Unit: Chapter 7 CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Title: Lesson 1 (Reading Part 3) Grade/Period: 4 Grade
Unit: Chapter 7 CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Title: Lesson 1 (Reading Part 3) Grade/Period: 4 Grade
Unit: Chapter 7 CCSS or State Standards: Lesson Title: Lesson 1 (Reading Part 3) Grade/Period: 4 Grade
Objective: I can:
What students will know and be able to do I can state what tax means.
stated in student friendly language (use
Bloom’s and DOK levels for higher level I can state what rights are.
thinking objectives)
I can state what elections are.
I can state what consequences are.
I can state what the government does.
Essential Question(s): Who gets to vote?
Over-arching questions of the lesson that will
indicate student understanding of What are the four reasons we have government in Michigan?
concepts/skills What is it you want the
students to learn/know? Why? How do we pay for government?
Who gets the final say in government?
Inclusion Activity: The class will start by discussing what they learned the day before.
Describe an activity that will ensure that all Students will right down one right that we have. The class will talk about
students and their voices are included at the
beginning of the lesson. who makes the laws. They will also discuss why we vote of candidates. (5
1. The teacher will read the first section on page 326- Who can
Sequence of Activities: Vote? Then the teacher will give a quick recap on the vote that
Provide an overview of the flow of the lesson. the students did the day before in class on the two candidates. (5
Should also include estimates of
pacing/timing. minutes)
2. Next the teacher will call on different students to read each
paragraph. The teacher needs to keep in mind the length of the
paragraph and the reading skill of the students.
3. At different point the teacher will stop the reading and ask
question about consequences and too much government. (Step 2
and 3 will take 15 minutes)
4. The class will have a discussion on what they have learned about
government in Michigan. Each table group will write down 4
things that they have learned from all of Lesson 1. Then they will
pick 1 to share with the class. (10 minutes)
5. Teacher will tell students that they will answer the questions on
page 329 tomorrow. It is now time to clean up the classroom to
go back to their homeroom and go home for the day. (5 minutes)
Instructional Strategies: The students will use the Community Circle to start with. It will get them
Research-based strategies to help students all talking a sharing.
think critically about the concept/skill.
Assessment: Formative: The discussion in class is the formative assessment. In the
List both formative and summative beginning we discuss what they know so the teacher can see what they
assessments that you will use to assess student
understanding. Formative assessments are need to learn. Then as the class discusses different parts of the reading
given during instruction (check for in class, the teacher can see what they are learning.
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will you grade –
quiz, test, project, paper, presentation,
demonstration, etc.).
Differentiation: Students that struggle with reading may be given a smaller paragraph to
Describe who will need additional or different read. The teacher might also pull them aside ahead of time and tell them
support during this lesson, and how you will
support them. Differentiated instruction could which paragraph they will be reading and give them a copy to practice
include testing accommodations, preferential with.
seating, segmented assignments, a copy of the
teacher’s notes, assignment notebook, peer
tutors, etc.
Summary, Integration and The students will talk about what they read today in the next class. They
Reflection: will review it at the beginning to see what they remember. They will share
List the way that you will bring students with classmates.
together to integrate and reflect on their
learning from this lesson