, English and Social 9, Social Studies Connor O’Keefe, grade
Wednesday: Tomato florentine pasta, green beans, bread stick. Studies Alexandra Leaverton, 10, English and Foreign
Alexandra Brady, grade Language
Thursday: Mom’s mashed potato bowl, popcorn chicken mashed pota- 11, Foreign Language Laurel Duffy, grade 10, grade 9, Social
toes with gravy, seasoned corn, biscuit. Foreign Language Studies Catherine O’Regan,
Rose Brewer, grade 9, grade 10, Foreign
Friday: Grilled cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread, chicken noo- English Maggie Dunn, grade Mikkel Linskey, grade
dle soup, carrot and celery sticks with Ranch dressing. 10, Math and English Language
Emily Brook, grade 11, 11, Social Studies
All lunches served with choice of milk. Brianna Lynch, grade Matthew Phillips, grade
Social Studies Malcolm Edgar, grade 10, Social Studies
Cold fruit and vegetable bar, fresh food grab-n-go specials daily. 9, Music 9, English
Patrick Buell, grade 9, Diane Pires, grade 10,
Math, Social Studies, Tarek El-Amine, grade Madeline Macaluso,
Foreign Language
Alden and Chandler Schools and Concert Choir 11, Social Studies grade 9, Photography
Monday: Chicken patty on a bun, mixed vegetables, fresh orange I Wilson Powell, grade
Greyson Butler, grade Abigail Ellis, grade 11, 10, Math
smiles. 9, Math Science and Art Kelly Mackin, grade
Tuesday: Tacos, rice and beans, pineapples. 9, Early Childhood Maheen Rana, grade
Samantha Carley, grade Kayla Arrasti, grade 11, Education 11, Math, Social
Wednesday: Homemade fresh baked pizza, spinach and romaine salad, 9, Student Chef Social Studies Studies and Foreign
pears. Patrick MacLennan,
Analee Carpenter, grade Kara Falcone, grade grade 9, Foreign Language
Thursday: Hamburger or cheeseburger on a bun, roasted carrot fries, 9, Foreign Language 11, English Language, Physical Casey Reinhart, grade
fresh crisp apple.
Kevin Casey, grade 11, Lauren Feeney, grade Education and Music 11, Math
Friday: Pasta marinara with shredded cheese, Bosco breadstick, sea- Math 11, Math
soned peas, fresh apple. Kyle MacLeod, grade Tessa Riccio, grade 11,
Elizabeth Cazeault, Adam Fitzgerald, grade 9, Math Math
Assorted fruit and veggie selection daily. Three weekly alternates grade 10, Social 10, Foreign Language
also available. James Magner, grade Avery Riddle, grade 10,
Studies Sophia Fitzgerald, 11, Physical Education Science
All lunches served with choice of milk. Madeline Clark, grade grade 10, Social Denis Maguire, grade Haley Robinson, grade
10, Creative Imaging Studies 11, Social Studies 11, Social Studies
SEPAC basic rights workshop Lindsey Cobb, grade 9,
Science and Music
Luke Fontaine, grade
11, Concert Orchestra
Adam Martin, grade
11, Media
Deanna Ronne, grade
9, Math and String
The Duxbury Special Education Parents Advisory Council Michael Connolly, grade Annie Gates, grade 11, Ross Martin, grade 11, Ensemble
is hosting its annual Parents’ Basic Rights Workshop. Anyone 9, Foreign Language Ceramics Media Timothy Rourke, grade
who is a parent or guardian wanting to learn more about rights Madeline Conway, Patrick Gearin, grade 10, Physical Education
Marshall McCarthy,
in order to effectively advocate for a special needs child, join grade 9, String 10, String Ensemble grade 9, Physical Brett Sahlberg, grade
SEPAC on Thursday, Sept. 30 from 7-9 p.m. in the Canty Wing Ensemble Luke Glatthorn, grade Education 11, Physical Education
Conference Room (side entrance) at Chandler School.   Max Cook, grade 10, Foreign Language Ian McCourt, dragon Linnea Sahlberg, grade
9, Math, Science, Jack Goldberg, grade TV 9, Student Chef
Social Studies, 11, Breadboard
DMS magazine fundraiser Foreign Language and
Photography I Keri Gould, grade
11, Early Childhood
Anna McGeady, grade
10, Piano Lab
Dayna Scandone, grade
10, Concert Orchestra
The Duxbury Middle School PTA magazine fundraiser is Melissa Cushing, grade Education
Hannah McLaughlin, Courtney Scherer,
officially underway. This is the DMS PTA’s only fundraiser for 11, Foreign Language grade 9, Science, grade 9, English
the year. We hope you will consider purchasing a new subscrip- Anna Grubb, grade 11, Social Studies and Art Winston Schromm,
Cameron Daley, grade Foreign Language and
tion, or renewing existing subscriptions, through our program. 10, English and Foreign String Ensemble
Brendan Meehan, grade grade 9, English
Magazines make an excellent gift for those on your list who are Language 11, Foreign Language Lindsay Seewald, grade
hard to buy for. Caitlin Daly, grade 9,
Nicole Hanrahan, grade Emily Meehan, grade 10, Math
To order or renew, Go to www.qsp.com, click the “Just Shop- 10, Music 10, Music
Foreign Language and Nora Serres, grade 10,
ping” button, enter our school/organization code (425900548) Music Emily Hansman, grade Kayleigh Miller, grade Math
and click the “Shop Now” button. Proceeds from this fundraiser Kelsey Davidson, grade
10, Math, English, and 9, Math
go to purchase of technology and enrichment programs at DMS. Foreign Language Allison Shane, grade
9, Math Joshua Moniri, grade 11, Social Studies
For more information about this fundraiser and other DMS PTA Tim Harrison, grade 9, Music
activities, visit us at www.dms-pta.org. Alenni Davis, grade 9, 10, Social Studies Emily Shane, grade
Foreign Language Jennifer Moore, grade 9, Social Studies and
Carlie Hill, grade 11, 11, Math, Social Concert Orchestra
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 27

Duxbury police log

Thursday Sept. 16
7:04 a.m. Motor vehicle ac-
reported receiving threatening
phone calls. LOFTUS
cident on Route 3 South. State 12:15 p.m. Drug violation on
police requested ambulance to Saint George Street. Citation is-
transport one injured to South sued.
Shore Hospital. 9:02 p.m. Caller reports hearing 5:32 p.m. Caller reported past
25% OFF
5:33 p.m. Caller reported on- fireworks or gunshots in the area breaking and entering of home on CASH & CARRY
going problem with kids leaving of Tremont Street. Area search Franklin Street. ORIENTALS & AREA RUG CLEANING
trash in the area of Prence Street. negative.
Patrols advised. 11:46 p.m. Lifeline reported
party calling for help. Ambulance ON LOCATION
5:50 p.m. Caller reported suspi- Sunday Sept. 19 transported West Street resident 7>Ê̜Ê7>ÊUÊ1«…œÃÌiÀÞÊ
cious person in Millbrook Mo- 9:48 a.m. Six wheel truck stuck to Jordan Hospital.
tors parking lot taking photos of in sand by Blakeman’s. Owner IÊ"ÛiÀÊÎÓÊ9i>ÀÃÊ Ý«iÀˆi˜ViÊI
vehicles driving by. Area search requested own tow.
negative. Wednesday Sept. 22 Ó£ÓÊ-Ì>˜`ˆÃ…ÊÛi°]Ê °Ê*Þ“œÕ̅ xän‡Ç{ȇǣ£Ó
1:58 p.m. Caller reported con- 12:30 a.m. Caller reported er-
7:43 p.m. Fire Department re- cern over sea bird behind Dunkin ratic operator struck property on
ported medical situation on Route Donuts on Chestnut Street. Bird Tremont Street. One party taken
14 overpass and requested police okay. Animal control notified. into custody.
to the scene. Person having mi-
graine. No EMS needed. 2:24 p.m. Caller reported dirt 10:18 a.m. Motor vehicle acci-
bike in woods on conservation dent at the corner of Oak Street
land near Union Bridge Road. and Flintlocke Drive. One party
Friday Sept. 17 Gone on arrival. transported to Jordan Hospital.
12:30 a.m. Tree branch in road 5:29 p.m. Caller reported motor Both vehicles towed.
on Tremont Street. Removed. vehicle cut her off while driving 11:20 a.m. Well-being check re- SADDLED WITH RISKS
9:35 a.m. Caller on Depot Street on West Street. Area search nega- quested on Bay Road. Requested
reported tools stolen from storage tive. by Senior Center. Fire reported The high speeds and pronounced Chiropractic, particularly sports
container at work site. 7:35 p.m. Caller reported pos- not needed. C-pack requested, vertical drops associated with chiropractic, can be of enormous
11:45 a.m. Caller reported van- sible past attempted entry into notified and will respond. mountain biking can make the benefit in treating and preventing
dalism to pool on Amado Way. home on Cordwood Path. 12:17 p.m. Caller on Tremont
sport as dangerous as football and sports-related injuries and improv-
diving. While wrist fractures are com- ing athletic performance. Make an
12:01 p.m. Caller on Bay Farm 7:47 p.m. Officer out with fe- Street reported male received $30 mon among mountain bikers, spinal appointment now and let our chiro-
Road reported unwanted guest. male at bogs near Congress Street. of gas but had no money to pay. injuries are the most severe. Accord- practor give you a careful, profes-
Verbal situation only. Male and female had verbal argu- Stated would return to pay. Has ing to a 13-year study of mountain sional examination. Call LALONDE
ment. Female has ride home with not been back. Officer to handle. bikers who sustained injuries, the CHIROPRACTIC SPINE CENTER OF
2:00 p.m. Caller reported unau- friend. worst injuries were the 40 percent NEW ENGLAND, 42 Tremont St., Suite
thorized use of credit card.
PJ the DJ
10B (Rt 3A at Rt 3). We offer an af-
9:53 p.m. Caller would like to that involved the spinal cord. Of
fordable healthcare for the whole
see officer in regards to noise these, more than 40 percent led
family. Find relief from chronic pain,
Saturday Sept. 18 complaint for fans at Foodies’s. DJ for any occasion
to complete paralysis. This study of-
sports injuries, or stress, and improve
12:14 a.m. Marshfield police Officer states unable to hear fans fers a sobering view of the potential
your overall health with Cox® Tech-
from caller’s home. Book your Holiday Parties now! downside of the sport. While previ-
reported erratic operator heading nic that works with the body’s natu-
Best service & rates around ous studies described the range of
down Congress Street. One male ral design to aid it in healing. Call
from Kingston under arrest for Since 1982 injuries sustained by mountain bik-
operating under the influence and
Monday Sept. 20 DJ in a Box Rental ers and spinal injuries suffered in a 781.934.0943.
P.S. The majority of mountain bikers
alcohol in an open container in a 5:53 p.m. Caller on Chandler only $100/day number of sports, no one study had
who suffered injuries describe them
motor vehicle. Street reported unresponsive fe- Call PJ Today
specifically evaluated the risk of spi-
as being the result of being pro-
male. Transported to Jordan Hos- nal injury among mountain bikers. It
pelled over the handlebars or falling
10:47 a.m. Swan in road on pital. 781-534-5217 merits attention.
from great heights.
Congress Street. Officer assisted www.pjthedj.org
swan to side of the road. 10:07 p.m. Caller on Depot
Street reported fans left on at
12:17 p.m. Vehicle with keys Foodie’s. Noise complaint. Of-
locked inside on Duxbury Beach ficer confirmed.
Road. Handicapped child inside.
Entry gained.
Tuesday Sept. 21
3:13 p.m. Caller on Chestnut 7:22 a.m. Caller reported mo-
Street reports motor vehicle acci- tor vehicle sped past bus stop on
dent. Vehicle left the scene. Acorn Street.
3:48 p.m. Caller reports kids on 8:36 a.m. Caller on Arrowhead
skateboards in pool area on Keene Road reported paint company
Street. Spoken to. leaving business cards in mail-
7:58 p.m. Caller reports hear- boxes. Officer advised company
ing fireworks or gunshots in the not to solicit this way without a
area of Captain’s Hill Road. Area permit.
search negative. 2:08 p.m. Caller on Oak Street

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28 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Duxbury Duxbury Duxbury
Perched majestically above the bay in Duxbury, this international-style On almost eight acres with magnificent views of the marsh and Back Rare opportunity to own commercial property in prime Millbrook area
waterfront compound is situated on 13 acres of lush rolling lawns, River, this sprawling four bedroom home offers the ultimate in privacy of Duxbury! 3+/- acres offered, which includes an enormous steel frame
gardens and shade trees. Enjoy the privacy of the charming 5 room and convenience, just steps to the school campus. Hardwood floors building/warehouse formerly used as a lumber yard. Seller will subdivide
English cottage, as well as the 25-yard in ground pool bordered by throughout, three fireplaces, three car garage, and private inground pool. existing 6.25 acre parcel. MLS#71134259, Mark Wenham, $1,200,000
wisteria covered pergolas. MLS#70919448, Donna MacLeod, MLS#71114929, Ian Richardson, $1,250,000

Duxbury Duxbury 11 Carriage Lane, Duxbury
Walk to Shipyard Beach from this custom shingle style show stopper! It New price for this refurbished Colonial located in a sought after Beautiful 2,000 sf end unit. Last unit in the $400s! First floor living ideal
features an exceptional kitchen and butler’s pantry with a Sub-Zero, neighborhood. Beautiful details embellish the first floor, while glorious for anyone’s lifestyle! Stunning upgraded kitchen and gleaming
Wolfe, Miele, and more! Luxurious master suite, a first floor guest suite, plantings lead to the Nantucket Style outbuildings and so much more! hardwood floors. No condo fees for one full year for the next two buyers.
finished lower level with media room, play room and game room, plus a MLS#71117100, Renee Hogan, $965,000 8 SOLD! Visit www.DuxburyEstates.com MLS#71015926, Danielle
four car garage. MLS#71101008, MaryBeth Davidson, $1,995,000 Delagrange, $414,000


Kingston Kingston Kingston
Equestrian paradise at this 6,100 sf custom built estate with over 17 acres Period detail and vintage character! This magnificent Victorian, the Beautiful Townhome in a small six unit condo complex, in a great
on Indian Pond! You will feel relaxed in this serene and private setting Herbert Soule House c. 1875, on estate grounds with a 2,200 sf post and location. Gorgeous kitchen, hardwoods throughout, fireplace, large deck,
with lush landscaping and beautiful views and enjoy riding the trails of beam barn, inground gunite pool and adjacent approved 2.63 acre lots of storage. MLS#71024899, Patricia Ford, $467,000
the fenced-in grounds. Exceptional attention to detail shows throughout buildable lot with 258’ of Jones River frontage, offers a multitude of
the property. MLS#70935137, Lisa DeMeritt, $2,499,999 possibilities. MLS#71051990, Marcy & Ian Richardson, $775,000

Plymouth Plymouth 61 Hedge Road, Plymouth
Gorgeous custom McKenzie built home fronting the fifth hole of the Attached “Franklin” home at Great Island. One-floor living, finished Discover Lighthouse Point where every day has an ocean view! This
Pinehills Nicklaus Course with a top-notch kitchen, first floor master basement, sun porch, in mint condition. MLS#71115720, Sharon one-of-a-kind resort inspired community offers the perfect balance of
and guest suites, sunroom, stunning living room and more. MacAllister, $395,000 sophistication and serenity. Perched on over 11 ocean side acres, Light
MLS#71066734, MaryBeth Davidson, $1,299,900 House Point combines spectacular natural beauty with first-class
amenities, including a fabulous clubhouse with inground heated pool.
Patricia Ford, Starting at $599,000
40 Depot Street * Next to Foodie’s

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Field hockey looks like a powerhouse



• Lunch
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor have all those ingredients on • Dinner
[email protected] our bench too. We suffered a • Bar & Lounge
Maybe field hockey Coach couple of season-ending inju- Open 7 Days
Pam Manley should have more ries in our opener that effected Gift Certificates
babies. our depth, so it might have
133 Ocean Street • Brant Rock 781-834-9144
taken away the comfort level
field hockey of our starters because they go
Duxbury 5 out there now and feel like ev-
Bishop Fenwick 1
ery game is a fight. ”
Junior Grace Nissi has
field hockey been unstoppable of late, scor- Free Pickup & Delivery
Duxbury 6 ing a pair of goals against
Scituate 0
Hingham, followed by three Mon/Thurs
against Scituate and two more or
field hockey in Saturday’s 5-1 win over Tues/Fri
Duxbury 7
Hingham 0 Bishop Fenwick on the road in 16 Chestnut St. Duxbury
Peabody. www.thecleanist.com
The win over Fenwick was
Ever since the birth of her one of the tougher games of
son in early September, Man- the young season, as Duxbury
ley’s field hockey team has managed to barely outshoot
been the scourge of the South their opponent, 24-20.
Shore, scoring goals at an in- “It was the toughest de- Native Grown Turkeys & Turkey Products
credible rate and playing de- fense we faced this year,” said
fense in a way that makes op- Manley. “They were all over TAKE-OUT
ponents wonder what will it us every time we touched the AN OFFENSIVE DYNAMIC: Junior Grace Nissi gets control of the
take to score on the Duxbury ball and it forced us to be more ball during last week’s 7-0 win over Hingham.
the sport is played. Hanover.
Photos by Jim Tarbox
In a sport known for its low
Being creative seems to “The kids pretty much “I would have to say the
scoring, Manley and co-coach have been working for Dux- played at the recreation level effectiveness of our offense is www.bongis.com Rt. 53, Duxbury, MA 02332
Teri Vandewater have created a bury with a 7-0 rout of un- until about two years ago when the primary reason for our suc-
monster, outscoring opponents defeated Hingham and a 6-0 my assistant Jen Hammel start- cess right now,” said Manley.
33-2 while going 6-0-0.
“I think I said before the
season started we had depth,
pummeling of Scituate.
While the numbers com-
ing out for the sport haven’t
ed youth clinics and our varsi- “Their effectiveness in shot se-
ty girls helped her out at camps lection and percentage is really
and summer leagues where good and our bench depth has
skills, and team speed in our grown substantially, girls are they played other towns,” said given us a solid second line of
starting lineup,” said Manley. now coming into the program Manley. Emmy Horton, Emily Mun- t$JWJM
“I think now we are seeing we with some semblance of how Having younger kids son, Sarah Varano and Kylie t%PDLT
come into the program with White.” t&OWJSPONFOUBM
knowledge of stick skills and Sophomores Hannah Mur- 5JUMF7%FTJHOt1FSNJUT
A STEP AHEAD: the rules has certainly helped phy and Molly Zaverucha have
Briana Connolly Manley and her staff build a also contributed to Duxbury’s 1BVM#SPHOB 1&
wins this 50/50 winning program. offensive onslaught, while vet-
ball and heads “Our kids play with con- erans Siobhan McCarthy, Bri- 
upfield. fidence and they’ll need to in ana Connolly, Keri Gould, and
the second half of the season,” newcomer sophomore defender Duxbury Now Has FiOS
said the Duxbury coach. “I’m Kathryn Nutter have been sol-
sure when we play some of id and reliable on both ends of Do You?
these teams again we’ll have a the field, allowing sophomore TV • Internet • Phone
bull’s-eye on our backs.” goalkeeper Sophie Fitzpatrick
By the end of the week to register four shutouts.
half of Duxbury’s season will The girls will be in action
be completed with a big test on Wednesday afternoon at 4
coming up on Friday when it p.m. when they travel to Mid-
entertains perennial nemesis dleboro.
KINGSTON • 781-585-0003
Kingsbury Plaza

Against all odds infield hits, and bloops, taking the place

By Bruce Barrett, Clipper Columnist
[email protected] of soaring home runs when times are
ed Sox fans know the agony tough and the wind knocks everything
of almost beating the odds. out of the sky. Blown saves are those
Too many of our guys are heartbreaking moments when the closer ALAN HURLEY
battered beyond all reason, but the JV
lads from Pawtucket have kept us in the
– Rivera, or Boston’s Jonathan Papel-
bon – loses the lead in the final inning. ROOFING
hunt right down to the end. By the time Argh! Papelbon blew his save too! FALL SPECIAL
blown save rings out across the miles. Strikes, man! Throw strikes! The Yanks,
you read this, the Sox may be out of it, UP TO $500 OFF ON
The Sox could sweep the three-game like vampires that just won’t die, have
but as I write on Sunday night, small COMPLETE NEW ROOF
series in the Bronx. scraped out a tying run, and it’s into ex-
ball, grit, and weather conspire to give
Small ball is that grinding style of tra innings, tied 3-3. As WEEI radio’s We Accept Credit Cards
Boston the lead against the Yankees 3-2
baseball that claws through stolen bases, 781-826-1601
in the top of the ninth. Mariano Rivera’s continued on page 4 [email protected]

Find help fast in the Service Directory … page 17

2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Religious Send church listings to

[email protected]
Tuesday Oct. 5
Alzheimer’s support group.

or fax to 781-934-5917. Duxbury House Alzheimer’s Care
Center will be hosting a monthly
the Deadline Alzheimer’s support group in the
is Friday at noon. tavern at Bay Path Rehabilitation
and Nursing Center, 308 Kingstown

C l i pp e r
A cal Way held on the first Tuesday of
Du x b u n d a r f o r each month, from 7-8:30 p.m. and
First Baptist
m u n i ty ry e
me e t ve n t s,
is open to all families, friends, and
caregivers who have a loved one
C om
781-934-6095 c l a s s i ng s, affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
e s, c o
Dr. Kevin Cassidy

a l e n d ar wo r k u rs e s,
For more information, contact Sandi
Wright or Eilish Broderick-Murphy,
Pastor Jamie Cotelleso, Worship Leader
Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.; p l ays h o p s, at 781-585-2397 or call Bay Path at
nursery and children’s programs , 781-585-5561.
during worship time. Sunday
and v dance s
school classes, children through o pp o r o l u n te e r Photoshop for Total Beginners.
t uni t With Jess Horton, starting Tuesday
adult, immediately following ie s ! Oct. 5 and Thursday Oct. 7. Limited
morning worship; 5:30 p.m. to six students, 10 – 11:30 a.m. or
junior and senior high youth 7 – 8:30 p.m., four weeks, at the
groups with Youth Pastor Brent Duxbury Art Association. For more
Van Wyk; 6 p.m. devotion and
prayer time. Awana Clubs for c a le n d a r i te ms by information, call 781-934-2731, x12
or visit duxburyart.org.
kids every Wednesday night Se nd o e ve n t s@
from 6:30 - 8 p.m. for preschool F r id a y t
through the sixth grade.
no on s s .c om . Wednesday Oct. 6
c l i pp e r p re ce available basis. a
St. John the C a le n da r it
ish ed on a sp
ems a re publ erci a l Dux bu ry-b ase d
even ts . Holy Family Speakers Series.
Reverend James Keenan S.J. will be
is fo r n on-c
Holy Family Church Evangelist Episcopal Preference the first speaker at 7 p.m. at the Parish
Center of Holy Family Church. All
Rev. Robert J. Deehan
Church are invited to attend .
Rev. Seán Maher www.stjohnsduxbury.org Duxbury Camera Club. Meets
781-934-5055 781-934-6523 the first Wednesday of each month,
Weekend Mass: Saturday, Sunday services 8 a.m. and other social events for young adults from 7-9:30 p.m. in the Merry Room
10 a.m. Sunday school at 10 with special needs. Shotgun start at of the Duxbury Free Library. This
5 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m., 8:30
a.m. (family Mass), 10 a.m. and a.m. Wednesday: Men’s Bible Thursday Sept. 30 12:30 p.m.; followed by dinner and week will feature Lynne Shackleton
study 6:30 a.m., Coffee and con- raffles. $125 per golfer. Sponsorships Ford of Marshfield who will present
11:30 a.m. Babysitting avail- Poet Eileen Malone at the Library. available. Sign up by calling Kevin
able at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. versation 9 a.m., Holy Eucharist At 7 p.m. in the Duxbury Free Library, an overview of software options
with healing 10 a.m., Adult Ed McKenna at 617-529-9166 or available for photo editing. Guests
Masses. The rosary is prayed San Francisco poet Eileen Malone e-mailing Paul Nicol at majanicol@
after daily Mass. Adoration of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Children’s will read prize-winning poems from are always welcome at the regular
choir rehearsal 6 p.m., Youth comcast.net. For more information, meetings. For more information
the Blessed Sacrament, Fridays her new book of poetry “I Should visit promangelsfoundation.org.
choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Thurs- Have Given Them Water.” Free e-mail jcollins@joancollinscoach.
at 9 a.m. Daytime Bible study, com.
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Evening day: Adult choir rehearsal 7 tickets are available at the circulation
p.m. Friday: AA meeting at desk. For more information, call 781-
prayer group Wednesdays at
7:30 p.m. Men’s prayer group 7:30 p.m. 934-2721, x108. Sunday Oct. 3 Farmer’s Market. Duxbury¹s very
own Farmers and Artisans Regional
Fridays at 6:45 a.m. Holy Fam- American Sign Language Classes. Concert at the Art Complex Market (DUXFARM) is open every
ily Speaker Series, featuring A six-week ASL session will begin Museum. Sima Kustanovich, pianist Wednesday from 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. at
Reverend James Keenan S.J. on Thursday, Sept. 30 at the Cardinal and Julian Milkison, clarinetist, its Tarkiln Community Center site on
Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. First Parish Church Cushing School in Hanover. perform on Sunday, Oct. 3, at 4 Route 53 through Oct. 13.
duxburyuu.org Beginner ASL is from 5-6:30 p.m. p.m. The program is free. For more
information, visit artcomplex.org. Sustainable Duxbury. Meets at 7:30
Rev. Catherine Cullen and advanced voice off ASL will p.m. on the first Wednesday of each
781-934-6532 run from 6:30-8 p.m. The cost is $75 All you can eat breakfast. month at the Senior Center. For more
Pilgrim Church Sunday Worship and Church and includes all materials. Contact Come enjoy all you can eat at the information, call Judi Vose at 781-
[email protected]
School at 10:30 a.m. Office Marianne Molinari at 781-447-2470 Cornerstone Lodge, 585 Washington 934-3283 or Jim Savicki at 781-585-
Rev. Todd Vetter, Senior Pastor hours, Monday through Friday 8 or [email protected] to register. St.from 8-11:30 a.m. Full breakfast 8041.
Rev. Eloise Parks, Assoc. Pastor a.m. to 2 p.m. Buddhist medita- Attendees needing this instruction menu, juice, and coffee for only
781-934-6591 tion, Sundays at 7 p.m. for reasons pertaining to deaf, or $7 per adult, $6 for seniors, and $5
Sunday Worship Service at non-verbal family members will not
be put on a waiting list.
for children 12 and under. Please
bring in can tabs to benefit Shriner’s
Thursday Oct. 7
10 a.m. Church office hours,
Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tues- Hospitals. Monument Climb. From 2 to 6 p.m.,
day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m.
St. Paul’s Church of Myles Standish Monument, located
Pilgrim childcare and preschool, the Nazarene Friday Oct. 1 Mental Illness Awareness Week.
The Duxbury Free Library is
off of Crescent Street, will be open
for visitors to climb and explore.
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m-6 p.m. DAA watercolor class. Watercolor providing information and books
stpaulsnazarene.org Take the 125 step journey and enjoy
Ladies Bible study, Tuesday at Rev. David Troxler for the seasoned and advanced to support the National Alliance on a panoramic view of the Cape and
7 p.m. 781-585-3419 student with Katherine Smit still has Mental Illness Awareness Week, Oct. Southeastern Massachusetts. Rain or
Sunday worship, 11 a.m. space available. Fridays, 9 a.m to 3-9. Visit the Duxbury Free Library shine; thunderstorm or severe storm
Sunday school classes and Bible noon, for eight weeks. For more during Mental Illness Awareness will cancel. For more information,
study, 9:45 a.m. Nursery is pro- information on this class and others Week to pick up brochures supplied call 508-272-9376.
United Methodist vided for all services. Wednes-
offfered by the DAA, call 781-934- by NAMI, or to check out a book
2731, x12 or visit duxburyart.org. from the display. Storytimes for three-year-olds. A
Church days, Sacred Youth Ministry
at the teen center at 6:30 p.m.
session of special storytime programs
Duxbury Youth Soccer. Tryouts for King Caesar AutumnFest. Annual created for children who are three
highstreetumc.org and Men’s Bible study at 7 p.m. select Duxbury Youth Soccer spring event for families from 12-4 p.m. will be held at the Duxbury Free
Rev. Dr. Alex K. Musoke
Thursdays at 7 p.m., the Big D, a teams will be held in October for Music, demonstrations by Civil Library for seven weeks beginning
DivorceCare program for teens. U12 and U14 age groups. Spring War re-enactors, wagon rides, Thursday, Oct. 7 at 10:15 a.m. The
Office hours are Monday- registration will open October 1, and
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 games, crafts and more at the King 30 minute program will be a stay
players must be registered for the Caesar House, 120 King Caesar alone but adults must remain in the
p.m. Sunday worship service Spring to tryout for a select team. Rd. Cost is$5 adults, $3 children, children’s library during the event.
and Sunday school, 10 a.m., fol-
lowed by fellowship, adult choir
First Church of maximum $20 per family. For mor Registration can be done in person at
information, call 781-934-6106 or the children’s reference desk and is
rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. with coffee Christ, Scientist Saturday Oct. 2 visit duxburyhistory.org. for the entire session since these are
hour following. Third Friday of 781-934-6434
Batty Book Event. Children who not standalone storytimes. For more
each month we serve dinner at Sunday worship service and information, please call 781-934-
Mainspring Shelter, Brockton.
Last Wednesday of the month is
Sunday School for Ages 3-20,
are batty about baseball won’t want
to miss Brian Lies reading “Bats at
Monday Oct. 4 2721 x115.
10:30 a.m. Mid-week testimony the Ballgame” at the Duxbury Free
ladies’ luncheon at 12 p.m. meeting on Wednesday, 7:30
Sarro Family Fund Golf Stories and Art for Preschoolers
Library Merry Room from 1 – 3 p.m. Tournament. Register now to play and Toddlers. On first Thursdays
p.m. Christian Science Reading Lies will also show some original on Monday Oct. 4, 12 p.m. at the
Room open to all, 15 Standish St. from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Art
artwork during this drop-in event. No Halifax Country Club. Proceeds Complex Museum. The program
Halls Corner, Tuesday through
Journey Saturday 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
advance registration is needed, but
all children must be accompanied by
go to a scholarship to Massasoit
Community College. $125 per
begins with a story, followed by a
snack and art project. The cost is $5
Community of Faith Christian Science Sentinel an adult. For more information visit person, 18 hole shotgun event with per session.
Radio on WATD 95.9 FM Sun- duxburyfreelibrary.org or call the raffles, food and fun. Contact Scott
Rev. David Woods day mornings at 9 a.m. children’s department at 781-934- Sarro, 617-901-3794 or sesarro81@
781-585-8295 2721 x115. aol.com, Debra Keaney, 781-975-
9417 or [email protected]
Friday Oct. 8
Sunday, 10 a.m., Ford Cen- Prom Angels Inaugural Golf
ter at Miramar. or Sheryl Savage at 508-588-9100 to Friday Night Entertainment. From 9
Tournament. Starting at 12:30 p.m., register. p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Winsor House
at Pembroke Country Club, 94 West on Washington Street, featuring Sean
Elm St., Pembroke. Prom Angels
Foundation Inc. organizes proms and
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

Question of the Week by Mary Beth Goldman

What do you think of Tom Brady’s hair?

“I don’t like it, he looks like a girl “I like the flow, but he can’t “I don’t like it. Football players “It makes him look like a little “I don’t have a strong prefer-
and it’s got too much flow!” pull it off. He plays football, not shouldn’t have flow. It doesn’t kid. I don’t like it!” ence. I guess it’s OK, but it
Catherine Harrison lacrosse!” work.” Hannah Riddle looks very 70s.”
13 years old Nikki Vetsch Kelly Dane 14 years old Fred Bright
Village Way 14 years old 14 years old Hounds Ditch Lane Lake Shore Drive
Saltmeadow Lane Parkers Grove Lane

McLaughlin, Irish folk guitarist and Route 3A. Other fall items will also is Exit 7 off of Route 3 onto Route 44 –27 at the Art Complex Museum. The group will meet on the first Tuesday
vocalist. be available. Seasonal refreshments west heading toward Route 80. Turn cost for the four week session is $36. of each month, from 7-8:30 p.m.
will be offered. right onto Commerce Way. For more and is open to all families, friends,
information, e-mail noplaceforhate. Social Day Program for persons and caregivers who have a loved
Saturday Oct. 9 Living Through Loss. Support group
open to anyone in the Duxbury area
[email protected]. with memory loss. The Duxbury
Senior Center offers a program for
one affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
For more information, contact Sandi
Author lecture. William Martin, who has lost a loved one. Will meet Annual Harvest Auction. Free persons with Early Stage Alzheimer’s Wright or Eilish Broderick-Murphy,
author of “City of Dreams” and The for eight Wednesday nights, Oct. 13 event, live and silent auction at the Disease or related Dementia on at 781-585-2397 or call Bay Path at
New York Times best-selling author through Dec. 1, from 7:30-9 p.m. in Good Shepherd Christian Academy, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. – 3 781-585-5561.
of nine novels will speak at 7 p.m. at the Herrick Room in the lower level of 2 Tremont St. Duxbury, on Oct. 23 p.m. For more information about the
the Historic 1699 Winslow House, Holy Family church. Any questions, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Children are also program or admission requirements Friday Night Entertainment. From 9
634 Careswell St., Marshfield. Cost call Art Keefe at 781-585-4444. invited to the free, adult-supervised contact Lucille Brogna, Intermissions p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Winsor House
is $7 members & $10 non-members. movie night that will take place during Program Coordinator at 781-934-5774 on Washington Street, featuring Sean
For more information, call 781-837- Kitchen Tour. Celebrating the 30th the event. For more information, call x107 or Donna Ciappina, Outreach McLaughlin, Irish folk guitarist and
5753 or visit winslowhouse.org. anniversary of Cranberry Hospice 781-934-6007. Coordinator at x105. vocalist.
on Sunday, Oct. 17 from 1-5 p.m.
The tour features the kitchens of six Rosanne Cash Concert. The Dianne Farmer’s Market. Duxbury¹s very Duxbury Camera Club. Meets the
Sunday Oct. 10 Duxbury homes. Tickets are $25 and
available at Westwinds Bookshop,
DeVanna Center for Building Stronger
Families is bringing Rosanne Cash
own Farmers and Artisans Regional
Market (DUXFARM) is open every
first Wednesday of each month, from
7-9:30 p.m. in the Merry Room of
Plimoth Plantation’s Harvest The Studio of Duxbury, Casey’s Fine to the Duxbury Performing Arts Wednesday from 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Free Library. Guests
Festival Weekend. Saturday, Sunday Wine & Spirits, and Daisy Riley’s at Center on Saturday, Oct. 30 at 7 p.m. its Tarkiln Community Center site on are always welcome at the regular
and Monday, Oct. 9-11 from 9 a.m.-5 the Village Landing in Plymouth, or Rosanne is the daughter of Johnny Route 53 through Oct. 13. meetings.
p.m. Enjoy hands on activities, by contacting Bonnie Casey at 781- Cash, and has made her own mark
934-4617. Tickets are limited to 200 as a songwriter, musician and author. Artist exhibit. The Helen Bumpus Book a Librarian. The Duxbury
family-fun crafts across each of the
guests. Wine tasting also offered at Ticket prices are $55, $45 and $35, Gallery will be presenting an exhibit Free Library reference department
museum sites, themed dining events
Casey’s Fine Wine and Spirits from with special “Meet and Greet” tickets titled “Into the Garden” by Duxbury is offering 30 minute one-on-one
and more at Plimoth Plantation
3-5 p.m. For more information call available for $85 and can be purchased artist Alison Davidson during the sessions to assist patrons in using
located at 37 Warren Ave., Plymouth.
508-746-0215. through the Dianne DeVanna Center months of September and October. computers. Sessions will be tailor
For more information, call 508-746-
website at devannacenter.org/events. The Helen Bumpus Gallery is located made to address individual needs.
1622 or visit plimoth.org.
Shaker Spirit drawing class. On For more information call 781-843- on the main level of the Duxbury Free Please call 781-934-2721 x100 to
Sunday, Oct. 17, from 1:30-3:30 7010. Library. book a Librarian.
pm, the Art Complex Museum is
Upcoming offering a free workshop on Shaker Home Grown art exhibit. An Library Netbook Program. For
exhibition of work by three artists users without laptops, the Duxbury
Evening for married couples. On Spirit Drawings. Quill pen and ink
will be supplied and the program is
Ongoing with Duxbury roots, Abner Harris, Free Library reference department
Oct. 12 from 7-9 p.m., Miramar Andy Mowbray and Ned Vena, is will loan an Acer Netbook for in-
Retreat Center will present an evening open to children and adults. Children Art workshops. On Wednesdays
under10 must be accompanied by an from 1-3:30 p.m., Oct. 6 through planned at The Art Complex Museum library use. Patrons must be 16 years
for married couples entitled “The Gift through Nov. 7. of age or older. Come to the Reference
of Marriage: What We are Grateful adult. Pre-registration is required at Nov. 10, Artist Open Studio for
781-934-6634, x10. painting in all mediums in the Art Desk on the upper level to check out
For.” The cost for the evening is $25 Alzheimer’s support group. Duxbury the Netbook. A valid OCLN library
per couple. For reservations call Ann Complex Museum’s Alden studio. House Alzheimer’s Care Center will
No Place for Hate sidewalk art. No instruction. Easels and a small card is required. A two hour per
at 781-585-2460. The South Shore No Place for Hate be hosting a monthly Alzheimer’s day maximum time limit will be
printing press will be available. support group in the tavern at Bay
Pumpkin Sale. Friends of the Tarkiln Coalition, will celebrate with “Chalk Coffee and tea provided. The fee for enforced.
One Up for Diversity,” an outdoor Path Rehabilitation and Nursing
has scheduled a pumpkin sale for the six week program is $25. Center, 308 Kingstown Way. The
Saturday, Oct. 16, from 9 a.m. to 2 drawing event for all ages, at Colony
p.m., rain or shine, on the grounds Place in Plymouth, on Sunday, Oct. 17 Yoga. From 8-9 a.m. or 11:30 a.m.
of the Tarkiln community Center on from 2-4 p.m. Entertainment and fun - 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, Oct. 6
for all. Colony Place Shopping Center

Blessing of the animals

t. John The Evan-
gelist Episcopal
Church will hold a
blessing of the animals on Sat-
urday, Oct. 2 at 5 p.m. Each
animal will receive a blessing
and a treat (with their owner’s
okay). The blessing of the ani-
mals will be part of the par-
ish’s popular First Saturday
Service, which takes place in
the parish hall. This casual, Family portraits make great holiday cards and gifts
come-as-you-are service in-
cludes Holy Eucharist.
All animals are welcome,
including stuffed, as well as
pictures of your favorite pet. During last years ceremony Tripp bends down to bestow a
For more information visit the blessing on “Rosie” as the Pittenger family, Julie, David, Ellie #OMMERCIALs0ORTRAITSs3PORTSs%VENTSs4HEATRE
Web site: stjohnsduxbury.org. and Mae look on. 781.934.6682 sWWWKARENWONG PHOTOCOM
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Against all odds Dragons Fall Sports Schedule

continued from page one
Revised schedule as of September 27
Dave O’Brien puts it, the Sox beautiful ninth inning comeback
is “washed away in Papelbon’s meltdown.” FOOTBALL Sept. 29 Pembroke Away 3:30
Baseball stands alone among sports for patient drama. The Sept. 10 Dux over B-R 42-22 1-0 Oct. 2 Concord-C. & Barnstable Home 1:00
only major team sport with no clock, baseball offers fans and Sept. 17 Dux over Plymouth N. 16-12 2-0 Oct. 5 Silver Lake Away 3:30
players a perfect way to while away uncertain hours until the Sept. 25 Dux over New Bedford 14-0 3-0 Oct. 5 Hanover Away 3:30
Oct. 2 Taunton Home 1:00 Oct. 6 North Quincy Away 3:30
final out. Of course, it helps if your guys are ahead. Oct. 8 Quincy Away 7:00 Oct. 7 Hingham Home 3:30
Jeter is up, with two men on and nobody out. They walk Oct. 15 Whitman-Hanson Away 7:00 Oct. 12 B.C. High Granite Links 3:30
him intentionally to get at the next batter, a guy named Marcus Oct. 22 North Quincy Away 7:00
Thames. The bases are loaded with nobody out. I start thinking Oct. 29 Silver Lake Home 7:00 Field Hockey
Nov. 5 Middleboro Home 7:00 Sept. 8 Dux over Marshfield 4-1 1-0
about rivers in England for good luck. Bang! Thames hits it to Sept. 14 Dux over Pembroke 4-0 2-0
Nov. 12 Hingham Home 7:00
Scutaro, who throws out the runner at home! In Oxford, they Nov. 25 Marshfield Away 10:00 Sept. 16 Dux over Silver Lake 7-0 3-0
call the Thames the River Isis – my plan worked, but the bases Sept. 21 Dux over Hingham 7-0 4-0
are still loaded with only one out. Sept 23 Dux over Scituate 6-0 5-0
Boys Soccer Sept. 25 Dux over B. Fenwick 5-1 6-0
Argh! Okajima walks home the winning Yankees run. Who Sept. 11 Canton over Dux 3-1 0-1 Sept. 27 Notre Dame (H) Away 4:00
the heck is Miranda, the batter Okie walked? Okajima gets the Sept. 13 Dux ties Silver Lake 1-1 0-1-1 Sept. 29 Middleboro Away 4:00
loss, and Yankee pitcher Boone Logan the win. Who the heck is Sept. 20 Dux over N. Quincy 2-0 1-1-1 Oct. 1 Hanover Home 4:00
Boone Logan? The Yankees magic number to clinch a spot in Sept. 22 Dux ties Hingham 1-1 1-1-2 Oct. 4 Pembroke Home 4:00
Sept. 25 Marshfield over Dux 2-0 1-2-2 Oct. 6 Silver Lake Away 4:00
the playoffs drops to 1, and the Sox drop to 6 ½ games behind Sept. 28 Scituate Away 6:30 Oct. 8 Hingham Away 4:00
the Yanks, with only 7 games left in the season. The Yankees, as Sept. 30 Hanover Away 4:00 Oct. 13 Scituate Home 4:00
Monday arrives, will need to lose every remaining game (6), the Oct. 4 Whitman-Hanson Home 4:00 Oct. 15 Notre Dame (H) Home 4:00
Sox win every remaining game (7) for us to beat them. Hope is Oct. 5 Middleboro Home 4:00 Oct. 18 Hopkinton Home 4:00
Oct. 7 Quincy Home 4:00 Oct. 19 Middleboro Home 4:00
not dead, but I feel my stove heating up. Oct. 11 Franklin Away 11:00 Oct. 21 Hanover Away 4:00
Hot stove baseball is that churning, blustering time when the Oct. 12 Pembroke Away 7:00 Oct. 29 Marshfield Away 4:00
bats are put away, the gloves get their final strokes of neatsfoot Oct. 14 Silver Lake Away 4:00
oil, and dreams of spring training start the cycle over. Stoves are Oct. 20 Whitman-Hanson Away 6:00 Girls Cross Country
Oct. 22 N. Quincy Home 4:00 Sept. 14 Hingham over Dux 20-41 0-1
hot, and the wounds and wonders of the recent season take their Oct. 25 Hingham Home 4:00 Sept. 21 Pembroke over Dux 21-37 0-2
places in the lives of loyal fans. Who do we keep on the team? Oct. 28 Marshfield Home 4:00 Sept. 21 Middleboro Pembroke 3:30
Who do we need? Who can we get? How will our wounded war- Nov. 3 Plymouth North Away 4:00 Sept. 21 Silver Lake Pembroke 3:30
riors come back next year? Fanatics can parse the season for all Sept. 28 N. Quincy Quincy HS 3:30
Girls’ Soccer
the bad calls, idiot errors, and bad hops that would have made Sept. 28 Quincy Quincy HS 3:30
Sept. 11 Dux over Canton 4-1 1-0 Sept. 28 Hanover Quincy HS 3:30
the difference. Sept. 13 Dux over Silver Lake 2-0 2-0 Oct. 2 Bay State Invite Wrentham TBA
It helps to share hot stove time with like-minded souls. The Sept. 17 W-H over Dux 1-0 2-1 Oct. 5 Scituate Home 3:30
Boston Globe’s Dan Shaughnessy has taken a decidedly nega- Sept. 20 Dux over N. Quincy 3-0 3-1 Oct. 5 Whitman-Hanson Home 3:30
tive turn, but my friend Bill the Bagger, who maintains that the Sept. 22 Hingham over Dux 1-0 3-2 Oct. 16 Frosh/Soph Meet Falmouth TBA
Sept. 28 Scituate Home 4:00 Oct. 19 Randolph Away 3:30
Patriots actually won their Perfect Season Super Bowl, might Sept. 30 Hanover Away 4:00 Oct. 26 All-League Meet Silver Lake 3:30
have a bit more optimism. Within a few weeks, he’ll be thinking Oct. 5 Middleboro Away 4:00 Nov. 6 Coaches Invite Wrentham TBA
of the day when they “send down the trunk” for spring training. Oct. 7 Quincy Away 4:00 Nov. 13 MIAA Div. Meet TBA TBA
He claims that there is still a real trunk that once held the team’s Oct. 9 Duxbury Tournament Home TBA Nov. 20 MIAA State Open Gardner TBA
Oct. 10 Duxbury Tournament Home TBA
whole collection of bats and catchers’ gear somewhere in the Oct. 12 Pembroke Home 4:00 Boys Cross Country
fleet of tractor trailers that heads out from Fenway for Florida at Oct. 14 Silver Lake Home 4:00 Sept. 11 Martha’s Vineyard 2nd -
winter’s end. Oct. 18 New Bedford Away 4:30 Sept. 14 Dux over Hingham 24-31 1-0
Meanwhile, it’s calming to follow baseball games that don’t Oct. 20 Whitman-Hanson Home 6:00 Sept. 21 Pembroke over Dux 21-38 1-1
Oct. 22 N. Quincy Away 4:00 Sept. 21 Dux over Middleboro 18-38 2-1
have the whole world riding on them. Besides, there are still Oct. 25 Hingham Away 4:00 Sept. 21 Dux over Silver Lake 22-33 3-1
contenders who can do the second most important thing in base- Oct. 29 Bishop Fenwick Home 4:00 Sept. 28 N. Quincy Quincy HS 3:30
ball: beat the Yankees. The World Series is always the World Se- Sept. 28 Quincy Quincy HS 3:30
ries. Wouldn’t it be fun to see a National League World Cham- Boys’ Golf Sept. 28 Hanover Quincy HS 3:30
pionship? Sept. 7 Dux over W-H 219-244 1-0 Oct. 2 Bay State Invite Wrentham TBA
Sept. 8 Dux over Xaverian 235-245 2-0 Oct. 5 Scituate Home 3:30
Sept. 13 Dux over Sandwich 240-263 3-0 Oct. 5 Whitman-Hanson Home 3:30

Sept. 14 Dux over Middleboro 50.5-21.5 4-0 Oct. 16 Frosh/Soph Meet Falmouth TBA
Sept. 14 Dux over Scituate 49.5-22.5 5-0 Oct. 19 Randolph Away 3:30
Sept. 16 Dux over N. Quincy 235-272 6-0 Oct. 26 All-League Meet Silver Lake 3:30
Sept. 16 Dux over W-H 235-272 7-0 Nov. 6 Coaches Invite Wrentham TBA
Karen Noyes was inadvertently left off last week’s list of Sept. 21 Dux over Hingham 240-250 3:30 Nov. 13 MIAA Div. Meet TBA TBA
top 50 Duxbury participants in the Duxbury Beach Triathlon. Sept. 28 Quincy & Silver Lake Home 3:30 Nov. 20 MIAA State Open Gardner TBA
Ms. Noyes came in 38th overall with a time of 1:11:39.
DHS Athletic Dept. 781-934-7668


Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Dragons’ Den Sports Editor Mike Halloran • [email protected]

Dragons grind out a win over New Bedford

Maguire shines again with key defensive plays; Taunton challenge looms
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor 25-yard line.
[email protected]
The New Bedford defense
They weren’t nearly as was proving to be quite for-
impressive as they were in midable early on with Lance
their season opening win Burlingame (6’4”/255) and
versus Bridgewater-Rayn- Janny Dosreis (6’3”/260)
ham. But a tough Duxbury clogging up the middle of the
defense did manage to shut- field and leaving Duxbury’s
out Big 3 Conference entry running game stagnant.
New Bedford High School, After an exchange of pos-
14-0, on Saturday afternoon sessions and a poor NB punt
in New Bedford, bringing its gave Duxbury the ball at the
record to 3-0 with a danger- Whaler 36, it looked like
ous Taunton High School the Dragons were on their
squad on the horizon. way to break the deadlock.
A first-down pass to Matt
Football Hallisey to the 22-yard line
Duxbury 14 got QB Kane Haffey rolling,
New Bedford 0
only to see the drive set back
two yards by the Whalers’
Despite winning the coin run-stuffing defense.
toss, Coach Dave Maimaron On second down Haffey
decided to defer to the Whal- looked down the left sideline TAP DANCE: Senior Christian Spoor keeps his feet in bounds while catching a touchdown pass from
ers. It looked like the right and found Don Webber for Kane Haffey in the 14-0 win over New Bedford. Photos by Jim Tarbox
decision when last week’s a 22-yard gain down to thea three-yard loss back to the Maguire, allowing junior yard completion to Webber
hero, Denis Maguire, blew in two-yard line. It appearedfive. Two plays later sopho- Henry Buonagurio to pick made it fourth down from
and blocked the punt on the more Tucker Hannon came
Duxbury would go in for the it off and return it out to the the six-yard line.
Whalers’ first series, giving on for a 21-yard field goal
score, but Haffey elected to NB 15-yard line. With 5:16 to play in the
Duxbury the ball at the home attempt that was blocked to
run wide and was dropped for “Denis is what I call a third quarter, Haffey dropped
keep the game scoreless. program kid,” said Maima- back and found senior re-
Neither team was hav- ron. “He’s worked his butt ceiver Christian Spoor on
ing any success moving the off ever since [four years] he the backline of the end zone
ball until Duxbury took pos- has been with us. He wasn’t where he battled his defend-
session in the second quarter ready last year, but he’s get- er and kept his feet in bounds
after a fumble recovery by ting his shot this year and he while catching his first TD
sophomore Marshall McCa- is making the most of those pass to give the Dragons a
rthy at the Duxbury 42 with opportunities.” 13-0 lead. Hannon’s pass
9:59 remaining in the half. The turnover produced made it 14-0.
After a huge gain by little, forcing Duxbury to Despite good field posi-
sophomore Jon Hurvitz was punt. tion on its next drive, Lewis
negated for a block in the New Bedford took over could not move the Whal-
back, Haffey took off on a with 2:35 left in the half ers, thanks to a Max Randall
QB keeper and gained 14 and started to make some sack.
yards and a first down to the progress down the field. O’Keefe was just as in-
28. Two plays later, Haffey But Maguire came up big effective as Lewis on his
tried to hit Adam Martin again with a huge sack for next series, as both teams
down the middle and drew 15 yards. He combined with played out the remainder of
an interference penalty that McCarthy two plays later for the game exchanging pos-
moved the ball down to the another drive-killing sack to sessions and trying to direct
12. end the half. offenses that had little left in
After three incomplete The Dragons got posses- their tanks.
passes, junior QB Matt sion to start the second half “We need to run the ball
SACK ATTACK: Duxbury’s Denis Maguire levels Whaler QB Nathan O’Keefe came off the bench and moved the ball all the better and our offensive line
Lewis. and connected on a slant to way down to the Whaler 38, needs to play better,” said
Hallisey from 12 yards out thanks to a key third down Maimaron. “When we are
for what proved to be the run by Buonagurio for nine trying to run out the clock
winning score. Hannon’s yards and a first down. Di- with a lead, you can’t do it
PAT put the Dragons ahead saster struck two plays later, by throwing.”
7-0. as Haffey connected with Next week the Drag-
Being scored on seemed Hallisey, who was drilled ons will host Taunton High
to incite the Whalers, who and fumbled out to the 42. School, who features one of
advanced the ball all the way New Bedford could do the top backs in the state in
down to the Duxbury 28 on little with the turnover and Cabrinni Goncalves.
a 32-yard completion from punted the ball back to the “He has the ability to
QB Nathan Lewis to TE Ja- Dragons. Hallisey took it take it all the way every time
son Brierley. Keepers of 15 back to the Duxbury 35-yard he touches it,” said Maima-
and 5 yards by Lewis had line. ron. “He has to be one of the
the ball in scoring position Consecutive completions fastest kids I have seen this
at the nine. After a two-yard of 26 yards to Webber and 23 year.”
loss on a pass to Phito Gon- yards to Hallisey had the ball The game will be played
dre, Lewis dropped back on on the Whaler 13-yard line. at Chandler Field at 1 p.m.
third down and had his pass Two incomplete passes on Saturday afternoon.
BEARING IN: New Bedford’s Lance Buringame (6’4” 255 lbs.) has deflected by the onrushing sandwiched around a six-
QB Kane Haffey in his sights.
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

COLLEGE CORNER Golfers continue to dominate

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor shot a low score of 37 on the In the win over Hingham,
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
[email protected]
[email protected] DYC course that included a Drago took top honors with
The boys’ golf team con- pair of birdies and four pars. a superb round of 37 (bird/6
MA Maritime senior Meredith Hall tinued to roll through its sched- Curtis Owen was a stroke pars) on the South Shore
(DHS ’07) placed 153rd individually ule with wins over N. Quincy behind at 38 with a birdie and Country Club course, while
with a time of 24:16 in Saturday’s Cod- (235-272), Whitman-Hanson five pars, while captain Jona- Owen continued to be hot with
fish Bowl Invitational at Franklin Park in (235-272), and Hingham (240- than Stoddard also broke 40 a round of 38 (7 pars).
Boston. Hall gave up her time and place 250), bringing its record to 8-0 with a round of 39 that includ- Daley (41/6 pars), Kevin
mid-race to tend to a competitor who was midway through the season ed two birdies and five pars. Kuckuk (41/6 pars), Bobby
experiencing breathing difficulties and with visions of a major battle Stephan Krall (40/a bird/4 O’Brien (41/4 pars), and Stod-
displayed the signs of an allergic reac- with BC High to end the sea- pars), James Magner (40/6 dard (42/1 bird/4 pars) round-
tion. Hall stayed with the competitor un- son. pars), and Nick Drago (41/a ed out the Dragon scoring.
til she knew that help was on the way… Every match seems to have bird/4 pars) rounded out the The Dragons will travel to
Meredith Poore (DHS ’07) and her Bates a new star responsible for the Duxbury scoring with all six Pembroke on Wednesday af-
College soccer team win and in the W-H/NQ tri- beating the lowest W-H score ternoon to take on the Titans at
ended Amherst’s Hall
match it was Cam Daley who of 43 by Eli Norris. 3:30 p.m.
six-game winning streak over the Bobcats
when their game ended in a 0-0 tie after
20 minutes of OT play… U. of Maryland
senior Keri Connolly (DHS ’07) finished
Kingfish swimming clinics start Sunday
a team-best 37th at the Cougar Classic in Kingfish Swimming an- Swimming Developmental fall; Oct. 3, Oct. 17 and Nov.
SC last week. This week she will lead the nounces it will be conducting Coach and Clinic dDirector 14.  Cost for all three clinics
Terapins at the UNCG Starmount Forest a series of Stroke and Turn Cassie Littlefield. “Kingfish is $45.  Swimmers aged 10
Fall Classic at Bryan Park in Browns Sum- clinics at the newly renovated Swimming has established it- and under are invited from 6-7
mit, NC… Senior tackle Kyle Harasimo- Percy Walker Pool in Dux- self as the premier swimming pm, while swimmers 11 and
wicz (DHS ’07) and bury.  Children of all ages are program of the South Shore.  older should attend from 7-8
Connolly his Harvard Crimson welcome to join the clinics, In addition to our year-round pm.  Participants must be able
football team lost to Brown, 29-14, on Sat- which will focus on stroke program, these new clinics to complete one length of the
urday night in Providence… Senior cap- technique in all four competi- allow us to reach swimmers pool unassisted.  To register or
tain Brian Reske (Sacred Heart ’07) and tive strokes.   who are new to the sport and with questions, please email
his MA Maritime soccer team knocked off “We are excited to expose interested in improving their Lauren Brown, Kingfish Ju-
Tufts and captain Chris Flaherty (DHS more children on the South skills.” nior Coach at laurenlizzie@
’97), 2-0, last Tuesday in Medford… Se- Shore to the great sport of The clinics will be held yahoo.com.  
nior defenseman Dan Loreaux (DHS ’07) swimming,” said Kingfish on three Sunday evenings this
and his Bryant U soccer team lost to UNH,
2-1, last Tuesday in Durham, NH… Junior
Danielle Antonellis (DHS ’08) registered Duxbury youth basketball open gym and tryouts
an assist in WPI’s Antonellis
Boys open gym will be Important Note:  All play- Girls tryout dates: 
4-2 loss to Worcester State on Saturday…
held on Monday nights begin- ers must be present at tryouts
Junior Jordyn Krall (DHS ’08) logged 72 Tuesday, Oct. 12
ning Sept. 20 - Oct. 4. to be considered. In the event 5th grade 6-8 p.m.
minutes of action at forward, as her UNH
Grades 4, 5 and 6 will be of illness or family emergency Wednesday, Oct.13
women’s soccer team won their second
6- 7:30 p.m. the player or the player’s fam- 6th grade 6-8 p.m.
straight 1-0 shutout in a win over Dart-
Grades 7 and 8 will be ily must notify the DYB board Thursday, Oct. 14
mouth and Caitlin Burke (DHS’09)… Ju-
7:30- 9 p.m. prior to the tryout date.  7th grade 6-8 p.m. 
nior Cory Hendrickson (DHS ’08) and his
Girls open gym will be A and B level teams are
Tuesday, Oct. 19
Colby Mules dropped a 2-1 OT decision to
held on Wednesday nights be- selected for each grade based
8th grade 6-8 p.m.
undefeated Williams on Saturday in Wil- 4th grade TBA
ginning Sept. 15 - Oct. 6. on tryouts. There might only
liamstown. Earlier in the week Colby beat
Grades 5 and 6 will be 6 - be one  team for fourth grade
Husson, 6-2… Sophomore Colleen Con- Boys tryout dates:
7:30 p.m. girls and  boys. Travel is gen-
Hendrickson nolly’s (DHS ’08) UCONN Huskies are Saturday, Oct. 16
Grades 7 and 8 will be
7-1 after shutting down Providence, 2-0, erally around the South Shore 8th grade 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
7:30- 9 p.m.
on Friday in Storrs, Conn… Sophomore area with an occasional game 6th grade 1:15 -3:15 p.m.
Registration for 2010-
Shane DiBona (DHS ‘09) and his Iowa in the western suburbs. Play- 5th grade 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
1011 tryouts is now open
Hawkeyes had an easy time on Saturday ers should expect to partici- 7th grade 5:45 - 7:45 p.m.
please sign your child up be-
in a 45-0 crushing of Ball State… Sopho- pate in one to two practices Monday, Oct. 18
fore their tryout day  @ dux- 4th grade 6 - 8 p.m.
more Alyssa Seifert (DHS ’09) finished and games each week.         
19th for the Roger Williams sailing team Watch the Clipper or our Contact the Board via dux-
Duxbury youth basket-
in Saturday’s Nevin’s Trophy competition Web site for basketball notices
ball tryouts will be held at the buryyouthbasketball.org for
in Kings Point, NY… Sophomore Addy and updates. We have some
middle school please arrive 15 more information. 
White (DHS ’09) had three finishes in the coaching positions available.
minutes early
top 10 for Roger Williams in the Hatch
Brown Regatta…
The fifth-ranked St. Drummy
Mary’s College of Maryland sailing team
saw action at four regattas this past week-
end, winning the Hatch Brown Regatta
co-hosted by MIT and Boston University.
Crew Katherine Gluskin (DH S ’09) and
her skipper finished third in the B Divi-
sion to contribute to the win… Sophomore
Cory DeCollibus (Tabor ’09) and her
College of Charleston women’s sailing
team finished 10th
Seifert in the A Division
of the Hatch Brown... Freshman Tommy
Drummy (DHS ’10) and his Babson Col-
lege soccer team knocked off Brandeis,
2-1, in 2OT on Saturday in Wellesley…
Freshman Dan Sangster (DHS ’10) and
his U. of Hartford soccer team dropped a
1-0 decision to Hartwick on Saturday in
Oneonta, NY… Sophomore Sarah Wool-
ey (DHS ’09) and her Merrimack College
soccer team are 6-1-1 after a 3-0 win over Duxbury High School sophomore Madeleine Swem qualified for the Taylor Harris National
Bentley on Saturday… Wooley
Children’s Medal equestrian competition to be held in Washington DC on Oct. 2 and 3. The
Do you have a son or daughter that plays or coaches col- event is limited to the top 35 highest scoring riders in the national standings across the United
lege sports? I want to hear about it. E-mail me your student- States. The competition will take place at the Prince George Equestrian Center’s indoor arena in
athletes name and college to: [email protected]. I’ll Upper Marlboro, Maryland. In addition, she will be competing in the ASPCA Maclay Regional
do the rest. Final held in Westbrook, Connecticut in late September. Swem trains locally at Herring Brook
Farm in Pembroke with trainer Ronnie Andersen and Mary Beth McGee.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Dragons battle Rams Photos by Jim Tarbox

Junior defender Ben Schroder (3) splits a pair of Marshfield forwards as he tries to clear the ball.

Junior midfielder Cam Mullins advances the ball in Saturday’s

game with Marshfield.

Junior defender Brendan North does some fancy Wilson Powell gets off a header despite being
footwork. held down.

Junior midfielder Mitch Barrington steals the ball from a Ram


DHS announces Bill Wilhelm Duxbury Youth Hockey

Day on Oct. 27 Last Chance to Register
for 2010/11!
Duxbury High School Athletic Director Thom Holdgate
has announced that DHS will be holding a Bill Wilhelm Day
on Wednesday, Oct. 27, to honor the radio voice of high school Learn to Play Hockey
sports on the South Shore and to acknowledge his coaching Mite Age Players -
efforts as the junior varsity boys’ soccer coach at DHS for the Cross Ice Program Ages 4-9
past 36 years.
Wilhelm is stepping down as the JV soccer coach at the
end of this current season and Holdgate, the DHS administra- Programs held weekends
tion, and the Duxbury Boosters are inviting all former soccer at The Bog in Kingston.
players and those who have appreciated Wilhelm’s work over 12 and 24 week
the years to attend the ceremony prior to the JV game with
sessions begin 10/9/10.
Marshfield that will be played on the turf field.
Registration running online at

Cheer clinic set for Oct. 1 www.duxburyyouthhockey.org

Email questions to [email protected]
The Duxbury HS varsity cheerleaders are having a cheer or [email protected]
clinic on Friday, Oct. 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Duxbury High
Brought to you in part by the
School. Come cheer with the DHS varsity cheerleaders to learn
Mike Cheever Grow Hockey Grant
new skills and have fun. The cost is $20 per person and includes
pizza. E-mail Jen Carley to register at [email protected] or
call 774-283-1406
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Letters from China: From the Great Wall to Thailand

By Susan Thanas up and up to reach the gondola.
Special to the Clipper Meanwhile, in warm but not
[This is the third article scorching weather with blue
in a series of letters Duxbury sky up above, I breathed in the
resident Susan Thanas, who scenery. The Wall itself drew
is teaching English and visit- me forward with its towers
visible in many far-away loca-

ing friends in China and other
Asian countries. -Ed.] tions amid mountain greenery,
t’s hard to know where indicating that the Wall follows
to start this third letter; a zigzag course. For a while, it
I have so much to tell. kept the Mongols from mov-
When I ended my last letter, I ing south into China as Chi-
had just spent five delightful nese soldiers stood guard and
days in Beijing. Thanks to the sent signals from one tower to
generous parents of Nina and the next. Now it is a reminder
Henry Cho, who lived with of ancient history and a delight
me while they attended Sacred to behold.
Heart High School as juniors Another day my driver,
and seniors during 2006-2008, another employee of Mr. Cho,
I had a very comfortable hotel and I toured Empress Cixi’s
room and Mr. Cho’s driver at Summer Palace. Six years ago
my beck and call. Although I spent an hour and a half there,
he speaks no English and my viewing the palace with its ad-
Mandarin is extremely limited, jacent lake and land and was
we became friends as he drove delighted by the long portico
me to Tiananmen Square, the along Kunming Lake with the
Great Wall at Mutianyu, and The author and friends at the Great Wall of China.
Stone Boat at the end. This un-
the Summer Palace, among movable boat is one example of geous islands. According to a we met, the only room that has an hour on an elephant named
other places. Most days there the Empress’s excess spending Russian woman who was with a projector and Power Point Poonoi through the wilder-
was another person, too, to on herself and her land instead us and who had been to Phuket program available, the back ness, up a narrow path to a vil-
help with translating or toting of giving the Chinese navy its the year before, this area of wall is covered with a mural lage where some Karen peo-
my backpack when it became long overdue pay. It helps me Krabi is even more beautiful. of sites in the West, including ple live. These are the “long
too heavy for me. understand why the Qing Em- It has cliffs and caves that fas- our Statue of Liberty. If there necks” with women wearing
Having once walked the pire was on its way out when cinate and draw you to them. is one thing that has impressed multiple rings around their
Great Wall six years ago, I Cixi lived there. This time my Let me tell a little more me this time in Thailand, it necks in order to stretch them.
was excited to have the oppor- companions and I spent six about this woman, Svetlana, is that the Thai people love Villagers here live in bamboo
tunity to do it again. This time hours walking up and down who became Nipa’s and my America and Americans. houses, surrounded by fields of
good friend that day. First of With great generosity, Nipa corn and paddies of rice. They
all, since she was alone, she again took me traveling last also weave cloth and sell their
was glad to have our compa- weekend. We flew to Chiang products in small shops along
ny and we were to have hers. Mai in the North, a place I a dirt road. What surprised me
Second, I was happy to have a have wanted to visit. Chiang the most was that at the end of
chance to speak Russian with Mai means “new city”—albeit the main street stood a church,
her; I haven’t had any oppor- from the 1400’s; however, St. Nicholas Catholic Church.
tunity lately to use my second I have another way of look- I asked one woman if she was
language. She didn’t speak ing at the name. In Mandarin Christian; she replied that no,
English or Thai, so I translated Chinese, shiang mai (close she was Buddhist. However,
into Russian for her and into enough) means “likes to buy.” another woman said that she
English for Nipa. Third, that There were many interesting was a Christian and attended
day I believe I made a differ- things to buy in Chiang Mai, church on Sunday. Unfor-
ence in her understanding of
Americans. Svetlana lives in Elephants are very intelligent animals. They can also be
the Far Northwest of Russia taught to play soccer, kneel down, lie down, twirl hoops
and had never met anyone from
the USA. She was surprised with their trunks ... and even paint pictures!
to learn that I was American.
Apparently, the view she and and I bought quite a few; thus tunately, I couldn’t go back
her husband (who was at home the Chinese words fit. there on Sunday, even though
in Russia) had of Americans Let me end my letter by I found—to my surprise ––
was that we are not very good telling about my most excit- that there was a road from the
people. Whether she had that ing experiences of all. First, village to the city.
impression from watching while in Chiang Mai, we vis- My second and perhaps
American movies and TV or ited an elephant plantation, most exciting event followed
from negative propaganda— where we fed bananas and that afternoon when we vis-
past or present—I don’t know. bamboo to several elephants, ited a farm/zoo for tigers. For
I do know that very soon she watched them being bathed in about ten dollars, I was able to
Thanas visited Nipaporn Kanishthaputra, a Thai teacher who had
became my good friend and the river, and saw an amazing go inside the open-area cage
stayed with her in Duxbury, in her homeland and got to take a
looked forward to telling her show. The elephant has long with three or four large tigers.
ride on an elephant.
husband about meeting Nipa been the most prestigious/im- The people there said that they
and me. She also began to re- portant animal in Thailand. It don’t drug the animals, that
we went to Mutianyu (where- the mountain on nearly every alize that most Americans are was once used by kings here to they have been born in captiv-
as the most popular Great Wall path – to the Buddhist temple probably like me. That was a fight wars with the Burmese. ity, but I was amazed to see
access is at Badaling) and for- and across the bridge on the very special day—swimming Therefore, an elephant can be these beautiful creatures be-
tunately took the gondola to a other side of the lake. Excess- in the warm waters of Thai- trained to fight; it is consid- ing calm enough to pat and lie
high point in the Wall. I didn’t es or not, past rulers of China land and meeting a new friend. ered to be the forerunner of the down with. I know I’ll never
realize there would be another have left beautiful places for Now I am hoping that she will armed tank. have the chance to do that
way off the wall (except by the modern tourist to visit. contact me; I gave her my Elephants are very intel- again!
climbing down the moun- After my five delight- name and e-mail. ligent animals. They can also Now I have moved from
tain), so every time we passed ful days in Beijing, I flew to When Nipa and I returned be taught to play soccer, kneel Nipa’s home to that of Porn-
a tower I would look back up Bangkok, Thailand, where I from the South, I went with her down, lie down, twirl hoops thep Tantipanichkul’s family,
the wall from whence we had was hosted by Nipaporn Kan- to her high school, Nonsi Wit- with their trunks, throw darts where I am again being in-
descended, believing we had ishthaputra for ten days. Nipa thaya School, where I taught at balloons, and even paint dulged. I have so much to be
to ascend all those steps in or- lived with me while she taught several classes about Ameri- pictures! Nipa and I watched thankful for and will continue
der to return to the gondola. as an AFS visiting teacher at can holidays and landmarks. as five large elephants painted my adventures with my next
Thankfully, after walking for Alden Elementary School 15 All the teachers and students pictures of flowers on stems, letter.
an hour and a half, we found a months ago. For my first three I met were delightful. On one colored wavy lines, and even a Happy end of summer to
chairlift to take us down. I felt days, she took me to Krabi in of the days, Nipa also planned likeness of themselves—an el- you!
sorry for those who were com- the South of Thailand, where an English competition, for ephant. Truly amazing! I have
ing up by chairlift, knowing we swam and snorkeled from which she asked me to read the become a lover of this animal.
that they would be climbing a boat that toured four gor- questions. In the room where After the show, we rode for
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9

Dragons off to 3-0 start

Don Webber catches a pass before being upended by Izaiah Baretto.

Colman Duggan opens a hole

for Henry Bounagurio.

Photos by Jim Tarbox

Tucker Hannon lines up for an extra point attempt.

Adam Martin knocks the pass away from Jaroud Wood.

Denis Maguire was named the game’s

MVP by coach Dave Maimaron.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately...”

-Henry David Thoreau
Henry Narlee contains quarterback Nathan Lewis.
Live Deliberately This Autumn!
Come Back
To Church this Fall

John Hurvitz
runs past Chris
Phaneuf. First Parish Church
Unitarian Universalist

/, " /Ê/Ê *"/Ê-/, /ÊUÊ 18 1,9ÊUÊÇn£‡™Î{‡ÈxÎÓ

Nick Mann goes A liberal religious church serving Duxbury, Marshfield
head to head
with Lance
& surrounding communities.
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“Ahoy, mate, them’s Weekend

bargains ahead!” Yard Sale
Sat., Oct. 2, 9-3. Some antiques,
furniture, Ethan Allen queen size
bed and nightstand, patio
furniture, 3 schoolhouse desks,
pictures, linens, tools and
equipment, ice skates, toys,
knick-knacks, and much more. Monogram Built-In Outdoor Grill
766 Temple St., Duxbury. Rain Beautiful GE grill still on delivery
date, Sunday. No early birds. pallet. Asking $1,350 cash. Will
deliver. 774-208-1305.

Estate Sale Fall Rug Sale Sept. 24 - Oct. 23
Sat., Oct. 2, 9-1. 31 James Rd., Annual tent sale. We are clearing
Duxbury. Mostly furniture, L/R, out our warehouse. Handmade
B/R, kitchen. Good quality. authentic Iranian rugs of all sizes
Lamps, china, TV’s. Rain date, and colors at 25-75% off.
Sunday, 9-1. Cash and carry. No Handwashing, expert repairs on
early birds, please. rugs & tapestries, refringing,
reweaving & overcasting.
Tag Sale Oriental Express Iranian Oriental
Sat., Oct. 2, 9-12. Rain or shine. Rugs, 45 Depot Street, Duxbury.
Furniture, decorating items from 781-934-5100, 781-640-5100.
Pier One and Pottery Barn. Silver Fox Coat
Quality toys, artwork and rugs. 25 Winter, the cold and the holidays
Western Way, Duxbury. are coming! Don't wait! Surprise
that special someone or spoil
Huge Yard Sale yourself. Size 12. Beautiful
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 2 and condition. Top quality fur coat
3, 445 Plymouth St., Pembroke, and matching purse. Total value
10 am - 3 pm. Fishing 3000+. Make an offer.
equipment, rods, reels, tackle, 508-423-9719.
boat, motor, power tools,
automotive tools, household Wedding Dress

iscover a lost treasure. Find a new home or a goods, clothes, something for Gorgeous formal ivory, size 6,
everyone! No early birds! bride’s gown. Drycleaned and
used car. Land a new job or a large fish. Clean hermetically sealed with warranty.
Yard Sale This long-sleeved, beaded gown
your gutters or stretch your mind. Tune your Sat. and Sun., Oct 2 and 3, 9-3. is perfect for a late fall/winter
160 Keene St., Duxbury. No early
piano. Tame your computer. Find a painter, a petsitter birds. Sporting goods,
wedding. Asking $750 or BO.
Available 9 am to 3 pm weekdays
or a property manager. Market your summer electronics, doll and dish to view. 781-452-7242.
collectibles, Christmas items, fax
cottage or your cottage industry. Sell the couch, machine, kitchen items and alot
buy the treadmill. Learn Spanish, algebra or more.

a new operating system. Hire a yard Antiques Collectibles

Yard Sale - Sat. Oct. 2, 9-12.
service. Host a yard sale. Take sailing Furniture, household items,
sports equipment, childrens'
lessons. Buy a sailboat. Peddle your items. 190 Saint George Street, Breathtaking Antique Sofa
82" upholstered, walnut sofa.
putters. Plug your Persian. Pitch your piccolo. Clean Duxbury.
Off-white damask. In perfect
out the house. Find a housecleaner. Buy the puppy, sell Antique Show In The Field condition. Truly exquisite.
at Reed Hollow. Multiple Picture does not do it justice.
the rugs. Trim your hedges, your hems, or your sails. dealers. Sunday, October 10, Must see. Asking $875. Please
call 781-361-5146
Buy some firewood. Have a firesale. Sell the antiques 9-3. Raindate, October 17. 30%
off sale in store. Moving Sale
in your attic. Sell the whole darn reedhollowthriftyantiques.com Oldhausen pool table. Top
house. If it rocks, rolls, motors, 476 Center St., (Rte. 36) quality. Excellent condition.
Pembroke. 781-294-7063. Uni-liner felt. Garbarino and
meows pedals, putters, swings, Clineo Italian Slate. Leather
Exceptional Yard Sale-Oct. 2
sings, barks, brakes, sails or shakes, you can pockets. 6 pool cues. balls,
82 Hounds Ditch Ln., Duxbury. 9
rack. $1,285; Mason and
a.m. - 3 p.m. Patio furniture,
find-it, buy-it, swap-it, sell-it, hire-it, hawk-it, or trade-it in the oriental rugs, wicker headboards,
Hamlin grand piano. Beautiful
medium cherry cabinet. Rich,
Clipper Classifieds. One Small Town. One Big World. ceramics,toys, and too much
vibrant tone. Cared for by
more to miss! Raindate -
Martin Snow. Bench included.
Sunday, Oct.3.
Negotiable price; Whirlpool
Reach your neighbors around refrigerator. Side-by-side. 25
c.f. ice maker/dispenser. White.
the block, or around the world. �
Garage and Collectibles Sale
35 5/8" wide. Ten years old.
Energy Star. No marks. $250.
Sat. and Sun., Oct. 22 and 23, 781-934-9091.
There’s no better value than the Clipper Classifieds. 9-2. 769 Center St., Rte. 36,
Your message reaches thousands of loyal Clipper readers Pembroke. Includes sports cards
for as little as $7.50 a week. Plus you get added exposure and collectibles, sheet music,
from our award-winning web site at no extra charge. Add postcards, ephemera, vintage
furniture and tools, oil lamps,
our sister publications in Hanson, Whitman and books and movies galore,
Pembroke for a small extra charge. It’s all part of the porcelain dolls, household items
package when you sail with the Clipper Classifieds! and more.
Duxbury Yard Sale Kitchen Table and Chairs
Sat, Oct. 2, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 137 Solid birch table top on
DeLorenzo Drive. Everything decorative steel pewter base with
priced to go go go! Furniture, four solid birch matching chairs.
tools, rugs, appliances, Your price, $280; Jordan’s
household goods. Rain or shine. Furniture price, $1150. Good
shape. Emailed photo available
upon request. Call 617-875-1990.

Place your order: 781-934-2811

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11

Treasure Homeward YARD SALE

Dog Kennel and House Duxbury Suite Available SPECIAL
18'L x 16'W x 6'H chain link dog A charming apartment in a
kennel with custom built dog country estate. Private entrance,
house. Asking $750 cash. Call beautiful living room overlooking
John, 774-208-1305. pool and gardens, kitchen,
Golden Retriever Pups bedroom and bath, traditional
AKC Goldens by Ponderosa Pups
Breeder of goldens since 1975.
furnishings. Winter rates, short or
long term. Flat screen TV, patio, YARD
Announcing newest litter, Life of pool, grill
use. Sandy, SALE
Riley. Seven males, three
females. $1200. 781-545-1096. For Sale By Owner BEAT THE ELEMENTS WITH
(Scituate). Private end unit at beautiful Merry OUR “UMBRELLA POLICY”
Village. Three levels of luxury If your garage sale, craft
living, 2BR/2.5 bath includes show, neighborhood fair or
office, family room, living room, yard sale gets rained out,
granite kitchen w/dining area and the next week is free!
first-floor master suite. Trek deck
and farmers porch. Low condo Package includes full exposure for 1
week in the Clipper & Express classifieds
fees. 781-799-5384. and website. Add an attention-grabbing
border at no extra cost.
Anderson Sliding Doors NH Vacation Rental
Four season, five bedroom home,
New in cartons, 400 series.
French wood. Storm watch
...TO PATTEN LANE close to ski areas, indoor/outdoor
pools, hot tubs, fitness room,
protection. 5’ 11.5” wide x 6’ 7.5”
high. High-Eco Excel energy lake, tennis, basketball, game DON’T LET IT RAIN
[email protected].
performance glass, doors only.
Six doors (twelve panels). Retail,
CLIPPER CLASSIFIEDS! Office Space for Rent
Duxbury,178 Saint George Street,
$1700/per set; asking $600/per
set. Accessories extra. First Floor, bright and sunny.
Heat, electric, snowplowing
Chinese Oriental Treasure Homeward included. $650/mo. Call
Chinese Oriental rug. Imperial
Blue. 8x10. Would look stunning
Chest Bound 781-264-2476.
For Sale By Owner
in large family room, living room, Vintage Wooden Phone Booth Plymouth Center 2 BR Kingston - Arbor Hills Estates. 2
or master bedroom. Value $1500. Great for a family room or Spacious apartment, short walk BR, 3.5 bath, individual condo. GUARANTEED AUTO
Asking b/o. Call to view. collector, includes 3 slot coin to harbor. First floor, gas utilities, Designer kitchen, fireplaced living
Gorgeous! 508-747-0303. phone sign. $2,200. Must go! hardwood floors, off-street PACKAGE WITH PHOTO
room, den, first floor master,
781-293-0061. parking, washer/dryer, and trash second level guest, large loft, Your car, truck, or boat gets
Musical Instruments For Sale
removal. $1150 plus utilities. finished lower level. Offered at premium exposure with our
Clarinet - Yamaha model 450.
For Sale: 2 Twin Beds First, last and security. No dogs. $489,000. Call 781-585-4275. Guaranteed Auto Deal.
Two years old, excellent
One night stand, $50; Please call 508-224-3929. Duxbury House For Rent Your package includes full
condition. Asking $600 or best
offer; Glaesel violin in good 781-582-2114. Office Space Cozy 2 BR home near shopping. exposure in all of our
condition. Asking $300 or best Halls Corner small office Available immediately. One year award-winning publications
offer. Call 781-934-8123.
2 Ragdoll Cats Need Home
Climbing the building for rent. $450.
lease. $1595/mo. plus utilities.
Call 781-589-6071.
and website. Best of all you
can put a photo of your
Siblings (one male and one Career Ladder Southern Island Paradise
Waterville Valley Rental vehicle right in your ad.
There’s no better way to sell
female), 5 years old, beautiful Windsor Hill winter season
Experience private island your car, truck or boat.
purebred Ragdoll cats need Management of Emails available 10/30-5/11. Large living
vacationing on beautiful Kiawah We’re so confident you’ll
loving home. Paid $1000 each, Executive seeks individual with room w/fireplace, dining area,
Island, SC. A spectacular beach, agree that we guarantee to
giving away to wonderful home, outstanding computer skills to spacious kitchen, 2nd floor
5 championship golf courses, 2 run your ad until the
Please email [email protected] check emails daily and type master BR and second BR,
tennis villages, fine dining and vehicle is sold!
King Size Oak Bed Frame reports to clients by email. bathroom each floor, deck
more...2 BR condo with
with drawers. Also matching Please fax qualifications, w/picturesque mountain view.
picturesque views of lake and
large oak dresser. Comes with
water waveless mattress with
781-934-0828. island wildlife. Across the street
from the beach. Available year
Close to ski areas, town square,
skating rink, fitness center. Bright $3995 INCLUDES

individual controls, or could also Graphic Designer and cheerful end unit with Customer must supply photo.
round by calling 781-585-6203 or
be used with regular mattress. Newport Creative, a parking at your doorstep. $7500 May be digital or print.
$500 or best offer for both. Duxbury-based fundraising plus utilities. No pets/smoking.
Office Space for Rent Waterville Valley Realty, GUARANTEED
Please call 781-249-3941. consulting agency serving Duxbury, Millbrook area. Second
Piano For Sale nonprofit clients, is seeking floor, 300 sq. ft. Call
1-888-987-8333. UNTIL IT’S SOLD!
1973 Kimball Console with experienced graphic designers to 781-934-0809. Apartment for Rent
assist in all phases of direct mail Spacious, 1 bedroom apartment
matching bench. Medium walnut
wood. 41" x 58". Original owner. package design. Qualifications:
Strong background in graphic
Duxbury Rental
Stroll to the town landing,
on Tremont St. in Duxbury.
Washer/dryer, like new carpets,
Well maintained. $850 or B/O.
Buyer responsible for pick-up. I
am a piano teacher and have
design. Thorough knowledge of
direct mail. Proficiency in all
Maritime School and shops from
this charming 5 BR village Cape.
$3900/month, ten month lease.
fresh paint. Great location.
Available Oct. 1. $950/month plus CHEST
purchased a new piano. Gina graphics programs including utilities. Call Eric, 781-319-0800
Call Mike Caslin, William Raveis ext. 205.
Pasquale, 781-934-6143. Adobe Creative Suite, Quark and
Real Estate, for details,
Acrobat. Web design experience Whitman Apartment
using Dreamweaver and CSS a Newly painted and updated
plus. Please send resume and Hall’s Corner
modern 2 bedroom, 2nd floor
contact information to Victorian 1 BR cottage. First floor
apt. Large yard, off street parking.
[email protected]. No 4 room apt., laundry, fireplace. 3
Owner occupied. Lots of storage.
phone calls please. BR apt., includes laundry and
heat. Short or long term. Call
Deleaded. Heat and hot water GUARANTEED TREASURE
included. Available immediately. CHEST PACKAGE
$1000. No dogs. 781-447-4602.
Tutor Wanted Apartment for Rent Sell those treasures in your
First month 1/2 price. Please
Person with at least a BS or a BA 2 BR 2nd floor. Beautiful, sunny, attic with our guaranteed
Leather Sleep Sofa leave message.
wanted to tutor 12 year old spacious apartment available. 33 classified deal. Your package
El-shaped sectional sofa with seventh grader in algebra, Enterprise St., Duxbury. Call Florida 3 BR, 3 Bath Condo includes full exposure in all of
queen-sized fold out bed. In reading and writing. 781-934-5900. Hutchinson Isl.; 3 bdrm, 3 bath our award-winning
excellent condition. Beige. $950. Approximately 15 hours per open, airy spacious condo in publications and website.
Call 339-832-2711. Winter / Year-Round Oceanfront Stuart, FL. 45 minutes north of
week. CORI checked and You may change prices, wording or
Adorable, furnished cottage on W. Palm Beach, heated pool, remove items, but new items cannot be
references required. Email
Besson 709 Bb Trumpet Duxbury beach. 1 BR, pullout tennis court, on golf course added. Limit of 40 words or fewer.
resume and cover letter to
Looking to upgrade? Fine, lightly sofa, and loft that sleeps 2. steps from Intracoastal and 1/2
[email protected]
used, silver instrument with Oceanfront deck, screened-in mile from ocean. Available Jan INCLUDES
Besson 7C mouthpiece and porch, utilities included. Parking ($3000/mo), Feb. ($4000 mo), Customer must supply photo.
original hard case. For Short Term Data Entry for 2. No pets/smoking. Off March ($4000 mo) and April. May be digital or print.
intermediate to advanced student Help and basic instruction wanted season - Oct 1-May 2011 @ Possibly available for
or semi-professional. Hard to transferring contacts and data $1,500/month, or year-round Thanksgiving and Christmas, two GUARANTEED
find, genuine American-made by onto mac. Work to be done any beginning Oct 1 - $2100/month. week periods. Sidney and Jim UNTIL IT’S SOLD!
Kanstul. $400. Call weekday before 3pm. Call John, 774-208-1305 McClure, 781-934-2141 or Ann
781-934-9798. and Mike Wyatt, 781-934-5098.
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homeward At Your At Your At Your At Your

Bound Service Service Service Service
House For Rental Tutoring/Homework Help Master Electrician C&M Painting Duxbury
Have Truck
Beautiful 4 BR cape in Village on Tutoring/homework help available "Exclusive" residential electrical Interior painting. No job too
College students have truck and
cul-de-sac. Part furnished, W/D. from experienced, licensed contractor. New construction, small. Save thousands on your
will help move or dispose of
Perfect family house with teacher in a Master's Degree remodel, service work. Fully kitchen cabinets by painting and
household items. Need help
beautiful yard, gourmet kitchen. program. Willing to discuss rates. insured. Call Bob, North River changing hardware. Call Conor,
cleaning out basement, attic,
$3000/month plus utilities. Call Tutoring in math, reading, social Electric, 781-829-0717. 781-834-9709.
garage, bedroom? How about
781-934-8738. studies, science, study skills. Call dump runs, stacking wood,
Courtney at 781-934-1593. cleaning yard or interior Need Help With Computers?
Cleaning - Home or Office
At Your Wallpapering/Interior Painting painting? Call Shawn,
339-933-0804, 781-934-9449.
Three years experience,
Get expert computer help and
advice. Microsoft Certified
Ceiling, walls, woodwork, drywall
Service repairs, touch-ups, cleanouts
references available, free
estimates. I do windows. Call
Small Business Specialist and
QuickBooks Pro Advisor in
done at low, reasonable prices. Expert Stump Grinding
Fall Special 508-840-6131 Duxbury. Why pay more for
Free estimates. Call Debbie, 40 years experience. 12” below
Screened loam $18.00 per grade. Stump cutting specialist. geeks? Call Will Zachmann at
781-585-8043. Elder/Kinder/Animal Care 781-934-9800.
yard delivered 18 yards or Free estimates. Call Bob Reardon
more free delivery. Fill Excellent references. Call Terri,
Window & Gutter Cleaning at 781-826-4774 or cell phone
sand gravel and stone also 781-837-8467. House Cleaning
A pair of full-time firefighters, 617-694-7233.
available, any amount re- part-time window washers will Piano Lessons Home and/or office cleaning.
cycled asphalt products for professionally clean windows, All ages and levels, beginners Many years of experience.
Tree pruning and removal. Over
drivways and all size storms, screens, and sills $5. through advanced. Private References available. Free
20 years experience, UMass
stones. 781-640-4642 and up. Free estimates. French instruction with enthusiastic, estimates. Call 508-746-0764
degrees in Arboriculture & Urban
Connection Window Cleaning Forestry. Free estimates. Call experienced teacher. Variety of or 781-336-3533.
Window And Gutter Cleaning
Co. Chris 781-826-0958. Steve at 781-733-0429. styles (classical, jazz, pop and
Let local firefighters brighten your Fall Clean-ups, Yard Care
more). Enrichment activities
day! Residential and storefront. Got Rot? Handyman Services Tee-time Landscaping, a small
and performance opportunities
Pressure washing - house, patio, Repair or replace rotted trim Big jobs, small jobs, odd jobs. family yard care service. Fall
throughout the year. A few
deck, etc. Free gutter cleaning around your house. Window sills, Experienced in carpentry, clean-ups. Please book early.
openings left for fall semester.
with every full house window job. corner boards, facia boards, sills, painting, electric, and plumbing. Trimming, fall fertilizing,
Ellen Everett, 781-293-5857
Reasonable rates. References deckboards, replacement or Powerwashing. Install windows, snowblower services, clean-outs,
available. Fully insured. Keith restoration. Large or small jobs. doors, new decks. Storm doors, handyman services, small moving
McWalter. 781-340-5183 or deck and home repairs. Dump Math Makes Sense jobs. Call Tommy, 508-889-3010.
Call Ken, 781-585-7541. Experienced math tutor will
cell-781-690-2000. runs. Positive attitude, easy to www.teetimelandscaping.com
Sewing For Your Home talk to. Call Rick Shea. help your child turn the tide of
Expert Tutor Custom Halloween costumes. math anxiety. One-to-one Professional Pool Closings
Fall and winter SAT/PSAT 774-454-7548, 508-224-9036.
Former Boston Costume tutoring promotes math 15 years experience. $189
preparation: individual and/or designer is now available to Piano Tuning achievement, confidence, includes antifreeze. Call John
small group study and practice sew your window treatments, Martin Snow, RPT, Craftsman motivation and success. K-12, McSherry, John’s Pool Service,
for reading comprehension, home furnishings and Member Piano Technicians Guild, Algebra I and II, Geometry, and 339-793-1539.
critical thinking, and persuasive alterations at rates you can plus complete piano rebuilding SAT and ISEE prep. Call
essay writing skills afford. Call Hilary to discuss service, sales. 781-837-6531. 781-258-7115.
development. Also, MCAS, ACT, www.martinsnowpianos.com. Flute Lessons
your project. 617-869-6499 or Private flute lessons at my
AP History and college essay visit www.h2sew.org Babysitter Patio & Walkway Restoration Duxbury studio near schools.
preparation. Call Maurice B. Weekdays or weekends. If you have a weedy, sunken 45 minute lessons by
Conway, Ph.D, 781-834-8790. Responsible 16 year old
Landscape Construction patio/walkway, I can make it experienced flute teacher with
Small scale design and sophomore at DHS (female). look new! By powerwashing, music degree, 12 years
construction specializing in Great with kids and pets. lifting sunken areas and professional orchestral
Painting Etc. walls, walkways, patios and Experienced. References upon poly-sanding, I can bring your playing. Good rates.
$300 off Exterior Painting of plantings. One man operation request. 508-451-8860. patio/walkway back to “like References available. Call
any job $1000 or more. to make sure the job is done Child Care - Duxbury new” condition. Call Jonathan Susan Fontaine, cell,
Specializing in interior/exterior right the first time, every time. Children’s Hospital RN Hopfgarten, 781-706-7031. 339-933-9510
painting, power washing, Young, reliable, experienced specializing in infants, multiples [email protected]
gutters, carpentry, dump runs, and fast. Call Jonathan and preemies. Flexible hours, Snowbirds To Florida
and window washing. Free Hopfgarten, 781-706-7031. reasonable rates. References South Shore based company Best Screened Loam
estimates, best prices available. Call Cheryl, providing auto transport service I have the best loam money can
guaranteed. Fast and reliable 20% Off Winter Boat Storage 781-585-5849. to Florida and nationwide. Great buy. Call to schedule delivery
service. Please call Mike, Jesse's Marine in Plymouth is rates and reliable, safe time and for pricing. Ask for
781-789-3612. offering 20% off winter boat Piano Lessons Jason, 781-424-6305.
door-to-door transport. Call
storage to new customers. Bring Experienced teacher has limited
Hydroseeding DWO Auto Transport Services,
us your boat for winterizing, openings for piano/organ Bettencourt’s Walls & Ceilings
New lawn installation. Premium 954-648-3677. Mention ad for
shrink wrapping and storage instruction. All ages. Frequent Painting, drywall finishing,
quality seed at an affordable $25 discount.
today. Call us at 508-746-0037. piano parties and recital sheet-rocking, water damage,
price. Schedule now for fall. Also, opportunities. Founding member wallpaper stripping. Specializing
general excavation work and Title Michael’s Windows & Gutter Child Care Currently Enrolling
of South Shore Music Teachers Loving, caring, experienced in interior work. Skim coating
V septic systems. Fox Run Cleaning Assoc. Studios - 404 Washington over horse hair plaster and
Excavation & Hydroseed, A local service. Windows start at family child care currently has
St., Duxbury. 781-934-6591, ex. openings available. Located on textured ceilings a specialty. 25
781-934-7171. $5 each. Also, repair loose and 104 or 508-746-4726. Cathleen T. years experience. Call Steve,
leaking gutters, and can install the Duxbury/Marshfield border.
Just Small Jobs Morrison. Near Pembroke, as well. 508-833-0546 or 617-922-0944
gutter screens. Also, repair A1 Top to Bottom Housecleaning (cell).
Skilled craftsman solves your Spectacular references. For
window and door screens. (A Weekly – bi-weekly – monthly. A Couple of Cleaners
repair needs. Call Jim at (339) further info, please call Linda
great gift idea!) I answer my One-time cleanings our specialty. Residential, commercial and
832-0244. 781-834-3721.
phone. Cell 508-523-9927. Over 10 yrs. experience. Duxbury one-time cleaning. Experienced,
refs. Michelle, 508-291-1864. The Paint Saint thorough and dependable. Free

PHILLIPS Plantation Shutters and Blinds

Hunter Douglas blinds and
Professional interior/exterior
painting, gutter cleaning, power
washing and window washing.
estimates, excellent references.
Call SueAnn
or David,
TREE & CONSTRUCTION shutters. Specializing in Best prices and service always
plantation shutters in real with a smile. Will paint your
TREE REMOVAL SEPTIC SYSTEM Off Hours Management Cleaning
wood, composite, and vinyl. home like it was our own. Call
Service, Inc. Specializing in
Pruning & Trimming Repair & Installation Free in-home consultation, free Andrew for your free estimate.
commercial cleaning. Residential
Hazardous Removals Title V Cert. Septic installation. Call for in-home 781-264-3628.
cleaning also available. Free
Vista & Land Clearing Inspector quote. We offer lowest prices
onsite estimates. References
on shutters/blinds. House Cleaning Service
Stump Grinding & New Design available. Call 781-837-4042.
781-985-5480 I will clean your home, office or
Removals Backhoe & Perc Test Frugalblindsandshutters.com Removal
business. References available.
Aerial Work Demolition & Grading Nasty vines, sheds, boats,
Three years experience. Please
Fishing Charters stumps, brush, pools, brick and
call Ondina Ana Cleto,
Christopher Phillips • 781-934-7255 Outstanding charters for striped 508-747-5121 or
rubble, appliances, swing sets.
bass & blues. Offshore tuna. Insured men promptly removing
Freshwater canoe trips for trout, junque. Many years of local
smallmouth, largemouth bass. Senior Sidekick service. Call Chuck T.,
Bird watching excursions. Companion to Seniors. Will 781-424-8844.
Clamming trips. Flycasting transport and accompany to Professional Window Cleaning
lessons. Scenic bay tours. Gift appointments, run errands, Prices start at $2.00 We are fully
Certificates. Capt. David Bitters, medication reminders, laundry, insured. No job too big or small.
BAYMEN Guide Service, Inc. lunch, exercise. Call Carol 10% off when you mention this
781-934-2838 781-829-0717. ad. Please call for free estimate.
www.baymenoutfitters.com Mike 781-789-3612
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13

At Your At Your Planes, Train Planes, Train Planes, Train

Service Service & Automobiles & Automobiles & Automobiles
Handyman/Powerwashing Svc.
We powerwash houses,

decks, patios, walkways, Landscape Construction
etc. We also specialize in S.P.M. Enterprises offers
carpentry, painting, land- landscape construction including
scaping and any other stone walls, walkways, patios,
handyman projects you ponds, and more. Fully insured
may need done around the and free estimates. 10% off with
house. Great prices, free this ad. Call Shawn, '97 Saturn SL1 Nonsuch 26 Catboat
‘06 Rockwood Freedom Camper
estimates. Licensed and in- 781-264-5595. 4 door, brown, 81,000 miles. Fully equipped for cruising.
Excellent condition, well cared
sured. Call Paul at Approx. 35mpg. Automatic, A/C, Standing head room, 4+ berths,
Piano/Keyboard Lessons for, winterized and covered.
781-422-6500. bucket seats, center console, private head, hot/cold water, oven
Children and adults. 20+ years Refrigerator, heater, king-queen
power-steering, AM/FM radio, with range, diesel, 2 sails,
experience. BA Music. Classical pullout, electric brakes. Great
CD. Safe car for student, cheap to dodger, wheel w/auto helm, shoal
or pop. Music theory, sight price at $5700, am negotiable.
maintain. All maintenance checks
� reading, ear training. Great Call 781-293-3219.
done, tires replaced at 70,000
draft Scheel keel, fiberglass hull
w/ teak and stainless rubrail,
Car & Truck Cleaning/Detailing foundation for other Grady White 208 20’ Wanted miles. $3200. Call Karen, Datamarine speed/depth, boat
Over 20 years experience. instruments or just for fun. Looking for a GW 208 (1998 781-724-2283. stands. $32,500. 781-293-6661.
Interior- steam cleaning, leather [email protected] model year or newer). A trailer
or call 781-789-6140. 99 Saturn Wagon SW1
treatments and odor removal, would be a plus. If you or Great second car. Brown. 80,000
Exterior- waxing, polishing and someone you know would miles. Approximately 35 MPG.
compounding. Entire job Gutter and Yard Cleanup consider selling one or
We specialize in raking and A/C, bucket seats, center console,
completed by J. Scott Russell, something very similar please PS, AM/FM radio, two new tires,
Jr., owner. Local pick-up and removing leaves, small trees, call Greg at 781-589-6073 or
branches and yard debris. Any new brakes and alignment.
delivery available. For email [email protected] Remote automatic starter. $2900
appointments or information, and all junk removed, inside and
out. We also clean gutters, install or best offer. 781-293-9491. Shaw 24’ Classic Yawl
781-424-9113. Built 1961 Jensen in Denmark.
gutter guards, and wash
Junk Busters windows. Please call Mike at Midget ocean/racing cruiser.
Junk removal, specializing in 781-789-3612. Mahogany, oak, sitka, teak,
cleanouts of basements, garages, double planked mahogany. Teak
attics, yard debris, odds and
ends. We also specialize in
Planes, Train centerboard, bronze centerboard
trunk, 1500 lb. slotted lead keel.
carpentry, painting, gutter work, & Automobiles 16' Crestliner
Accomodations: four berths,
galley, head. $6000.
and window washing. Best
prices, free estimates. Please call 16' Crestliner Angler Aluminum 99 Seaswirl 23 Walkaround 508-747-1235.
or leave a message for Mike, boat with live well, custom 99 200HP Ocean Pro + 04 trailer.
781-789-3612. canvas cover, custom trailer, 9.9 Low hours. GPS, VHS,
hp, 4-stroke Honda electric start depthfinder, sink, stove, potty.
J. Foley Roofing Co. motor, additional electric trolling
More than 20 years roofing Full enclosure. New plugs,
motor, ship to shore radio, thermostats, water pump,
experience, specializing in 2006 Mini Cooper S Convertible lawrance fish finder, 3 life jackets,
shingle, slate, rolled roofing, batteries. Many extras. Very good 2000 Jeep Wrangler 4.0L
Excellent condition, 44,200 miles, 3 anchors. $7400 or bo. Call
rubber roofing. Residential and condition. On Duxbury mooring. Green, 5 speed, 4 tops, tow pkg.
6-speed manual, traction control, 781-934-2349.
commercial. Good prices, Ready to go. $22,900. 183K miles, new engine has 15K
leather interior, dual front and
starting at $4,000; repairs 18' Marshall Sanderling Catboat 781-585-8886. miles. 3yr/100K mile warranty, all
side airbags, alloy wheels, ABS,
starting at $50. Free estimates. cruise control, run flat tires, rear 1974 catboat; 6 HP Yamaha service records available. New
Call 781-733-2156. Get a roof parking sensors, 4 new tires, outboard, 1994 trailer included; clutch in 08' and many new
before winter damage. Minimal winter use. Garaged. both trailer and boat updated; parts.. if it’s needed it, we’ve
$17,250. 781-424-1102. Presently on mooring In Duxbury; done it. Asking $9,800.
Absolute Removal $11,000. Call 781-934-6417 774-454-8579.
Large or small cleanouts of
basements, attics, sheds, yards.
Small construction sites. Storage
units. We do the work or you can
make a pile and we’ll take it away.
Fast reliable service seven
days/week. Free estimates. ‘92 Bronco XLT 2002 Hitchhiker 5th Wheel
781-588-4036. South Shore. 4 x 4 with 4” lift kit and 35” 31.5’ long, 3 slides, glide ride 1996 VW Jetta
2006 Mazda Miata
Lawn Mowing wheels. Engine and trans recently MX5. Silver with black top, hitch, new tires, new water 1996 Volkswagen Jetta, Manual,
Thursday and Friday availability rebuilt. Originally from Virginia, 5-speed manual, A/C, 16,000 heater, rebuilt furnace. AC, Sun Roof, Thule ski racks.
for lawn mowing. Have your lawn no rust. Auto transmission, all miles. Superb condition. $14,500. Propane/electric refrigerator and Only 128K miles. Great around
mowed by a professional. Every power equipment. $4000. Call Ed, 508-947-8662. heater. Queen-size bed town car. $2,500. Call
cut includes edging, weed 781-934-6948. w/upgraded matteress. Double 508-488-0135.
whacking, and a clean driveway. sleeper sofa. TV and stereo
Book now for Fall cleanups. Call system. Desk station set up for
Shawn, 781-264-5595. S.P.M. computer. Storage inside and
Enterprises. out. Excellent condition, asking
Rute Cleaner $19,999. 617-538-2113.
Many years of experience with Herreshoff 15 Sailboat
excellent references. An original 1922 24’5” Herreshoff 25' O'Day Sailboat
15 (Watch Hill Class), fully 1978 25 ft. O'Day sailboat. 4 Sail $2,950 B/O
Specializing in house and office
restored. New mast and all new Excellent centerboard bay boat 1988 Hunter 23 - $2,950 Best
cleaning. Call anytime for free
running and standing rigging. sleeps 5, newer genoa and jib, Offer. Boat in Duxbury Bay.
estimate. Fully insured. Speak
New racing sails. All spring paint new stays and antenna wiring, Nissan 8.9 outboard; three sails;
with Humberto, 508-732-0182 2000 Duxbury Duck
and varnishing completed and set 9.8 hp motor, ready to sail. Can boat stands. Affordable Sailing!
or 774-454-4982. 18' Centerboard Sloop known for
to go for the summer. A steal at be moored on flats, asking Sail for season! Call Kevin,
her classic lines and shallow 617-620-9479 or Ron,
Seasoned Firewood $16,000. Call 401-596-7701. $4950. Call 791-934-9189.
draft. Lies on flat mooring. Family 781-724-1270.
Cut and split 14”-16” lengths. daysailer with expanded cockpit
Buy an order of seasoned seats 6-8. Easy to sail,
firewood now, you’re self-tending jib. Sold with sail
automatically entered into covers, motor mount. Excellent
raffle to win a free cord of condition, $12,000. Call
seasoned firewood, cut and Rose/Steve 781-934-5342.
split. Proceeds go to
Marshfield Community
Christmas. Call Nessralla’s
Farms in Marshfield,
781-834-2833, or visit 36’ Sabre “Spartina”
www.nessrallas.com. 1986. Excellent condition, fully
equipped. Great boat for cruising
Cleaning Service couple or family. Roller furling
If you’re looking for someone 16’ Wahoo main and genoa. Full electronics
who has ten years of experience, Center console style. Tri-hull. (radar, GPS chart plotter,
and is competent to clean you 50HP Honda with trailer. 1997 autopilot...) power windlass,
house, apartment or business, vintage, but used very little. ESPAR hot air heating system
don’t wait any longer. Call $6700 or best offer, etc. Price drastically reduced,
857-366-3071. 781-934-5568. $59,000. 781-934-6730.
14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Planes, Train Planes, Train Legal Legal Legal

& Automobiles & Automobiles Notices Notices Notices
27582, Page 206. These Massachusetts Wetlands
August 18, 2004 and recorded
premises will be sold and Protection Act and the Town
with the Plymouth County
conveyed subject to and with of Duxbury Wetlands Bylaw
Registry of Deeds in Book
the benefit of all rights, rights relative to a project described
28974, Page 65 of which
of way, restrictions, in a Request for
mortgage The Bank of New
easements, right of ways, Determination of
York Mellon as Successor to
covenants, liens or claims in Applicability filed with the
Halmatic 8.80 Motor Sailer JPMorgan Chase Bank, N .A.,
2004 GMC Yukon SLT the nature of liens, Conservation Commission on
You could buy a new 14’ as Trustee for the
Fully loaded, 6-disc CD player, improvements, public September 21, 2010. Said
outboard or, for the same price, Certificateholders for the
rear seat DVD entertainment assessments, any and all project is to remove the
my motor sailer which sleeps 5 in Structured Asset Investments
system, heated leather seats, unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax
full-length berths. Recently rebuilt II Inc., Bear Stearns ALT-A existing shed and replace with
power driver and passenger seat, liens, water and sewer liens
40HP diesel engine, 3 sails, same size shed on sonotubes
third row seat, power moon, roof Trust, Mortgage
shallow draft. Galley, head, and any other municipal piers and is located at 350
luggage rack, power mirrors, Pass-Through Certificates,
equipped. Ideal for local waters. assessments or liens or Powder Point Ave., lot
premium wheels, 4 wheel drive. Series 2004-13 is the present
$19,950. 781-934-2132. existing encumbrances of 180-084-000 of the Duxbury
Only 50K miles. $18,500. Call holder, by assignment, for
781-826-4075. record which are in force and Assessors Map.
breach of the conditions of
are applicable, having priority JOSEPH MESSINA
said mortgage and for the
over said mortgage, whether Chairman
purpose of foreclosing, the
or not reference to such
same will be sold at Public
restrictions, easements, TOWN OF
Auction at 12:00 PM on DUXBURY
improvements, liens or
October 13, 2010, on the
mortgaged premises located
encumbrances is made in the CONSERVATION
2005 Acura Only 15,000 Miles deed. TERMS OF SALE: A
2005 Mazda Tribute Meticulously maintained, Florida at 388 Summer Street, COMMISSION
deposit of TEN THOUSAND
Tan. All-wheel drive, automatic, car, one owner, all the extras, Duxbury, MA, all and
DOLLARS ($10,000.00) by
CD player, power windows and luxury package, leather heated singular the premises PUBLIC HEARING
certified or bank check will
sunroof. 45,000 miles. Great seats, moonroof, AC, steering described in said mortgage,
be required to be paid by the
condition. Great price... $11,000. wheel controls, 6-CD changer, TO WIT: A certain parcel of
Call 781-934-0885. AM/FM cassette, front and side
purchaser at the time and The Duxbury Conservation
land with the buildings
airbags, alloy wheels, ABS. place of sale. The balance is Commission will hold a
thereon, being now known as
Lowered to unbelievable $19,500. to be paid by certified or bank Public Meeting in the Mural
and numbered 388 Summer
Call 781-447-7890. check at ABLITT | Meeting Room, Lower Level,
Street, situated in the Town of
SCOFIELD, 304 Cambridge Town Hall, under the Town
Duxbury, Plymouth County,
Everything Else Massachusetts, being shown
Road, Woburn, Massachusetts
01801, other terms and
of Duxbury Wetlands Bylaw,
Chapter 9 and Massachusetts
Under the Sun as Lot C on a "Subdivision
Plan of Land in Duxbury,
conditions will be provided at Wetlands Protection Act,
the place of sale. The MGL, Ch. 131, Section 40, on
Boston Whaler Lost Cat - Reward Massachusetts, drawn for
description of the premises Tuesday evening, October 5,
1988 17’ Montauk in great Fuzzy. Long hair, black Josephine Sangiolo, Scale 1"
condition. 100 HP engine.
contained in said mortgage 2010 at 7:05 p.m. on the
and white tuxedo coat. = 50 feet, December 24, 1968,
Moored in Duxbury Bay, available shall control in the event of an request of Duxbury
Black with white chest Stenbeck & Taylor; Inc.,
for a test drive anytime. $9800 or error in this publication. Construction to elevate and
and four white paws. Engineers, Marshfield,
best offer. Call 781-964-6770. Missing since August 2 in
OTHER TERMS, IF ANY, move the existing house and
Massachusetts." Said parcel is
the vicinity of Rt. 53 in TO BE ANNOUNCED AT place it on new concrete pier
further bounded and
Duxbury. 8 years old, No THE SALE. Present holder of foundation, construct a deck
described all according to said
collar, but microchipped. said mortgage, The Bank of and porch entryway and
plan as follows:
Please call as soon as you New York Mellon as perform landscaping as
see him. 781-264-0745, cell. Successor to JPMorgan Chase described in a Notice of Intent
by Lot B two courses of forty
Bank, N .A., as Trustee for filed with the Conservation
two and 69/100 (42.69) feet
2004 Pursuit 2270 the Certificateholders for the Commission on September
Center console. Low hours, Legal and three hundred fifteen
(315) feet, respectively;
Structured Asset Investments 15, 2010. Said project is
T-Top, 225 Yamaha 4-stroke,
color fishfinder, GPS, live bait
Notices SOUTHWESTERLY by land
II Inc., Bear Stearns ALT-A
Trust, Mortgage
located at 237 Gurnet Rd., lot
211-939-184 of the Duxbury
well, brand new aluminum
now or formerly of
Pass-Through Certificates, Assessors Map.
Venture tandem trailer with disc DeLorenzo, fifty four and
NOTICE OF 96/100 (54.96) feet;
Series 2004-13 By its JOSEPH MESSINA
brakes. $34,900. Call George, Attorneys, ABLITT | Chairman
781-603-5640. MORTGAGEE'S SOUTHERLY by land now
SCOFIELD, 304 Cambridge
SALE OF or formerly of said
Road, Woburn, Massachusetts TOWN OF
DeLorenzo, three hundred
REAL ESTATE thirty Nine and 18/100
01801 Telephone: DUXBURY
781-246-8995 Fax:
By virtue and in execution
(339.18) feet;
781-246-8994 CONSERVATION
of the Power of Sale 9/22/2010 9/29/2010
now or formerly of said
contained in a certain 10/6/2010 60.1626
DeLorenzo, eighty eight and
mortgage given by Elizabeth 96/100 (88.96) feet; and PUBLIC HEARING
Starter Boat, Motor, Trailer Kathleen Van Der Veen a/k/a
'Crestliner' 14' aluminum open NORTHEASTERLY by Lot
Elizabeth K. Van Der Veen to A, one hundred thirty nine
runabout with 15HP electric start Mortgage Electronic The Duxbury Conservation
Suzuki and a Venture trailer. All in and 64/100 (139.64) feet. Commission will hold a
excellent condition. All extras Registration Systems, Inc as Containing 41,800 square feet TOWN OF Public Meeting in the Mural
including anchor, lines, oars etc. nominee for GreenPoint of land, more or less. The DUXBURY
Mortgage Funding Inc., dated Meeting Room, Lower Level,
$3500. Call 781-934-1332. conveyance is made together CONSERVATION Town Hall, under the Town
with the right to use a thirty of Duxbury Wetlands Bylaw,
foot right of way across Lot A
Chapter 9 and Massachusetts
to Summer Street as shown Wetlands Protection Act,
on said plan for all purposes PUBLIC MEETING MGL, Ch. 131, Section 40, on
for which public ways are Tuesday evening, October 5,
customarily used in the Town The Duxbury Conservation 2010 at 7:15 p.m. on the
of Duxbury and for the Commission will hold a request of Peter Clinch and
purpose of carrying electricity Public Meeting in the Mural Amanda McLeod to construct
and communications. Meeting Room, Lower Level, a pool as described in a
Premises are subject to and Town Hall, under the Town Notice of Intent filed with the
with the benefit of easements of Duxbury Wetlands Bylaw, Conservation Commission on
and restrictions of record Chapter 9 and Massachusetts September 20, 2010. Said
insofar as the same are now in Wetlands Protection Act, project is located at 589
force and applicable. For MGL, Ch. 131, Section 40, on Franklin Street, lot
mortgagor's title see deed Tuesday evening, October 5, 070-046-070 of the Duxbury
recorded with the Plymouth 2010 at 7:25 p.m. on the Assessors Map.
County Registry of Deeds in request of Duxbury JOSEPH MESSINA
Book 33949, Page 297. Also Construction to determine the Chairman
Call Now Toll Free Pager: 508.866.6860 see Deed recorded in Book applicability of the
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
consists of 1.5 acres, in the COURT AT PLYMOUTH Subject to and with the
OF MORTGAGEE'S benefit of easements,
Residential Compatibility ON OR BEFORE TEN
MASSACHUSETTS District and is owned by O’CLOCK IN THE SALE OF reservation, restrictions, and
South Shore Conservatory of MORNING (10:00 AM) ON: REAL ESTATE taking of record, if any,
LAND COURT Music, P.O. Box 1523, 10/18/2010. insofar as the same are now in
Duxbury, MA 02332. WITNESS, Hon, Catherine By virtue and in execution force and applicable.
The applicant proposes to P Sabaitis, First Justice of this of the Power of Sale In the event of any
DEPARTMENT OF erect a 4’ x 7’ freestanding, Court. contained in a certain typographical error set forth
THE TRIAL COURT single faced, lighted by spot Date: September 16, 2010 mortgage given by Bradford herein in the legal description
light sign. A Special Permit Robert E. McCarthy W. Chandler and Joanne V. of the premises, the
(SEAL) is required. The application Register of Probate Chandler to Mortgage description as set forth and
Case No. 10 MISC 434560 may be viewed in the TOWN OF Electronic Registration contained in the mortgage
To: Inspectional Services Systems, Inc., as nominee for shall control by reference.
Department between the
DUXBURY NovaStar Mortgage, Inc. This property has the
Elizabeth J. Tileston
and to all persons entitled hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 ADVERTISEMENT dated July 26, 2006, recorded address of 2 Clinton Lane,
to the benefit of the p.m., or by appointment. FOR BIDS with the Plymouth County Duxbury, MA, 02332.
Servicemembers Civil Relief Any person wishing to Registry of Deeds in Book Together with all the
Act: BAC Home Loans comment on the applicant’s The Duxbury Water 33189, Page 114 of which improvements now or
Servicing, LP claiming to be proposal should appear at the Department, Duxbury, MA mortgage the undersigned is hereafter erected on the
the holder of mortgage public hearing at the time and (the Owner) requests sealed the present holder for breach property and all easements,
covering real property in place noted above. Written bids for Construction of of conditions of said rights, appurtenances, rents,
Duxbury, numbered 15 comments may be submitted Bowsprit and Millbrook mortgage and for the purpose royalties, mineral, oil and gas
Church Street given by to the Board of Appeals, 878 Watermains and Appurtenant of foreclosing the same will rights and profits, water rights
Elizabeth J. Tileston to Tremont Street, Duxbury, Work, Contract 2011-W1. be sold at PUBLIC and stock and all fixtures now
Mortgage Electronic MA 02332 no later than 7:30 Sealed bids for General AUCTION at 03:00 PM on or hereafter a part of the
Registration Systems, Inc., p.m. on October 14, 2010. Contractor Work, endorsed October 19, 2010, on the property. All replacements
dated November 30, 2005, Any individual with a “Bid for Construction of mortgaged premises. The and additions shall also be
Recorded with the Plymouth disability may request Watermains and Appurtenant entire mortgaged premises, all covered by this sale.
County Registry of Deeds at accommodation in order Work, contract 2011-W1, and singular, the premises as Terms of Sale: Said
Book 31871, Page 49, and to participate in the public Duxbury MA” will be described in said mortgage: premises will be sold subject
now held by plaintiff by hearing and may request the received at the Water A certain parcel of land on to any and all unpaid taxes
assignment has filed with said application and any Department, 878 Tremont the northerly side of Clinton and assessments, tax sales, tax
court a complaint for accompanying materials in an Street, Duxbury MA, until 2 Lane, Duxbury, Plymouth titles and other municipal
authority to foreclose said accessible format. Request p.m. on October 13, 2010, at County, Massachusetts, being liens and water or sewer liens
mortgage in the manner for accommodation to which time and place bids shown as Lot 63 on a plan and State or County transfer
following: by entry and participate in the public will be opened publicly and entitled “Clearwater Brook fees, if any there are, and
possession and exercise of hearing must be made at least read aloud. Estates Section II Duxbury, TEN THOUSAND
power of sale. If you are three working days in The work includes, but is Mass.” dated February 18, DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in
entitled to the benefits of the advance by contacting not limited to, construction of 1972, revised January 26, cashier's or certified check
Servicemembers Civil Relief Danielle Brandon at (781) 1,600 feet of 8-in. DI 1973, and recorded in Plan will be required to be paid by
Act and you object to such 934-1100, ext. 122. watermain, valves, hydrants Book 17, pp. 467-469 as Plan the purchaser at the time and
foreclosure you or your and pavement. No. 832 of 1973, Plymouth place of the sale as a deposit
attorney should file a written Judith Barrett, Chair The successful bidder will County Registry of Deeds. and the balance in cashier's or
appearance and answer in said Board of Appeals be required to complete the Said Lot 63 contains 40,172 certified check will be due in
court at Boston on or before Adv: 9/29/10-10/6/10 entire project 90 consecutive square feet, according to said thirty (30) days, at the offices
the 25th day of October, 2010 Case #: 10-18 calendar days after the date of plan, said premises shall be of Doonan, Graves &
or you may be forever barred the formal execution of the known and numbered as 2 Longoria, LLC, 100
from claiming that such
COMMONWEALTH Clinton Lane. This Cummings Center, Suite
Agreement, excluding
foreclosure is invalid under OF permanent pavement. conveyance is made subject to 225D, Beverly, MA 01915,
said act. MASSACHUSETTS The Town of Duxbury and with the benefit of; 1. time being of the essence.
Witness, Karyn F. Scheier reserves the right to reject any Real estate taxes for Fiscal The Mortgagee reserves
Chief Justice of said Court and all bids should it be in the Year 1989 are a lion but not the right to postpone the sale
this 10th day of September,
THE TRIAL COURT public interest to do so. yet due and payable. 2. All to a later date by public
2010 Contract Documents may easements, restrictions and proclamation at the time and
Attest: PLYMOUTH be obtained at the following other matters of record to the date appointed for the sale
Deborah J. Patterson location: extent the same are in force and to further postpone at any
PROBATE AND and applicable. Being the adjourned sale-date by public
Recorder Amory Engineers, P.C.
(617.5412 /Tileston) FAMILY COURT 25 Depot Street same property conveyed to proclamation at the time and
(09-29-10)(257470) 52 Obery Street Duxbury MA 02332 Bradford W. Chandler and date appointed for the
Joanne V. Chandler, husband adjourned sale date.
Suite 1130 Phone: 781-934-0178
The premises is to be sold
and wife, as tenants by the
TOWN OF Plymouth, MA 02360 A deposit of $50 cash,
entirety by Deed from James subject to and with the benefit
certified check or money
DUXBURY (508) 747-6204 order is required for each set R. Ahern and Jan N. Ahern, of all easements, restrictions,
of Contract Documents husband and wife recorded leases, tenancies, and rights of
BOARD OF Docket No. PL10P1790EA obtained, made payable to 07/19/1988 in Deed Book possession, building and
In the Estate of: Louise M Town Of Duxbury. Such 8591 Page 021, in the zoning laws, encumbrances,
APPEALS Registry of Deeds Plan for condominium liens, if any
Tuveson deposit will be refunded if the
Late of: Duxbury, MA documents are returned Plymouth County, and all other claim in the
NOTICE OF 02332 within 30 calendar days after
PUBLIC HEARING Date of Death: 08/22/2010 Bid opening.
NOTICE OF PETITION Requests for Documents to
The Board of Appeals will FOR APPOINTMENT OF be mailed will be accepted if
hold a public hearing in the ADMINISTRATOR accompanied by an additional
Mural Room at Town Hall, To all persons interested in non-refundable payment of
878 Tremont Street on the above captioned estate, a $25, made payable to Amory
October 14, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. petition has been presented Engineers. Requests for
to consider the application of requesting that Marianne documents to be mailed must
South Shore Conservatory of Thatcher of Plymouth, MA or be made to Amory Engineers,
Music for a special permit some other suitable person be P.C., PO Box 1768, Duxbury,
under Articles 600 and 900, appointed administrator of MA 02331.
Sections 601, 601.3 #4, 601.4 said estate to serve Without
601.6 and 906.2 of the Surety. TOWN MANAGER
Duxbury Protective Bylaw. IF YOU DESIRE TO DUXBURY,
The property is located at OBJECT THERETO, YOU MASSACHUSETTS
64 St. George Street, Parcel OR YOUR ATTORNEY
No. 180-458-027 of the MUST FILE A WRITTEN
16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices
nature of liens, if any there The description of the as numbered as 521 Congress
be. premises contained in said Street.
In the event that the mortgage shall control in the This conveyance is made
successful bidder at the event of an error in this subject to and with the benefit
foreclosure sale shall default publication. OTHER TERMS, of all easements, restrictions,
in purchasing the within IF ANY, TO BE and other matters of record to
described property according ANNOUNCED AT THE the extent the same are in
to the terms of this Notice of SALE. Present holder of said force and applicable.
Sale and/or the terms of the mortgage, Bank of America, For mortgagor's(s') title see
Memorandum of Sale National Association as deed recorded with Plymouth
executed at the time of successor by merger to County Registry of Deeds in
foreclosure, the Mortgagee LaSalle Bank National Book 30648, Page 87.
reserves the right to sell the Association, as Trustee for These premises will be
property by foreclosure deed Certificateholders of Bear sold and conveyed subject to
to the second highest bidder, Stearns Asset Backed and with the benefit of all
providing that said second
highest bidder shall deposit
Legal Legal Securities
rights, rights
of way,
with the Mortgagee's Notices Notices Series 2007-HE5 By its covenants, liens or claims in
attorneys, DOONAN, Simons and Patricia Simons Attorneys, Ablitt|Scofield, the nature of liens,
GRAVES, & LONGORIA a/k/a Patricia M. R. Simons to P.C., 304 Cambridge Road, improvements, public
L.L.C., 100 Cummings Mortgage Electronic Woburn, Massachusetts assessments, any and all
Center, Suite 225D, Beverly, Registration Systems Inc. as 01801 Telephone: unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax
Massachusetts, 01915, the Nominee for Aegis Lending 781-246-8995 liens, water and sewer liens
amount of the required Corporation, dated February Fax: 781-246-8994 and any other municipal
11, 1948, FILED AS
deposit as set forth herein 10, 2007 and recorded with 9/22/2010 9/29/2010 assessments or liens or
within three (3) business days the Plymouth County 10/6/2010 8.1919 existing encumbrances of
after written notice of the Registry District of the Land record which are in force and
EXPIRE IN JUNE 11, 1978.
default of the previous highest Court filed as Document No. are applicable, having priority
bidder and title shall be 618828 as noted on over said mortgage, whether
conveyed to the said second Certificate of Title No. 70222 or not reference to such
highest bidder within thirty of which mortgage Bank of CONTAINED OR
NOTICE OF restrictions, easements,
(30) days of said written America, National MORTGAGEE'S improvements, liens or
notice. encumbrances is made in the
If the second highest
Association as successor by CERTIFICATE OF TITLE SALE OF deed.
merger to LaSalle Bank NUMBER 12485, SO FAR REAL ESTATE
bidder declines to purchase National Association, as TERMS OF SALE:
the within described property, Trustee for Certificateholders A deposit of Ten Thousand
APPLICABLE. THERE IS By virtue and in execution
the Mortgagee reserves the of Bear Stearns Asset Backed ($10,000.00 ) Dollars by
APPURTENANT TO SAID of the Power of Sale
right to purchase the within Securities I LLC, certified or bank check will
LOT A RIGHT OF WAY contained in a certain
described property at the Asset-Backed Certificates, be required to be paid by the
OVER CHESTNUT AND mortgage given by Alfred M.
amount bid by the second Series 2007-HE5 is the purchaser at the time and
BAYRIDGE LANES, AND Thomas and Susan L. Thomas
highest bidder. present holder, for breach of place of sale. The balance is
SAID 30 FOOT WAY, IN to Mortgage Electronic
The foreclosure deed and the conditions of said to be paid by certified or bank
COMMON WITH OTHERS Registration Systems, Inc.,
the consideration paid by the mortgage and for the purpose check at Harmon Law
LEGALLY ENTITLED TO dated May 27, 2005 and
successful bidder shall be of foreclosing, the same will Offices, P.C., 150 California
USE THE SAME, AS SET recorded with the Plymouth
held in escrow by DOONAN, be sold at Public Auction at Street, Newton,
FORTH IN SAID DEED, County Registry of Deeds at
GRAVES, & LONGORIA 11:00 AM on October 13, Massachusetts 02458, or by
DOCUMENT NUMBER Book 30648, Page 88, of
L.L.C., (hereinafter called the 2010, on the mortgaged mail to P.O. Box 610389,
29411. For mortgagors’ title which mortgage Aurora Loan
"Escrow Agent") until the premises located at 13 Pine Newton Highlands,
see deed recorded with the Services, LLC is the present
deed shall be released from Ridge Lane, Duxbury, MA, Massachusetts 02461-0389,
Plymouth County Registry holder, for breach of the
escrow to the successful all and singular the premises within thirty (30) days from
District of the Land Court conditions of said mortgage
bidder at the same time as the described in said mortgage, the date of sale. Deed will be
filed as Document No. and for the purpose of
consideration is released to TO WIT: A CERTAIN provided to purchaser for
234495 and noted on foreclosing, the same will be
the Mortgagee, thirty (30) PARCEL OF LAND WITH recording upon receipt in full
Certificate of Title No. 70222. sold at Public Auction at 2:00
days after the date of sale, THE BUILDINGS of the purchase price. The
These premises will be sold p.m. on October 27, 2010, on
whereupon all obligations of THEREON, SITUATE IN description of the premises
and conveyed subject to and the mortgaged premises
the Escrow Agent shall be DUXBURY, IN THE contained in said mortgage
with the benefit of all rights, located at 521 Congress
deemed to have been properly COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH shall control in the event of an
rights of way, restrictions, Street, Duxbury, Plymouth
fulfilled and the Escrow AND COMMONWEALTH error in this publication.
easements, right of ways, County, Massachusetts, all
Agent shall be discharged. OF MASSACHUSETTS, Other terms, if any, to be
covenants, liens or claims in and singular the premises
Other terms to be BOUNDED AND announced at the sale.
the nature of liens, described in said mortgage,
announced at the sale. DESCRIBED AS AURORA LOAN
improvements, public TO WIT:
Dated: September 14, FOLLOWS: SERVICES, LLC
assessments, any and all That certain parcel of land
2010, Deutsche Bank NORTHWESTERLY BY A Present holder of said
unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax situated in Duxbury,
National Trust Company, as WAY, 30 FEET WIDE AS mortgage
liens, water and sewer liens Plymouth County,
Trustee for NovaStar SHOWN ON THE PLAND By its Attorneys,
and any other municipal Massachusetts, described as
Mortgage Funding Trust, HEREINAFTER HARMON LAW
assessments or liens or follows:
Series 2006-4, By: Reneau MENTIONED 140.03 FEET; OFFICES, P.C.
existing encumbrances of Lot 1 as shown on a plan
Longoria. Esq., DOONAN, NORTHEASTERLY BY 150 California Street
record which are in force and entitled ''Plan of Land in
are applicable, having priority Duxbury, Massachusetts,
LLC, 100 Cummings Center, 146.80 FEET; (617) 558-0500
over said mortgage, whether Congress Street and Franklin
Suite 225D, Beverly, MA SOUTHEASTERLY BY 201005-0979 - ORE
or not reference to such Street prepared by: South
01915, 978-921-2670, LAND NOW OR restrictions, easements, Shore Survey Consultants,
www.dgandl.com FORMERLY OF INGER H. improvements, liens or Inc. Registered Land
(3802.11 /Chandler) FEELEY, 139.69 FEET; encumbrances is made in the Surveyors & Civil Engineers
(09-22-10, 09-29-10, AND SOUTHWESTERLY deed. TERMS OF SALE: A 167 R Summer Street,
10-06-10)(257093) BY LOT B8 ON SAID deposit of TEN THOUSAND Kingston, Massachusetts
PLAN, 146.56 FEET. SAID DOLLARS ($10,000.00) by
NOTICE OF 02364, 617-582-2185,
PARCEL IS SHOWN AS certified or bank check will prepared for; Fred Thomas
MORTGAGEE'S LOT B7 ON SHEET 4 OF be required to be paid by the 521 Congress Street,
SALE OF SUBDIVISION PLAN purchaser at the time and Duxbury, Mass Scale: 1'' =
#19789B, DRAWN BY place of sale. The balance is
REAL ESTATE DELANO & KEITH, to be paid by certified or bank
40' Date: 05-20-97, '' which
plan is recorded with the
SURVEYORS, DATED check at Ablitt|Scofield, 304
By virtue and in execution Plymouth County Registiy of
JUNE 8, 1948, AND FILED Cambridge Road, Woburn,
of the Power of Sale Deeds as Plan No. 772 of
WITH CERTIFICATE OF Massachusetts 01801, other
contained in a certain 1997, in Plan Book 40, Page Everybody reads the
TITLE NUMBER 12485. terms and conditions will be
mortgage given by Jeffrey 619. Duxbury Clipper!
SAID LOT IS SUBJECT TO provided at the place of sale.
Simons a/k/a E. Jeffrey Said premises are knovvn
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 17

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
UNITED STATES Tidal Energy Project to be a mooring system; (3) to file competing Although the Commission
OF AMERICA located in the Cape Cod submersible cables applications: 60 days from strongly encourages
Canal and a portion of the connecting the the issuance of this notice. electronic filing, documents
FEDERAL ENERGY Hog Island Channel, between turbine-generating units to a Competing applications and may also be paper-filed. To
REGULATORY Cape Cod Bay and Buzzards shore station; (4) an notices of intent must meet paper-file, mail an original
COMMISSION Bay, in Plymouth and approximately 15-mile-long the requirements of 18 CFR and seven copies to:
Barnstable Counties, transmission line connecting 4.36. Comments, motions to Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary,
Massachusetts. The sole the shore station to an intervene, notices of intent, Federal Energy Regulatory
FFP Mass 1, LLC purpose of a preliminary existing distribution line; and and competing applications Commission, 888 First Street,
Project No. 13828-000 permit, if issued, is to grant (5) appurtenant facilities. The may be filed electronically via NE, Washington, DC 20426.
NOTICE OF the permit holder priority to estimated annual generation the Internet. See 18 CFR More information about
PRELIMINARY PERMIT file a license application of the Cape Cod Tidal Energy 385.2001(a)(1)(iii) and the this project, including a copy
APPLICATION during the permit term. A Project would be 53 instructions on the of the application, can be
ACCEPTED FOR FILING preliminary permit does not gigawatt-hours. Commission’s website viewed or printed on the
AND SOLICITING authorize the permit holder to Applicant Contact: Ramya http://www.ferc.gov/docs- "eLibrary" link of the
COMMENTS, MOTIONS perform any land-disturbing Swaminathan, Vice President filing/efiling.asp. Commission's website at
TO INTERVENE, AND activities or otherwise enter of Development, Free Flow Commenters can submit brief http://www.ferc.gov/docs-
COMPETING upon lands or waters owned Power Corporation, 33 comments up to 6,000 filing/elibrary.asp. Enter the
APPLICATIONS by others without the owners’ Commercial Street, characters, without prior docket number (P-13828-000)
(September 3, 2010) express permission. Gloucester, MA 01930; registration, using the in the docket number field to
The proposed project will phone: (978) 283-2822. eComment system at access the document. For
On August 9, 2010, FFP consist of the following: (1) FERC Contact: Michael http://www.ferc.gov/docs- assistance, contact FERC
Mass 1, LLC filed an 2,000 hydrokinetic tidal Watts (202) 502-6123. filing/ecomment.asp. You Online Support.
application for a preliminary devices consisting of a turbine Deadline for filing must include your name and
permit, pursuant to section blade assembly and an comments, motions to contact information at the end Kimberly D. Bose
4(f) of the Federal Power Act integrated 10-kilowatt intervene, competing of your comments. For Secretary.
(FPA), proposing to study the generator for a combined applications (without notices assistance, please contact
feasibility of the Cape Cod capacity of 20 megawatts; (2) of intent), or notices of intent FERC Online Support.


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