Standard 6
Standard 6
Standard 6
Australian Professional What might the observer look for? Observer Comments
Teaching Standard
Standard 1 • How does the teacher engage The lesson was aimed right at the
Knows students and how students to be able to level of learning of the students.
they learn deconstruct, reconstruct and
assess learning? You linked clearly to the student’s
1.1 Physical, social and • Consider the ways in which tasks prior knowledge.
intellectual development and are challenging, relevant and
characteristics of students achievable by the students? You gave good support to those
1.2 Understand how students • How do the variety of activities students who needed the
learn within the lesson support support.
1.3 Students with diverse learning?
linguistic, cultural, religious • Observe how the lesson and/or Good planning - make sure that
and socioeconomic classroom was organised to you think about/plan for
backgrounds accommodate specific students’ behaviour issues that may arise -
1.4 Strategies for teaching intellectual, physical and/or this way you have thought about
Aboriginal and Torres Strait social needs? them before they happen.
Islander students • How did the teaching and
1.5 Differentiate teaching to learning activities take into
meet the specific learning account students’ prior learning,
needs of students across the skills and/or interests both
full range of abilities within and outside the school
1.6 Strategies to support full context?
participation of students with • How does the teacher
disability differentiate the lesson?
Standard 2 • How was the lesson made The lesson clearly encouraged
Know the content and how to relevant for the students whilst students to think of words linked
teach it still meeting curriculum to their sound focus for the week.
2.1 Content and teaching • Was a deep knowledge of How could you assess whether
strategies of the teaching area relevant concepts, topics and the students met the goals of the
2.2 Content selection and themes demonstrated, including lesson?
organisation ATSI perspectives?
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and • Look for ways the teacher Make sure you have the books
reporting developed a clear and coherent ready to go - Danu was creating a
2.4 Understand and respect sequence of activities undertaken fuss getting them out and wasn’t
Aboriginal and Torres Strait to engage and support the sure what he needed to do with
Islander people to promote learning of all students. them in terms of handing them
reconciliation between • How were resources and out etc
Indigenous and non-Indigenous materials used to support
Australians 2.5 Literacy and learning?
numeracy strategies • How where models and scaffolds Good job integrating the ICT into
2.6 Information and used to support literacy and the lesson with the subtraction
Communication Technology numeracy? game - the children thoroughly
(ICT) • How did ICT used to expand enjoyed it and were completely
curriculum learning engaged. It was also a neat way
opportunities for students? to informally introduce the
subtraction algorithm for the first
time in a non threatening way.
Standard 3 • Observe non-verbal Good thinking aloud during the
Plan for and implement communication used by the working with your fingers part -
effective teaching and teacher. this gave the children an idea of
learning • Look for ways the teacher what you wanted them to do
models questioning/thinking when it came to their turn - and a
3.1 Establish challenging from various perspectives. concrete way of doing it.
learning goals • How did the teacher engage the
3.2 Plan, structure and students at the lesson beginning? I think your questioning style - the
sequence learning programs • What techniques were used to roving of the group - really helped
3.3 Use teaching strategies ensure that all students were with keeping the children
3.4 Select and use resources engaged throughout the lesson? engaged.
3.5 Use effective classroom • How did the teacher model goal-
strategies setting with and for the students? Think about how could you set a
3.6 Evaluate and improve • What evidence is there of the goal for the children who are high
teaching programs teacher using a range of teaching achievers? What could they do to
3.7 Engage parents/ carers in strategies and resources? make their work more complex?
the learning process • How does the teacher encourage
students to make sense of their
Standard 4 • How does the teacher You linked clearly to the student’s
Create and maintain a differentiate the task so that all prior knowledge.
supportive and safe learning students can access the learning,
environment are challenged, supported and Make sure that you rove around
engaged? the room - E can tend to soak up
4.1 Support student • How does the teacher respond to your time and it is hard for the
participation inappropriate student others students when this
4.2 manage classroom activities behaviour? happens. Keep checking in on
4.3 manage challenging • How does the teacher negotiate him, but not with him all of the
behaviour the learning with the students? time.
4.4 maintain student safety 4.5 • How does the teacher model and
Use ICT safely, responsibly and ensure respect among students? When the children were seated
ethically • If applicable, how is ICT on the floor - you asked for
integrated into the lesson? answers around the group, good.
Standard 5 • Look for ways in which the Good use of positive praise.
Assess, provide feedback and teacher seeks, acknowledges or
report on student learning builds on what the students I liked how when the strategy on
already know and can do. the floor wasn’t working with the
5.1 Assess student learning • Look for examples of when the tens frames, you went back to the
5.2 Provide feedback to teacher intervenes at various concrete reminder about the
students on their learning stages in the learning process. fingers and counting backwards -
5.3 make consistent and • Consider ways in which the good job.
comparable judgements lesson is connected and relevant
5.4 interpret student data to the learner’s personal
5.5 report on student experience.
achievement • What opportunities are created
for assessing or evaluating
student learning?
• How does the teacher provide
feedback to individual students
on their learning?
The GROWTH Model is a simple yet • What might be improved or changed?
powerful framework for structuring • How could this lesson be built on for the future?
post-lesson observation conversations. • What aspects of our professional conversation have made a
GROWTH stands for: positive contribution to your learning?
Goal- What do you need to achieve? • How could you use your self-reflection from this learning to
Reality – What is happening now? guide your professional learning goals & priorities for future
Options- What could you do? development?
Will – What will you do? • How might you seek and use feedback from your students to
Tactics – How and when will you do it? improve your practice?
Habits – How will you sustain success? • How might you further engage with colleagues or a
professional network to improve your practice?
Example prompts to commence a • How might this feedback contribute to your Performance and
post-lesson conversation: Development Plan?
• Did the students learn what was • How and when will you do it?
intended? How do we know? • What barriers do we need to remove for sustained
• Given your intention to... how do performance?
you think the lesson went? • What opportunities do you see for practice and consolidation
• What was the best thing about this of this skill?
• I observed... Could you tell me
more about that?
• When... happened... Why do you
think that was?
• You coped well with the technical glitch and the interruption of the Mothers Day stall - things
always pop up so thank you for being flexible.
• Good lesson sequence and recap of prior learning.
• Your explanation of the larger the number, the smaller the answer will be was good and clicked
with a few of the children - great!
• Something such as a hands on game for the early finishers would be great. We try to not do
‘more of the same’ for them, something to extend them that is hands on and can be used
again...a dice game perhaps?