Mark Scheme P2 (Structure)
Mark Scheme P2 (Structure)
Mark Scheme P2 (Structure)
PAPER 2 [4551/2]
No. Marking Criteria / Sample Answers Marks
(b) P : Filaments 1
Q: Spiracles 1 2
(c) (R is ring of chitin which) support the tracheal / prevent the tracheal 1
from collapsing.
Diagram 1.2(b)
P1: The large number of tracheoles provides a large surface for the
diffusion of gases.
P2: Tip of tracheoles have thin permeable walls and contain fluid in
which respiratory gases can dissolve.
P3:Terminal ends of the tracheol remains moist which allows the
gases to be dissolved. 1
Any 1P
(e) (i) P1:( The gaseous exchange process occurs over the whole body 1
surface in an Amoeba sp) through simple diffusion.
P2:Higher concentration of oxygen in the water surrounding causes 1
oxygen to diffuse into the Amoeba.
P3:Higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the cell causes carbon 1
dioxide to diffuse out of the Amoeba.
Any 2P 2
(ii) S: Contractile vacuole 1
(iii) F : No 1
P1 : Plant cell consists of cell wall 1
P2 : Cell wall is made up of cellulose 1 2
// Cell wall able to withstand the pressure.
Any 2
Total 12
(c) P1: Deamination.// The amino group is removed (from amino acid)/ 1
converted to ammonia .
P2: (Ammonia) is converted to urea. 1
P3: urea will be excreted through the kidneys. 1 2
Any 2 Ps
(d) L1: A major energy reserve in the body// 1
L2: (phospholipids are) components of the plasma membrane// 1
L3: Lipids is used as a respiratory substrate// 1
L4: Excess fats are stored in adipose tissues (under the skin, around 1
internal organs)
Any 1L
A1:Amino acids are used in protein synthesis// 1
A2:For repair and production of new protoplasm/growth and repair// 1
A3:Used in the formation of enzymes/ some hormones/protein part of 1
haemoglobin/ antibodies
Any 1A
Total 12
4 (a)
Any two
(ii) P1: Cut the supply of O2/ nutrients to the heart muscle 1
P2: causing chest pain / angina / heart attack / myocardial infarction 1 2
Reject ‘Heart problem’
(e) (i) P1: platelets break down and release chemicals 1
P2: to cause platelets to stick to each other 1
P3: platelets clump together to form a plug to prevent blood loss . 1
P4: released thrombokinase and other clotting factors 1 2
Any 2P
Total 12
(c) F : Commensalism 1
P1 : Shark is the host / neither gain any benefit nor harmed. 1
P2 : Remora benefits 1
P3 : Remora obtain protection / food / transport from the shark. 1 3
Any 3
Total 12