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Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!
Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!
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Composite Beams thickness of 2 in. everywhere, regardless of whether or not the
A project on which we are installing shear studs specifies final floor is level, then I would be inclined to say two different
a composite steel system comprised of 2 in. concrete over stud lengths are not necessary. However, if the design specifies
3 in. metal deck. Headed anchor studs, ¾ in. in diameter, a level floor finish then it is possible that if beam cambers do
are specified and noted to be a minimum of 1.5 in. above not come out, you could have exposed studs and that extra 3⁄16
the deck and ½ in. below the top of the concrete. In an in. of stud length could become very important.
ideal situation, this can theoretically be achieved with 47⁄8- Susan Burmeister, PE
in. studs that achieve 4½ in. of finished length. However,
this only occurs where studs are installed through metal Web Compactness for Singly
deck and 3⁄8-in. burn-through is theoretically achieved. At Symmetric I-Sections
girders parallel to deck direction where the stud attaches I am designing a singly symmetric I-shaped member
directly to the girder flange, the theoretical burn-through in flexure. The plastic neutral axis for this section falls
is 3⁄16 in. and thus the finished length is 411⁄16 in. Both con- within the compression flange resulting in a negative
ditions run a high risk of being exposed when typical fab- value for hp/2. How can I determine whether the web is
rication tolerances are considered (crown-up fabrication) compact, non-compact or slender? Note that if the web is
even if there is no camber required. Section I3.2c of the not compact, then Section F4 of the Specification applies
AISC Specification has the following requirements: 2 in. and since λp is equal to λr the denominators in Equations
minimum slab over deck, 1.5 in. minimum length above F4-9b and F4-16b become zero—again resulting in a
metal deck and ½ in. minimum of concrete cover to sur- result that is difficult to interpret.
face. Are there permitted deviations to this rule? Are two
different stud lengths required in this situation? Table B4.1b of the AISC Specification applies to compression
elements of members subject to flexure. If hp/2 is within the
The system you have described satisfies the requirements of the flange, then, under a plastic stress distribution, the web is in
AISC Specification but, as you’ve noted, does not allow much tension and therefore doesn’t need to be classified. If hc /2 is not
room for tolerance. The specific provision in Section I3.2c(1)(2) within the flange, then, under elastic stress, some portion of the
states: “Steel headed stud anchors, after installation, shall extend web will be subjected to a linearly varying compression load.
not less than 1½ in. above the top of the steel deck and there In such a case, the magnitude of the compression stress will be
shall be at least ½ in. of specified concrete cover above the top relatively small when the section is elastic. As more and more of
of the steel headed stud anchors.” There are a couple of nuances the section is strained beyond the elastic limit, the length of web
within the wording here that are worth pointing out. in compression will decrease. Both of these trends tend to indi-
First and foremost, the 1½ in. minimum stud projection cate that the stability of the web will not be a concern.
above the deck is structurally more important to the perfor- There are several possible approaches. First, the limits
mance of the system than the ½ in. clear cover over the top. could be calculated based on Case 15, the doubly symmetric
Purely from a strength perspective, the concrete cover over the case, with the length of the web, h, assumed to be hc. I believe
top of the stud provides no recognized additional capacity. In this would be a conservative approach. The coefficient of λr is
the above referenced language, the phrase “specified concrete the same for the doubly symmetric and singly symmetric cases.
cover” was carefully chosen and deliberated over within the Now consider the calculation of λp. If the equation for Case 16
technical committee that maintains this section of the Specifica- is applied to a doubly symmetric I-shape hc /hp is 1.0. A reason-
tion. The intent is to ensure that designers specify a minimum able value for the shape factor of a rolled wide flange is 1.12.
of ½ in. concrete coverage to account for some of the field This value produces a coefficient of 3.77—pretty close to the
inaccuracies, but it was recognized that the in the final, as-built coefficient for Case 15, 3.76. So Case 16 produces about the
condition, the coverage could be less. The Commentary to this same result as Case 15 assuming the same parameters.
section of the Specification discusses ways an engineer can miti- There are two ratios that determine the value of λr for Case
gate the potential for exposed studs in their slab system which 16. The first is hc /hp. For a case like yours, with the larger flange
are obviously more critical in a thin-slab system. in compression this ratio will always be greater than one. A
So, to answer your first question, it is acceptable to negative value for hp does not make sense physically relative
encroach into the ½ in. cover if necessary, but the 1½ in. mini- to checking the stability of the web. However, as hp approaches
mum stud projection should be maintained. zero, it can be seen that the value for hc /hp becomes very large.
As to whether or not two different stud lengths are This again tends to indicate that buckling of the web becomes
required, I think that is a question that should be posed to less and less of a concern. The other factor is related to the
the engineer of record. If the design specifies a uniform slab shape factor, Zx/Sx, which is obviously in the same proportion
F3125 provides two different descriptions: not approved The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
and not qualified. These terms are defined in the standard: recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
➤ “Not qualified” in Table A1.1 means that a particular licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
principles to a particular structure.
coating has not been qualified and accepted by ASTM
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
committee F16 for use on 150 ksi/1040 MPa bolts. forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
➤ “Not approved” in Table A1.1 means that a particular coat- have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
ing was not approved for a particular bolt style or grade in 866.ASK.AISC • [email protected]
the individual standard prior to combination into F3125.