Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!

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If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why?

” about something
related to structural steel design or construction,
Modern Steel’s monthly Steel Interchange is for you!
Send your questions or comments to [email protected]. interchange
New Columns over Existing Columns Consideration of Small Eccentricities
On a recent project where a new addition is being erected In calculations, I have seen some engineers neglect the
above an existing structure, a survey has determined devi- eccentricity (shown as “e” below) in the design of the
ations in the center line of the existing columns from the stiffener welds to the beam web, and other engineers
locations shown in the original design drawings. All of the consider this eccentricity. Must this small eccentricity
new steel has been fabricated based on the dimensions be considered?
shown in the original design drawings. What is the toler-
ance on the location of the centerline of the new columns
relative to the existing columns at the column splice?

Tolerances are provided in the AISC Code of Standard Practice

for Steel Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303) available at However, the Code does not provide
tolerances that relate to existing work. It does provide erection CJP CJP
tolerances that are sometimes related to the design assump- TYP TYP
tions inherent in the AISC Specification for Structural Steel
Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360) also available at W14x30
standards, and the Code tolerances could be used as a guide
for evaluating your condition. However, it should be noted
that the erection tolerances in the Code would still apply to the
erection of the new steel. The potential exists that the differ- (CANT.)
ence between the assumed and actual geometry may increase W18x50
erection tolerances beyond what is acceptable in the Code.
The detailing of the new structural steel should have been
based on an accurate survey of the existing steel, and some Yes, the eccentricity must be considered. However, this con-
allowances should have been made in both the overall design sideration may conclude that the effect will be negligible and
and the details to accommodate errors in the survey. Gener- therefore need not be explicitly addressed in the calculations.
ally, the survey should be completed by the owner’s designated The AISC Specification does not address small eccentrici-
representative for construction (often the general contractor) ties. Ultimately, each engineer must decide whether or not
and provided to the fabricator in a manner consistent with the effects of an eccentricity are negligible based on their
the schedule and the fabricator’s bid. Section 1.8.3 of the Code own judgment.
states: “Surveying or field dimensioning of an existing struc- Personally, I would start with a balanced free-body diagram
ture is not within the scope of work that is provided by either before beginning any design, including eccentricity. In this
the fabricator or the erector. Such surveying or field dimen- specific case, I would expect the moment to be taken in the
sioning, which is necessary for the completion of the approval long weld. At the same time, I would neglect the eccentricity
documents and fabrication, shall be performed and furnished in the calculations because the weld at the web is long relative
to the fabricator in a timely manner so as not to interfere with to the eccentricity, and its resistance relative to the moment
or delay the work of the fabricator or the erector.” created is based on the square of the weld length. If I needed
Larry S. Muir, PE further justification, I would note that the strength of the weld
relative to transverse loading caused by the eccentricity is 50%
WT Availability greater than that relative to the shear.
There are WTs listed in the AISC Steel Construction That said, a better solution may be to replace the W10×30
Manual (available at but there outrigger with at W14×30 outrigger.
is no availability information related to WTs on the AISC Carlo Lini, PE
website. How should I determine the availability of WTs?

WTs are typically split from wide-flange shapes. You should

refer to the availability of the section from which the WT will
be cut to determine availability. For example, check availability
of a W16×40 when considering the availability of a WT8×20.
Carlo Lini, PE
steel interchange

Preferred Plate Material Some engineers incorrectly conclude from the prevalence
I have been told by several fabricators that their preferred of HSS braces in SCBFs that HSS are inherently better suited
material for plates is ASTM A572 Grade 50 rather than than wide-flange sections to seismic applications. As stated
ASTM A36 as currently indicated in Table 2-5 of the above, there are economic advantages to the use of HSS
Manual. Has a change occurred since 2010? braces in SCBFs. However, wide-flange sections also have
their advantages. NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief
Yes. The February 2015 article “Are You Properly Specifying No. 8: Seismic Design of Steel Special Concentrically Braced Frame
Material?” (available at states: “The Systems—A Guide for Practicing Engineers states: “Wide-flanges
preferred material specification for structural plates is in tran- and other open sections do not localize the strain as quickly
sition. Use of ASTM A36 (Fy = 36 ksi for plate thickness equal and as severely as rectangular tubes. Hence, wide-flange braces
to or less than 8 in., Fy = 32 ksi otherwise; Fu = 58 ksi) is as typically provide approximately 25% larger inelastic story drift
common as use of ASTM A572 Grade 50 (Fy = 50 ksi, Fu = 65 than rectangular HSS braces prior to brace fracture if all other
ksi for plate thickness equal to or less than 4 in.).” factors are equal.”
The 15th edition of the Manual, available this summer, AISC currently makes available over 7,000 pages of
will show both A36 and A572 Grade 50 as the preferred plate design guidance including manuals, design examples and
materials up to 4-in. thickness. Material should be specified design guides. This does not include the hundreds of pages
based on specific requirements for the project and/or local included in the AISC codes and specifications. Even with
fabricator preference. the vast amount of information that has been produced and
Leigh Arber, PE distributed, we cannot address every conceivable condition.
The absence of a particular configuration is not meant to
Bolted Wide-Flange Connections in Special convey a prohibition. Bolted, brace-to-gusset connections
Concentrically Braced Frames can be and are used in SCBFs. Wide-flange sections can be
Are bolted gusset-to-beam connections and wide-flange and are used as braces in SCBFs. Moreover, just to close the
members similar to those shown in Figures 3-4 and 3-5 loop, bolted HSS brace-to-gusset connections can be and are
of Design Guide 29: Vertical Bracing Connections—Analysis used in SCBFs.
and Design (available at permitted in Another common and similar misconception is related to
special concentrically braced frames (SCBF)? All the the dearth of examples of SCBF connections to column webs,
published examples that I have seen involve welded HSS which are also not prohibited. SCBF connections to column
braces. Is there a reason why bolted wide-flange details webs are addressed in the May 2016 Steel Interchange.
are almost nonexistent in literature? Larry S. Muir, PE

Both bolted gusset-to-beam connections and wide-flange

members are permitted for SCBFs. Connections similar to
those in Design Guide 29 have been used in SCBFs in prac- The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
Find questions and answers related to just about any topic by using our full-text search
tice. As an aside, details similar to Figure 3-6 of the Design capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
Guide can also be used in SCBFs to force the brace to buckle
in-plane, thereby eliminating the need to consider out-of-
Larry Muir is director of technical assistance, Carlo Lini is a staff engineer–technical
plane inelastic buckling. When this is done, care must be exer- assistance and Leigh Arber is a senior engineer, all with AISC.
cised relative to the assumptions made about the end-restraint
in each direction to ensure that the brace will buckle in the Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
in-plane direction as intended. information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
In my experience, hollow structural sections (HSS) are by
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
far the most commonly used brace sections in SCBFs. This position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
is likely because the strong- and weak-axis buckling strengths recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
of the HSS are more equal than for a wide-flange section, principles to a particular structure.
thereby reducing the difference between the design strength If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
and expected strength of the brace. However, there are con- forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
ditions such as very high loads where HSS simply cannot be have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:

used. In such cases wide-flange members with bolted brace-to- 866.ASK.AISC • [email protected]
gusset connections are common.

JULY 2017

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