5.1.2020-Weekly Learning Activities K - Grade 1
5.1.2020-Weekly Learning Activities K - Grade 1
5.1.2020-Weekly Learning Activities K - Grade 1
Published May 1, 2020
Now that you know emotions are contagious, be aware. You can take control of emotions and reframe yourself. Be authentic and know that
if you express positive emotions and attitude, you are helping to spread them to others. This is a concept that you can demonstrate and teach
to your children. Even if you are pregnant, taking this approach can alleviate any stress you feel, which helps you and your baby. Angela
Duckworth, creator of the Character Lab, notes that a friend of hers, Professor Sigal Barsades, suggests practicing emotional contagion: “Try
noticing how you are influenced by others’ moods and how their reactions influence yours. You can then reorient conversations away from
catastrophizing and toward calm, showing the young people in your life that caring and hope are as easy to spread as negativity.” Many
thanks to all you parents and caregivers out there spreading positive emotions and attitudes! We’re in this together, and sending positivity
your way!
Make ice cream in a bag!
Ingredients: 1 gallon- and 1 quart-size zipper bag, 1 cup milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, ½ teaspoon vanilla, 1/3 cup salt, plus ice.
Directions: Pour the milk, sugar and vanilla into the smaller, quart-size zipper bag and close the seal. Fill the larger, gallon-size bag 3/4 full of
ice, then add the salt. Place the smaller bag inside the larger bag and close the seal. Make sure you close them both tightly! Now shake the
bag hard for 5 minutes. Open the large bag and dispose. Rinse the small bag off with cold water before opening to keep the salt water from
getting into your ice cream. Scoop into individual bowls, share, eat and enjoy your hard work!