Travis Week 8 Lesson Structure

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Travis Week 8 Lesson Structure

Saturday, January 20, 2018 11:33 AM

Apprentice Teacher: Travis Hickox

Observer: Collins
Date of the Observation: 3/6/18
Subject/Grade Level/Class Period: 5th- 8th Grade

2.1 The lesson was well organized and structured (e.g. the objectives of the lesson were clear to
students, and the sequence of the lesson was structured to build understanding and maintain a
sense of purpose).


• Students enter class and are instructed to begin working on the daily journal, a student is
called on to diagram on the whiteboard. As the student diagrams, the T' asks questions to
lead the student into his rationale for his diagram. A couple of different S' volunteer to
respond to the prompts.

• Students work individually on the Write it, Read it station work. Then tasked with working

• Teacher tasks student groups to tell a story about a year in the life of _____... This activity
is supported with a rubric in which students know how they will be evaluated.

• All parts were transitioned intentionally.

2.2 The structure of the lesson allowed students to engage with or explore important concepts
in mathematics or science (instead of focusing on techniques that may only be useful on


• The students were given opportunities to engage with important concepts during the read
it, write it portion of the lesson, in addition to the latitude prompt. The read it, write it
portion of the lesson was more fact based information, however the latitude prompt
required students to transfer the content from their read it, write it to different regions of
Earth and demonstrate their understanding in a creative presentation.

2.3 The structure of the lesson included opportunities for the instructor to gauge student


• The structure of the lesson provided ample opportunities for the teacher to formatively
assess student learning. The teacher asked guiding questions to prompt further thinking
about the concepts.

• The teacher also prepared and shared with students the rubric for their presentation
which not only informs the students with how they will be assessed but ensures that the

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which not only informs the students with how they will be assessed but ensures that the
teacher will be consistent with his expectations.

2.4 The lesson included an investigative or problem-based approach to important concepts in

mathematics or science.


• The main activity is investigative as students are being required to transfer knowledge to
their assigned area. Students are assigned individual roles for the tasks being assigned.

2.5 The teacher obtained and employed resources appropriate for the lesson.

• Students were given multiple modalities in which they could interact with the content. At
the start of the lesson, a student modeled the seasons for the opener, students read, had
written response, discussed, used the internet, and worked collaboratively. In addition,
students were allowed creative freedom in how the presentation of their content would
be shared.

2.6 The teacher was critical and reflective about his/her practice after the lesson, recognizing
the strengths and weaknesses of their instruction.


• The teacher was happy with his decision to implement roles and creative freedom in
keeping students actively engaged.

• Time management is recognized as a weakness for this lesson as students were not as
productive as he would have liked.
Overall Rating
for Lesson
Structure (Circle
ONE Number)
Lesson was very Lesson was Lesson was Lesson was well structured to Lesson was
poorly poorly adequately assist student learning. expertly
structured to structured to structured to structured to
assist student assist student assist student assist student
Unsatisfactory Beginning learning.
Competent Advanced
Competent Competent
0 1 2 3 4
Comments: Comments in evidence.

I would encourage Travis to

continue working on
Lesson Structure individual work and group
tip (try this!): work- maximize productivity
during these types of

Field folder:

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