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If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?

” about something
related to structural steel design or construction,
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
Send your questions or comments to [email protected]. interchange

Sloped Washers Wrench Calibration

Section 6.1 of the RCSC Specification indicates that beveled How often do the gages in torque wrenches used to install
washers are required for snug-tightened bolts when the high-strength bolts need to be calibrated?
outer face of the joint has a slope that is greater than 1:20
with respect to a plane that is normal to the bolt axis. This Neither the AISC Specification nor the RCSC Specification
requirement is not listed in Section 6.2 for pre-tensioned contains requirements to calibrate the wrench itself. The
and slip-critical joints. Please confirm that beveled washers equipment manufacturer may have a suggested schedule for
are not required when the bolts are pre-tensioned. calibrating the wrench.
For the purpose at hand, though, it may not matter. An
Section 6.1.1 covers washer requirements for snug-tightened accurate measure of the torque applied by the wrench is not
bolts. However, Section 6.2 states: “Washers are not required necessary for any of the installation methods, since each
in pre-tensioned joints and slip-critical joints, except as method is calibrated to achieve the required pretension
required in Section 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4 and independent of a specific torque reading or setting on the
6.2.5.” Thus, the requirement applies to all conditions where wrench. Even for the calibrated wrench method only a
the outer face of the joint has a slope that is greater than 1:20 consistent torque reading/setting is necessary to produce the
with respect to a plane that is normal to the bolt axis. necessary pretension, not an accurate reading.
Carlo Lini Larry S. Muir, P.E.

Shear Lag Slotted Holes in Base Plates

I am designing the connection of an HSS 8×8 brace to a The anchor rods for a column base plate were placed out-
gusset using a splice plate that is 10 in. wide. The HSS is of-tolerance. The contractor elongated the base plate holes
slotted onto the splice plate and connected with four fil- into 15∕16-in. × 21∕16-in. slots so that the base plate could be
let welds, each 8 in. long. AISC Specification Table D3.1 erected. I am confident the base plate is okay. However, the
Case 4 requires the length of weld (8 in. in my case) to be area of the holes as detailed was 5.41 sq. in., and the area of
at least equal to the width of plate (10 in. in my case). Is the slots is 9.35 sq. in. Should I be concerned about bear-
the arrangement I have described prohibited? If not, how ing on the concrete?
should the shear lag be account for?
AISC Specification Equation J8-2 provides a bearing equation
Case 4 is intended to apply to the narrower plate shown in the that allows you to take into account an area of concrete
figure, not the wider plate. When checking the wider plate some larger than the bearing area. A limit of 1.7 is applied to the
judgment must be exercised. With an 8-in. weld length, you will assumed area. However, if the concrete is confined, then the
develop 75% of the 8-in. portion of the 10-in. plate. Assuming Specification stretches the limit a little further to 2 (see User
a model based on the Whitmore section, it can be seen that Note and Commentary to Section I6.2).
you can easily develop the 1-in. piece of “extra” plate on each I suspect that if you applied the “geometrically similar”
side over the length of 8 in. So I would calculate the net area as concept in J8 within the limits stated to your slotted holes, you
equal to the thickness of the plate times [(0.75 × 8”) + 2”]. would find that the assumed bearing area is such that slots can
Carlo Lini be deemed to have negligible effect in terms of bearing.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
Rotational Capacity Testing
Can Rotational Capacity Testing be performed by the bolt Beams with Cap Channels
manufacturer? Does the presence of a cap channel, as is commonly used
with crane girders, preclude lateral-torsional buckling
Yes. The Rotational Capacity Test is required by ASTM for such that the section can be designed assuming continuous
galvanized ASTM A325 bolts. The A325 standard requires lateral support?
the tests, but does not specify who is to perform the test. It is
common for the contractor to perform the test. However, some No. The cap channel will improve resistance to LTB, but
suppliers will perform the test before the bolts are shipped. it cannot be assumed to preclude it. AISC Design Guide 7
Larry S. Muir, P.E. includes crane runway girder design examples that include
consideration of lateral-torsional buckling.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.


steel interchange

Location of Pre-installation Verification Concentrated Loads at the Ends of Members

A contractor has requested to perform all the pre-instal- AISC Specification Sections J10-2 (Web Local Yielding)
lation verification testing for pre-tensioned bolts at the and J10-3 (Web Local Crippling) are subject to
bolt supplier’s facility with the third party special inspector reductions when the load is applied near the end of the
present instead of at the job site. Is this acceptable? member. We are checking a bolted moment end-plate
connection into a column flange near a bolted end-plate
Section 7.2 of the RCSC Specification is specific in requiring column splice. The column flanges and web are welded
that pre-installation verification must be done “at the site of to the end plate and the end plate has three bolts within
installation.” It does not permit this work to be done by the bolt the web on each side and three bolts outside of each
manufacturer or supplier independently away from the site. As flange. If the splice is considered the end of the member
explained in the Commentary, there are variables specific to substantial reinforcement is required. Does the end-plate
the shop and the field that can affect installed pretension. The connection at the column splice increase the yielding and
requirement that pre-installation verification be done at the site crippling strength? In other words must this really be
of installation is intended to ensure that all such variables are considered a condition near the end of the member?
addressed when the bolting crew confirms that the procedures
they will be using in the actual work successfully produces a Typically, a cap plate or end plate of reasonable thickness with
pretension that is equal to or greater than the required value. an adequate connection to the member will be such that the
Charles J. Carter, S.E., P.E., Ph.D. member end reductions are not applicable. In practice, it is
common to use stiffeners and cap plates at the top of columns
Stiffener Stability to allow the use of Specification Equations J10-2 and J10-4 for
AISC Specification Section J10.8 states: “The thickness web local yielding and web local crippling, respectively.
of a stiffener shall not be less than one-half the thickness Bo Dowswell, P.E., Ph.D.
of the flange or moment connection plate delivering the
concentrated load, nor less than the width divided by
16.” Does this mean that the width-to-thickness ratio of
the stiffener can be no greater than 16 or that the ratio
of flange width of moment connection plate to stiffener
thickness can be no greater than 16?

It means the ratio of the stiffener width to stiffener thickness

can be no greater than 16. This is essentially a stability check on
the stiffener so the width of the element delivering the load is
immaterial. It is the width of the stiffener that matters. Equation
(4.3-3) in AISC Design Guide 13 illustrates this check if you
would like to see it applied as intended in the AISC Specification. The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
Carlo Lini capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at

Galvanized Washers Larry Muir is director of technical assistance, Charlie Carter is vice president and chief
ASTM A325 Section 4.3.5 states: “Threaded components structural engineer and Carlo Lini is a staff engineer–technical assistance, all with AISC.
Bo Dowswell is a consultant to AISC.
(bolts and nuts) shall be coated by the same zinc-coating
process and the supplier’s option is limited to one process
per item with no mixed processes in a lot.” Must the wash- Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
ers also be galvanized using the same process as the bolts suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
and nuts? The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official position of
the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is recognized that the
design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent licensed structural engineer,
No. The washer is not a threaded component in the assembly, architect or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.
and so mixed galvanizing processes between the washer and If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
the fastener assembly (nut and bolt) are not an issue. The forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
nut and bolt are subject to the requirement for same process
1 E Wacker Dr., Ste. 700, Chicago, IL 60601
because the over-tapping requirements vary by process and tel: 866.ASK.AISC • fax: 312.803.4709
this affects the nut stripping strength. Also, there is an impact [email protected]
on lubrication requirements.
Carlo Lini

JUNE 2015

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