Template For Sharing Child Information: Connect To Where
Template For Sharing Child Information: Connect To Where
Template For Sharing Child Information: Connect To Where
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Jake Jake will be able IELG D3 G28 Age 24-36 mo. I observed that None Cassie Toddler
to share toys 16 to 38 Months GM- Climbs well, walks Jake like cars and (Mom) Activities
with other CI3: Initiates down stairs alone, anything with Hans
toddlers four social interaction upstairs alternating wheels. He also (Dad)
feet with support, kicks
times each day in with peers (e.g. likes doing puzzle’s, Cherise
ball, runs
Toddler Lab. brings toys to FM- makes marks with
singing songs, and (Aunt)
child or takes pencil or crayon, turns reading books. Susan
toys away, moves rotating handles (Grandma)
closer to child, or LNG- Understands most
stares at the sentences, recognizes
child). and identifies almost all
common objects and
pictures, gets
frustrated when not
understood, uses
words to
communicates wants
and needs.
COG-matches objects
in hand or room to
pictures, completes
SH- can pull pants up
down with help, helps
put things away.
S/E- Expresses
emotions, follow
simple rules
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Cameron Cameron will be IELG D5 G52 Age 12-24 mo. Dev Trains, popcorn None Bryce- Parent None
able to use words 16 to 38 Months GM- walks, beginning popping, cars, Maggie-Parent
to identify and CI1: Increasingly to run, stairs with mickey mouse Amy-Aunt
label five objects uses words and support Kathy- Aunt
clearly each day phrases. FM- scribbles, simple
in Toddler Lab. puzzles
LNG- says several
single words, repeats
words overheard
COG- identifies one
body part, listens to
short story
SH- opens doors
S/E- enthusiastic
about company or
other children, shows
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Sarah Sarah will use “I” IELG D5 G49 Age 24-36 mo. Dev I observed that Benadryl Leah- Parent Potty training
instead of “me” 16 to 38 Months GM- walks, runs Sarah enjoys Bryan- Parent
as she starts a CI6: Uses easily dressing up, Megan and Josh-
sentence vocally pronouns, FM- turns book pages dancing, and Friends
twice a day in though not one at a time, holds a running around
toddler lab. pencil in writing outside. She also
always correctly
position enjoys doing
LNG- recognizes and playdough, singing,
identifies almost all and looking at
common objects and books.
pictures, can say
name, age and sex
COG- understands
the concept of “two”
SH- helps put things
S/E- expresses a wide
range of emotions,
begin to follow
simple rules
Template for Sharing Child Information
Gage Gage will be able IELG D5 G52 Age Gage has started I observed that None Michael (mom) Art activities
to increase his 16 to 38 Months naming different Gage enjoys Claire (Dad) and potty
vocabulary by C1: Increasingly colors such as blue playing with training
recognizing and uses words and and red. He can also stuffed animals, information.
identifying 2 phrases. recognize the names playing monsters,
colors or animals of different animals. playing with dolls,
per week. GM- Climbs, walks and using play
down stairs alone, food.
kicks and runs easily.
FM- Makes strokes
with pencil or crayon.
Turns book pages,
holds pencil, screws
and unscrews jar lids,
turns rotating
Language- Uses
understands most
recognizes and
identifies almost all
common objects,
shows frustration,
uses words to
communicate wants
and needs. COG-
plays make-believe,
completes puzzles,
listens to stories.
Brendan Brendan will be IELG D5 G49 Age 12-24/24-36 mo. Brendan loves cars, None Hayley– Mother Potty training
able to vocalize 16 to 38 Months GM – Climbs, runs, trucks, and pretty
his wants and CI1: Vocalizes kicks much anything Bryan– Father
needs each day want and needs. FM- Turns handles with wheels. He
in Toddler Lab. and toys in hands, loves action songs Jackie-
scribbles and books. I also Grandmother
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
LNG – Uses observed that he
pronouns, likes playing hide
understands most and seek, running,
sentences, and playing with
understands physical balls.
relationships, uses
words to
communicate wants
and needs
CGN- Plays make-
believe, begins to
sort shapes and
S/E – Expresses a
wide range of
emotions, begins to
follow simple rules
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Nate Nate will play IELG D3 G28 16- 12-24 mo. I observed that None Travis- Parent Ways to get
side-by-side with 38 mo. CI1 GM – Walks alone, Nate loves bubbles. Kalya- Parent comfortable
two children begins to run stiffly He also like toys around others
each day in Engages in play FM- scribble like cars and trucks.
toddler lab. with peers. spontaneously, turns He likes
over container to running/jumping
pour out contents and doing slides as
LNG – Follow simple, well.
recognizes names of
familiar people,
objects, and body
CGN- Will listen to
short story book with
pictures, identifies
one body part
SH- can drink from
open cup with some
S/E – demonstrates
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
John John will play IELG D3 G28 Age 8-12/12-24 mo. Dev. Cars, anything with Speech Ben (Dad) Sign Language,
side-by-side with 16 to 38 Months GM- walks, runs stiffly, wheels. Exploring, Delayed Laura (Mom) ways to become
two children climbs on his knees or going outside. Ryan more
CI1: Play side-by-
each day in FM-scribbles, turns (Grandparent) comfortable
side with another over containers.
toddler lab. child. Sherie around others.
LNG-babbles some
words, makes small Lorena (Aunt)
head gestures, says Calesta (Sister)
COG-Finds hidden
SH-feeds himself,
extends arms while
getting dresses.
S/E- cries when a
parent leaves, repeats
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Addie Addie will IELG D3: G28 Age 24-36 mo. Addie’s interest on None Rebecca (Mom) Ways to help
interact with 2 16 to 38 months GM- swings leg to her paperwork Luke (Dad) her come out of
other children for CI1: Plays side- kick ball, runs, bends includes tactile, Emalee her shell. Be
3 minutes by-side with over without falling. puzzles, climbing, (Neighbor) comfortable
comfortably each
another child. FM- hold pencil, turn swinging. playing with
toddler lab. rotating handles. others.
LNG- understand
most sentences,
communicates wants
and needs, strangers
can understand most
or the words.
COG- plays make-
believe, sorts objects
by color
Lane Lane will be able IELG D5 G53 Age 8-12/ 12-24 mo. Dev. Trains, cars, Speech delayed Terry (dad) Signing, art,
to mimic one 6-18 months CI4: GM-walking, running, bubbles Amoxicillin Ina (mom) finger play.
action or one Uses single word climbing. Austin (uncles)
word-when speech, or FM-scribbles, turns Shiri (grandma)
over containers.
interacting with beginning sign
LNG: says “dada”, small
others each language and exclamations.
toddler lab. symbols. COG: explores objects,
looking at books.
SH-can open doors, can
feed himself.
S/E-shows defiant
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Lucy Lucy will IELG D3 G38 16- 24-36 mo./3-4 yr. Lucy loves dramatic None Brianna (Mom) Interacting with
identify, 38 mo. CI4 GM – Runs, jumps, play (kitchen & Alex (Dad) new sibling and
verbalize, and Uses vocabulary bends over baby dolls) and Debrah(Grandma) large motor
communicate to name own FM – Turns books primary songs. Her Brian (Grandpa) activities for
pages, makes strokes mom also said that Barbara inside during
her feelings, feelings.
with pencil or crayon she loves coloring (Grandma) the winter.
rather than
LNG – Speaks in and being read to. Samantha (Aunt)
getting sentences of 5-6
frustrated, at words, speaks
least two times clearly, tells stories
during toddler CGN – Correctly
lab. names some colors,
engages in make-
believe and fantasy
SH – Helps put things
S/E – Plays “mom”,
can stay on topic
during conversations,
follows simple rules
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Jane Jane will be able IELG D2 G18 Age Jane has started Jane likes Head None Connie (Grandma) Art activities
to use her pincer 16 to 38 Months running along with Shoulders knees Wendy (Mom) and potty
grasp twice each CI5: Uses her sister. She loves and toes, playing Albert (Dad) training
day in toddler forefinger to to imitate with water, playing information.
lab. thumb grasp with movements she sees with balls, Ring
precision. others do. GM- Around the Rosy,
Walks alone, runs Legos, and slides.
stiffly, climbs onto
furniture, builds
tower of four blocks
or more.
Language says no,
follows simple
directions, recognizes
Template for Sharing Child Information
IELG Outcome
Toddler goal that references
created with the the goal.
family Put the domain, Toddler’s current Put the interests of
(Specific, goal, age range, developmental level the toddler that Health
observable, and and child or skills that relate connect to where Concerns, People authorized Additional ideas
measurable with indicator, Ex. D2 to why or how you or how you are Allergies, & to pick the parents would
Toddler’s any criteria/ G51 16-38 mo. are planning for planning for them Special toddler from like more
First Name conditions) CI2 them today today Considerations toddler lab information on
Bryn Bryn will be able IELG D5 G52 Age 3-4 Years Dev. Baby dolls, play None Linda- None
to identify and 16 to 38 Months GM-hops, stands on dough, dancing, Grandparent
label the colors CI11: Uses one foot, kicks ball puzzles, jumping, Norm-
blue, green, attributes forward, moves playing mom Grandparent
orange, and red (descriptive forward and Lisa- Aunt
correctly by the words-big boy, backward Crystal-
end of he red ball) FM-holds pencil, Grandparent
semester. builds blocks, turns Joni- Parent
rotating handles Chade-Parent
LNG-speaks in
sentences of 5-6
words, speaks clearly
COG- engages in
fantasy play, knows a
few numbers
SH-washes hands, do
simple house task
S/E- plays with other
children, plays simple