Vector Analysis (Contd.)
Vector Analysis (Contd.)
Vector Analysis (Contd.)
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2 The Operator ∇
3 Gradient
Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient
4 The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence
5 The Curl
Geometrical Interpretation of curl
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Outline (contd.)
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Position, Displacement, and Separation Vectors
Position Vector
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Position, Displacement, and Separation Vectors
Infinitesimal Displacement Vector
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Position, Displacement, and Separation Vectors
Separation Vector
Figure 1
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Position, Displacement, and Separation Vectors
Separation Vector (contd.)
The separation vector from the source point to the field point is
~ = (~r −~r0 )
0 2
0 2
0 2
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The Operator ∇
This tells us how T changes when we alter all three variables by the
infinitesimal amount dx, dy, dz.
Equation (1) can be written as
∂T ∂T ∂T
dT = î + ĵ + k̂ · dx î + dy ĵ + dz k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
= (∇T) · d~l
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Gradient (contd.)
∂T ∂T ∂T
where ∇T = î + ĵ + k̂ is the gradient of T
∂x ∂y ∂z
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient
dT = (∇T) · d~l = |∇T| d~l cos θ
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient (contd.)
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient (contd.)
Here, T = x2 − y2 + xyz + 273
∂T ∂T ∂T
∇T = î + ĵ + k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ 2 ∂ 2
x − y2 + xyz + 273 î + x − y2 + xyz + 273 ĵ
∂x ∂y
∂ 2
x − y2 + xyz + 273 k̂
= (2x + yz) î + (−2y + xz) ĵ + (xy) k̂
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient (contd.)
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient (contd.)
Gravitational Potential Energy near the Earth
U = mgz
where z is the height from some arbitrary reference level
∂U ∂U ∂U
∇U = î + ĵ + k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ ∂ ∂
= (mgz) î + (mgz) ĵ + (mgz) k̂ = mgk̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
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Geometrical Interpretation of the Gradient (contd.)
∂T ∂T ∂T
∇T = î + ĵ + k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
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The Divergence
div~F = ∇ · ~F = lim ~F · d~a
V→0 V S
div ~F = ∇ · ~F
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The Divergence (contd.)
~ ∂ ∂ ∂
∇ · F = î + ĵ + k̂ · Fx î + Fy ĵ + Fz k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ Fx ∂ F y ∂ Fz
∇ · ~F = + +
∂x ∂y ∂z
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The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence
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The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence (contd.)
For example,
The vector function in Figure 2 has a large positive divergence.
Figure 2
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The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence (contd.)
Figure 3
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The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence (contd.)
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The Divergence
Geometrical Interpretation of divergence (contd.)
If at some point P,
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The Divergence
∂ vx ∂ vy ∂ vz
∇ ·~v = + +
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ ∂ ∂
= (x) + (y) + (z)
∂x ∂y ∂z
= 1+1+1
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The Divergence (contd.)
2 If ~A = x2 zî − 2y3 z2 ĵ + xy2 zk̂, find ∇ ·~A at point (1, −1, 1).
∂ 2 ∂ ∂
∇ ·~A = −2y3 z2 + xy2 z
x z +
∂x ∂y ∂z
= 2xz − 6y2 z2 + xy2
= 2−6+1
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The Curl
n̂ · curl ~F = n̂ · (∇ × ~F) = lim ~F · d~l
S→0 S C
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The Curl (contd.)
curl~v = ∇ ×~v
∂ ∂ ∂
= î + ĵ + k̂ × vx î + vy ĵ + vz k̂
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ vz ∂ vy ∂ vx ∂ vz ∂ vy ∂ vx
= î − + ĵ − + k̂ −
∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x ∂x ∂y
î ĵ k̂
∂ ∂ ∂
∂x ∂y ∂z
vx vy vz
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The Curl
Geometrical Interpretation of curl
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The Curl
Geometrical Interpretation of curl (contd.)
Figure 4
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The Curl
Geometrical Interpretation of curl (contd.)
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The Curl
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The Curl (contd.)
2 If ~A = xz3 î − 2x2 yzĵ + 2yz4 k̂, find ∇ ×~A at point (1, −1, 1).
î ĵ k̂
3 2 4
∂ ∂ ∂
∇ ×~v = ∇ × xz î − 2x yzĵ + 2yz k̂ =
∂x ∂y ∂z
xz3 −2x2 yz 2yz4
∂ 4
∂ 2
∂ 4
∂ 3
= î 2yz − −2x yz − ĵ 2yz − xz
∂y ∂z ∂x ∂z
∂ ∂
−2x2 yz − xz3
+ k̂
∂x ∂y
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The Curl (contd.)
= 3ĵ + 4k̂
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Product rules for gradient, divergence and curl
There are six product rules as shown in Eq. (2) to (7), two for gradients:
∇(~A ·~B) = ~A × (∇ ×~B) +~B × (∇ ×~A) + (~A · ∇)~B + (~B · ∇)~A (3)
∇ × (~A ×~B) = (~B · ∇)~A − (~A · ∇)~B +~A(∇ ·~B) −~B(∇ ·~A) (7)
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End of Lecture 02
Thank you
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