Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 16 - 06
Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 16 - 06
Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 16 - 06
ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.00
Volume LX No. 24 I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. Walt Whitman Wednesday, June 16, 2010
FiOS approved
Selectmen OK Verizon service
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff munications service offering
[email protected]
Internet and telephone service
By unanimous vote on in addition to television.
Monday, the Board of Select- Selectmen first heard that
men approved the introduction Verizon planned to bring FiOS
of Verizons FiOS television to Duxbury in January 2009.
to Duxbury. Since that time, the towns
FiOS television may be Cable Advisory Committee
available to certain residents and its consulting attorney for
by the end of the week, ac- cable television, Bill Hewig,
cording to Verizon representa- of Kopelman and Paige of
tives. Boston, have been in negotia-
Since last year, Verizon tions with Verizon to hammer
New England, Inc. has been out a licensing agreement.
wiring Duxbury to ready the On Monday, Selectmen
town for its fiber-optic com- voted unanimously to approve
munications network called the licensing agreement, which
FiOS. This is a bundled com- David Chesley and daughter Lydia, 5, walk the new section of the Bay Circuit Trail connecting to
continued on page 26
Duxbury on Saturday morning, along with trail maintenance coordinator Maureen Thomas, Bay
Risky business Circuit Trail Alliance members Dick and Olga Rothschild and their grandson Henry Minsky, visiting
from California. Photo by Becca Manning
40 Depot Street * Next to Foodies
Clipper is
The dog days of summer are almost here! published week-
ly by Clipper
Press, 11 So.
Dad will wish he had a Station Street,
Pawleys Island Hammock and you will too Duxbury,
in which to loaf away these steamy days. postage permit (USPS#163-260) paid at Duxbury, MA.
The 100% cotton rope hammock i E POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury
$BUFSQJMMBST Music Together at the Duxbury
The Studio of Duxbury $145.00
Free Library
FUD If you missed the fun in May, the childrens department
of the Duxbury Free Library will host a repeat presentation
.PTRVJUP 5JDL $POUSPM by the South Shore Conservatory of Music Together on Tues-
The Studio of Duxbury t 4FBTPOBM1SPHSBNT day, June 29 at 10:30 a.m. in the lower level Resource Room.
Children age 6 months to 4 years with an adult can discover
Mon.-Fri. 10:00-5:30 Sat. 10:00-5:00 the power of musical play through song, dance and instrument
ZBSEUSFBUNFOUTGPS play. The program, led by a staff member of the Conservatory,
934-2121 will show that all families can be musical families. Space is
www.theStudioofDuxbury.com PVUEPPSFWFOUT limited and advance registration is required for all attendees,
child and adult. This may be done in person at the childrens
'SFF FTUJNBUFT reference desk, by phone 781-934-2721 x115, or online at
DBMM duxburyfreelibrary.org.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3
Duxbury speaks
- Senior & Prompt
A. If you have the test kit that uses the bottles of OTO for the
In last weeks gradua- Payment Discounts
Chlorine and the Phenol Red for the pH tests, yes you need to
tion special section, Kerry
out against drilling
- Budget Payment Plans
replace these each year. If you use the DPD tablets for the
Turok was left off the list - 24 Hour Burner Service
Chlorine test, replace these every 3 years as well as the
Sustainable Duxbury of students who received a
- Automatic Delivery Service
- Complete Heating Installations Chlorine Neutralizer (No.4) bottle. (Note - if you bring us a
is holding a gathering at Duxbury Music Promoters www.dunlapsoil.com quart sample of your pool water - after the filter has been
Duxbury Beach on June 26 scholarship. 508-746-1278 running for at least 48 hrs. - we'll run a complete test with
at 11:30 a.m.. The group is 20 Holman Road, Plymouth our ACCU-SCAN water analyzer.)
going to be joining hands at
12 noon for 15 minutes to
give voice to saying no to WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF THIS WEEK'S
offshore drilling and yes SPECIAL!
to Clean Energy. This will TREES, SHRUBS & FLOWERS _____________
Duxbury. of one boy from town who one has access to tickets con-
was skateboarding in his own tact Selden Tearse at 781-934- &ORMERLY
Q: What will happen driveway, while living in an- 5452. $PVSU4USFFUt 3U"BDSPTTGSPN&SOJFT
during this campaign? other state, and fell the wrong EJOBUBMJFTFBGPPEDPNt 3EAFOOD
way and died from his injuries.
A: Starting on Monday,
June 21, the Duxbury Police Statistics can be boring, but
Department and other author- they show that helmets are key The Historic 1699 Winslow House Presents
ity figures like sailing instruc- in saving peoples lives in bad A FUNdraising Night of Laughs
tors at DBMS and DYC will bike and skateboard accidents Starring Nationally Acclaimed Comic
be given $2 coupons (good at and that most car-bike acci-
Benchwarmers, Duxbury Piz-
za, Far Fars, French Memories,
dents happen on quiet neigh-
borhood streets.
Jimmy Tingle
With Special Guest
Scoops or One) they can hand
out to anyone they see wear- Q: How can people help Chrissy Kelleher
ing a strapped-on bike helmet out?
while biking, skateboarding, A: People can help out by
scootering or anything else wearing their helmets. We feel
on wheels. The helmet must strongly that many parents put
Seen on
be strapped on to get a cou- helmets on their kids but not
pon. Also, kids will get a $2 on themselves and this sends a and HBO
coupon when they purchase a bad message. It would be like
Bern helmet from either Go having your kids wear a seat-
Big Boarding or the Surf Shop belt but not wearing one your- Uncommonly
in Kingston. self. Helmets are your armor Good!
and the only thing protecting - Boston Herald
Q: Do the kids keep the you if you fall off your bike
coupon after? or skateboard. For some rea-
Voted Best of Boston
A: No, they turn in the son, it seems that many people Stand-Up Performer
coupon because it is also a think it cant happen to them,
raffle ticket. The person signs but it really can and it can
Saturday, June 26, 2010, 7:30 pm
the back of the card with their change your life forever.
Duxbury Performing Arts Center
visit www.winslowhouse.org
name and phone number and Ticket Prices: $50 and $25
turns it into the store of their Q: How are you funding Tickets also available at Westwinds Bookshop,
choice. The coupons must be this initiative? Buckles & Boards, Marsheld Ofce Supply &
redeemed in full at the time of A: We are raising money North River Arts Society, Marsheld
the purchase. directly from the citizens of
Duxbury. We did not expect
Q: When is the final raf- or want the businesses where
fle? the coupons are used to be ex-
A: Although we want pected to donate their product,
the RIDE PHAT program to since they are asked to do so
Toasting our
Lanman Room. Regain your strength,
Friday, July 16, 10:30 a.m. to noon, at Duxbury Library, confidence and mobility with:
Lanman Room.
Any resident with a question or a concern about state gov- Experienced & dedicated nursing staff
ernment is encouraged to stop by. Occupational, physical, speech Macdonald
& language therapies
Medical Reserve Corps looking for members Comprehensive rehabilitation
The Duxbury Bay Area Regional Medical Reserve Corps, for joint replacement, stroke, NURSING CENTER
a partnership between the towns of Duxbury, Hanson, Marsh- cardiac conditions & diabetes 308 Kings Town Way
field, Pembroke and Whitman is celebrating our volunteers and Pain Management Program Duxbury, MA
recruiting new volunteers. Anyone can apply, and free training
is offered to all volunteers. There is no medical background re- 781-585-5561
quired, as MRC is strictly a volunteer organization. There will
be an evening of food, awards, fun and information on Thurs-
day, June 24, at 6 p.m. at the Duxbury Senior Center. Call today for a
All new Duxbury Bay Area Regional Medical Reserve Free Rehabilitation
Corps volunteers will be entered into a raffle that will be drawn
that evening. Please join us and bring a friend. To RSVP and for Brochure & Tour!
additional information call 781-934-1100, ext. 124.
Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group is a family-owned
company celebrating 60 years of quality service to older adults. www.welchhrg.com
First Parish to hold fair
The First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church at 842
Tremont Street will be holding their traditional fair on Sat-
urday, June 19 from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be food,
games, and thousands upon thousands of items at bargain
prices to provide something of interest for all ages. High-
lights include an auction at 10 a.m., books, antiques and col-
lectibles, childrens activities such as face painting, musical
entertainment, plus Fathers Day gifts, hundreds of chil- Duxbury Clipper - 5.9 inches wide x 7.5 inches tall- After Surgery; Bay Path
drens toys and games, crafts, plants, a white elephant table,
snacks, baked goods, and strawberry shortcake. Admission
and parking are free. Come rain or shine. For more informa-
tion, call 781-934-6532.
Mount Gay Eclipse Barbados Rum.............................1.75L.................. $25.99
Rex Goliath Wines (includes Pinot Noir)................750 ml................... $5.99
ay Farm Montes- Jordan Chardonnay......................................................................750 ml............ ... $19.99
sori Academys Twisted Wines......................................................................................1.5L............ ............ $9.99
First International Coors Light or Miller Lite............................................... 20pk bottles.............$14.99+dep
Molson or Labatt....................................................................... 18pk cans.................$14.99+dep
Fair, held on Sunday, June prices good through 6/22/10
Offer Cannot Be Combined. No Other Discounts.
Coupon Expires 8/31/10
(781) 585-2392
Mon. - Sat. 9-6pm Closed Sundays
Route 53, Duxbury
Massachusetts Grown...and freshest
Robbie Wilson, Bay Farm stu-
dent, in his international cos-
Bay Farm students sing Celebrate the Differences to a packed tent. $539,900
DHS Class of
1970 to hold
The Duxbury High
School Class of 1970 is
planning a 40th reunion
weekend to be held in Dux-
bury on Sept. 10-12. The
class of 70 is welcoming
everyone who was ever in
the class of 1970 and friends
who skipped ahead, hung
Enjoying a night out at the Caribbean Summer Cocktail Party at back or transferred schools,
the home of Gina and Mark Hager-Mosito are: Blake Coyle, Alison to join in the weekend fes-
Estabrooks, Elaine Philbrick, Lisa Sundstrom, Megan Lemieux and tivities. The reunion com-
Alyssa Igo. mittee needs help locating
Over 48 Years of the Best Quality
alumni. Anyone who has
joins her big sister, Ali. Her 27 RAILROAD AVE DUXBURY, MA 02332
Cheerdance Camp June 22,23,24,25 9:30-noon
ber and John and Marie Pierce, 781-934-7393 Hip Hop Dance Parties Friday nights (call for dates)
A midsummer
fantasy CENTINEL
A Midsummer Nights F I N A N C I A L G R O U P, L L C
Fantasy will be held on the Member of John Hancock Financial Network
grounds of the Miramar Re-
treat Center, 121 Parks St., on Pete Rickards, CLTC
the night of the Summer Sol- Long Term Care Representative
stice, Monday, June 21 from 462 Plain Street, Marshfield, MA 02050
7:30-9 p.m. The rain dates are Tel 781-837-9921 x107 | Fax 781-834-2926
June 22-23. [email protected] | www.centinelfinancialgroup.com
Children who are at least
four, but no more than eight
years old, along with a parent,
are invited to join the Fairy
Daisy Girl Scouts gathered for a photo after crossing the bridge into Queen for an enjoyable eve-
Brownie Girl Scouting. ning of fantasy, fun, music,
dancing, games and light re-
dressed in fairy costumes for
the evening, perhaps with Katherine Smit & Pat McCarthy
amily and friends of Duxbury Girl Scouts gathered at wings and wands. Adults are Two ArtistsOne Still Life
Duxbury Middle School recently to celebrate the ad- encouraged to wear their own
Live Painting Demonstration!
vancement of 114 Girl Scouts as they advanced to the whimsical outfits as well.
Friday, June 25, 1012
next level of Scouting. The opening candlelight ceremony was The cost for one parent
performed by members of Cadette Troop 80331. Daisy Troop and one child is $25. Each
80446 then took to the stage to tell the Brownie Story to those additional family child is $5.
in attendance. After each girl had been introduced and crossed All proceeds will benefit the Bob Cipriani
over the bridge, the new Cadette Scouts invited all the girls to work of Miramar in provid- Meet the ArtistSpecial Reception Open to All
join them as they read the Friendship Poem. The girls and their ing programs of spirituality Saturday, June 26, 3-5pm
guests enjoyed refreshments after the ceremony. and renewal
AH.Advertorials:Layout 1 6/5/10 for clergy
8:04 AM andPage
lay 10
The following Daisy Scouts bridged to Brownies: From people of the area.
For more information and
Daisy Troop 80446: Molly Bresnehan, Lauryn Burnes, Emma
to register for the program
Caffrey, Katherine Cleary, Teaghan Curran, Jaden Chee, Abigail contact the Miramar Retreat
Edwards, Serena Farias, Grey Frost, Shannon Horgan, Paige Ho- Center at 781-585-2460, ext. NINE STANDISH STREET, DUXBURY, MA. 781 934 1541
man, Jillian Magee, Thalia Sapia, Hannah Sobran, Rachel So- 312. No tickets will be sold at
bran, Emma Szachta, Olivia Szachta. From Daisy Troop 80464 the door.
Ana Leto, Sophie Roy crossed the bridge to Brownies.
Members of Daisy Troop 80531 who bridged to Brownies
were Carina Bruno, Daniela Cawley, Ava DeAngelis, Robin
Hunt, Elizabeth Lemieux, Sophia Mulvey, Emily Quinlan, Jac-
qui Slayter. From Daisy Troop 80669: Alexia Avitabile, Casey
Duxbury Assisted Living Resident
Coletti, Jamie Dosenberg, Jillian Downey, Ani Flaherty, Ella
Knecht, Carly McDermott, Erin Murphy, Olivia ONeil, Emma
enjoys company of Fellow Residents,
Sundstrom, Katie Winter, Katelyn Zaniboni, Alannah Gayoski, Activities and Basketball
Sarah Leonard, Allison Murphy, Johanna Tackitt.
From Daisy Troop 80712: Hope Brown, Julia Conner, Han-
nah Depuydt, Abby Donnelly, Lexi Joseph, Isabel Kelley, Su-
sanne Moore, Charlotte Tobin, Isabel Tobin.
Brownie Girl Scouts who flew up to Junior Scouts and
B efore moving to their contemporary
apartment at Allerton House at The
Village at Duxbury in 2007, Joseph
(Joe) McDermott and his late wife,
baseball was
big back in
those days, so
received their Girl Scout pin included the following girls: from Barbara, were separated from their two they hired me
Brownie Troop 80500 Linnea Berry, Morgan Cleary, Caroline
daughters and two of their grandchildren because I was
by a four-hour drive from Howard Beach a good ball
Curley, Katie Hill, Mairead Kennedy, Heather Maiuri, Olivia in Long Island, New York to Bostons player. The
OBrien, Morgan Slayter, Lindsay Sullivan, Bla Tearse, Lucy South Shore. Although their son, James deal was I had
and his family remain in Long Island, to work for
daughters Barbara and Dorothy are now them for a
From Brownie Troop 80581 the following girls bridged to just minutes away in Duxbury and year before
Junior Girl Scouts: Giovanna Henry, Erin Mathews, LiLi Mac- Kingston. Joe says, We actually came and they would
Quarrie, Fiona Nagle, Julia Wonkka, Lauren Zak, Abigail Zel- looked at the place back in 2005. One of Duxburys Allerton House pay me a
our sons found out about it and thought it Assisted Living Resident salary! A lot
vis. Bridging members of Troop 80810 included: Kaitlyn Bar- would be great for us. When we finally did Joe McDermott stands in of companies
rett-Gullion, Melina Cawley, Ashley DeMio, Kelsey DeWolf, move almost three years later my wife was the communitys gardens use to sponsor
with his daughter, Barbara
Corinne Lee, Emily Mullin, Alyssa White. very happy here. Pye, also of Duxbury. leagues to
Brownie Troop 81104 bridged Madeline Chaunt, Lexi Ellis, Always an athlete, Joe excelled in baseball employee loyalty and provide
Niahm Griffin, Sophia Koslowski, Charlotte Brill, Ava Ceder- during high school and college, and
landed a job in 1940 at
entertainment back then. As it turned out,
lund, Katie Coakley, Olivia Evans, Aaden Fantom, Katy King, Pfizer Inc. as a result of his
Joe worked for Pfizer for 44 years until he
retired in 1984.
Hadley Knies, Meryl Lemieux, Isabelle Long and Allison Mat- baseball talents. He recalls,
thews to Junior Girl Scouts. Joe also served in the United States Air
Force for four years. Being drafted into
Girls from Brownie Troop 81261 who crossed the bridge Joe McDermott military service actually led to his
to Juniors included: Hailey Champagne, Annabel Kiley, Em- enjoys shooting relationship with, and ultimately his
ily McKale, Jacqueline Mutkoski, Erin Sullivan, Kaya Towers. hoops at the
Allerton House at
marriage to Barbara. He explains, I was
seeing someone else when I left to serve in
Twenty Junior Scouts crossed the bridge to Cadette scouting. The Village at the military, but she wrote me a Dear
They included from Troop 80485 Isabella Blair, Martha Fan- Duxbury. John letter. My older brothers wife told
tom, Maeve Gillis, Devyn Hurley, Rebecca Jones, Claire Lewis, me about a friend of hers who would be
happy to correspond with me. That friend
MaryKate Lyons, Mei MacQuarrie, Sophia Roy, Sara Walker. turned out to be my Babs. She was an
From Troop 80663 Autumn Brown bridged to Cadettes, and angel. He got back to the States in 1946,
from Troop 80667 Hailey Briggs, Libby Bullinger, Meghan proposed to Barbara on Christmas Eve,
and the two were married just six months
Guilfoile, Madison Hill, Bridget Murphy, Caroline OKeeffe, after his return.
Lauren Oliver, Caitlin Rooney and Micaela Zukowsti crossed
the bridge and were welcomed to Cadette scouting. Graduating
Joe recently celebrated his 91st birthday
and is happy to report that he enjoys
Senior Girl Scout Jill Smith was recognized for having com- spending time with friends and engaging
pleted 12 years of Girl Scouting in Duxbury during which she in the variety of activities available at
earned the Silver Award.
Allerton Housemost notably the ones
that keep his athletic skills sharp.
Recognized for their contribution to the Duxbury Girl Scouts He says, We have all sorts of activities.
were registrar Noreen Roy and retiring treasurer Paula Valen- For example, I enjoy the Fitness Center.
cia. Many thanks to Jan Bruno for preparing the programs and
I usually participate in the chair exercise
class and I like to shoot baskets.
Shawn Hennigan of Silver Lake Press for printing the programs
for this event. Thanks also, to the members of Cadette Troop
80331 who assisted with the ceremony as well as set-up and
clean-up at the end of the evening.
Phone: 934-6434
Sun.: Service at 10:30. Sunday school for youth to 20 at 10:30.
Wed.: Service at 8 pm, readings from the Bible and Science and
10 Health. Childcare provided. Reading Room: 17 StandishDuxbury
St., Clipper Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hours: Tue. through Fri., 10-1; Sat., 9-3.
Send obituary nOtices
to [email protected]
New Covenant Fellowship
Tarkiln Community Center, Rte 53, Summer St
Anne M. Groden
Anne Annie M. Groden of Duxbury, Green Harbor, and
THE Deadline is David Woods, Pastor Cambridge, died Friday, June 11. She was the daughter of the
Monday at noon. Phone: 585-8628 late Michael and Flavia Groden. She leaves her sister Elizabeth
Sundays: Contemporary praise and worship at 10. Sunday Dewire and her husband Michael of Duxbury; her brother Pe-
ter McLaughlin and his wife Marion of Chestnut Hill; and many
John K. Collins, 68
school and youth group after opening worship. Communion
first Sun. of the month. Womens Discovery and men of nieces and nephews.
Ms. Groden graduated from Emmanuel College, class of
John K. Collins, 68, of Duxbury, died June Mr. Collins leaves his wife, Martha (Smith)
Promise homegroups.
1947. She worked for Boston City Hospital as a social worker
12 in his home after a long illness. He was born Collins; his sons, J. Kevin Collins of Brookline
South Shore Worship
in Quincy on Aug. 25, 1941, the son of the late and Bill Collins of Hanover; and two grandchil-
until her retirement. She was an active member of the Marshfield
Country Club.
John and Margaret (Barrett) Collins. He was
Congregation dren. P.O. Box 2727, Duxbury 02331, Phone: 781-582-2700
Shirat Hayam, A memorial mass to celebrate Ms. Grodens life will be held on
raised and educated in Weymouth and was a A funeral Mass will be held at Holy Family Saturday, June 26 at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Assumption Church,
graduate of Bentley College. He Zion lived in Ha-
Lutheran ChurchChurch in Duxbury on Wednesday, June 16 at 40 Canal St. in Green Harbor. In lieu of flowers, donations may
nover several years and in Norwell386for over
Court 10 a.m.
35 Plymouth,
St., No. Rev. Burial
C. Robertwill
Stott,be in Mayflower
Phone: 508-746-3041 Cemetery. be made in her memory to: Social Work Fund, Boston Medical
years before moving to Duxbury last year. He Memorial contributions may be made to the Center, Development Office, 801 Mass Ave., Boston, MA 02118.
was the retired chief financial officer for W.G.L.,
Congregation American Diabetes Association, 330 Congress
Beth Jacob To offer condolences please visit shepherdfuneralhome.com.
Synagogue: 8 PleasantSt.,
the publisher of Bankers and Tradesmen. Mr. 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02210. For online
St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence
Collins was the past Commodore Silverman,
of the North guest book, visit sullivanfuneralhome.com.
Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
River Yacht Club.
MacDonald Funeral Home
Louis F. Eaton,South
Phone:91, World
Shore Quaker
781-749-4383, War
Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham,II(offveteran
Rte. 228 at the library/town hall 1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Louis Levitt St., and
F. offEaton
complex up thefueling hisHillpassion
hill to Turkey Lane). for naval history. Dis-
Jr., 91, died on May charged in 1945, Mr. Eaton then returned to law
26 in Church of JesusofChristschool.
Cohasset He Saints
of Latter-Day moved his young family to Cohasset
complications due in 1946 where he
379 Gardner St., So. Hingham, Bishop John Howe, Phone:lived for781-293-2520,
the rest of Sundays
his life.
to multiple Family worship Mr.
year round: Eaton was admitted to the Massachu-
at 10 am. Excellence in Service with Understanding
ma. setts Bar in 1947 and joined Hutchins & Wheel-
Mark of Epheseus er,
Mr.St.Eaton was the oldest
Orthodox Mission law firm in Boston. He practiced Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
born on December general andMcGillicuddy,
estate lawPhone: until781-585-8907
he retired in 1986,
261 Main St., Kingston, Rev. Terrence
20, 1918, in Annap- though he continued to serve as a trustee and as RICHARD DAVIS FUNERAL HOMES, INC.
olis, Md. to Marga- an Arbiter with the American Arbitration Asso-
Traditional Funerals
ret andIslamic
Eaton. of Newciation
England Mosques
for the next 20 years. CremationsPre-Need Funeral Planning
He was the eldest of 671-479-8341,
470 South St., Quincy, For more74than Chasehalf
Dr., Sharon, 781-784-0434
a century Mr. Eaton sub- 373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
six children. scribed to Friday afternoon concerts of the Bos- N. Plymouth Manomet
Mr.Safe Harbor Church ton Symphony Orchestra, and was a member of
Eaton (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
52 Main St.,
earned his diploma from Brockton High School the Marshfield, Pastor Mark Eagling,
Boston Museum 781-837-9903
of Fine Arts and the New
at the age of 16. He took a post-grad year at England Historic Genealogical Society. He was
Deerfield Academy and entered Amherst Col- also a member of The Mayflower Society and
lege, graduating Phi Beta Kappa, with a double Mensa, and a Proprietor of the Boston Athenae-
major in economics and history in 1940. He um.
loved Amherst and participated fully in academ- Mr. Eaton served many positions in Co-
ic, athletic, and political activities as a member hasset town government, including Chairman
of Chi Phi, Debating Council, Political Union, of the Advisory Committee, Transportation
Student Council, and sportssoccer, golf and Committee, and for 40 years a Designee to the
tennis. MBTA Advisory Board (1965-2005). He was a DUXBURY HARDWARE CORP.
He began his studies at Harvard Law School, member/president of numerous civic organiza- 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD KINGSTON
anticipating his degree in 1943. However, tions including the Community Fund, Dramatic
World War II intervened, and in the spring of Club, Golf Club, Historical Society, American (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
1941, he enlisted. He was sent to the US Naval Field Service, and Old Goats. 781-422-0131
Reserve Midshipmens School, and in 1942 he Mr. Eaton leaves his wife Robin L. Eaton,
was awarded the New York Yacht Club Sword whom he married in 1994; his daughters Eliza-
for excellence in navigation and seamanship beth Sunny Steadman of Duxbury and Debo-
and became a Commissioned Ensign. rah Peck and her husband, Raymond, of Wash-
House Cleaning
On May 13, 1942, Mr. Eaton married Eliza- ington, D.C.; step-son William Lord and his wife, Homes-Apartments-Offices
beth Ferguson of Pittsfield, N.H., class of 1941 Nan, of Seattle, Wash.; steph-daughter Donna
at Mount Holyoke College, and they enjoyed Roberts, of West Lebanon, N.H; grandchildren, Anubia da Costa
more than 50 years of marriage before she David Steadman (DHS 1998) Sarah Peck and
passed away in 1993. Catherine and Rebecca Roberts; siblings Allan Cell: 617-688-0859
He taught ship handling to Russian officers Eaton of Duxbury, David Eaton of Sandwich, Home: 781-834-1983
and crew at the Sub Chaser Training Center in N.H., Margaret Koerner of Woodstock, Conn.,
Miami. Between 1944 and 1945 he fitted out Mary Abigail Mott of Topsham, Maine, and the
several ships and was assigned as Command- late Robert Eaton, of Sandwich, NH.
- References Available -
ing Officer of convoy escorts in the Aleutian Is- A celebration of life service was held June
lands, based in Adak. He captained a succession 12 at the First Parish Church in Cohasset.
of four 110-foot wooden sub chasers and later a
PCE with 90 men, honing his leadership skills Help Help
secureprotect yourTODAY
your future retirement
with long-term care insurance
Richard S. Ellis, 84, electrical contractor Plan ahead for long-term care
Richard Stetson ton Street in Pembroke and settled there in the Over theLearn
course more at this
of a lifetime youcomplimentary workshop.
save and invest to achieve many
Ellis, 84, died in his early 1950s. They raised two daughters, Linda goals. But have you taken into account how the future need for
sleep at home on and Jane. It was during this time that Mr. Ellis Topics include:
June 2, 2010. Son started his electrical contracting business. When long-term care can impact your financial security, your quality of
of the late Leslie his marriage ended in divorce in 1977, Mr. Ellis life, ands your
familys well-being?
C. Ellis and the late moved to Duxbury.He continued in the electri- s 7HAT -EDICARE AND -EDICAID REALLY COVER
By planning ahead today, and making long-term care
Ruth S. (Bryant) cal trade, operating out of his home on Church insurances (OW PROPER PLANNING CAN HELP YOU PROTECT YOUR RETIREMENT
part of your financial plan, you can help:
Ellis, Mr. Ellis was Street. Famous for the quality of his work, he
born in Braintree was still working at the time of his death, doing
Protect your and your
assets fromfamilys well-being
the high cost of long-term care
and raised in Rock- smaller jobs and repairing lamps while referring Reduce the burden of care that often falls on family members
Call now and reserve your place today. Seating is limited.
land. A member of larger jobs to his grandson, also a master electri- Maintain control over where you receive care, including in
the Rockland High cian. Mr. Ellis was in business for himself for your home
School Class of sixty years. Date June 17, 2010
1944, Mr. Ellis left Mr. Ellis leaves his daughters, Linda M. El- The younger
Time and healthier you are, the8PM
6:45 more affordable your
school before grad- lis of Rockland and Jane Ellis of Duxbury; a coveragePlace
can be. To learn about Duxbury
solutions Free
that Library
fit your personal
uation to enlist in grandson,Christopher J. Ellis of Pembroke; and needs, please contact:
Agent name Pete Rickards, CLTC
the U.S. Navy during World War II.He served two great-grandchildren, Kingston E. and Lucia <Agent Agent
in the Pacific as a signalman on the USS LCI(L)- M. Ellis of Pembroke. phone number or (781) 837-9921 Ext. 107
<[email protected]>
969. Upon his return from the war, he worked Friends and family are invited to a memorial
at Arnolds Machine Shop on Liberty Street in service on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, at 7 p.m. at Long-term Long-term care insurance
care insurance is underwritten
is underwritten by
Rockland.He ran a side business from home, re- First Church in Pembroke, 105 Center St. Burial by John Hancock Life Insurance
John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Company
finishing antique furniture. He attended classes at Marshfield Hills Cemetery will be private. In Boston, MA(USA),
02117 Boston,
(not MA 02117in(not
licensed Newlicensed
at Wentworth Institute in Boston. lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be and in NewNew
YorkYork) and inHancock
by John New YorkLifeby John Hancock
& Health Policy Series: LTC-03, LTC-06
Policy Series: LTC-03, LTC-06
Mr. Ellis met and married Barbara M. (At- made to the Richard S. Ellis Scholarship Fund, Life & HealthBoston,
Insurance Company, Insurance
02117. Boston, In ID: LTC-03 ID, LTC-06 ID, LTC-CPP2
kinson) Ellis of Rockland in the late 1940s. South Shore Vocational Technical High School, MA 02117.
LTC-6324 1/09 In OK: LTC-03
In OK: LTC-03 OK 10/03,
OK 10/03, LTC-06
They designed and built a house on Washing- 476 Webster St., Hanover MA 02339. . Rev. 1/10 LTC-6401 1/09 Rev. 1/10 In NC: LTC-03 NC 1/08, LTC-06 NCNC
In NC: LTC-03 NC 1/08, LTC-06
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11
fore founding the Boy Scouts, over 40,000. The most excit- way falling over in the wind,
Baden-Powell served a con- ing part of it all is the fact that (oops!) everything went well. U-iV-i
siderable amount of time in the twenty Scouts from Duxbury It looks like the Jamboree will i}E,i>
British cavalry, and he returned Troop 62 and other Scouts turn out to be an unforgettable U-,i>
to his home country, England, from seven other towns from trip.
as the best-known hero of the Old Colony Council are join- Tom Blanchard, Duxburys U>i
Boer War. Baden-Powell de- ing together to form Jambo- Scout Jamboree National U/i6iV
cided to use his newfound ree Troop 535, which will be Hometown News Correspon- U-iiii
eventually made its way to 535 are from the South Shore,
of the rights of Mr. And Mrs. Class of 2010 Hours: Open 8am-5pm
Annicelli, Driscoll wrote in a Closed Sunday
letter that was submitted into
Email: [email protected]
or call
the record but not discussed on 508-224-5804
Thursday. After going public for more information.
with their position, but having
failed to convince the director More information at
of inspectional services and the
Zoning Board of Appeals of
the merits of their viewpoint,
the Planning Board for its own Reservations
purposes has now recklessly Recommended FATHERS DAY SPECIALS:
thrust the Annicelli family into
the middle of an administra- 182 Powder Point Ave Duxbury
Chix Lobsters..............$6.99/lb.
tive, yet personal dispute. 781.934.7727 Quarters..........................$6.99/lb.
The hearing was contin-
ued until sometime in July,
Pound and 1/2..............$6.99/lb.
but people on both sides of www.ppbab.com 2 to 3 lb. lobsters.......$7.99/lb.
the issue were determined to
have their say. Planning Board Recommended in Karen Browns Guide, 2009 New England 3 to 4 lb. lobsters.......$6.99/lb.
members insisted the issue 4 to 6 lb. lobsters.......$5.99/lb.
wasnt personal, but part of a
larger problem in town where
6+ lobsters......................$5.50/lb.
the accessory building bylaw Steamers..........................$3.99/lb.
is being misused.
The Planning Board is Prices good through 6/23/10
not pursuing the applicant or Engaging in the General Practice of Law
contractor but does think that Concentrating in Real Estate, Criminal Defense, WHOLESALE RETAIL
the process for review of an Estate Planning & Immigration
781-826-7040 781-826-2001
application was not followed,
and that decisions were made 272 Saint George Street, Duxbury, Massachusetts 406 Columbia Rd, Rte 53
by the Building Department 781-934-8500 Hanover, MA 02339
that should have been made
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13
at the east end of Saquish 781-834-8111 seniors and children under 18 get a $2 discount per class
Monday, June 21: Roast pork, rice, vegetable, pastry (Front) Beach.
297 Ocean Street, Marshfield www.rayoflightwelnessstudio.com
Tuesday, June 22: Barbecue special - chefs choice The race is a distance of
two miles. Runners will run
Wednesday, June 23: Roast chicken, rice, vegetable, des- from Front Beach from East
sert End to West End (Flag Pole)
Thursday, June 24: Roast beef, potato, vegetable, dessert and back to East End.
Entry Info: Pre-regis-
No Potluck Dinner this month: Our next potluck dinner tration $20 (Kids run free).
will be on Thursday evening, July 8 with the special addition of Day of race $25. Make
some broadway-style summertime entertainment courtesy of checks payable to Gurnet
local pianist Steve Lanzillotta and Broadway singer/performer Fire Fund.
Rich Hebert at 5 p.m. Barbecue potluck dinner at 6 p.m. Call Prizes will be given out
the Senior Center front desk at 781-934-5774 for more informa- to the first male, the first fe- 1379 Tremont Street. Best of new and old! The 1802 Thomas Weston
tion and to sign up for the potluck. male and every tenth finish-
house is a wonderful blend of historic Duxbury and beautifully
er. There will be childrens
Ballroom Dance Demonstration: On Thursday, July 8, fun runs/walks starting at 9 updated modern living. On over an acre, the house boasts 4 re-
by Casey Baird, of Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Plymouth and a.m. with prizes. places along with gorgeous wide board oors, original xtures, four
Joe Mulkey, retiree from studio ownership and ballroom dance. All proceeds will ben- bedrooms, and three baths. This is a wonderfully comfortable house
Watch, participate, and enjoy their demonstration and compli- efit the Gurnet/Saquish Fire centrally located and convenient to everything in town.
mentary mini-instruction following. Fund. $550,000
Please abide by all beach
Fitness Classes: Cardio Combo on Monday, Wednesday policies on parking, trash Call Jim Pye (781)910-0553.
and Friday at 7:30 a.m., $20.50 per week; Tai Chi Tuesdays at 9 and private property
a.m., $6; Stay Fit Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., $6; Chair Questions? E-mail gur-
Yoga Wednesdays at 9 a.m., $7; Gentle Yoga Thursday, June 17 [email protected].
at 5:30 p.m., beginning June 24 moves to 3:30-4:30 p.m., four
Jim Pye - 34 years of experience -
n{xxU{ >,>`ULUJ*iV
weeks for $25; ZUMBA Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. on DVD and
Thursdays at 8 a.m. with Paddi, $5; Strength Training Thursdays
at 9:30 a.m., $7; Jazz dance on Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. or Tap
dancing on Thursdays at 1:15 p.m., $5 per class. Drop in or call
Linda Hayes at 781-934-5774, x103 for more information.
Free movies: Our weekly feature on Thursday, June 17
The Proposal (2009, PG-13), with Sandra Bullock as Mar-
garet, an overbearing book editor who, upon learning shes in
danger of losing her visa status and being deported, forces her
put-upon assistant to marry her. A romantic comedy directed by
Anne Fletcher (27 Dresses) and also featuring Craig T. Nel-
son, Mary Steenburgen and Betty White.
Indy Film: On Tuesday, June 22, we will feature the in-
dependent film Saint Ralph (2004, PG-13) about a typical
teenager with atypical questions, the largest of which concerns
his mother who has fallen into a coma. The 14-year-old has set
his sights on winning the 1954 Boston Marathon in a makeshift
barter with God to make his mother well. His teacher, Father
Hibbert, wants to encourage his dream, but in doing so, goes up
against the reserved, ever-realistic Father Fitzpatrick. All wel-
Leisure activities: Conversational French on Mondays,
9:30-11:30 a.m.; $6; Bingo on Mondays and Wednesdays at 1
p.m.; Current Events on Tuesdays at 10 a.m.; ROOTS Geneal-
ogy Support on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. in the Computer Lab; Wii
Bowling on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. and Wii Fit set up by
The Roach children display their clay projects: Marshall, fifth grade,
Jack, third grade and Molly, fourth grade.
Emmett Sheehan
stands with his daugh-
ter Elizabeth next to
her Blue Flower pas-
tel. Elizabeth is in 4th
Photos by The Diamond girls Isabel, Charlotte, Alexandra, Samantha and mom
Kristen. Twins Alexandra and Samantha hold up their slab pots.
Karen Wong
Grace OHara, fourth grade, is with her mom Betty Finken stands with her fifth grade son Jack by his
Alison and her colorful weaving. marble study painting.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15
(IGH 1UALITY s %XCELLENT 3ERVICE s 2EASONABLE 0RICES this may reduce the benefit from the promo. If you want to change this allocation, please call Customer Service. Standard terms apply to non-promo purchases and optional
charges. Promo purchases on existing accounts may not receive full benefit of promo terms, including reduced APR if applicable, if account is subject to delinquency
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Mayower Carpet is now a Shiretown Glass Afliate
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This 20 room Colonial is sited on 2.38 acres with a private beach and panoramic water views. Originally built in 1872, this home has been expanded and updated while maintaining
architecturally significant details, enhanced with professionally landscaped grounds and an in-ground pool with spa.
Shown by Appointment. Offered at $4,950,000
Ideally located, this 4-BR shingle style home with fabulous views of Duxbury Bay has deeded private beach & mooring. The first floor features a kitchen open to the family room, formal
dining room, sitting room, & home office. First floor bedroom suite has a private entrance. Gorgeous gardens and views!
Shown by Appointment. Offered at $2,175,000
Proudly introducing one of Duxburys finest historic homes built during the shipbuilding era steps to the Blue Fish River. This stately residence has been restored with superb attention
to period details while incorporating amenities for todays lifestyles. A handcrafted kitchen, sail loft, detached barn and tennis court are a few distinguishing features.
Shown by Appointment. Offered at $1,495,000
One of Duxburys most admired properties this elegant and stately Colonial has been impeccably maintained and carefully up-dated for the 21st Century with a state of the art kitchen,
6 bedrooms and 3 baths. Finished barn with 1,000 sf can be used as an office or in-law apartment.
Shown by Appointment. Offered at $1,329,900
Go to [email protected] for more information
Owned and operated by NRT, Incorporated. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Senior John
Ricciardi scored
the winning goal
against Billerica.
Junior attack
Kane Haffey
tries to avoid his Junior Matt Hallisey tries to win a 50/50 ball.
results positive
This Father's Day
Give Dad the gift
he really wants...
Add Style & Comfort to your boat
continued from page one
(as opposed to 55 percent in
The committee felt that it 2005). She felt the WEB men- Huge Selection
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tistic showed a positive trend having a positive effect.
At the high school, the sui- Road Bike ~ All Terrain Bike Fade Resistant
... small changes, but going in
a positive way, said Carney. cidal feelings numbers were ~ Bike Computer ~ Gift Certificate "Sunbrella"
... or at least fix up
At the middle school, the similarly troubling. There, 11 his old bike!
most recent survey was con- percent of students reported an
ducted with 463 students from actual suicide attempt in the WEBSTER SQUARE-MARSHFIELD
past year (in the 2009 survey) 8BTIJOHUPO4USFFUt4OVH)BSCPSt781.934.5455
grades seven and eight. Eighty 781-837-BIKE
percent of those students have although Carney added that BikewayMarshfield.Com
Alison Austin, DC
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Care for your animal, all
shapes and sizes on a daily basis
or while you are on vacation!
Bachelors of
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Caring for Animals in Duxbury Since 1985
20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Send items for the
opinion page to
[email protected]
New faces
though only negative As we pulled over to the We told him where we
things happen in to- side of the road, the skies above were heading and named our
days world. We are constantly us had thunderheads with the grandson. Oh, I know David,
bombarded via the media with threat of downpour, the cars he said and much to our amaze-
all the skepticism in todays speeding past us made our hair ment, he has twin daughters
hurt if we help those in need. were, as this is a new car. I We were not late for the bac-
But an interesting thing might mention that my husband calaureate thanks to the good
happened to my husband and is arthritic and this task could Samaritan, who we found out
myself Thursday evening, June be very daunting to him. is Mr. William Stenstrum.
3. We were heading to the bac- I looked up and there stand- Our thanks to this good
calaureate at the First Parish ing beside us was a gentleman Samaritan who had the time
uxbury has new faces in two important roles Church. My husband just fin- asking if he could help. He to stop and come to the aid of
in town Police Chief Matthew Clancy and ished stating, You know, its not only found the brand new fellow travelers along the same
Superintendent of Schools Benedict Tantillo. a good thing we purchased this equipment to change a tire, but road.
new car ... when we heard that unbolted the old one, replaced Donald and Dorothy James
These two men come into town with a lot of expectations dreaded sound a flat tire. it with a new tire and did the Hingham
hanging over their heads, but from what weve seen so far, the We were on Route 3 heading complete change in less that 15
future looks bright.
Respect the flag
The search committees that brought both Tantillo and
Clancy to town should be commended for their hard work and grew up with a hero. drilled into our heads how we to blame, schools are to blame
perceptive screening of the candidates. All of the finalists for He was my maternal should show respect for The and community leaders are to
grandfather, William Colors as parades marched blame. If we show no honor to
both jobs seemed capable, but Clancy and Tantillo stood out Seach. He was awarded the by. It was more than patrio- this beautiful emblem of our
heads above the competition. Medal of Honor for his actions tism; it was a way to honor country, which symbolizes all
Both men are walking into difficult situations. For Clancy, in the Boxer Rebellion in China those who marched and fought who have served us, then we
he himself admitted in last weeks interview that there are in 1900. All of his grandchil- as well as those who died in are beginning a slow slide into
dren cheered as he marched at service to this nation; a way a complacency that will erode
hurt feelings in the department over the ugly way former chief the head of Memorial Day and to remember too many sacri- and eventually destroy our na-
Mark DeLucas tenure ended. If the next chief had walked Fourth of July parades in Wey- fices. We were proud to hold tional pride. The Fourth of July
into that situation like a bull in a china shop, riding roughshod mouth until well into his nine- our hands over our hearts or parade is fast approaching.
over the feelings of officers who have worked in this town for ties. He and many other role salute when wearing our uni- Please take a minute to think
models in Weymouth taught forms. Our civilian caps were about more than fireworks and
years and are invested in the community, it might have been a us rules of etiquette to show always off as the flag went by, floats. When our colors are
disaster. respect for the flag they fought we stood erect and lumps were carried past please stand, place
But Clancy seems to have the right approach relax under. My English-born grand- in our throats. On Memorial your hand over your heart, and
was, by his own admission, the most often-repeated word father loved his adopted coun- Day, I was saddened by the honor and remember all the
try. He loved the flag that rep- lack of respect shown for our ordinary folks who proudly
around the station during his first week. Clancy knows he must resented it and honored all the great national flag. No one sa- served our flag in extraordi-
mend some fences before the department can move forward, military men and women who luted it. Unit flags were often nary ways. They served and
but at the same time, he appears to be a confident leader who died serving it. We grandchil- held higher than Old Glory. protected; we should proudly
will put his own stamp on the force when the time is right. dren learned flag etiquette in Our ensign was sometimes remember and honor them in
public schools, it was a large even allowed to touch the one of the few ways possible.
We are also encouraged by his eagerness to be the face of the part of our Cub, Brownie, Boy ground. It was treated to less Steve Donovan
new police station project a lack of leadership on that front and Girl Scout training and honor than is often shown a Franklin Street
certainly hurt past efforts to get a sorely needed new building. our parents, aunts and uncles Red Sox pennant. Parents are
Tantillo will be confronted with a school parent base that
feels disaffected after a messy start time initiative and other
Welcome, Luke!
missteps made some parents feel like their voices werent
being heard. But coming from another state, Tantillo will y name is Luke
have the benefit of starting from scratch. He wont have any Cronin and
I am intern-
of the baggage of previous administrations bearing down on ing at the Duxbury Clipper
him and he seems like a dynamic leader who is willing to this summer. I was a 2009
get creative. Getting the town unified behind the schools will DHS graduate and am a ris-
become even more important as building projects loom. Also, ing sophomore in the Honors
Program at Villanova Uni-
how refreshing was it to hear him use an easily understandable versity. I have lived in Dux-
football metaphor during his interview, rather than falling back bury for the entirety of my
on jargon only school officials understand like 21st Century life, so working at the Clip-
Skills or rubrics? per provides me with the op-
portunity to observe the inner
So, congratulations to Clancy and Tantillo. We wish them workings of life in Duxbury.
both the best of luck as they tackle the unique challenges I look forward to becoming
Duxbury presents. reacquainted with old friends
J. Graeber and familiar spaces during
this summer. Im majoring in
political science and English
with a concentration in Rhet-
Contact the ombudsman oric. Naturally, the Duxbury
Clipper is the perfect place a welcome reprieve from the about my work. Thank you
Have a question, concern or complaint about the Clippers for a person with my inclina- mania and hysteria of col- and Ill see you around this
coverage? Former Boston Globe writer Tony Chamberlain is tions. I expect to learn a tre- lege. I hope you enjoy my summer!
the Clipper ombudsman. mendous amount about jour- writing and Id be more than
Contact him at [email protected]. nalism this summer, which is welcome to exchange ideas
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 21
For some volunteers, the
difficult part of the job
and they dont allow adop-
tions on the first visit. Dont
let these preliminary barriers
U Air Conditioning
though the volunteers love ani- is the surrender process. In dissuade you from adopting; U Heating Never an
mals of all varieties, the shel- this economic climate, people the Standish Humane Society U Plumbing overtime charge
ter only houses cats. Currently, are losing their jobs and their boasts the impressive statistic U Drain Cleaning for service calls!
the Holmes Houses shelters homes. Sadly, the family cat that one in every 10 callers U 24-hour Emergency
and provides aid for 70 cats. is often the first amenity to be gets approved for adoption. If Service
The majority of the cats are be- jettisoned. Since the economic you are interested in adopting
tween the ages of two and four, recession has begun, Nancy a lovable, adorable cat, please
800-870-3900 YOUR HOMES WATER & AIR CallSagamore.com
but they do shelter older cats. Cullen, a member of the Board call the Standish Humane Soci-
The Standish Humane Soci- of Directors, estimates that ety at 781-834-4663 or log on
ety employs a no kill policy, surrenders have increased to standishhumanesociety.com.
./7 %.2/,,).'