BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan 

Lesson Plan #​7 

Lab 1 
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 
Supervisor: Tori Gallardo 
Lead Teacher: Team Lesson 
Children Receiving Specific Focus Today: 
1. Danny​ (See Manipulatives) 
2. Brynlee​ (See Sensory Activity) 
3. Allison ​(See Dramatic Play) 
4. Emmett​ (See Literacy Activity) 
5. Eli ​(See Manipulatives) 
6. Bruin ​(See Small Focus Groups) 
7. Quincy​ (See Science) 
Preassessment and Findings: 
● Kaleb,​ ​Bruin​, ​Ty​, ​Aspen ​all played on the frozen grass outside. They showed interest in 
breaking the frozen water with there feet and sliding across the frozen grass.  
● When reading the book ​Snow​ with ​Evangeline​ noticed that the snowball in the boy in the 
book’s pocket had melted. When I asked her why she thinks it melted she said, “It got 
● Quincy​ has pointed out the ice outside and asked where it came from.  
● From this preassessment we gathered that there is interest in ice and the characteristics 
of it (cold, slippery, hard). We found out that ​Quincy​ is curious about where ice comes 
from. In this lesson we will address that liquids change (freeze) and solids just get colder. 
We will also explain how liquids freeze and the temperature it needs to be at. 
Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Developmental Focus​: 
1. Liquids, like water or juice, turn into solids (get hard) when their temperature gets to 32 
degrees or colder. 
2. Liquids freeze and solids just get colder. 
3. Today the activities will have a focus on cause and effect. 

BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan 
Lesson Plan #​7 
Lab 1 

Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 

Supervisor: Tori Gallardo 
Lead Teacher: Team Plan 
Ideas to be Emphasized and Overall Developmental Focus​: 
1. Liquids, like water or juice, turn into solids (get hard) when their temperature gets to 32 
degrees or colder. 
2. Liquids freeze and solids just get colder. 
3. Today the activities will have a focus on cause and effect. 
___________________ Self-Selected _______________ Check-in/Check-out 
___________________ Small/Focus Groups _______________ Handwashing/Cubbies 
__________ /_________ Outdoor play _______________ Photographer 
_________ /_________ Snack _______________ Other 
OPENING CIRCLE 8:20 – 8:35 a.m. (Abbye) 
Activity Name  Description  Materials 
Book  I will read the book and have the children join in  Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that 
Click Clack Moo,  by saying the common phrases like, “click clack  Type ​by Doreen Cronin (B C28) 
Cows that Type  moo.” 
Movement Activity  I will play the song and we will do the actions  Speaker (Office) 
Lion Hunt  that go along with it.  
Phonemic Awareness  My trash can monster will only eat things that he  Trash Can Monster (IWP) 
Trash can monster  has to chew with two bites. I will have several  Items (RR2 B) 
items like an apple, dinosaur, spider, car, panda, 
hippo, tiger, and a cow. When I show the 
children the items, we will clap out the sounds as 
we say them together. Then we will see if the 
monster will eat them.  
Music Activity or  I will teach the children the song and we will sing   
Song or Fingerplay  it and do the actions.  
Little Red Caboose 
Age Appropriate  I will have a ball and three cups. I will hide the  Ball (RR2 O) 
Game  ball in one of the cups and then move them  Cups (BJ) 
Where is the ball?  around and see if the children can guess what 
one it is in after I have moved them.  
Other  I will sing the song and use the frog finger  Frog finger puppets (WR) 
Five Little Speckled  puppets. I will have the children hold up their 
Frogs  fingers and put one down each time a frog 
jumps into the pool.  
Story (non-book)  I will have a teacher turn off the light. There will  Lyrics (IWP) 
Shadow Puppet Story  be a light shining from behind my shadow  Shadow Box (IWP) 

puppets. I will use puppets as I sing several verses  Puppets (IWP) 
of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I will have a sheet of 
lyrics posted on the wall so the other teachers 
can join in with me as we teach the children the 
whole song. I will do this activity last to transition 
the children to gathering time.  
GATHERING TIME​ ​8:35 – 8:50 a.m. 

Activity Name  Description  Materials 

1.​ Liquids, like water  I will hold up a clear cup of water: “This is water!”  Water 
or juice, turns into a  I will hold up frozen water. “Now can anyone tell  Frozen water 
solid (gets hard)  me what this is?” “This is frozen water”. “How do  Thermometer  
when their  we freeze water?” “We put it into the freezer”.  Cup of cold water 
temperature gets to  “What else would freeze if we put it into the  Cup of hot water 
32 degrees or colder.   freezer?” “Water, juice, and milk are all what we 
call liquids, as they are wet, and if they become 
cold enough, they become a solid. No longer a 
“In order for liquids to change from being 
pourable and to get hard they have to get to 
get really cold! The temperature has to reach 
below 32 degrees.” 
I will hold out a large thermometer and show the 
children the numbers. I will explain that the 
thermometer measures heat, and when it’s hot, 
the line goes high, and when it’s cold, the line 
goes down. I will have a glass of cold water and 
hot water, and I will show the line’s difference 
when placed in different temperatures. I will show 
that 100 means hot and 32 means cold enough 
to freeze.  
2.​ Liquids freeze and  “Boys and girls what do you think would happen  Sock 
solids just get colder.   if I put this sock into the freezer?” “Would it  Cold sock 
become solid like the ice?” I will hold up sock  Frozen sock 
that was in freezer. “This sock was in the freezer,  Thermometer  
but since this sock is a solid,and is not wet, it just 
got very cold.” I will hold up sock that was wet 
and put into the freezer. “Since this sock was wet 
now its stiff, as the water in the sock froze”.  
Making Predictions  I will have many toys, like a wooden toy, a plastic  Misc. toys (RR1&2) 
toy and other toys along with some juice, some  TBS of mild, juice, and water. 
water and some milk.   (Kitchen) 
  Ice tray 
There will be a large piece of paper that says 
“Changes into a solid:” and “Just gets colder:” 
I will hold up each item and ask the children to 
predict what will happen to each item. I will then 
write it under the collum the children say. 
“Do you think this toy will change or will it just get 

“Do you think this juice will change or will it just 
get cold?” 
After the children are done making predictions I 
will pour the liquids into an ice tray and have the 
children to pretend to pour along with me and 
put it in the freezer along with the other toys. 
(After gathering time) 
“We’ll keep them in the freezer so to see what 
happens at the end of the day.” 
Transition to  “Alright boys and girls! Let’s pretend like we are  - 
Self-Selected  freezing, and go to an activity.” 

SELF-SELECTED ACTIVITIES​ ​8:50 – 10:05 a.m.  

Books: ​One Cold Night​ by Claire Ewart (E12), ​Five Little Penguins Slipping on the Ice​ by Steve Metzger (M17) 
Activity Name  Description/Activity Objective  Materials, Special Set-up 
Creative Art:​ Ice  Activity Description: ​ Freeze a variety of colored  Ice cube trays- Kitchen 
Painting on foil  paints into ice cube trays. Insert craft stick in the  Paint- RR1 
  frozen paint cubes while they are freezing. Tear  Craft sticks- RR1 Art Supplies 14 
(Kylie)  pieces of tin foil so that each child can paint on  Foil- Kitchen 
  their own piece to take home. The children will be 
(4)  using paint pops to paint with on tin foil. 
Language/Literacy  Activity Description:  
Activity:  In this activity the students will be able to find letters 
Find the Letters  hidden in sand and make the sound or identify the 
(Amber)   letter, the sand will be part of the literacy table. The 
  students can also write their names or letters in the 
sand. This activity will be good for ​Rebecca​ and 
Emmett ​because their goal is to write letters. It is 
also good for ​Kaleb​ because his goal is to write his  Magnetic Sand (RR2, Sensory, 
name.   134)  
Child Objective:   Alphabet Letters (RR1, White, 
In this activity the students will explore different  45)  
letters in the alphabet, they will have the  Student Names (Closet)  
opportunity to write their names or make up words 
with the letters. A strategy we can use is talk to the 
children about different words we can use.  
Intentional Teaching: 
During the activity teachers can talk about the 
letters they see in the sand and they can share 
sounds that the letters make.  
Manipulatives:  Activity Description:​ Set out the tinker toys for  Tinker Toys- RR1 W42 
Tinker Toys (Lexi)  children to work with in connecting different parts 
(4)  together to make them move correctly. This activity 
will be good for ​Danny​ because his goal is fine 
motor. This activity is good for ​Eli​ because he 
spends a lot of his time in the manipulatives center. 

Teachers can encourage interactions with Eli and 
other children by asking another child to show Eli 
what he made. 
Child Objective:​ In this activity, the children will 
explore the different ways to put together the tinker 
toys. They will have the opportunity to build what 
they want with their imagination.  
Intentional Teaching:​ During the activity, the 
teachers can talk about different ways to use the 
tinker toys to build onto their creation.  
Math: ​Teddy Bear  Activity Description:​ The teddy bear strips will be set  RR2- Red 155 
Counters  out on the table along with the plastic teddy bears. 
(4)  The children will be placing colored plastic teddy 
  bears on the corresponding strips to make a 
(Kylie)  pattern. 
Science: ​Prisms  Activity Description:​ The prisms will be set out with  Prisms and colors- RR1 P85 
and colors (Lexi)  the flashlights. White pieces of paper will be there  white paper- WR  
(3)  to show where the light goes when it is shined  flash lights- RR1 P85 
through a prism. I will explain that the light bends in 
the prism. The children can color what they see on 
the paper. This activity will be good for ​Quincy 
whose goal is to work with other children and to 
share because there are limited materials at this 
center and the children will need to share. 
Child Objective:​ In this activity, the children will 
explore the way light bends (refracts) from the 
Intentional Teaching:​ During this activity, the 
teachers can explain how refraction works, which is 
the bending of light through a prism. They can talk 
about how the light bends and turns into a rainbow 
through a prism.  
Sensory Table:​ Soil  Activity Description:​ Dump container of soil into the  Soil- RR2 Green 140 
with bugs  sensory bin. Place plastic bugs and sensory tools  4 Scoopers- RR2 Green 120 
  into the sensory table. The children will be using  2 Scissor Scoops- RR2 Green 
(6)  sensory tools to cover and uncover hidden bugs.   120 
  This activity will be beneficial for ​Brynlee ​because  2 Sifters- RR2 Green 120 
(Kylie)  her goal is to develop better fine motor skills and  Plastic bugs- RR2 Blue 172 
she also likes sensory activities. She will work on her 
goal as she uses her hands and fingers to dig 
through the soil to find the plastic bugs.  
Blocks:​ Pets  Activity Description:​ Place the large pet animals in  Large Animal Pets (RR2-177) 
(6)  the block area. The children can build enclosures 
for them. 

Dramatic Play:   Activity Description:​ The Dramatic play area will be  Rocks (RR2) 
  set up as a science lab with an ice melting station,  Ice (IWP) 
Science Lab  a rock investigation station, and other ways to  Science Bin (RR2- 258) 
(6)  observe earth science. Math will be embedded  Insects (RR1) 
with the cylinders and measuring. Literacy will be  Magnifying glasses (RR1) 
embedded with the children’s names at the light   
table with the insects. This activity will help ​Allison   
recognize the letters in her name.  

Creative Art:   Description: ​Paper will be laid out along with  Finger paint- RR1 O paint 
Tape letter, finger  masking tape. The children will rip pieces of tape to  Masking tape- RR1 W32 
paint (Lexi)   create the first letter of their name. They will then  white paper- WR 
use finger paint to paint over it with their hands. 
When they are done, and the paint has dried, they 
can remove the tape and the letter will show up 
white against the paint the put on.  
2​nd​: ​Color  Description: ​The children will be touching the  Color changing touch boards- 
changing touch  boards and seeing how it changes colors. They can  RR1 P80 
boards (Lexi)  apply different types of pressure and make designs 
with their hands on the board.  
ROTATING SNACK​ ​9:00 – 9:45 a.m​.  
¼ cup applesauce 
1 graham cracker square (Gluten-Free for Peter) 
OUTDOOR PLAY​ ​9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Location: ​South Playground 
*Extra: Place a thermometer in the snow and leave it there and check on it during outside time. 
Gross Motor:  Activity Description: ​The children can use the  Tumbling mats (GG) 
Tumbling Mats  tumbling mats to jump and do tricks on.  set them up on a grassy area 
2​nd​: ​Basketball  Activity Description: ​Place the basketball hoop on  Basketball hoop (small shed) 
  the concrete by the sandbox with a few  Basketballs (GG) 
3​rd​: ​Kitchen  Activity Description: ​Children can use the outdoor  Outdoor Kitchen and food 
kitchen to pretend to cook food.Place it in front of  (Small shed) 
the small shed or in the bamboo hut depending on 
how muddy it is. 
CLEAN UP​ ​10:05 – 10:15 a.m.  
We will all sing “It’s Cleanup Time at Preschool” and then play the “Cleanup Vacuum” song on the Kindle 
Transition to Small  I will play the freeze dance song on the speaker to  Freeze dance song 
Focus Groups  get the students to come to the circle after 
  cleanup. I will then have the students sit on the 
tape. I will sing the song  
“If your happy and you know it” but do 
“If you’re a yellow circle and you know it find you 
teacher, if you’re a yellow circle and you know it 
find you teacher and go to small focus now and go 
to small focus now.” 

SMALL FOCUS GROUP 10:15 – 10:30 a.m.  
List Names of Children in  List Names of Children in  List Names of Children in  List Names of 
Group 1  Group 2  Group 3  Children in Group 4 
Amy   Kaleb  Eli  Violet 
Aspynn  Danny   Bruin  Jyzelle 
Owen  Brynlee  Quincy  Wyatt 
Kyler  Allison  Ty  Erisa 
Rebecca   Emmett  Ellie  Tyler 
Your Activity   Description & Objective   Materials 
Cause and Effect:  Description:   1) Bubble Wrap (RR1, 
Elephant Toothpaste and  This activity goes with the preschool concept. In this  White, 26) 
Bubble Wrap  activity we will make elephant toothpaste in our small  2) Hydrogen 
Room Location: On the  groups since this activity happens so fast, we can do  Peroxide (Under 
tile floors   it twice and then let the students play with bubble  sinks in RR1)  
wrap after. The children will explore why bubble wrap  3) Soda Bottles 
pops and what makes the elephant toothpaste. This  (collecting from 
activity is planned for ​Bruin​, he really likes bubbles  friends)  
and his goal is to learn sound letters so we can put  4) Yeast (Kitchen)  
letters on the bubble wrap so students can learn to  5) Dishing soap 
recognize the letters and sounds they make.  (Kitchen)  
Objective:   6) Safety Google 
In the elephant toothpaste the children will ask why  (RR1, Purple, 72)  
the elephant toothpaste works and what is  7) 5 Little Monkeys 
happening.  Jumping on the 
IELG: D1G8 I2 ​Ask “why” questions to show effect at  Bed​ by Eileen 
understanding causation   Christelow (WR, 
Intentional Teaching:   C19)​Five Little 
While the students are doing/watching the elephant  Bunnies Hopping 
toothpaste explain why the toothpaste is coming out  on a Hill ​by Steve 
of the 2-liter.The teacher needs to ask questions while  Metzger (WR,P M 
reading the stories to the children. Ask questions like  22)​Five Little 
“What do you think will happen next?” Explain what is  Monkeys sitting in 
happening when children pop bubble wrap. “If you  a Tree ​by Eileen 
pop the bubble wrap then it makes a loud noise.”   Christelow (WR, P 
C26) ​Five Little 
Penguins Slipping 
on the Ice ​by 
Steve Metzger 
(WR, P M 17)  
CLOSING CIRCLE 10:30 – 10:40 a.m. (Abbye) 
Transition to Closing  I will play the freeze dance song and have signs with  Speaker (Office) 
Circle  different poses to do when we freeze.   Pose signs (IWP) 
Review- I will get the items out of the freezer that we had put there at the beginning of the day. I will also 
have the sheet where we made our predictions. We will look at the items and compare what actually 
happened to what we thought would happen. (Items from freezer) 
Story- Brown Bear (IWP) 
Movement Song- The Goldfish. Speaker (office) 

Little Red Caboose 
Little red caboose chug chug chug.  
Little red caboose chug chug chug.  
Little red caboose behind the train.  
Smoke stack on its back back back back.  
Coming around the track track track track.  
Little Red caboose behind the train.  
Toot Toot! (mimic train whistle) 
Five Little Speckled Frogs 
Five little speckled frogs,  
Sat on a speckled log,  
Eating the most delicious bugs.  
Yum! Yum!  
One jumped into the pool, 
Where it was nice and cool. 
Now there are four green speckled frogs.  
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 
Twinkle twinkle little star,  
How I wonder what you are.  
Up above the world so high,  
Like a diamond in the sky.  
When the blazing sun is gone,  
When he nothing shines upon,  
Then you show your little light,  
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.  
Then the traveler in the dark 
Thanks you for your tiny spark,  
How could he see where to go,  
If you did not twinkle so? 

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