Test 3 Revision Chapter 3

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Test 3 Google Form Chapter 3&4

No 1 Explanations Marks
(a)(i) P: Resapan ringkas /Simple diffusion 1
Q: resapan berbantu / Facillitated diffusion 1

(a)(ii) R : sodium /ion potassium 1

Q: Glukosa / asid amino (semua jenis 1

(a) (iii) Persamaan/ similarity

P1-kedua-dua proses melibatkan struktur protein / protein pembawa / Both 1
processes involve/using protein carrier

Perbezaan/ differences

Molekul/bahan bergerak mengikut Ion/bahan bergerak melawan
kecerunan kepekatan kecerunan kepekatan 1
-molecule/ substances moves follow - ion/substances moves against
the concentration gradient concentration gradient.
Tidak perlu tenaga Perlu tenaga/ATP 1
-do not require energy - require energy
Proses akan terus berlaku sehingga Proses yang mengakibatkan
keseimbangan dinamik tercapai pengumpulan atau penyngkiran 1
- process continue until it achieve bahan daripada sel
dynamic equilibrium - process involve the
accumulation or elimination of
substances from the cell. Any 2

(a)(iv) F1-membran plasma bersifat separa telap // plasma membrane is semi 1

permearble membrane
P1-yang membenarkan hanya molekul tertentu/ kecil sahaja melaluinya // only 1
allow certain molecules to pass through it
P2-manakala yang lain tidak dibenarkan // while the rest not allow 1

(b) P1-larutan garam pekat bersifat hipertonik terhadap sel ikan // concentrated salt 1
solution is hypertonic to the fish cell 1
P2-air meresap keluar daripada sel // water diffuse out of the fish cell
P3-secara osmosis // by osmosis 1
P4-mikroorganisma tidak dapat membiak // microorganism cannot reproduce 1

Any 2
No 2 Explanations Marks
(a) X: Fatty acids Y: water 2
(b) Q = Condensation 1

(c) A: Unsaturated fats B: Saturated fat 2

(d) Perbezaan/ differences

A: Unsaturated fats B: Saturated fat

At least one double bond between No double bond between atom 1
atom carbon carbon
Able to react with additional Not able to react with additional 1
hydrogen atom hydrogen atom
Liquid at room temperature Solid at room temperature 1
Low cholesterol High cholesterol 1

Any 3
3(a) In solution A
P1-Solution A is hypotonic to the red blood cell / osmotic 1
concentration of red blood cell
P2-water diffuses into the cell 1
P3-by osmosis 1
P4-causing the cell to burst 1
P5-the cell undergone haemolysis 1

In solution B 1
P6-Solution B is hypertonic to the red blood cell 1
P7-water diffuses out the cell 1
P8-by osmosis 1
P9-causing the cells to shrink & crenate 1
P10-the red blood cell undergone crenation
Any 6

3(b) P1 -molecule Y is a polypeptide 1

P2- which consist of many amino acids joined by peptide bond through condensation 1
P3 -molecule Y is broken down by hydrolysis 1
P4 -into amino acid as monomer 1

Any 4

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