Student Teaching Observation Lesson Plan 2
Student Teaching Observation Lesson Plan 2
Student Teaching Observation Lesson Plan 2
Author Jordyn Goss
*Summary Students will be learning about their representatives and what they do for the government.
Struggling students will be given a book with the notes in case they get behind.
Objective I can name my representatives and describe what they do for the government.
5 min.
Anticipatory Set Go over the “I Can” statement” that is on the board. Talk to students about what it means to
represent. Ask the students if they if they can name any one that represents something or
15 min.
Guided Practice The teacher will demonstrate to the students who to cut out the shutter fold. After that is
done, the teacher will show the students were that piece will be glued in the lapbook. The
teacher will then have on the board what needs to be written in their shutter fold.
Independent 15 min. (continued from Guided Practice)
Practice The students will be cutting and gluing in their shutter fold in their lapbook. The
students will then be writing the names of their representatives in the shutter fold.
5 min.
The class will be wrapping up their government unit. The class will go over the “I Can”
statement that is on the board. The teacher will then ask the students what was their
favorite thing or fun and interesting facts that they have learned during the government
unit. Fill out the KWL chart with class.
Evaluation Ask the students if they can name any of the representatives that the class went over in
*Assessment/Rubrics the lesson.
Resources n/a