Protfolio Task 3
Protfolio Task 3
Protfolio Task 3
Team members: Travis Hickox, Title of lesson: Periodic Table Review-March Madness
Vigitta Manounyavong Technology lesson? No
Lesson source: Flinn Scientific
Lesson #: 2 Mentor’s name: Nick Nemsgern
Date lesson will be taught: Mentor’s school: Mendive Middle School
03/15/16 Subject/Grade level: Physical Science, 7th grade
Length of lesson: 72 minutes
Concept statement/Main idea:
This lesson is a comprehensive review of the periodic table which will reinforce concepts such as
trends, grouping, charge, and structure of an atom. This lesson will be taught using a March Madness
theme where elements are the “teams” and students will decide which elements move on to the
following rounds based on prompts from the teacher. Commented [TH1]: I felt this activity would be fun and
relavant in learners lives. This lesson was done during
March when real March Madness was going on.
List the appropriate process and content standards for your lesson.
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties (for any bulk quantity
under given conditions) that can be used to identify it. (MS-PS1-2),(MS-PS1-3)
Objective/s– Write objective/s in SWBAT form. Evaluation
The Students Will Be Able to: Based on your objectives, draft the content of the
questions you will ask on your pre- and post-
assessments; at least one question for each
objective. Questions do not have to be multiple
choice. The actual pre- and post- assessments are
required at the end of this lesson plan.
-Name the families of the periodic table. Name four families on the periodic table.
-Draw the structure of an atom Draw the structure of the carbon atom.
-Find the number of protons, neutrons, and How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are
electrons of an element in sodium, using the periodic table?
-Understand what it means for an atom to be As you go from the ______ of the periodic table
stable or unstable to the _____ of the periodic table valence
electrons increase.
Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Design
Materials list (BE SPECIFIC about quantities) Accommodations: N/A
Per group:
Per student:
1 March Madness bracket, 4 different colored
sticky notes for pre- and post-assessment (2 of
each color per student), 1 periodic table
Advance preparation:
None Safety: None
Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Design
Estimated time: 10 minutes
What the teacher does and how the teacher will Probing Questions: Critical questions that will
direct students (directions): connect prior knowledge and create a “Need to
Expected Student Responses and
Misconceptions – think like a student to consider
student responses INCLUDING misconceptions
Hand out the March Madness bracket and ask students to get out their periodic tables. Tell students
we will be conducting our own March Madness using elements as teams.
Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Design
Estimated time: 40 minutes
What the teacher does and how the teacher will Probing Questions: Critical questions that will
direct students (directions): guide students to a “common set of
Expected Student Responses and
Misconceptions – think like a student to consider
student responses INCLUDING misconceptions
-Every game between two elements will have a
Example questions:
different question that focuses on key concepts
learners are needing to know when it comes to The element with more protons wins, the
the periodic table. element that is a halogen wins, the element in
group 2 wins, etc.
-Teacher will direct students to ask their neighbor
for help and comparing of who they think the
winning element was. Commented [TH2]: This aspect of the lesson will allow
learners to intact with their peers and talk about chemistry.
Transition This encourages all learners to participate and get the most
winning elements.
In between asking students questions for the bracket, we will be bringing the class together to ensure
students all have the same bracket. Commented [TH3]: I want to make sure no one is left
behind in filling out their brackets. Sometimes finding a
partner is hard and I want to make sure everyone feels
Explanation apart of the group.
After each round, ask students what elements “What elements do you have in the _____ round Commented [TH6]: I encourage others to take risks and
they currently have in the running and why. Field on the left/right side of the bracket?” challenge given answers because it will help them clarify
their thinking if another learner or myself explains why it
any questions the class may have or have them
“Does anyone have anything different?” was the original given answer.
ask their partner why they chose the right
answer. “Can someone explain to the class why they Commented [TH5]: Having learners interact with their
partner give them more incentive to be able of the class and
chose _____?”
group discussion. Even if they get off topic sometimes I
“Is there another way to get this answer? Did know at least some of their conversation will be about
Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Design
anyone do this differently? Can you explain how
you chose your answer?”
After completing each round we will evaluate and elaborate on that round and after move to the next
Estimated time: 5 minutes
What the teacher does and how the teacher will Probing Questions: Critical questions that will
direct students (directions): help students “extend or apply” their newly
acquired concepts/skills in new situations
Expected Student Responses and
Misconceptions – think like a student to consider
student responses INCLUDING misconceptions
Ask learners to explain their thinking on certain “Can you explain your thinking for the rest of the
questions. class in case your friends didn’t quite get it?” Commented [TH7]: An explanation by me for why a given
answer is right is fine but I also feel learners gain more out
of explaining the right answer to each other. Teaching is the
Guide learners to a better understanding if no “Does anyone want to help ______ out with this highest form of understanding.
one is getting it. question or add any additional thought?” Commented [TH8]: Asking the class to help a fellow peer
encourages a sense of community where learners can lean
on each other for help.
We will then move to the next round. Repeating this four times.
Estimated time: 10 minutes
Critical questions that ask students to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson’s performance
Step 2: Inquiry Based Lesson Design
Formative Assessment(s): In addition to the pre and post assessments, how will you determine the
student’s learning within this lesson (i.e., observations, student responses/elaborations, white boards,
student questions, etc.)?
Evaluation will be constant throughout this activity after every “round”. Once the class gets through
the first set of games, evaluate the class for which ones were wrong and correct to get a better
understanding for the post assessment. Repeat this every round continually checking for
understanding and fielding student questions. At the end, use the sticky notes again to see if after the
lesson there is a better understanding and more confidence. Commented [TH9]: Sticky notes are a safe way to let me
know that there is still confusion on certain topics, allowing
me to go back and clarify that confusion the next day. Sticky
notes are anonymous, giving that added level of safety to
admit you don’t know something.
Summative Assessment: Provide a student copy of the exit questions or post assessment (attach extra
pages to this document).