B89-3-4M R1992 E1985
B89-3-4M R1992 E1985
B89-3-4M R1992 E1985
This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition.
There will be no addenda or written interpretations of the requirements of this Standard
issued t o this Edition.
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Copyright 0 1986 by
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The testing of axes of rotation is at least as old as machine tools since most forms of
machine tools incorporate such an axis. One of the more widely distributed European works
on testing machine tools' devotes considerable attention to the problems encountered. Con-
sideration of principles, equipment, and methods were included in the work.
Other European work' was carried forward and was published, in part, in 1959. As a result,
a variety of terms came into use throughout the world to describe and explain the various
phenomena found during testing and subsequent use of machine tool spindles.
In the United States, work published in 19673 represented a new viewpoint both in defini-
tions and methods of testing. This work also underscored the lack of standardization of the
entire subject of rotational axes.
When the American National Standards Subcommittee B89.3, Geometry, was formed in
February 1963, axes of rotation were not initially considered as a separate topic. This Stan-
dard, which was initiated by J. K. Emery in August 1968 as a part of the Geometry Subcom-
mittee work, is the result of recognizing the need for uniform technology and methods of
testing for axes of rotation.
The goal in preparing the present Standard has been to produce a comprehensive document
for the description, specification, and testing of axes of rotation. Because this is both a new
and a comprehensive Standard, extensive advisory material has been provided in the Appen-
dices as an aid to the user. It is recommended that this material be studied before putting the
Standard to use. While the examples of the Appendices involve machine tools and measuring
machines, the terminology and the underlying concepts are applicable to any situation in which
the performance of a rotary axis is of concern.
This Standard was adopted as an American National Standard by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) on May 17, 1985.
Dimensional Metrology
(The following is the Roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)
E.G. Loewen,Chairman
M. Fadl,Vice Chairman
J. A. Hall, Vice Chairman
C.E. Lynch,Secretary
P. E. Bitters, TRW Greenfield Tap & Die Division, Greenfield, Massachusetts
J. B. Bryan, University of California, Livermore, California
A. K. Chitayat, Anorad Corp., Hauppauge, New York
A. M. Dexter, Old Lyme, Connecticut
C. G. Erickson, Sterling Die Operation, West Hartford, Connecticut
M. Fadl, Scientific Columbus, Columbus, Ohio
M. Gross, Gould, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
J. A. Hall, Rockwell International, Anaheim, California
R. B. Hook, Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., North Kingstown, Rhode Island
R. W. Lamport, The Van KeurenCo., Watertown, Massachusetts
R. G. Lenz, G M Corp., Warren, Michigan
A. A. Lindberg, Moore Special Tool Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Connecticut
E.E. Lindberg, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California
E. Loewen, Bausch & Lomb, Inc., Rochester, New York
W. B. McCallum, General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York
F. J. Meyer, Jr., Machine Tool Engineer Associates International, Forestdale, Rhode Island
A. Miller, IBM, Endicott, New York
D. Pieczulewski, A G Davis Gage & Engineering Co., Hazel Park, Michigan
El. J. Taylor, Bendix Measurement Systems Division, Dayton, Ohio
E. L. Watelet, Warwick, Rhode Island
G. B. Webber, L. S. Starrett Co., Cleveland, Ohio
J. H. Worthen, Durham (RFD Lee), New Hampshire
1 scope............................................................... 1
2 Definitions ........................................................... 1
3 Specification or Description of an Axis of Rotation ........................... 6
1 ReferenceCoordinateAxes.Axis of Rotation.andErrorMotion of aSpindle .... 2
2 Plan View of a Spindle Showing Error Motion and Axial. Face. Radial. and Tilt
Motion .......................................................... 3
3 PolarPlotsofErrorMotionand Its Components ............................. 4
4 Error Motion Polar Plot, Showing PC Center and MRS Center and Error Motion
Values About TheseCenters ........................................ 5
1 Motion
Type . PreferredCenter ........................................ 6
2 Combination of Error MotionTerms ...................................... 7
A Discussion
Concepts ......................................... 9
B Elimination of Master Ball Roundness Error ............................... 37
C References .......................................................... 43
ANSllASME B89.3.4M-1985
Methods for Specifying and Testing
1 SCOPE workpiece with its center line coincident with the axis
of rotation. Error motions are specified as to location
This document is primarily intendedfor, but not lim-
and direction as shown in Fig. 2, sketch (a) and do not
ited to, the standardizationof methods of specifying and
include motions due tothennal drzj?.
testing the axesof rotation of spindles used in machine
tools and measuring machines. This Standard does not 2.7 sensitive and nonsensitive directions - the sensi-
include the subjectof angular positioning accuracy. Ap- tivedirectionisperpendicularto the idealgenerated
pendices are attached which provide advisory informa- workpiece surface through the‘ instantaneous point of
tion for the interpretation and useof the Standard. The machining or gaging (refer to Fig. 2). A nonsensitive
Appendices are not partof this Standard. direction is any direction perpendicular to the sensitive
direction. Two types of sensitive direction are recog-
2 DEFINITIONS (a) fixed sensitive direction, in which the workpiece
is rotated by the spindle and the point of machining or
The definitions in this Standard have been arranged
gaging is fixed; and
numerically to help the user develop an understanding
(6) rotating sensitive direction, in which the work-
of the terminology of axes of rotation.
piece is fixed and the point of machining or gaging ro-
2.1 axis of rotation - a line about which rotation oc- tates with the spindle.
COMMENT: In general this line translates and tilts with respect to (I) A lathe has a fixed sensitive direction; a jig borer has a rotat-
the reference coordinate axes, as shown in Fig. 1. ing sensitive direction.
(2) With a fixed sensitive direction, the reference coordinates are
2.2 spindle - a device which provides an axis of ro- fixed; with a rotating sensitive direction, the reference coordinates
tation. rotate with the spindle.
COMMENT: Other-named devices such as rotary tables, trunnions, 2.8 error motion t e r n - the following terms are used
live centers, and so on are included within this definition.
for special casesof error motion:
2.3 reference Coordinate axes - mutually perpendicu- (a) radial motion - error motion in a direction nor-
lar X, Y, and Z axes, fixed with respect to a specified mal to the Z reference axis and at a specified axial lo-
object cation [Fig. 2, sketch (d)];
COMMENTS: COMMENT: The term “radial runout” has an accepted meaning
( I ) For simplicity, the 2 axis is chosen to lie along the axis of which includes errors due to centering and workpiece out-of-round-
rotation, as in Fig. 1. ness and hence is not equivalent to radial motion.
(2) Examples of a specified object are “tool holder” and “indi-
cator bracket.”
(6)axial motion - error motion colinear with theZ
(3) The specified object may be jixed or roruting. reference axis [Fig. 2, sketch (b)];
COMMENT: “Axial slip, “end-camming,” and “drunkenness” are
2.4 perfect spindle - a spindle having no motion
of its nonprefemd terms for axial motion.
axis of rotation relative to the reference coordinate axes (c) face motion - error motion parallel to the Z ref-
2.5 perfect workpiece - a rigid body having a perfect erence axis at a specified radial location [Fig. 2, sketch
surface of revolution abouta center line (41;
COMMENT: The term “face runout” has an accepted meaning anal-
2.6 error motion - changes in position, ielative to the ogous to “radial runout” [see (a) above] and hence is not equivalent
reference coordinate axes, of the surface of a.perfect to face motion.
ANSllASME B89.3.4M-1985
Z Reference bearings and housing, the machine slideways and frame, and the tool
workholding fixtures. See Appendix A, paras. A 2 . 1 and A4.
Errormotionof &I Axis of rotation
(at time r) 2.1 1 error motion sources - the sources of error mo-
axis of rotation tion are:
(prior to time r)
I I (a) bearing error motion, due to imperfect bearings;
I I and
I I Y Reference (b) structural error motion, due to internal or exter-
I I axis nal excitationandaffected by elasticity,mass,and
damping of the structural loop.
COMMENT: See Appendix A, paras. A3, A4, and A7.4.
ANSVASME B89.3.4M-1985
ANSllASME 889.3.4M-1985
Type Motion Preferred Center 2.25 thermal driji value - the difference between the
maximum and minimum values on the thermal drift plot
Radial motion MRS Center over a specified time period
Axial motion PC Center
motion Residual
Tilt [Note (3)l
(1) If no term from thiscolumn is given, the combination of all sources is t o be assumed.
(2) If no term from thiscolumn is given, the designated term is to be assumed.
(3) Not applicable to radial motion or tilt motion.
(a) the axial and radial location and direction angle (h) the drift characteristicsof the displacement mea-
of the displacement measurement relativeto the Z ref- suring system, due to temperature change withzero dis-
erence axis; placement input.
(b) the structural loop connecting the displacement
transducer and the surface againstwhich it reads;
(c) the rotational speed of the spindle;
( d ) the time durationof the measurement;
(e) the frequency response of the instrumentation;
3.2 Combination of Terms
(f)the ‘mbient temperature conditions of the test
environment; Any combination of terms obtained by selecting one
(g) other operating conditions which may influence term from two or more columns of Table 2 can be em-
the thermal drift; ployed in the error motion description of para. 3.1.1.
(This Appendix is not a part of ANWASME B89.3.4M-1985 but is included for information purposes onty.)
AI Introduction ...................................................... 11
A2 PerfectAxis of Rotation ........................................... 11
A2.1 RelativeMotion ............................................. 11
A2.2 SensitiveDirection .......................................... 11
A2.3 Fixed
Workpiece ........................................... 12
A2.4 .........................................
GagesVersus Tools 12
A3 Imperfect Axis of Rotation ........................................ 12
A4 Structural Error Motion ............................................ 13
A5 ThermalDrift ..................................................... 13
A6 Error Motion Geometry ............................................ 15
A6.1 PureRadialMotion ......................................... 15
A6.2 Axial Motion .............................................. 15
A6.3 Tilt Motion ................................................ 15
A6.4 RadialMotion ............................................. 15
A6.5 FaceMotion ............................................... 15
A6.6 Error Motion - General Case ................................ 15
A7 Error Motion PolarPlots ........................................... 17
A7.1 Specific Example - RadialMotionPolarPlot .................... 17
A7.2 AverageRadialMotionandPartRoundness ..................... 20
A7.3 Asynchronous Error MotionandSurfaceRoughness .............. 20
A7.4 Bearingand Structural Error Motions .......................... 23
A7.5 Centering Error ............................................ 23
A7.6 FundamentalandResidual Error Motions ....................... 25
A8 Effect of Unbalance'.............................................. 27
A9 Test Master Errors ................................................ 28
A10 Error Motion Versus Runout or T.I.R. ............................... 28
AI1 Error Motion Values . i ............................................ 28
A1 1.1 MinimumRadialSeparationCenter ............................ 28
A1 1.2 LeastSquaresCircle Center .................................. 28
A1 1.3 Maximum Inscribed and Minimum Circumscribed
Circle Centers ............................................ 29
A1 1.4 PolarChart Center .......................................... 29
A1 1.5 Asynchronous Error MotionValue ............................. 31
A I2 AxisAverage Line ................................................ 31
AI3 RotatingSensitiveDirectionMeasurements ......................... 31
A14 FixedSensitiveDirectionMeasurements ............................ 32
A1 5 Considerations on the Use of the Two-Gagehead System
for aFixedSensitiveDirection ................................... 32
A1 6 DigitalComputerMeasurementSystem ............................ 35
A1 Illustration ofSensitiveDirectioninFacing.Turning.andChamfering ....... 12
A2 Second-Order Error Due to Relative Motion in the Nonsensitive Direction
Along aCurvedSurface ........................................... 12
A3 Illustration of Rotating Sensitive Direction at Two Instants in Time in Jig-
BoringaHole ................................................... 13
A4 StructuralLoopExample ............................................ 13
A5 Schematic Diagrams of the Six Basic Degrees of Freedom of An Axis of
Rotation ........................................................ 14
A6 GeometryofRadialandFaceMotion .................................. 16
A7 General Case of Error Motion ........................................ 17
A8 Schematic Test Arrangements for Radial,Axial, and Tilt Motion With a
FixedSensitiveDirection ........................................... 18
A9 Hypothetical Example of Radial Motion Measurement and Plotting .......... 19
A10 Relationship of Radial Motion of Part Roundness Using Exampleof
Fig.A9 ........................................................ 20
A1 1 Total, Average, Asynchronous, Inner, and Outer Error Motion Polar Plots .... 21
A12 RelationshipofSurfaceRoughness to AsynchronousMotion ............... 22
A13 Effectof Centering Error onRadialMotionMeasurement ................. 24
A14 Example of Polar Distortion forCentering Error Signal Amplitudeof 50%
ofBase CircleRadius ............................................. 26
A15 PolarDistortionDueto Centering Error ................................ 27
A16 Determination ofMinimum RadialSeparation ........................... 29
A17 Determination of Least Squares Center and Circle [para . Cl(f)] . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
A18 Asynchronous Motion Assessment - Constant-Amplitude Sinusoid With
Centering Error. ShowingProper Measurement Along a Radius From
PCCenter ...................................................... 31
A19 Test Method for Radial Motion With a Rotating Sensitive Direction
[Tlusty,para . Cl(d)] .............................................. 32
A20 Test Method for Radial Motion With a Fixed Sensitive Direction
[Bryan, et al., para. Cl(e)] ......................................... 33
A21 Vector DiagramforRotatingSensitiveDirection ......................... 34
(This Appendix is not part of ANSllASME 889.3.4M-1985 but is included for information purposes only.)
\ ‘k
hD B
(1) For the lathe example shown in sketch (a). only the motions in sketches (c), (e), and (g) are in the sensitive direction.
Additional advisory material on thermal drift can be a(0) allows the radial motion r(0) at another axial po-
found in ANSI Standard B89.6.2 [see para. Cl(b)]. sition to be predicted as shown in Fig. A6, sketch (a),
r- 1
(b) Face Motion Variation With Radius
In Fig. A8, sketch (b), a second radial motion mea- error motion versus the angular position of the axis. The
surement is used to obtain tilt motion from Eq. A2, following advantages for this method will be listed and
discussed in turn:
(a) prediction of thepart roundness and surface finish
potential of a machine tool;
(b)diagnosis of bearing error motion and structural
It should be noted that pure radial motion does not error motion;
appear in any of the error motion equations. It is useful (c) reduction of the required accuracy of centering
only as a concept in understanding error motion geom- the master test ball;
etry and is not a factor which needs to be measured in ( d )assessment of the error motion value.
determining the behavior of an axis of rotation.
It should also be noted that the illustrations in this
Section have progressed from line segments in Fig. A5 A7.1 Specific Example - Radial Motion '
to solid workpieces in Figs. A6, A I , and A8. These are Polar Plot
equivalent in'that the center line of a perfectly centered
A specific example of an error motion polar plot will
workpiece having ideal geometry is coincident with the
be used as a basis for discussion. Using radial motion
axis of rotation, and the latter can be viewed as a work-
for illustration, Fig. A9, sketch (a) shows a test arrange-
piece of zero diameter. It is easier to visualize the con-
ment involving a master test ball (assumed to be per-
cepts of face motion or error motion in the general case
fectly round) with a gagehead arranged to measure in
from solid workpieces rather than the lines of Fig. AS,
the sensitive direction. Figure A9, sketch (b) shows an
and of course in practice all measurements are made
enlarged view of the assumed path ofthe axis of rotation
from solid surfaces rather than abstract lines. The mo-
in the X-Y plane relative to the gagehead. The assumed
tion of an ideal solid object has been used as the basis
path consists of a repetitive figure-eight pattern which
for defining error motion in para. 2.6.
has been labelled with the angle of rotation at various
points. Figure A9, sketch (c) shows a rectilinear plot of
the radial motion measured by a gagehead versus angle
of rotation as a result of the figure-eight pattern, with
A very useful form for displaying error motion mea- motion of the ball toward the gagehead being positive.
surements of an axis of rotation is a polar plot of the Figure A9, sketch (d) shows the same data as Fig. A9,
r Radial
ty 2
90 deg.
ball Reference
axis 135 deg.
315 deg.
270 deg.
90 deg
0 45 90 135 180360
Rotation Angle 8, deg.
sketch (c), butintheformofapolarplotofradial
motion (which might, for example, be obtained by con-
necting the gagehead to a polar recorder synchronized
to the spindle). Thus the figure-eight pattern results in a
tilted elliptical radial motion polar plot.It is not neces-
sary to have a figure-eight pattern to produce an ellipse
since other motions in the nonsensitive direction could
occur without changing the radial motion.
(a) Theoretical Finish for Ideal Cutting
With Zero Asynchronous Motion
+ +
+ +
\\\ \
that surface roughness is ordinarily measured across the face roughness if the roughness cutoff width [usually
lay (Le., parallel to the axis fora cylinder or radially on 0.03 in. (0.8 mm)] is several times larger than the feed
a flat face), it followsthat the measurement corresponds per revolution. The sum of the asynchronous motion
to crossing a number of successive revolutions at one level and H from Eq. A7 represents the potential peak-
particular angle on the total error motion polar plot. If to-valley surface roughness for the machine under ideal
the asynchronous error motion were zero, the only ir- cutting conditions, with the AA (arithmetic average)
regularity present would be the scallop-marks associated value being approximately one-fourth as large. This po-
with the tool radius as shown in Fig. A12, sketch (a) tential can be realized for sharpchip-free diamond tools
which is referred to as the “theoretical finish.” The cutting certain nonferrous metals, but under most cut-
peak-to-valley height H of the theoretical finish associ- ting conditions, the presence of a built-up edge on the
ated with a tool radius R and the feed per revolution F tool leads to a larger surface roughness. In some situa-
is tions the tool has repeated contact with the same point
on the work over a large number of revolutions, as, for
F2 example, in turning with a flat-nosed tool, cylindrical
H = - (if F is small compared to R) (A7)
8R grinding with a flat-faced wheel, or dwell at zero feed
rate with any tool. In such a case, it can be argued that
The value of H can easily be made quite small, e.g., material will be removed to the level of the maximum
if F = 0.001 in. (0.025 mm)/rev and R = !A in. (3.1 excursions of the work toward the tool, and hence (using
mm), then H is 1 pin. (0.025 pm). However, if asyn- the sign convention of Fig. A9) the potential part round-
chronous motion is present, then the surface is cut to ness can be predicted from the outer error motion polar
varying levels on successive revolutions as in Fig. A12, plot, consisting of the contour of the total error motion
sketch @). It is evident that a given asynchronous mo- polar plot as shown in Fig. A l l , sketch (d). For oper-
tion level is translated into an equal peak-to-valley sur- ations inside a cylindrical bore, the inner error motion
polar plot has a similar significance [see Fig. AI 1, mately one-half of the shaft speed. Plain bearings can
sketch (e)]. The reliability of such a prediction is limited have a similar behavior due to a hydrodynamic effect
by the similarity of a succession of such plots as well as called half-speed whirl. In these cases the deviation be-
by nonideal cutting conditions. For an axis of rotation tween successive revolutions represents asynchronous
of a measuring machine, the asynchronous error motion error motion which is caused by bearing error motion.
represents the basic level to which the machine can re- Average motioncan also be caused by sources other than
peat its readings on a given workpiece from revolution axis bearings, such as a drive component operating at a
to revolution. The average error motion represents the whole number multiple of the axis rotational frequency
basic systematic error of the axis, which will still be or by a piece of equipment unrelated to the axis but hav-
present if there is noasynchronous error motion (perfect ing a chance synchronization with the axis rotational
repeatability from revolution to revolution) or if the frequency. A useful technique for locating the sources
asynchronous error motion is averaged out over a num- of error motion is to note changes as potential sources
ber of revolutions. are turned on and off or varied in speed. An alternative
approach is to vary the axis speed of rotation. At zero
axis speed, the remaining ‘cloud band’ thickness rep-
resents asynchronous error motion due to sources other
A7.4 Bearing and Structural Error Motions
than the axis bearings and drive system. The average
In addition to being useful in predicting the perfor- error motion polar plot at zero axis speed can also be
mance of a machine, the polar plot can help in diagnos- obtained from a static error motion polar plot, per-
ing the physical causes of the observed error motion. In formed by placing the nonrotating axis in a succession
this context, it is helpful to view the total error motion of discrete angular positions. It should be noted that un-
as an asynchronous error motion superimposed on a less these angular positions are closely spaced, any high
completely repetitive average error motion profile. It can frequency components (in terms of cycles per revolu-
be shown mathematically that a repetitive profile can tion) may be filtered out of the average error motion
involve only those frequencies which are equal to or polar plot. The possibility of high frequency compo-
are whole number multiples of the axis rotational fre- nents being present in the average error motion polar
quency. Thus the axis bearings and the axis drive sys- plot excludes the use of a low-pass electronic filter to
tem arethe most likely sources of average error motion. eliminate asynchronous error motion, since a portion of
Fluid film bearings (hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, aero- the average error motion may also be removed.
static) in particular show highly repetitive patterns. The reader is again reminded that this Standard does
Asynchronous error motion has, in the past, often not specify which sources of error motion are to be in-
been referred to as “random error motion.” This latter cluded in the assessment of an axis of rotation. For ex-
term is now nonpreferred since the physical causes of ample, in the case of a roundness measuring machine
synchronous error motion are frequently not random in subjected to a high level of building virbration, the ma-
the statistical sense. For example, asynchronous error chine’s performance may be adversely affectedby its
motion is often due to nonrandom sources such as mo- environment. However, itis conceivable that the ma-
tors or pumps operating at frequencies which are not chine was purchased with special design features in-
whole number multiples of the axis rotational fre- tended to deal with such an environment, in which case
quency. These frequencies are best determined by rec- the error motion tests would intentionally include build-
ords based on one or a few revolutions to avoid over- ing vibration as a source.
lapping traces. Rectilinear time base records are also
usefu! for determining frequencies, but separation of the
average and asynchronous error motion components can
A7.5 Centering Error
be difficult.
The above discussion suggests that average error mo- Returning to the radial motion example shown in Fig.
tion can be equated with bearing error motion and sim- A9, it is assumed that the master test ball is perfectly
ilarly for asynchronous and structural error motions. centered on the axis of rotation (as well as being per-
This is usually an oversimplification. Asynchronous er- fectly round). An off-center test ball adds an unwanted
ror motion can originate in a rolling element bearing due component to the radial motion, which can be examined
to imperfect balls, rollers, or raceways. Ball and roller most simply by assuming a perfect axis of rotation. As
bearings sometimes exhibit a pattern which is repetitive shown in Fig. A13, the consequence of centering error
only every other revolution and this behavior is associ- is a once-per-revolution sinusoidal wave in rectilinear
ated with the rolling elements travelling at approxi- coordinates. In polar coordinates, Fig. A13, sketch (c),
d master ball
Base circle
/ Polar plot
the sinusoid is very nearly acircle having its center off- thrust bearing components. An excellent illustration of
set from the center of the polar chart. When radial mo- results of this motion, shownin exaggerated detail on a
tion and centering error are both present, it is difficult model, is given in Fig. 17 of reference given in para.
todeterminethesinusoidalcomponent of thetotal Cl(e).
waveform in rectilinear coordinates, as is evidentin Fig. Regarding face motion, reference to Eq. A3 shows
A13, sketch (d). In contrast, the sinusoid can be elimi- that fundamental face motion does exist and is equal to
nated from the polar plot of Fig. A13, sketch (e) by fundamental axial motion. This can be understood by
choosing an offset ‘best fit’ center (using methods to be visualizing a perfectly flat disk mounted on a perfect
discussed in the following paragraph. Since it is time axis of rotation. Mounting error can result in a once-
consuming and often virtually impossible to reduce cen- per-revolution sinusoidal face motion (increasing in di-
tering error toanegligiblelevel in themechanical rect proportionto radius), but this will vanish if the disk
mounting of a testball, the ability to eliminate its effect is perfectly square to the axis of rotation. Assuming per-
represents another advantagefor polar plots. fect squareness and then changing from a perfect axisto
It should be noted that the amountof centering error an axis having fundamental axial motion, it follows that
must be limited when using polarcharts. Strictly speak- the same fundamental motion will occur at all radii. Thus
ing, the polar plot of a pure sinusoid is a limacon, which a perfectly flat disk is square to an imperfect axis of
ranges from a circular shape to a ‘heart’ shape as the rotation if the fundamental face motion is the same at
centering error increases, as shown in Fig A14. This all radii. It is possible to cancel the fundamental face
causes a fictitious average radial motion to appear on motion by mounting the disk out-of-square to the axis
the polar chartof a perfect axisof rotation due to an off- of rotation, but this cancellation can onlyoccur at one
center test ball. Figure A15 [from ANSI B89.3.1; see radius. The out-of-squareness angle necessary for this
para. Cl(a)] showsthedistortionwhichoccurs for a cancellationbecomeslarger as theradiusbecomes
given eccentricity of the best fit center and a given min- smaller, reaching an impossible situation at zero radius.
imum radius of the polar plot. A conservative rule is to The existence of fundamental face motion has an in-
limit the offset of the best fit center on the recording teresting consequence in machining and measuring flat
chart to0.1 in. (2.5 mm) plus 5% of the minimum polar faces. If a flat disk is faced on an axis which is perfect
plot radius, which limits the limacon error to 0.01 in. except for the presence of fundamental axial motion,
(0.25 mm) (approximately the limit of graphical reading then the part can be viewed as made up of many flat-
accuracy). faced thin rings, each of which is out-of-square with the
axis of rotation by an amount which increases with de-
creasing radius. Such a part is not flat over its full area.
A7.6 Fundamental and Residual Error Motions
However, if the part is mounted in a roundness measur-
The term used to refer to the once-per-revolution si- ing machine with the transducer sensing axially, then
nusoidal component ofan error motion polar plot isfun- the part can be tilted so that no flatness error is sensed
ahmental error motion. Since a test ball is perfectly cen- during a trace around a circular path concentric with the
tered when this component vanishes, it follows that fun- part center. Such a part is said to have circular flatness.
damental radial motion of an axis of rotation does not Since it does not have area flatness, it follows that cir-
exist. cular flatness measurements can be misleading if they
Similarly,fundamentaltiltmotiondoesnot exist. are not properly understood.
This can be understoodby visualizing a perfect cylinder Residual error motion is the gened term applied to
mounted on an imperfect axisof rotation. If the mount- the difference between average and fundamental error
ing is adjustedso that the cylinder has no centering error motion. The consequences of residual e m r motion are
at either end, then there can be no once-per-revolution analogous to those of average radial motion. For ex-
tiltmotion.Sincefamiliartermssuchas “coning,” ample, residual face motion during machining leads to
“wobble,” and “swash” suggest a once-per-revolution errors in circular flatness in the same way that average
component,theiruse is inappropriatetodescribetilt radial motion leads to errorsin roundness.
motion. In the general case of error motion with an arbitrary
In contrast,fundamentalaxial motion doesexist, and sensitive direction angle from theZ reference axis, the
is not caused by a master ball mounting error as with fundamental e m r motion is proportional to cos 4 times
centering error.It consists of a once-per-revolution axial the fundamental axial motion (see Eq. A4). Thus a 45
sliding motion of theaxis of rotation along the 2 refer- deg. taper involves 70.7% as much fundamental error
ence axis and can arise, for example, from out-of-square motion as a flat face.
Centering error signal
I I I 1
0 deg. 90 deg. 180 deg. 270 deg. 360 deg.
' In the case of surface finish it can be demonstrated
that, in single point turning, there is no relationship be-
Unbalance of the rotating elements introduces a once- tween surface finish and unbalance. This is difficult for
per-revolution sinusoidal force with maximum ampli- some people to believe since the necessity of a smooth,
tude varying as the square of the spindle speed, in a quiet, vibration-free machine for achieving mirror fin-
rotating sensitive direction. In machining, the conse- ishes seems obvious. It is, in fact, absolutely essential
quence of this for an otherwise perfect axis is that al- for a cylindrical grinding machine. To understand why
though a perfectly round part can be machined at a given it is not necessary for a lathe requires insight into
speed it will exhibit a centering error at other speeds. If the difference between synchronous and asynchronous
two cylindrical sections are machined on the same part vibration. Unbalance introduces synchronous motion
at different speeds, their geometric center lines will not which, in single point turning, does not affect finish
be coaxial. If the shift of the axis
of rotation with respect since the relative position of the tool with respect to the
to the rotating object involves a tilt as well as a radial axis of rotation at each complete revolution is the same.
component, then the center lines of the above two cyl- An otherwise perfect lathe with a large amount of un-
inders will not be parallel. Shifts in tilt also change the balance will achieve theoretical finish [see Fig. A12,
parallelism or squareness of the axis of rotation to the sketch (a)]
machine slideways, causing cylinders to be machined Asynchronous motion, on the other hand, is motion
with a taper and flat faces to be machined conical. of the tool with respectto the spindle at frequencies other
In the above discussion, unbalance is assumed to than whole number multiples of the spindle frequency.
cause a circular orbit of aninitially centered test ball. If It affects the position of the tool with respect to the axis
the structud loophas nonlinear and/or asymmetric of rotation at each complete revolution and therefore af-
compliance, unbalance may excite higher harmonic mo- fects surface finish [see Fig. A12, sketch (b)]. The sur-
tions which lead to roundness and flatness errors. Bal- face finish achieved by cylindrical grinders is influenced
ancing of rotating elements can be as important for this by unbalance because the wheel spindle rotates at a dif-
reason as any other. ferent speed than the work spindle and synchronous mo-
tion of the wheel spindle automatically becomes asyn- methods are recognized inthis Standard for locating po-
chronous motion with respectto the work spindle. lar plot centers:
(a) minimum radial separation (MRS) center;
(b) least squarescircle (LSC)center;
ERRORS . . maximum
(c) inscribed circle (MIC) center;
Thus far it has been assumed that a geometrically ( d )minimum circumscribed circle(XlCC) center.
perfect master test ballor equivalent was being used in These centersare the sameas those recognizedby ANSI
the various error motion measurement examples. It is B89.3.1 [para.Cl(a)] which is logical in view ofthe pre-
clear that the geometry errors in a master will causeer- viously discussed relationship between radial motion and
roneous error motion measurements, and it cannot al- roundness.
ways be assumed that the master has negligibleerrors, In addition, a fifth center, the polar chart (PC) cen-
since high quality axes of rotationmay have error mo- ter, is used in establishing error motion values which
tions of the order of l pin. (0.025 pm). Appendix B include fundamental axial motion(see para. A1 1.4).
describes methodsfor separating the errors of the master
from the average error motion component ofthe a x i s of A11.1 Minimum Radial Separation Center
The concept of the minimum radial separation cen-
ter is, as the name implies, that of a center chosen so as
A10 ERROR MOTION VERSUSRUNOUT to make the difference in radii of the two concentric
ORT.I.R. cles which contain the error motion polar plot an abso-
lute minimum. By definition, the MRS center yields the
It should be noted that error motion measurements smallest possible number for the error motion value.
differ from measurements of runout or T.I.R. (total in- There is no direct method of locating this center and
dicator reading) in several respects. It is important to some form of iterative trial and error must be used. In
understandthesedifferences, since runouttestshave unusual cases, more than one such centermay exist. Fig-
been used extensively in the past in assessing the accu- ure A16 shows three successive trials using a bow com-
racy of rotational axes. Runout is defined as “the total pass; further reductionis still possible as the reader may
displacement measuredby an instrument sensing against wish to verify. In general, the minimum has not been
a moving surface or moved with respect to a fixed sur- found until the inner and outer circles both touch the
face.” Under this definition, a radial runout measure- polar profile at two points; in unusual cases more than
ment includes both the roundness error and the centering two points percircle may occur. In the commoncase of
error of the surface that the gagehead senses against, two points per circle, the points must also alternate be-
and hence radial runout will be identical to radial motion tween the inner andouter circles. The time required for
only if both of these errors are zero. As noted previ- trial and error searching can be reduced by use of a
ously, neither of theseconditionsiseasilyaccom- transparent template having engraved concentric circles.
plished. While centering error unavoidably makes the Further reductions in time, together with improved ac-
xunout larger than the error motion, it is possible for curacy, can be obtained with computer-aided systems
roundness errors to make the runout either larger or (see Section A15) using iterative algorithms.
smaller than the error motion. The latter situation can The MRS center has been chosen as the preferred
arise if the surface against whichthe displacement trans- polar plot center for error motion assessment in the pres-
ducer is sensing was machinedin place on the a x i s bear- ent Standard and is to be understood as the method to
ings, as discussedpreviouslyinpara.A7.2.Similar be used if no methodis specified.Any of the other three
comments applyto face motion versus face runout; the methods can be used provided that the method is spec-
latter measurement includes nonsquareness and circular ified.
flatness errors (seealso para. A7.5).
Least squares
Determination of Least Squares Centerand Circle
From the center of the chart, draw a sufficient even number of equally spaced
radial ordinates. In the illustration they are shown numbered 1-1 2. Two of these
at right angles are selected to provide a system of rectangular coordinates X-X
and Y-Y.
The distances of thepoints of intersection ofthe polar graph with these radial
ordinates, P1 to P,,, are measured from the axes X-X and Y-Y, taking positive
and negative signs into account.
The distances a and b of the least squares center from the center of the paper
are calculated from thefollowing approximate formulae:
sum of radial values - Er
numbers of ordinates n
In practice, if it is required to know only the radial width of the zone enclosing
the curve, there is no point in finding R, and it is sufficient to draw the inscribing
and circumscribing circles from theleast squares center.
A11.5 Asynchronous Error Motion Value
The asynchronous motion value if found from the to-
tal error motion polar plot as the maximum radial width
of the “cloud band” at any angular position around the
circumference. It is the only measurement which does
not employ concentric circles, since it involves the ra-
dial variation at a particular angle rather than the radial
variation around the full circumference.
To be strictly correct, the asynchronous error motion
value should be measured along a radial line from the
polar chart (PC)center rather than from a best-fit center,
even though this is contrary to what seems intuitively
correct. Figure A18 illustrates this point by means of a
computer generated plot of a high frequency sinusoid of
uniform amplitude which is superimposed on a limacon.
The sinusoid amplitude is constant if it is measured ra-
dially from the PC center, as it should be, but is up to
8% smaller (in this case) if it is measured radially from
the MRS center.
The use of the oscilloscopeis simplest in the case of directions, are sensed by comparatively low magnifica-
radial motion measurement with a rotating sensitive di- tion gageheads to generate sine and cosine signals for
rection, using a method described by Tlusty [see para. the basecircle; a single cam with the gageheads 90 deg.
C 1(d)]. FigureA19 is a schematic diagram showing hori-apart could also be used. Radial motion is detected by
zontalandverticalgageheadswhich-senseradially a third high magnification gagehead sensing against a
against a master test ball. The gagehead signalsare am- master test ball which is centered (as closelyas possible)
plified and fed to the respective horizontal and vertical on the Z reference axis. The sine and cosine signals are
axes of the oscilloscope. By use of a wobble plate, the each multiplied by the radial motion signal using Hall-
master ball is made eccentric to the Z reference axis. effect multipliers and are then fed into the two axes of
For a perfectaxis of rotation,the result would be a per- the oscilloscope. The modulation of the base circle by
fect circle as the axis rotates. For an imperfect axis, ra- the signal from the fixed radial motion gagehead yields
dial motion in the direction of the master ball eccentric- a polar plotof radial motion versus the angular position
ity alters the shape of the oscilloscope display. Motion of the axis of rotation. Vanherck [see para. Cl(g)] has
at right angles to the master ball eccentricity moves the tested a modification in which a small (2 oz.) commer-
oscilloscope pip along a tangent to the base circle, caus- cial synchro unit is physically attached to the axis of
ing a negligible effect on the shape. Thus the arrange- rotation to replace the eccentric cams andlow magnifi-
ment yields a measurementof radial motion along aro- cation gageheadsas the sinecosine signal generator. The
tating sensitive direction which is parallel to aline from advantages are lower cost, less difficulty in obtaining an
the Z reference axis to the geometric center of the ec- accurately round base circle, and simplification of the
centric master ball. If the tool or gage can be mounted test setup, with negligible influence on the axis from the
on the a i s in only one angular orientation, the master synchro attachment except in the most exacting situa-
ball must be eccentric in this direction. If the orientation tions.
is arbitrary, then the axis shouldbe tested with the ball
eccentric in a numberof different directions.
Since the oscilloscope test method of Fig. A20 re-
Use of an oscilloscope for radial motion measure- quires special electronic equipment thatis not commer-
ment with a fixed sensitive direction requires a separate cially available, it is natural to consider substituting the
means for generating the basecircle. Figure A20 shows two gagehead system of Fig. A19 for measuring radial
amethoddescribedbyBryanetd. [seepara. Cl(e)]. Two motion with a fixed sensitive direction. If this substitu-
circular cams, eccentric by 0.005 in. in perpendicular tion is made, the resulting radial motion polar plot will
Wobble plate
Spherical master
[BRYAN, ET AL., para. Cl(e)l
(Courtesy of University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Library and
U.S. Department of Energy)
AB = AX@) cos 8 -
- -
AD = AY ( 0 ) sin B = A’D’
A F = A B + ~
= AX(0) cos B + AY(8) sin 0 \
\ awe)
that leads to Eq. A l l . Combining Eqs. A8 and A16 DIGITAL COMPUTER MEASUREMENT
A9 with Eq. A1 1 and using the trigonometric identities SYSTEM
A digital computer provides an alternative basis for
a system to collect, manipulate, and present data from
axis of rotation measurements. Vanherck and Peters [see
para. Cl(g)] describe a system in which the signal from
a radially sensing gagehead [as in Fig. A9, sketch (a)]
is sampled at closely spaced angular intervals, using a
perforated disk mounted on the axis and a photoelectric
sin CY sin 0 = - COS(^ - 0) - COS (a + 0>] trigger. The samples are converted to digital form and
2 stored for subsequent calculation and display of the to-
tal, average, and asynchronous radial motion polar plots
with elimination of the centering error; location of the
MRS, LSC, MIC, and MCC centers, and the radial mo-
the result is tion values from these centers. In addition, three-di-
mensional representation (in the form of a helix over
successive revolutions), master ball roundness error
r(0) = r, + A-2 [cos 0 + cos 381 storage and automatic correction (after measurement by
one of the methods of Appendix B), frequency content
of the radial motionsignal by the Fast-Fourier transform
method, and zero-phase-shift filtering are features of the
digital measurement system which would be difficult to
incorporate in an analog system.
Another potential advantage of the digital system is
the ease with which it can deal with arbitrary fixed or
rotating sensitive directions. By adding a second radi-
Equation A14 is the equation of a circle which is offset ally sensing gagehead at 90 deg. to the first, similar to
from the origin by a distance A (aside from a second- that shown in Fig. A19, the radial motion along a sen-
order limacon distortion as discussed in para. A7.5), and sitive direction at any angle 4 to the first gagehead can
hence the axis would be perfect if tested by the two be calculated by the computer from the equation
gagehead system.
Two additional comments can be made on the above
finding. First, it can be argued that if the offset circle is
r(0) = r, + AX(@ cos 4 + AY(8) sin d, (A15)
assessed by concentric circles from the polar chart (PC) where AX(@ and AY(8) are the two gagehead signals.
center, then a value of 2 A is obtained, as with the fixed For a rotating sensitive direction having any angle d, rel-
sensitive direction. However, there is no way to carry ative to 8 = 0, the radial motion using the same signals
out the initial electronic zeroing to locate the PC center, is given by
since the base circle cannot be generated independently
of the polar profile using the test method of Fig. A19. r(8) = r, + AX(@ cos (8 + 4)
Secondly, the view might be taken that the above ex-
ample is a mathematical oddity which is unlikely to oc-
cur in practice. In this regard it can be noted that radial
motion polar plots commonly exhibit an elliptical pat- By adding a second pair of 90 deg. gageheads in a dif-
tern, and that to the extent that the overall patterns in ferent axial plane, a similar generality is obtained in the
. the X and Y directions contain components as given in measurement of tilt motion; with a fifth gagehead sens-
Eqs. A8 and A9, these components will not contribute ing axially, the error motion can be calculated in any
to the measured radial motion value. direction at any location (refer to Fig. A7).
(This Appendix is not a part of ANSllASME B89.3.4M -1985 but is included for information purposes only.)
B1 Introduction ....................................................... 39
B2 The
ReversalMethod ................................................. 39
B2.1 ProcedureP ................................................. 39
B2.2 Procedures ................................................. 41
B3 The
MultistepMethod ................................................ 41
B4 Practical
Considerations .............................................. 41
B1 Schematic
Setups ............................................... 40
B2 Error Separation by ProfileAveraging ................................... 40
B3 The Multistep
Method ............................................... 42
B1 Procedure P andProcedure S .......................................... 41
(This Appendix is notpart of ANSllASME 689.3.4M-1985 but is included for information purposes only.)
T1 7 T2P 1 f p(e’
Several practical considerations arise in obtaining ac-
curate results with error separation techniques. A crucial
Equation B5 states that a third polar plot drawn halfway assumption in these techniques is that the part and spin-
between T,(0)and T2S(0)will be the radial motion polar dle error profiles are highly repeatable. In the case of
plot s(e). the part profile, this involves ensuring that the plane of
Table B1 summarizes the above two procedures. Both measurement remains constant in each orientation with-
procedures are equally valid with either a fixed or a ro- out axial shift or tilt of the measurement track. Sensitiv-
tating sensitive direction. ity to track iocation can be tested by examining the re-
peatability of the measured profile as the track is shifted
by small amounts in the first setup of each.method.
In the presence of asynchronous radial motion, the
spindle error must be interpreted as the average radial
The multistep method [Spragg and Whitehouse, para. motion polar plot, and the resulting accuracy depends
Cl(i)] entails taking a whole series of roundness profile upon being able to obtain a repeatable average radial
measurements in each of which the part is stepped motion in each orientation. This can be tested by suc-
through equal angles relative to the spindle. The most cessive recordings of the measured profile in the first
effective way of implementing the method is to take n setup. Repeatability over a single revolution is some-
separate but equi-angled orientations adding up to 360 times improved by turning the spindle backward to the
deg. as illustrated schematically in Fig. B3. It is then same starting point, particularly with rolling element
possible to separate the part error, which rotates with bearings. With digital computer-aided measurement
each step, from the spindle error, which remains sta- systems, averaging over several profiles in each orien-
tionary. To obtain the part error, it is necessary to pick tation can be used to minimize the effects of asynchron-
one angle of the spindle’s rotation and to identify the ous spindle motion.
changes in gagehead signal at this angle for all the dif- Both the reversal and multistep methods have their
ferent orientations in sequence. To obtain spindle er- respective advantages and disadvantages. The reversal
rors, a fixed angle on the part has to be chosen instead. method may require modification of some commercial
Before the error separation can be carried out, the profile instruments and only works for radial error motions.
sets from each orientation have to be normalized, i.e., Other error motions can be computed by measuring ax-
they have to be adjusted so that the profile eccentricity ial motion and tilt motion as well and then combining
and radius are always the same. Because of the large the three error profiles according to Eq. A4, which is
amount of data processing, the method is much more practical only with the aid of a digital computer. The
conveniently carried out using a digital computer. As in multistep method is directly applicable to any error mo-
Gaaehead / /
Step 0 1 2 0.. n
tion but requires a digital computer for effective imple- given agreement to within 0.04 pin. (0.001 pm) stan-
mentation. It also suffers to some extent from harmonic dard deviation.
distortions and is therefore limited to errors involving Once the test ball e m r s are known it is a simple mat-
only low numbers of undulations per revolution. Both ter, in a digital system, to store them in memory. By
methods are, however, capable of giving excellent re- subtracting them point-for-point from the measurement,
sults. A comparison of the two methods, using com- the spindle radial motion can be evaluated accurately in
puter-aided roundness equipment [see para. Cl(i)], has one step.
(This Appendix is not a pan of ANWASME B89.3.4M-1985 but is included for information purposes only.)
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