Duxbury Clipper 2009 - 18 - 11

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"Holiday Traditions" House Tour

brought to you by The Community Garden Club of Duxbury

December 10, 2009 from 10:00am-3:30pm
For ticket sale locations go to communitygardenclubofduxbury.org

ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.00
Volume LIX No. 46 “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” –– William James Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Board won’t No deal

for 40B
revisit deal ZBA, developers
Selectmen say former police still apart on
chief refused to sign settlement Island Creek
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff Selectmen met with DeLu- By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
[email protected]
ca’s attorney, Gerard McAu- [email protected]
The Board of Selectmen liffe, in an open session at the The proponents of the Is-
declined to re-open the issue end of their regular meeting land Creek North housing de-
of a settlement with former Monday night at Town Hall. velopment have waited a long
police chief Mark DeLuca this McAuliffe was not on their time to have their project ap-
week, saying that his unwill- agenda and said he wanted proved –– 409 days, according
ingness to sign the agreement to speak in a closed session. to consultant Ed Marchant. But
after his initial verbal accep- The Selectmen refused, saying they’ll have to wait at least a
tance did not show good faith they voted to rescind the offer little bit longer, as representa-
and that renegotiating a deal to DeLuca in an open meeting tives for the developer and the
was not in the best interest of Zoning Board of Appeals were
the town. continued on page 12 unable to come to a resolution
Thursday night.

Funding down for HONOR GUARD: The color guard from the American Legion Post
“We are here – hopefully
for the last time, on the ap-
plication for a comprehensive
permit for Island Creek,” ZBA

preservation act
stands watch during the dedication of the World War I memorial on
Veterans Day. For more photos see page 24. Photo by Justin Graeber Chairman Dennis Murphy said
at the beginning of the hear-
ing. However, the board and
Community Preservation group
presses on with lower state match
Strengthening the engineer hired to review
Island Creek’s plans clashed
with Marchant and his team

body and mind

over the level of detail in the
most current version of the
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor percent match are over,” she plans.
[email protected]
said. “We anticipated this.” Tom Houston, the engi-
For the most part, this The Community Preser- By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
neer, presented his report on
[email protected]
year’s Community Preserva- vation Act provides matching the most current version of the
tion Committee cycle is just state money to communities Brett Bondlow left the
world of social work behind plan for the 238-unit devel-
like any other year. Projects who adopt a tax surcharge, the opment, which will be an ex-
come before the board dealing proceeds of which are dedi- when he got into fitness train-
ing several years ago. But he pansion of the current Island
with open space purchases, cated to community improve- Creek complex of Tremont
historic preservation and af- ments such as purchasing couldn’t leave the children he
had worked with and grown Street. The look of the plan has
fordable housing. This year, open space, affordable hous- changed several times over the
however, the committee has ing and historic preservation. to love. So now Bondlow in-
corporates his love of physi- past year or so, including the
far less money to dole out, as Duxbury was one of the first removal of most of the com-
state matching funds have tak- communities to adopt the act cal fitness with his experience
with special needs children mercial space, and reducing
en a nose dive. in 2001, and for the first cou- the height of the apartment
CPC Chairwoman Holly ple of years the state matched and adults, helping people
focus on the physical aspect buildings.
Morris said this year’s match, the town’s contribution 100 Marchant said that the
which is at about 38 percent, is percent. “Once the communi- of disorders like autism and Bondlow and Erik, 11, pull a
Down’s Syndrome that are weighted sled across the gym town was expecting a level
actually a little more than she ties start realizing this is a very of detail in the plans that was
was hoping for. often overlooked by doctors. floor to help correct Erik’s gait
“I think the days of 100 continued on page 16
continued on page 20 continued on page 25



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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Duxbury Almanac
Early deadline Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
Next week’s Clipper
will have an early deadline
because of the Thanksgiv- High High Low Low
ing holiday. All advertising Thurs. Nov. 19 12:30 am 12:33 pm 6:49 am 7:25 pm
(both classified and display) Fri. Nov. 20 1:13 am 1:16 pm 7:32 am 8:09 pm
PEMBROKE'S #1 PLACE FOR and editorial content must Sat. Nov. 21 1:57 am 2:00 pm 8:16 am 8:53 pm
Sun. Nov. 22 2:42 am 2:47 pm 9:03 am 9:38 pm
to guarantee placement.
Mon. Nov. 23 3:29 am 3:37 pm 9:52 am 10:26 pm

H1N1 Flu
Tues. Nov. 24 4:18 am 4:29 pm 10:44 am 11:14 pm
Wed. Nov. 25 5:07 am 5:22 pm 11:38 am --
Thurs. Nov. 26 5:57 am 6:17 pm 12:04 am 12:33 pm

Clinic set Fri. Nov. 27 6:45 am 7:10 pm


12:54 am 1:27 pm

The Duxbury Board of

Health has received a LIM- Sunrise Sunset
ITED supply of the H1N1 vac- Thurs. Nov.19 6:37 am 4:18 pm
cine. This vaccine will first be Fri. Nov.20 6:38 am 4:17 pm
made available to the CDC pri- Sat. Nov. 21 6:40 am 4:16 pm
ority groups of pregnant wom-
an and children four years and Sun. Nov. 22 6:41 am 4:16 pm
older. The H1N1 clinic will Mon. Nov. 23 6:42 am 4:15 pm
Kitchen Fresh Public be held on Friday, Nov. 20, at Tues. Nov.24 6:43 am 4:14 pm
Swordfish 1 p.m. at the Duxbury Senior
Fish acro
Cooked ing Park
Open Shrimp Steaks ss Wed. Nov. 25 6:44 am 4:14 pm
street Center. This clinic will be first
Thurs. Nov. 26 6:45 am 4:13 pm
(ADDOCK Get ready for the holidays! come first serve for Duxbury
Order early! residents listed in the above Fri. Nov. 27 6:47 am 4:13 pm
Cod groups. The Board of Health
Full selection of party platters! will continue to vaccinate the ALAN HURLEY
Out CHECK OUT OUR PLATTERS CDC priority groups and then
at Dinataleseafood.com the general public when we
ter receive vaccine. Additional in-
Lobs formation may be found on the - FALL SPECIAL -
Board of Health Web site.
Up to $500 Off New Bookings

315 Court Street 7AYNES High Low Rainfall 6 a.m. Sky Conditions
(Rt. 3A across from Ernie’s) Plymouth 3EAFOOD Last week’s photos of Re-
t0QFO%BZTBNQN publican State Senator Scott Saturday 71 45 Trace Broken Clouds
Brown were accompanies by Sunday 62 44 0.24” Overcast
an incorrect headline. Sen. Monday 53 44 0.04” Broken Clouds
Brown is running for U.S. Sen- Tuesday 58 44 -- Thin Overcast
ate, not governor. The Clipper
Wednesday 59 37 -- Clear
regrets the error.
Thursday 51 40 -- Overcast
Friday 42 35 -- Broken Clouds

$5.00 off
any rental with this AD.*
Total: 0.48”
Averages & Comparisons
Average October ’09 High Temp 59.6
Highest October Avg High-’90 65.6
Lowest October Avg High-’88 58.3
GREAT! Total October ’09 Rainfall
Highest October Rainfall-’05
LAWN EQUIPMENT TO CLEAN Lowest October Rainfall-’94 0.87”
Real Estate Transactions
Core Aerators
Slicer Overseeder 69 Saw Mill Rd. $620,000 Duxbury Farms Corp. to Michael W.
Flail De-thatcher Davis
Tine De-thatcher Temple St. $250,000 Frances L. Connor and Timothy E. Connor
Hand Held Leaf Blowers to Ronald L. Ivil and Jean M. Ivil
Wheeled Leaf Blowers
Brush Clearing Saws TOP 10 BESTSELLING BOOKS
Lawn Vacs 1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid #4: Dog Days, by Jeff Kinney 2. The
Roto Tillers Magician’s Elephant, by Kate DeCamillo 3. The 39 Clues, Book #6:
Powered Pole Saws In Too Deep, by Jude Watson 4. If You’re Reading This, It’s Too
Chainsaws Late, by Pseudonymous Bosch 5. The Hunger Games, by Suzanne
Log Splitters Collins 6. Alex Rider Series #7: Snakehead, by Anthony Horowitz
7. I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to be Your Class
Reservations Accepted President, by Josh Lieb 8. Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1: The
Pickup & Delivery Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan 9. Safe at Home, by Mike Lupica
Available 10. The Mysterious Benedict Society, by Trenton Lee Stewart
FIX-IT SHOP, INC. – Westwinds Bookshop


DUXBURY, MA 02332 The Duxbury
MON. - SAT. 8AM TO 5PM Clipper is
published week-
Visit us at ly by Clipper
www.fdfsinc.com Press, 11 So.
Station Street,
781.585.2175 Duxbury,
postage permit (USPS#163-260) paid at Duxbury, MA.
*Ad must be presented when POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury
rental contract is written Clipper at PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 3

Home values declining

By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff tal real and personal property percent of all real estate in town SHOE SHINE ON PREMISES
[email protected] values for the current fiscal year is residential. Adopting a dif-
Home values in Duxbury (FY2010) are assessed at just ferent rate for residential and
are dropping, which translates over $3.5 billion. This is a 6.2 commercial real estate would
into reduced tax revenue for the percent decrease from last year. only save residents twenty-two
town. The town’s tax levy, or cents on their tax bills while in- t%SZ$MFBOJOH
At the annual tax classifi- the amount of revenue raised creasing the commercial rate by t5BJMPSJOH"MUFSBUJPOT
cation hearing Monday night, through taxation, will only in- almost six dollars, from $11.81 t-FBUIFS$MFBOJOH3FQBJS
selectmen learned from Deputy crease 1.5 percent. The total tax to $17.72 per $1,000 of assessed t4IPFT3FTUPSBUJPO3FQBJS
Assessor Richard Finnegan that levy is $41.4 million. value, said Finnegan. t'VS$MFBOJOH4UPSBHF 38 Depot Street, Duxbury
Duxbury real estate values have “This is a very modest in- 4105 

declined by as much as 6.5 per- crease,” said Finnegan. “Usu-

cent. Revenues from real estate ally, there is a three to four per-
taxes and other sources, such cent increase in the levy.”
as fees and excise taxes, have The slight increase in the
dropped by 5.7 percent. tax levy is coupled with a 34
Finnegan explained that the percent decline in the figure for
average single family home was new growth due to new con-
assessed at $611,400 for FY10. struction. Both are used as rev- Family Owned & Operated
This is a 6.5 percent decrease enue sources for the town and Since 1923
over FY09’s value of $654,000. school budgets. - Senior & Prompt
The median single-family Selectmen voted unani- Payment Discounts
home’s value is $502,500. mously to “adopt a residential - Budget Payment Plans
Despite dropping property tax factor of 1” or to maintain a - 24 Hour Burner Service
values, the real estate taxes rate unified tax rate, taxing residen- - Automatic Delivery Service

will increase. Finnegan said tial and commercial property - Complete Heating Installations
the new FY10 tax rate will be equally. They voted against shift- 508-746-1278
$11.81 per one thousand dol- ing more of the tax burden onto
Sagamore AC 3.9x2 Size_rev090409.pdf 9/4/09 9:34:04 AM
20 Holman Road, Plymouth
lars of assessed value. This is a Duxbury businesses because 97
90 cent increase over last year’s
rate of $10.91.
For an average single fam-
ily home, the FY10 tax bill will
be $7,221, an increase of 1.2
percent over last year. This is
much lower than last year’s 4.9
percent increase, said Finnegan.
The Community Preservation
Act surcharge adds an additional
$217 to the average tax bill.
Finnegan noted that the to-

The 5th Annual 5K Run by the Bay

& Kids Run for Fun! In Memory of
Royce Whitaker
145 Loring Street, Duxbury MA 02332
781.934.7101 “ www.bfarm.org
Thank You Strong Spirit,
Unquenchable Curiosity
to Our Generous Sponsors!
The Artiano Family Earth Tones Hair Salon The Lonigro Family The Reilly Family
The Azizian Family Enviro Service, Inc. The Lydon Family Shaw’s Supermarkets
The Barr Family The Evans Family Marathon Sports The Law Offices of Silvia & Prenda
The Bay Farm Montessori Extreme Tailgators The Martin/Caswell Family South Shore Magazine/South Shore Live
Parents Association The Fawcett Family Mass Hauling/ South Shore Shower Door
The Beaudoin Family The Feingold Family Capital Paper Recycling, Inc. SpecialTees
Bern The Fitzgibbons Family Royce’s Friends SportWorks Ltd.
The Bulfinch Group The Galvin Family from the Mattakeesett Room The Stuhlfaut/Vargas Family
The Buonagurio Family Roy & Mary Garofalo McDonald & Wood The Tax Center, Inc.
The Burke Family The Griffin Family The Mercer Family Tiffanie Williams & Company
The Cataudella Family Griffin Publishing Co. The Moran Family Tiger Payment Solutions
The Cavallaro Family The Harrington-Brown Family Moran Surveying, Inc. The Titus/Gallagher Family
Christine Hamori High 5 Hand Center The Mraz Family The Tolve Family
The Clark Family The Hildebrandt Family My Gym The Toy Box
Coastal Construction Corporation Idwellings OneBeacon Charitable Trust USA Health & Fitness
Cushman Insurance Group Imagination Island Oral Surgery South VCA Animal Hospitals
The Davitian Family Indigo Wellness Center OrganizeU The Whitaker Family
The Dobyns Family The Johnson/Lockwood Family The Plotkin Family Yankee Sprinkler Co.
The Karamanian Family Professional Fire Fighters The Zimmer Family
The Kozlowsky Family of Hanover/IAFF Local 2726
Kylie, Georgie, and Roark Lick The Quinlan Family
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holly Days will kick off the PILGRIM PAVING

holiday shopping season

- Fall Special -
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
[email protected]
Duxbury’s annual celebration of
local business and holiday spirit 781.982.9898
will take place for the fifth time www.pilgrimpaving.com
on Sunday, Nov. 29. As in years
past, trolleys will cart shoppers
to and from various sites in town,
including Duxbury Marketplace
in Hall’s Corner, Snug Harbor,
the Duxbury Student Union,
Millbrook and the Art Com-
plex Museum. Local merchants
will be opening their doors for
customers on what’s tradition-
ally one of the busiest shopping
weekends of the year.
The event is sponsored by Last year’s Holly Days, the Girl Scouts came out in full force and
warmed the crowd at Foodie’s with some holiday cheer. PRICE REDUCTION!
Holly Days schedule 8FTU4USFFU
Hall’s Corner: Free photo the Duxbury Business Associa- and the community. CFESPPNT CBUIT "TLJOH1SJDF 
with Santa at One Bay Rd., tion. In addition to the theme of “We’re basically saying, ATLANTIC PROPERTIES
10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Draco the supporting local businesses, the look what we can do when we "OESFX'4UPVUt
Dragon; Pony rides from 1-3 group this year wanted to add an put our strengths together,” she BGTUPVU!BUMBOUJDQSPQFSUJFTDPNtXXXBUMBOUJDQSPQFSUJFTDPN
p.m., silhouettes at the Girl element of community service said.
Scout House, St. John’s Choir to the day. She said turnout has steadily
at 2:30 p.m. “Holly Days isn’t just about increased since the festival be-
Marketplace & Foodie’s: shopping, it’s also about being a gan five years ago.
Storytelling at 12:30 p.m.; community and coming together “Definitely more people
South Shore Bay Band Brass for something,” said DBA Presi- come out,” she said. “People
Quartet from 1:30-2:15 p.m.; dent Anne Antonellis. plan things around it.”

Craft Show & Sale

Girl Scout Choir at 3 p.m.; For example, this year there Antonellis said the lighting
“Gotta Dance” party from will be a bloodmobile for Chi- of the Christmas tree in Hall’s
1-3 p.m.; Children’s crafts;
Magician at 2:30 p.m.
dren’s Hospital at the senior Corner used to bring people
center (contact the senior center into the town’s commercial cen- Duxbury High School, 130 St. George Street, Duxbury, MA
Snug Harbor: Face paint- to sign up to donate in advance.) ter, but that changed when the
ing; Duxbury Historic Society
open house; Jose Mateo’s
“What better way to give back ceremony moved to the Town Saturday, November 21st, 10am-5pm
Ballet Theatre performances to the community than giving Green.
at DBMS at 2 p.m. and 3:15 blood,” Antonellis said. “The town green is great, Sunday, November 22nd, 11am-4pm
p.m.; Snug Harbor Community There will also be finger- but it was kind of sad that we
Chorus at 1 p.m.; Duxbury printing for child identification lost that,” she said. “People need Revel in the handcrafted designs of over 70 of
Brass Quartet at 2:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Student Union. to remember that these shops are
She is also hoping for bet- here. If they don’t support them New England’s most gifted artisans.
Duxbury Student Union:
Hayride, Child digital ID and ter weather than last year, where and they’re not here, they will More to See & More to Shop
fingerprinting; chair massage; rain dampened the turnout and be missed. That was one of the
than ever before!
jugglers. the overall festival atmosphere. catalysts [for Holly Days.]”
Millbrook: Magician from
1-2:15 p.m.
“This year no rain is al-
lowed,” Antonellis said.
Although Santa’s annual
visit is still the highlight of the General admission: $5.00
The DBA has also added day for Antonellis, she loves to Children under 12: Free
Art Complex Museum: Puppet
show at 1:30 p.m. or 2:45 more events to the festival cal- sit on the porch of her business
p.m. endar this year, she said. There at Hall’s Corner and soak in the Fine Art Sale ‡ Gourmet Food
will be pony rides and a hayride holiday cheer.
Senior Center: Holiday crafts
fair from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; at the DSU, a puppet show at the “I love just sitting and Court ‡ Free Parking
Bloodmobile from 9 a.m.-3 Art Complex Museum, music watching all the people walking
p.m.; jewelry making. performers and more. Antonellis around the circle and seeing how For more information visit: www.duxburyart.org
Town Green: Lighting the said she hopes the event will be happy they are and how they’re
Christmas tree with Santa at a showcase of the connections with their families,” she said.
4:30 p.m. between the local businesses

New zones for water system

The Duxbury DPW announces that on Nov. 19, the Town’s pub-
lic water supply system will be modified to create a High Service
Decorators Area (HSA) and a Low Service Area (LSA). High and Low refer
Please visit my booth in the
to the relative elevations of each area. In general, water customers Fine Art Sale at
needed to the east of Route 3 will be in the LSA, and water customers to
the west of Route 3 will be in the HSA. Water customers living in Duxbury Art Association
Do you have a flair for the LSA will experience no change in service. Water customers in
decorating? The Duxbury the HSA will experience an additional 20 pounds per square inch
Annual Craft Show & Sale
Rural and Historical Society
is looking for talented people
increase in the water pressure at their premises. This modification
has been made to improve water service and increase fire protection
Nov. 21 & 22
who would like to decorate a flow rates in the higher elevations of the Town’s water system. The
room for the annual Christmas increase in pressure can also result in an increase in flow rates in all
at The King Caesar House plumbing fixtures as well.
Holiday Tours.
You can create a holiday Helping Our Clients to Make Good Decisions Since 1967
themed room with a group of
friends, family or by yourself.
Decorating starts on Monday, Home, Auto, Business, Marine, Life
Dec. 7 and the house will be Lougee Insurance Agency, Inc.
open for public tours Dec. 11- 24 Bay Road, PO Box AC
13. Duxbury, MA 02331-0630 15x34 Striped Bass Painting on Board
If interested, please con- WWW.LOUGEE.NET

tact Alison at the Society at

Ph 781.934.6500 ext. 14 fax 781.934.5012 Betsey Borden
781-934-6106 or aarnold@ Home/Studio 781-934-5576
duxburyhistory.org. [email protected]
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 5

Holiday Traditions
House Tour upcoming
Join the Community Garden Club of Duxbury, a member
of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., in
touring five Duxbury homes beautifully decorated for the Call for your free estimate*
holidays! Teams of talented designers are planning unique
seasonal decorations to complement the homes and the
homeowners’ holiday traditions. This week we feature two of
the homes on our Holiday Traditions House Tour scheduled
for Thursday, Dec. 10, from 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Our first featured
Garden Club news home located on Powder
Point has experienced the joys of Christmas for almost three
centuries. The main section of the home features “Greek
The Future of Home Energy
Revival” updates and four working fireplaces. The west side
living room has soothing cool tones, a tiger-maple cabinet Dan Maybruck Plumbing & Heating
and Asian accents. The entry area features wall paper with 781-934-9911 • www.maybruckplumbing.com
an Asian garden motif, which lends itself to the days of ship
building and sea captains. It also unites the cool and warm *Mention the Duxbury Clipper and receive $100 OFF
color schemes throughout this space. The east side study
area has warm rich tones with furnishings displaying family
history such as marble-topped table and Victorian settee. The
Christmas tree’s decorations reflect the family’s Boston roots

Our Gift
with white lights and gold touches and ornaments touched by
Chinese influence.
The second featured home this week is nestled near
the bayside. The home’s classic exterior is decorated with

to You!
kissing balls, green garlands and two antique sleds. One sled
belonged to the family’s grandmother, who sled the hills
of Nantucket. The inside of the home has a distinct French
influence, with the color scheme picking up blue and yellow
from sea and sun and translating them into “bleu et jaune.”
The entry hall radiating with a warm painted finish hosts
hovering angels and traditionally decorated staircase. In
the family room, serene blue walls and a limestone mantle Macdonald
Visit us on November 27, 2009
reflect bay views and French flair. Central to the room is the
Christmas tree crowned with white crystal, draped in pearl
and receive ourexclusive & Wood
garlands, and centered by a coordinating blue skirt. Some of
the ornaments were brought home from around the world,
Holiday Tote
FREE* with a Vera Bradley purchase
while others have been lovingly created by tiny fingers.
Experience the delight of holiday tradition and enjoy of $100 or more, but only while
these beautifully designed and decorated homes on Dec. 10. supplies last. So shop early!
Tickets are available for $25 at Talbots/Duxbury, Westwinds
Bookshop, and The Studio and at Foodie’s. Please contact
co-chairs Elizabeth Nightingale at [email protected]
or Mariette Wooden at [email protected] with Friday, November 27 only.
questions. All proceeds from this event support our town
beautification projects, community outreach efforts, and * While supplies last. Subject to complete terms and conditions.
See store associate for details.

Snug Harbor concert 8adi]^c\6XXZhhdg^Zh

© 2009 Vera Bradley Designs, Inc.

Members of The Snug

Harbor Community Chorus *%-",),"'--'™lll#9V^hnG^aZn#Xdb
have scheduled their popular DeZcNZVgGdjcY!,YVnh
winter concert, “Musicologi-
cal Christmas”, directed by
Roy Kelley, for 7:30 p.m.,
Saturday, Dec. 5, at The Dux-
bury Performing Arts Center.
Come and hear “The Twelve
Days of Christmas” as, most
likely, you’ve never heard it
done before. Other popular Patrick Brady, longtime cho-
rus member, performs at last
songs include “O Night Di- year’s concert.
vine”, “You’re a Mean One,
Mr. Grinch” and the tradi- Westwind Books, the Marsh-
tional “Christmas is Com- field Star Market Courtesy
ing”. The cost for tickets Booth and at the door. For
is: adults, $15, students and more information, snughar-
seniors, $12 and for groups borcc.org.
of ten or more, $10. Tickets
are available at The Studio,


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6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Concert hits the right notes ./7%.2/,,).'&/2&!,,


Special to the Clipper s TOSTUDENT TEACHERRATIO
Fall Band Con-
cert was held in Sonia T. Kelly, M. Ed.
memory of Paul Fortini (DHS AMI Montessori Certified
’07). The Concert, Symphon- State Certified: Preschool through Third Grade
ic, and Wind Ensemble Bands Visit us at www.bluerivermontessori.org
performed at Performing Arts 484 Temple Street, Duxbury s  
Center filled to capacity. The
Concert Band, conducted by
Joe Pondaco and Jill Noeren-
berg, opened with John Philip
Sousa’s famous march, “The
Thunderer.” Under the direc-
tion of Ric Madru and Jill No-
erenberg, the Symphonic Band
also played a march and then
concluded their performance Bed & Breakfast– A Delightful Experience
with Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Ca- 781-934-0991
priccio Espagnol.” 390 Washington Street Duxbury by the Sea • Dinners nightly at 5:00 pm Closed Sundays
The final band to take the
stage was the Wind Ensemble,
with Jill Noerenberg and Ric
Madru conducting. This por-
tion of the program was spe- HOLIDAY HAIRCUTS NOW
cifically planned to honor the
music Paul played and play Hockey Cuts
a piece commissioned in his Men’s & Boys Regular Cuts
name. Paul was an outstand- Fades
ing trumpeter and actor, just to Ken and Kathy Fortini with composer Rossano Galante who began WE WORK BY APPOINTMENT Layer Cuts A Specialty
mention a few of his many ac- working on his piece “Journey to the Lion’s Castle” in Paul Fortini’s FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE
complishments. The Wind En- memory nearly a year ago. Photo by Karen Wong 781-826-8719

semble started with Malcolm

A few days before the con- fect the performance. It was an

Arnold’s “Prelude, Siciliano,

cert, Rossano Galante flew in incredible experience for these
and Rondo.” Next came the
from California to work with students to work directly with
fast-flying trumpet trio piece
the members of the band pro- this highly accomplished and
known as “Bugler‘s Holiday”
gram. In addition to rehears- talented composer.
with seniors Connor Inglis,
ing with the Wind Ensemble, During the premier perfor-
Buzz Ryan, and Kendall John-
Mr. Galante met with the other mance of “Journey into the Li-
son. The trio received a stand-
DHS bands to discuss music on’s Castle” the concert goers
ing ovation. In Paul’s senior
and his career. He has written could feel the energy of Ros-
year, he was one of the trum-
pieces and has orchestrated sano Galante. It was an amaz-
peters to be featured in “Bu-
film scores, including “Know- ing tribute to Paul. Those who
gler’s Holiday.” After such an
ing” and “Live Free or Die knew Paul felt deep sorrow and
entertaining piece, the audi-
Hard.” yet, the music honored Paul’s
ence was touched by a beauti-
The musicians rehearsed memory. The performance
ful arrangement of “Amazing
this piece for several months was one of sorrow, but it was
Grace” featuring senior Ryan
in preparation of this concert. uplifting, magnificent and full
Hendrickson on alto saxo-
Upon his arrival, Mr. Galante of joyous remembrances of
advised the Wind Ensemble Paul. Rossano and the Wind
The highlight of the eve-
members how best to perform Ensemble received a remark-
ning was the premier per-
this score. During the rehears- able standing ovation. It was a
formance of “Journey to the
als the musicians worked with night to remember.
Lion’s Castle” which was com-
him, section by section, to per-
missioned in Paul’s memory
by the Paul Fortini Foundation
and the Duxbury High School
Band. Nationally recognized
film composer Rossano Gal-
Chandler Holiday Festival
ante composed and conducted
the premier performance with
planned for Dec. 5
the Wind Ensemble. Over a Come kick off the holiday season with your family and
year ago, Band Director Jill community at the annual Chandler School Holiday Festival.
Noerenberg contacted Mr. On Saturday, Dec. 5, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. the cafetorium and
Galante and explained that the gym will be transformed into a winter wonderland full of
commission would be in the fun family activities including breakfast, crafts, games with
honor of a student musician. prizes, and photos with Santa or a character from Jose Ma-
Ms. Noerenberg described teo Ballet’s production of “The Nutcracker.” Each of these
Paul “as an energetic, thought- activities is included in the admission price of $5 per person
ful, active student in Duxbury or $20 per family if purchased in advance. Tickets will be
High School drama, music, available at the door for $6 per person. Children under 2 are
and other school programs.” free of charge.
The commissioned piece In addition, guests will be able to purchase scrumptious
reflected Paul Fortini. The baked goods and books to donate to the Chandler School
work was to be called “Jour- library. The always popular themed gift baskets will also
ney to the Lion’s Castle.” The be on hand to create some excitement as they are raffled
use of “castle” comes from the off. A new addition to this year’s holiday festival is a silent
strong and majestic sound of auction.
the arrangement. All proceeds from the event will go directly to the Chan-
Although Mr. Galante was dler PTA to support the many programs it provides for the
unaware of it when he named school and community. To order tickets in advance, send
the piece, the Fortini fam- an envelope with the desired amount of tickets and a check
ily crest is a castle. The solos, made payable to the Chandler PTA to school with your child
too, reflected Paul -- a trumpet by Dec. 3. All tickets will be held at the door of the event.
solo, a flute solo, and an oboe For more information, please contact Jan Bruno at 781-585-
solo. Although Rossano was 7851 or [email protected].
unaware of it, Paul’s sisters
played oboe and flute.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 7

Hall’s Corner Snug Harbor

Free photo with Santa Expressions featuring face painting &
at One Bay Road, painting of holiday ornaments
12 to 4 pm sponsored by
Duxbury Mortgage Services and Duxbury Historic Society open house
Law Offices of Phil Markella at Nathaniel Winsor, Jr. House

Draco the Dragon - DBMS Merchandise Boutique Jose

Thanks to the Nudd Family Mateo’s Ballet Theatre-Dance medley
from the Nutcracker 2pm & 3:15pm
Pony rides 1 to 3 pm, coupons
available at Reed’s Jewelers Musical Performances: Snug Harbor
Community Chorus at 1:00 pm
Complimentary refreshments served
at the Duxbury Deli 1-3 pm. Duxbury Brass Quartet 2:30pm Lunch
Lunch available at The Duxbury Deli available at French Memories, & Snug
Harbor Fish Company
Popcorn sponsored by
The Performance Group Duxbury Student Union
Hayride by O’Connor Landscaping
Girl Scout House: Children’s Child Digital ID & Fingerprinting
Silhouette’s sponsored by Newcomers Program
club plus other children activities, Sponsored by Sandy Childs,
sponsored by Jack Conway NYLife
Realtors Chair massage by Jen Savage
of Austin Chiropractic Ctr.
Special Concerts: Jugglers
St. John’s Choirs at 2:30 pm
5th Annual Marketplace & Foodie’s Enjoy ice cream treat at
Story Telling: 12:30 Cinderella, read Far Far’s Danish Ice Cream
Holly Days by Lady Laura, inside Foodie’s Magician - 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
sponsored by Anchor Press
Sunday South Shore Bay Band Brass Quartet
November 29th inside Foodie’s 1:30 - 2:15pm Duxbury Art Complex
Art Complex on Alden Street 1:30 pm
12 – 4 pm Girl Scout Choir at 3:00 pm in front
of Foodie’s
or 2:45 pm. Free - See Wayne Martin
Holiday Puppet show. All children
Kerry Youngstrom should be accompanied by an adult.
“Gotta Dance Party” 1 to 3 pm
Senior Center
Passport Photos available at the US Senior Holiday Crafts Fair
Post office. 12-3:00pm 10am to 3 pm

The Cleaner Spot- Children’s Hospital Blood Mobile 9am

Children craft activities to 3 pm

Magician @ 2:30pm - 4pm at the Children activity jewelry making with

Marketplace sponsored by Anchor Kirsten Garvey
Santa light up the Christmas Tree on
Depot Street Market – Jewelry by the Town Green at 4:30 pm – spon-
Reflections of Duxbury & Cookie sored by Duxbury Rotary.
decorations by Sugar Plum Bakery
Christmas Caroling on the Trolley and
Talking tree in front of Gatra Bus
Coldwell Banker

Thanks to the DBA Holly Days Committee & Our DBA Members.

HDAd2.indd 1 11/16/09 12:07:53 PM

8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Send around town items
including births, anniversaries,
promotions and other life milestones to
[email protected].


➢➢ Volunteers from the Pil- 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
grim Church of Duxbury re- (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
cently served dinner to over 300 781-422-0131
guests at Pine Street Inn. For the
last three years, members of the
Pilgrim Church have been vol-
unteering at Pine Street Inn, lo-
cated in Boston’s South End.

Pilgrim Church Volunteers,

Don DeHart, Jacqui Draper,
Sue Draper, Lindy Keay, Tom
Holland, Lou Schippers and Ron

THANKSGIVING Monday-Friday 10:30am-12:00pm
DAY Sunday 12:30-1:30pm
Bolas and Bianca were not the
same after this motley crew got LEARN TO SKATE
through with them. Another won- NEXT SESSION LATE DECEMBER -
derful Halloween in Duxbury with SIGN UP NOW
the Duval family hosting! TOTS (3-6 YRS) & ADULTS - WED. 10 AM.
➢➢ Chris and Katie (Arm- ALL AGES – SAT. 10:20 AM
strong) Kane of New York City TOTS (3-6 YRS) – THURS. 10 AM
are proud to announce the birth HOLIDAY FIGURE SKATING EXHIBITION
of Eamon Reilly Kane on Sept. SAT. DEC. 5TH 11:30AM-1PM
23. Paternal grandparents are
Judy Kane of Duxbury and
Marty Kane of Boston. Mater- 3UMMER3Ts+INGSTON -!
nal grandparents are Don and Tel:781-585-2111 Fax: 781-585-6766sWWWBOGICESKATINGCOM
Bonnie Armstrong of Dux-

Chandler PTA
teams with
Tiny Prints
Chandler PTA announc-
es that it is partnering with
Tiny Prints and earning 10
percent back on any order
placed by our families and
friends all year long. We are
able to offer you the best
deals and discounts through
our affiliate status as well.
Whether you need holiday
cards, stylish invitations or
custom stationery, please
check out Tiny Prints. They
offer a huge selection of
Leland Faulkner, as the Japanese Master, magically perches a paper photo cards, premium cards,
butterfly on the head of Madeleine Castanon from Duxbury during a photo journals, party favors
presentation by renowned performer, director and teacher, Leland and more!
Faulkner, at Sacred Heart Elementary School. In order for Chandler to
receive credit, please visit:
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 9
Congregation Shirat Hayam, P.O. Box 2727, Duxbury 02331, Phone: 781-582-2700
Zion Lutheran Church
386 Court St., No. Plymouth, Rev. C. Robert Stott, Phone: 508-746-3041
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Congregation Beth Jacob

Synagogue: 8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, Community Center, Court/Brewster St. Lawrence
Send obituary nOtices Silverman, Rabbi, Phone: 508-746-1575.
to [email protected]
South Shore Quaker
MacDonald Funeral Home
THE Deadline is
Monday at noon.
Phone: 781-749-4383, Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham, (off Rte. 228 at the library/town hall
complex off Levitt St., up the hill to Turkey Hill Lane).
1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Anna B.Church
(Walker) Hardy, 96
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon)
379 Gardner St., So. Hingham, Bishop John Howe, Phone: 781-293-2520, Sundays
Anna B.year round: Family worship
(Walker) Hardy at 10ofam.Greenfield, and the late David Hardy; “Excellence in Service with Understanding”
Hardy, 96, of Duxbury, her daughters, Anne L. Carlson and her hus- Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis
died Nov. St.
6. Mark
She was band
of Epheseus OrthodoxCarl of Duxbury, Eleanor Schultz and her
born in Duxbury, Kingston,husband
261 Main St., the Burt
Rev. Terrence of NorthPhone:
McGillicuddy, Dakota, Alice Peck and
daughter of the late Al- her husband Ron of Kingston, Elizabeth Blan-
pheus H. Islamic
Walker of Newkenship
Centerand of Virginia; her sister-in-law Esther
England Mosques Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
Anna N. Belknap. She Walker of
470 South St., Quincy, 671-479-8341, Duxbury;
74 Chase Dr.,two daughters-in-law,
Sharon, 781-784-0434 Syl-
graduated from Dux- via Hardy of Florida and Marcia Hardy of Illi- 373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
bury HighSafeSchool in nois; 24 grandchildren, 35 great grandchildren, N. Plymouth Manomet
Harbor Church
1930. She 52attended the and
Main St., Marshfield, nine
Pastor Markgreat-great grandchildren.
Eagling, 781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
Partridge Academy. She A memorial service will be held on Satur-
was the wife of the late Norman L. Hardy and day, Nov. 21 at St. Paul’s Church of the Naza-
the sister of the late Dorothy S. Metcalf, Her- rene, 135 Summer St., at 11 a.m. Memorial Ann M. Fitzgibbons
bert E. Walker, Alpheus H. Walker, and Edward donations may be made to St. Jude Children’s Ann M. Fitzgibbons died Jordan Hospital in Plymouth.
B. Walker. Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN on Nov. 6 at her home in Dux- She was a secretary of the
Mrs. Hardy leaves her sons, Edward Hardy 38105 or the charity of one’s choice. bury. The daughter of the late Duxbury Yacht Club and an
and his companion Tricia of Duxbury, Stephen Angeleine and Harold Fitzgib- active supporter of many com-
bons, she was a graduate of munity organizations. She was
Carroll Joan Johnson, 79 Milton Academy, Bryn Mawr
College (AB ’45) and Harvard
a member of the Chilton Club
in Boston and traveled widely
Carroll Joan John- ville Chamber of Commerce. She loved trav- Graduate School with an MA until her health declined.
son, 79, of Huntsville, eling and art, having volunteered teaching art in Chemistry. She joined her Ms. Fitzgibbons leaves her
Ala. died Nov. 12. She during her daughter’s school years. father’s leather businesses in brothers, Jim of Brookline,
was the daughter of the Mrs. Johnson leaves her husband, Jim; her Whitman and helped to build Harry of London, England,
late Richard and Hazel daughters, Kellie Kirby and her husband, Mar- it until her retirement in 1968. and the late Ned Fitzgibbons,
Schmidt. She attended cus of New Market, Ala., and Kristie Kuzy A long time resident of as well as 11 nieces and neph-
Rochester Institute of and her husband, Nick of Huntsville, Ala.; her Duxbury, Ms. Fitzgibbons ews. A funeral Mass took
Technology and gradu- brother-in-law, Herbert Johnson and his wife, had been Massachusetts State place at Holy Family Church
ated from the Univer- Rose of Duxbury; four grandchildren; two great Junior Girls golf champion in Duxbury. In lieu of flowers,
sity of Florida majoring grandchildren; and six nephews. Funeral servic- in 1941 and played the game contributions in her name may
in russian studies, art es and burial were held in Huntsville, Ala. Me- throughout her life. She served be made to Cranberry Hos-
and language. She served in the U. S. Navy morial contributions may be made to Southern as a director of Rockland Trust pice, 36 Cordage Park Circle,
and married Jim Johnson in 1953 at the Post Care Hospice, 3322 Memorial Parkway, Suite Company and its parent, In- Plymouth, MA 02360.
Chapel, USNB, in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Johnson 212, Huntsville, AL, 35801. dependent Bank Corp, and
worked as a school teacher and with the Hunts- as a director and secretary of

Francis C. Rogerson, 80, veteran Michael Aleck Yanginski, 91

Francis C. Roger- Town Code Enforcement board and the plan- Michael Aleck Yangin- Commission of Hatfield. He
son, Jr. died Nov. 7 after ning commission. ski, 91, of Duxbury, formerly was an avid gardener, and he
a long battle with can- Mr. Rogerson was an active member of the of Hatfield, Mass., died Nov. harvested his last garden in
cer. He was born March Masons in both Massachusetts and Florida, 11 at the LifeCare Center of September just weeks before
24, 1929 in Brookline achieving the rank of Grand Master, the highest Plymouth after battling pan- his death.
and grew up summering in Mass. creatic cancer. Mr. Yanginski was the
in Duxbury. Mr. Rogerson leaves his wife Janet; his chil- He was born in Hatfield husband of the late Sophie
Mr. Rogerson served dren, Robert Rogerson and his wife Christine, on Sept. 1, 1918, the son of Constance Chmura Yanginski.
in the U.S. Army in the Thomas Rogerson and his wife Cathy, Terry the late Jacob and Mary (Ni- He leaves his three children,
Korean War as a radio Spoor and her husband Mike of Duxbury; his emczyk) Yanginski. He was Peter Yanginski and his wife
operator. He then at- stepchildren, Ranjeet and Beena Singhal; and a longtime Hatfield resident. Sibylle of Deerfield, N.Y.,
tained the highest level of amateur ham radio nine grandchildren. Mr. Yanginski worked for the Elizabeth von Pier and her
license. After the war, he entered MIT, where A graveside service will be held Saturday, Dickinson Family and Day late husband Hubert of Sci-
he graduated with a Masters degree in civil en- Nov. 28 at 1 p.m. in the Mayflower Cemetery, Farm in Hatfield and spent tuate, Margaret Frieswyk and
gineering. He was a registered professional en- 774 Tremont St. followed by a reception for the last 15 years of his career her husband William of Cape
gineer and worked on many projects through- family and friends at the home of Tom and employed by Smith College Cod; four grandchildren, two
out New England. Cathy Rogerson, 90 Marshall St. from 2-5 p.m. in the office of past President stepgrandchildren, and eight
Mr. Rogerson and his first wife, Maria In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made Jill Conway, before his retire- great-grandchildren, with his
(Mujica) Rogerson, raised their children in to the Florida Hospital Hospice Care, 770 W. ment in 1983. He served in the ninth great-grandchild expect-
Duxbury. He served on the Duxbury Conser- Granada Blvd. Suite 304, Ormond Beach, FL United States Navy and was ed to arrive on Nov. 22.
vation Commission (six years as chairman), on 32174 or at fhhospicecare.org. stationed in Key West, Fla., Religious services were
various town building and study committees where he trained for the Pa- held at the Czelusniak Funeral
from 1955 to 1989, and was a volunteer mem- cific Theater. Home of Northampton. Burial
ber of the Duxbury Fire Department, Engine Mr. Yanginski was a life with full military honors fol-
Co. No 1. In the 1970’s and 80’s he served as
a Director of the Plymouth Area Chamber of Snow removal member and past commander
of the Hatfield American Le-
lowed in Calvary Cemetery in
Hatfield. Charitable donations
Commerce, the Plymouth Development and gion Post 344. He served in his memory may be made to
Industrial Commission, and as treasurer of regulations the town for many years as a
member of the Hatfield Board
the American Cancer Society,
5 Manley St., West Bridgewa-
the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra. In the
early 1970’s Mr. Rogerson and two partners When snow warnings are issued, resi- of Selectmen and the Water ter, MA 02379.
purchased the former Cordage Works from the dents are requested to park their cars off the
Columbian Rope Company and developed the street to avoid damage to the vehicle and to
property into a complex of retail, industrial and
business offices, renaming it Cordage Park. In
1990, the complex was sold and he retired. Mr.
expedite plowing and sanding operations.
Vehicles obstructing plowing or sanding
operations will be towed at the owner’s ex-
Rogerson was a member of both the Duxbury
Yacht Club and the Plymouth Yacht Club and
later was a member of the Halifax Yacht Club
The Town is NOT responsible for dam-
age to lawn areas, fences, steps, shrubs, trees
workshop at the
Senior Center
in Florida. or mailboxes that are located within the street
Mr. Rogerson met Janet Singhal at the layout. Residents are urged to drive reflec-
Plymouth Airport, where they were both pi- tive stakes along the edge of their lawns to
lots enjoyed flying single engine land and sea reduce damage. The Alzheimer’s Association is offering a workshop pre-
aircraft. They married in 1988 and moved to Residents may obtain sand at the High- sented by an elder law attorney, Dec. 10, 4– 5:30 p.m. at the
Ponce Inlet, Fla. in 1992. way Garage for emergency use. Duxbury Council on Aging. The workshop is free and open to
Mr. Rogerson joined the Ponce Inlet Vol- Town trucks and contractors plowing for the public. “Legal and Financial Answers for Families Cop-
unteer Fire and Rescue Department and served the Town may not plow driveways or private ing with Alzheimer’s” covers wills, durable power of attorney,
as secretary until elected to the Ponce Inlet sidewalks. health care proxy, and what Medicare and Medicaid do and do
Town Council in 1998. He served as a council-
not cover. Registration is required, call 800-272-3900.
man and as the vice mayor. He was also on the
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 11

Newcomers’ Club news

Book Club: The next book club meeting will be at 7:30
p.m.  on  Thursday, Nov. 19. We will discuss “A Little Love Story”
by Roland Merullo. A list of each month’s selected books is avail-
able at Westwinds Bookshop, the Duxbury Free Library and on the
Newcomers’ Club Web site at duxburynewcomers.com under the In-
terest Groups and Book Club Section. Newcomers’ members receive
a 10 percent discount on the club selection at Westwinds. For more
information about the book club, November’s location, and to RSVP,
contact Jen Thorn at 781-585-0864 or bookclub@duxburynewcom-
Kid’s Crafts: Join us for ornament making at the Art Complex
Museum from 4:15-5 p.m. on Nov. 19. We will be making candy cane
ornaments to decorate the Newcomers’ Club tree at the Plimoth Plan-
tation Festival of Trees using recycled puzzle pieces. Make one for the
festival and one for your own tree! Snacks will be served. There is no
cost for this activity. Contact Fleur Pang with questions at 781-934-
0106 or [email protected]
Fundraising: The fundraising committee is excited to once again
be bringing renowned silhouette artist Carol Lebeaux to Duxbury dur-
ing Holly Days (Sunday, Nov. 29). She will be at the Girl Scout House
from 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. to hand sketch your child’s portrait. Pricing
is as follows (and remember that all proceeds from this event go to
charity!) Cost is $33 per silhouette plus $5 per mat, $12 per duplicate,
$37 for 5 x 7 black oval frames. We have limited appointments still
available so, if you’re interested in booking a 10 minute session for
! M


your child, e-mail [email protected] as soon as possible. It

.O 4R .

makes a great gift for the holidays and a memorable piece of artwork
for the home.
Volunteer Outreach: This month, Volunteer Outreach is high-
lighting a local charity called Mary-Martha Learning Center. Locat- iÜʏ>ÃiÀ‡>ÃÈÃÌi`ʏˆ«œÃÕV̈œ˜ÊÌÀi>̓i˜ÌÊ
ed in Hingham, it is a residential educational program where young ÕÃiÃʏ>ÃiÀÊÌiV…˜œœ}ÞÊ̜ʓiÌÊ>˜`ÊÀi“œÛiÊ՘Ü>˜Ìi`Ê
women and children who would otherwise be homeless are provided v>ÌÊpÊ܈̅ʏiÃÃÊ`œÜ˜Ìˆ“iÊ>˜`Ê}Ài>ÌÊÀiÃՏÌÃt
training and services for an improved future. Because of recent chang-
es in state funding, the Center is now responsible for all operational

costs and completely privately funded. They are in desperate need of ÃVՏ«Ìˆ˜}ʏ>ÃiÀÊ«ÀœVi`ÕÀiʈÃÊ
the following items: Diapers/wipes, bedding (pillows, sheets, blankets
in crib and full size), kitchen supplies (dishes, utensils), bathroom sup-
plies (towels, wash cloths), toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothbrushes/
7>˜ÌÊ̜ÊiÌÊ ˜œÜÊLiˆ˜}ʜvviÀi`ÊLÞÊ
°Ê>“œÀˆ]Ê ]ÊLœ>À`‡ViÀ̈wi`]Ê«>Ã̈VÊÃÕÀ}iœ˜Êˆ˜Ê…iÀÊ
paste etc), school supplies (three-ring binders, pens, folders), office -ˆ“ˆ«œÊÃiiV̈ÛiÞʓiÌÃÊv>ÌÊViÃÊ>œÜˆ˜}ÊvœÀʏˆ«œÃÕV̈œ˜Ê
supplies, postage, baby monitors, trash bags, new or almost new cloth- ܈̅ʏiÃÃÊLÀՈȘ}Ê>˜`ʏiÃÃÊ`ˆÃVœ“vœÀÌ°Ê œÜʈÃÊ̅iÊ̈“iÊ̜Ê
ing/shoes – women’s, children’s (age four and under). Please help this «Ài«>ÀiÊޜÕÀÊLœ`ÞÊvœÀÊÃՓ“iÀÊpÊV>Ê̜`>ÞÊ̜ʏi>À˜Ê“œÀiÊ
worthy cause. Contact Christine Sovik by telephone at 781-934-2082 >˜`Ê̜ÊÃV…i`ՏiÊޜÕÀÊÌÀi>̓i˜Ì°ÊÇn£‡™Î{‡ÓÓää°
or e-mail at [email protected] to set up a time to drop off the items.
Christine will bring the donations to Mary-Martha Learning Center
on Nov. 30.
Festival of Trees at Plimoth Plantation: The Duxbury Newcom-
ers’ Club will be decorating a tree that will be on display at the annual
Festival of Trees at the Plimoth Plantation. In the 19 year history of the
Festival of Trees, the Friends of Cranberry Hospice have donated over

$1.5 million to the Cranberry Hospice. This year’s tree theme is “Go WWWCHRISTINEHAMORICOM
Green” where we will create hand made ornaments using recycled ma- 4REMONT3TREET 3UITE $UXBURY%XITOFF2OUTE 3URGICALEXCELLENCE EXQUISITERESULTS
terials. Volunteers are needed to decorate the tree on Thursday, Dec.
6 at Plimoth Plantation. For more
information, e-mail Alison at Ali-
[email protected] or
Megan at megannicosia@yahoo.
Violinist to Thanksgiving!
visit museum
The Art Complex Mu- Beringer Founders (cabernet, chardonnay, merlot) .....1.5L .....$16.99 Grey Goose Vodka ................................................ 750ml .....$27.99
seum will welcome back vio- Sutter Home (chardonnay, cabernet, merlot, pinot grigio) ....1.5L .........$8.99 Belvedere Vodka..................................................... 750ml .......$28.99
linist Andrew Kohji Taylor on J. Lohr Chardonnay .......................................... 750ml .........$9.99 Captain Morgan Spiced Rum .................................. 1.75L .......$26.99
Sunday, Dec. 6, at 4 p.m. Bacardi Rum white/gold ............................................. 1.75L .....$22.99
The program is free and Ménage a´ Trois (Red/White).................................... 750ml .........$9.99
Bombay Gin ............................................................. 1.75L .....$26.99
supported by the Carl A. Cupcake Wines (all varietals) .................................. 750ml .........$9.99
Bombay Sapphire Gin ............................................ 1.75L .....$36.99
Weyerhaeuser Family Chari- BV Coastal (cabernet, chardonnay, merlot, pinots).......... 750ml .........$8.99
table Trusts, and by gifts from Jim Beam Black Label Whiskey .......................... 1.75L .....$36.99
Ravenswood Vintner's Blend (all varietals) ........ 750ml .........$8.99 Dewar's White Label Scotch ................................ 1.75L .....$31.99
friends of the museum. Visit
artcomplex.org for more in- Lindemans Bins (chard, cab, merlot, p grigio, shiraz, blends)...1.5L .........$9.99 Hennessy V.S. Cognac.......................................... 750ml ........29.99
formation. Yellow Tail (all varietals) ..............................................1.5L .........$9.99 Brady's Irish Cream Liqueur ................................. 1.75L .....$17.99
Brancott Sauvignon Blanc .............................. 750ml .........$9.99 Grand Marnier Orange Liqueur ........................... 750ml .....$29.99
Andeluna (malbec, cabernet, chardonnay, merlot, torrontes)750ml.......$10.99
DiLupo 1.5L........chianti.......$15.99........pinot grigio, pinot noir.......$11.99
Santa Margherita (pinot grigio, chianti classico) ........ 750ml .......$19.99 Mayflower Brewing pale, golden, porter ... 6pk bottles ........$7.99 + dep.
Dr. Loosen Riesling ........................................... 750ml .........$9.99 Newcastle Brown Ale......................... 12pk bottles.......$12.99 + dep.
LAST CALL OPEN WEDNESDAY NOV. 25TH 9AM-9PM Heineken/Heineken Light/Amstel 24 loose bottles/cans..$22.99 + dep.
FOR Magners Original Cider........................ 6pk bottles.........$8.49 + dep.
Winterizations CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Smuttynose Variety Sampler............. 12pk bottles.......$13.99 + dep.
New Customers Welcome Sale prices in effect thru Sunday, November 29 FREE GLASS WITH PURCHASE
Summer Hill Plaza s Kingston (next to Stop & Shop) 781-422-9999
[email protected]
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Selectmen stand put on deal

continued from page one mer out details and to see when been given to DeLuca and he
DeLuca would be signing it. said he felt the chief had until
and would not be discussing “We talked constantly,” the end of his contract Friday to
any specifics of the agreement. said Troy. accept it.
McAuliffe said that in his McAuliffe said many of He asked the board: “What
briefcase he had a copy of the these conversations were about has changed from then to
settlement signed by DeLuca the details of the settlement, not now?”
and urged selectmen to re- just Troy asking when DeLuca “What has changed is the
extend the deal to the former would sign it. passage of time,” answered
chief. DeLuca’s contract ex- During the three weeks Witten. “We acted in good faith.
pires on Friday, Nov. 20 and he between the board’s vote on It was not reciprocal.”
is currently on administrative the settlement and its vote to Donato said he had wanted
leave with pay and must refrain retract the offer, McAuliffe selectmen to send a letter to
from acting in any capacity re- said DeLuca consulted another DeLuca letting him know the
lating to the Duxbury Police attorney, Paul Hines, whom offer was off the table, but that
Department. McAuliffe said was a labor did not happen. He was upset
The proposed buyout of lawyer. McAuliffe said it took a about the entire process, saying
DeLuca’s contract included while to schedule this meeting that the board told Deluca there
back vacation pay and a com- and then he said he had trouble were allegations against him but Portraits by
bination of other factors, such reaching DeLuca to discuss the never told him what they were. TRACY SHEEHAN
as his years of service and le- settlement because he went to Then he said the board told him PHOTOGRAPHY
gal waivers he was expected to the Cape. “to take the buyout and then
sign. The settlement figure was Selectmen Chairwoman we’ll rip up the allegations.”
initially reported as $240,000, Betsy Sullivan said the board “The way the whole thing
but later reports indicated the rescinded their offer after three played out is disgusting,” Do- TracySheehan.com
amount was lower. However, weeks with no word from De- nato said. 781-585-7363
the exact amount was never Luca. At the end of the discussion,
McAuliffe said DeLuca “I don’t believe for one second that the chief didn’t know
didn’t sign the agreement right
away because he was having
what was going on ... Three weeks of no response is
trouble accepting that it meant not a meeting of the minds.”
the end of his career as a police
– Betsy Sullivan
“He has been a police of-
ficer for twenty-five years,”
McAuliffe said. “He has been
Selectman Jon Witten said
it became a question of, “how
Sullivan asked for a motion to
reconsider their offer to retract
Susan Kramer (Back in Town)
here for ten years. It’s hard for long do we let a contract hang the settlement but neither Do-
him to cut the bond. He likes out there.” nato nor Witten offered one.
the town and he felt he did a “I’m disturbed because we “There is no motion,” she of
good job here. The chief is a went to great effort to reach that told McAuliffe. “There is no A Duxbury Salon
fighter. He fights for what he deal. It was painful for every- offer from the board to reinstate
believes in. It’s been very hard one,” Witten said. “I wanted that agreement.”
for him.” very much to work out a settle- On Oct. 23, selectmen
McAuliffe also argued that ment with the chief and I made voted 2-0 to rescind a settle-
selectmen had never set a for- that clear and worked hard to ment offer after DeLuca did not
mal deadline for pulling the do it. But at the end of the day, sign it. The offer was generated
deal so he and DeLuca didn’t I represent the town and, at this on Oct. 5, after selectmen met
know there was a time limit. point, it was unfair to the town behind closed doors and voted
“I was not informed you to have made an offer to a mu- unanimously in favor of a tenta-
had to have it in by a certain nicipal employee and be left tive settlement.
day,” McAuliffe said. open and not have it formally Donato said on Monday he Please, enjoy a half price Haircut with this ad!
recused himself from the vote to
rescind the offer because of an Consultations are always complimentary!
“The delay is simply a delay of someone who had a hard ongoing investigation of allega-
time giving up.” tions that included his wife and 758 Plain St, Marshfield, MA 02050
– Gerard McAuliffe daughter. His wife used to work
as DeLuca’s administrative as- 781-837-9568
sistant at the police department.
However, the selectmen signed. I don’t think it’s good Donato has said she quit her job
and Troy did not accept this. public policy. I am not going so he could vote on matters in- TAKE OUT • PUB MENU • ACCOMMODATIONS • LIGHT FARE

Troy said because of the to reconsider that offer and I’m volving DeLuca’s contract.
matter’s urgency he sent the not going to vote for it.” At the meeting, Donato
written settlement to McAu- Witten instructed McAu- asked Troy if that investigation
liffe two days after selectmen liffe to meet with Town Manag- involving a special counsel had
and DeLuca shook hands and er Richard MacDonald before been closed. Troy said he didn’t
verbally agreed to it. Troy said Nov. 20 to discuss DeLuca’s va- know, but added: “I do not
he had spoken to McAuliffe be-
tween 20 to 25 times in the fol-
lowing weeks both during the
cation pay, which he is entitled
to even without a settlement.
Selectman Chris Donato
know of any reason that will re-
quire you to recuse yourself on
this issue.”
Thanksgiving Dinner
week and on weekends to ham- said that since no deadline had Take Out 12-5 on Full Menu

Howard Gardner to speak to parents Saturday, November 28th

The Parent Connection and rium. A 7 p.m. reception will 830-11pm
Bay Farm Montessori Acade-
my are pleased to host Howard
precede Gardner’s talk.
For more information
Citizen’s Jim Mazzy, Fred Clifford, Pete Collins
Gardner, well-known author,
Harvard professor, and re-
about Gardner, please visit
articles due New Orleans Jazz
search psychologist, for a pre- Tickets for this event are The Board of Selectmen
sentation, “The Well-Round- $7 each, and $5 for teachers. invites citizens to submit Sean McLaughlin
ed, Curious Mind -- Preparing Tickets can be purchased at articles for the 2010 An- Guitar & Vocals every Friday at 9
Your Child for the Future.” Westwinds Bookshop, Food- nual Town Meeting. Articles
Based on his new book, “Five ie’s, the Duxbury Free Library, must be submitted to the 781-934-0991
Minds for the Future”, this Bay Farm Montessori Acade- town manager’s office by 390 Washington Street Duxbury by the Sea
event will take place on Thurs- my, or online at: theparentcon- Dec. 8. Please contact Bar- Dinners nightly at 5:00 pm Closed Sundays
day, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the nection.org. bara Ripley at 781-934-1100
Duxbury High School Audito- x141 with questions. Great Food... Great Entertainment... Perfect Anytime!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 13

Around Town Hall

School Committee: Wednesday,
Nov. 18, 7 p.m. at the Alden School.
Saturday november 21st at 10am
Public hearing on the budget.
Public Safety Building Feasibil-
ity Committee: Wednesday, Nov.
18, 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.
Community Preservation Com-
mittee: Thursday, Nov. 19, 8 a.m.
in the Mural Room.
Board of Health: Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:15 p.m. in the Mural
Cable Advisory Committee: Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. at the
Senior Center.
Local Housing Partnership: Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:30 p.m. at the
Senior Center.
Town Building Committee: Friday, Nov. 20, 7 a.m. in the Mural $
Planning Board: Monday, Nov. 23, 7 p.m. in the small confer-
ence room.
Board of Selectmen: Monday, Nov. 23, 7 p.m. in the Mural
Local Historic District Study Committee: Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7
p.m. at the Senior Center.
Fiscal Advisory Committee: Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7:30 p.m. at the
09DF005_clipper_open_7.9x10:09DF005 9/8/09 1:58 PM Page 1
Senior Center.
Conservation Commission:
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7 p.m. in the
Mural Room.
Economic Advisory Commit-
tee: Wednesday, Dec. 2, 8 a.m.
in the Mural Room.
Zoning Board of Appeals:
Thursday, Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m. Is-
land Creek North LLC.

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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mayflower Carpet
808 Washington Street (Route 53)
Pembroke, MA 02359

Mayflower Carpet Re-Tunes offers new and excellent condition pre-owned guitars
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33-/12 EC and
(1975) 4001


Mayflower Carpet is now a Shiretown Glass Affiliate “Take a step back in
history, Est. 1865.
Shiretown Home Restorations The revival of a local
shiretownglass.com legend...”
186 Standish Ave. Plymouth Bay State Guitars


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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 15

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16 Hounds Ditch Lane

DUXBURY – Striking 4-bedroom Colonial located DUXBURY – Private 3-acre setting in the Hounds Ditch DUXBURY – Privately nestled on 2.3 acres in the center of
in sought-after neighborhood cul-de-sac close to school neighborhood is the location for this handsome 11-rm dor- Powder Point, this unique home exudes sophisticated sim-
campus, shops, area amenities, and commuter routes. mered Cape with heated I/G pool. 5 bedrooms, 3 ½ baths; plicity characterized by Balinese architecture inside and out.
This home overlooks beautiful manicured lawns, mature kitchen with hardwood floor, dining area, stainless steel ap- From crafted koi ponds to exquisite sunlit spaces, this is a
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DUXBURY- Move right into this tastefully renovated, DUXBURY – Rare offering on Standish Shore! 3-Bed- DUXBURY – Stately 4BR Colonial features a spacious
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Offered at $619,000 Offered at $699,900 Offered at $675,000

DUXBURY –Stately 4-bedroom, 2 ½ bath Saltbox Colo- DUXBURY – Move right into this 9-room Colonial set DUXBURY – Fabulous 4-bedroom, 2 ½ bath Colonial in
nial located in a neighborhood. Hardwood floors on first on a knoll in a cul-de-sac neighborhood with 1.04 profes- sought-after Weston Farm. This pristine home features a
level, central air, central vacuum, family room with fire- sionally landscaped acres. The 15x25 deck, accessed from spacious kitchen w/dining area; cathedral FR w/skylight,
place, private deck, two-car garage, and attractive landscap- both FR & sunroom overlooks lovely open back yard. Fea- fireplace & French door; deck overlooks private backyard;
ing with an in-ground sprinkler system. tures & updates abound in this well maintained home. A hardwood floors, custom molding, C/A; and a 2-car garage.
Offered at $489,900 must see! Offered at $495,000 Offered at $579,000


665 Lincoln Street

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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trainer works with special WALSH, FIRNROHR,


needs on physical fitness

continued from page one
Engaging in the General Practice of Law
Concentrating in Real Estate, Criminal Defense,
Estate Planning & Immigration

Bondlow, a Duxbury resi- 272 Saint George Street

dent, owns Compelling Fit- Duxbury, Massachusetts
ness in Hanover. In addition to 781-934-8500
his regular clientele, he works
with developmentally disabled
people from ages 4-75. Addressing your concerns. All matters Real Estate,
Working with an 11-year- Estate Planning, Domestic Relations.
old autistic child, Erik, Bond-
low points out the boy’s gait L A W O F F I C E O F

issues, and the fact that he has PHILIP M. MARKELLA

trouble holding his head up AT T O R N E Y AT L AW
while walking.
“If you don’t correct this, 781-934-7977
by the time he’s in his 20s 19 Depot Street, P.O. Box 2302, Duxbury, MA 02331
he’ll have chronic knee and [email protected]
back problems,” Bondlow
said. “Autism isn’t just not be-
ing able to speak or make eye Markella2_2x2.indd 1 10/25/08 6:59:55 AM
contact ... there’s a big physi-
cal part of it.”
Exercises with Erik in-
clude walking backwards with
a weighted sled, and crawling
on a mat. Bondlow said that
autistic kids often have a short NOW OFFERING
crawling phase, which can af- MASSAGE
fect their posture and balance CUPPING
later in life.
Erik’s mother, Margaret
Iverson, said that she hadn’t Brett Bondlow works with Sean at his gym in Hanover. Bondlow, a for-
really spent much time on mer social worker and counselor, works with autistic and other spe-
physical fitness before coming cial needs kids and adults, addressing what he says is a neglected
to Bondlow. physical fitness aspect of their lives.
“My child’s gone to a lot of
doctors. No one ever brought said. sistent.”
it up,” she said. Sean has lost some signifi- He also said he tried to
She said that she’s seen the cant weight since he started teach parents how to imple-
positive effect the therapy has his training. He also plays on ment physical fitness at home.
had on her son. a special needs hockey team “There’s a need for it, I am
“He gets some exercise,” coached by his father. just trying to do one child, one
she said. “It teaches him dis- “He loves to swim, loves person at a time,” he said.
cipline.” to ride his bike ... he’s pretty He believes he is one of
Before he got into training, active,” Quill said. “I think it the the only trainers in the
Bondlow was a social worker releases his frustration.” country working with special
and counselor. He worked Bondlow said the way he needs children and adults.
with abuse victims as well as approaches each student is “If I didn’t have my back-
developmentally delayed kids. varied. ground, I wouldn’t be able to
“After a period of time “With every student it’s do this work,” Bondlow said.
I got burned out,” he said. “I different,” he said. the most
wanted to figure out a way to important thing is to be con-
get back to working with these
kids and adults ... It’s my pas-
Fourth Friday Film Series
Bondlow said that autistic The Duxbury Free Library s next film in the Fourth Friday
kids will often get some thera- Film series, “Daytrippers,” directed by Greg Mottola will screen
py from their doctor, but it will on Friday, Nov.27 at 7 p.m. in the Merry Room, library lower
uptown style:
be mostly fine motor skills level.
Sometimes even a day trip with family can be a little too much, downtown plymouth
––  getting dressed, learning
how to hold a spoon, etc. especially if it lasts for hours. On the other hand, who could re-
“If they’re able to stand sist a trip that included, one way or another, Stanley Tucci, Hope
and function, they’re not go- Davis, Pat McNamara, Anne Meara, Parker Posey, Liev Schreiber,
ing to get therapy,” he said. and Campbell Scott? Daytrippers runs for 87 minutes and is rated
The training has more than R. 44 Main St. Plymouth, MA
a physical effect, however. The series is designed for the over-18 crowd and meets every 508.830.1112

Julie Quill, whose son Sean fourth Friday. Film screenings are preceded and followed by lively
has been coming to Bondlow discussion led by Prof. Mandrell, library trustee and professor of
since the summer, said she has film at Brandeis University. Admission is free and refreshments
seen a change in her son’s be- are available.
havior as well. For further information, 781-934-2721 x100 or go to www.
“Brett is helping Sean in duxburyfreelibrary.org. DESIGNER HAT BY:
ways I never expected,” Quill Pandemonium®
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 17

Emergency advice Blood drive

for Thanksgiving
Children’s Hospital Bos-
ton is sponsoring a blood drive
as part of the Duxbury Holly
Day Celebration, Nov. 29 at the

By Michelle Conway, Clipper Columnist
[email protected] Duxbury Senior Center from 9
hanksgiving is coming – don’t panic! The prospect a.m.-3 p.m. All successful do-
of out of town guests and relatives expecting the nors receive a gift from Chil-
picture-perfect holiday meal doesn’t have to be dren’s Hospital. Call Joanne
intimidating. Follow these simple suggestions and you just Moore at 781-934-5774 x102
might find yourself wondering why you feel so relaxed hours for an appointment.
before the big meal.

Change your point of
view: As a calm cook recently
revealed – turkey is just a big
chicken and no one stresses over
chicken dinner. Don’t stress
over this one either. C o u n t r y S t o r e
Advice not often seen in a Absolut Vodka ............................................................................1.75L ....... $29.99

cooking column: Don’t try any-
thing new unless you are comfortable in the kitchen. Thanks- Skyy Vodka ..........1.75L......$19.99 less $5.00 mail-in rebate...Final Cost $14.99
giving is the perfect time to trot out the tried and true recipes Bombay Sapphire Gin ...............................................................1.75L....... $36.99
– tradition is the cornerstone of the day. No need to tap into your Canadian Mist ............................................................................1.75L....... $16.99
inner Martha if it is going to make you an unhappy host. Captain Morgan Rum ................................................................1.75L ...... $26.99
Accept help: Put aside your pride, when a guest offers to Johnnie Walker Red Label ........................................................1.75L ...... $32.99
bring something– say yes! Put one or two people in charge of
appetizers, two more in charge of dessert and let another bring
an easily reheated side dish. Now appetizers, desserts and a side Cupcake Wines ........................................................................ 750ml........... $8.99
or two are under control – your burden is a lot lighter. Columbia Crest Grand Estates.............................................. 750ml........... $8.99
Make Leftovers a Snap: Leftovers are one of the great J Lohr Chardonnay ................................................................ 750ml........... $9.99
joys of the holiday, however, by the time the hungry house Smoking Loon ..........750ml....$6.99 less $1.00 mail-in rebate..Final Cost $5.99
guests have left, there aren’t enough to take care of the hostess. Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi ........................................... 1.5L ........... $11.99
Purchase pre-made gravy from a local turkey farm or store and
a small turkey or breast and pop it in the oven before the big day Lindeman's Australian Wines ................................................ 1.5L ............. $9.99
and make a batch of simple bagged stuffing. These easy-to- Liberty Creek Wines............................................................... 1.5L ............. $5.99
make, low-stress dishes will compliment what is left from the
holiday meal and make satisfying turkey sandwiches, tetrazzini Bud or Bud Light .............................................. case 20 pack btls.......$15.99 +dep.
and turkey soup for days.
2009.AH.ads: AH.Event.ads Coors
9:48orAMMillerPageLite 12 ............................... case 20 pack btls.......$14.99 +dep.
Plan ahead: Start the Saturday before the holiday with the Michlob Ultra .................................................... case 20 pack btls.......$16.99 +dep.
cleaning, shopping for non-perishables and writing a plan for Busch or Busch Light ...................................... case 20 pack btls.......$10.99 +dep
each day of the week. Or follow this one:
Harpoon ..................................................................... 12 pack btls....... $11.99 +dep
7-10 days in Advance: Place your orders for specialty items
(fresh turkey, oysters, shellfish, bakery fresh pies, and breads). Sale prices in effect through Wednesday, November 25th
Buy a frozen turkey. Make items that can be frozen, breakfast 2/54%s$58"529s  
breads, soups etc.
Weekend Before: Visit the farmers market or farm stand to
purchase local squash, potatoes, onions and cranberries. Swing
by the supermarket to pick up non-perishable items such as rel-
ish, condiments, stuffing mix, seasonings, dairy items, frozen
vegetables, soft drinks and wines.
Three – Four Days Before: Put the frozen turkey in the
fridge to defrost. Shop for remaining perishables, make fresh
relishes, cook a small turkey or breast for leftovers and make a
dressing to serve alongside your Thanksgiving stuffing. Dress-
ing is made in a large dish outside of the turkey; stuffing is, well
– stuffed inside the turkey and is limited to the amount that fits
(which is never enough in my house.)
Day Before: Pick up special order items. Peel and cook the
squash and/or make green bean casserole, prepare the creamed ENJOY A SHORT STAY WITH OUR FAMILY!
onions – store all in separate covered dishes for easy reheating,
make the pie (s), prep for the stuffing (cut, chop, pre-cook meat
– keep ingredients separate until just before stuffing), and set
the table.
ys Available
Day of: Assemble stuffing, clean and stuff the turkey, plate Short Staing Community
and cover relishes, peel the potatoes and submerge in water until Assisted Liv -7136
ready to cook. In the afternoon, pull all side dishes out of the
fridge a few hours before serving to bring to room temperature. 781-58
When the turkey comes out of the oven: While the turkey rests
(and it should), change the potato water and cook and mash the For 60 years older adults have
potatoes, slide the premade squash, onions and side dishes into
the oven to warm (keep them covered), cook the peas stovetop been making their home with
and make the gravy. Enlist help to either take care of the pota- the Welch Family. Allerton House
toes or make the gravy. No one should have to do both! While
slicing the turkey, ask a guest to fill water and wine glasses, Our Short Stays Include: at
light the candles and place the condiments and breads on the • Exciting Activities & The Village at Duxbury
table. Social Programs Assisted Living Community
Most importantly: Relax and enjoy yourself. Your guests • Personalized Care
will remember relaxed and happy hosts long after the leftovers 290 Kings Town Way
• Medication Management Duxbury, MA
are gone. • Restaurant-Style Dining Email Irene O’Sadcia at
Tidbit: Jim at the newly opened My Little Bakery in Dux- • Spacious Apartments and
bury will be making from-scratch, addictively delicious dinner [email protected]
much more!
rolls all day Wednesday, Nov. 25. 282 St. George Street, Dux-
bury (behind Farfars), 781-934-2352.
Owned and managed by Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group,
a family-owned business, serving seniors for 60 years.
18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DSU news
Zumba at the DSU: Our mem-
bers are enjoying the combination
of beautiful fall weather and mov-
ing their bodies at the DSU with
football fun, basketball and the
Latinsensation Zumba. Instructor
Amy Kearns returns this Thursday
for four weeks at a special price of
$20 for members or $24 for non-
members. Come learn what all the
fun is about and enjoy the enormous
health benefits of Zumba. The class
starts at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday at
the DSU and runs for four weeks
through to the Christmas break. DSU Staff Member Rob Doran enjoys football fun with members
Students of middle school and high and friends.
school age welcome.
Sixth grade dance: The sixth grade dance is this Friday, Nov. 20 from 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Our
sixth grade dance committee, under the direction of Dance Coordinator Lisa Keohan, is organiz-
ing all the details for the first DSU sixth grade dance. Local DJ Sliz will play all the dance favor-
ites, with games and prizes throughout the evening. Tickets are $5 for members and $10 for non-
members. Pizza and beverages will be available for sale. Tickets are limited and can be purchased
during sixth grade lunch or at the DSU. All Day Comfort
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 19

Lindsay Sullivan and Heather Maiuri of Brownie Troop 80500 try their restaurant and tavern -ONDAY 4AVERN0IZZA
hand at knitting. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30-3pm

Girl Scout news

Dinner 3pm-close
Sunday Dinner All Day Starting at 11:30
Cookie Sale Informational Meeting Tonight: Jan Bruno,
our town’s cookie manager, will be holding a mandatory meet- The line for Bongi's Fresh Turkeys began over 60 years ago...
ing for all troop cookie moms on tonight, Nov. 18, at 7:30 p.m.
at the Girl Scout House. Cookie sale supplies will be distribut-
ed at this time. A member of the leadership team for each troop
is also encouraged to attend.
Tags for the Interfaith Council: If your troop signed up to
help with the tags for the Interfaith Council, please be sure to
leave the completed tags in Joan’s Girl Scout box no later than
Monday, Nov. 23. Many thanks to all the troops who helped
with this project.
Ornaments for the Festival of Trees: Completed orna-
ments need to be left off at Melissa Blair’s home: 75 Laurel St.
–– the corner of Laurel and Amado Way, by Nov. 23. She will
be drawing from those who donated ornaments, for a troop to
decorate the tree at Plimoth Plantation. If they are all as ador-
able as those made by Brownies in Troop 80500, we will have
...and it’s still going strong today!
an awesome tree!
Holiday Caroling: All leaders should have received an Farm Fresh Turkeys!
emailed copy of the songs that will be sung when we gather Order your Thanksgiving Turkeys Now!
to celebrate Holly Days. We will meet in front of Foodie’s on
Sunday, Nov. 29 at 3 p.m. and will be singing for approximately
30 minutes. If you did not receive the e-mail, contact Selden We're a working farm, BONGI’S TURKEY ROOST
Tearse. bring the kids to see

Early Bird Patches: There are still a few bags of patches

our turkeys! (781) 585-2392
Route 53, Duxbury
waiting to be picked up at Joan Riser’s home –– they are in the Learn more about us
Girl Scout box. www.bongis.com Holiday Hours: Sat. & Sun. 11/22 & 11/22 9am - 6pm
Mon. & Tues. 11/23 & 11/24 9am - 8pm; Wed. 11/25 9am - 5pm
American Girl Doll Tea Party: Girls Scout Troop 80531 is
inviting fellow Girl Scouts and their favorite doll to a Tea Party
and Bake Sale at the Girl Scout House on Nov. 21. Seatings
are 2-3:30 p.m., 3:15-4:45 p.m. or 4:30-6 p.m. Space is limited
and reservations are required. This is a drop off party. The price 35 Depot Street 781-934-2863
is $5 per girl and includes tea, cookies, a tea party fun patch. Duxbury Marketplace www.depotstreetmarket.com
18” doll clothes will be available as an additional purchase. All (across from Tsang's) We Deliver!
proceeds to benefit Troop 80531. To reserve your space e-mail
Leann Slayter at [email protected]. Payment required to
guarantee your seat. You get the Turkey...
We'll do the rest!
Items needed for auctions to Tasty Appetizers
benefit music program Shrimp/Crab Bruschetta............................................................pint $13
Artichoke Bruschetta ...............................................................pint $10
South West Egg Roll ....................................................serves 12-18 $15
Join local families and businesses – like the Bill Curley
Apricot Almond Brie ....................................................serves 8-10 $13
Basketball Clinics – who donate to the Duxbury Music Promot-
Holiday Meatball ................................................................ 3 dozen $13
ers’ Holiday Auction. Held during the five December holiday
Mini Chicken Cordon Bleu .............................................. serves 8 $13
concerts, the raffle is a great way to support our student musi-
Salmon w/ Citrus Chive Sauce ........................................ serves 18 $16
cians! Look for great items donated so far like a week from the
basketball clinics, golf lessons, and electronics; we’d love more Savory Sides
big-ticket items, as well as themed gift baskets to event tickets Butternut Squash Casserole ................................... serves 3-4 $10
and gift cards, and new sporting goods or instruments. Please Parizian Carrots.......................................................... serves 3-4 $7
contact Priscilla Richardson at [email protected] or 781-585- Zucchini Herb Casserole...................................... serves 3-4 $10
6460 or Brad Smith at bsmith@avdesigns, or 781-424-3396. Cranberry Glazed Sweet Potatoes ...................... serves 3-4 $10
Cheesy Mashed Potatoes ...................................... serves 3-4 $10
Green Beans Almandine ....................................... serves 3-4 $10
Yukon Mashed Potatoes ........................................ serves 3-4 $10
Class of 89’ Celebrates 20 Years Roasted Potato Gratin ........................................... serves 3-4 $10
There will be a reunion of the Duxbury High School Class of
Large selection of pies available for order We're thankful
1989 on Friday, Nov. 27, from 7-10 p.m. at Venus II in Marsh- from Sugar Plum Bakery. for all our
field. For more information and to RSVP to the event, visit the Stop in or order early for best selection loyal patrons.
reunion Web site duxbury89.com.
Or Try Our Cranberry Stuffed Pork Roast ...........................$28 Happy Thanksgiving!
Serves 4-6
20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Preservation match low

continued from page one clearer picture, however, as
A+ Qwerty Computer Repair
articles for the spring Town VË ?Í?Ë ?WÖ¬ËVË7‰ÁÖÄË-j”Ü?ËVËjßM?ÁaË-j¬?Wj”j™Í
good opportunity to address Meeting warrant must be sent VË+‰WÖ¬ËFË-jÍÖÁ™ËV˝ÖÄjË
open space, and historic pres- to the Board of Selectmen’s
ervations ... more and more office by Dec. 8.
communities are going to be Morris said that although
coming on board,” said Mor- she’s still positive about the

ris. As more cities and towns Community Preservation Act ÝÝݱ¶ÝjÁÍßW”¬ÖÍjÁ±W”

adopted the act, the available and what it does for Duxbury, ϚÉË.Ö͆ËÜj±^Ë8†‰Í”?™ËVËÈo¤ˆ||Ȉåyo|
pool of money shrunk, Morris she acknowledges the lower
said. match will make her board
She pointed out that even look at projects critically.
at a lower matching percent- “We’re going to have to
age, the return on investment really pick and choose our
is still strong. projects more carefully going
“This is really a tremen- forward,” she said.
dous opportunity for commu- However, she still believes
nities,” said Morris. “When the projects done with CPA
they start seeing what their Replacing the windows at the
money have made the town
neighbors are doing with this First Parish Church is one of the
money, they think we’ve got to projects before the Community
“It enhances Duxbury. It’s
get on board.” Preservation Committee this
Town Meeting cycle. important that we continue
Despite the lower match, with these programs,” she
the committee heard from a church, they would ask for said. “This maintains the value
number of groups looking for some restrictions, similar to of our community. And we’re
funding. the King Caesar House, where seeing a return on that.”
Jon Lehman, representing they asked for a right of first Morris wants to make sure
the First Parish Church, asked refusal if the property was ever the community is aware of
for help with the church’s win- sold. the work that has been done
dow restoration project. There The CPC also heard from with Community Preserva-
is some concern the windows Deb Samuels from Crossroads tion money. The committee is
will shatter in high winds, and for Kids, who proposed a res- preparing a pamphlet that will
the window work is holding up toration project on the Isaac not only give examples of the
painting and other restoration, Keene Barn at Camp Wing. work done through the Act, but
he said. The barn was originally built will explain the process.
“It’s an architectural jewel in 1817 and is supported by “I still run into people at
in the town ... certainly very two granite columns that are in Town Meeting who don’t un-
important to the historic char- need of repairs. The group is derstand the process,” Morris
acter,” Lehman said. asking for $85,000 for the first said. “We don’t make the de-
The church is asking for phase of the restoration, and cisions, we do all the vetting
$50,000 from CPA money. Samuels said Crossroads will and bring it to Town Meeting
They’ve already put $40,000 raise additional funds through floor.”
from their own funds into the a capital campaign. She hopes she can educate
project. They have also had a Other projects on the both old and new residents to FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PARTIES!
historic preservation consul- board’s slate include the con- the benefits of the Act.
tant prepare a full report on the
scope of the restoration proj-
tinuation of a historical survey, “When we think about the SHRIMP
and affordable housing project future ... that’s why Duxbury $PVOUt$PPLFEUPPSEFS
ect. at the former Grange property is what it is, because the gen-
“We’re ready to begin the and open space purchases, erations prior to me had the Comes with our Homemade Cocktail Sauce (8 oz.)
project ... if we get a grant however Morris stressed many foresight to think about how
we’ll be able to complete the 1lb Minimum Order 18 pieces
of the projects lack details at they’re going to protect Dux-
project more quickly,” Leh- this point. bury and it’s natural resourc-
man said. The committee doesn’t es,” she said.
Morris pointed out that if have too much time to get a www.SchucksCatering.com
the town grants money to the 0GmDFt$FMM
Raw Bar Specialist
Interfaith Thanksgiving basket project underway 1MFBTFHJWFIPVSBEWBODFEOPUJDF

The Service Committee of baked goodies), home baked be made payable to Duxbury
the Duxbury Interfaith Coun- desserts, monetary contribu- Interfaith Council, and mailed
cil is making plans for the tions, or help with basket as- to PO Box 1161, Duxbury,
Thanksgiving Holiday Bas-
ket Project to benefit our less
fortunate neighbors. They are
Where and when? Donat-
ed non-perishable food items
MA 02331.
Help is needed now more
than ever in this difficult eco-
Opening the week
turning to the community once
again for help and contribu-
How can you help? By
may be dropped off at the
Holy Family Parish Center,
located at 601 Tremont Street,
Duxbury, on Friday, Nov. 20
nomic time. There are approx-
imately 150 families who are
in need. Any contribution of
time or money is greatly ap-
of Thanksgiving!
donating non-perishable food and baked desserts may be preciated and 100 percent of
items (canned goods, pack- dropped off no later than Sun- your contribution goes back
aged dessert mixes and/or day, Nov. 22. Basket assem- to our community. For more
bly will take place on Monday, information, please call the
Nov. 23 and Tuesday, Nov. 24. Council at 781-934-8388 or
We also need assistance load- visit the Web site at duxinter-
Decemberfest ing baskets into cars on Tues- faith.com.
Holiday Fair at day, Nov. 24.
Monetary donations may

First Parish Unique Gifts
The Decemberfest Reservations v
Holiday Fair at First Parish Old Fashioned Penny Candy
Church will be held Satur- Recommended v
day, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m.-3 All Natural Smoothies
p.m. This annual event for 182 Powder Point Ave • Duxbury
v One Gift, One Person, One Place...
all ages includes affordable 781.934.7727
gift shopping, silent auction,
Organic Coffee & Tea Can make a difference...
handmade wreaths, fantastic 8
bake sale, hot lunch in Ru-
www.ppbab.com Duxbury Marketplace
Eco friendly * All Natural 35 Depot Street
by’s Cafe and more.
Recommended in Karen Brown’s Guide, 2009 New England Organic * Handmade * Fair Trade 781-934-7774
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 21


#(%34.54342%%4 (!,,3#/2.%2s$58"529 -!s  

8dbZ?d^ci]Z;jc CZlBZbWZghDcan
Ages 3 1/2 to 19 years!
8-Week Sessions: Start anytime
we pro-rate the classes.
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"Want to learn how to backhandspring
Cardboard tube
(Best prices around) before the discount!
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Come & checkout our Tumbling Class Staff is Safety Certified!

fighting at the library

(Not part of the discount promotion)
Pre-School, Kindergarten,
"We've been here since 1985" Recreational Classes & After
The Bookmarks Club at the Duxbury Free Library will be School Team Program for Girls
hosting a mock cardboard tube fight in the field behind the li-
Call for Prices & Class times.
brary on Saturday, Nov. 21, from 2-4 p.m. Entrants in the battle
must be 12 years of age or older, although there will be carnival
,-&".()"*&)* Coupon Expires April 2010

games and other activities for younger children. Cost is $10 to

battle, $5 for the carnival games. Register at the Duxbury Free
Library reference desk.
Based on the Cardboard Tube Fighting League, more infor-
mation can be found at http://tubeduel.com. Audrey Macdonald, GRI
Cardboard weapons will be provided. The fun will include
one-on-one tournaments, guild-on-guild skirmishes (maximum
Office - 781-934-6995
ten to a team) and an all-out battle for possession of the Holy Direct - 617-694-6794
Grail. Details will be revealed on the day of battle. !UDREY-ACDONALD .%-OVESCOM
This is a fund-raiser for the Bookmarks trip to American Li-
brary Association in June, 2010 where they will be presenting
their unique style of discussion group to a national audience of
Senior Center craft fair planned s#O FOUNDEROF-ACDONALDAND7OOD
On Sunday, Nov. 29, the Senior Center’s Annual Holiday s3OLDOWNERSHIPIN
Craft Fair and Bake Sale will take place from 2008.SNFRehab.ad:
Nursing.ad 5/4/09 11:05 PM Page 11
Also, as part of the Holly Days celebration, trolleys will make
stops at the Senior Center beginning at noon to drop shoppers s2EENTERED2ESIDENTIALSALESWITH#OLDWELL"ANKER
off and pick them up. There will be a festive array of fine and
fun jewelry, aromatherapy products, homemade edibles, Phil WITH OVER 30 YEARS IN RESIDENTIAL SALES AND 100 MILLION DOLLARS IN
Fontaine’s ornaments and collectibles, handmade decorative TRANSACTIONS, LET ME PUT MY EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU!
items and clothing, and assorted holiday crafts. Tables are also
available for crafters and artisans to participate in the Duxbury
Senior Center Annual Holiday Craft Fair. Call Linda at 781-
934-5774, x103 for an application or stop by 8-4 p.m. Monday
through Friday. Table fee is $30.

Interfaith Council Thanksgiving Service

The Duxbury Interfaith Council will sponsor it’s annual
Thanksgiving Service at 7:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. The
service will be held at Bumpus Park across from the King Ceasar
House (King Ceasar Rd.) A coffee hour will follow in the barn
of the King Ceasar House. For more information call 781-934-
8388, or visit www.duxinterfaith.com.

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22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Send items for the

opinion page to
[email protected]

John & Bobbie Cutler, Founders

The Deadline for all
David S. Cutler, President
letters & commentaries
Josh Cutler, Publisher
is Monday at noon.
Justin M. Graeber, Editor What’s Yours? Share your views in our sounding off section
Phone: 781-934-2811
E-mail: [email protected]
Thanks for
help after fall
Remember I
would like to thank all
the wonderful people
who came to assist me

the needy this

after a rather dramatic tripping
and headlong fall last Friday.
They saw to it that 9-1-1 was
called and also contacted my
family. They were a great

comfort to me while waiting.
Also my heartfelt thanks
to the Duxbury EMTs, the

ambulance crew and the en-
gine crew who came. They
hanksgiving is an important holiday for families. are a terrific team and you
know you are in good hands
It’s one of the few times a year extended families when they take over. We are
gather together to share a meal, and to catch up fortunate to have such a ca-
on all the things we miss in our busy daily lives. But it should pable crew in Duxbury.
I am grateful to all who
also be a time when we, the lucky ones who have a family to came to my aid.
come home to and good food to pass around the table, think Sidney Arnold
about the less fortunate. It is the time we should remember the Tussock Brook Road
“A Journey to the Lion’s Castle,” a musical piece written for former
people in our community that don’t have enough to eat, or a DHS student and trumpeter Paul Fortini, premiered at the PAC last
Thursday. Fortini was killed in an accident in NYC last year.
place to call home.
The Duxbury Interfaith Council does amazing work each
Thanks for supporting Senior Center ————
year around the Thanksgiving holiday, gathering donations and
filling baskets for the needy. Each year they serve about 150 s we begin this hol- port to the elders of the com- ity we are able to offer services
iday season, I want munity and their families. Your to keep seniors at home and
families in the Duxbury community. to thank all of you gifts also support our social day safe. If you haven’t received a
If you’ve ever been at one of the “basket building who have included the Friends program for individuals with copy of our annual appeal let-
sessions” for the Interfaith Council, it’s quite a sight to see. of the Duxbury Senior Center Alzheimer’s disease. This pro- ter, but would like to make a
in your holiday giving. Each gram provides caregivers with tax deductible donation to the
The baskets are always gorgeous as well as nourishing. The donation helps to make a differ- 12 hours of respite weekly so Friends of the Duxbury Senior
centerpiece is always turkeys for the fall baskets, and hams ence for the seniors we serve. that they can attend to life’s Center (P.O. Box 2113), we
for the spring drive. Each basket is stuffed with other food, so Your past support has enabled commitments knowing that would greatly appreciate your
us to employee two Licensed their loved one is safe and well special gift. Happy Holidays!
families don’t just get a plain turkey, but a full holiday feast Social Workers that provide cared for. Joanne Moore
with all the trimmings. There are also toys and other goodies information, referral and sup- It is through your generos- Senior Center Director
for families with children. Because, of course, stomachs aren’t
Compassion rules in Duxbury ———————
the only things that could use a boost around the holidays.
It is a credit to the council and to the Duxbury community great leader does not people who are compassion- “I have this theory that if one
focus on the impor- ate. You tend to meet people at person can go out of their way
as a whole that the response to the food drive is always so tance of his position their worst rather than at their to show compassion, then it
strong. For all the joking about “Deluxe-bury,” this town has but rather shows compassion best.” And last week, our com- will start a chain reaction of the
a huge heart, and its residents have always stepped up and for those he serves, especially munity heard about Rachel’s same.”
the downtrodden. Challenge. Rachel Scott was The tide is turning in Dux-
answered the call to help others. “Compassion for all” seems the first victim to be shot and bury. It is time to rejoice for
Food pantries around the state are finding their shelves to be a common thread under killed at Columbine. She told the holidays.
empty this year as the need for help increases. It’s more the new leadership at the middle her friends she felt she would Dina DiTullio
school, and our other schools as die young and she would have Priscilla Ave.
important than ever that during Thanksgiving, when we are at well. Our new police chief said an impact on many people. Be-
the table surrounded by friends, family, and good food, we also “Law enforcement requires fore she was killed, she wrote
think about those who don’t have what we are enjoying.
Run by the Bay a success ————————
The council is holding a food drive at Foodie’s on
Saturday, Nov. 21. Residents can bring donations between 8 he fifth Annual Run students we tragically lost this Marathon Sports, Mass Haul-
by the Bay and Kids summer, and raise funds to ing/Capital Paper Recycling,
a.m.-1 p.m. Canned vegetables, brownie mixes, stuffing mixes Run for Fun was strengthen the school’s Finan- Inc., Moran Surveying, Inc.,
etc. are items of particular need, according to the council. So held on Sunday, Nov. 8, at Bay cial Aid Program. One Beacon Charitable Trust,
remember the needy families in our community as the holidays Farm Montessori Academy, This event would not have Oral Surgery South, Organize
approach, and share the good things that you have with others. 145 Loring Street, Duxbury. been possible without the help U, Professional Fire Fighters
The beautiful weather made of countless volunteers and of Hanover/IAFF Local 2726,
–– J. Graeber it a picture-perfect day for the sponsors. From registering the Shaw’s, Special Tees, South
event – more than 450 runners runners, to slicing the oranges Shore Magazine, Sportsworks
and their loyal fans convened and bagels and distributing Ltd., Stop & Shop, The Tax
on campus to make it our most water, to organizing the Fun Center, Inc., Tiffanie Williams
successful race event yet.  Run for kids of all ages – we and Company, Tiger Payment
Send us your letters! And, the addition of chip tim-
ing made everyone feel like
couldn’t have done it without
them. In particular, we extend
Solutions, USA Health & Fit-
ness, VCA Animal Hospitals,
The Duxbury Clipper welcomes all views.
Preference will be given to letters from a winner. Congratulations to a special thanks to the Duxbury Yankee Sprinkler Co. – and
Duxbury residents or Duxbury-related overall winners: David Mur- Police and Brian Noyes, Bern, our many, many family spon-
topics. Thank you letters will be accepted
if concise. Anonymous letters or letters phy (17:09) and Holly Mad- The Bulfinch Group, Christine sors.
published in other publications will not den (18:59). Hamori, Coastal Construction We look forward to seeing
be considered. This year’s event is par- Corporation, Cushman Insur- you next year!
E-mail: [email protected] ticularly meaningful to the ance Group, Enviro Service, Anita Mraz and Cressida
school and to our community Inc., Foodie’s, Griffin Publish- Buonagurio
Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331 as we join together in memory ing Co., High 5 Hand Center, Co-Chairwomen
of Royce Whitaker, one of our Imagination Island, Indigo, 5K Run by the Bay
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 23

A friendship forged by the loss of sons —––––

D Excitement as
uring the Vietnam War back in the
1960’s, Admiral E.R. Zumwalt II
was commander in chief of all U.S.
Naval operations.

GOP preps for

He was respon-
sible for giving
the okay to drop
Agent Orange into
the jungle below to
effect the enemy,
not knowing his
own son, Lt. Elmo 2010 races
Zumwalt II, was
By Ryan Boehm
in that area. Agent
Orange is a toxic ast week, a group of more than 300 South
substance which Shore Republicans got together in Rockland,
can do much harm including numerous Duxbury residents, for
The writer, and a Navy admi- to humans.
ral, who had both lost sons, a rally in advance of next year’s elections. In recent
One day back years, a gathering like this probably would have garnered
wrote letters back and forth in the 1980’s, I
for many years.
was watching TV, about 100 people, and would have been lacking the most
“20/20,” and it told of the story of the admiral important part of last Tuesday’s event: excitement.
being indirectly responsible for his son getting To an extent, this type of Republican excitement hasn’t
cancer and a short time later passing away from E.R. Zumwalt, Jr., Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.) and a truly been felt since the epic wins of 1990, when Bill Weld
it. Duxbury resident forged a friendship over the loss was elected governor and dozens of GOP candidates were
I was deeply touched by this event. His son of their sons. sent to the Legislature to fix the damage done by Mike
was a lieutenant in the Navy, the same as mine Dukakis and the Democrats. There was some excitement
who also passed away. Zumwalt was not only highly respected by his
country but indeed a standout person and a per- in 2002 over Mitt Romney, but unfortunately, it didn’t
I wrote a very compassionate note to the ad-
fect gentleman filled with compassion. He did translate to “down-ballot” victories.
miral telling him about my son and that every
time I would salute my son’s grave, I would sa- as much for my family as I did for him and his This excitement could not come at a better time for
lute his son also. family. Duxbury, the Bay State and the nation. Last year, for the
That was the beginning of many letters go- Richard Ianniello first time since the ‘60s, Duxbury voted for a Democratic
ing back and forth to Washington, D.C. Admiral Oak Street for president. For me (and other local Republicans), this
was a wake-up call that even in conservative Duxbury, a
Seeking stories of waste ————————
Republican win could not be taken for granted.
ear citizens of Dux- jobs, that result in the town majority. The ones holding the The “second coming” aura that surrounded Obama has
bury: I am about having to hire other people to brooms. since faded. Voters in Virginia and New Jersey expressed
to start writing a cover for their lack of qualifi- Anyone who knows of any their displeasure with the agenda he and the Congress put
series of letters to the editor cations. People who are on the town hall verifiable misuse of forth by electing conservative Republicans as governor.
entitled “Paradox” in the Dux- town payroll who are not quali- taxpayers money, please pro- These victories have given the national GOP an espresso
bury Clipper. These letters will fied for his or her positions that vide detailed information to Jim shot heading into the key midterm elections of 2010,
expose town hall wasted and make costly mistakes and in- O’Sullivan at jimosullivan53@ but history tells us we must work extra hard to carry the
exploited tax dollars and the volve the town in unnecessary hotmail.com If the information energy over to our state.
resulting cuts in services that litigation. People employed by is good I will use it in my ar-
Massachusetts has shown its resistance to national
must be made to make up for the town who violate the open ticles. Your identity will not be
the utter lack of respect for our bidding system. People em- revealed in any way. trends in the past. In 1994, the state re-elected Ted
peoples hard earned money. ployed by our town that do not Jim O’Sullivan Kennedy despite the massive Republican gains that were
I will not accept any infor- use the open bidding system. Amado Way made in virtually every other state that year. But the
mation that may show our hard People employed by our town candidacies of Charlie Baker, candidate for governor, and
working town employees in who engage in any activity that Editor’s note: While Mr. State Sen. Scott Brown, candidate for U.S. Senate, are
petty issues. I will not accept has or will cause loss of tax O’Sullivan is welcome to sub- giving state GOP leaders hope for a 1990 redux, a year that
any information that may or payer dollars in any way. This mit what he wishes as a letter saw Republicans win the Governor’s office, the Treasurer’s
may not be a result of a mistake my good citizens, will give a to the editor, we wish to stress
office, 38 seats in the State House and 16 in the State
or an idea that our honest town new dimension and meaning that his project is in no way en-
employee or employees might to the term to the “silent major- dorsed by the Clipper. All sub- Senate.
have made. What I am look- ity” and I know they weren’t missions to this page should be Sen. Brown addressed the rally last Tuesday, talking
ing for exactly is shenanigans. at town hall, it was the people limited to opinion only and will up his record of supporting lower taxes, less government
That is crony hiring, people that called my home. You will be fact-checked before print- spending and a strong national defense. He has blasted
who aren’t qualified for their be known as the transparent ing. the current Congress for their inability to jump start the
economy, their support for the government takeover of
health care and their attempts to pass cap and trade, job-
FROM THE ARCHIVES killing regulations that would further damage the fragile
Though a definite underdog, Brown has a chance to
surprise a lot of people next January. But short of a win,
the biggest benefit of Brown’s candidacy will be felt by
other candidates, especially Charlie Baker as he challenges
Deval Patrick. Brown is building a massive grassroots
network across the state, and it will be these volunteers
that candidates from Baker on down the ballot will need in
order to celebrate victory on Nov. 2, 2010.
These are exciting days, and people are starting to
once again be proud of the Republican label. Locally,
the Duxbury Republican Town Committee is the group
dedicated to building and promoting the principles and
values of Ronald Reagan and I personally want to invite
you to join us. Our next meeting is Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. at
the Alden House Barn. We will be hearing from Rep.

Jeff Perry of Sandwich, the author of My GOP. We will
also discuss our 2010 plans for helping to elect Brown
urkey Wars! In November and Baker and to re-elect Sheriff Joe McDonald, District
1959, two turkey farms
Attorney Tim Cruz, Sen. Bob Hedlund and Rep. Dan
in Duxbury were offering
free turkey give-aways, Bongi’s Tur- Webster.
key Roost and John DeLorenzo Tur- Mr. Boehm is the secretary of the Duxbury Republican
key Farm. Town Committee and a graduate of Duxbury High School
24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Duxbury remembers its veterans

Legion Post Commander Joe Giannangelo and Cub Scout

Tim Ayers plant an American Flag at the newly poured base
of what will soon be the World War I monument in front of Veterans from the American Legion stand with local Cub Scouts at the dedication of the World War I memorial.
Old Town Hall.

Tom Corn points out the rose, the petals of which stand Members of the American Legion Post 223 remove their
for the spilt blood of soldiers, during a ceremony to caps for the opening prayer.
honor soldiers missing in action or prisoners of war.

Memorial Committee Chairman Joseph Shea describes the

history of the memorial, which was shattered in an acci-
dent then largely forgotten until recently.

Donato speaks
during the
at Legion
Post 223 on
Veterans Day.

Members of the World War I Memorial Committee look on: Russ Pratt, Bryan Felty, Beverly Johnson, Pamela
Smith, Terry Vose, Catherine Cullen, David Cutler, Katherine Pillsbury and Gil MacNab.

Ann Reed of the Ladies Auxillary

speaks at the Post’s ceremony.

William McCann, Henry Reynolds and

Thomas Taylor were honored for their
service to the Legion Post.
Photos by Justin Graeber
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 25

Suspense on Island Creek

continued from page one
expecting a level of detail in
the plans that was unusual in
the hearing process for a 40B
affordable housing develop-
ment. A Tufankjian Family Dealership
“It’s getting extraordinari-
ly inefficient and expensive EXIT 17 OFF RT 3 • 210 UNION ST • BRAINTREE • 866-441-6609
to go through this continuous
review,” Marchant said. He
stressed that the comprehen-
sive permit granted by the If you enjoy living in Duxbury, then
ZBA is supposed to be a pre- you’ll love dining in Marshfield
liminary plan, and that the de-
veloper would be back before
the board at some point. Review engineer Tom Houston shared his comments on the most
“You will get another shot recent Island Creek North plans at the Zoning Board of Appeals
at this,” he said. “You do not meeting Thursday night.
submit final plans ... 40B gives (Ember)
started to get into more de- “I do believe it was sim-
you a yellow light.”
tail, such as the issue of gran- ply an oversight,” said Plan-
Board Member Michael
ite curbing and handicapped ning Board Chairwoman Amy CONTEMPORARY DINING AND
Gill pointed out, however, that
accessible trails, Marchant MacNab. “That’s the door that
Island Creek’s bigger conces- DRINKS
balked. was opened in the beginning.”
sions had come recently and
“We need to have some- Diane Bartlett, who sits
noted they have not had to RECEPTIONS - REHEARSALS
thing we can build,” he said. on several affordable housing
compromise at all on the num-
“40B’s shouldn’t be held to boards in town, said the public - PRIVATE EVENTS
ber of units. “This is how the
different standards ... This need for more housing options
process works on a 238 unit
project has been given more should be paramount.
project,” he said. “It’s a two www.emberdining.com
attention than anything I’ve “The need for affordable
way street ... there’s a quid pro
been a part of.” housing is incredible,” she
quo here.” Serving dinner nightly - 781- 834 - 9159 Plain
The issue of limited expan- said. “Those things cannot be
Houston’s report started Street, Marshfield, MA
sion was also broached during forgotten over a small detail.”
off on a positive note, pointed 02050
the meeting. When the original Marchant and his team
out the recent concessions Is-
Island Creek project was ap- were hoping that the public
land Creek had made on the
proved, there was a provision hearing part of the process
heights of the building and a Paul D. Fitzgerald, D.M.D., P.C.
that there would be no addi- could be closed Thursday.
loop road in the new develop-
tional expansion in the future. However, the hearing was Specializing in Orthodontics
That provision was later lifted, continued until Dec. 3. At that
“I think this plan is a very
but some audience members time, the Island Creek team
significant improvement,” he
insisted that the intent at the will come back with more
time was to limit any future detailed drawings of the final
However, when Houston
build to 120 units. plan.

Holiday wreaths available from Garden Club

The Community Garden Senior Center, library, Food- House Barn on Tuesday, Dec.
Club of Duxbury is offer- ie’s, The Studio, Westwinds, 1 from 12 noon-4 p.m.
ing merchants and residents Cottons, Duxbury Thrift Shop, There will not be a greens
a chance to order “ready to Bennett’s and French Memo- boutique this year, so this is
hang” decorated holiday ries. the only opportunity to pur-
wreaths. Choose from three For merchants, club vol- chase a garden club wreath.
types of wreaths; the signature unteers will visit your busi- Monies from the proceeds go
seaside wreath, or two tradi- ness the week of Nov. 2 and to the town beautification pro-
tional styles. All three styles orders need to be received by gram, programs for youths and
are offered at the price of $32 Nov. 20. Delivery on Nov. 27 seniors and a scholarship for 187 Summer St. Suite 8
(includes tax.) The CGCD has and 28 – just in time for Holly individual studying landscap-
worked hard to offer a reason- Days. ing, horticulture or environ- Kingston
able price, and the best qual- For residents, order forms ment topics. For more info call 781-585-0024
ity at the same time. The order available starting Nov. 2 and Betty Anne Fortunato at 781-
forms are available at commu- all orders need to be received 934-9763 or Joanne Williams
nitygardenclubofduxbury.org, by Nov. 20. Residents can pick at 781-934-0111. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS
or at the following locations; up their wreaths at the Alden www.kingstonorthodontics.com

Desserts from French Memories will make your

Thanksgiving Day “Simply Delicious!”

Happy Thanksgiving
459 Washington St.
Duxbury, MA
781.934.6682 sWWWKARENWONG PHOTOCOM 781-934-9020
26 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Duxbury School Calendar

Thursday Nov. 19
SEPAC presents Debra Wein 6:30 p.m. Chandler School
Nature’s Classroom - POSTPONED

Wednesday Nov. 25
Send School news & Photos to
No kindergarten or preschool
[email protected]
Early release for Thanksgiving recess the Deadline is Monday at noon.
Thursday Nov. 26
No school -- Thanksgiving Recess

Friday Nov. 27
No school -- Thanksgiving Recess
Helping Hands at Chandler
The Chandler Elementary
Thursday, Dec. 3 school had it’s first Helping
Chandler PTA meeting 9:30 a.m. Hands event of the year on
DHS School Council 5 p.m. DHS room 106 Thursday. Chandler students
of all grades collected ap-
Friday Dec. 4 proximately 1,500 books for
Open house for Integrated Preschool 11-11:45 a.m. Chandler School the Dever Elementary School

School Lunch Menu

in Dorchester. The Dever El-
ementary is a kindergarten
thru fifth grade school whose
library has not been open in
Week of November 23 - 27 over five years. The books
DHS donated almost double the ex-
Monday: Dragon platter, carrot coins, pudding, juice.
isting collection of books for
the entire school. The staff at
Tuesday: Veggie or cheese calzone, caesar salad, fresh fruit, juice. Dever were overjoyed at the
Wednesday: No lunch. Half day. generosity of our school and Principal Billingham looking at Griffin Huang’s work. Photos by Betsey Campbell

Thursday: No school hope to visit Chandler soon to

Friday: No school personally thank them. Over
80 second grade students got
All lunches served with choice of milk. up early and came to school to
Daily lunch option: Specialty sandwich line and salad bar open daily. sort and box the books, deco-
rate book marks and draw book
DMS recommendations posters for
Monday: Crispy or spicy chicken, lettuce and the kids at Dever Elementary.
tomato, smiley fries, veggie tray w/cheese The kids also decorated some
cubes, fresh apples and oranges, juice. murals and those were deliv-
Tuesday: Rib-a que with rice, corn, applesauce, ered to the senior center.
curley fries, juice.
Katie Manning and Mara
Wednesday: No lunch. Half day. MacKinnon display book marks
Thursday: No school they have created to accompany
Friday: No school the books.
All lunches served with choice of milk.
Daily lunch options: Assorted sandwiches
and salad daily; Monday, Wednesday, Friday --
bagel lunch; Tuesday, Thursday -- Tony’s Pizza or PB&J Uncrustable.

Monday: Cheese or pepperoni pizza, veggie tray w/cheese cubes,
peaches, juice.
Tuesday: Turkey shaped nuggets, smiley fries, green beans, raisins,
Wednesday: No lunch. Half day.
Thursday: No school
Friday: No school
All lunches served with choice of milk.
Buddies, Weston Moran and Connor Hulett work on the mural while
Daily lunch options: Monday, Wednesday, Friday -- Tony’s Pizza or students sort books in the background.
PB&J Uncrustable; Tuesday, Thursday -- Assorted sandwich or bagel
lunch. All served with salad or vegetable, milk and fruit. Abby Hewett works on book
Monday: Mozzarella sticks with dip, pasta salad, carrot and celery sticks, Healthy eating
green and red grapes, juice. Taste test - cranberry bread and egg nog.
Tuesday: Turkey shaped nuggets, smiley fries, green beans, raisins or
applesauce, juice. Taste test - pumpkin bread and cider.
Duxbury Special Education
Wednesday: No lunch. Half day. Parent Advisory Council (SEP-
Thursday: No school AC) will present a lecture given
Friday: No school. by Debra Wein on meeting the
All lunches served with choice of milk. nutritional needs of our grow-
ing children on Thursday, Nov.
Daily lunch options: Dragon sack (PB&J Uncrustable) available ev- 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chandler
ery day; Monday, Wednesday, Friday -- Turkey and cheese sandwich or
bagel with yogurt; Tuesday, Thursday -- Ham and cheese sandwich or School, Canty Wing.
Matthew Perenick and Peter Loiselle decorate their bookmarks. Learn how nutrition plays a
pizza. All served with salad or vegetable, milk and fruit.
Preschool open house vital role in your child’s behav-
ior and day to day success, how
Thinking about preschool for next year? The Duxbury Integrated to navigate your way through
Preschool will be hosting an open house on Friday, Dec. 4, from the confusing “all natural”, “or-
11–11:45 a.m. ganic”, “low sugar” labeling on
Parents and future preschoolers (age three or four by Sept. 1, foods, what to look for on the
2010) are welcome to attend this event. Visitors will be able to tour ingredients labels to make wise
a preschool classroom at the Chandler School, meet the preschool decisions and some simple strat-
teachers, watch a quick video presentation of a day in a preschool egies when teaching your child
classroom, participate in an arts and crafts activity and listen to a about healthy food choices:
story read by one of our preschool teachers. RSVP to Kim Panton at 617-
781-834-6231 • 267 Ocean St., Brant Rock, Marshfield Enrollment information will be available. Contact Bridget or 510-5690 or kim@sousacom-
Gail with any questions at 781-934-7672. munications.com.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 27

Duxbury police log

Thursday Nov. 5 10:01 p.m. Caller on Shipyard into overnight on South Station force with subject barricaded in
10:29 a.m. Motor vehicle stop. Lane reports a small gathering of Street. home.
One party from Pembroke under people being very loud. Officer
spoke to and moved along.
1:24 p.m. Motor vehicle broken 8:18 p.m. Caller reports motor
arrest for operating without a li- into overnight on South Station vehicle on Prior Farm Road bro-
cense. Street. Nothing taken. ken into. Nothing taken.
1:03 p.m. Chicken loose on Sunday Nov. 8 Tuesday Nov. 10 1:47 p.m. Disabled motor vehi- 8:34 p.m. Officer assisted mo-
Tremont Street. Animal control 1:22 a.m. Motor vehicle stop 12:23 a.m. Motor vehicle stop on cle at the roundabout on Congress torist with keys locked in vehicle
officer notified. at Bravender Way and Summer Summer Street. Officer request Street. Vehicle towed. on Bow Street.
Street. One party from Scituate ambulance for evaluation. Party
2:41 p.m. Sick fox in backyard under arrest and charged with transported to Jordan Hospital. 4:49 p.m. Assisted other police
on Wadsworth Road. Animal marked lanes violation, operating
control officer notified. 8:22 a.m. Anonymous caller re-
a motor vehicle without a license, ports person sitting down on Con-
9:47 p.m. Caller reports loud and operating under the influence gress Street in area of the Exit 11
voices and car in area of Chandler of alcohol, third offense. overpass. Officer spoke to party.
School. Officer reports person
 ,/ ÊÓÓÊ9 ,-Ê"Ê
2:19 a.m. Party shuttled to Sci- 1:28 p.m. License plate found /  Ê 18 1,9Ê7/o
with car trouble. tuate.

on Route 3 North. Owner to pick / -ÊEÊ
11:28 p.m. Caller reports truck 2:19 a.m. Prisoner shuttled to up in station.
parked in roadway on Temple Marshfield Police Department for "/" t
Street. Driver spoken to. 9:26 p.m. Caller reports com-
breathalizer.. ing home and finding inside and FRIDAY NOV 27TH & SATURDAY NOV 28TH! 18 1,9½-Ê

outside door of home on Tremont

6",/ Ê
10:30 a.m. Caller reports sus- U "",Ê*,< -tÊÊÊU679-t /  Ê"--t
Friday Nov. 6 picious item on side of road on Street open and no one home. Of-  /Ê9"1,Ê
1:09 p.m. Caller on Bolas Road 7Ê",ÊÓä£äÊ"/" -Ê/Ê *Ê -
"1 /-t
Route 3 southbound near exit 11. ficer checked, all secure. 6/ Ê Ê>˜`Ê
>Ê, /Ê/ Ê/Ê
reports past breaking and entering "«i˜Ê-՘`>ÞÃÊ/œœt
Officer to check. Area search 10:02 p.m. 911 caller reports ÜÜÜ°Ì>˜iÝ«°˜iÌ
/ Ê- Ê/ t
of residence. Investigator and K9 negative.
enroute. motor vehicle crash on South Knowledgeable staff * Clean facilities
12:20 p.m. Caller on Evergreen Station Street with minor injury. 64 Summer St, Kingston Center 781-585-2492
5:40 p.m. Unknown caller re- Street reports house egged and Vehicle towed. Operator refused DUXBURY'S FAVORITE TANNING OASIS!
ports suspicious male in woods shutter broken. treatment and transport to hospi- Log onto www.sunlighttruth.com for the facts on UV exposure and tanning.
near Lewis Farm Road. Gone on tal.
arrival. 5:20 p.m. Caller reports their
dog attacked by another dog. An- 11:54 p.m. Officer reports sus-
10:27 p.m. Noise complaint of
people yelling on Bayridge Lane.
Area search negative.
imal control officer notified. picious motor vehicle on Alden
Street. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Saturday Nov. 7
Monday Nov. 9
12:49 a.m. Motor vehicle stop Wednesday Nov. 11
6:58 a.m. Caller on Meeting-
$ Got Furniture? $
12:10 a.m. Caller requests well
being check on party on Winthrop
on Kingstown Way. One party
from Pembroke arrested and house Road reports past breaking
and entering of motor vehicle. $ Go Green! $
charged with marked lanes vio-
Avenue. Party spoken to. lation, speeding, operating under
4:10 p.m. Caller on St. George
Street reports youths shooting at
the influence of liquor, and drink-
ing alcohol from an open contain-
7:49 a.m. Breaking and enter-
ing of motor vehicle reported on
Meetinghouse Road.
$ $
er in a motor vehicle. FURNITURE CONSIGNMENT
them with a potato gun.
6:07 p.m. Caller on East Street 7:44 a.m. Caller reports sounds
of gun shots on Island Creek
7:52 a.m. Breaking and enter-
ing of motor vehicle reported on $ -AKE-ONEYnELL&URNITURE $
reports chimney fire. Investigat- Meetinghouse Road.
ed, and no problem found.
7:00 p.m. Caller reported party
Road. Area search negative.
3:43 p.m. Officer assisted mo-
10:06 a.m. Unlocked motor ve-
hicle entered overnight on Meet-
$ $ave Money – Buy Furniture! $
torist with keys locked in vehicle
$ $
with blue light on vehicle. Spo- inghouse Road. Nothing miss- – Our 10 Year Anniversary –
ken to. on Kingstown Way. ing. Voted #1 Furniture
7:23 p.m. Caller reports motor Consignment Shop
9:11 p.m. Caller reported fire- 11:49 a.m. Party called 911 to
works on Rogers Way. Officer
spoke to parties.
vehicle accident, determined to be
in Marshfield. Verizon notified.
report man and child on the off
ramp of Exit 11. Officer reports
$ 781-826-6888 $
parties collecting cans. All okay.

Duxbury Free Library winter 1:03 p.m. Motor vehicle broken $ $


hours announced
The Duxbury Free Library will open on Sundays from
1–5 p.m. beginning Nov. 22 and ending on April 11. This is
a reduction of ten Sundays from last fiscal year because the
Library is operating with reduced funding. Library adminis-
tration made difficult decisions on what business hours would
best serve the most users. The decision to be open on Sun-
days during the winter months was based on usage data for ÈÎÊ-Փ“iÀÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊUʈ˜}Ã̜˜
all seven days. We are happy to provide Sunday service this 781-585-2221
year on our 20 busiest Sundays. We are feeling the pressures
of the current economic down turn, but want to offer the com-
munity the best service possible with the resources we have.
Our neighboring towns are experiencing even deeper reduc- Celebrate the Holidays
at Solstice
tions and Duxbury will have the only public library open on
Sunday this winter.

Now accepting dinner reservations for the Holiday Season

Private dining room available for private parties

Call 781-585-2221 for details

Don't forget New Years Eve... reservations taken for dinner

Gift Certificates available to purchase

(Starting Dec.1st from 10am to closing)

Open Jan.1st, 2010 for dinner, 5pm-10pm

Closed Sun. Jan. 3 & Mon. Jan 4. 2010
28 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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“Having worked with Nancy many years ago, I am honored that she has chosen to affiliate with us. She is the consum-
mate professional whose diligence and work ethic have earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues and clients
alike,” stated sales manager Debbie Tortorella. Nancy brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to all of her transac-
tions and looks forward to working with buyers and sellers in the Duxbury area once again.


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Direct waterfront, New England Farmhouse, circa 1854, impeccably Feel the sea breezes from this Classic Cape on the waterside of Brilliant waterviews from this five bedroom contemporized Cape locat-
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Section B • Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A change in Murphy’s law Free Pickup & Delivery

Dragons head to playoffs after overtime win against Scituate or
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor 16 Chestnut St. Duxbury
[email protected] 1-800-79-Valet
Murphy’s law is an adage
or epigram typically stated as:
“Anything that can go wrong
will go wrong.”
That saying may have
found a new meaning on Fri- Native Grown Turkeys & Turkey Products

day night in Duxbury, when

senior running back Bobby
Murphy had the best game (31
carries/191 yards) of his high 781-5
school career in a 15-13 over- 85-2392
time thriller over Scituate.
www.bongis.com Rt. 53, Duxbury, MA 02332

Duxbury 15
Scituate 13

The win crowns the
19th-ranked Dragons as Pa- t$JWJM
triot League Keenan Division t%PDLT
champions and sends them t&OWJSPONFOUBM
into the Division 2A Super 5JUMF7%FTJHOt1FSNJUT
Bowl playoffs against At- THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN: QB Kane Haffey gets a rude greeting from a Scituate lineman during
lantic Coast League champs Friday night’s thrilling overtime win against the Sailors. Photo by Mike Halloran 1BVM#SPHOB 1&
Marshfield, five days after the 
Thanksgiving Day game in field, the Sailors went 47 yards hit with a penalty, bringing the Scituate crowd into bedlam as
Duxbury. in two plays: a 24-yard pass to ball back to the seven. he crossed the goal line.
Scituate came into the Chris Mogan and a 23-yard Seven plays later the Sail- The conversion was good
game at 8-1 and hadn’t won a run by Morgan Billings that ors were forced to punt and and the Sailors were ahead 7-0
league title during the lifetime put the ball at the three-yard Duxbury had great field pos- with 9:36 left in the game.
of its players, with its lone loss line. Limiting Scituate to one tion at the Scituate 33. A 12- Duxbury wasted little time
coming at the hands of unde- yard on the next three downs, yard pass to senior Matt Sa- in clawing its way back, as
feated Cohasset. the Duxbury defense came up vard kept the drive alive at the Murphy went 27 yards off left
While Scituate’s record big once again, as they stopped 22 and a pair of runs by Mur- tackle, capping a seven-play
was impressive, the Dragons Billings on a fourth-down phy (11 and 9) had the ball at drive that covered 74 yards.
were on a streak of their own, sweep to the left by knocking the Scituate nine-yard line. Ben Startzell came in under
having won seven straight him out of bounds. Coach Dave Maimaron pressure and nailed the PAT to
games after losing two to start The Dragons started the called a halfback option; a tie the game at 7-7 with 5:39
the season. second half looking much more foolish play he took full re- showing on the clock.
It was a somewhat conser- aggressive, concentrating on sponsibility for after the game. With time running out,
vative game from both sides the run and picking Murphy Handing off to Matt Hallisey, the Sailors were faced with a
in the first half, as the wind to carry the load. Beginning the junior rolled right and tried fourth down and a yard to go
hampered the passing of Dux- at its own 48, Duxbury moved to pass it back across the grain. at their own 44. Coach Herb
bury’s Kane Haffey and Scitu- all the way down to the Scitu- The strong winds hung the ball Devine couldn’t pass up a
ate’s Tyler Park. ate four-yard line where Casey up in the air, allowing Matt chance to pull off the upset
Scituate had the best Burns picked off a Haffey pass Stewart to get back into the and decided to go for it. Dux-
chance to take a first-half lead on the next play and took it to play and pick off the wounded bury linebacker Max Randle
with 6:18 left. Starting at mid- midfield. The Dragons got a duck, going 95 yards with the continued on page 4
break when the Sailors were interception and sending the

Dancing with the Phil Plumbing & Heating, Electrical,

Air Duct Cleaning,

By Bruce Barrett, Clipper Columnist a vacation to Ipanema, Rio’s trendiest Carpentry & Painting Services
[email protected] beach.
eth MacLeod and the Copland’s “Appalachian Spring” was
Plymouth Philharmonic next, played in its original arrangement,
dazzled and charmed an gentler than Copland’s expanded version
appreciative audience Saturday at heard more often. Written for a short
Duxbury’s Performing Arts Center. Under WHAT’S GOING dance piece, “Appalachian Spring” tells
the baton of Maestro Steven Karidoyanes, ON HERE? a simple, sweet story of a pair of newly-
A federally licensed tax professional

Beth and the orchestra “danced” through weds starting life in their new home, a Tax & Bookkeeping
a program designed to blend national and Milhaud’s “Le Boeuf sur le Toit,” a gift from their house-raising neighbors. Services
exotic musical styles richly inspired by Frenchman’s splendid capture of the soul In his pre-concert talk, Steven explained IndividualÊUÊ ÕȘiÃÃÊUÊ ÃÌ>ÌiÃ
folk music, dance, and jazz rhythms from of Brazil. Until now, I’ve never seen that the piece was commissioned by /ÀÕÃÌà UÊ,-ÊÕ`ˆÌÃÊ>˜`Ê*ÀœLi“Ã
near and far. cellos played like percussion instruments. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge for modern Ph: (781) 293-1040
Steven opened the program with The effect, both visual and musical, Fax: (781) 293-4755
was mesmerizing. The piece was like continued on page 4 .BUUBLFFTFUU4USFFUt1FNCSPLF

Find help fast in the Service Directory … page 17

2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Send church listings to Thanksgiving Service. The Duxbury
[email protected] Interfaith Council will sponsor it’s
or fax to 781-934-5917. annual Thanksgiving Service at
7:30 a.m. The service will be held at

services the Deadline Bumpus Park across from the King

Ceasar House (King Ceasar Rd.). A
coffee hour will follow in the barn
of the King Ceasar House. For more

C l i pp e r
First Baptist A cal
information, call 781-934-8388, or
visit duxinterfaith.com.
fbcd.org Du x b u n d a r f o r
u n i t y ry ev
me e t e n t s,
C omm r Friday Nov. 27
Dr. Kevin Cassidy
Pastor Jamie Cotelleso c l a s s i ng s,
Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.; e s, c o
a DFL Film Series. Daytrippers (rated

C a le n d
nursery and children’s programs wo r k u rs e s, R) will be shown at the Duxbury Free
during worship time. Sunday p l ays o p s, Library’s Fourth Friday Film Series
school classes, children through , danc from 7-10 p.m. in the Merry Room.
adult, immediately following
and v es
morning worship; 5:30 p.m.
o pp o r o l u n te e r DHS Class of 1989 20th Reunion.
t uni t Friday, Nov. 27, from 7-10 p.m. at the
junior and senior high youth ie s !
Venus Restaurant, Brant Rock. To
groups with Youth Pastor Brent
Van Wyk; 6 p.m. devotion and
St. John the RSVP, visit duxbury89.com.
prayer time. Awana Clubs for Evangelist Episcopal
kids every Wednesday night
from 6:30 - 8 p.m. for preschool
c a le n d a r i te ms by Saturday Nov. 28
Se nd @
through the 6th grade. Sunday services: 8 a.m.
Holy Eucharist (said) and 10 n F r id a y t o e ve n t s Anime Fest. For young adults in the
Merry Room of the Duxbury Free
a.m. Holy Eucharist (with choir
no o s s .c om . Library from 2-4 p.m.
Holy Family Church and hymns.) Sunday school c l i pp e r p re ce available basis. a
holyfamilyduxbury.org K-12 during 10 a.m. service. ish ed on a sp even ts .
Rev. Bryan Parrish Childcare provided at 10 a.m. C a le n da r it ems a re publ erci a l Dux bu ry-b ase d
is fo r n on-c
omm Sunday Nov. 29
Rev. Seán Maher service. Wednesday: Mens Bible Preference
781-934-5055 Duxbury Holly Days. Duxbury
Study 6:30 a.m., Coffee and con- Business Association hosts free
Weekend Mass: Saturday, versation 9 a.m., Holy Eucharist
5 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m., 8:30 events from noon until dusk, including
with healing 10 a.m., Adult Ed “Santa’s North Pole Express” puppet
a.m. (family mass), 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Children’s
11:30 a.m. Babysitting avail- Interfaith Council Food Drive. The show at 1:30 and 2:45 p.m. at the Art
able at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Daily
choir rehearsal 6 p.m., Youth
choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Thurs-
Thursday November 19 Duxbury Interfaith Council is holding Complex Museum, trolley rides with
a food drive at Foodie’s from 8 a.m. to caroling throughout the town, pictures
mass is Monday through Sat- day: Adult Choir rehearsal 7 The Caregivers’ Support Group.
1 p.m. for their Thanksgiving Basket with Santa, face painting, silouettes,
urday, 8:15 a.m. The rosary is p.m. Friday: AA meeting at 7 Meets on the third Thursday of etc. Open houses planned by many
prayed after daily mass. Adora- each month from 6:30-8 p.m. at Project. The council delivers 150
p.m. food baskets to our local community. merchants. Blood drive and craft fair
tion of the Blessed Sacrament, the Duxbury Senior Center. Open at the Senior Center. Finishing with
Fridays from 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. to all South Shore residents caring Please bring non-perishable food
donations such as canned vegetables, the Rotary Club annual tree lighting
Daytime bible study, Thursdays First Parish Church for family or friend (non-disease
brownie mixes, stuffing mixes, etc. at dusk in the town green.
at 9:30 a.m. Evening prayer duxburyuu.org specific). Facilitated by Norwell
group Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Catherine Cullen VNA and Hospice. Call Renee Soul Sister Turkey Trot. The Soul Senior Center Annual Holiday
Men’s prayer group Fridays at 781-934-6532 McInnes, RN, or Joan Wright, 781- Sister Foundation is hosting a 5K Craft Fair. The Senior Center’s
6:45 a.m. 659-2342 for more information. Turkey Trot at 9 a.m. beginning at Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Bake
Office hours, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Closed Nov. 25 at 12 p.m. Sun- the Hilltop Athletic Club, Pottle Sale will take place from 10 a.m.-3
SASS Ski and Snowboard Program. p.m. Also, as part of the Holly Days
days, Senior choir rehearsal at Street, Kingston. All proceeds go
Pilgrim Church 9:15 a.m., Junior choir rehearsal
South American Snow Sessions
provides a specialized summer ski/ to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, celebration, trolleys will make stops
the Kingston Elder Services and the at the Senior Center beginning at noon
[email protected] at 9:30 a.m., Worship Service snowboard camp. SASS Camp DVD to drop shoppers off and pick them
Rev. Todd Vetter, Senior Pastor and Church school at 10:30 a.m. will be shown, prizes given away, Kingston Coalition for the Homeless.
Register at soulsisterfoundation.org. up. Tables available for crafters and
Rev. Eloise Parks, Ast. Pastor and Buddhist Meditation at 7 question and answer session for artisans. Please contact Linda at 781-
781-934-6591 p.m. Bells meet on Tuesdays at 7 parents and kids who are interested in 934-5774, x103 for an application or
Sunday Worship Service at p.m., and Recorders at 8:30 p.m. learning more about SASS from 7-8
10 a.m. Church office hours, Book group meets Thursdays p.m. at the Duxbury Student Union, Sunday Nov. 22 stop by 8-4 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Table fee is $30.
Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tues- at 9 a.m. Sewing group meets 147 St. George St. Event sponsored Sunday Salon Series. Joshua
day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. Thursdays at 10 a.m. Nov. 18, by Go Big Boarding Co. in Duxbury. Kendall, author of “The Man Who Blood Drive. Duxbury Senior Center
Pilgrim childcare and preschool, Alliance Pot-luck at 6 p.m. De- Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. This blood drive
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m-6 p.m. cemberfest Holiday Fair, Dec. 5 and the Creation of Roget’s is sponsored by Children’s Hospital
Senior choir rehearsal, Thurs- from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday Nov. 20 Thesaurus,” will discuss his book Boston and is part of the Duxbury
day, 7:30 p.m. Bookworms, on Sunday, Nov.22, at 2 p.m.in the Holly Day Celebration. Call Joanne
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Ladies H1N1 Flu Clinic. The Board of Moore at 781-934-5774 x102 for an
Health will conduct an H1N1 Flu library’s Merry Room. For more
Bible study, Tuesday at 7 p.m St. Paul’s Church of Clinic in the Duxbury Senior Center information, call 781-934-2721 x108 appointment.
and Wednesday at 9 a.m. Junior or visit duxburyfreelibrary.org.
choir rehearsal, Wednesday at 5 the Nazarene starting at 1 p.m. The target groups Brunonia Barry at the Library.
Author of “The Lace Reader”
for this clinic are pregnant women and
p.m. Pilgrim Ringers rehearsal, Rev. David Troxler
children four years of age or older, discusses her novel on Sunday,
Wednesday at 7 p.m. Saturday, 781-585-3419
first come first serve. Additional flu Monday Nov. 23 Nov. 29, at 2 p.m. in the library’s
Nov. 21, Service of Thanksgiv- Sunday worship, 11 a.m. clinics will be scheduled when more Merry Room. For more information,
ing and pot-luck at 5 p.m. Nursery is provided for all ser- Conversational French. Designed
vaccine becomes available. primarily for people who have had call 781-934-2721 x108 or visit
vices. Sunday school meets duxburyfreelibrary.org.
Sunday morning from 9 to 10:45 Rep. Calter Office Hours. Rep. some French, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (for the
United Methodist a.m. Thursday, Sacred Youth Tom Calter is at the Senior Center on less confident) and 10:30-11:30 a.m.
(for the more comfortable students)
Church Ministry at the teen center at
6:30 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
the third Friday of each month from
9-10 a.m. For more information, call at the Duxbury Senior Center. Drop- Upcoming
highstreetumc.org State Representative Thomas Calter’s in okay. Instruction facilitation by
is held Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Carol Mercereau. Call Linda with
Duxbury Youth Wrestling Sign-
Rev. Barbara Kszystyniak Women’s Bible Study, Fridays office at 617-722-2305. Ups. Tuesday, Dec. 1 at the DMS
781-585-9863 any questions at 781-934-5774 x103. Mini Gym, starting at 5:45 p.m. with
at 9:30 a.m. DivorceCare and
Sunday worship service and the first practice to follow from 6-8
DivorceCare for Kids, Thurs-
Sunday school, 10 a.m., fol-
days from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Saturday Nov. 21 Tuesday Nov. 24 p.m. Ages seven and above, or in
lowed by fellowship, adult choir second to eighth grades are welcome.
rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. with coffee 33rd Annual Turkey Trot Road
Knitwits. Duxbury Free Library Registration fee is $100. First week
hour following. Third Friday of First Church of Race. Registration begins at 9 a.m.
at the Duxbury Middle School. Race teen knitting group meets weekly on will be Tuesday and Thursday from
each month we serve dinner at upper level from 2:30-3:30 p.m. 6-8 p.m., but regular practice schedule
Mainspring Shelter, Brockton. Christ, Scientist starts promptly at 10 a.m. This is a will be Mondays and Wednesdays,
Last Wednesday of the month 781-934-6434 4.3 mile race around scenic Powder with South Shore League meets on
Point Avenue and King Caesar Road.
is ladies’ luncheon at 12 p.m.
Church office hours are Monday
Sunday worship service and
Sunday School for K-12, 10:30
Fee is $10. Cash or check accepted. Wednesday Nov. 25 Thursday or Friday 6-8 p.m. Meet
days and times are subject to change.
Please bring a canned good and/or Bookmarks. Talk, talk, talk. Review, E-mail questions to wjdagen@
through Thursday from 9 a.m. to a.m. Mid-week testimony meet- non-perishable food item for the local
12 p.m. ing on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. plan events, volunteer to help with comcast.net.
food bank. library projects. Join this young adult
Journey Christian Science Reading Room Preschool Open House. Duxbury
open to all, 15 Standish St. Halls group from 2-4 p.m. every Wednesday
Mock Battle with Cardboard Tubes.
at the Duxbury Free Library. Integrated Preschool will host an
Community of Faith Corner, Tuesday through Satur- Duxbury Free Bookmarks Club hosts Open House on Friday, Dec. 4 from
day 10 a.m-­1 p.m. a mock battle with cardboard tubes Foot Care Clinic. At the Senior 11-11:45 a.m. at the Chandler School.
www.journeyduxbury.com Christian Science Sentinel in the field behind the Duxbury Free Center. Call Julie at 781-934-5774 Parents and future preschoolers are
Rev. David Woods Radio on WATD 95.9 FM Sun- Library from 2-4 p.m. Youths ages x104 to schedule an appointment. welcome to visit the classrooms,
day mornings at 7 a.m. 12 and older may battle for $10. meet the teachers, watch a video
Sunday, 10 a.m., Ford Center All ages may participate in carnival presentation, etc. Contact Bridget or
at Miramar. games for $5. Pre-register at the DFL
circulation desk. Thursday Nov. 26 Gail with any questions at 781-934-
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 3

Question of the Week By Sarie Booy

What is your favorite ‘comfort food’?

“I love the New England clam “My favorite is tomato soup and “Strawberries. They taste relax- “Banana Creme Pie. Thick and “Chicken nuggets!”
chowder from the Duxbury toast ever since I was a little ing to me!” crusty.” Hudson Kohler
Deli.” kid!” Mike Reske Dianne Bell Age 2
Anthony Wry Tom Bissett Chestnut Street Depot Street
Tremont Street Chestnut Street  

Bonaparte Magic. A night of fun for Violinist Concert. The Art Complex Library Netbook Program. For The Council on Aging fitness 7512 for more information or visit
the whole family at the Festival of Museum will welcome back violinist users without laptops, the Duxbury classes. Zumba latin dance aerobics communitygardenclubofduxbury.org.
Trees from 5-7 p.m. on Friday Dec. Andrew Kohji Taylor on Sunday, Dec. Free Library Reference Department at 12:15 on Wednesdays and 12:45
4 at Plimoth Plantation. Tickets sold 6, at 4 p.m. The event is free. for is happy to loan an Acer Netbook p.m. on Fridays ($5/free for Seniors); Drop in Storytimes. Does not
in advance at Westwinds, Once Upon more information, visit artcomplex. for in-library use. Patrons must be Strength training on Thursdays at require registration. Toddler Tales for
a Time, Pro Sports. All proceeds org. 16 years of age or older. Come to the 9:30 a.m.; Tai Chi on Tuesday at 9 ages two and under with an adult on
benefit Cranberry Hospice. Reference Desk on the upper level a.m.; Stay fit multi-level class on Tuesdays at either 10 a.m. or 10:30
Holiday Pops at the Plymouth Phil. to check out the Netbook. A valid Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a.m.; a.m. Drop in for ages three and under
Festival of Trees cocktail party. The Council on Aging trip on Saturday, OCLN library card is required. A two Yoga on Tuesday night at 7 p.m. and with an adult on Wednesdays at 10:30
20th annual Festival of Trees cocktail Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. Sadie Bus available. hour per day maximum time limit Wednesday at 9 a.m. Call 781-934- a.m. Gather ‘Round, for children in
party takes place Dec. 5, 6-9 p.m. Tickets $20 per person. Tickets are will be enforced. 5774, x103 for questions. preschool or kindergarten with an
at Plymouth Plantation. Tickets are selling out, so call Joan at 781-934- adult is held every Friday at 10:30
$65 per person. Call Katie Rudicus 5774 x113 for a reservation. Fall Storytime Registration. Poetry Circle. Meets on the second a.m.
at 781-934-5007 or Linda Quinlan at Registration for the fall stay alone Thursday of every month, 7-8:30
781-424-5410 or 781-424-5410 for Local talent in Salem. Long-time storytimes is open and must be done p.m., at the Duxbury Free Library. Foreign Film Day. On the second
more information. Duxbury resident Jimmy Nyzio and in person at the Duxbury Free Library. For more information, call 781-934- Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.
his band, Frank Booth’s Car, will Adults must remain in the library 2721. in the Senior Center. No reservations
Decemberfest Holiday Fair. play their brand of original hard rock while the program is in progress. required. Admission is free.
Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Dodge Street Bar and Grill A child may be registered for one Rep. Calter Office Hours. Meets on
at First Parish Church. Annual event in Salem to celebrate the release of the third Friday of each month, 9-10 Sustainable Duxbury. Meets at 7:30
session. The sessions are: ages 4, 5, p.m. on the first Wednesday of each
for all ages includes affordable gift their new CD Punk Rock Garage, on or in kindergarten, Tuesdays, 10:15- a.m., at the Senior Center. For more
shopping, silent auction, handmade Friday, Dec. 11, at 9 p.m. Adults 21 information, call State Representative month at the Senior Center. For more
11 a.m. through Nov. 17 or ages 3 ½ information, call Judi Vose at 781-
wreaths, bake sale, hot lunch and and older only, $5 cover charge. to 4 years, Thursday, 10:15-11 a.m. Thomas Calter’s office at 617-722-
more. 2305. 934-3283 or Jim Savicki at 781-585-
Painting demonstration. Paul through Nov. 19. 8041.
Winter Concert. The Snug Harbor George will demonstrate his art Transportation to medical Knitwits. Every Tuesday at 3 p.m
Community Chorus presents techniques to coincide with the New in the Duxbury Free Library Young Cooking with Emil Lundin. Meets
appointments. The Duxbury Senior from 1-3 p.m. on the first and third
“Musicological Christmas” at 7:30 England Watercolor Society Regional Center offers transportation to local Adult Lounge. Teen crafting group
p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 5, at The Show at the Art Complex Museum meets to knit, create decorative Tuesday of each month at the
medical appointment (including Senior Center. Cost $15 per person.
Duxbury Performing Arts Center. on Dec. 13 at 1:30 p.m. Admission Plymouth, Kingston, Marshfield, posters for YA lounge and talk.
Tickets are $15 adults, $12 students is free and pre-registration is at 781- Also, through November, a group of Menus vary. Proper plating, kitchen
Jordan Hospital and South Shore equipment, entertaining ideas. For
and seniors, and $10 for groups of 934-6634, x10. Hospital) to seniors and handicapped younger teens dedicated to making
ten or more. Tickets are available at the Cardboard Tube Wars a success registration, call Linda at 781-934-
individuals on Tuesday and Thursday 5774 x112.
The Studio, Westwind Bookshop, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., and Friday by creating armor, souvenirs, carnival
the Marshfield Star Market courtesy Ongoing mornings from 8-11. Rides must be games, etc. Burnt Toast Bi-Weekly. Meets at 4
booth and at the door. For more scheduled 72 hours in advance by p.m. on Thursdays, at the Duxbury
information, visit snugharborcc.org. Friday Night Entertainment. From 9 The Duxbury Free Bookmarks.
p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the Winsor House calling Becky Ford at 781-934-5774 Every Wednesday at 3 p.m. this teen Free Library and produces a literary
Special Children’s Storytime. In on Washington Street, featuring Sean x117. advisory group meets to review, newspaper. For more information,
connection with the Dean Morrissey McLaughlin, Irish folk guitarist and discuss and plan events for the youth call 781-934-2721 x115 or visit
Calling all collectors. Would you duxburyfreelibrary.com.
exhibit, the Duxbury Free Library vocalist. like to show off your collectibles of Duxbury.
will hold a special storytime program to the community? The Duxbury Senior Citizens Club. Meets on the
for children (with an adult) from Dean Morrissey at the Bumpus Duxbury Garden Club. Meets
The children’s book Free Library provides a display case the second Tuesday of each month first Friday of each month, 9:30 a.m.,
kindergarten to grade 3 on Saturday, Gallery.
for this purpose. Call the library at at the Senior Center on Mayflower
Dec. 5, at 10:30 a.m. Advance illustrations of Scituate artist Dean (except December) at the First Parish
Morrissey will be featured at the 781-934-2721 x108, or stop by the Church with coffee at 9 a.m. and the Street. For more information, call
registration is required. For more circulation desk and reserve the case Lee at 781-585-9242.
information call 781-934-2721, Helen Bumpus Gallery, on the main meeting at 9:30 a.m. If interested in
level of the Duxbury Free Library, now. joining, call Kris Gaskins at 781-934-
during November and December. 0108 or Anne Williams at 781-934-

Sunday Salon Series: The Thesaurus

he Duxbury Free Library and Westwinds Bookshop are pleased to present Joshua Kendall, author of the ac-
claimed book, “The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness and the Creation of Roget’s Thesaurus.” On
Sunday, Nov. 22, at 2 p.m. in the library’s Merry Room, Kendall will discuss his painstaking and extensive
research on Dr. Peter Roget’s life and his attempt to divide the world into exactly 1,000 concepts.
The New York Times writer Thomas Mallon says, “ If the title of Joshua Kendall’s fine new biography of Roget has
a clinical Oliver Sacks feel, the material pretty much justifies it.” Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Free tickets will be available at the library and the bookshop two weeks before the event. Seating is limited, so be
sure to obtain your ticket for this very special event. For more information about this program and other upcoming
events, call the library at 1-781-934-2721 x108 or visit duxburyfreelibrary.org and follow the Program Notes Link.
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dancing with the Phil continued from page one Duxbury Youth Wrestling sign-ups
dancer Martha Graham and Copland in 1942. It was first performed Youth wrestling sign-ups will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at the DMS Mini Gym, start-
at the Library of Congress Oct 30, 1944. I learned on Wikipedia ing at 5:45 p.m. with the first practice to follow from 6-8 p.m. All youth ages 7 and above, or
that the set was designed by the Japanese American sculptor Isamu in second to eighth grades interested in physical fitness, coordination, agility, and competi-
Noguchi. It was a tough time. The Battle of the Bulge began a tion (based on weight and experience level) are welcome.
month and a half after the Appalachian Spring premier. In about First week only will be Tuesday, and Thursday from 6-8 p.m. Regular practice schedule
a month, 19,000 American soldiers were killed in Belgium’s will be Monday, Wednesday, with South Shore League dual meets on either Thursday or
Ardennes Forest. Friday 6-8 p.m., but meet days and times are subject to change. E-mail questions to wjda-
Principal Clarinetist Catherine Hudgins stepped into the [email protected]. The registration fee is $100.
demanding spot for our concert with one day’s notice when Mark
Miller was called away to deal with a family loss. This piece
and the program’s finale (Bernstein’s “On the Town: 3 Dance

Dragons Fall Sports Schedule

Episodes”) demanded all three of Catherine’s clarinets (A, B-flat,
and E-flat) along with her prodigious talent.
Mezzo-soprano Beth MacLeod and the orchestra added a
further journey in de Falla’s “El Amor Brujo,” a magical, gypsy-
inspired piece that filled the hall with tones and cadences from
Andalusia. Beth’s heartfelt singing won an “Ole!” from the Revised schedule as of November 18
audience. Alright, the “Ole!” came from me, but Beth earned it.
The tradition she was capturing calls for a kind of flamenco soul Oct. 6 Dux over N. Quincy 17-44 7-1
called “duende,” and Beth sang with duende. It’s a way of reaching FOOTBALL
Sept. 11 BR over Dux 28-7 0-1 Oct. 13 Pembroke over Dux 20-37 7-2
into your heart to free the roots of the music as if you are nearly Oct. 20 Dux over Randolph 22-39 8-2
Sept. 17 Plymouth N. over Dux 14-0 0-2
possessed. Oct. 27 All League Meet 3rd 6-2
Sept. 25 Dux over Quincy 33-7 1-2
Did you notice the eastern sound to Beth’s singing, with Nov. 18 EMASS Sectionals 12th 6-2
Oct. 2 Dux over Hanover 17-0 2-2
quavering demitones as if the music came from Arabia or beyond? (Season Completed)
Oct. 9 Dux over Pembroke 28-0 3-2
It did. You could hear it in the strings as well, which sometimes
Oct. 16 Dux over N. Quincy 21-6 4-2
sounded like a sitar was hiding somewhere. All that sound stems Girls’ Cross Country
Oct. 24 Dux over Silver Lake 35-7 5-2
from the simple truth that when Islam left the Iberian Peninsula, Sept. 15 Dux over Hingham 23-38 1-0
Oct. 30 Dux over W-H 35-20 6-2
music was left behind along with many people who found refuge Sept. 15 Scituate over Dux 25-30 1-1
Nov. 7 Dux over Hingham 28-20 7-2
with the Romani (gypsy) people in the area. De Falla admired this Sept. 19 McIntyre Invitational FP TBA
Nov. 13 Dux over Scituate 15-13 8-2
and composed in the “cante jondo” style, the “deep song” or nearly Sept. 22 Dux over Hanover 23-36 2-1
Nov. 26 Marshfield Home 10:00
guttural vocal delivery from the chest that Garcia Lorca called “the Sept. 22 Rockland over Dux 28-28 2-2
rhythm of the birds and the natural music of the black poplar and Sept. 29 Dux over Silver Lake 22-36 3-2
the waves” (from Wikipedia.) Boys’ Soccer Sept. 29 W-H over Dux 15-46 3-3
Bernstein’s “On the Town” rounded out the concert, another Sept. 10 Dux over Marshfield 1-0 1-0 Oct. 6 Dux over Middleboro 25-31 4-3
short ballet that, like the Copland piece, debuted in 1944. The Sept. 15 Dux over Silver Lake 1-0 2-0 Oct. 6 Dux over Quincy 26-30 5-3
ballet and music express the frantic, comic experiences of three Sept. 17 Dux over Scituate 1-0 3-0 Oct. 13 Pembroke over Dux 26-29 5-4
war-time sailors (but only two pretty girls) on liberty in New Sept. 22 Dux ties W-H 1-1 3-0-1 Oct. 20 Dux over Randolph 15-50 6-4
York City. Steven had explained before the concert that the Sept. 24 Dux over N. Quincy 4-0 4-0-1 Oct. 27 All League Meet 4th 6-4
composer’s visual image for the concert’s first piece (“Le Boeuf Sept. 29 Dux over Hingham 2-0 5-0-1 Nov. 18 EMASS Sectionals 27th 6-4
sur le Toit”) was actually a New York Bistro. The “book-ends” Oct. 5 Dux over Rockland 4-0 6-0-1 (Season Completed)
worked beautifully, with the Latin street sounds reminiscent of “An Oct. 7 Dux ties Hanover 1-1 6-0-2
American in Paris,” and Bernstein’s native New York jazz sounds Oct. 9 Dux over Middleboro 2-0 7-0-2 Field Hockey
mixing with the poignant exuberance of three war-time sailors in Oct. 13 Dux over Quincy 7-1 8-0-2 Sept. 11 Dux over Marshfield 3-0 1-0
New York. Bernstein wasn’t afraid of a high note, and the whole Oct. 15 Dux over Pembroke 5-0 9-0-2 Sept. 14 Dux over Silver Lake 4-1 2-0
piece captured all the wails and whistles of the city that never stops Oct. 19 Dux over Silver Lake 2-0 10-0-2 Sept. 16 Dux over Notre Dame 4-0 3-0
pounding. Catherine Hudgins let ‘er rip for this one, too, deploying Oct. 21 Dux ties Scituate 2-2 10-0-3 Sept. 21 Dux over Pembroke 3-0 4-0
her E-flat clarinet and sounding great. Oct. 24 Dux ties W-H 1-1 10-0-4 Sept. 23 Dux over Hingham 2-0 5-0
Oct. 27 Dux over N. Quincy 3-2 11-0-4 Sept. 26 B. Fenwick over Dux 3-2 5-1
Dragons head to playoffs Oct. 29 Hingham over Dux 1-0
Nov. 2 Dux over Plymouth N. 3-1
Sept. 29 Dux over Middleboro 6-0
Oct. 1 Dux ties Hanover 0-0
continued from page one
Nov. 4 Dux ties Marshfield 0-0 12-1-5 Oct. 7 Dux over Silver Lake 4-1 7-1-1
made the big stop for the Dragons, as Scituate was now forced to Nov. 8 Dux over Norton 1-0 13-1-5
stop their hosts with 3:11 left in the game. Oct. 12 Dux over Scituate 4-0 8-1-1
Nov. 10 Dux over Medway 3-0 14-1-5 Oct. 14 Dux over Pembroke 7-0 9-1-1
Duxbury took five plays in getting it down to the 27-yard line Nov. 15 Sandwich over Dux 1-0 14-2-5
for a Startzell field goal attempt. However, his kick was blocked with Oct. 16 Dux over Hingham 1-0 10-1-1
(Season Completed) Oct. 19 Dux over Middleboro 9-0 11-1-1
little time left for the Sailors to mount an attack.
The game went into overtime with each team getting a shot from Oct. 21 Dux over Hanover 4-1 12-1-1
Girls’ Soccer Oct. 23 Dux over Scituate 5-0 13-1-1
the 10-yard line. Scituate went first and struck immediately, as Wes Sept. 15 Silver Lake over Dux 2-0 0-1
Hawkins took a pitchout around the right side and put his team ahead Oct. 26 Hopkinton over Dux 1-0 13-2-1
Sept. 17 Dux over Scituate 4-1 1-1 Oct. 28 Dux ties Notre Dame 0-0 13-2-2
6-0. The two-point conversion failed and the Dragons’ hopes were Sept. 22 Dux over W-H 4-1 2-1
still alive. Oct. 30 Dux over Marshfield 6-2 14-2-2
Sept. 24 Dux over N. Quincy 5-1 3-1 Nov. 6 Dux over Milton 2-0 15-2-2
Murphy went for seven yards on his first attempt from the 10 and Sept. 26 Dux over B. Fenwick 6-1 4-1
was stuffed for a one-yard loss on second down. Henry Buonagurio Nov. 8 Hopkinton over Dux 1-0 15-3-2
Sept. 29 Dux over Hingham 6-0 5-1 (Season Completed)
got the call on third down and went nowhere, setting up a do-or-die Oct. 5 Rockland over Dux 3-2 5-2
fourth down situation. Murphy took a handoff around the left side Oct. 7 Dux over Hanover 5-0 6-2 Boys’ Golf
and barely managed to get over the goal line to tie the game at 6-6. Oct. 9 Dux over Middleboro 8-0 7-2 Sept. 9 Xaverian over Dux 240-248 0-1
Maimaron went to Murphy one more time, and the captain went Oct. 13 Dux over Quincy 7-1 8-2 Sept. 10 Dux over Silver Lake 246-252 1-1
straight ahead, walking into the end zone for the winning conversion Oct. 15 Dux over Pembroke 2-1 9-2 Sept. 14 Dux over Sandwich 229-255 2-1
and sending his teammates streaming onto the field to celebrate. Oct. 19 Dux ties Silver Lake 1-1 9-2-1 Sept. 15 Dux over Scituate 231-261 3-1
“We put the ball in the hands of our offensive line and Bobby Oct. 21 Dux over Scituate 3-0 10-2-1 Sept. 16 Dux over W-H 217-241 4-1
Murphy, and they both got it done,” said Maimaron. Oct. 24 W-H over Dux 5-1 10-3-1 Sept. 17 Dux over N. Quincy 236-240 5-1
Oct. 27 Dux over N. Quincy 7-1 11-3-1 Sept. 22 Dux over Hingham 233-264 6-1
Oct. 29 Dux over Hingham 3-1 12-3-1 Sept. 24 Dux over Rockland 240-261 7-1
Oct. 31 Dux over Pembroke 1-0 13-3-1 Sept. 29 Dux over Hanover 241-254 8-1
Nov. 3 Dux over Cohasset 4-0 14-3-1 Sept. 30 Dux over Middleboro 42-30 9-1
Nov. 8 Dux over Bishop C. 7-1 15-3-1 Oct. 1 Dux over Quincy 45-27 10-1
Nov. 11 Dux over D-R 4-0 16-3-1 Oct. 6 Pembroke over Dux 235-246 10-2
Nov. 13 Canton over Dux 3-1 16-4-1 Oct. 7 Dux over Silver Lake 249-262 11-2
(Season Completed) Oct. 8 Dux over Scituate 234-255 12-2
Oct. 13 Dux over W-H 233-269 13-2
Boys’ Cross Country Oct. 14 Dux over N. Quincy 245-269 14-2
Sept. 15 Dux over Hingham 24-32 1-0 Oct. 15 Dux over Hingham 234-233 15-2
Sept. 15 Dux over Scituate 20-42 2-0 Oct. 19 Sandwich over Dux 243-244 15-3
Sept. 19 McIntyre Invitational 11th 2-0 Oct. 20 B.C. High over Dux 230-232 15-4
Sept. 22 Dux over Hanover 17-46 3-0 Oct. 21 Dux over Barnstable 248-265 16-4
Sept. 22 Dux over Rockland 15-50 4-0 Oct. 27 South Sectionals 2nd 16-4
Sept. 29 Dux over Silver Lake 27-28 5-0 Nov. 3 State Finals Champions
A FIVE-STAR PERFORMANCE: Duxbury’s Bobby Murphy had a Sept. 29 W-H over Dux 25-32 5-1 (Season Completed)
career-high 191 yards in Friday night’s game. Oct. 6 Dux over Middleboro 19-39 6-1
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 5

Dragons’ Den
Sports Editor Mike Halloran • [email protected]

Knights slay the Dragons

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor tacular sliding save on a shot
[email protected] through a screen with 21 min-
The Duxbury boys’ soc- utes left in the half. A minute
cer team was eliminated from later the Duxbury netminder
postseason play on Sunday did it again, sending a deflect-
night in Canton when they ed shot over the crossbar to
dropped a 1-0 decision to top keep the game scoreless.
seed Sandwich (17-1-3) in the The relentless Sandwich
semifinals of the MIAA Divi- offense earned three corners
sion II South Sectionals. in a two-minute span in the
last 10 minutes of the half, but
boys Soccer Duxbury’s defense held the
Sandwich 1 fort and went into the inter-
Duxbury 0
mission with a 0-0 tie.
“We were just out of it in
Coach John Tocci’s team the first minutes of the game,”
saw immediately why the said Tocci. “Max had to cover
Blue Knights were the top our butt. It wasn’t that they
seed, as goaltender Max Cote were dominating us. We just
was forced to make two diving didn’t want to play. Then we
saves in the first five minutes woke up and started playing
to keep his team in the game. the rest of the half.”
The Dragons would coun- The Blue Knights wouldn’t A SHINING MOMENT: Duxbury’s David Hemmingway and a teammate soar above their Sandwich
ter with a pair of corner kicks let up, and came out in the sec- opponents during Sunday night’s 1-0 loss to the Blue Knights that eliminated the Dragons from the
and almost went ahead at the ond half much like the first, as playoffs. Photo by Mike Halloran
30:15 mark, when a Morgan they hammered away at Cote some chances throughout into the Sandwich end. They were better and quicker
Dwinnell throw-in went over and finally beat him just over the second half, but rarely “The better high school than we were today and that
the goalie’s head but was a minute into the half when tested Sandwich goalie Kyle team won the game today and got us out of our rhythm.”
tipped away at the last minute. junior Nick Cotter sent a low Van Cleef, whose teammates that’s how it is,” said Tocci. The Dragons end their
The Blue Knights kept shot through a screen that the played kickball for most of the “I think these two teams are season at 14-2-5 and gradu-
coming in waves, once again Duxbury goalie never saw. final 40 minutes when Dux- evenly matched and can beat ate 20 seniors from this year’s
forcing Cote to make a spec- The Dragons would get bury made any kind of foray each other on any given day. squad.

McKinley top Duxbury runner at states

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor Angell (72nd/18:32), Lucas DIII title in a time of 19:06. The
[email protected] Wojciechowski (107/19:06), top Duxbury finisher was Anne
Junior Jonathan McKinley Billy Jewell (130/19:25), Bren- Steele in 61st place with a time
finished 17th out of 242 runners dan Meehan (147/19:32), and of 22:35. Other Duxbury run-
in Saturday’s MIAA EMASS Ben Kimball (149/19:32). ners included Lauren Bittrich
DIII Cross Country Champion- “I thought all our kids did a (70th/22:59), Nicole Hanahan
ships at Franklin Park in Bos- great job, especially Bray, who (185/25:50), Madison McKen-
ton. McKinley’s performance got better as the season went zie (194/26:07), Caroline Man-
qualified him for this Saturday’s along. I’m proud of how they ning (196/26:18), Amy Laputz
Division II State finals at North- did,” said Dunn. “We’re a young (198/26:20), and Rosie Stoner
field-Mt. Hermon in western team and we’ll be back stronger (213/26:20).
Massachusetts. next year.” The girls finished 27th out
McKinley’s effort on the In the girls’ 5K race, Swamp- of 33 schools in the team com-
muddy, rain-soaked course al- scott’s Lindsay Walsh won the petition.
lowed the Dragons to finish 12th
out of 34 school’s in the team
competition that was won by
Pembroke HS with an incred-
Recreation Registration
ible five finishes out of the top Although registration is officially over, the Recreation
16 runners. Dept. is still accepting late registrations for many winter pro-
“Jonathan was running grams. Call the office at 781-934-7034 for availability. Note:
around seventh or eighth with There is now a $10 late fee for all registrations.
Pembroke’s fourth runner for
most of the race,” said Coach
Mark Dunn. “Coming to the fin-
ish it looked like he would end Turkey Trot Road Race
up in about 12th place, but he S a t u r d a y,
fell about 400 meters out and November 21st.
was passed.” DMS. Register at
Dennis-Yarmouth’s Max day of race. Reg-
Darrah won the DIII individual istration begins at
title in a time of 16:27, 13 sec- 9am, race starts at
onds ahead of Pembroke’s Paul 10am. This is a
Cina (2nd) and 26 seconds 4.3 mile road race
ahead of Pembroke’s Ryan Kel- around Powder
ley (3rd). Point Ave, King
Other Duxbury runners Caesar Road.
who competed were Greg Fee is $10. Cash
Bray (42nd/18:07), Jason or check accepted. Please being a canned good and/or non
Jonathan McKinley was DHS’s perishable food item for the local food bank.
top runner at states.
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Freshmen rally against COLLEGE CORNER

Scituate to stay undefeated
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
[email protected]

Sophomore Mike Baran

(Thayer ’07) and his Amherst
The Duxbury High School game in the second half, as the advantage, Geary engineered
College hockey team open their
freshman football team over- Dragons took the third quarter a 65-yard scoring drive with a
2009 season on Friday night
came its greatest challenge to kickoff and marched down the 35-yard slant to Narlee high-
when they play Wesleyan…
date on Thursday night, rally- field with Jon Hurvitz scor- lighting the action. Hurvitz
Junior Terry Woods (DHS ’06)
ing from a 14-0 halftime defi- ing six plays later on a sweep put the icing on the cake with
and his Babson College hockey
cit to defeat the host Scituate around the left side behind a one-yard plunge, his second
team open their season on Friday
Sailors, 22-14, and preserve its blocks from Rob Kosharek and touchdown of the game and
night when they host Colby…
perfect 10-0 record. Marshall McCarthy. Tucker 15th of the year. Hannon’s
Boston College senior Kristyn
The undefeated Sailors Hannon added the extra point PAT capped the win.
Roth (DHS ’06) finished 5th
struck first on a 30-yard half- to cut the deficit to 14-7. Scituate didn’t cave, as it
in the 200-yard medley relay
back-option pass early in the Scituate fumbled on its tried to rally in the final min-
and the 400-yard freestyle relay
first quarter to take a 6-0 lead. next series, giving the Drag- utes. A suffocating Dragon
in a 186-112 loss to Colgate
While the Dragon offense ons prime field position on the defense up front led by Owen
last week… Brandeis junior
sputtered, Scituate continued Sailors’ 35. Runs by Henry Grey, Mark Trudeau, Winston Baran
Ben Bray (DHS ’07) finished
to win the field position game. Narlee and Hurvitz, along with Schromm, George Ward and
50th out of 323 runners at the NCAA Division III Cross
Late in the second quarter, the a quick pass from John Geary Kosharek, along with a light-
Country N.E. Regional Qualifier held in Cumberland, ME on
Sailors showed their air supe- to Joe Guilfoyle, set up a three- ning-fast Pat Buell and Co-
Saturday… Senior goaltender
riority again with a 35-yard yard bulldoze by Narlee to lin Johnson in the secondary,
Meg Shine (Tabor ’07) and
floater to the back right corner make it 14-13. Hurvitz drove proved to be too much for the
her Hamilton College hockey
of the end zone. A successful up the middle for two points to Sailors.
team begin their season on
two point conversion made give the Dragons the lead for Duxbury will put its per-
Friday night when they travel
the score 14-0 as the half con- good at 15-14. fect record on the line when
to Williams… Harvard senior
cluded, marking the first time The start of the fourth it travels to Marshfield for its
Pat Magnarelli (DHS ’06)
this year Duxbury’s fresh- quarter showed Duxbury final game of the year this Fri-
returned to the court after
men squad had trailed by two driving into Scituate territory day night at 6 p.m.
battling injuries for the past two
touchdowns. again, with the Sailors show-
seasons and was the leading
It was a whole new ball ing signs of fatigue. Taking
rebounder (6) for Harvard,
while also scoring 4 points, in

Youth cheerleaders win title their 87-77 season opening win

over Holy Cross… Harvard
senior Andrew Knapp (DHS
’06) opened his wrestling Magnarelli
season on Sunday in the Journeyman/Brute Sprawl and Brawl
in Binghamton, NY… Freshman Will Shields’ (DHS ’09)
Richmond Spiders got back on
the winning track with a 49-10
rout of Georgetown, winning
their 12th road game in a row…
Assistant captain Kristen
Byrne (DHS ’07) scored a
goal and added an assist in
St. Anselm’s 8-1 win over
Castleton State on Saturday.
Byrne leads the team in scoring
with 3 goals and 4 assists in
the first three games… Junior
Brendan Carroll (DHS ’07)
and his St. Anselm hockey team
open their season on Friday
Bray night versus Castleton State…
Peewee/Midget cheerleaders bring home the trophy: Back row: Madison Hadley, Christina Redshirt freshman Colleen
Listernick, Ashton Bentsen-Bush, Kayla Slocum, Jamie Cross, Coach Asadoorian, Michelle Meier, Connolly (DHS ’08) and her UConn field hockey team were
Ast. Coach Alli Barrett, Maddie Buckley, Emily Berry, Mary Ellen Slayter and Peyton Fleming. eliminated by Drexel, 3-2, in
Front row: Clare Kennedy, Lily Slayter, Savannah Blanch, Vika Schweitzer, Lexi Lombardi, Makenna the first round of the NCAA
Hadley, Hannah Sheil, Amanda Lawrence, Molly Burgoyne, Lexie Murphy, Emily McDermott, Katie Division I playoffs… Senior
Franklin and Meghan Tower. Jack Shields (BCHS ’06) and
his Virginia Cavaliers dropped
their fourth straight game in a
14-10 loss to Boston College on
Saturday in Virginia… Senior
Alicia Chandler (DHS ’06)
and her Westfield State soccer
team were eliminated from the
NCAA Division III Tournament
in a 4-0 loss to the University of
Rochester… Shane DiBona’s
(DHS ’09) Iowa Hawkeyes Slattery
took Ohio State to OT before
losing 27-24… Junior Max Butler (DHS ’06) took first place
in the 200-yard medley relay in UMass’ 171-107 victory
over Binghamton. He also
finished second in the 200-yard
backstroke… Sophomore Mike
Slattery (DHS ’08) scored
the first goal for Southern
NH University in its 4-4 tie
with Western N. E. College
last week... Roger Williams
freshman Alyssa Seifert’s (DHS
MITES BRING HOME THIRD: DYC Mite Cheerleaders won third place at the New England Cheer 09’) sailing team won first place
and Dance Competition this past Saturday. The girls are second and third graders and are coached at the Navy Fall Intersectional
by Laurie Estey. Back Row: April Glova, Maddie Stout, Coach Laurie Estey, Madelyn Berry, Lily held in MD. Alyssa and her
Salisbury, Taylor McGlinchy and Alyssa Caieiro. Middle Row: Amanda Richards, Sadie Estey, Béla skipper finished in the top 10 in
Tearse, Grace Perry, Morgan Slayter, Maddie O’Brien and Paige Wanner. Bottom Row: Hannah 14 races.
George, Arianna Doherty, McKenzie Isbister, Annabelle Walsh and Ronnie Buell.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 7

2009 Patriot League Champions

2009 DHS FIELD HOCKEY TEAM: Front: goalies Julia Hannon and Sophie Fitzpatrick. First row: Keri Gould,
Hannah Murphy, Martha Findley, Kara Falcone, Sara Varao, Molly Zaverucha, Maggie Dunn, Grace Nissi, Siobhan
McCarthy, and Briana Connolly. Second row: Assistant coach Jen Hammel, Kirsten Garvey, Lila Haffey, Monica
Devereaux, Page Locke, Chandler Vuilliemier, Katie Griffin, Mimi Smith, Cassandra, Nissi, Cory Tucker, Kelly
Hennessy, Brooke Kent, Sami Siciliano, Caitlin Jones, Therese Kozmiski, Assistant Coach Janet Veracka, and
Head Coach Pam Manley.

Siobhan McCarthy had a great year defensively for

the Lady Dragons.

Captains Julia Hannon, Katie Griffin, Lila Haffey, and Mimi

Smith join Head Coach Pam Manley.

Cory Tucker proved a valuable contributor on defense

this season.

Sophomore Grace Nissi is an up-and-coming star in

Duxbury field hockey.

Lila Haffey moves around

her Scituate defender.

Katie Griffin takes the ball up field against the Sailors.

Photos by Deni Johnson

Mimi Smith was a major
offensive threat during
the 2009 season.
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tyler Hutchenson takes

Brian Zec, Patrick Shay, Charlie Jacobson, Emma Cook, and Julia Fahey
Laurence Maroney talks with Garrett and Gabrielle Hutchinson before going to school with await Maroney’s arrival.
their brother Tyler.

The Patriot running back arrives at DMS with Hutchinson. Maroney autographs a football for DMS principal Blake Dalton.

Students try to get Maroney’s attention.

Gym teacher Jack Stoddard points out some of his class’ activities.

Ginny Wyatt and Kate Halligan show Maroney how to hula hoop. Maroney and Hutchinson address the student body.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 9

Laurence Maroney to DMS

Maroney enjoys going back to school.

Photos by Mike Halloran

Ms. Lewin’s 7th-grade English class had their favorite period of the day.

Nick Reinhold gets a cherished autograph.

Mrs. Schroeder’s 8th-grade English class had a big surprise when Maroney exited DMS.

Maroney is impressed with the size of Dragon lineman Aaron

Kramer, who is joined by captains Matt Savard, Pat McWilliams,
and Bobby Murphy.

Tyler Hutchinson is interviewed by members of the media following his special day. Hutchinson won
the “Take a Player to School” contest sponsored by the NFL’s Play 60 Program and JC Penney.

Maroney gets the most of out Jason

Cheal during gym class.
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

“Ahoy, mate, them’s Treasure

bargains ahead!” Reed Hollow Barn’s
Country Christmas Open
House and Sale Nov. 28 & 29,
Duxbury 2 BR 2nd Floor Apt.
One available now, adjoining one
available Oct. 15. Modern, safe,
9am to 8pm. 25% off quiet, clean apartments with A/C,
everything in the barn W/D, no pets, no smoking. Rt.
(excludes net). Visit the 3A/33 Enterprise St. $1420 first,
“Little House in the Woods” last, security. Call 781-934-5900
and the “Ice House by the office or 781-934-9130 (cell).
Swamp”. Christmas trees, House Rental Dux/Mrfld Line
wreaths, cider and baked 3BR/2BA fully updated, working
goods for sale by Pembroke fireplace, hardwood floors. Long
Kiwanis beginning Nov. 28 to term, available immediately. Fur-
benefit Pembroke High School nished or unfurnished, pet con-
Scholarship Fund. 476 Center sidered. $2400/month Call Ellen
St., Rte. 36, Pembroke, 617-967-5175 Success RE!
781-294-7063, details online
at reedhollowthriftyantiques Available Immediately
.com. Two BR home in Duxbury for
rent. Close to Rt. 3.
Climbing the $1,400/month negotiable, first,
last and security. No pets.
Career Ladder Long term lease. Must be seen.
508-758-4090 or cell
Be A Process Server 508-813-6304.
Earn up to $50/hour. Serve
papers for lawyers, full or Bay Farm Townhouse Rental
part-time from home, in your Master bedroom and second
own business. Must be over 18 bedroom, each with full bath on
years old and have own top floor; eat-in kitchen, living
transportation. No risk-the courts room with dining ell and
are busy. Call 617-365-2646 (24 hardwood floors, powder room,
hrs). deck with seasonal views of
Duxbury Bay on main floor;
Help Wanted by Home Owner walk-out recreation room on
Students welcome. Earn extra lower floor; great storage
Weekend Treasure Treasure cash for Christmas. Yard work,
house cleaning, painting, office
space; all appliances including
W/D; F/P; central air; one-car
Scavengers Chest Chest work and re-organizing. Part-time
flexible hours. Excellent wages.
garage. Tennis court, pool, and
exercise room use included.
� Second 2 None
Furniture Consignment Shop
Please call 781-934-5597. No pets. $2100 per month
covers all condo fees. Utilities
Fourth and Final Moving Sale
Furniture, boats, golf equipment,
wants your once loved, gently Homeward not included. 781-934-0040
used furniture and home decor or 781-934-0901 or
tools, fishing gear, dining room items. Something new everyday. Bound [email protected].
table, heavy duty shelving, stereo Come check us out. From a single
equipment and speakers, lawn Duxbury Marketplace
item to a whole house, we can Office space for rent. 2-4 room Halls Corner
tools, and much more. Thursday, help. Quality Furniture, great One, two and three BR apts.
Friday, and Saturday, Nov. 19-21, office suites ranging from 400 sq.
value, environmentally friendly. China Cabinet For Sale ft. to 750 sq. ft. Efficient layouts, Include heat, parking, snow and
8-3. 313 East St., Duxbury. Located on Rte 53 in Pembroke. Beautiful cherry Colonial lawn care. Some pets okay. From
clean with new interior finishes.
Marshfield Estate Sale Visit the other consignment Furniture china cabinet. Like new. Call for details, 978-921-1919. $1200/mo. Call Bay Hill Realty,
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 19, 20 shops in the same building. For Interior lighting, glass shelving. 508-783-8447.
and 21, 10-5. Station Street (off more info, call 781-826-0007. $800 or best offer. Call Standish Shore Waterfront Home for Rent - Duxbury
Summer Street). Signs posted. 781-248-7278. Home for rent with private sandy Stunning 2/3 BR home with
Contents include antique and Cherry Bedroom Set beach and panoramic views of cathedral ceilings, 2 oversized
Exquisite Antique Sofa
custom furniture, Hitchcock Beautifully maintained traditional Clarks Island and Duxbury Bay. 4 working fireplaces, new kitchen
82” walnut Victorian Setee.
and pine dining room sets, 5 piece cherry bedroom set. F/Q 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Master with granite, Viking cooktop,
Newly upholstered in cream on
grandfather’s clock signed W. poster cannonball style bed, suite on first floor. Charming open floor plan. Elegant Master
cream damask. Asking $900.
B. Carver, pine dropleaf table, matching triple dresser, tall family kitchen, Screened porch Bedroom w/ Jacuzzi, large
Excellent condition. Also,
commodes, maple and dresser nightstand. $800 for all. small office on second floor with walk-in closet. Extensive
Seven piece living room.
upholstered furniture, 781-585-8148 pristine view of Duxbury bay. Woodwork & Built-ins, Central
Washed pine. 80H” lighted
mahogany highboy and display cabinet, 80H” TV/stereo Available Jan. 2, 2010. Rent and Vac, Security System. Situated in
bedroom set, antique style cabinet, 48” square coffee length of lease negotiable. private section of Weston Farms
Governor Winthrop desk, many table, end table, sofa, loveseat, Furnished, W/D, FP, near walking trails &
prints, mirrors, etc. Much glass and window treatments. Paid Non-Smokers, please. association-owned tennis court.
and china include press, $7800, asking $1300. All in 339-832-0837 or 919-651-9380 781-789-7936
Student Trombone
colored, Shelley. Dolls, excellent condition. Call Houseswap in Europe Duxbury Elegant 4 Bedroom
Yamaha YSL-354 standard
primitives, attic and cellar 781-826-2587. Former Duxbury resident is On Powder Point. Seasonal
trombone. Brass. Lightly used
contents, oriental rugs. A full looking to houseswap his house monthly rental, furnished,
for one year. Like new and in Automobilia Collection For Sale
and interesting sale. Email in Luxembourg in August 2010. washer/dryer, large yard, newly
mint condition. Includes case, From 50 years accumulation of
[email protected] for Luxembourg is situated in the renovated, $2,900 plus utilities.
mouthpiece, slide lubricant and die cast vehicles such as Corgi,
questions. heart of Europe, 30 minutes from Call 781-934-2449.
cleaning rag. Clean and ready to Tootsie toy, Dinky toy etc., pro- french, Belgium and german
� play! Why rent? Asking $400.
Call 781-934-1505.
motionals, farm tractors, plastic border, 2 hours from Paris or Duxbury Rental
Yard Sale kits, and all scales. Old car maga- Brussels. Contact
Yamaha Baby Grand Piano zines and books, old car and Large two bedroom apt. with
Sat., Nov. 21, 8-noon. Furniture, [email protected] for laundry. Walk to Hall’s Corner.
hot tub, moon bounce, kids Disklavier (player) black lacquer. truck literature, attractively indi- information.
Nine years old. Hardly used. vidually priced. 781-244-3563. $1400/month includes heat, hot
clothing, household items, golf NH Vacation Rental water, electric and trash removal.
clubs, baseball equipment and Plays and looks beautiful. Just
like new. Original owner. Sells Four season, five bedroom home, No pets and security deposit
much more. 5 Back River Way, close to ski areas, indoor/outdoor required. Call 781-934-2261 or
Duxbury. new up to $20,000; will sell for
$9500. Call 781-983-7844 Photos pools, hot tubs, fitness room, 781-424-5225.
Treasure and serial number available
lake, tennis, basketball, game
room, fully equipped.
NH Winter Season Rental
Windsor Hill at Waterville
Chest Complete Kids’ Bedroom Set Kitchen Table and Chairs
[email protected].
or e-mail Valley. Beautiful 3BR, 2 bath
Condo, sleeps 7, large kitchen
Antique Hepplewhite Bureau Bunk beds with mattresses, desk, Solid birch table top on and living room with fireplace,
Room For Rent Duxbury
Hepplewhite bowfront bureau two bureaus and mirror. Like decorative steel pewter base with mountain view. Close to town
Nice, fully furnished room with
with bone teardrop keyholes, 36 new. Originally $2,500+. asking four solid birch matching chairs. square, athletic center, downhill
TV and house privileges.
1/2”high, 43” wide, bow is 22 $1,000. Wooden kitchen table Your price, $280; Jordan’s and cross country ski areas.
Utilities included. $575 per
1/2” deepest, 18” at sides. Asking and 2 benches, $50. Wooden Furniture price, $1150. Good Call Ken, 781-582-1704 for
month. Male non-smoker. Call
$1700. Circa 1800. Family entertainment center, $100. Call shape. Emailed photo available rates.
heirloom. Call 508-747-0524. 781-934-0978. upon request. Call 617-875-1990.

Place your order: 781-934-2811

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 11

Homeward At Your At Your

Bound FROM PORTUGUAL.... Service Service
Beautiful 3BR Florida Condo Leaf Cleanup Absolute Removal
Stuart, FL in Hutchinson Island We clean up leaves, pine needles, No job too small. Junk removal,
complex. Available February; two and other debris. Trim trees, basement cleanouts - attic - shed
or four-week increments, bushes. Power wash decks and etc. Fast and reliable service 7
$2000/2-week period. Beach, vinyl siding. Also looking for next days a week. Free estimates. Call
inland waterway, pool, tennis year lawn customers. Neat, 781-588-4036 or e-mail
within short walk. Sidney and reliable service. Call Steven [email protected]
Jim McClure, 781-934-2141 or Shaevel, 508-889-1198.
Ann and Mike Wyatt,
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Cleaning Services
Free deodorizing. Pet odor General house and commercial
Duxbury Studio Apartment removal. Leather cleaning. I
On Powder Point. Seasonal cleaning. Local references
guarantee you will like the way available. Please call
monthly rental, washer/dryer, your carpets look. Receive a free
dishwasher, very private, small 774-269-3612 (cell) or email
armchair cleaning with a sofa [email protected]
yard, newly renovated, $900 plus cleaning. 508-580-4777. Quality
utilities. Call 781-934-2449. Carpet. Mom On Call
Duxbury Office Space Organize to Maximize For childcare, eldercare, dog
First floor office suites available Does your child do well in school walking, any kind of shopping or
Rt. 3A/33 Enterprise St. Call
781-934-5900 (office), or ...TO FORT HILL LANE but underperform on tests and
quizzes? Is his performance
everyday errands. If you have a
last minute work appt., doctor’s
781-354-9130, cell.


undermined by a lack of appt., hair appt., child home sick,
Office For Rent organization? I work with or just want time to yourself, I’m
Prime Duxbury Village location. students in grades 5 - 10 to help available. References. Call
organize their time, their 781-858-9928.
Beautiful recently renovated
first floor offices in historic
Millbrook Village area (Railroad
CLIPPER CLASSIFIEDS! backpacks, and their studies. Let
me help your child plan and
execute a more successful

Lucy’s Magical Cleaning Svcs.
Avenue). Single office suite or
semester. Call 781-834-3340.
multiple offices available - from
$360 to $470 per month rent!.
At Your At Your Tutors
Introducing ourselves to your
town. Customized, personal
Includes all utilities. Excellent Service Service Certified teacher with Masters in
Education and Organizational
attention to your home.
Efficient, professional, insured.
location - near markets and
Route 3. Call 781-934-9867. Clean Sweep Skills and experienced physicist References available. Call
Office Space for Rent
� Full service residential cleaning, available. Remediate, Review and 508-231-6770.
Dump Runs or kitchens and bathrooms only. Advance. Classroom, ESL,
Duxbury, Millbrook area. Second Very reasonable rates. 11 years of business and tutoring experience. A Reading Remedy
floor, 300 sq. ft. Call Specializing in cleanouts of
basements, garages, attics, quality service. Weekly, Individualized attention with Does your child struggle with
781-934-0809. bi-weekly, monthly. Spring study skills, reading, writing, reading or reading
yard debris, and odds and
Carriage House ends. We also specialize in cleaning. 781-837-0427. science, Algebra, Calculus and comprehension? Is he a reluctant
Duxbury. One BR, one car garage, carpentry, painting, gutter Physics. Support with SAT, reader? Orton-Gillingham is a
Window And Gutter Cleaning phonics-based approach which
central vac, W/D, hardwood work, and window washing. college admissions.
Let local firefighters brighten your helps students achieve success in
floors, A/C. No smoking/no pets. Best prices, free estimates. 508-830-0305.
day! Residential and storefront. reading, writing, and spelling. For
$1500 all inclusive. Available Jan. Please call or leave a message Pressure washing - house, patio, DuxburyComputers.com
15, 2010. 781-799-8176. for Mike, 781-789-3612. more information, call 781-
deck, etc. Free gutter cleaning Get expert computer help and
Buildable Land/Houselot Wanted 834-3340.
with every full house window job. advice. Microsoft Certified
Professional homebuilder looking Best Firewood In Town Reasonable rates. References Small Business Specialist and House Cleaning Service
for buildable land or house lot in Order your firewood in time for available. Fully insured. Keith QuickBooks Pro Advisor in I will clean your home, office or
Duxbury. Cash paid, 30 day the holidays. Fully seasoned McWalter. 781-340-5183 or Duxbury. Why pay more for business. References available.
closing. Quality construction. Will hardwood; oak, maple and cell-781-690-2000. geeks? 781-934-9800. Three years experience. Please
build traditional home in keeping cherry. Cut and split. Free local call Ondina Ana Cleto,
with surrounding homes and Have Truck! Affordable House Cleaner 508-747-5121 or
delivery. $325/cord. Call College students have truck and
landscape. Please call 781-585-2261. Houses, apartments and offices. 774-269-1729.
508-243-7778. will help move or dispose of Great rates. Free estimates. Call
household items. Need help Wanessa, 781-316-6578.
Duxbury Sunny 2 BR Math Makes Sense Beautify Your Home
cleaning out basement, attic,
Newly renovated lovely retreat Experienced math tutor will help For the holidays. Experienced
garage, bedroom? How about
setting, spacious rooms, big your child turn the tide of math Fall Clean-Ups/Low Prices painter. Quality work,
dump runs, stacking wood,
closets, W/D, DW, private patio, anxiety. One-to-one tutoring Whether it's taking the leaves out competitive rates, prompt
cleaning yard or interior
minutes from Rt.3, commuter promotes math achievement, of your yards and flower beds or quote. Call 508-916-9857.
painting? Call Shawn.
bus/rail beaches. No pets, confidence, motivation and any other last minute winter prep
339-933-0804, 781-934-9449. Snow plowing and odd jobs
smokers. Very beautiful place. success. K-12, Algebra I and II, work, we do it. One free mow
Avail. Nov.1. $1375 incl. all Geometry, Pre-Calc, Calculus and Handyman Services with any clean-up! Call Scott Driveway snow plowing with
utilities cable. 207-841-3352. SAT prep. Call 781-834-3340. Small jobs, odd jobs. Experienced May, 617-966-5875 for free reasonable rates. 24 hour service,
in carpentry, painting, small elec- estimates. experienced and insured. I also
Duxbury Rental Fall Cleanups do odd jobs, trash and appliance
tric, and gutter cleaning. Install-
3 BR, 2 bath, W/D, walk to Immaculate cleanups at very removal, general carpentry work
ing storm doors, floating floors, Integrity Painting
schools/library. $1650/mo. plus competitive prices. Leaf and gutter cleaning. No job too
deck and home repairs. Assem- Interior/exterior painting.
utilities, long term lease. Available vacuum also available; you get small. Please call James,
bly and dis-assembly. Positive at- Professional quality painting,
early November. Call the leaves into pile, we pick 781-258-7369.
titude, easy to talk to. Call Rick powerwashing and carpentry
508-868-6550, leave message. them up and dispose of them.
Shea. 774-454-7548 or work. We also stain decks.
Other fall services include:
Pembroke Waterfront For Rent 508-224-9036 Reasonable rates and prompt Need Computer Help?
gutter cleaning, window
3-4 BR house. Hardwood floors, washing, and irrigation Expert Tutor 2009-2010 response. Please call Josh at Does your computer run slowly?
2 full baths, eat-in kitchen, winterizing. Also call for any Fall-Winter SAT/PSAT prep: In- 781-985-5120 Do you need a wireless network
washer/dryer hookup. Completely other landscaping needs. dividual and/or small group setup? Memory upgrade? I’ll in-
renovated. New heating system. study and practice for critical Add Some Magic
Reliable and professional stall, configure, optimize your
New driveway with plenty of thinking, reading comprehen- Is your child having a birthday
service, free estimates, and computer, trouble-shoot applica-
parking. Well and town water. sion and persuasive essay writ- party? Make it a special occasion,
friendly communication. No job tion problems, educate you on
Available now. Section 8 ing skills development. Also, hire a magician. Comedy, doves,
too big or small. Call Paul, surfing the web and help you buy
welcome. $1995/mo. Call early admission college essay balloons. Call 877-64MAGIC
617-877-7524. your next computer. Scott,
508-747-7994. preparation and MCAS, ACT (877-646-2442).
Bettencourt’s Walls & Ceilings and AP history tutorials. Dr. Gutter Cleaning
Cozy Cottage - Duxbury Village Painting, drywall finishing, Maurice B. Conway, Ph.D., Do you need your gutters
Quaint 2-bedroom house on sheet-rocking, water damage, 781-834-8790. cleaned this fall? Call Andrew, Christmas Babysitter
Washington St., between Snug wallpaper stripping. Specializing 781-264-3628. Average house In need of Christmas cheer and
Harbor and Bluefish River, water Fall Cleanups is $100. For an additional $25 childcare? 2008 DHS grad home
in interior work. Skim coating Tee Time Landscaping, a small
access, big lawn. Perfect for over horse hair plaster and we will clean the mildew off from Middlebury College on
couple returning to Duxbury. family yard care service. Fall your gutters with TSP. winter break will watch the little
textured ceilings a specialty. 25 clean-ups of leaves, final mow
$1,650/mo. plus utilities. years experience. Call Steve, Interior/exterior painting ones while making ornaments
Available now. Call and winter fertilization; trimming available. and cookies for you to enjoy.
508-833-0546 or 617-922-0944 and pruning, handyman services,
781-934-7845. (cell). Available beginning Dec.12. Call
clean-outs. Call Tommy, I Can Save You Money Cameron, 339-364-1259 or email
At Your Leaf Relief 508-889-3010. Experienced carpenter available [email protected]
We will clean up your gutters, www.teetimelandscaping.com
Service flowerbeds, clean and mow Fall Clean-Ups
for all aspects of construction, as
well as other odd jobs. Free
References available.
Cleaning Service
Party Help for Holidays your lawn, and haul your Now booking Fall clean ups. No estimates. Call Josh, Residential and commercial. Free
Experienced. Call Linda and leaves. Call Sam Moniz at job too small. Free estimates. 781-706-9487. (Also, looking for estimates. Insured. Call Maria
Norman, 508-273-5855. 781-585-1948. Call Bill @ 781-264-4027 FT/PT work, if you’re hiring). Rizzo, 781-775-6237.
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

At Your At Your At Your Planes, Train Planes, Train

Service Service Service & Automobiles & Automobiles
Professional Window Cleaning ElderCare At Home Junque Removal 2000 Oldsmobile Intrigue GL
Prices start at $2.00 We are fully Certified Home Health Aide will Clean-outs, appliances, furniture. Gold ext, 4-door, auto, sun/moon
insured. No job too big or small. provide care and companionship Ask about our yard debris roof, A/C, tan leather int.
10% off when you mention this for your elderly loved one at specials. Same day service. w/heated front bucket seats,
ad. Please call for free estimate. home. Enjoying elder care for Book for Tuesdays and receive a cruise control, steering wheel
Mike 781-789-3612 over 30 years. Please call Barbara 10% discount. Call Chuck audio controls. Power locks,
at 774-454-8163 to leave a Teravainen at 781-582-9512. mirrors, seats, and windows. Tilt Fishing Kayak
Junk Removal
message. steering, fully loaded. 115k 2008 Ocean Kayak Trident 15
S.P.M. Enterprises is a fully
Michael’s Windows & Gutter Experienced Painter miles. Looks and runs great. with rod pod, sonar shield,
insured full service junk removal
Cleaning Thirty years experience. Average $3500/BO. 781-826-4075 Comfort Plus seat back, etc.
company. We accept anything..
A local service. Windows start at size ceilings, $90; 10’x12’ room, Perfect for fishing on the bay.
sheds, fences, boats, trailers, hot
$5 each. Also, repair loose and $200. Wallpapering and custom Like new. $850 OBO. Call
tubs etc! We do all the work and
leaking gutters, and can install finishes. Senior discounts. Inte- 781-452-7040.
clean up. All materials are
gutter screens. Also, repair rior and exterior painting. Excel-
brought to recycling facility.
window and door screens. (A lent references and free esti-
Shawn, 781-264-5595. $20 off 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unltd
great gift idea!) I answer my mates. Call Matt, 508-746-8115.
full truckload. Sahara 4x4. Steel blue
phone. Cell 508-523-9927. Painting Plus metallic/gray interior. Automatic,
Just Small Jobs Custom Interior Woodworking Specializing in interior/exterior A/C, remote start, dual tops,
Skilled craftsman solves your Alterations and interior finish painting, power washing, 2000 VW Cabrio Convertible GL power windows/locks, sound
repair needs. Call Jim at (339) work, built-in cabinets and media gutters, carpentry, dump runs, Excellent condition, 73,500 miles. system, Sirius satellite radio,
832-0244. systems, historic restoration - and window washing. Free Dark green exterior with dark IPOD adapter, trailer hitch,
period design, free design and estimates, best prices green top, tan leather interior, air foglamps, halogen headlamps,
Home Improvement drafting service. Please call Dave guaranteed. 10% off exterior cond., power windows, power Supplemental front seat side
Semi-retired remodeler with 25 Drew, (h) 781-545-4246 or (c) painting booked this summer. locks, alloy wheels, 4-speed airbags. 28,500 miles. Rides
plus years experience. Design 617-835-9044. Fast and reliable service. Please automatic, stereo with cassette great. Detailed every 6 months.
and build. Bath, kitchen, tiling, Piano Tuning call Mike, 781-789-3612. tape. $5,000 or best offer. Call [email protected]
family room etc. Your Martin Snow, RPT, Craftsman for details, 781-582-1325.
problems, our solution. Call Member Piano Technicians Guild, Personal Assistant Alcort Sunfish
Larry McCarthy, 508-746-7829. plus complete piano rebuilding Experience with all matters: 12'6". White with green, complete
service, sales. 781-837-6531. personal, household, business with sail, boom, mast, all rigging.
Fall Clean Ups www.martinsnowpianos.com. and events; cook, shop, serve, Really good shape, great fun for
S.P.M. Enterprises is a full cleanup, organize, garden, move, young or old this summer! $700
service landscape maintenance 1983 Laser yard sales, household or BO, no trailer. Call Wayne
company that offers fall cleanups, with two 6” ports. Good management/caretaking, new Nauset 28 Bridge Deck
508-889-4228 (cell).
fall hedge trimming, lawn condition. $1500. Call parent assistance, transportation, 1998. Great cruising boat.
mowing, weeding, mulching, and 781-934-5560. 2007 Honda Civic LX Excellent condition. $77,500. For
errands, travel arrangements,
much more. We are fully insured Silver, New condition, 25,600 particulars, please call owner,
Gutter and Yard Cleanup business management,
and offer free estimates. Call miles with full manufacturer's 508-255-3332.
We specialize in raking and administrative tasks, menu
Shawn today 781-264-5595 warranty. Low miles. $14,995.
removing leaves, small trees, consult/create, floral arranging,
[email protected] Call 339-832-1893.
branches and yard debris. Any event/holiday planning/organizing
and all junk removed, inside decorating. Call 781-733-5966. 1996 Audi A6 Quattro
and out. We also clean gutters,
Seasoned Firewood install gutter guards, and wash � Silver black leather. 2.8 liter V6 all
wheel drive. Power seats,
Prices have dropped. Call windows. Please call Mike at River Rags Custom Embroidery
Nessralla’s Farms in windows, locks, roof, brakes
781-789-3612. Specializing in personalized (ABS), steering. Heated seats,
Marshfield, 781-834-2833, or 2002 Toyota 4-Runner
clothing, accessories and gifts. mirrors, locks. A/C, Audi cassette 110K miles. Gold exterior, 4WD,
go to our website Friendly service, outstanding
The Paint Saint stereo, cruise control. Runs automatic, tow package,
Professional interior/exterior quality, Great Prices! See us at great, no rust. 184k highway moonroof, tan leather interior,
painting, gutter cleaning, power Jones River Industrial Park, 26 miles. $3,200 BO. 781-934-9010. 6-disc CD player. $8500 or best
House Cleaning washing and window washing. Wapping Rd, Rte. 106, Kingston.
Home and/or office cleaning. offer. Call 508-922-5647.
Best prices and service always Call 781-336-7118 or visit
Many years of experience. with a smile. Will paint your www.riverragsdesigns.com for
References available. Free home like it was our own. Call hours.
estimates. Call 508-746-0764 Andrew for your free estimate.
or 781-336-3533. 781-264-3628. Planes, Train
Grades 1-5 Tutor
Rute Cleaner
& Automobiles Nantucket Skiff
Retired school psychologist, 17' Center Console by Roth
former elementary school Many years of experience with 1997 19’ Grady White - $11,500 Boats. Recently completely
teacher, who has been tutoring excellent references. Model #192 Tournament 19’ dual refurbished by builder. Brand new
individual children, has openings Specializing in house and office console. 1997 150HP Yamaha 40HP Yamaha 4-stroke with full
cleaning. Call anytime for free salt water series engine with low 36’ Sabre “Spartina”
to assist your child with reading, warranty. Trailer included. 1986. Excellent condition, fully
literacy skills, and math; as well estimate. Speak with Humberto, hours. Full canvas enclosure/VHF $12,900. 781-929-1135 or
508-732-0182 or radio/GPS. 8’ beam. equipped. Great boat for cruising
as organization. Please call [email protected] couple or family. Roller furling
Terry, 781-585-9022. 774-454-4982. Professionally maintained,
excellent condition. Seats 8. main and genoa. Full electronics
A1 Top to Bottom Housecleaning Wallpapering/Interior Painting Easily seen. Call evenings, (radar, GPS chart plotter,
Weekly – bi-weekly – monthly. Ceiling, walls, woodwork, drywall 508-209-0306. Price reduced to autopilot...) power windlass,
One-time cleanings our specialty. repairs, touch-ups, cleanouts $11,500. ESPAR hot air heating system
Over 10 yrs. experience. Duxbury done at low, reasonable prices. etc. Price sharply reduced,
refs. Michelle (508) 291-1864. Free estimates. Call Debbie, $69,500. 781-934-6730.
781-585-8043. 25’ Cape Dory
Very good condition. Many

extras: two sets of sails, Nissan
long shaft motor (30 hours of
use), new depth sounder, roller
TREE & CONSTRUCTION reefing, head and holding tank,
dodger, and much more. Also a
small dinghy. Priced to sell, 1995 Range Rover LWB
Reggae. Forward cabin with
Pruning & Trimming Repair & Installation $4500. 781-837-2591. The biggest, best and last of the
v-berth. Main salon with deep
Hazardous Removals Title V Cert. Septic port and starboard settees and Real Frame Range Rovers.
Vista & Land Clearing Inspector drop-down dining table. Full Excellent condition. Only 65K
Stump Grinding & New Design galley w/hot and cold pressure miles. Loaded, sunroof, CD, etc.
Removals Backhoe & Perc Test water, three-burner propane Spring Conversion. Price reduced
Aerial Work Demolition & Grading stove with oven. Heated cabin to $9500. Call 781-934-2137.
with diesel-fired Espar forced hot 2005 Subaru Legacy Outback
Christopher Phillips • 781-934-7255 air system. North mainsail and Red. 54,000 miles. Excellent
working jib. Westerbeke 30B Sailboat for Sale condition. Asking $16,500, will
diesel Engine. Asking $98,000. 30’ blue water sailboat built in negotiate. Call 508-747-0094.
Call 781-934-0389 or email Germany, center cockpit with aft
[email protected] cabin, sleeps 5, 1980, LOA 30', 2001 Audi A6 Wagon
beam 10', draft 5'6", 20 HP Fully loaded, leather, sun roof,
15’ Fiberglass Sailboat diesel, forced air heating system, heated seats, new brakes, new
Sails, mast and trailer. May need location Plymouth harbor, Michelins. Great condition.
minor tune-ups. $700. Call Paul, mooring avail. for '09. $22,500 145,000 miles. Asking $6500.
339-832-0935. 201-314-7637 Call George, 781-603-5640.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 13

Planes, Train Planes, Train Planes, Train Legal Legal

& Automobiles & Automobiles & Automobiles Notices Notices
Trailer - Like New ON OR BEFORE TEN singular the premises
Shorelander SLR14TL. Used 07 O’CLOCK IN THE described in said mortgage, to
only. Can have rollers or bunks. MORNING (10:00 AM) ON: wit:
Your choice. $975 or BO. Email 12/07/2009. The land in Duxbury, with
[email protected] or call the buildings thereon, on
In addition, you must file a
written affidavit of objections Union and Franklin Streets
1995 Harley Sportster to the petition, stating specific and described as follows:
Boat For Sale Beginning at a stake on the
22' Mako, 130 HP Honda, GPS, 1200CC Engine, two tone red facts and grounds upon which
FF. In the water in Duxbury, can paint. This machine is in like new the objection is based, within Easterly line of Union Street,
use for rest of summer. $5,900 or condition with less than 900 thirty (30) days after the thence North 64 degrees
BO. 781-934-7567 miles. Has after market mufflers return day (or such other time -13’-30” East along a line
otherwise stock. Cover and as the court, on motion with marked by stakes 286 feet
original mufflers included in price more or less, to the center line
notice to the petitioner, may
2005 Nissan Quest 3.5SE Van of $4475. 781-934-6248. of a brook, thence southerly
allow) in accordance with
Mint condition. 39,000 miles. z

2000 17 'Bristol Skiff and southwesterly by the

Probate Rule 16.
Power everything, full airbag Built by Holby Marine; center center line of said brook 277
system, traction control, WITNESS, Hon,
console, cooler seat, Mercury Catherine P Sabaitis, First feet, more or less, to Franklin
electronic stability control, ABS, 30HP 4-stroke, completely Street, thence south 79
2002 Hydra-Sports CC Bose sound system, skylight roof, Justice of this Court.
2002 Hydra-Sports with 150 overhauled Aug '09. Oversized degrees-50’-50” West by the
power moonroof, driver seat Date: November 9, 2009
Johnson engine. Full electronics, Venture trailer. $7000. Northerly line of Franklin
memory, much more. Asking 781-934-6417; 617-240-5782. Robert E. McCarthy
runs great. A lot of room for a 21. $14,500. KBB value $18,200. Register of Probate Street 71 Feet, more or less,
Priced to sell, $16,500. Call Tom, 781-837-6053. thence to, and along Union
MORTGAGEE’S Street 77.89 feet by a curve to
BMW 99 528i Midnight Blue SALE OF the right, having a radius of
Excellent condition. Dealership
maintained. 108K. Leather,
REAL ESTATE 60’, thence North 25
loaded, moonroof, automatic. degrees-46’-30” West by
Heated Sts/whl. Great safe car. By virtue of and in Union Street 136.49 feet to
$7695. Call 781-760-0008. 2003 Honda Accord Coupe execution of the Power of first mentioned stake, having
Red 2003 Honda Accord coupe. Sale contained in a certain an area of one acre, more or
22’ 2002 Bayliner Only 63,000 miles. Perfect mortgage given by Robert J. less.
Professionally maintained with condition. Every option. Asking As shown on a plan
Andrews a/k/a Robert J.
low hours in excellent condition. $11,500. Call 781-294-4750 or entitled “Plan of Land in
email [email protected]. Andrews, Jr. to Mortgage
IO Drive with a Chevy 350 small Electronic Registration Duxbury to be conveyed by
block. Includes trailer. Asking 25' O'Day Sailboat Frank Perry to Loretta A.
1978 25 ft. O'Day sailboat. Systems, Inc., as nominee for
$11,500. Call 617-365-0717. Andrews, July 14, 1961, RH
2002 Mercury Sable LS Excellent centerboard bay boat GreenPoint Mortgage
Premium sedan. Fully loaded with Funding, Inc., dated February Bent, Surveyor,” and
sleeps 5, newer genoa and jib,
all the bells and whistles. Power 23, 2007 and recorded in recorded with Plymouth
new stays and antenna wiring,
everything, Premium sound 9.8 hp motor, ready to sail. Can Plymouth County Registry of County Registry of Deeds on
system, multi disc cd, moonroof, be moored on flats, asking Deeds in Book 34223, Page July 26, 1961, in Plan Book
leather seats, ABS, tires in good $4950. Call 791-934-9189 66, of which mortgage 491 of 1961.
condition. One owner, well Boat Shrinkwrapping For title reference see
maintained, 130,000 miles.
GreenPoint Mortgage
Shrinkwrapping at your location. Funding, Inc. is the present Book 15125, Page 37.
97 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo $3,790. 781-834-4216. Quality materials, experienced The above premises will be
V6, has 158,000 miles. One holder, for breach of
professional services. Shattuck sold subject to all taxes,
owner, 4WD, automatic.In good Dockside Detailing. Call conditions of said mortgage
running condition and body in and for the purpose of assessments, and other
508-833-0211. Website: encumbrances which may
good condition. Asking $2,600. www.shattuckyachts.com foreclosing the same, the
Call 781-934-5681. mortgaged premises located constitute a prior lien thereon,
2002 GMC Envoy Legal at 892 Franklin Street, and will be conveyed subject
to any easements, restrictions
Duxbury, Massachusetts will
Approximately 110,000 miles.
Asking $6,000. Contact: 21' Doral Notices be sold at a Public Auction at of record, tenancies, and
[email protected] 4 1995, 4.3 L Merc I/O, cuddy 1:00 p.m. on December 11, rights of redemption for
wheel drive, heated seats, DVD, cabin, low hours, great condition.
COMMONWEALTH unpaid federal taxes, if any,
2009, at the mortgaged
TV in the back. See website for Includes trailer, skis and more. OF premises, more particularly as shall, notwithstanding this
pictures www.printprinciples.com Regularly maintained and locally MASSACHUSETTS described below, all and provision, constitute valid
serviced. Inside winter storage,
ready for this season. $6,500 or
best offer. Call Paul at THE TRIAL COURT
781-389-7448 or 781-934-8188.
2004 Sportster $5,499 obo
2004 883 Harley Davidson PROBATE AND
Sportster for sale. Well FAMILY COURT
Pathfinder - $12,500 maintained, only 2,000 miles,
19’ 2001 Pathfinder center screaming eagle pipes and other
console (white) with outboard chrome add-ons. $5,499 or best PLYMOUTH Division
drive. Beam: 7’8”. Yamaha 90hp offer. Call 781-934-9189 Docket No. PL09P2032EA
(outboard gas) with stainless 2003 Chevy Blazer In the Estate of: Margaret
steel propeller. Fishfinder, depth 69,000 original miles. Excellent E Kennedy
sounder, live well. Outboard condition inside and out. Loaded. Late of: Duxbury, MA
power trim and tilt. Insulated fish $6600 or best offer. Can be seen 02332
box. Call 781-934-7069. anytime after noon at 720 Date of Death: 10/13/2009
Washington St., Whitman. Call NOTICE OF PETITION
339-788-7346. FOR PROBATE OF WILL
1997 Ford Escort To all persons interested in
Good running condition. Best the above captioned estate, a
offer. Call 508-747-0094. petition has been presented
requesting that a document
purporting to be the last will
2000 Honda Magna of said decedent be proved
Black. Only 300 miles on it. 750cc and allowed, and that
engine. Looks brand new. Paid Christine A Kennedy be
$8000. Loud muffler, cover and appointed executor/trix,
original muffler included in
named in the will to serve
reduced price of $3499. Call Toyota Celica Convertible
Quan, 781-985-0363 (cell) or 1999 with only 110,000 miles. Without Surety.
781-447-7227 (work) for more Limited Edition, blue with black IF YOU DESIRE TO
information. OBJECT THERETO, YOU
leather. Very good condition,
Marshall 15 Catboat excellent in winter as well as top
MUST FILE A WRITTEN HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each
Great condition. Braided lines, down. Kelly Blue Book price at column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and each set of 3 by 3
two sets of sails, many extras. $6,700. Local call, Ellen and APPEARANCE IN SAID boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.
$5500. Call 781-934-2983. Steve at 781-934-5091. COURT AT PLYMOUTH
14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
liens or encumbrances said Mortgage and for the direction by a curving line GMAC Mortgage, LLC NOTICE OF
thereon after said sale. purpose of foreclosing same having a radius of 2325.00 Present Holder of said
Terms of the Sale: Cash, will be sold at Public Auction feet, an arc distance of 62.94
cashier’s check, or certified at 11:00 AM on November feet; and By Its Attorneys, SALE OF
check in the sum of Five 30, 2009 at 80 Pine Street, Thence turning and Orlans Moran PLLC REAL ESTATE
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) Duxbury, MA, all and running N 77 degrees P.O. Box 962169
as a deposit must be shown at singular the premises 55'35"E. 92.82 feet to the Boston, MA 02196 By virtue and in execution of
the time and place of the sale described in said Mortgage, to point of beginning at said Phone: (617) 502-4100 the Power of Sale contained in a
in order to qualify as a bidder wit: Pine certain mortgage given by David
and will be required to be Street, the last 5 courses (280.8504/Anabel) F. Call and Linda M. Call to
paid as a deposit by the The land together with the being by Lot B. (11/04/09, 11/11/09, Fleet National Bank, dated July
successful bidder; successful buildings and improvements Containing a total of 11/18/09)(176588) 23, 2004 and recorded with the
Plymouth County Registry of
bidder to sign written thereon situated on the 54,430 square feet of land, COMMONWEALTH Deeds at Book 28928, Page 165,
Memorandum of Sale upon southwesterly side of Pine according to said plan.
acceptance of bid; balance of
OF of which mortgage Bank of
Street in Duxbury, Plymouth America, N.A. s/b/m Fleet
purchase price payable in County, MA, being shown on Said premises are MASSACHUSETTS National Bank is the present
cash or current funds in thirty a plan entitled "Plan of Land conveyed subject to the holder, for breach of the
(30) days from the date of the in Duxbury, Mass. prepared Buffer Zone, as shown on THE TRIAL COURT conditions of said mortgage and
sale at the offices of for Richard B. Greenfield" said plan, and further subject for the purpose of foreclosing,
mortgagee’s attorney, dated December 3, 1979, by to a taking with slope the same will be sold at Public
Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP, GHR Engineering easements by the Town of PROBATE AND Auction at 12:00 p.m. on
2364 Post Road, Suite 100, Corporation recorded with Duxbury for the layout of FAMILY COURT November 27, 2009, on the
Warwick, RI 02886, or such Pine Street by instrument mortgaged premises located at
Plymouth County Registry of DEPARTMENT 54 Simmons Drive, Duxbury,
other time as may be Deeds as Plan No. 725 of dated July 2, 1968, recorded
designated by mortgagee. Plymouth County,
1980 in Plan Book 21, Page in said Deeds, Book 3452, Massachusetts, all and singular
The description for the 1114, and bounded and Page 467; and further subject PLYMOUTH Division
Docket No. PL101,665 the premises described in said
premises contained in said described as follows: to and with the benefit of a mortgage,
mortgage shall control in the Beginning at a point in the utility easement to New NOTICE OF
event of a typographical error northeasterly line of said Pine England Telephone and FIDUCIARY’S ACCOUNT
in this publication. Street, which point is 142.62 Telegraph Company et al by To all persons interested in PARCEL OF LAND, AND THE
feet southeasterly from a instrument dated November the estate of Charles H Myers BUILDINGS AND
Other terms to be County Highway Bound; 10, 1978, recorded in said late of Duxbury, in the IMPROVEMENTS THEREON,
announced at the sale. Thence running by Pine Deeds, Book 4576, Page 441. County of Plymouth IN THE TOWN OF
Street in a southeasterly The premises are to be sold You are hereby notified DUXBURY COUNTY OF
BAC Home Loans direction by a curving line subject to and with the benefit pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. PLYMOUTH AND STATE OF
Servicing, LP, as servicer for having a radius of 2400.00 of all easements, restrictions, Rule 72 that the First through MASSACHUSETTS AND
GreenPoint Mortgage Third (being the 33rd - 35th) BEING MORE
feet, an arc distance of 137.22 building and zoning laws,
Accounts of United States PARTICULARLY
Funding, Inc., Present holder feel to a point; unpaid taxes, tax titles, water
Trust Company, N.A., the DESCRIBED IN A DEED
of said mortgage, By Its Thence continuing by said bills, municipal liens and RECORDED IN BOOK 16107
Attorneys, PARTRIDGE Pine Street, S 44 Degrees 14' assessments, rights of tenants Fourth and Fifth (being the
PAGE 47.
SNOW & HAHN LLP, 2364 00" E. 75.11 feet to a point; and parties in possession. 36th and 37th) Accounts of
Subject to a first mortgage to
Post Road, Suite 100, Thence turning and TERMS OF SALE: Bank of America, N.A. Mortgage Electronic Registration
Warwick, Rhode Island running N. 78 degrees 47' 38" A deposit of FIVE (continuation by merger w/ Systems, Inc. dated June 2, 2003
02886, (401) 681-1900 W by Lot G by two lines THOUSAND DOLLARS United States Trust Company, and recorded with the Plymouth
(63012264/Andrews) measuring 77.88 feet and AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00) N.A. on 2/22/08) and Final County Registry of Deeds at
(11/11/09, 11/18/09, 103.46 feet, respectively to in the form of a certified Account *as Trustee- (the Book 25371, Page 55 in the
11/25/09)(177079) a point; check or bank treasurer’s fiduciary) under the will of original principal amount of
MORTGAGEE’S Thence turning and check will be required to be said deceased for the benefit $450,000.00.
of Gertrude M Emerson & For mortgagor's(s') title see
NOTICE OF SALE running S 49 degrees 56' delivered at or before the time
Henrietta F Myers, et al have deed recorded with Plymouth
34"W in part by Lot G and in the bid is offered. The
OF REAL ESTATE part by Lot H, 219.83 feet to a successful bidder will be been presented to said court County Registry of Deeds in
for allowance. Book 16107, Page 47.
point; required to execute a These premises will be sold
By virtue and in execution Thence turning and Foreclosure Sale Agreement If you desire to preserve
and conveyed subject to and with
of the Power of Sale running N 48 degrees 34' 08" immediately after the close of your right to file an objection
the benefit of all rights, rights of
contained in a certain W, 21.50 feet by land of the bidding. The balance of to said account(s), you or way, restrictions, easements,
Mortgage given by Ronald M. James West Co. to a point; the purchase price shall be your attorney must file a covenants, liens or claims in the
Anabel and Tracy L. Anabel Thence turning and paid within thirty (30) days written appearance in said nature of liens, improvements,
to Mortgage Electronic running N 44 degrees 55' 50" from the sale date in the form court at Plymouth on or public assessments, any and all
Registration Systems, Inc., E, 92.69 feet to a point; of a certified check, bank before the 1st day of unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens,
dated August 31, 2006 and Thence turning and treasurer’s check or other December, 2009, the return water and sewer liens and any
recorded with the Plymouth running N 48 degrees 18' 18" check satisfactory to day of this citation. You may other municipal assessments or
County Registry of Deeds at upon written request by liens or existing encumbrances
W, 100.56 feet to a point; Mortgagee’s attorney. The of record which are in force and
Book 33328, Page 111 of Thence turning and Mortgagee reserves the right registered or certified mail to
the fiduciary, or to the are applicable, having priority
which the Mortgage the running N 38 degrees 58' 00" to bid at the sale, to reject any over said mortgage, whether or
undersigned is the present E. 245.31 feet to a point; and all bids, to continue the attorney for the fiduciary,
not reference to such restrictions,
holder by assignment for Thence turning and sale and to amend the terms obtain without cost a copy of
easements, improvements, liens
breach of the conditions of running in a southeasterly of the sale by written or oral said account(s). If you desire or encumbrances is made in the
announcement made before or to object to any item of said deed.
SUDOKU ANSWERS during the foreclosure sale. If
the sale is set aside for any
account(s), you must, in
addition to filing a written
A deposit of Five Thousand
reason, the Purchaser at the appearance as aforesaid, file ($5,000.00 ) Dollars by certified
sale shall be entitled only to a within thirty days after said or bank check will be required to
return of the deposit paid. return day or within such be paid by the purchaser at the
other time as the Court upon time and place of sale. The
The purchaser shall have no
motion may order a written balance is to be paid by certified
further recourse against the or bank check at Harmon Law
Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or statement of each such item
together with the grounds for Offices, P.C., 150 California
the Mortgagee’s attorney. Street, Newton, Massachusetts
The description of the each objection thereto, a copy
02458, or by mail to P.O. Box
premises contained in said to be served upon the 610389, Newton Highlands,
mortgage shall control in the fiduciary pursuant to Mass. R. Massachusetts 02461-0389,
event of an error in this Civ. P. Rule 5. within thirty (30) days from the
publication. TIME WILL WITNESS, Catherine P. date of sale. Deed will be
BE OF THE ESSENCE. Sabaitis, Esquire, First Justice provided to purchaser for
of said Court at Plymouth this recording upon receipt in full of
Other terms if any, to be 3rd day of November, 2009. the purchase price. The
description of the premises
announced at the sale.
Robert E. McCarthy contained in said mortgage shall
Register of Probate control in the event of an error in
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 15

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
this publication. stated in deed in Book 2231 subject to and with the benefit NOTICE OF unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax
Page 183. Subject to of all easements, restrictions, MORTGAGEE'S liens, water and sewer liens
Other terms, if any, to be restrictions as stated in deed leases, tenancies, and rights of and any other municipal
announced at the sale. in Book 1211 Page 183. possession, building and SALE OF assessments or liens or
Subject to easement granted zoning laws, encumbrances, REAL ESTATE existing encumbrances of
to Plymouth County Electric condominium liens, if any record which are in force and
Company dated December 27, and all other claim in the By virtue and in execution are applicable, having priority
Present holder of said 1950 and recorded in Book nature of liens, if any there of the Power of Sale over said mortgage, whether
mortgage 2158 Page 363. Subject to be. contained in a certain or not reference to such
easement granted to Plymouth In the event that the mortgage given by Robert D. restrictions, easements,
By its County Electric Co. dated successful bidder at the Perry and Lisa M. Perry to improvements, liens or
Attorneys, January 19, 1966 and foreclosure sale shall default Citizens Mortgage encumbrances is made in the
HARMON LAW recorded in Book 3271 Page in purchasing the within Corporation, dated December deed.
OFFICES, P.C. 508. Subject to taking for the described property according 6, 2002 and recorded with TERMS OF SALE:
150 California Street relocation of Chandler Street to the terms of this Notice of the Plymouth County A deposit of Fifteen
Newton, MA 02458 recorded in Book 2684 Page Sale and/or the terms of the Registry of Deeds at Book Thousand ($15,000.00)
(617) 558-0500 351. Subject to taking for Memorandum of Sale 23609, Page 239, of which Dollars by certified or bank
200906-1251 - ORE
relocation of Chandler Street executed at the time of mortgage US Bank National check will be required to be
NOTICE OF recorded in Book 3912 Page foreclosure, the Mortgagee Association as successor paid by the purchaser at the
MORTGAGEE'S 243. Being the same premises reserves the right to sell the Trustee to Wachovia Bank, time and place of sale. The
SALE OF conveyed to these mortgagors property by foreclosure deed National Association, as balance is to be paid by
by deed of Jonathan D. Bogen to the second highest bidder, Trustee for Wells Fargo Asset certified or bank check at
REAL ESTATE and Cheryl C. Bogen dated providing that said second Securities Corporation, Harmon Law Offices, P.C.,
October 30, 2003 and highest bidder shall deposit Mortgage Pass-Through 150 California Street,
By virtue and in execution recorded with the Plymouth with the Mortgagee's Certificates Series Newton, Massachusetts
of the Power of Sale County Registry of Deeds in attorneys, DOONAN, 2005-AR16 is the present 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box
contained in a certain Book 26916 at Page 112. GRAVES, & LONGORIA holder, for breach of the 610389, Newton Highlands,
mortgage given by Joseph A. Subject to and with the L.L.C., 100 Cummings conditions of said mortgage Massachusetts 02461-0389,
Millis, Jr., Andrea M. Millis benefit of easements, Center, Suite 225D, Beverly, and for the purpose of within thirty (30) days from
to Mortgage Electronic reservation, restrictions, and Massachusetts, 01915, the foreclosing, the same will be the date of sale. Deed will be
Registration Systems, Inc., as taking of record, if any, amount of the required sold at Public Auction at 2:00 provided to purchaser for
nominee for New Century insofar as the same are now in deposit as set forth herein p.m. on December 4, 2009, on recording upon receipt in full
Mortgage Corporation dated force and applicable. within three (3) business days the mortgaged premises of the purchase price. The
November 16, 2006, recorded In the event of any after written notice of the located at 267 Kings Town description of the premises
with the Plymouth County typographical error set forth default of the previous highest Way, Duxbury, Plymouth contained in said mortgage
Registry of Deeds in Book herein in the legal description bidder and title shall be County, Massachusetts, all shall control in the event of an
33716, Page 266 of which of the premises, the conveyed to the said second and singular the premises error in this publication.
mortgage the undersigned is description as set forth and highest bidder within thirty described in said mortgage, Other terms, if any, to be
the present holder for breach contained in the mortgage (30) days of said written TO WIT: announced at the sale.
of conditions of said shall control by reference. notice. Lot B as shown on a plan US BANK NATIONAL
mortgage and for the purpose This property has the If the second highest of land entitled “Plan of Land ASSOCIATION AS
of foreclosing the same will address of 588 Chandler bidder declines to purchase in Duxbury, MA prepared for SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO
be sold at PUBLIC Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 the within described property, Gerald R. White, Trustee, WACHOVIA BANK,
AUCTION at 2:00 P.M. on Together with all the the Mortgagee reserves the Scale: 1'=50', December 6, NATIONAL
December 7, 2009, on the improvements now or right to purchase the within 2000, Vautrinot Land ASSOCIATION, AS
mortgaged premises. The hereafter erected on the described property at the Surveying, Inc. Engineers & TRUSTEE FOR WELLS
entire mortgaged premises, all property and all easements, amount bid by the second Land Surveyors”, being Plan FARGO ASSET
and singular, the premises as rights, appurtenances, rents, highest bidder. No. 32 of 2001 and recorded SECURITIES
described in said mortgage: royalties, mineral, oil and gas The foreclosure deed and with Plymouth County CORPORATION,
That certain parcel of land rights and profits, water rights the consideration paid by the Registry of Deeds in Plan MORTGAGE
with the buildings thereon and stock and all fixtures now successful bidder shall be Book 44, Page 167. Being a PASS-THROUGH
situated in Duxbury, or hereafter a part of the held in escrow by DOONAN, portion of the land granted to CERTIFICATES SERIES
Plymouth County, property. All replacements GRAVES, & LONGORIA grantor in a deed dated 2005-AR16
Massachusetts, on the and additions shall also be L.L.C., (hereinafter called the February 9, 2001 and Present holder of said
Northwesterly side of covered by this sale. "Escrow Agent") until the recorded at the Plymouth mortgage
Chandler Street and being Terms of Sale: Said deed shall be released from County Registry of Deeds at
shown as Lot 3 on a plan premises will be sold subject escrow to the successful Book 19358, Page 202. By its Attorneys,
entitled “Plan of Land in to any and all unpaid taxes bidder at the same time as the For mortgagor's(s') title see HARMON LAW
Duxbury, Mass.”, drawn for and assessments, tax sales, tax consideration is released to deed recorded with Plymouth OFFICES, P.C.
Robert G. White, dated titles and other municipal the Mortgagee, thirty (30) County Registry of Deeds in 150 California Street
September 27, 1983 by liens and water or sewer liens days after the date of sale, Book 23609, Page 238. Newton, MA 02458
Vantrinot & Webby Co., and State or County transfer whereupon all obligations of These premises will be (617) 558-0500
Engineers and Land fees, if any there are, and the Escrow Agent shall be sold and conveyed subject to 200905-1527 - BLU
Surveyors, duly recorded with TEN THOUSAND deemed to have been properly and with the benefit of all
Plymouth County Registry of DOLLARS ($10,000.00) in fulfilled and the Escrow rights, rights of way,
Deeds in Plan Book 24 Page cashier's or certified check Agent shall be discharged. restrictions, easements,
289, the said Lot 3 being will be required to be paid by Other terms to be covenants, liens or claims in
bounded and described as the purchaser at the time and announced at the sale. the nature of liens,
follows: Easterly by Chandler place of the sale as a deposit Dated: November 2, 2009, improvements, public
Street, 223.61 feet; Southerly and the balance in cashier's or Deutsche Bank National Trust assessments, any and all
by Lots 4 and 2 as shown on certified check will be due in Company, as Trustee under
said plan, 272.48 feet; thirty (30) days, at the offices Pooling and Servicing
Westerly by Lot 2 as shown of Doonan, Graves & Agreement dated as of May 1,
on said plan, 175.00 feet; Longoria, LLC, 100 2007 Securitized
Northerly by Lot 2 as shown Cummings Center, Suite Asset-Backed Receivables
on said plan, 174.28 feet. Lot 225D, Beverly, MA 01915, LLC Trust 2007-BR3
3 containing 1.004 acres of time being of the essence. Mortgage Pass-Through
land according to said plan. The Mortgagee reserves Certificates, Series
Subject to a right of way of the right to postpone the sale 2007-BR3, By: Reneau
the Plymouth County Electric to a later date by public Longoria. Esq., DOONAN,
Company as shown on plan proclamation at the time and GRAVES, & LONGORIA
entitled “Plan of Land in date appointed for the sale LLC, 100 Cummings Center,
Duxbury to be conveyed by and to further postpone at any Suite 225D, Beverly, MA
Alice H. Carside to H. adjourned sale-date by public 01915, 978-921-2670,
Edward Murray” dated proclamation at the time and www.dgandl.com
August 15, 1952 and recorded date appointed for the (2337.36/Millis)(11/11/09,
with said Plymouth Deeds in adjourned sale date. 11/18/09, 11/25/09)(176762)
Plan Book 9 and Page 54 and The premises is to be sold
16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
NOTICE OF restrictions, easements, MORTGAGEE’S check or bank treasurer’s plan entitled " Division of
covenants, liens or claims in check will be required to be
MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF SALE delivered at or before the time
Land for Thomas E. Gallant
the nature of liens, in Duxbury, Mass. " dated
SALE OF improvements, public OF REAL ESTATE the bid is offered. The January 29, 1980, Cattley
REAL ESTATE assessments, any and all successful bidder will be & Golmore Engineering,
unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax By virtue and in execution required to execute a which plan is filed with the
By virtue and in execution liens, water and sewer liens of the Power of Sale Foreclosure Sale Agreement Plymouth Regislry of
of the Power of Sale and any other municipal contained in a certain immediately after the close of Deeds in Plan Book 21,
contained in a certain assessments or liens or Mortgage given by David F. the bidding. The balance of Page 458, as plan No. 98 of
mortgage given by Anne existing encumbrances of Call and Linda M. Call to the purchase price shall be 1980.
Marie Roddy-Shea and John record which are in force and Mortgage Electronic paid within thirty (30) days Meaning and intending to
J. Shea to Mortgage are applicable, having priority Registration Systems, Inc., from the sale date in the form describe and convey the
Electronic Registration over said mortgage, whether dated June 2, 2003 and of a certified check, bank premises conveyed by deed
Systems, Inc., dated April 20, or not reference to such recorded with the Plymouth treasurer’s check or other recorded in the Plymouth
2007 and recorded with the restrictions, easements, County Registry of Deeds at check satisfactory to County Registry of Deeds
Plymouth County Registry of improvements, liens or Book 25371, Page 55 of Mortgagee’s attorney. The in Book 26386, Page 73
Deeds at Book 34434, Page encumbrances is made in the which the Mortgage the Mortgagee reserves the right The premises are to be sold
80, of which mortgage U.S. deed. undersigned is the present to bid at the sale, to reject any subject to and with the benefit
Bank, National Association, TERMS OF SALE: holder for breach of the and all bids, to continue the of all easements, restrictions,
as successor trustee to Bank A deposit of Ten Thousand conditions of said Mortgage sale and to amend the terms building and zoning laws,
of America, N.A. as successor ($10,000.00 ) Dollars by and for the purpose of of the sale by written or oral unpaid taxes, tax titles, water
by merger to LaSalle Bank certified or bank check will foreclosing same will be sold announcement made before or bills, municipal liens and
N.A., as Trustee for Merrill be required to be paid by the at Public Auction at 03:00 during the foreclosure sale. If assessments, rights of tenants
Lynch First Franklin purchaser at the time and PM on December 3, 2009 at the sale is set aside for any and parties in possession.
Mortgage Loan Trust, place of sale. The balance is 54 Simmons Drive, Duxbury, reason, the Purchaser at the TERMS OF SALE:
Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed to be paid by certified or bank MA, all and singular the sale shall be entitled only to a A deposit of FIVE
Certificates, Series 2007-4 is check at Harmon Law premises described in said return of the deposit paid. THOUSAND DOLLARS
the present holder, for breach Offices, P.C., 150 California Mortgage, to wit: The purchaser shall have no AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00)
of the conditions of said Street, Newton, Closing date: June 2, further recourse against the in the form of a certified
mortgage and for the purpose Massachusetts 02458, or by 2003 Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or check or bank treasurer’s
of foreclosing, the same will mail to P.O. Box 610389, Borrower(s): David F. Call the Mortgagee’s attorney. check will be required to be
be sold at Public Auction at Newton Highlands, Linda M. Call The description of the delivered at or before the time
1:00 p.m. on December 4, Massachusetts 02461-0389, Property Address: 54 premises contained in said the bid is offered. The
2009, on the mortgaged within thirty (30) days from Simmons Drive, Duxbury, mortgage shall control in the successful bidder will be
premises located at 435 Bay the date of sale. Deed will be Massachusetts 02332 event of an error in this required to execute a
Road, Duxbury, Plymouth provided to purchaser for That certain parcel of land, publication. TIME WILL Foreclosure Sale Agreement
County, Massachusetts, all recording upon receipt in full together with the buildings BE OF THE ESSENCE. immediately after the close of
and singular the premises of the purchase price. The thereon, situated in Duxbury, the bidding. The balance of
described in said mortgage, description of the premises Plymouth County, Other terms if any, to be the purchase price shall be
TO WIT: contained in said mortgage Massachusetts, being shown announced at the sale. paid within thirty (30) days
A certain parcel of land, shall control in the event of an as Lot 49 on a plan entitled Mortgage Electronic from the sale date in the form
together with the buildings error in this publication. "Weston Farm Plan of Land Registration Systems, Inc. of a certified check, bank
and other improvements Other terms, if any, to be in Duxbury, Mass." dated Present Holder of said treasurer’s check or other
thereon, known as and announced at the sale. April 15, 1983, revised Mortgage, check satisfactory to
numbered 435 on Bay Road U.S. BANK, NATIONAL October 18, 1983 and March By Its Attorneys, Mortgagee’s attorney. The
in Duxbury, Massachusetts, ASSOCIATION, AS 7, 1984, by R. C. Southwick Orlans Moran PLLC Mortgagee reserves the right
and being shown as LOT 3 on SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO & Assoc., Engineers & Land P.O. Box 962169 to bid at the sale, to reject any
plan entitled ''Corrected Plan BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Surveyors, duly recorded with Boston, MA 02196 and all bids, to continue the
of Land — Bay Road in AS SUCCESSOR BY Plymouth County Registry of Phone: (617) 502-4100 sale and to amend the terms
Duxbury, Massachusetts'' MERGER TO LASALLE Deeds as Plan No. 385 of of the sale by written or oral
dated April 18, 2000, as BANK N.A., AS TRUSTEE 1984 in Plan Book 24, Page (285.8965/Call)(11/11/09, announcement made before or
revised May 4, 2000, by FOR MERRILL LYNCH 610, the said Lot 49 being 11/18/09, 11/25/09)(177568) during the foreclosure sale. If
Aaberg Associates Inc, FIRST FRANKLIN bounded and described as the sale is set aside for any
recorded with the Plymouth MORTGAGE LOAN follows:
reason, the Purchaser at the
County Registry in Plan Book TRUST, MORTGAGE SOUTHERLY by NOTICE OF SALE sale shall be entitled only to a
43, Plan 780, to which plan LOAN ASSET-BACKED Orchard Land, 20.00 feet; OF REAL ESTATE return of the deposit paid.
reference is hereby made for a CERTIFICATES, SERIES NORTHWESTERLY The purchaser shall have no
more particular description. 2007-4 Westerly, Northerly and again further recourse against the
By virtue and in execution
For title reference see deed Present holder of said Westerly by Lot 48 as shown Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or
of the Power of Sale
recorded in Book 18767, Page mortgage on said plan, 22.96 feet, the Mortgagee’s attorney.
contained in a certain
243 on 8/7/2000. 110.00 feet, 55.00 feet and The description of the
Mortgage given by Patrick J.
For mortgagor's(s') title see By its Attorneys, 202.09 feet, respectively; premises contained in said
Downey to Sovereign Bank,
deed recorded with Plymouth HARMON LAW NORTHERLY by Church mortgage shall control in the
dated April 29, 2004 and
County Registry of Deeds in OFFICES P.C. Street, 198.75 feet; event of an error in this
recorded with the Plymouth
Book 18767, Page 243. 150 California Street SOUTHEASTERLY publication. TIME WILL
County Registry of Deeds at
These premises will be Newton, MA 02458 Southerly and Easterly by Lot BE OF THE ESSENCE.
Book 28139, Page 119 of
sold and conveyed subject to 50 as shown on said plan, which the Mortgage the
and with the benefit of all (617) 558-0500 214.03 feet, 150.00 feet and Other terms if any, to be
undersigned is the present
rights, rights of way, 200901-0356 - RED 124.43 feet, respectively. announced at the sale.
holder for breach of the
The said Lot 49 containing, conditions of said Mortgage
according to said plan 30,660 and for the purpose of Sovereign Bank
3TAIRS square feet of land. For title foreclosing same will be sold Present Holder of said
#HIMNEYS see Deed in Book 16107, at Public Auction at 02:00 Mortgage,
Page 047. By Its Attorneys,
&IREPLACES The premises are to be sold
PM on December 10, 2009 at
Orlans Moran PLLC
1515 Tremont Street,
6ENEERS subject to and with the benefit Duxbury, MA, all and P.O. Box 962169
2EPAIRS of all easements, restrictions, singular the premises Boston, MA 02196
building and zoning laws, described in said Mortgage, to Phone: (617) 502-4100
2EPOINTING unpaid taxes, tax titles, water (484.0321/Downey)
"ARBEQUES bills, municipal liens and Property Address: 1515 (11/18/09, 11/25/09,
assessments, rights of tenants Tremont St. Duxbury, 12/02/09)(178306)
and parties in possession. Massachusetts 02332
TERMS OF SALE: A certain parcel of land in
A deposit of FIVE Duxbury, Plymouth County,
Massachusetts, on the easterly
side of Tremont
 in the form of a certified Street, being lot B on a
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Duxbury Clipper 17


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For a wealth of reasons
20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We are pleased to announce that

the works of local artist
John Young will be featured
at our office beginning Nov.28.
A New Market
Please join us for an
opening reception A New Approach
Nov. 28th from 5-7 pm.

Featured Listings
A New Vantage Point

Homes of the Week

139 Cross Street

54 Bay Pond Road

OH SUN 1-3 Redefining Duxbury’s traditional waterfront
There’s still time to take advantage of
the first time home buyers tax credit! home! Relaxed elegance & stunning
Completely remodeled home includes
3 bedrooms, 2 full baths and over
waterviews from every room. Superior design
2,000 sq.ft. of living space. and craftsmanship makes this the perfect wa-
$489,000 terfront property. Includes 2 moorings, boat-
118 Enterprise St. house with roof deck and inground pool.
Duxbury $3,495,000

31 Crescent Street Duxbury

Spectacular Standish Shore home set up high
OH SUN 1-3 and private from the street. This home features
Lovely private setting…very open floor 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, over 2,000 sq.ft. of liv-
plan in this lovely cape.Cathedral
ceilings on second floor w/open ing space and sits on 1.56 acre retreat lot.
loft area.Gorgeous all glass 4
season conservatory.

225 Lincoln Street U:G-7

28 Cedar Street Duxbury
Wonderful village property within walking
distance to school complex, pool, library and
beaches. Winter views of the Blue Fish River!
Home features 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths and
Elegant town home offers three levels of 2,900 sq.ft. of living space.
gracious living. Custom, top quality updates
throughout- granite, ss appliances, tumbled $799,900
marble, recessed lighting, crown moldings,
hardwood floors and berber carpet.
A must see!


Kerin Caieiro Alice Luscko

Jean Cohen
Margaret Dawson
Robin Markella
Nancy McBride
22 Depot Street, Duxbury • 781-934-2588
Alison Davidson Kate Nelson 99 Derby Street, Hingham • 781-749-0778
Faith DiBona
Trish Doyle
Susan O’Brien
Jim Roche
327 Washington Street, Norwell • 781-659-2599
Martha Lane
Mary Leahy
Sheri Sibley www.VPrealtyadvisors.com

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