M2 Ep1 Activity Sheet 2

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Part I: Student’s Profile

Name of Student: Ria May B. Apiado

Course: Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education
Major: Food and Service Management Year/Level: 4-A
Subject: EDUC 112: FS1
Instructor: Niño Estolas

Part II: FS 1 Background


Title of Episode: 2: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

*An observation report is a piece of document
that contains comprehensive information

Activity 1: Identifying classroom rules.

Fill in the table below based on what you observe from the class. For those that are
available, write a brief description on how each rules contribute to the students’
learning development and teacher’s teaching process.

Classroom rules Implication to Implication to teacher’s teaching

student’s learning process
Example: Ensures less error in -Ensures that the expected output
Read the guidelines
well. doing the task. will be attained.
1. Raising hands if It encourage less noise Ensures organized way of students
students wants
to recite in the classroom participation

2. Keep silence if Less noise during Encourage respect and noise free
others are
performing students presentation learning environment
/talking in front
and discussion

3. Monitoring of To prevent absence of Ensure full attendance during

students during discussion




Activity 2: Identifying classroom routines.

Fill in the table below based on what you observe from the class. For those that are
available, write a brief description on how each routines contributes to the students’
learning development and teacher’s teaching process.

Classroom routines Implication to Implication to teacher’s teaching

student’s learning process
Example: -He/she can minimize time consumed.
-Passing of test
papers. -Ensures discipline &

1. Having daily It boost spiritual life of He/she can continually integrate the
students teaching of God

2. Review of past Encourage recall Ensure that students learned in the

,enhance the memory past lesson

of students

3. Checking of Ensures monitoring of He/she can minimize time consumed

attendance by
the class learners attendance checking students attendance
secretary and
let it signed by
the teacher
4. Greetings Established respect Ensures discipline, respect and being

between students and polite


5. Students Ensure students He/she can monitor and evaluate

partcipation and apply students performance

what they have learned

6. Group work Encourage He/she ensure active interaction and

collaboration between participation between students to

students unite and complete their tasks.


Narrative Report:

Write your observation report. Use a descriptive essay.

*The descriptive essay is a genre of essay to describe something—object, person, place,
experience, emotion, situation, etc.

In the demo class, I noticed that there is active interaction between the teacher and
the students, that the majority of the students are engaged, they're active and
participative and the teacher is effective in serving the requirements of her pupils. I
saw that the teacher and students had classroom routines that help to improve the
teaching and learning process. In addition, the teacher devised classroom rules to
control and regulate student behavior in the classroom. The management of the
learning environment necessitates the use of classroom rules and routines for the
teacher to manage well the conducive environment.

*To analyze means to break a topic or concept
down into its parts in order to inspect and
understand it, and to restructure those parts in
a way that makes sense to you.

Answer the following questions. Align your answer from what you have

Q1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why?
Why not?

Yes, because classroom routines are important for effective classroom

management and routines save time, prevent misbehavior, and make your job as a
teacher much easier. A well-managed classroom helps students maximize their
learning potential while reinforcing important values and behaviors in everyday
life. Students must know how to treat one another with respect, interact
successfully with their classmates, and think critically and solve problems.

Q2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain
your answer.

Creating Classroom Routines and Procedures

 Beginning the Day
 Taking attendance and display schedules
 Allowing students to accomplish day-to-day tasks

Our learners understand what is expected of them and how to perform

particular things on their own when routines and procedures are carefully
taught, modeled, and established in the classroom. Teachers can spend more
time on meaningful education when these regular patterns are in place.

Q3. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
Allowing students to comply their task day by day, because in this routine they
will submit their task on time.

*Reflective observation: watching others or
developing observations about one's own
experience. *Abstract conceptualization:
creating theories to explain observations.

Write your reflection below. Use “reflective observation” and “abstract


One of the roles of a teacher is to manage the classroom, and developing classroom
routines is also crucial for good classroom management. It will save you time, make
your job easier as a teacher, and avoid classroom disobedience and make the learning
environment more organized.

A well-managed classroom, in my opinion and experience, helps kids learn better and
allows them to experience an effective learning environment. They can learn more,
become more motivated to learn, and teachers can reinforce values and behavior in the
classroom . This can help learners learn and to be mold into it's best that he /she can

We need to keep in mind as teachers that students must learn to appreciate one
another, communicate well with their peers, and use critical thinking in their daily
lives both inside and beyond the classroom. It is a teacher's responsibility to regulate
the classroom as well as the behavior of the students to attain progress in the teaching
and learning process.


Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory Needs

Episode (4) (2) Improvement
Accomplish All observation One to two observation Three observation Four observation
ed question/tables/tasks question/tables/tasks not question/tables/tasks question/tables/tasks
Observation completely answered/accomplished. not answered/ not answered/
Sheet answered/accomplished. accomplished accomplished
Analysis All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation questions
answers are with depth answers are clearly; answers are not were not answers;
and are thoroughly connected to the theories; clearly connected to answers not
grounded on theories; grammar & spelling are the theories; (1) to (3) connected to theories;
grammar & spelling are free from errors. grammatical & spelling more than four (4)
free from errors. errors. grammatical & spelling
Reflection Profound & clear; Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear & shallow; Unclear & shallow;
supported by what were supported by what were somewhat supported rarely supported by
observed & analyzed. observed & analyzed. by what were what were observed
observed and and analyzed.
Learning Activity output t is Activity output is reflected Activity output is not Activity output is not
Artifacts reflected on in the context on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
of the learning outcomes; learning outcomes. context of the learning context of the learning
Complete, well organized, Complete; well organized, outcomes. Complete; outcomes; not
highly relevant to the very relevant to the not organized, relevant complete; not
learning outcome. learning outcome. to the learning organize, not relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline. deadline. a deadline. or more after the
Comment/s: Overall Raw Score: Rating (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7 below

Rating 1. 1.25 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.7 3.0 3.5 5.00
0 5 0 5 0
Grade 99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

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