BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #29

Lab 1
Water Day

Date: Monday, July 10, 2017

Supervisor: Sandra
Lead Teacher: Brooke Bowers (Lesson 5)

Children’s Names and Strengths, Interests, and/or Learning/Development Needs:

1. Child #9 is aware of all her surroundings. Her goal is to work on fine motor skills and to
communicate with peers in the classroom. There are many activities that are set up that
can help her with her fine motor skills. She will be able to use the droppers as she melts
the ice. The teachers will support her by modeling for her as she squeezes the droppers.
2. Vincncte is observant and is obedient when asked to do something. His goal is to work
on English and to communicate with peers. He will be able to work on his English as he
plays with racing ducks and name the letters as he places the ducks down rain gutter.
The teachers and peers will help ask him questions and talk to him about the ducks.
3. Child #13 is very friendly and is good at gross motor activities. Child #13’s goal is to speak
in 5-6 word sentences. She will be able to work on this goal as she plays in dramatic play
and talks to her peers about swimming. Teachers will be able to ask her questions and
have a conversation about swimming with her peers and the teachers.
4. Child #14 is kind and is very social. Child #14’s goal is to invite a friend to play with him
twice during class. Child #14 likes playing in the sensory table and a teacher can guide
him to ask a friend to come and play with him at the sensory table.
5. Child #12 has a strong personality and is very social. She is working on her gross motor
skills and communicating wants and needs when she is upset. Child #12 will be able to
work on these goals as she plays outside with the ball ramp. She will be able to go up
and down the stairs to get the balls. Child #12 will be able to express her wants and
needs when she is upset. She will talk with a teacher to help her share and take turns. The
teacher will explain to her that she needs to share.
6. Child #1 is social and makes friends easily. Her goal is to learn letters and numbers. She
will be able to work on her numbers and letters as she plays with the racing ducks and
name the letters as he places the ducks down rain gutter. The teachers will encourage
Child #1 to look at the letters and numbers and see if she knows the letters and numbers.

Preassessment and Findings:

Child #1 was the only child that I asked that knew that water freezes and turns to a liquid
when you take it out of the freezer. Child #2, Emi, and Bailey all know that it gets cold but
doesn’t know that it freezes. Child #12 knows that popsicles go in the freezer. I asked the Child
#1 if she knew what a liquid was and she didn’t answer. Then I asked her what a solid was and
she said cold.
I will teach the students that when water gets put in the freezer that it freezes and when
we take ice out of the freezer it turns back to a liquid or water. The children will be able to
experience this by playing with ice and turning it into water as they have their own icicle to carry
around with them outside and watch it melt.

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. When water gets put into the freezer it becomes a solid called ice.
2. When ice is taken out of the freezer it becomes a liquid called water.

Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Sharing
2. Counting
3. Melting

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #29
Lab 1
Water Day
Date: Monday, July 10, 2017
Supervisor: Sandra
Lead Teacher: Brooke Bowers (Lesson 5)

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. When water gets put into the freezer it becomes a solid called Ice.
2. When ice is taken out of the freezer it becomes a liquid called water.

Preschool Concepts or Skills:

1. Sharing
2. Counting
3. Melting

Special instructions for the day: Planning on being outside all day except for gathering time and
small focus.

OPENING CIRCLE 8:20 – 8:35 a.m.

Activity Name Description Materials

Book They will be able to do the actions or Up, Down, and Around by
Story Time pretend as I read the story. Katherine Ayres (B A6)
Clap Your Hands by Lorinda
Bryan Cauley (B C19)

Movement Activity We will play the bear hunt song and the Kindle (office)
Bear Hunt children will follow what the music says. We Speaker (office)
will be using the Kindle to play the song.
Phonemic I will say, “Hickety pickety bumble bee Can Pictures of objects (IWP)
Awareness: Hickety you say this word with me?” The children will
Pickety Bumble Bee say the word, shout the word, whisper the
word and clap the word.
Music Activity or 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed. We will Parachute Small (GG)
Song or Fingerplay place 5 monkeys on the parachute and we 5 Little Monkeys (RR2)
5 little Monkeys will make the monkeys jump on the bed.
Every time we get to the part of the song
that says 1 fell off and bumped his head I will
grab a monkey off the parachute.
Story (non-book) I will tell the story of the Three little pigs and The Three Little Pigs (IWP)
The Three Little Pigs the big bad wolf.
Age Appropriate I will make a homemade lava lamp. I will Bottle (IWP)
Game: Homemade have oil and colored water in the bottle and Alka Seltzer (IWP)
lava lamp add an alka seltzer. Oil (k)
Other I will have extra books and they will be able Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That
to do the actions or pretend. Type by Doreen Cronin (B C28)

From Head to Toe by Eric Carle (B

GATHERING TIME 8:35 – 8:45 a.m.

Activity Name Description Materials

1. When water gets “Boys and girls do you remember last class Pictures (IWP)
put into the freezer when you took water and placed it into a Ice Tray (K)
it becomes a solid. water tray? (I will show pictures of them from
last class) What do you think happened to
our water? This tray is the tray that you put
water in and it turned to ice cubes. It turns to
a solid when the temperature is 32 degrees
Fahrenheit or colder.”
2. When ice is taken What happens when we take the ice out of 3 Ice cubes (K)
out of the freezer it the freezer? Does it stay a solid? I have this Blow dryer
becomes a liquid. ice cube that has been out of the freezer for
5 minutes. I have another cube that has
been out for 30 minutes and a cube that has
been out all night long. What is happening
to the ice? Our ice turned back into water. It
turns back into water because the
temperature is warmer than 32 degrees
anymore so it won’t stay frozen. Let’s watch
what happens as we warm some ice using a
blow dryer. (all pretend that you have your
own blow dryer)
Transition to Self- We are going to line up at the door and we
Selected are going to go to side and play with water
and ice. Walk like ice cubes to the door.


White Rabbit’s Color Book by Alan Baker (B4)
Colors: How Do You Say It? by Meredith Dunham (D13)
Color Zoo by Lois Ehlert (E5)
Colors Everywhere by Tana Hoban (H18)
In the Snow by Sharon Phillips Denslow (D6)
Mice on Ice By Rebecca Emberley (P E6)
Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice By Steve Mezger (P M18)
Swimmy by Leo Lionni (P L13)
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown (B45)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (C4)
Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials, Special Set-up
*(4) Creative Art: Activity Description: There will be paint cubes Paint (RR1)
Ice painting that the children will be able to paint on the Ice cube makers (K)
paper on the wall. There will be different Butcher paper (RR1)
colors for them to paint with and mix. The Tape (Classroom)
teachers will talk about the ice cubes melting Aprons
on the paper to paint to the color

(3) Activity Description: The rain gutters will be
Language/Literacy outside and we will place them next to each
Rain gutters (RR1)
Activity: Racing other and the children will be able to race
Number Ducks and Letter Ducks
Ducks the ducks. They will look at and name the
letters on the bottom of the duck before
putting it down the gutter. (Outdoor)

There will be paper on the table with water

colors. On the paper there will be hidden
Water colors (RR1)
letters on the page for the child to find.
Paper with letters (IWP)
*(4) Manipulatives: Activity Description: I will have jugs that I Bowls (K)
Melting have frozen different objects in the water. Different objects (RR2)
The children will take the droppers and drop Droppers (RR1)
warm water on the ice and watch it melt Bowl of warm water (K)
away and turn to a liquid. (Inside and Cookie sheets (K)
outside) The teachers will talk to the children Towels (K)
about why the ice is melting and ask they
why they think it is melting.

(4) Math: Racing Activity Description: The rain gutters will be Outdoor
ducks outside and we will place them next to each Rain gutters (RR1)
other and the children will be able to race Number Ducks and Letter Ducks
the ducks. They will look at and name the (RR2)
number on the bottom of the duck before
putting it down the gutter. (out door)

There will be circles drown on a paper and Paper with Circles (IWP)
they will be able to use the droppers and Droppers (RR1)
count how many drops it takes to fill the Cups full of colored water (RR1)
circle. (indoor)

(3) Science: Fizzy Activity Description: There will be crushed ice Ice (IWP)
Ice in a tube. I will take baking soda and place it Droppers (RR1)
on the ice and cover it with ice then add Baking soda and vinegar (K)
more ice. There will containers of colored Water color (RR1
vinegar which will make the ice fizzy as they
use the droppers to get the vinegar. (indoor
and outdoor)

(4) Sensory Table: Activity Description: There will be colored ice Colored ice cubes (K)
Colored ice cubes in the sensory table for the children to Fishing nets (RR2)
play with. there will be fishing nets and Scoops (RR2)
scoops to catch the cubes and play with Water wheels (SS)
them. (indoor and outdoor)

(3) Blocks: Race Activity Description: I will have the cars out Cars (RR2)
Cars for the children and they will be able to build Ramps (RR1)
their own ramps for their cars. I will also place
the small ramps out for them to explore with
as well.

*(6) Dramatic Play: Activity Description: There will be a swimming Beach day (RR2)
Swimming pool inside and outside for the children to Pool (SS)
play in the water. (For the pool inside there Ice cubes (K)
will not be water in the pool) There will be a Sensory table small (Lab3)
few ice cubes in the pool for them to watch it Sand (RR2)
change from a solid to a liquid. Sand toys (RR2)

Creative Art: Description: I will bring the ink pads out and Stamp pads (RR1)
Stamping the stamps and they will be able to stamp on Stamps (RR!)
the paper.
2nd: Marble Works Description: The children will use fine motor Marble Works (RR1, 38)
skills and problem solving to create a marble

ROTATING SNACK 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.

We will use whatever is left. Crackers & juice

OUTDOOR PLAY 9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Location: North Playground

Gross Motor: Bean Activity Description: There will be a bean bag Bean bag launcher (GG)
Bag launcher launcher and the children will jump on the Bean Bags (WR)
launcher to launch the bean bag in the air.

2nd: Waffle Blocks Activity Description: There will be the large waffle Large waffle blocks (GG)
blocks on the playground where they will be able
to build structures.

3rd: Water Works Activity Description: I will fill the water table up Sponges (RR2, 122)
with water and put some sponges in there and a Buckets and scoops (RR2)
few buckets so they can dump the water from
the bottom back to the top.

CLEAN UP 10:10 – 10:20 a.m.

We will sing the Clean-up song twice.
Transition to Small Shake Your Sillies Out Kindle (Office)
Focus Groups
Once there was a snowman and will dismiss
after every time.

SMALL FOCUS GROUP 10:20 – 10:30 a.m.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Child #1 Child #7 Child #13
Child #2 Child #8 Child #14
Child #3 Child #9 Child #15
Child #4 Child #10 Child #16
Child #5 Child #11 Child #17
Child #6 Child #12 Child #18

Your Activity Description & Objective Materials
Melting Crayons Description: The children will be put into bigger 1) -Crayon Melter
(Classroom) groups. There will be the melting trays and a griddle (RR1)
for the children to melt the crayons and mix the -Crayons for
colors. The teachers will talk to the children about Melting (12)
how the crayon melter melts the crayon. It is the -Griddle (K)
same way that ice melts when it is in warmer -Wax paper (K)
temperature. 2) -Mice on Ice By
Emberley (P E6)
-Five Little
Penguins Slipping
on the Ice By
Steve Mezger (P
-Swimmy by Leo
Lionni (P L13)
-The Five Senses by
Aliki (A3)
-Changes by
Marjorie N Allen
-Just the Way I Am
by Sean Covey

CLOSING CIRCLE 10:30 – 10:40 a.m.

I will have the jug of water and shaving cream on Jug (BJ)
Transition to Closing top of the water and will have different colors to Light table (RR1)
Circle drop in the water. I will have the light table Water colors (RR2)
underneath the jug of water. Kindle (office)
Shaving Cream (RR1)


5 little monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed No more monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor, Two little monkeys jumping on the bed
And the doctor said One fell off and bumped his head
No more monkeys jumping on the bed Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed No more monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor One little monkey jumping on the bed
And the doctor said, One fell off and bumped his head
No more monkeys jumping on the bed Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed Put those monkeys right to bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,

We’re going on a Bear Hunt

We're going on a bear hunt and what do we see
but a great big oak tree right in front of me.
It's so wide we can't go around it. But then, can we go over it?
(No) Can we go under it? (Uh,Uh)
Looks like we're gonna have to climb. Okay, hand
over hand, up, up, up, higher and higher right to the top.
Look around do you see any bears? (No)
Then, hand under hand, down, down, down, lower
and lower right to the ground.
Look around do you see any bears? (No).

We're going on a bear hunt and what do we see

but a great big swamp right in front of me.
It's so wide we can't go around it. But then, can we
go over it? (No) Can we go under it? (Uh,Uh)
Looks like we're gonna have to trudge. Step by step, trudge, trudge, trudge, in-between my toes, I can
feel the mud. Look around do you see any bears? (No)
Well then, step by step, trudge, trudge, trudge, we
made it through the swamp now shake off the mud.

Look around do you see any bears? (No) go in we'll have to be real quiet, okay?
We're going on a bear hunt and what do we see
but a great big lake right in front of me. Shhhh, wait a minute. Crawling to the cave,
It's so wide we can't go around it. But then, can we go creep, creep, creep.
over it? (No) Can we go under it? (Uh,Uh) Crawling in the cave I hope the bear's
Looks like we're gonna have to swim. Okay, swim, swim, asleep.
swim, splash, splash, splash, stroke, stroke, stroke, we're Look around do you see any bears? (No)
swimming really fast. Look around do you see any Wait a minute, I see eyes, big yellow eyes,
bears? (No) Swim, swim, swim, splash, splash, splash, they're not yours and
we made it through the lake now dry off really fast. Look they're not mine. They must belong to the
around do you see any bears? (No) bear. AHHHH!
We're going on a bear hunt and what do we see Running from the bear cave and what do
but a great big cave right in front of me. we see
I heard that bears are asleep this time of day. If you want but the great big lake right in front of me.
to Looks like we're gonna have to swim.
Swim, swim, swim, splash,
splash, splash, we made it through the lake
RESOURCES: now dry off really
Pinterest fast.
Shawnee Look around do you see any bears? (No)

Still running from the bear cave and what

do we see
but the great big swamp right in front of
Looks like we're gonna have to trudge.
Step, step, step, trudge,
trudge, trudge, we made it through the
swamp now, shake off all
the mud.
Look around do you see any bears? (No)

Still running from the bear cave and what

do we see
but a great big oak tree right in front of me.
Looks like we're gonna have to climb. Hand
over hand up, up,
up, down, down, down, right to the ground.
Look around do you see any bears? (No)

We finally made it back but I'm feeling kind

of funny,
we were being chased by a little bitty
Looks like we went to the wrong cave. We'll
save going on
a bear hunt again for another day.

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