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Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!
Steel Interchange: Modern Steel's Monthly Steel Interchange Is For You!
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Tensile Strength of PJP Groove Welds vs. The preinstallation verification needs to be performed in the
CJP Groove Welds field at the job site with the crews that will be pretensioning
The AISC Specification allows the strength of a CJP the bolts and using a “representative sample” of bolts.
groove weld to be taken as the strength of the base The Commentary to Section 7.2 of the RCSC Specifica-
metal. However, the tensile strength of a PJP groove tion states: “Preinstallation verification testing clarifies for
weld is limited to 0.6 times the tensile strength of the the bolting crew and the inspector the proper implementa-
filler metal. As a result, the design strength of the PJP tion of the selected pretensioning method and the adequacy
groove weld is significantly reduced even when the vol- of the installation equipment.” In order to satisfy this intent,
ume of weld is nearly the same as a CJP groove weld. the preinstallation verification must be done in the field by
What are the differences between CJP and PJP groove the crew responsible for pretensioning the joints.
welds that explain this strength reduction? The Commentary also states: “The preinstallation veri-
fication requirements in this Section presume that fastener
This is addressed in Section J2.4 in the Commentary to the assemblies so verified will be pretensioned before the condi-
AISC Specification, which states: tion of the fastener assemblies, the equipment and the steel-
“The factor of 0.6 on FEXX for the tensile strength of PJP work have changed significantly… When time of exposure
groove welds is an arbitrary reduction that has been used between the placement of fastener assemblies in the field
since the early 1960s to compensate for the notch effect of work and the subsequent pretensioning of those fastener
the unfused area of the joint, uncertain quality in the root assemblies is of concern, preinstallation verification can be
of the weld due to the inability to perform nondestructive performed on fastener assemblies removed from the work or
evaluation and the lack of a specific notch toughness require- on extra fastener assemblies that, at the time of placement,
ment for filler metal.” were set aside to experience the same degree of exposure.”
A CJP groove weld is defined in the AISC Specification Since the assemblies may be exposed to the environment
as a “groove weld in which weld metal extends through the for some time before being erected, in addition to sampling
joint thickness, except as permitted for HSS connections.” from each combination of diameter, length, grade and lot,
A PJP groove weld is defined as a “groove weld in which the you might also perform the preinstallation verification using
penetration is intentionally less than the complete thickness bolts taken from the assemblies.
of the connected element.” The notch that is referred to in Larry S. Muir, P.E.
the Commentary is due to a PJP stopping short, not fusing
the entire thickness—i.e., the part that is not welded in PJP L’p for Shapes with Noncompact Flanges
is viewed as a notch or crack. Section F3.1 of the AISC Specification refers to Section
Also, the root of a CJP groove weld can be readily UT F2.2 for lateral-torsional buckling of doubly symmetric
inspected, and such inspection is addressed in Chapter N of I-shaped members bent about their major axis having
the Specification. Inspecting the root of a PJP weld is not as compact webs and non-compact or slender flanges. Sec-
straightforward since it has a natural flaw that will always be tion F2.2 includes Equation F2-5:
evident in the inspection.
Carlo Lini Lp =1.76ry E
√ Fy
Preinstallation Verification of Items Bolted However, this equation does not always produce the
to Ship same value given for Lp in Manual Table 3-2. For example,
If pieces are bolted to ship during shop assembly, but Table 3-2 lists Lp = 15.1 for a W14×90 but Equation F2-5
the joints are not pretensioned until the assembly is results in a value of 13.1.
erected, should preinstallation verification be performed What is the difference between these two values and
at the shop, where the bolts were first installed, or in the which should be used in the calculation of Mn?
field, where the bolts will be pretensioned?
Not all heavy shapes are subject to toughness requirements, The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official position of
the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is recognized that the
and Charpy V-notch impact testing is typically only performed design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent licensed structural engineer,
when required in the contract documents. architect or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.
Generally, ASTM standards contain supplemental require- If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
ments related to Charpy testing. Testing to other toughness have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center:
requirements is also possible. Some materials, like A913, have
toughness requirements in the standard and supplemental 866.ASK.AISC • [email protected]
requirements that can apply as well.