Biologi K2 Jawapan

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1 a i Able to name structure P,Q and R
P: Phospolipidbylayer 3
Q: Pore protein
R: Carier protein
ii Able to explain the process that occur at Q and R
Sample answer:
At Q
P1: Fascilitated diffusion
P2 : From high concentration to low concentration Any 2
P3: No energy needed

P1: Active transport
P2: From low concentration to high concentration
P3: Needs energy Any 2

b. Able to explain the effect of high level of glucose on red

blood cells
Sample answer:
P1: RBC crenates
P2: RBC in hypertonic solution//high level of sugar
P3: Water from RBC diffuse out Any 3
P4: By osmosis
c Able to explain the effect of marine fish in freshwater
Sample answer:
P1: Freshwater pond is hypotonic to the cell sap of the
P2: Water diffuse in by osmosis Any 2
P3: Cells (fish) become turgid and burst
P4: Fish die


2. (a) (i)
Able to label P and R 1
P: Trakea 1 2
P: Trachea
R: Spirake
R: Spiracle
(ii) Able to name the system 1 1
Tracheal system
(b) Able to state the one similarity and difference of 1

structure P

1 2
Kedua-duadinding P terdiridaripada
Both walls of P consists of rings to strengthen it

Dinding P padaseranggaterdiridaripadagelangkitin
manakala P padamanusiaterdiridaripadagelang
The wall of P in insect consists of chitin ring while P in
humans consists of cartilage ring.
(c) Able to explain how structures Q and S increase the 1
efficientcy of gaseous exchange in each organism

Sample Answer:
F1: Terdiridaripada (berjuta-juta) alveolus
dalampeparudanbanyaktiubtrakea / trakeol/
lapisannipis / 1 seltebal
F1 : Consists of (millions of) alveoli in lungs and many
tracheal tubes/ tracheole/ thin layer/ 1 cell thick 1

P1: untukmeningkatkannisbahjumlahluaspermukaan
per isipadupertukaran gas
P1 : to increase total surface area per volume ratio for 1 2
gaseous exchange
F2: Permukaandalaman alveolus
danakhirtrakeolmengandungibendalirtisu /
F2 : The inner surface of alveolus and tracheoles end
consists of tissue fluid/ moisture
P2: untukmemberikanpermukaanlembapbagiresapan
gas / untukmelarutkanoksigen / gas bagiresapan
P2 : to provide moist surface for gas diffusion/ to
dissolve oxygen/ gases for diffusion

(mana-mana F yang berpadanandengan P/ any F with

corresponding P)
(d) Able to explain how air is inhale 1

Sample Answer: 1
P1: olehpergerakan (beritma) otot abdomen
P1 : by (rhythmic) movements of the abdominal
P2: mengurangkantekananudara di dalamtrakea, 1 2

P2 : decreasing of air pressure inside trachea , (so
that air is drawn in)
P3: gas meresapkedalamsel (S)
P3 : gases diffuse into the cells (S)
(mana-manadua/ any two)
(e) Able to explain why a mountain climber need to wear
an oxygen mask

P1: High altitude /mountain less oxygen/less air/low 1

atmospheric pressure
P2: Low partial pressure in the alveolus//difficult to 1
P3: Less oxygen in the blood 1
4: Equipment to supply oxygen to the person 1



3 a


b Able to explain light reaction and dark reaction:

Sample Answer:
i) Light reaction

P1 :energy from the sun is absorbed by the chlorophyll

P2: to split the water molecule into hydroxyl ions and
hydrogen ions
P3 : this process is called photolysis of water
P4 : hydroxyl ion releases an electron and combine with
each other
P5: to form hydroxyl group
P6 : hydrogen ions combine with electrons released from
the chlorophyll
P7: to form hydrogen atoms

Able to explain the effect of enzyme ATPase inhibitor on

the dark reaction.

ii) P1 : Enzyme ATPase inhibitors will bind to the active
sites of the enzyme
P2 : The enzyme will not be able to function
P3 : ATP is not produced
P4 : Therefore the dark reaction cannot be carried on
(because there is no ATP produced from the light

c Able to explain the relationship between light intensity

and rate of photosynthesis at compensation point.

Sample answer:
P1 : The rate of photosynthesis is equal to the rate of
P2 : at this point of light intensity ,the exchange of gases
Any 2
is at equilibrium
P3 : the carbon dioxide released during respiration is
equal to the carbon dioxide used up during



4 Able to explain the development of the zygote to form X
Sample Answer:
P1 :Zygote undergoes repeated mitosis 2 max
P2:To form a solid ball of cells
P3: Named morulla

(b)(i) Able to explain the malfunction of structure P

Sample answer: 1
P1:Structure P is placenta
P2: Placenta fails to produce progesterone 1
P3:Causes regression of the endometrium 1
P4: Thickness of endometrium cannot be maintained
1 2 max
thus leads to miscarriage
(b)(ii) Able to explain how this method works to prevent
Sample answer: 1
P1:IUCD is implanted in the endometrium / lining of
P2:Prevent implantation of the embryo// not
favourable for implantation of embryo
1 2
P3: Temporary/can be remove

Able to describe the formation of the twins
Sample answer:
P1:Fertilization of an(one) ovum by a(one) sperm
P2:Forms one zygote 1
P3:The zygote undergo mitosis and separates to
form two embryo
P4: But a part of the embryo did not separate
P5: The embryo develope into a pair of conjoined /
1 4 max
siamese twins
(d) Able to state the differences between identical twins
and fraternal twins
Sample answer:
P1:Identical twins have the same genetic
composition while fraternal twins have different
genetic composition
P2: Identical twins formed by fertilisation of one ovum
and one sperm while fraternal twins formed by 1
fertilisation of two ova and two sperms
P3: Identical twins originate from one zygote while
fraternal twins originate from two zygotes
P4: Identical twins share the same placenta while
fraternal twins have separate placenta
P5: Identical twins share the same physical
characteristics while fraternal twins have different 1 2 max
physical characteristics
Jumlah 12 m


5 a Able to state the genotype of the offspring: 4 - 2m
3-2 - 1m
Genotype: A B A O O O
Genotip: I I B O
b Able to explain the phenotypic ratio: 2m

P1: Phenotypic ratio is 1:1:1:1

Nisbahfenotipialah 1:1:1:1

P2: Multiple allele// IA, IB, IO


P3: Alleles IA and IB are dominant to allele IO which

is recessive
Alel IAdan IBadalah dominon kepada alel IO
adalah resesif

P4 : Alleles IA and IB are codominant / expressed
equally in phenotype of heterozygous
Alel IAdan IBadalahkodominon / diekspresikan
sama kuat dalam fenotip heterozigot

c i Able to state the blood group: 1 mark

Universal donor: O
Penderma universal: O
ii Answer: 1 mark
Universal recipient: AB
Penerima universal: AB
iii Able to explain why blood group O as universal donor Any 2
Sample Answer:
P1: (Blood group O) have no antigen on its RBC
P2: with antibody anti A and B
P3: No agglutination

di Able to explain the problem that will arise: 3 marks

Sample answer:
P1: Anti-Rhesus antibody level rises / is high in
PuanSitis / the maternal bloodstream
Aras antibodi anti-Rhesus meningkat /
bertambah dalam aliran darah PuanSiti / ibu

P2: May cross the placenta

Akan merentasi plasenta

P3: and causes agglutination / hemolysis of the fetal

red blood cells
Dan menyebabkan sel darah merah fetus
beraglutinasi / hemolisis

P4: erythroblastosisfetalis / haemolytic disease

occurs on the foetus
fetusmengalamieritroblastosisfetalis /

P5: Foetus suffers severe anemia / jaundice / heart /

liver / brain damage // stillborn // Baby dies
within the first few days
Fetus mengalami anemia kronik / demam
kuning / kegagalan jantung / hati / otak // Bayi
dilahirkanmati //

ii Able to suggest one prevention 1 mark

Sample answer:
P1: Genetic counselling
Kaunseling genetik

P2: If the father is a Rhesus positive, the mother is
given an injection of ready-made anti-Rhesus
antibodies / Rh immune globulin within 72 hours of
delivering her first Rhesus positive baby
Jika bapa adalah Rhesus positif, ibu diberi
suntikan anti-Rhesus antibody sedia ada / Rh imun
globulin dalam jangka masa 72 jam selepas bayi
Rhesus positif pertama dilahirkan

P3: Blood transfusion to the foetus / newborn baby

Pemindahan darah kepada fetus / bayi yang
baru dilahirkan


No Peraturan Pemarkahan Markah

6. (a) In the root:
Dalam akar:

E1: Soil water is hypotonic to the cell sap of the root hair. 1
Air tanah adalah hipotonik kepada sap sel akar rerambut.
E2: Water diffuse into the root hair cell by osmosis. 1
Air meresap ke dalam sel akar rerambut secara osmosis.
E3: The root hair cell becomes hypotonic to the adjacent cells. 1
Sel akar rerarmbut menjadi hipotonik kepada sel-sel bersebelahan.
E4: Water moves from cell to cell in the cortex until it reaches the endodermis.// any 1
suitable explaination
Air bergerak dari sel ke sel dalam korteks sehingga sampai ke endodermis.// jawapan
E5: Water diffuse (from vacuole and cytoplasm) into the xylem vessel.
Air meresap (dari vakuol dan sitoplasma) ke dalam salur xilem.
E6: Root pressure is produced.
Tekanan akar terhasil. Max: 3

In the stem:
Di dalam batang:
E7: Water moves up the xylem vessel by capillary action.
Air meresap naik dalam salur xilem secara tindakan kapilari. 1
E8: (As the result of the) cohesive force between the water molecules.
(Disebabkan oleh) daya lekitan antara molekul air. 1
E9: (and) adhesive force between water molecule and wall of xylem vessel.
(dan) daya lekatan antara molekul air dengan dinding salur xilem. 1
E10: Xilem vessel consist of long, narrow and hollow tube.
Salur xilem terdiri daripada tiub yang panjang, sempit dan berongga. 1
E11: (which) form a continuous colomn of water (upward).
(yang) membentuk turus air yang berterusan (ke atas). Max: 3

6. (b)

During the day: During the night:

Pada waktu siang: Pada waktu malam:
F1: Light stimulates photosynthesis in F1: Photosynthesis does not occur
the guard cells. Fotosintesis tidak berlaku
Cahaya merangsang fotosintesis dalam
sel pengawal. 1

E1: Glucose (from photosynthesis) is E1: Glucose is not produced.

used to produced energy for active Glukosa tidak terhasil.
Glukosa (daripada fotosintesis)
digunakan untuk menghasilkan tenaga 1
bagi pengangkutan aktif.

F2: Active transport of potassium ion F2: Active transport of potassium ion
into guard cells occurs (from into guard cells does not occurs
adjacent cells) Pengangkutan aktif ion kalium ke
Pengangkutan aktif ion kalium ke dalam sel pengawal tidak berlaku
dalam sel pengawal berlaku (dari sel-
sel yang berdekatan)

E2: Guard cells become hypertonic E2: Guard cells become hypotonic 1
Sel pengawal menjadi hipertonik Sel pengawal menjadi hipotonik

F3: Water diffuse into guard cells via F3: Less water diffuse into guard cells 1
osmosis via osmosis
Air meresap masuk ke dalam sel Air kurang meresap masuk ke dalam
pengawal secara osmosis. sel pengawal
E3: Guard cells become turgid E3: Guard cells become flaccid 1
Sel pengawal menjadi segah Sel pengawal menjadi flasid

F4: Stoma opens F4: Stoma closes 1

Stoma terbuka Stoma tertutup

E4: Guard cells bend outward because E4: Guard cells back to its original 1
the cell wall has different thickness shape
Sel pengawal melengkung disebabkan Sel pengawal kembali ke bentuk asal
ketebalan dinding sel yang tidak sama
Max: 6
6. (c) E1: High hydrostatic pressure at the end of arteriole and capillary 1
Tekanan hidrostatik yang tinggi di hujung arteriol dan kapilari
E2: forces the blood constituent to diffuse out through the capillary into the space 1
between the cell (to form interstitial fluid)
memaksa kandungan darah meresap keluar melalui kapilari ke ruang antara sel
(membentuk bendalir tisu).
E3: 90% of the interstitial fluid diffuse into the capillary again 1
90% bendalir tisu meresap ke dalam kapilari darah semula
E4: other 10% interstitial fluid will diffuse into lymph capillaries forming lymph 1
10% lagi bendalir tisu meresap ke dalam kapilari limfa membentuk bendalir limfa

E5: Lymph will diffuse into larger lymphatic vessel 1
Bendalir limfa akan meresap ke dalam salur limfa yang lebih besar
E6: Lymphatic vessels have valves 1
Salur limfa mempunyai injap
E7: to prevent back flow of lymph 1
untuk mengelakkan aliran limfa berpatah balik
E8: Lymph is then flow into thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct. 1
Limfa seterusnya akan mengalir ke duktus toraks dan duktus limfa kanan.
E9: Lymph will flow into the blood at left and right subclavian veins. 1
Limfa akan dialirkan ke dalam darah di vena subkalvikel kiri dan kanan.
E10: Bloods mixed with the lymph flow into vena cava 1
Darah yang bercampur dengan limfa ini masuk ke vena kava.
E11: This will maintain the composition, volume and blood preasure at a normal
Keadaan ini menyebabkan komposisi, isi padu dan tekanan darah dapat dikekalkan
pada paras normal
Max: 8

7. (a) P1: Auxin is produced in the apical meristem at the tips of the shoots 1
Auksin dihasilkan di meristem apeks hujung pucuk
P2: Move down to the region of cell elongation. 1
Bergerak ke bawah, ke zon pemanjangan.
P3: Stimulate cell elongation. 1
Merangsang pemanjangan sel.
P4: Auxin move away from light/ accumulate on the shade side. 1
Auksin menjauhi cahaya/ berkumpul di kawasan teduh.
P5: Uneven distribution of auxin 1
Taburan auksin yang tidak sekata
P6: Cells in shaded area elongate more and faster than the cells on the brighter side. 1
Sel di kawasan teduh memanjang lebih banyak dan cepat daripada sel di kawasan
P7: Resulting in the shoot bending towards the light
Menyebabkan hujung pucuk tumbuh ke arah cahaya. 1
P8: It is called positive phototropisme
Dipanggil fototropisme positif 1

Max: 6

7. (b) Diabetes incipidus:

Diabetes insipidus:

P1: Cause by lack of antidiuretic hormone 1

Disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon antidiuresis
P2: Less water being reabsorbed in renal tube 1
Kurang air diserap semula di tubul ginjal
P3: Urine is produced in large quantities and often. 1
Air kencing dihasilkan dalam jumlah yang banyak dan kerap
P4: Body lost a lot of water// dehydration 1
Badan kehilangan banyak air

Diabetes mellitus:
Diabetes mellitus:

P5: Cause by lack of insulin hormone 1

Disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin
P6: Excess glucose is not converted into glycogen 1
Glukosa berlebihan tidak ditukarkan kepada glikogen
P7: Blood glucose level increase 1
Aras glukosa dalam darah menjadi tinggi
P8: Glucose is excreted in the urine 1
Glukosa disingkirkan dalam air kencing
Max: 6

7. (c) Similarities:
S1: Height of man and length of nympha/ cockroach increase by time
Ketinggian manusia dan nimfa/ lipas meningkat dengan masa 1
S3: Both shows constant growth during adult
Kedua-duanya menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang malar semasa dewasa. 1
Man Cockroach
Manusia Lipas
Form sigmoid graph Form series of stair growth curve 1
Membentuk graf sigmoid Membentuk graf berbentuk tangga
The height is measured yearly The height is measured daily 1
Ketinggian diukur secara tahunan Ketinggian diukur secara harian
Have endoskeleton Have exoskeleton 1
Mempunyai rangka dalam Mempunyai rangka luar
Curve has three different phase Five nymphal stages
Lengkung mempunyai tiga fasa berbeza Lima peringkat nimfa
No sudden growth Sudden growth during ecdysis
Tiada pertumbuhan serta-merta Pertumbuhan serta- merta semasa ekdisis
Mitosis all the time Mitosis only occurs during ecdysis
Mitosis berlaku sepanjang masa Mitosis hanya berlaku semasa eksdisis 1
Continuous growth Discontinuous growth
Pertumbuhan berterusan Pertumbuhan tak berterusan 1
One/ no zero growth rate Five/ many zero growth rate
Satu/ tiada pertumbuhan sifar Lima/ banyak pertumbuhan sifar 1
Max: 8
8. (a) P1: Biological detergents using (active) enzymes for deeper cleansing action 1
Detergen biologikal menggunakan enzim (aktif) untuk tindakan pencucian yang lebih
P2: Enzymes used will reduce the rate of cleaning duration // faster cleaning 1
Enzim akan mengurangkan kadar masa pencucian// pencucian lebih cepat
P3: Protease will digest / break down/ hydrolize protein. 1
Protease akan mencerna/ mengurai/ menghidrolisis protein.
P4: Lipase will digest / hydrolize lipid and oil. 1
Lipase akan mencerna/ menghidrolisis lipid dan minyak.
P5: Amylase will digest / hydrolize starch stains on clothes. 1
Amylase akan akan mencerna/ menghidrolisis kotoran kanji pada pakaian

P6: Removal of any suitable example of stains. 1
Menanggalkan apa-apa contoh kotoran yang sesuai.
P7: The amount of enzymes used at small quantity because they are not used up / 1
destroyed (but released) at the end of reaction.
Enzim digunakan dalam jumlah yang kecil kerana tidak habis digunakan/
dimusnahkan (tetapi dibebaskan) pada hujung tindak balas.
P8: The same enzyme molecule can be reuse to catalyse a large number of substrate. 1
Molekul enzim yang sama boleh diguna semula untuk memangkinkan sejumlah besar
P9: An enzyme works best at an optimum temperature// any temperature range 1
between 30C 40 C.
Enzim bertindak balas paling baik pada suhu optimum// suhu antara 30C 40 C.
P10: An enzyme will be denatured/ destroyed at high temperature// any temperature
more than 40C.
Enzim akan ternyah asli/ dimusnahkan pada suhu tinggi// suhu melebihi 40C.
P11: Silk is made of animal protein. 1
Sutera terbentuk daripada protein haiwan.
P12: Proteins in silk will be broken down by the protease in detergent. 1
Protein dalam sutera akan diuraikan oleh protease dalam detergen.

8. (b) F1:Unbalanced diet 1

Gizi tak seimbang
E1: High intake of fats 1
Pengambilan lemak berlebihan
E2: Contain high cholesterol 1
Mengandungi kolesterol yang tinggi
E3: Can be deposited in the lumen of blood vessel 1
Boleh terenap di dalam lumen salur darah
E4: Can cause blockage in blood flow 1
Boleh menghalang pengaliran darah
E5: Can cause high blood pressure/ cardiovascular disease 1
Menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi/ penyakit kardiovaskular
E6: High intake of sugar
Pengambilan gula berlebihan
E7: Can cause diabetes mellitus
Boleh menyebabkan diabetes melitus 1
E8: Less intake of fruits and vegetables
Kurang pengambilan buah dan sayur 1
E9: Lack of vitamins and minerals
Kurang vitamin dan mineral 1
E10: Can cause disease// any suitable disease related to vitamin/ mineral deficiency
Boleh menyebabkan penyakit// penyakit berkaitan kekurangan vitamin/ mineral 1
E11: Lack of roughage
Kurang pelawas 1
E12: Can cause constipation
Boleh menyebabkan sembelit 1

Max: 10

9. (a) P1: Extensive root systems that grow to support the trees in soft muddy ground 1
Sistem akar yang tumbuh meluas untuk memberi sokongan kepada pokok-pokok di
tanah berlumpur lembut.
P2: Pneumatophores have grown vertically upwards from the main root through the 1
mud into the air
Mempunyai pneumatophores yang tumbuh menegak ke atas daripada akar utama
melalui lumpur ke udara.
P3: pneumatophores surface has many lenticels 1
permukaan pneumatofor mempunyai banyak lentisel
P4: allows the roots exchange gases with the atmosphere 1
membolehkan akar pokok menjalankan pertukaran gas dengan atmosfera
P5: There are also mangrove trees with stilt roots
Terdapat juga pokok bakau dengan akar akar jangkang
P6: to support and set the tree in the muddy soil
untuk menyokong dan menetapkan pokok di dalam tanah berlumpur. 1
P7: and help the tree to breathe
dan membantu pokok bernafas 1
P8: have lenticels on the bark
mempunyai lentisel pada kulit pokok 1
P9: has thick cuticle leaves
mempunyai daun berkutikel tebal 1
P10: Help reduce transpiration during hot weather
Membantu mengurangkan transpirasi semasa cuaca panas 1
P11: The leaves are succulent to store water
Daun yang sukulen untuk menyimpan air 1
P12: Sap root cells have a high salt content/ hypertonic
Sap sel akar mempunyai kandungan garam yang tinggi 1
P13: Osmotic pressure higher than sea water
Tekanan osmosis lebih tinggi daripada air laut 1
P14: Do not lose water through osmosis
Tidak kehilangan air melalui osmosis 1
P15: Sea water enters the roots can be eliminated through hydathode
Air laut yang memasuki akar boleh disingkirkan melalui hidatod 1
P16: Have seeds vivipariti
Mempunyai biji benih vivipariti
P17: The seeds germinate while still attached to the parent
Biji benih bercambah semasa masih melekat pada induk
P18: The seeds have a long and pointy radicals . 1
Biji benih mempunyai radikel yang panjang dan runcing.
P19: Allow seeds to fall impaled on soft ground 1
Membolehkan biji benih yang jatuh terpacak di atas tanah lembut
P20: to avoid sinking into the mud and not washed away by the sea . 1
untuk mengelakkannya tenggelam dalam lumpur dan tidak hanyut dibawa air laut.


9. (b) Cause of green house effect:
Punca kesan rumah hijau:

P1: The sun rays contain UV rays penetrate the atmosphere and reach the Earth's 1
Sinaran Matahari mengandungi sinar UV menembusi atmosfera dan sampai ke
permukaan Bumi
P2 : Some of UV light reflected back by the Earth's surface to the atmosphere in the 1
form of infrared light / light containing heat .
Sebahagian sinar UV dipantulkan semula oleh permukaan Bumi ke atmosfera dalam
bentuk sinar infra merah/ cahaya yang mengandungi haba.
P3 : Heat energy is trapped by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide , nitrogen 1
oxides and methane .
Tenaga haba diperangkap oleh gas-gas rumah hijau seperti karbon dioksida, nitrogen
oksida dan metana.
P4 : Human activities such as burning of fossil fuels by factories and motor vehicles
increased greenhouse gas emissions
Aktiviti manusia seperti pembakaran bahan api fosil oleh kilang dan kenderaan
bermotor meningkatkan pengeluaran gas rumah hijau
P5 : Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are causing more heat trapped /
absorbed . 1
Peningkatan kepekatan gas-gas rumah hijau menyebabkan lebih banyak haba
diperangkap/ diserap.
P6 : The burning of vast forests , fossil fuel combustion and higher evaporation rates
in the world resulting in the accumulation of water vapor in the air in large 1
Pembakaran hutan yang luas, pembakaran bahan api fosil dan kadar penyejatan yang
lebih tinggi di seluruh dunia menyebabkan pengumpulan wap air di udara dalam
jumlah yang besar
P7 : which also contributed to the increase in the Earth's temperature / causing
global warming 1
yang turut menyumbang kepada peningkatan suhu Bumi/ menyebabkan pemanasan
global Max: 5

Measures to overcome :
Langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi:

L1 : Organize an awareness campaign/ day without motor vehicles 1

L1: Menganjurkan kempen kesedaran/ hari tanpa kenderaan bermotor
L2 : Doing 3R activities/ recycling 1
L2: Melakukan aktiviti 3R/ kitar semula
L3 : Hiking / biking to school
L3: Berjalan kaki/ berbasikal ke sekolah
L4 : Plant more trees
L4: Menanam lebih banyak pokok 1
L5 : To organize activities to clean the school / home
L5: Menganjurkan gotong-royong membersihkan kawasan sekolah/ rumah 1
L6 : Reducing electricity consumption .
L6: Mengurangkan penggunaan elektrik. 1
Accept: any activity suitable for a student.
Terima: aktiviti yang sesuai untuk seorang murid.
Max: 5


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