The Jacobian of A Transformation 2
The Jacobian of A Transformation 2
The Jacobian of A Transformation 2
Let T( u,v) be a smooth coordinate transformation with Jacobian J( u,v) , and let R be the
rectangle spanned by du = 〈 du,0 〉 and dv = 〈0,dv 〉 . If du and dv are sufficiently close
to 0, then T( R) is approximately the same as the parallelogram spanned by
If we let dA denote the area of the parallelogram spanned by dx and dy, then dA
approximates the area of T(R) for du and dv sufficiently close to 0.
xu xv
yu yv
dx×dy = 0,0, dudv
The quantity inside the absolute values in (1) is called the Jacobian determinant, which is
often denoted by
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
∂( x,y) −
= x y x y
∂( u,v)
∂u ∂v ∂v ∂u
Thus, the area differential dA is given by
∂( x,y)
dA = dudv
∂( u,v)
EXAMPLE 3 Find the Jacobian determinant and the area differential of T( u,v) =
〈u2−v2,2uv 〉 at ( u,v) = ( 1,1) , What is the approximate area of the image of the
rectangle [1,1.4]×[1,1.2]?
∂( x,y) = ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
∂( u,v) x y − x y
∂u ∂v ∂v ∂u
= ( 2u) ( 2u) −( −2v) ( 2v)
= 4u2+4v2
∂( x,y)
dA = dudv = ( 4u2+4v2) dudv
∂( u,v)
dA = (4·12+4·12)·0.4·0.2 = 0.32
which is the approximate area in the xy-plane of the image of [ 1,1.4] ×[ 1,1.2] under T(
u,v) .
Let's look at another interpretation of the area differential. If the coordinate curves under
a transformation T(u,v) are sufficiently close together, then they form a grid of lines that
are "practically straight" over short distances. As a result, sufficiently small rectangles in
the uv-plane are mapped to small regions in the xy-plane that are practically the same as
Consequently, the area differential dA approximates the area in the xy-plane of the image
of a rectangle in the uv-plane as long as the rectangle in the uv-plane is sufficiently small.
EXAMPLE 4 Find the Jacobian determinant and the area differential for the polar
coordinate transformation. Illustrate using the image of a "grid" of rectangles in polar
Solution: Since x = rcos( θ ) and y = rsin( θ ) , the Jacobian determinant is
∂( x,y) = ∂ ∂
∂ ∂
∂( r,θ y x
x − y
) ∂ ∂
∂r ∂r
θ θ
= cos( θ ) rcos( θ ) -rsin(θ )
sin( θ )
= r[ cos2( θ ) +sin2(
θ )]
= r
Thus, the area differential is dA = rdrdθ .
Geometrically, "rectangles" in polar coordinates are regions between circular arcs and
rays through the origin. If the distance changes from r to r+dr when r > 0 for some small
dr > 0, and if the polar angle changes from θ to θ +dθ for some small angle dθ , then
the region covered is practically the same as a small rectangle with height dr and width
ds, which is the distance from θ to θ +dθ along a circle of radius r.
If an arc subtends an angle dθ of a circle of radius r, then the length of the arc is ds =
rdθ . Thus,
dA = dr ds =
Check your Reading: Is dA a good approximation when r = 0, even if dr is small?