22 05 2012

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 tuesday may 22,

Vientiane Times
2012 ISSUE 116
The First National English Language Newspaper
www.vientianetimes.la 4500 kip

Foreign ambassadors visit ASEM Summit projects Govt moves

closer to
Somsack Pongkhao 65 and 70 percent complete

Foreign ambassadors and

and the contractor is installing
the roofing.
foreign worker
members of the Diplomatic The Chinese government registration
Corps have applauded the has provided 450 million yuan
progress being made in (about US$80 million) to build Souksakhone Vaenkeo
building facilities to house the convention centre, which is
the Asia-Europe Meeting on track for completion before Officials are set to hold
(ASEM) Summit to be held in the summit on November 5-6. talks on Thursday to detail
Vientiane in November. The centre is being built the criteria required for
They expressed their on a seven-hectare site at km registering foreign workers,
optimism yesterday after 6 on Kaysone Phomvihane both legal and illegal, a senior
inspecting the progress of Road, with the building itself government official said.
construction of 50 ASEM to cover an area of 24,899 The intention is to register
villas, the International square metres. all foreign workers in Laos
Convention Centre and a five- The 50 ASEM villas including those currently
star hotel at the southern end are also well on the way to working illegally, Director
of Don Chan. completion after work began General of the Labour
Cuban Ambassador to Laos last August on the 8.1 hectare Management Department,
Mr Waldo Reyes Sardinas site. Ministry of Labour and Social
told Vientiane Times he was The villas are scheduled Welfare, Mr Khamkhane
confident the Lao government for completion in August this Phinsavanh told the Vientiane
would successfully host the year and the project is now Times yesterday.
event after seeing the progress about 75 percent complete. The relevant government
of the various projects. The remaining work consists agencies are preparing for the
“I think it’s a great effort largely of landscaping and Ambassadors visit the under-construction International Convention Centre, which will house the meeting hoping to finalise the
and a strong commitment on interior decoration. ASEM Summit in November.
issue, which has been under
the part of the Lao government The villas will house the discussion for some time.
to host the summit,” he said, heads of state and government The third construction site Construction is now 25 will attend. A recent nationwide survey
adding that while it was a attending the summit and are visited by the ambassadors percent complete. The ASEM Summit is the suggested there are more than
considerable challenge, it was the first phase of the Vientiane yesterday was a five-star hotel Deputy Minister of biggest event ever to be held 54,000 foreign workers in
also an opportunity for the New World project. to be known as the Landmark Foreign Affairs Mr Bounkeut in Laos, with heads of state Laos but most believe the true
country’s development. The project is being Mekong Riverside Hotel. Sangsomsak briefed the and government from 48 figure is much higher.
Despite some heavy rain undertaken by CAMCE The Krittaphong Group ambassadors and members countries expected to attend. Officials in charge plan
recently, the construction of Investment (Lao) Co Ltd, expects to spend about US$40 of the Diplomatic Corps on Three other events will take to launch a two-month
the various facilities is on a joint venture between the million to build the 216-room the progress of preparations place simultaneously: business registration programme in
track. Chinese state-owned enterprise hotel, of which about 100 for the summit, and told forums, parliamentary district offices starting in
The International Con- CAMCE Engineering and the rooms will accommodate them which countries had meetings and people-to- June.
vention Centre is now between Lao Krittaphong Group. delegates to the summit. confirmed that their leaders people forums. Later, the workers will
be required to obtain further
CAMCE launches Vientiane development project registration in Vientiane or
provincial offices. “A worker
is required to register at both
Somsack Pongkhao the completion of the project. and Transport Mr Sommad places (district and provincial
Around 200 people Pholsena, Minister of Science offices),” Mr Khamkhane said.
CAMCE Investment on attended the event, including and Technology Prof. Dr “More details will be tabled at
Monday officially launched government representatives, Boviengkham Vongdara, the Thursday meeting.”
the concept plan for their ambassadors and and other high-ranking Registration at the district
urban development project representatives from NGOs government officials. office will allow illegal
on the Don Chan riverfront in and various international Vientiane New World is a workers two months to prepare
Vientiane, known as Vientiane organisations. bold new urban development the documents required to
New World. The guests included on a scale never before seen apply for a work permit for
A joint venture between Deputy Prime Minister and in Vientiane. The project will submission to the Vientiane or
Lao and Chinese companies, Minister of Foreign Affairs encompass high rise office provincial offices, to establish
CAMCE Investment revealed Dr Thongloun Sisoulith, buildings and apartments, their legal status.
its vision of Vientiane New CAMCE Chairperson Ms shopping malls, cinemas, To apply for a work permit,
World to the public for the first Luo Yan, Minister and Head hotels, residential villas, parks a person needs a passport,
time, as well as how Vientiane of the Government Office Dr and tree lined boulevards. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Thongloun visa and guarantees of their
will change in appearance in Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune, CAMCE will invest more Sisoulith joins company and government officials to launch the employment status from their
the next 6-8 years following Minister of Public Works Continued page 3 Vientiane New World development project. Continued page 2

China eyes closer Furniture

Farmers await trickle down cooperation with Croatia association gears up
benefits of new weir in infrastructure to buy govt timber
page 2 page 6 page B
2 Home news Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Home news
Minister: more village medical
workers needed
Xayxana Leukai stand-by in each village is This directly supports the
necessary,” he said, adding that government’s plan to achieve
More village medical staff if all villages have medical staff MDG 4 on reducing child
are needed if the government available, they could help the mortality, and MDG 5 on
is to achieve the Millennium ministry to obtain information improving maternal health.
Development Goals (MDGs) on the levels of nutrition in The Ministry of Health
by 2015, Minister of Health different communities. has set a target to reduce the
Prof. Dr Eksavang Vongvichit In addition, they could mortality rate of birthing
has said. provide the ministry with mothers to 260 out of every
Prof. Dr Eksavang said incidence rates of death and 100,000 births by 2015,
recently the Ministry of Health illness among mothers and down from 300 in 2010. It is
as well as health sector offices children under the age of also targeting a reduction in
at all levels should develop five. Health officials said that the infant (under 1 year old)
a health system with good gathering correct information mortality rate from 55 down
access to rural people, in order would help the ministry to to 45 out of every 1,000 and,
to fulfil the MDGs. produce an effective policy for children under five, a
“Training and expanding to lower the mortality rate in reduction from 75 to 70 out of
human resources to be on this high risk group by 2015. every 1,000.

Feuang district authorities and other officials take a look at the reservoir. Vientiane youth health centre ailing
Farmers await trickle down Sisouphan Amphonephong

The Vientiane Youth Centre

Laos’ efforts to achieve the
Millennium Development
Goals by 2015. Several of
Among females seeking
treatment, 38 percent had

benefits of new weir

for Health and Development, these goals relate specifically vaginal infections, 25 percent
run by the Vientiane Lao to improved healthcare. had cervical infections and 13
Women’s Union, is facing The centre’s target is percent had gonorrhea.
a financial crisis, meaning to reduce the incidence of Ms Dalavan said factory
Times Reporters The Feuang district programme. health services for young behaviour that is likely to workers, students and service
Agriculture and Forestry Office The three-year project people could be in danger. cause infections related to girls comprised the largest
Some 2,000 farmers in Don, will provide the necessary costs 1.4 billion and will end Head of the Youth Centre, reproductive health, lower the segment of the clientele.
Tha and Natoua villages in technical and administrative next year. The aim is to extend Ms Dalavan Keonakhone, told number of people acquiring The centre works to raise
Feuang district, Vientiane support for the maintenance small scale aquaculture in the Vientiane Times that from infections, including HIV, awareness of reproductive
province, are set to benefit and proper operation of the north of the district, with the January to March this year, and reduce the number of health issues and the dangers
from a new weir that can reservoir. support of JICA. 814 people visited the centre unwanted pregnancies among of drug use.
irrigate 10 hectares of paddy The total cost of One major objective is for treatment or advice, of young women. It aims to provide migrating
fields in the dry season. construction was about to improve nutrient intake whom 334 were female. This From January to March workers, students and service
A ceremony to officially 75 million kip, including and the economic situation was a significant increase over this year, most visitors to girls with information about
hand over the weir took place building an access road. 50 of the people in Tha village the number of people who the centre were aged under the sexual health risks they are
on May 16 in Don village. million kip was provided cluster. sought advice at the centre 30, with the 20-24 year age likely to encounter. Staff also
The Ministry of Agriculture by the Japan International Don village was selected as last year. bracket comprising 56 percent inform young women about
and Forestry’s Livestock and Cooperation Agency, while a pilot village for aquaculture But the centre is now of the total. People aged 25-29 the preventive measures they
Fishery Department Director the rest was contributed by extension in the cluster. struggling to survive after comprised 21 percent, while can take to reduce their level
General, Dr Bounkhouang local communities. In collaboration with some donors have reduced those aged 15-19 accounted of vulnerability, and suggest
Khambounheuang, district The weir is part of the villagers, the Feuang their level of financial support, for 11 percent. job options other than working
authorities and other invited Feuang Aquaculture Project district Agriculture and and others have cut funding Fifty-one percent of in the service industry.
guests attended the ceremony. (FAP), which is a grassroots Forestry Office and the altogether. This has meant the attendees were students. Of The Vientiane Youth Centre
The reservoir will also be technical cooperation project FAP are setting up a Village centre is almost certain to fall all those attending the youth for Health and Development
used for village community being jointly implemented by Aquaculture Promotion short of its targets in health health centre, 79 percent were opened in 2001. It provides a
aquaculture, with the the department’s Nam Xuang Committee, providing advice care provision. single. free telephone hotline service
expectation that the number Agriculture Development to five selected core farmers, Ms Dalavan urged the Most people seeking that gives advice to callers.
of aquaculture farmers will Centre and Japan’s Network of encouraging aquaculture public and private sectors advice or treatment were The centre is staffed by
increase because of improved Asian Rural Community under among women, and building as well as international male, with 41 percent having two doctors and two nurses
water supply. JICA’s bilateral cooperation the reservoir. organisations and development urinary tract infections, 18 who provide healthcare
partners to assist the centre percent suffering from herpes, services and treatment five
Student loses motorbike in violent attack in its efforts to support and 20 percent having genital days a week.

Phonesavanh Sangsomboun expensive and well known

because there was little petrol
in it so the thieves could not
Govt moves closer... From page 1
An unlucky young student lost She fell off her bike and go far without refuelling. employers. would be discussed at the construction and completion
her expensive new motorbike her bag and belongings were She has informed the To obtain a passport, Mr Thursday meeting. have not been fixed as capital
last week when she was scattered over the road. Being police but, so far, she has not Khamkhane added, a worker Laos needs to hire to finance the project is still
attacked while on her way fully aware of what was heard of any progress. might need to travel back to skilled foreign workers being sought.
home from evening classes at happening she tried to grab Her case has alerted young their home country to conduct to meet domestic demand
about 8.30pm. the key from her bike, but the people to be extra careful the paperwork. He gave in order to ensure steady
The incident occurred on man hit her hard in the face when leaving evening classes, assurances that Lao officials economic growth, according Vientiane Times
the road alongside the campus and on her arms. so that they do not become would issue appropriate to the International Labour
of the National University of He then got on her bike, targets for motorbike thieves. documents to facilitate the Organisation, which estimated on CD-ROM
Laos in Vientiane. which was only three months Most students in Laos trip. that up to 200,000 skilled
The third-year student from old, and rode off with his commute to colleges and A person who has a work workers could be required Issues of Vientiane Times from
the Faculty of Forestry, who friend who was waiting for universities by motorbike or permit can work in Laos for two annually until 2015. 2001 to April 2012 have been
can’t be named, tearfully told him on the other one. car. Bike riders often go in years with another extension To meet this demand, the recorded on CD-ROM.
her friends that she saw two She called out for help pairs but others travel alone of two years, bringing the total government is planning the Now available at Vientiane
men on a motorbike follow and but nobody appeared. making themselves attractive to four years. construction of Laos’ biggest Times office. Corner
overtake her before one of the Unfortunately, cries for help targets for thieves, especially Mr Khamkhane admitted private vocational training Setthathirath/Pangkham
men got off a short distance in are often ignored as people when they are riding an that measures to handle illegal complex. A 200 hectare site Roads, Nam Phu,
front of her, waiting for her to are concerned about their expensive bike such as this workers who fail to obtain has already been approved for Vientiane. P.O. Box: 5723,
approach. own safety and do not want to Honda. all the relevant documents the US$50 million facility. Tel: (856-21) 216364, 217593.
As she was passing him get involved. She said that if Students have also been required for a work permit Project director Mr Fax: (856-21) 216365
he grabbed her, pulling her off somebody had come to her aid warned to pay more attention to application had not been Chansavath Khounviset Email: [email protected]
her Honda, one of the more she may not have lost her bike the danger of bag snatchers. determined, saying the matter said dates for the start of

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Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 Home news 3

Laos calls for further aid for Luang Prabang to use CCTV
least developed countries Phaisythong Chandara

Installation of closed circuit

Times Reporters
television (CCTV) cameras
in Luang Prabang provincial
Laos has called on the capital is now underway
international community to and the system is expected
continue assistance to the to become operational next
least developed (LDCs), month.
landlocked developing A senior official from the
countries (LLDCs), and provincial Traffic Department,
small-island developing states Lieutenant Colonel
(SIDS) in order to achieve Khamngeun Tidsaphone, who
the Millennium Development is in charge of the project, told
Goals (MDGs). the Vientiane Times yesterday
Deputy Minister of that work began in August
Foreign Affairs Mr Alounkeo 2011 with financial support
Kittikhoun conveyed the from the government.
statement to the Ministerial “Due to the frequent
Mr Alounkeo Kittikhoun (centre) attends the UN meeting in
Segment of the 68th Session of Bangkok, Thailand. occurrence of anti-social
the United Nations Economic behaviour, we decided
and Social Commission of to install cameras to help
constrained their ability to integration and connectivity
Asia and the Pacific held in maintain order,” Lt Col
mobilise sufficient resources within the Greater Mekong
Bangkok, Thailand, recently. Khamngeun said.
to meet their development Subregion and nations further
“The special needs of He said the government
needs. afield.
the world’s most vulnerable had given approval for the
Regarding the situation in Despite the constraints that
countries must be given Ministry of Public Security to
Laos, he said its low level of need to be addressed primarily
a special priority as the cooperate with China’s CCTV
development and landlocked by the Lao government itself,
challenges and constraints Camera Installation Company
situation are proving it requires continued support
faced by them would hardly be to carry out the work. The Installation of a CCTV camera.
challenging when it comes and cooperation at the regional
overcome without increased cameras are also part of
to attaining the international and international level as provides better security for have to react quickly when
support and cooperation government plans to improve
targets. the country aims to meet all locals and overseas visitors coordinating a response to
from the international professionalism in the police
To overcome these MDGs by 2015 and graduate who come to view the World incidents as they arise.
community,” he said referring force by introducing more
difficulties, the Lao from LDC status by 2020. Heritage Site. When installation is
to commitments enshrined advanced technology in public
government has merged the Mr Alounkeo reaffirmed They will also help to complete, Lt Col Khamngeun
in the Istanbul and Almaty security activities.
targets in its 7th five-year the Lao government’s control road users and assist said CCTV cameras are
Programmes of Action. The project’s aim is to
National Socio-Economic commitment to the policy in resolving traffic disputes planned along the province’s
He said that despite the fact maintain a public security
Development (2011-2015) by of sustainable development and accidents. borders especially in locations
that the region has made good watch and to protect against
accelerating growth, ensuring adopted 20 years ago at He added that he strongly offering easy access.
progress towards attaining the bag snatching, robbery and
harmonised economic, social the 1992 Earth Summit on believed the cameras would Luang Prabang is the
MDGs, many indicators are other undesirable activities.
and cultural development and Sustainable Development. be monitored responsibly second province to have CCTV
showing that some countries Lt Col Khamngeun noted
further promoting regional He said the international as surveillance staff will cameras, after Vientiane.
are still off-track on many that the use of CCTV cameras
and sub-regional connectivity. meeting RIO+20 in Brazil
targets, especially the most It is accelerating the process this year will mark the 20th
vulnerable nations - the LDCs,
of integration into the
regional and global economic
anniversary of sustainable
development. It will be a good
CAMCE launches Vientiane... From page 1
He said that taking into system through membership opportunity for the international than US$600 million in window for the world to enter pearl of the Mekong River
account their inadequate socio- in the Asean Economic community to discuss and the project, which is expected Laos, and Laos will quickly in Indochina, the new city
economic infrastructure, these Community and World Trade approve new measures to to take between six and eight become the focus of global centre of Vientiane, capital of
countries are often susceptible Organisation. strengthen responsibility in years to complete. It is the first attention and a hotspot for Laos, and the national glory
to external shocks and have Laos also aims to transform environmental protection and large-scale master planned investment. of Laos.
limited productive and export itself from a landlocked to land- the more sustainable use of development to be built in Many people want to The rise of modernisation
capacity. These realities have linked nation by enhancing natural resources. Laos, designed to bring the see the development of will not destroy the charm of

Families relocate to make way for

latest in modern lifestyles to infrastructure in Laos as in the capital as it will coexist
the capital. other countries. Once the real with traditional culture.
The ASEM villas are the estate development project on Vientiane New World will

Mekong embankment first phase of the Vientiane

New World project, located in
the heart of Vientiane on the
Don Chan Island is completed
over the next six to eight
years, Lao people will see real
bring the glory of the history
and culture of Laos, while the
magic of nature will create
Times Reporters banks of the Mekong River. modernisation. the glory of the ecology and
The whole project covers Vientiane will become a environment of Laos.
Some families in Sikhottabong an area of 42 hectares with
district, Vientiane, will soon
have to move out of their
a total construction scale of
over 700,000 square metres,
3 Day Weather forecast
homes to make way for the consisting of three centres: Xieng Khuang
Temperature (C)
construction of an embankment International Cultural and Date
Min Max

along the Mekong River. Tourist Centre, International 22/05/2012 21 29 Mostly cloudy
“Construction of the Business Centre and 23/05/2012 21 29 Mostly cloudy
embankment in Sikhottabong International Residence Centre,
district is advancing, and 185 including various kinds of 24/05/2012 21 30 Partly cloudy

families will be affected,” said property forms, such as stylish Luang Namtha
Temperature (C)
district Deputy Governor Mr walking streets, shopping Date
Min Max

Bounma Piangphanya. malls, cinemas, offices, hotels, 22/05/2012 21 33 Mostly cloudy

Land has been allocated to serviced apartments, garden 23/05/2012 21 32 Mostly cloudy
resettle the families in nearby apartments, etc.
Nongniew village. The Mekong embankment under construction in Sikhottabong Upstream of the project 24/05/2012 21 33 Partly cloudy

“The project will district, Vientiane. will be the VNW International Luang Prabang
Temperature (C)
compensate the families for Cultural and Tourist Centre, Date
Min Max

the land they lose and will along the Mekong River from The government officially which is a stylish walking 22/05/2012 24 37 Mostly cloudy
evaluate the value of their Pakpasak Technical School to adopted the project in 2007, street that reflects Lao history 23/05/2012 25 38 Mostly cloudy
houses,” Mr Bounma said. Thatkhao, and the construction in a bid to prevent further and culture. It is a paradise for
Some of the families still of Chao Anouvong Park. The erosion of the Mekong shopping, food, entertainment 24/05/2012 25 38 Partly cloudy

have some land and can build new riverside road is 2.9km riverbank. and browsing. It will be a Temperature (C)

a new house. long and 7 metres wide, with The government also sleepless city where people Date
Min Max

But they will only be streetlights. received a loan of more than linger and stay. In the centre 22/05/2012 27 34 Mostly cloudy
compensated for the land lost Two water gates for flood 300 billion kip (about US$37 of the stylish walking street 23/05/2012 27 33 Mostly cloudy
to the embankment and for the control will also be installed. million) from the Republic is a splash fountain square
value of their current house. Work on the project of Korea’s Economic themed with the champa 24/05/2012 26 34 Mostly cloudy

The government has began in 2009 and will end Development Cooperation flower, the national flower of Savannakhet
Temperature (C)
invested more than 260 billion in 2013. The embankment Fund to carry out the project. Laos. The whole stylish street Date
Min Max

kip (about US$30 million) passes through 23 villages in The government has lies around the square, with 22/05/2012 26 35 Partly cloudy
to build the embankment Sikhottabong, Chanthabouly contributed an additional 100 rational distribution. 23/05/2012 26 35 Mostly cloudy
from Kaoliew village in and Sisattanak districts. billion kip (US$11 million). Laos needs international
Sikhottabong district to In March 2006, the Lao To date, Chao Anouvong residences and facilities to 24/05/2012 27 34 Isolated showers

the Australian Embassy government received more Park and the river frontage road host the ASEM Summit in Champassak
Temperature (C)
Recreational Club, 12.2km to than 6 billion kip (US$800,000) have been built, along with November and the Vientiane Date
Min Max

the east. from the Korea Overseas a section of the embankment New World Project plays an 22/05/2012 26 35 Partly cloudy
The whole project includes International Cooperation in the vicinity of the Mekong important role in helping the 23/05/2012 26 35 Mostly cloudy
the embankment, building Agency to finance a feasibility River Commission on Fa country to fulfill its dream.
of a road and traffic lights study for the project. Ngum Road. The Summit opens the 24/05/2012 25 34 Mostly cloudy

4 Home news Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Web developer helps green the planet News in Brief
Southivongnorath Savannakhet flood victims receive assistance
Savannakhet provincial Deputy Governor Dr Khampheuy Phanthachone and the provincial
A Lao website developer will
hold a massive tree planting on Labour and Social Welfare Department Deputy Director, Mr Eua Phomke, recently teamed
Arbor Day on June 1 through up with Xonbouly district authority officials to provide assistance to flood-affected
his website www.yimlao.com. villagers.
YimLao website developer A total of 33,841 people from 6,476 families in 35 villages of the district were affected by
Mr Monekham Soulinphoumy flooding and 5,985 hectares of crops were damaged.
said this is the first time for Out of the total, 4,133 people from 727 families in 26 villages received 62,000kg of rice
them to create such a large social and clothes.
networking event to benefit In Thakhamleum, the village most seriously affected by the flooding, officials provided
the environment in Laos. The 3,000kg of rice, clothing, 240 sheets of zinc roofing and 48 boxes of nails.
website developer and his team
will gather students from Savan
Institute of Management to plant Xayaboury names drug-free schools
trees at Beungwa village in Xayaboury provincial office for Education and Sports recently named the provincial
Kaysone Phomvihane district Secondary School, Ekkaphab Secondary School and Mittaphab Lower Secondary School
on May 27. as drug-free schools for the 2011-2012 academic year.
“Our major activity will
be planting about 300 trees in The bestowing of the title ‘drug-free’ is in line with the Ministry of Education and Sports’
Savannakhet province while policy and the government’s plan to combat drug abuse.
about 1,000 Lao people will These schools had achieved drug-free status as a result of having no drug related activities,
follow their activities through no advertising of alcohol or tobacco products and the installation of proper fencing, before
the website,” he said. the honour was conferred.
The website has named The department’s Deputy Director Mr Phanduangta said drug abuse had become a major
this initiative the Online Tree The poster promoting the YimLao website’s tree planting
issue in the province and the authorities were working to correct the situation.
Plantation. Participants and activities on Arbor Day this year.
supporters will click on the Another project, the Green School project, is being run by the department to involve
“like” logo, commenting on the world visit the page and YimLao is the country’s leading students in the learning process and to encourage them to help plant and care for trees so
the blog and texting to promote almost 100 have clicked to social networking site. Its target they enjoy a better school environment.
the activities. Then the trees join the activity. The highest audience is the nation’s younger It also aims to ensure that students attend school for the whole day and provides help for
will be sent to Savannakhet number of visitors is from demographic and the site is most those affected by drugs.
province for planting, with Laos and Thailand and this popular with students in Laos. The department also plans to name other schools as being drug-free in the near future.
the participants’ names to be figure is increasing every day. Most users visit the site to
attached to them. We believe there will be a lot discuss global and personal
Mr Monekham explained of people joining us through issues and entertain each Champassak eyes literacy growth by 2015
that this is a strategy to promote social networks and planting a another by sharing links to Thousands of people in rural districts of Champassak province now have access to primary
a greener environment with tree where they live abroad,” other sites and internet-based education.
the help of Lao people from he explained. applications. Many villages have become literate communities, with over 92 percent of people aged 15-
all over the world. His website Mr Monekham said the Mr Monekham said the
is not as large as many others Earth is warming every day main objective was to bring 40 able to read and write.
but at least this will encourage because of human activities, Lao people from all corners Other villages are addressing illiteracy problems in line with the provincial Education
some Lao students to be more so this activity will go of the globe together to share and Sports’ Development Plan (2006-2015).
aware of the tree plantings some way to minimising in their culture and national Children are being encouraged to attend school with the arrival of new educational
which help reduce global that and producing a better identity. equipment provided by the Ministry of Education and Sports and its development
warming. environment in the future. “We believe that many of partners, part of the strategy to reform the education system and achieve universal
“Over 1,000 users from The website has been the users will plant a tree on access to primary education by 2015.
18 different countries around established for five years. Arbor Day this year,” he said.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic Institute for Trade and Investment of Korea is looking for a
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity
Financial Management Specialistwith the following details:
Ministry of Health PR Office supported by Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Invitation of Bid
International Competitive Bidding
1. Job Description:
Procurement of Trucks for Medical Product Supply Chain Centre (MPSC) - Working with a Project Management Team of Lao government in
Under GFATM Program
Procurement N° LAO-H-GF-MOH-Y2/Truck/MPSC/2012 its ADB loan project;
Date: May 14, 2012
- Planning and O&M;
To: Eligible Suppliers,
1. The Lao Peoples Democratic Republic has received a grant from Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. - Accounting Oversight, Internal control, funds flow management
Ministry of Health, Hygiene Department, The Principal Recipient (PR) intend to pay this grant to procure Trucks for transport of health
products listed below by using Grant of HIV - Single Stream Funding Y2012. and financial reporting;
2. The Procurement Unit of Principal Recipient (PR) office of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS/Tuberculosis/Malaria in Lao PDR now invites
sealed bid from interesting and eligible bidders to supply the following items listed below: - Audit planning and management;
3. This Procurement will follow Public procurement procedures for International Competitive Bidding (ICB) defined in the
Procurement Guideline of The Principal Recipient of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Lao PDR - Capacity building for financial and accounting staff
issue on November 2009.
No. Description Quantity
2. Requirements:
1 Truck 3 - Only Lao Nationals are eligible to apply
4. This Procurement is open to all eligible Bidders, who have business license related to the above goods, and for in country
Bidders, they should have Business License and Updated Tax Payment Certificate of recent year. - Majoringfinance and accounting;
5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect Tender Documents at the address given below:
Attention to: Mr. Keophouthone Inthivong, Procurement Specialist, GFATM Project - 5 years experiences or morein implementing projects funded by
Address: Ministry of Health, Hygiene Department, Principal Recipient Office, supported by GFATM in Lao PDR
Opposite Ministry of Health, Simeuang Road, Ban Simeuang, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR international financial institutions preferable;
Tel: 856 21 242 980/ Fax: 856 21 242 981
E-mail address: [email protected], and Cc; Dr. Viengsavanh Phanmanivong, Head of Procurement Unit, email - Good in English-speaking & writing skills;
address: [email protected]
6. A complete set of Bidding documents in English Language will be received by the interested Suppliers on the submission of a - Good at Computer skills (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc..);
writing application to Global fund Project Office from May 14, 2012 to June 29, 2012 at 14:00h and upon payment of a non-

refundable fee of 500,000 Kip. The method of payment shall be in cash and transfer to the following account:
Account Name: MPSC-HA-CONSO-P1
3. Deadline for Application: May 25, 2012

Account No.
Bank Name:
Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao - BCEL
4. Application dossiers (written in English): Application
7. Bidding Documents must be delivered to the address mentioned in the Bidding documents before the June 29, 2012 at 14:00h
(Local time). Any Bidding Documents received later than the scheduled time will be rejected and returned unopened to the bidders.
Letter(including picture, desired salary, CV
All bids will be opened immediately after bid submission by the Bidding Committee in presence of bidders’ representatives who
choose to attend at address below.
5. Where to apply: Application should be submitted
The Meeting Room of PR Office First floor, Opposite Ministry of Health, Simeuang Road, Ban Simeuang, Sisattanak District,
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. Tel: 856 21 242 980 / Fax: 856 21 242 981. by Email to [email protected]
The envelope containing the proposed Bidding must be clearly marked “Bidding for Supplying Trucks’’ and “DO NOT OPEN
before June 29, 2012 at 14:00h (Local time)’’. - C.P : Alivanh
Bidding Documents will be opened in presence of the Suppliers’ representatives who choose to attend this meeting at the address
mentioned above on the June 29, 2012 at 14:15h (Local time) - Tel : 021-455-080
8. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in amount of not less than two percents (2%) of the bid price in Lao or US
currency. The Bid Security form shall be a bank guarantee in accordance with the provided form in the Bidding Document. The recruited person is expected to start work from November 2012.

Dr. Chanmy Saramay
Manager of PR Office
Only shortlists candidates will be contacted for interview between

Global Fund Project to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
May 28-30.
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 Photo news 5

Foreign ambassadors and diplomats yesterday visit the site of the ASEM villas located in Don
Chan in Vientiane to witness the progress of construction, which is about 75 percent complete.
Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to Laos, Ms Ana Maria Ramirez (centre left),
visits Editor-in-Chief of Vientiane Times Mr Thongsavath Chansombath (centre right) at the
newspaper’s offices on Monday.

Construction workers build the roof of the International Convention Centre in Vientiane, aiming
to accelerate the project so it is ready in time for the ASEM Summit in November. On Monday,
foreign ambassadors and diplomats visited the project to assess its progress, with work now 65 A foreign diplomat takes a photo of the International Convention Centre during a visit to the
to 70 percent complete. under-construction facility in Vientiane yesterday.

Job Announcement Job Announcement

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Gbx ABT/ULg), Hanoi University of Agriculture (HUA) and
CEDAC are going to implement a three-year project funded by the European Union (EU) titled “Promoting appropriate technology Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Gbx ABT/ULg), Hanoi University of Agriculture
for smallholders to increase food security among ethnic groups in Cambodia and Lao PDR". The objective of the project is to (HUA) and CEDAC are going to implement a three-year project funded by the European Union (EU) titled
improve poor people nutritional intake and health by diversifying and increasing quality food production thanks to appropriate “Promoting appropriate technology for smallholders to increase food security among ethnic groups in Cambodia
technologies, while encouraging food trade and sensitizing households to diet balance principles. and Lao PDR". The objective of the project is to improve poor people nutritional intake and health by diversifying
In the framework of the project, we are seeking qualified staff to fill National Coordinator position.
and increasing quality food production thanks to appropriate technologies, while encouraging food trade and
National Coordinator (1 position): Position based in Attapeu province with field visits in the villages of the following sensitizing households to diet balance principles.
districts: Phouvong, Saysettha, Sanamxay, Sanxay. In the framework of the project, we are seeking qualified staff to fill Thematic Supervisor position.
Purpose of the position:
Responsible for coordinating project implementation in Laos (Attapeu Province); to manage local team (about 20 people) and to Thematic Supervisor: Position based in Attapeu province with fieldwork in the villages of the following
act as main link agent with Cambodia team. districts: Phouvong, Saysettha, Sanamxay, Sanxay.
Qualifications: Purpose of the position:
• Bachelor degree or equivalent in Management and/or in fields related to rural development, including agriculture and
community development Responsible for providing thematic technical related to Food security and Nutrition and CBOs (Community
• At least 4 years of experience project management position, preferably in a development project Based Organizations) support to the field coordinators, coordinating activities, facilitating monitoring surveys and
• Strong ability to manage staff under control to achieve the goals of project overseeing quality control.
• Ability and experience in administrative and financial management preferably following international donors procedures.
Experience with EU-funded project is a strong asset.
• Excellent ability to plan, organize and coordinate activities Qualifications:
• Strong experience in reporting including financial report • Bachelor degree or equivalent on rural sociology or related fields
• Good level of English is mandatory (speaking, listening, reading and writing) • At least 4 years of experience in related fields
• Knowledge in Food security; Nutrition, CBOs and/or rural development • Knowledge in Food security and Nutrition, CBOs and rural development
• Excellent initiative, team spirit and cross cultural sensitivity
• Willingness to work in rural and remote areas • Ability to manage staff under control to achieve the goal of project
• Good level of English (speaking, listening, reading and writing)
Main duties and responsibilities: • Excellent initiative, team spirit and cross cultural sensitivity
1 Management: • Ability to plan, organize and coordinate activities
- Human resources management of local team:
o 4 Thematic Supervisors themselves coordinating 8 Extension Officers and 5 Public Services Extension Officers • Willingness to work in rural and remote areas (even over night)
o one Accountant and Administrative Assistant
o two Drivers, one Security Guard and one Cleaner Main duties and responsibilities:
- Daily work coordination and follow-up of Thematic Supervisors staff and Accountant & Administrative Assistant (check • Establish, follow up, review, adjust and implement work plan for Food security and Nutrition; CBOs; and
work compliance with requirements)
- In close collaboration with the implementing partners of Gbx ABT and HUA, prepare the Quarterly Work Plan and M&E (Monitoring & Evaluation) in Lao and English and coordination with relevant project staff.
Budget (QWPB) in relation to the Project design and available financing, and oversee the implementation of the activities • Implement, follow up and evaluate impact of activities and coordination with relevant project staff.
as per the approved QWPB; • Summarise activities conducted at the end of the month in a report and plan activities with respective
- In close collaboration with implementing partners of Gbx ABT and HUA and the expatriate staff, participate in all project staff for coming month in Lao and English.
activities and budget reporting activities, whether for internal management or for audit and evaluation purpose
- In close collaboration with implementing partners of Gbx ABT;HUA and ULB, and the expatriate staff, participate in all • Establish and analyse project documentation such as reports, assessment, data base and Operation and
strategic planning and implementation procedures activities Monitoring (O&M) data.
- In close collaboration with the implementing partners of Gbx ABT and HUA and expatriate staff, participate in all project • Ensure very good communication between project office and field offices, especially for Food security and
technical, administrative and financial management activities, including procurements and follow-up of contractual, Nutrition; CBOs; training/capacity building and M&E activities for implementation of result mentioned.
budgetary and financial agreements
- Receive and arrange for reproduction and circulation of reports, studies and other Project documentation from all • Conduct regular field visits to follow up and measure process of implementation.
involved staff as appropriate • Establish bill of quantity and its specifications, quotations and its analysis for purchase of necessary
implements to conduct above mentioned activities successfully.
2 Local interface: • Coordinate activities with project office, field offices and relevant stakeholders to ensure efficient
- Local administration management (relationship with provincial authorities; juridical back-up and any other activities in
link with national legislation compliance). implementation of all project activities.
- Ensure local office functionality (supervise maintenance work and necessary equipment) • Arrange meetings, appointments and workshops.
- Ensure information sharing with all stakeholders • Write progress reports in Lao and English.
- Coordinate the translation of key documents from Lao to English and English to Lao as needed ( identify translator(s), • Ensure that regulations and procedures set by project and donor is respected by relevant staff and
check translation provided)
- Supervise and arrange for all activities related to local logistics as appropriate
• Other tasks may be required if needed.
3 Technical topics management and follow-up
Interested candidates, please send cover letter and CV (indicating on the title “Thematic Supervisor position) in
- Technical management of the Thematic supervisors staff (technical guidance in their activities) in line with project
purpose as described in the project proposal approved by the EU.
English to:
[email protected]
Interested candidates, please send cover letter and CV (indicating on the title “National Coordinator position”) in English to: in cc to [email protected] and [email protected]
[email protected]
in cc to [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected]
Only short-listed candidates will be informed about further selection process.
Only short-listed candidates will be informed about further selection process.
Closing date: 31 May 2012 Closing date: 31 May 2012
6 Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times

China eyes closer cooperation with In brief from Asia
News Network
Croatia in infrastructure Local biosphere obtains
official UNESCO nod
ZAGREB (Xinhua) -- China
hopes to play a bigger role DONG NAI (Viet Nam
in Croatia’s infrastructure News) --The Dong Nai
construction and will Biosphere Reserve has
encourage more Chinese officially become the 580th
tourists to visit the South such initiative in the world
European country, China’s top and one of eight in Vietnam.
legislator said. The People's Committee of
Chairman of the Standing southern Dong Nai Province
Committee of China’s National and the UN Educational,
People’s Congress (NPC), Wu Scientific and Cultural
Bangguo made the remarks Organisation (UNESCO)
Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. –Photo The Nation jointly held a ceremony to
during a meeting Saturday
with Croatian President Ivo announce the recognition
Thai Prime Minister kicks off 2013 Josipovic. on May 19. Covering more
than 966,500 ha in Dong Nai,
He reviewed the sound
budget bill debate development of China-
Croatia ties, saying bilateral
Lam Dong, Binh Phuoc,Binh
Duong and Dak Nong
THAILAND (The Nation) 4.0 per cent inflation. She said relations have a solid political provinces, the Dong Nai
-- Prime Minister Yingluck the growth in 2013 was expected foundation as the two sides Biosphere Reserve includes
Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s a core zone of 169,000 ha,
Shinawatra on Monday kicked to be 4.0 to 5.0 per cent while have firmly supported each Congress, Wu Bangguo (left) shakes hands with Croatian President
off the 2013 budget bill debate inflation was expected to be 3.8 other on issues concerning Ivo Josipovic. –Photo Xinhua a buffer zone of 350,000 ha
by defending the government’s per cent. their respective core interests. and a transitional zone of
planned spending, saying that Based on the projections, the The two countries also cooperation as a priority in ties between the two countries nearly 448,000 ha.
most of the budget would be government expected to receive share an immense potential their efforts to strengthen ties, will inevitably promote the
spent for improving social revenue of Bt2.197 trillion in the for cooperation in economy especially in infrastructure, bilateral relationship. Strengthen community
and economic mechanisms new budget year, an increase of and trade, Wu said. investment and tourism, he He said both China and ties for safer
and developing the country’s 6.3 per cent. From the revenue, With its vast forest and said. Croatia are committed to SINGAPORE (The Straits
infrastructure in the long term. Bt 97.9 billion would be rich water resources, Croatia China supports Chinese the development of peaceful Times) --Even though
The debate started with allocated to local government, is an ideal destination for companies to invest in and friendly cooperative Singapore has enjoyed
Yingluck spending about 50 leaving Bt2.1 trillion as net tourists and also boasts very Croatia and actively take part partnership, and his country decades of peace and
minutes reading from a prepared government revenue. developed industries such as in Croatian infrastructure highly admires China’s stability, it cannot afford
statement. She said most of the budget ship-making and medicine. projects such as ports, peaceful foreign policy to be complacent, said
She said the 2013 budget bill would be spent on the country’s On the other hand, China, railroads, and power stations, and great achievements Singaporean Prime Minister
would allocate Bt2.44 trillion development under nine after over three decades of he said, adding that China will in economic and social Lee Hsien Loong on Sunday.
for government spending and it strategies. reform and opening-up, is now also encourage its citizens to development. That meant anything from
would result in a larger deficit Among other things, an active player in making travel in Croatia. Croatia is willing to watching out for something
compared with the 2012 budget. Bt491.48 billion would be investment overseas and a He also expressed the hope maintain the existing high- unusual in the neighbourhood
The deficit would increase by earmarked for sustainable social main source of global tourists, that the two sides could further level exchanges, and increase and strengthening racial
Bt20 billion. development under 16 projects Wu said. increase cultural exchanges. cooperation in other fields and ties, to being prepared for
She said the spending was while Bt625.44 billion would The two countries For his part, Josipovic said at various levels, such as trade, things like fires and medical
planned on projections of 5.5 to be spent under the education should take the development Wu’s visit to Croatia on the investment, infrastructure and emergencies.
6.5 per cent growth and 3.5 to development strategy. of mutually-beneficial 20th anniversary of diplomatic tourism, he said.
Vacancy Notice Vacancy Notice

The World Health Organization is seeking for a qualified Lao National for position of: Special Services Agreement (SSA) Position Vacancy Notice
The World Health Organization is seeking for a qualified Lao National for the Position of:
Technical Officer for Emerging Diseases, Surveillance and Response
(NPO at NO-A Level) Mental Health Administrative Assistant
This is a short-term 5-6 months assignment.
To provide programme management, procurement and logistical support to Emerging Diseases, Surveillance and Response (ESR), To provide administrative and management mental health and disability to the WHO country office in Lao PDR, the Lao Ministry of
WHO Representative Office in Lao People's Democratic Republic, in providing technical support to the Ministry of Health, Department Health and other mental health stakeholders as needed.
of Hygiene and Prevention, and Department of Curative Medicine, National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) in the
implementation of surveillance and response and laboratory programmes in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Duties:
1. Provide mental health and disability administrative and management support in collaboration with other non-communicable
Duties: diseases related activities and under the supervision of unit team leader/s.
2. Collaborate and coordinate with domestic and international community mental health providers for conducting mental health and
(1) Assists in the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the activities in the national work plan for emerging disability related workshops and training in the country under supervision of the designated supervisors.
infectious diseases (EIDs) with focus on public health laboratory issues related to surveillance in line with Asia Pacific 3. Provide advocacy and networking with government, NGOs, bilateral, and other international mental health partners to increase
Strategy for Emerging Diseases (APSED) and International Health Regulation (IHR) requirements; mental health resources and knowledge sharing and to foster mental health capacity building.
(2) Liaises closely with the relevant section of National Centre for laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) and Ministry of Health 4. Assist in developing mental health standards and norms as well as develop products for mental health promotion and awareness
for timely provision of procured items and supplies required for the implementation of laboratory and surveillance activities raising.
and make necessary follow-up action for timely implementation of the work plan activities; 5. Assist in conducting mental health/disability reduction campaign and education in collaboration with other mental health partners
(3) Updates and maintains the records of all inventory items in selected provincial surveillance units and laboratories according as required.
to the WHO inventory management systems and various donors’ requirements. Contribution to the development of periodic 6. Collaborate with Laos Ministry of Health, University of Health Science, hospitals, NGOs, and other partner organizations to
donor reporting; organize mental health monthly “Round Table” meetings and monitor progress in mental health capacity building.
(4) Assists in strengthening networking on EIDs for cross-border cooperation, surveillance and response.
(5) Assists in the establishment of an Emerging Operation Centre (EOC) in ministry of health including development of terms of 7. Provide management and logistic support as well as other related duties that might be required.
references of the centre, standard operation procedures and communication system during public health emergency;
(6) Provides program management support to the ESR unit, including a regular progress review of workplan implementation, Education:
organization of training, meetings and workshop with NCLE, MoH and other partners, preparation for donor reporting , and - BA degree in social science, business, or management is required.
coordination for periodic program review/assessments; - Medical doctor (MD) or master degree relevant to mental health or social work will be advantage for this position.
(7) Maintains, update, and monitors information on project activities on the computerized database systems and generate report - Additional education and training in program management and administration would be an advantage for the position.
as required;
(8) Performs any other tasks as requested by WHO ESR officer. Knowledge and Skills:
- Cultural competence and knowledge of local systems as well as respect for confidentiality and policy of concerned
Education: organizations.
Essential: University degree in health sciences or relevant areas. - Be able to work with multidisciplinary teams in addition to good communication and interpersonal skills. Be able to work
Desirable: Postgraduate degree or training in public health desirable. independently and able to run multiple tasks.
- Ability to work harmoniously as s member of a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds and maintain a high
Knowledge and Skills: standard of working ethic and professionalism.
Knowledge and experience in surveillance and public health laboratory function, procurement and logistic coordination, - Be able to communicate in both English and Lao languages using multiple communication skills such as email, fax, phone,
communicable disease control and public health emergency. Skills in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation written word, and verbal.
of workplan activities, translation between English and Lao, and in the development of locally-adapted tools and instruments. - Experience or skill using Microsoft Office.
Good communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to interact with health professionals at various levels and to work with
national counterparts, nongovernmental organizations and international agencies. Ability to work harmoniously as a member of Experience:
a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds and maintain a high standard of personal conduct. - Three to five years working experience in administrative and management works related to medical, mental health or social
Experience: service fields with private, bilateral, and government sectors within domestic and international organizations.
Essential: At least one year experience in public health, preferably in a large or international organization, embassy, or - Experience networking and working collaboratively with international, bilateral, NGOs, and Government organizations.
multinational corporation.
Desirable: Experience in working with the MOH in Lao PDR, planning implementation and monitoring of activities at a national Language:
level work plan such as an annual national work plan. - Excellent knowledge of speaking, reading, and writing skills in both English and Lao languages is required.
- Additional language ability is of advantage.
Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and the local language. Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit applications in English language, with curriculum vitae and cover letter by
Other skills: 25 May 2012
Proficiency in standard MS Office applications.
Addressed to:
Interested and qualified candidates are invited to submit applications in the English language, with curriculum vitae by 18 June 2012 to: Dr. Asmus Hammerich
The World Health Organization Programme Management Officer
125 Saphanthong Road, World Health Organization
Unit 5 Ban Saphanthong Tai, 125 Saphanthong Road,
Sisathanak District. Unit 5, Ban Saphanthong Tai,
P.O. Box 343 Sissathanak District.
Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. Vientiane, Lao P.D.R.
Fax: (856) 21 353905 Fax: (856) 21 353 905
Tel: (856) 21 353902-904 Tel: (856) 21 353 902-904
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 7
NATO shifts to help an elusive Afghanistan peace
CHICAGO (AP) -- NATO “There will be no rush for summit in his hometown and
allies declared the end of a long the exits,” NATO Secretary the city where his re-election
and unpopular Afghanistan General Anders Fogh operation hums, spoke of a
war is in sight even as they Rasmussen said. “Our goal, post-2014 world when “the
struggled to hold their fighting our strategy, our timetable Afghan war as we understand
force together as France’s new remain unchanged.” it is over.” Until then, though,
president announced plans to The military alliance remaining US and allied
pull troops out early. is pledged to remain in troops face the continued
The fate of the war is both Afghanistan into 2014, but likelihood of fierce combat.
the center of this two-day will seal plans during the Tension over newly elected
NATO summit that opened summit to shift foreign forces French President Francois
Sunday in Chicago, and a off the front lines a year faster Hollande’s pledge to end his
topic no one is celebrating than once planned. country’s combat mission
as a mission accomplished. Afghan forces will take two years early infused the
The alliance already has one the lead throughout the nation meeting. German Chancellor
foot out the Afghanistan door, next year, instead of in 2014, Angela Merkel pointedly cited
with the Europeans pinching despite uneven performance the credo of the allies in the
pennies in a debt crisis and under US and other outside Afghanistan war, “in together,
President Barack Obama tutelage so far. The shift is out together,” and her foreign
with an ear attuned to the in large part a response to minister cautioned against a
politics of an economy-driven plummeting public support “withdrawal competition” by
presidential election year. for the war in Europe and the coalition countries.
Still, some cautioned United States, contributors The Taliban are urging
against following France’s of most of the 130,000 nations fighting in Afghanistan
example while others played foreign troops now fighting to follow France’s lead and
down stresses in the fighting the Taliban-led insurgency. pull their international forces German Chancellor Angela Merkel talks to NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (left)
alliance. Obama, who was hosting the from the war this year. and President Barack Obama upon her arrival at the NATO Summit in Chicago. --Photo AP

Egypt’s presidential candidates end campaigns for historic vote

CAIRO (Xinhua) -- Egypt’s Amr Moussa, who concluded “The choices are clear, strong country with Muslims
presidential candidates his last trails to gain more either to put Egypt on the and Coptics, men and women
finalised on Sunday their votes, told a conference in right path of achieving the without discrimination or
electoral campaigns two days Behirah Governance, north uprising’s goals, transform marginalization, a country
before the historic vote. of Cairo that “the Egyptians Egypt into a real democratic which can eliminate poverty,
All forms of electoral are moving to cast their state with competitive economy, and break the vicious circle of
campaigns by the candidates votes not only for choosing a or to enter the vortex of regional illiteracy, unemployment”.
during the 48-hour silence person whom they can trust and domestic disputes due to Ex-Prime Minister Ahmed
period are banned. They his nationalism, experiences wrong concepts and methods,” Shafiq, a candidate from ex-
cannot hold any meetings and ability to lead the country, he added, calling on all the President Hosni Mubarak’s
or participate in rallies to but also to determine their citizens to vote and participate era, pledged to create constant
Supporters of Mohammed Mursi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s promote their programs or destiny and choose a way in choosing a future for Egypt. security, comprehensive justice
candidate for Egypt’s presidential election, participate in a appear in media interviews. for democracy, freedom and Moussa added that “I can and balanced development in
campaign rally in Cairo. –Photo Xinhua Former Arab League chief dignity.” see the future of Egypt, a the middle class.
8 Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times

Terms of  Reference for  Technical Assistance on data management and analysis for a  Malaria Mass  
Blood  Examination and Entomology Survey   
in selected areas in Lao PDR 
I. Background : 
 The Centre of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE) will be conducting a mass blood 
survey (malaria parasite survey) and entomology (malaria vector) survey in 72 villages, 24 district in 8 
provinces. Funding for this survey is through the GFATM Round 7 Phase 2 grant. Results of this survey 
will  provide  useful  information  for  the  national  malaria  program  to  identify  risk  areas  for  malaria 
transmission  as  part  of  a  re‐stratification  exercise  planned  every  3 years.    All  technical  aspects  of  the 
survey  implementation  will  be  performed  by  CMPE  technical  staffs.  CMPE  will  be  requiring  Technical 
Assistance from qualified person/s to perform the following:  
II. Scope of the duty  : 
a. Validating completeness of all data from survey teams collected through various standard 
survey forms, eg – microscopy results, vector species etc. 
b. Data entry using and analysis using Epi‐data / SPSS version 16 (Blood survey and Entomology 
survey from 72 villages in 24 district and 8 provinces). All villages surveyed will be geo‐coded.  
c. Data to be presented in relevant graphs, tables, charts etc with mapping of survey data by 
village on Arc‐View software.  
d. Produce a preliminary report on the survey findings to be presented to CMPE 
e. Submit the final report in Lao and English version to CMPE before August 15th  2012. 
III. Time frame :    
              15th July to 15th August 2012 
IV. Qualification                                                                                                                                                                                                 
a. Minimum Master’s Degree in the field of  Epidemiology  
b. Evidence of performing similar data management work for surveys (data validation, entry, 
analysis and report writing). 
c. Demonstrated skills in Software use, ie – Epi –Info, SPSS, Arc View or similar.  
Both Lao and international applicants are encouraged to apply but preference will be given to 
applicants who are based in Laos.  
                     The applicant have to submit the application document to the project manager before                               
                        30th May 2012 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.  
Kindly send Expressions of interest with updated CV/resume to :  
• Mr. Sengphachanh  Phommachanh         
Email : [email protected]  
• Mrs. Chandaly  Lathsabouth  
Email : [email protected]   
Hard copies can also be sent to : 
Mrs. Chandaly  Lathsabouth  
Logistic Unit, CMPE, Ban khoualouang, Chanthabouly district, Vientiane Capital 
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 9
10 Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times

Founded in 1974, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is an executing agency for technical and
financial assistance by the Japanese government.

JICA is looking for one qualified Lao national who will be responsible for the administration and management of
ODA (Official Development Assistance) programs and projects.


1. Liaising and/or negotiating with government and local authorities, Development partners such as international
organizations, NGOs, as well as the private sector in the Lao PDR, Japan and ASEAN countries.
2. Implementing and monitoring project activities in the sector concerned.
3. Interpreting and translating when necessary.
4. Budgeting for the implementation of relevant projects.
5. Organising appointments and other requested arrangements.
6. Drafting official letters and writing reports.
7. Preparing project documents.
8. Attending meetings, workshops, seminars and compiling reports.
9. Supporting other related duties as required in the office.


1. University degree is required. (We basically accept any majors/technical fields obtained. Public Administration,
Agriculture and Forestry, Education, Health and Economics are preferable.)
2. Excellent speaking, reading & writing ability in English and Lao.
3. Minimum two years of prior experience in a profession of above mentioned fields.

1. Ability to work independently with a minimum supervision as well as ability to work as a team.
2. Sufficient ability to read and summarize the relevant documents such as reports issues by government agencies
or other relevant organizations.
3. Proficiency in computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet Explorer and Outlook etc).
4. Strong commitment to learn and improve in any situation.
5. Knowledge on above mentioned relevant fields would be great advantage. (But not essential.)

1. Initial period of three months with a possible extension on yearly bases, given satisfactory performances and
workload demands.
2. A probationary period lasting two months from the day of recruitment.

Application forms are now available at:
JICA Laos Office,
3rd Floor, Sihom Commerce Center, Building No.006,
Souphanouvong Road, Ban Sihom, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: 241100 Fax: 241101
Attention: Mr. Keo or Mr. Asa, Administrative Officer
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an exam and an interview
Due to the volume of applications, JICA will not be able to respond to inquiries about application status and will only
contact short-listed candidates for examination and interview.

4 June 2012
Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 11

Do we need to widen Vientiane’s main roads?

The increasing number of vehicles in Vientiane has become a problem for commuters, with
vehicles bumper to bumper in peak hour traffic. The authorities will conduct a survey with a
view to widening some of the main roads, starting with Kaysone Phomvihane Road
Bounfaeng Phaymanivong population growth and greater road A technical college student, Ms
usage. The number of vehicles has Bouakham Phetdala: We are all
A government employee, Mr risen significantly compared to five well aware that we face traffic
Vatthana Chanthip: If the years ago. While we wait for the congestion every day. It is not a
authorities are able to widen the roads to be widened I would like to big deal currently but it will be a
main roads, the problem of traffic suggest that people organise their serious problem in the near future.
congestion can be solved. Vientiane time better and leave home for Upgrading the roads in Vientiane
is not yet considered to be heavily work earlier in order to avoid heavy will ease the traffic problems. I
congested but I am quite sure it will traffic. notice that the traffic is congested
be sooner or later if the authorities because many drivers fail to obey
do not address the situation. The the regulations and do not respect
increasing number of vehicles other road users. It seems everyone
is affecting the mental health of is in a rush to get to work or school
residents and commuters during which makes them get involved in
peak hour traffic. If the main roads road accidents. It would be good
are widened, traffic jams will not news if the authorities can widen the
be a problem at all. As a road user roads and also provide more public
myself, I think the authorities parking lots.
should speed up the widening of the
roads in order to meet the needs of
the public.
more convenient for everyone.
If the roads are widened, public
parking areas must be built because
Online subscription
An engineering student, Mr currently people can be seen parking After we receive your subscription, a username
Bounthavy Chanthavong: their cars in a very disorderly and password will be sent to you which will
Widening roads in Vientiane would fashion. I think traffic congestion give unlimited access to the newspaper every day - including
cut travel times, especially for is a major problem which needs to advertisements. You can also access back issues for up to
people living in the suburbs. In the A student, Ms Viengkhong be solved as soon as possible. Laos
rush hour the traffic moves very Keoduangdy: I think that traffic is a developing country so wider
seven days. Just log in and you’ll automatically be registered
slowly. Some drivers and road users congestion is the worst problem for roads must be built to allow traffic with www.vientianetimes.org.la.Contact Vientiane Times or
disobey the traffic regulations, road users, with many becoming flow and accommodate the rapid send an email to: [email protected]. Or editor@
which causes road accidents. If the involved in road accidents and growth of Vientiane. Nowadays, vientianetimes.org.la Tel: (856-21) 216364
authorities can widen every road up conflicts as well. If the authorities many major roads are in need of Fax: (856-21) 216365, 252631
to 3 or 4 lanes it will help to match can build wider roads, it will be upgrading to ease the flow of traffic.
12 Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times


Buy local, eat slow Labbs says.

Hu, the chef, echoes
Laabs’ opinion that China is
a lot better off than the US in
reverting to culinary traditions
Sauce Factory in Shanghai
is one of the last companies
to produce soy sauce in the
traditional and “slow” way.
Other factories produce the
Mary K. Smith that recent generations staple food item in some 20
followed. days, but Heritage’s process
CHINA (China Daily, ANN) “There’s a growing number takes anywhere from six
-- Austin Hu is chef and owner that are already going back months to two years.
of Shanghai’s New American to their roots, who can still While the company has
cuisine restaurant Madison, remember what it tastes like to been around for some 130 years
nestled in the heart of the have vegetables grown from and has received awards and
former French Concession their parents’ home village,” recognitions, Zhang Huizhong,
area. When he began his he says. the general manager, says it’s not
search for quality domestic He says that China has easy to compete with companies
produce in China, he was an advantage in preserving that are mass-producing sauces
repeatedly told that there were culinary heritage as Chinese quickly.
none. His best and safest bet cuisines are much more “The biggest challenge
was to import everything. oriented to seasonal foods. I think our factory faces is
“I’m Chinese-American What he tries to champion are money,” he says. “With the
by descent, so it bothers me the small farms and businesses limitation of the production
when a country is this massive trying to hold on to, or revert scale, we cannot produce much
and you tell me you can’t find to time-tested practices. soy sauce and support the costs
anything,” Hu says. “With so He says it’s a matter of associated with maintaining
many people, with such history effort on the chef’s part to be the factory’s development.”
- culinary and culturally - the responsible for sourcing good He hopes that the company
fact that people say there are ingredients. For Hu, this task can attract foreign interest,
no good vegetables ... that comes naturally. and possibly even foreign
is impossible and it doesn’t “One of the things I enjoy capital, so that it can expand
make any sense.” about my job is to challenge production and product range.
As a chef for more than myself and make myself work The future is uncertain as
10 years in the United States within constraints,” he says. to how long the factory can
working in restaurants that “I think it makes you better as operate and whether it will be
followed “buy local” mantras, a cook and as a chef.” able to expand, yet Zhang is
Hu was determined to find While Hu tries to do his hopeful.
quality ingredients in and part for the local, regional “I really hope we can stick
around Shanghai. and domestic farming and to this method of making soy
He may be among the small food communities, one of sauce and even can do it in a
minority of chefs in China the biggest hurdles for the more professional way,” he
taking the time to search out Shanghai Slow Food team has says.
quality, local ingredients, but The establishment of Slow immediate interest can largely they once had with their food, been this: Connecting farmers Causes like this are what
he is part of a growing global Food Shanghai, which was be attributed to China’s he adds. with consumers. the Slow Food movement is
movement that has made its launched at the end of last culinary heritage and history. The issues and challenges “When we talk to the all about, Hu says.
way into the country: Slow year, has been well received “China has one of the for slow food movements in producers, the farmers, we “What is really important is
Food. by the target group the richest slow food cultures in the China are different from those find increasing challenges to preserve indigenous practices,
The Slow Food movement founders hoped to attract: a world right now,” says Mark in the US, where culinary with distribution systems,” like artisan tofu or artisan soy
was founded in 1986 by local audience. Laabs, another Slow Food traditions were lost decades says Renee Van Camp, also sauce. Those are the things
Italian Carlo Petrini, quickly One major concern for the Shanghai founder. “There is ago as the agricultural industry with Slow Food. “If we don’t worth preserving in China,” Hu
spreading to Europe, US, founders, mostly expatriates still a lot of small farming, and drastically changed from the take care of those farmers, says.
Australia and New Zealand. currently, was how not to make a deep attachment to the food 1960s to the 80s. they will disappear. If they “Instead of industrially
It has made its way to it a “foreign” organisation. you’re eating when you get China has not yet lost its don’t find a way to sell their produced sausages and
China, and its main motivators But ever since the first out of China’s larger cities.” traditions, although some may produce, they’ll go under.” Chinese pork, it’s respecting
are looking to help the Chinese event, “there was a great local The urbanisation spike in argue they are already at risk. It’s not just local farmers and honouring the guy who
return to the culinary traditions interest in the community”, the last 20 years has moved “Here, there’s a mix of in need of support. There are makes it the old school way
of their ancestors and move says Allison Van Camp, a people from small hometowns new generation trends as well many traditional culinary because that’s the way his
away from fast food culture nutrition consultant and one and familiar farms to bigger as preservation of traditions practices that are at risk of father taught him, that’s the
- also recently imported from of the Slow Food Shanghai cities, and these people that aren’t all the way gone elimination. way his grandfather taught his
the West. pioneers. She says the remember the close proximity yet, but are endangered,” Qianwanlong Heritage Soy father.”

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The United Nations World Food Programme The United Nations World Food Programme

The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In Laos, WFP is The UN World Food Programme is the largest humanitarian aid agency in the world. In Laos, WFP is committed to helping
committed to reduce undernutrition and food insecurity throughout the country. All WFP staff contributes as a team to this
to reduce the vulnerability of the population and reduce food insecurity of poor families throughout the country. All WFP
staff contributes as a team to this mission.
Vacancy Announcement: National Logistics Assistant SC-5
Vacancy Announcement No: WFP LAO 021 Date: 14 May 2012 Vacancy Announcement: National Field Monitor SC-5
Title: Logistics Assistant Duty Station: Saravane
Grade: SC5 Contract Type: Service Contract (1 year renewal) Vacancy Announcement No: WFP LAO 020 Date: 14 May 2012
Organization Unit: Logistics Unit Deadline for application: 25 May 2012 Title: Field Monitor Duty Station: Luangnamtha
• Alerting the Head of Sub-Office and Country Office on any Grade: SC 5 Contract Type: Service Contract
A Logistics Assistant will be stationed in the Saravan Sub-Office
and will work under direct supervision of the Head of Sub-office.
potential logistics problems, constraints, or solutions, that would Organization Unit: Sub Office-Programme Deadline for application: 25 May 2012
He/she will carry out the following duties and responsibilities: help ensure efficient and effective implementation of WFP’s
A Field Monitor will be stationed in Luangnamtha Sub Office and Experience and skill:
Duties and Responsibilities will work under the direct supervision of the Head of Sub Office.
• Supervising the daily activities of WFP logistics
• Performing and other duties as and when requested by the He/she will carry out the following duties and responsibilities: • At least four years of experience in conducting field monitoring
supervisors. activities and assisting in providing training in the area of
Operations under the Sub-Office • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the assistance international development.
• Supervising and overseeing all logistics activities at programme at the local level, in close collaboration with the • Good interpersonal skills and proficiency in interacting with
the WFP warehouse in Saravane.
A degree in education, Business Administration or any other related field. implementing partners. government partners at all levels, international organizations
• Monitor and review the overall commodity movements such as and villagers.
• Ensuring proper management of WFP commodities Experience: food deliveries, storage, transport and distribution at the site • Excellent word processing skills and excel skills.
(food & non-food items) and assets (warehouses) as and verify if the amounts received have been properly • Knowledge of database and data analysis is an asset.
• At least three years of progressively responsible support experience
per established WFP logistics operation procedures including at least one year in the field of accounting, transport, recorded, damaged or suspected to be damaged. • Experience working in difficult locations with people of different
insurance, statistics, operations or another related field; • Supervise the efficient distribution of food items at the site and backgrounds.
and guidelines. ensure proper distribution of entitlements and verify
• Good working knowledge of English, computer i.e. word processing, • Ability to speak ethnic group language(s) is an asset.
• Ensuring timely implementation of dispatch and excel spread sheet. appropriate entitlements are distributed and provide feedback • Knowledge of the area of activity is an asset.
distribution plans. to direct supervisors on the distribution.
Application Submission • Assist DO’s in preparing monthly work plans and in organizing Application Submission
• Preparing and circulating reports on logistics Applicants should submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae in a monthly coordination meetings.
sealed envelope marked "Confidential" to:
operations. • Prepare regular written reports in English. Applicants should submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae in a
• Ensuring timely and accurate entry/update of UN World Food Programme • Support the Monitoring & Evaluation unit in collecting and sealed envelope marked "Confidential" to:
Donnokhum Village, Sisattanark District uploading data.
commodity movement data in the WFP corporate P.O. Box 3150, Vientiane, Lao PDR • Assist in training at Provincial, District and village levels. UN World Food Programme
system (COMPAS). or email: [email protected] • Encourage female participation at PES/DEB and village levels. Donnokhum Village, Sisattanark District
• Ensuring accurate accountability of all commodities at • Supervise and train other personnel as appropriate. P.O. Box 3150, Vientiane, Lao PDR
• Assist in monitoring other WFP projects in the south as or email: [email protected]
all times-through regular physical inventories, timely WFP is committed to gender balance in all functions and at all levels. We
are committed to increasing the number of female staff in our offices. requested.
and accurate recording and update of stock and stack Female candidates in particular are encouraged to apply. • Perform other related duties as required. WFP is committed to gender balance in all functions and at all
cards, and reconciliation of physical counts with levels. We are committed to increasing the number of female staff in
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please Education: our offices. Female candidates in particular are encouraged to
COMPAS. note that CVs and other documents submitted to WFP cannot be apply.
• Collecting and consolidating information on logistics returned. • A degree in education, community development, agriculture or
any other related field. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
capacity in the province-sharing it with the country
Please note that CVs and other documents submitted to WFP
office. cannot be returned.
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 Feature 13

Little bites of heaven

Khetsirin Pholdhampalit “Getting the perfect shop will focus on this French
macaroon, where every detail delicacy.
THAILAND (The Nation, from technique to ingredients “We’ve been fortunate
ANN) -- American cupcakes is just right, can be tough. It enough to travel and try
have overrun Bangkok may be getting more popular macaroon recipes from all over
patisseries in the last couple but that doesn’t mean every the world,” says Nick. “We
of years. But this year the bakery can meet the demand took the best of everything and
US invader is losing the war for the perfect balance of tried to create the authentic
to a French secret weapon, texture and flavour,” Sophon macaroon taste. We use only
the macaroon. Where once says. real fruit, not extracts.”
you could only taste this He opened Le Goute to sell Nick makes a variety of French-style
meringue-based confection nothing but macaroons three fillings - ganache, butter- macaroons come
in Europe, now you can find years ago - well before the cream and citrus fruit, as well in a kaleidoscope
these delicate sandwiched current craze. His speciality as whisky-soaked concoctions of colours and look
almost too good to eat
goodies in every colour of the together with the creations of that give an added kick and
rainbow in local hotels and other patisseries are currently complexity. Among them
pastry shops. starring at the Macaroon is Spey Side, a mixture of
French macaroons - not to Festival, at the Emporium single malt whisky and dark
be confused with their chewy, mall until tomorrow. chocolate; Emporium, made them and they show a chef’s He gets the chocolate, rose stiff-whipped egg whites
coconut namesakes - are finger- “The opening of French from prosecco and strawberry; individuality. They can be champagne and fruit purees to produce a more stable
friendly meringue sandwiches pastry shop Lenotre, the new Brittany, which mixes salted coloured for any event and from France and the vanilla meringue.
filled with chocolate-cream, classic French pastry classes caramel and French butter- used to decorate any cake. from Madagascar while Whisk and Mille Crepe
butter-cream or fruit jam. at Le Cordon Bleu Dusit cream; and Vene made from Their taste, difficulty to make choosing to use chocolate favour this method while Le
They give a gentle crunch, Culinary School, as well as dark chocolate. and cuteness guarantees the colouring rather than food Goute opts for the traditional
revealing a slightly moist and its appearance in films and Sripoom Laowakul is dessert’s popularity,” says colouring so as not to affect French meringue recipe of
chewy inside that melts in the American series, have all another who was quickly Sripoom. the tastes and aromas of his egg whites, ground almonds,
mouth. helped launch this tiny dessert hooked by the macaroon’s Sophon agrees, adding that ingredients. caster sugar and icing sugar.
“The macaroon is nibbling into the spotlight,” explains colourful looks and unique this is no flash in the pan. Legend has it that The French technique is very
away at a cupcake business macaroon connoisseur Ben Na taste. After a year of culinary “The macaroon has been macaroons originated in Italy sensitive to environmental
that is coming to an end,” says Nakorn, who is about to open classes, obliterating countless a classic confection for more but were brought to France factors and requires practice
Sopon S Beaudoin who owns a pastry shop called Whisk. eggs and mountains of than a century. One famous by Catherine de Medici in and patience.
the pastry shop Le Goute. “In “Bright and pleasing to the almonds and sugar, Sripoom patisserie in Paris sells the mid-1500s. Ever since, “To me, dessert is a culture
previous years, this dainty eye, photos of macaroons was confident enough to open more than 10,000 a day. It’s famous Parisian patisseries and I stick to the traditional
treat was only known to a are being shared on social his Mille Crepe on Dinsor and estimated that Parisians alone like Laduree and Pierre Herme French technique for
small number of well-travelled networks and tempting more Chakrapong roads three years eat more than 100,000 per day. have competed to outdo each authenticity,” says Sophon.
folk who’d tried it in Europe. and more people to try them. ago. Among the 40 macaroon Here, I think it will take off as other with colourful displays “It requires more time but I
It’s a ‘challenging’ dessert, Thais like to jump on new varieties on sale are his fillings are adjusted to match of these culinary jewels. believe the result is a lighter,
particularly in Thailand, trends,” he adds. signature wasabi, rum raisin, Thai palates. But they are Macaroon batter requires softer and more delicate,
where many have never had a Ben and his Singaporean young coconut and mint. difficult to make, so people three ingredients - almond cake-like texture, and I can
true Parisian macaroon.” pastry chef Nick Lam shared “Macaroons have actually won’t be able to jump into the flour, sugar and egg whites. control the sweetness. So far
Making this diminutive their passion by introducing become a test of a baker’s market easily,” says Sophon. Many patisseries opt for the we can only produce 500 a
delicacy is not as simple as their macaroons in eight talent. There are so many Sophon produces about Italian version in which a day, which isn’t keeping pace
you might think. flavours at the festival. Their different things that can affect 15 macaroon varieties a day. hot sugar syrup is added to with demand.”
14 Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Art & Entertainment

Heavy metal develops fan base in Laos Vientiane

What’s On
Souknilundon the first extreme metal bands - Action with Lao Children Library: Open Mon to Fri
Southivongnorath to emerge from Singapore, 9am to 6pm and Sat 9am to 3pm. Come in and read
and have released records on

and borrow Lao, Japanese, Thai and English books.
he popularity of music Western labels. Located in Ban Saphangmor, Xaysettha district.
is spreading rapidly The concert organiser said - Permanent UXO exhibition and the provision of
among Lao youngsters “We are lucky to bring such artificial limbs for victims. COPE Visitor Centre,
these days, with many a popular metal band to Laos. Khouvieng Road, opposite Green Park Hotel. Every
becoming avid followers of They were planning an Asian day: 9am-6pm.
the latest bands to emerge. tour so we invited them for our
- Chess Club meets at 1pm every Sunday at City Inn on
Over the last decade, people to hear.”
“We also wanted to show Pangkham Road, Vientiane.
many musical genres have
been popularised in Laos, the band the kind of music we Contact: [email protected]
notably pop, R&B, hip-hop, play here in Laos. Most of the - Women’s International Group. For activities and
and rock music. So many band members said they liked times email [email protected]
bands have formed that it has Laos and promised to return in - Toastmasters Club meets every Sun. from 4-6pm at
become difficult to chart their the near future.” Khopchaideu restaurant (3F). Everyone is welcome.
success. Some 100 heavy metal fans - Meditation at Vat Sokpaluang every Saturday,
Some people are dedicated turned out for the concert. The 4-5.30pm.
followers of heavy metal, Impiety’s vocalist in action during a recent concert in Vientiane. music was enthusiastically - English Language Church Service every Sunday
blues metal and black metal, received and the audience yelled 10am at the ARDA Language Centre (near the Mercure,
which have a smaller but no inspired by those who were held in Vientiane took place out for an encore after the last formerly Novotel). Call (021) 261441, or visit http://www.
less enthusiastic fan base. most passionate about this at the Mark II pub, making song of the show. the-chs.org
While pop, rock, dance and energising musical format. it the first time a heavy metal Compared to previous heavy
other types of music command Some event organisers point act performed in a widely metal concerts staged in Laos, Luang Prabang training, please contact the
a wider audience, these young out that people in neighbouring recognised venue. The concert the reception given Impiety was LE President at president_
“metal-heads” love their countries already have was well received, with the a huge step forward and many Big Brother Mouse helps [email protected]
special brand of music just as accepted heavy metal into their Singaporean black metal people urged the event organiser young people practise their for details and other meeting
much if not more. mainstream entertainment. band Impiety headlining the to arrange similar shows. English at free drop-in sessions, areas.
A few years ago, heavy So why not get Laos to event. If this happens, we can
9-11am and 5-7pm, open every Buffalos Rugby - men’s
metal fans began staging mini- accept it as well? Now local Impietywas formedinearly expect the number of metal-
day. Just come to our office at rugby training Tuesday
concerts featuring local bands businesses and entertainment 1990 by Shyaithan (vocals/ crazed fans to be on the rise
9am or 5pm in Ban Vat Nong, evenings 6 - 7:30pm. All
and some foreign bands. The venues are teaming up with guitar/bass) and drummer pretty soon, and we can expect
around the corner from 3 Nagas welcome. Sunday morning
main objective was to bring metal fans to hold concerts. Necro-Angelfornicator. They more bands to follow in the
The last metal concert are notable for being one of footsteps of Impiety. Hotel. www.bigbrothermouse. social touch rugby - male,
heavy metal to the masses,
com. female all ages welcome.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg gets married

Traditional Arts and Free. For either, contact
Ethnology Centre. Open 9am- John (020 77140176), Bob
6pm, Tues-Sun. (020 55510443) and Tom (020
www.taeclaos.org 2281111) for more information.
(CHINA DAILY) -- Facebook overlay. their first date nine years ago. offering price of US$38 a share
Ock Pop Tok Wild Hogs Rugby training
co-founder and CEO Mark The pair wed in an intimate Tim Carvell, lead writer after trading glitches and a last-
Zuckerberg wed longtime backyard ceremony in Palo for “The Daily Show” with minute, 25 percent increase in Living Crafts Centre open daily at the Polytechnic pitch
girlfriend Priscilla Chan on Alto, California, according to Jon Stewart, reacted to the the number of shares being sold. for free guided tour. Natural in Phonpapao village,
Saturday, announcing the People magazine. The couple news on Twitter, writing: More than 576 million shares dyes, weaving and batik Sisattanak, at 8pm on Tues.
nuptials through a status update had planned the exchange of “Congratulations, Mark changed hands, setting a trading drawing classes daily. 9am- and Thurs. Optional Saturday
on the social networking site. vows for four months, but Zuckerberg! As a gift, I got you volume record for US market 5pm. Free transfer from Ock touch session at That Luang
The 28-year-old billionaire’s surprised their guests, who the names of all my friends, a debuts. Facebook posted US$3.7 Pop Tok shops in town to the at 5:30pm, Sunday fitness at
wedding took place a day thought they were to celebrate list of my favorite movies, and billion in revenue in 2011 and weaving centre on the Mekong. That Luang at 5:30pm. Call
after Facebook’s initial public Chan’s recent graduation from some photos of me!” US$1 billion in profit. The site Call 071 212597 020 77615677
offering on the Nasdaq stock medical school, the magazine Opening bell to wedding boasts 900 million global users. Royal Palace National or Chris 020 77834385.
exchange on Friday. reported. bells Facebook’s emergence as Museum. Open 8.30-11.30am Lao Mahout Netball team
More than 280,000 people Zuckerberg’s sister, Arielle Zuckerberg, whose shares a cultural phenomenon was and 1.30-4.30pm from trains every Tues. at 6pm
“liked” Zuckerberg’s status Zuckerberg, posted, “Balls. are worth nearly US$20 depicted in the fictionalized 2010 Wednesday to Monday. at Vientiane International
change, which was accompanied Now I’m the only unmarried billion and who retains voting film “The Social Network.”
UXO Visitor Centre. Open School. For more information
by a photo of the smiling couple Zuckerberg...” on her Facebook control of Facebook, marked Zuckerberg,Timemagazine’s
in wedding attire in a small, page. She is listed by Chan as a the debut of his company’s Person of the Year in 2010, Mon-Fri 8.30am-12 and contact Saeng on 020
verdant outdoor setting with a family member on the site. stock at Facebook’s Silicon started Facebook in his Harvard 2-5pm. Right turn just before 77442689.
string of lights behind them. Zuckerberg designed a Valley campus on Friday, University dorm room eight President’s Monument on the Lions Women’s Rugby from
In the photo, the famously simple ruby wedding ring for symbolically ringing the years ago, before dropping out of Northern Rd. 7.30pm on Tues and Thurs at
casual Zuckerberg is wearing Chan himself, People reported. opening bell for stock trading. the Ivy League school. Chan just the Polytechnic pitch. Contact
a dark blue suit and tie, a Guests dined on food from the The IPO did not go as graduated from medical school Museums Noui on 020 4905090 or
departure from his trademark couple’s favorite restaurants, well as the social networking at the University of California, Lao National Museum Maggie on 020 54656153.
“hoodie,” while Chan has on a and nibbled on mouse-shaped company had hoped, with San Francisco. The couple met on Samsenthai Road opposite Youth Community Rugby
sleeveless white dress with lace chocolates that the pair ate on shares closing just above the while at Harvard. National Culture Hall. Open Sessions
Mon-Fri during office hours Training for U15 Boys and
and on weekends from 9am to U17 Girls at the Polytechnic
4pm. pitch in Phonpapao village,
Horphakeo Museum Sisattanak, at 7:30pm on
on Setthathirat Road Wed. Training for children of
opposite Vat Sisaket. Open all ages at 9am on Sunday.
Mon-Sun during office hours. Aqua-fitness Fri 10-11am;
Sat 11-12. Please contact
Sports Sarah at 020 54147069 or
nsteam @live.fr
ANZ Vientiane Lions Body Language at Vientiane
Women’s Rugby Club – Accueil, Khouvieng Rd.
Wednesday night fitness Class includes stretching and
sessions from 7:30 at VIS. Pitch respiratory exercises with
trainings Thursday nights from an oriental touch. Tues. and
19:30 and Sunday from 16:00 Thurs. from 5.30-6.30pm.
at Polytechnic Pitch in Ban Contact 020 5612107.
Phonphapao. Contact Vieng Aerobics at Sokpalouang
on 020 54234111 or Maggie swimming pool, Sisattanak
on 020 78110019 for more district. Open every day from
information. 6am-8pm.
Champa Ban Youth Rugby – Vientiane Hash House Harriers
Rugby activities with a focus Meet at Nam Phu Fountain
on fun, games and healthy every Saturday for travel to
living message. Free and open out-of-town runs. Mixed Hash,
to all. Visit www.laorugby.com register at 3.45pm and depart
or contact Noui 020 54905090 4pm. Monday,VH3, family
or Maggie on 020 78110019 for Hash. 3 runs - short, medium
more information. and long. Meet at 5pm at
Lao Elephants Australian advertised venue. Phones:
Rules Football Club -Meet 223867, 217493,
at 6.30 pm on Thursdays for mobile 020 5511293, 5514669.
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 Sports 15

Napoli beats Juventus 2-0 in Italian Cup final Savannakhet to take

ROME (AP) -- Napoli beat
Serie A champion Juventus
did brilliantly to keep out.
The Italian champion on Thai kick-boxers in
friendly competition
2-0 in the Italian Cup final improved as the half went on
on Sunday, inflicting the and went close when Marcelo
Bianconeri’s first defeat of the Estigarribia put in a dangerous-
season in their very last match. looking cross but Aronica was
In Alessandro Del Piero’s alert to the threat and headed Sangkhomsay taekwondo, muay lao, boxing,
final game for Juventus, Edinson clear.
Cavani broke the deadlock Marco Borriello came close Bubphanouvong and track and field events.
with a penalty shortly before to putting Juventus in front After selection, Savanna-
the hour mark after Ezequiel with a wicked curling shot Savannakhet province’s best khet’s muay lao team will
Lavezzi had been brought which flew narrowly past the muay lao kick-boxers in four undergo training for the games
down by Marco Storari. The left post. different weight divisions will at their camp.
Juventus goalkeeper was lucky His side was then unlucky face their Thai counterparts Mr Invoneha said his target
to escape a red card. not to get a penalty when in a friendly competition on is to win a medal in muay lao,
Marek Hamsik sealed the Marchisio was brought down
result seven minutes from time by Aronica as he shot tamely Saturday. but recognised the challenge
as Napoli won its first major straight at De Sanctis. Replays Kick-boxers in the four as there are many experienced
trophy in 22 years. seemed to show that Aronica weight divisions of 46kg and fighters at the national level
Juventus striker Fabio fouled Marchisio first but 52kg (A grade), 52kg (B grade) and new talented fighters
Quagliarella was dismissed Martin Caceres (right) vies for the ball with Christian Maggio during nothing was given. and 65kg will take on fighters coming from other provinces.
in stoppage time for elbowing the Italian Cup soccer final between Juventus and Napoli in Rome, Del Piero had a free kick from well known kick-boxing He said there is only a short
Napoli defender Salvatore Italy, on Sunday. --Photo AP right at the end of the half but camps in Thailand.
Aronica in the face. De Sanctis got down well to time for their muay lao fighters
“I’m very happy,” Napoli Having waited so long from Padova in 1993. He will parry away the danger. Earlier this month to prepare for Lao Sports
coach Walter Mazzarri said. to taste victory, more than leave the club in the offseason. Napoli went close shortly Savannakhet kick-boxers faced Day because Savannakhet
“It seemed impossible to beat 100,000 fans immediately The World Cup winning after the break when Blerim Thai opponents in a friendly province has a limited budget
Juventus this season. All the took to the streets of Naples to striker enjoyed a rare start and Dzemaili broke down the left, competition in Songkhong for training. Even so, the team
squad has done something celebrate. Hamsik had his own lasted 68 minutes before being played a swift one-two with district and have previously succeeded in winning medals
extraordinary these past three particular way of celebrating substituted for Mirko Vucinic. Lavezzi, before receiving the entered competitions in at the National Games last
years. Everyone talks about as he allowed teammates It’s also almost certain to be ball back in the area and passing
Cavani, Lavezzi and Hamsik, Paolo Cannavaro and Christian Lavezzi’s last game for Napoli towards Cavani. But it was just Thailand. They also fought December. The province has
but this is an exceptional group Maggio to cut off his trademark with the Argentina forward set too strong for the Uruguayan. in the Vientiane Muay Lao trained many talented fighters
which should be rewarded and Mohican. to leave after the club failed The southern club finally Competition two years ago. and boxers, some of whom
cheered as one.” “You should never be happy to qualify for the Champions broke the deadlock in the 63rd Savannakhet province’s are currently the best in the
Mazzarri would not be to lose, especially a final,” League. The tearful player was minute after Storari brought muay lao trainer, Mr Invoneha country, while some of their
drawn about his own future. Juventus coach Antonio Conte comforted by his teammates at down Lavezzi and Cavani Basengkham, said he wanted fighters have been accepted
“I have a contract until 2013 said. “We should be angry the end of the game. slotted the resulting spot kick his fighters to get good into the national team.
and I intend to respect it,” he and this game has to make us Napoli almost got off to into the bottom right corner.
said. “We’ll enjoy this moment grow and understand that you the perfect start when Hugo Juve should have levelled experience from taking on the Savannakhet province will
and then there will be time to have to always go at full pace. Campagnaro crossed to Juan eight minutes later but De Thai kick-boxers. He said the also send a team of boxers in
think of other things.” Today Napoli had maybe more Zuniga at the far post but Storari Sanctis again did well to keep province hoped to select six four different weight categories.
It was Juve’s first defeat in hunger than us. It remains an did well to tip his header wide. out Arturo Vidal’s swivelling fighters to compete in events Many provinces are preparing
all competitions this season, extraordinary year and I don’t Juventus struggled to get a volley at full stretch. on Lao Sports Day in July. muay lao, boxing and other
having previously won 26 and want to reproach the lads for sight on goal as Napoli had the The Napoli goalkeeper The games will be hosted teams for Lao Sports Day.
drawn 16, while Napoli lifted anything.” better of the opening exchanges. again came to his side’s rescue by Khammuan province and
a trophy for the first time since Del Piero, who scored in But in the 19th minute Claudio when Aronica deflected Simone Each year, Savannakhet
1990, when it won the Serie his last league game for the Marchisio let fly with a powerful Pepe’s strike and wrong-footed will feature football, sepak invites Thai kick-boxers to
A title. It last won the Cup in club, has spent most of his right-footed shot which Napoli De Sanctis, but he managed to takraw, beach volleyball, table take on the province’s team in
1987. career at Juventus after signing goalkeeper Morgan De Sanctis save with his feet. tennis, badminton, petanque, a friendly event.


Country: Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Project: Education for All Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund (EFA FTI CF Program)
sector: Education
description: A National Consultant for Administrative Assistant/Translator (AA/T)
Grant No.: TF097384
Project Id No.: P118494

The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) is implementing the Education For All (EFA) program with the objective to support the
Government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic in increasing the coverage and quality of education with a focus on the most
educationally disadvantaged children. In order to meet this objective it is also essential to strengthen education management at the
central, provincial, district and school levels to efficiently and effectively implement the EFA program.

Scope of Work:

The Administrative Assistant/Translator (AA/T) will work closely to the Program Director in ESDF Coordination Unit and providing
translation of documents and during the meetings.

The AA/T will provide support to:

1. Provide assistance with office management of ECU;
2. Provide translation and interpretation of documents and during the meetings related to EFA/FTI program

administrative assistant/translator in particular:

• Provide English translation during the MoES meetings as required;

• Provide translation of documents including decrees, power-point presentations, letters, heading of various spreadsheets, minutes
of meetings and others as required;
• Assist with office management of ECU such as support maintenance of the filling system, follow up on deadline, commitment
made, actions taken and coordination of collection and submission of the documents;
• Draft letter, interoffice memos, minutes of meetings, translations when required;
• Assist the ECU to maintain its Official Development Assistance database, as necessary; and
• Other duties as needed and agreed by the Program Director.

Consultant’s Qualifications and Experience:

• The individual to be appointed as an Administrative Assistant / Translator should have extensive experience in office management
and translation/interpretation.
• A minimum five years experience in office administration and management.
• S/he shall have appropriate a bachelor degree in business administration, logistic management of related matter, preferably at
advanced level, or English language.
• Fluent English language communication and translation/interpretation skills.
• Ability to work as part of the team and to meet deadline; Ability to work under pressure.

The National Consultant AA/T will be for a period twelve [12] months with the possibility of contract extensions to be determined
according to perceived business need and AA/T performance. The consultant is expected to be located in ESDF Coordination Unit
(ECU), Department of Planning (DOP), Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES).

Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information and the detailed TOR from the Ministry of Education and Sports, ESDF
Coordination Unit (ECU) at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 16:00 hours or by e-mail.

Please submit CVs and three [3] references along with a letter of interest by 22nd may, 2012 to 05th June, 2012 to the address below. Please
mention the position clearly on the letter of Application. Only short listed individual candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Attn: Mrs. Khampaseuth KItIGNaVONG, Program director

Ministry of Education and Sports
Lane Xang avenue,
P.O Box 067, Vientiane Capital, Lao PdR
e-mail: [email protected]
tel/Fax: (856 -21) 243 672
Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Police FC eyes top spot in
Women’s League
The Police team will meet
Vientiane province FC at
Chao Anouvong stadium on
May 27.
In the first round of
the Women’s League, Lao
Lanexang FC stood in second
place with 10 points from
A Police player (left) the last five matches and
vies for the ball with her University Games FC was in
NUOL opponent at Chao third place with 10 points.
Anouvong stadium on Police FC took second
Sunday. place at the National Games
last December, while NUOL
came away from the event
with no medals.
is hoping to regain its
past form and will make
new selections ahead of
the 16th Asean University
Games, which it will host in
Sangkhomsay the champion slot this year December.
Bubphanouvong after beating the NUOL The Lao Football

University FC, who were Federation will select the
olice FC is currently the champions last year,” he said. best female players for the
top ranking team in the Some of the club’s strikers Southeast Asian Women’s
Lao Women’s League play at the national level, and Football Championship
2012 after demolishing the were on the NUOL squad last in Hanoi, Vietnam, from
National University of Laos year. This is the first time the September 13-22.
FC 5-1 in the first leg at Police team is squaring up to The eight participating
Chao Anouvong stadium on become champions. teams will play in two
Sunday. This year NUOL has some divisions: Division A groups
The club is delighted with new team members playing Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore
its performance, especially as alongside its national level and the Philippines, while
the players only began training veterans. Division B has Indonesia,
three months before the start of on balance the university is Malaysia, Laos and Thailand.
the Women’s League fixtures. not fielding a strong side this The Lao Women’s League
Police FC Coach year so is unlikely to maintain comprises the Ministry of
Phoumpanya Xayxanavongphet the dominance it exhibited last Public Security (Police) club,
said this year they have spent season. Saendinh, Lao Lanexang,
quite a lot of money to prepare NUOL FC will next face Vientiane province, National
the team for each match. Lao Lanexang, with Saendinh University of Laos, and
“We are hopeful of taking FC taking on Pakpasak FC. Pakpasak Technical College.
Vientiane Times
Vientiane Times 17

Read more news at www.vientianetimes.org.la Tuesday May 22, 2012


Japanese LTH closer to Saravan buzzes

engineering firm RM3bil sale with buyers
opens office in page B3 for fresh forest
Vientiane honey
page B2 page B3

Furniture association gears Lao inflation

up to buy govt timber spiked during April
Phonsavanh Vongsay group last October as well as a
memorandum of understanding
technicians working at factories
in Laos to ensure quality. “They
The Lao Furniture Association with an Indian buyer group last will also provide funding that
expects to get a timber supply month. Lao furniture makers can Times Reporters goods and service categories
directly from the government “The Indian buyer group borrow through a Lao bank,” saw increases of less than one
by early next year, to make will require about 600 cubic Mr Phoungphachanh said. The Consumer Price Index percent.
furniture for export to the metres per month initially. The Since signing the furniture (CPI) spiked considerably The government urged the
Chinese and Indian markets. products will include plywood cooperation agreement with the in April, with statisticians sectors concerned to monitor
“I think it is possible to have and window or door panels,” Chinese group, the association blaming higher food and supply and control prices to
the timber as many ministries Mr Phoungphachanh said. has urged its members to alcohol consumption over the prevent unscrupulous traders
have given their approval “They will return to Laos improve their factories, Lao New Year holiday for the using Lao New Year as an
recently,” association Deputy again soon and have further production capacity and skills
President Mr Phoungphachanh discussions on the details of this of their staff to produce quality price rise. excuse to raise prices. However,
Sengmixay said last week. business cooperation project.” furniture for export. According to a report from a shortage of supply made it
“Our project has been The agreement with the Once the trade cooperation the Lao National Statistic difficult for the government
proposed to the Government Mr Phoungphachanh Chinese group will see the starts, member factories will Bureau, the month on month to force people to lower their
Office. We are now waiting for Sengmixay speaks at last production of furniture worth be able to get a list of ordered CPI of 12 goods and service prices.
comment and agreements from week’s meeting. up to 2.6 trillion kip (US$333 products from the association categories saw a 1.2 percent Despite a rapid increase
the government that will allow million) per year for supply to and go into production. increase in April, reflecting of month on month CPI in
for the purchase of the wood,” Association President Mr the Chinese market over the The association now has the largest price rise so far April, the year on year change
Mr Phoungphachanh said at a Khamphay Somsana said next 20 years. 52 member factories in both this year. By comparison, the in the 12 goods and service
meeting to encourage furniture recently that furniture makers Mr Phoungphachanh Vientiane and the provinces, up month on month change in categories was about 4.37
makers and handicraft retailers were using mainly waste wood said under the agreement, from 47 last year.
to register for an upcoming fair. and small pieces of timber they Lao furniture makers need to It will continue encouraging the CPI in March was only 0.9 percent, meaning inflation has
The association expects to bought as raw materials for their upgrade their factories to meet other furniture makers to percent. declined over the long term.
supply the wood to its members furniture production. international standards and register as members. They The statisticians said in Inflation would slow if the
when it can buy it from the The association really needs increase the number of workers will need to do so to ensure their monthly report the rapid government could control the
government. “We hope that we a direct raw material supply from they employ, while the Chinese they have sufficient timber jump was due to seasonal cost of electricity, water and
will achieve success in what we the government after signing a side can offer a guaranteed for production because the factors, with people consuming food. The data showed that the
need,” Mr Phoungphachanh coooperation agreement with market. association will supply timber more food and drinks during year on year change in food
said. a Chinese furniture importers The Chinese will have only to its members. the week long Lao New Year prices was 6 percent while the

LVMH to add wedding photo firm to portfolio

celebrations in the middle of year on year change in the price
April. of electricity, water supply and
The low supply of vegetables cooking gas was 8.61 percent.
due to extreme weather The rapid increase in the
Shanghai (China Daily) were taken indoors in the past.
-- LVMH investment arm L But today people will have conditions, a shortage of beef price of electricity occurred
Capital is on the prowl for a their wedding photos taken due to outbreaks of disease in after the government required
Chinese wedding photography outdoors, and even abroad, she Xayaboury and Oudomxay Electricite du Laos to raise
company as its next investment said, which means even higher provinces and rising production rates by 3 percent monthly
target, said Ravi Thakran, L prices. costs due to higher oil prices from March until the end of this
Capital Asia managing partner. Actually, this is not the were also identified as factors in year, and by 2 percent yearly
“We are looking at a first time the Singapore-based the rising CPI. from next year until 2017.
Chinese wedding photography private equity fund company The month on month The year on year CPI of
company,” Thakran said in has expressed an interest in the change to the CPI in the food alcoholic drinks and cigarettes
Singapore on Wednesday, Wedding couples take pictures Chinese market. category saw a 2.16 percent saw a 3.20 percent rise in April,
pointing out that the company in front of a Catholic church in In February, the company
“is very large in China”. Qingdao, Shandong province. acquired a 10-percent stake in increase, drinks and cigarettes while the year on year rise in
Thakran did not reveal Chinese fashion manufacturer went up by 1.71 percent, while the transport category was 3.22
which company L Capital is in and retailer Ochirly, the first the CPI of the water, electricity, percent. In the same month, the
talks with to grab a bigger slice Wedding Industry Association, money on wedding dresses, time the company, founded in and cooking gas category saw hotel and restaurant CPI saw a
of China’s quality lifestyle said high-end wedding or wedding photography,” 2010, took a direct stake in a a month on month change of year on year increase of 7.05
brand market. LVMH is keen photography is particularly said He. Most wedding photos Chinese mainland company. 1.75 percent. The rest of the 12 percent.
to cash in on China’s wedding popular among local young
industry, where spending is people.
rising along with increased Couples in the city spend an
incomes. average of 4,127 yuan on their
Nationally, newlyweds wedding photos, according to a
spend an average of 3,526 yuan survey conducted last year by
(US$557) on their wedding the association.
photos. He Lina, secretary- “Young people in Shanghai
general of the Shanghai are very willing to spend

Exchange rates as of May 21, 2012

Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao

Foreign Currencies Buying Selling

US Dollar 50-100 7,996 8,035

Thai Baht 255.42 256.70

Euro 50-500 10,223 10,273

B Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times

Asian markets level out but investors still edgy over Greece
Global Markets Snapshot: Last week’s shocker with widespread selling and extended losses
moved into Monday’s early intraday trading. Nearly all 2012 gains have been wiped out in
the market’s worst performance since September 2011. The ASX for example was typical of
Asian markets last week down – 5.6 pct. Asian markets however started to close in the green
late yesterday. Newsat etched out a 1 cent gain AU$0.64 -655 and PanAust put on 3 ½ cents
to edge up at AU$2.745 but rising on volumes towards AU$2.76.
Short selling of European banking stocks started a trend in other regional markets. So talk of
restrictions on “short selling” banking stocks may be reintroduced, similar to the period just
after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). At the G8 meeting on the weekend leaders decided
they would prefer to support Greece remaining in the EU and may grant greater flexibility to
the “spoilt brat” nation. Like how many sweeteners must the EU give Greece? Could it be Mr Soukanh Mahalath (third right), Mr Yasuhiko Nomura (third left) and other guests cut a ribbon to
flexibility may change to bribe. open the Nikken Sekkei Civil Engineering Ltd office.
By lunch time the tide turned as markets started to bottom out for the day but that short lived

Japanese engineering firm

experience only lasted for maybe one hour before markets soured falling back into the red
Base metals held their ground and gold finished just under US$1,600 (US$1591-94) because
Asian and European buyers are snapping up gold. Gold is seen as a defence against the
weakening but resilient Euro currency which was at US$1.27. Gold stocks yesterday bucked
the “bear’s picnic” and had small gains (the first in 2 weeks).
opens office in Vientiane
Mining stocks surprised as they too gained over 1pct, however uncertainty over China may
continue to impact on iron ore and copper stocks. Times Reporters applies all its abilities in terms 2012 is the 57th anniversary of
• Intraday PNA rose 2 cents for a short time to AU$2.73 and PanAust remains tempting as of technical experience to urban the establishment of diplomatic
an accumulate strategy before it rebounds from its low of AU$2.71. Nikken Sekkei Civil development, the environment, relations.
• Ord Resources failed to trade at AU$0.018. Engineering Ltd (NSC), one of and infrastructure – areas During the fourth Mekong-
• Investors who tried an opening tactic to buy more NWT at AU$0.625 yesterday weren’t the world’s largest engineering in which it offers assistance Japan Summit taking place
disappointed as the Newsat sellers disappeared as the stock found solid support at Friday’s firms, opened a representative for global socio-economic in Tokyo, Japan on Saturday
AU$0.64 close. office in Vientiane last Friday. development. pledged to provide about 600
• SDL wiped off 17.7m stocks; Sundance was down 1 cent at AU$0.402c. The opening ceremony “Of the Nikken Group, NSC billion yen (US$7.4 billion) in
• Mt Gibson a great stock for investors MGX was off 2.5pct and if ever one had a signal to was attended by Vientiane is the first company to step into official development assistance
invest some serious money in a stock then maybe now’s the time – talk to your broker and Mayor Mr Soukanh Mahalath, the international market and is to the five Mekong basin
watch for a big volume turnaround before stepping off the diving board. NSC President Mr Yasuhiko conducting many projects, so we nations over the next three
Benchmark oil prices unexplainably slid down again; Nymex at US$91.88 / brl and Brent Nomura, Chief Representative decided to open a representative years to boost the region's
crude down at a YTD low of US$107.14. Nymex last week lost -3.7pct and Brent -4.8pct. of JICA to Laos Mr Masato office in Vientiane,” he said. development.
The lower oil prices have discarded basic fundamentals so anticipate a rebound to US$100. Togawa and other officials Since 2010, NSC has It was recognised that the
Toll holding TOL.ASX (AU$4.27) and Asicano AIO.ASX (AU$4.52) are two defensive from Laos and Japan. implemented three projects centrally located East-West
stocks to add if looking to diversification. A check of the price charts will historically show Speaking at the ceremony, in Vientiane: planning of the Corridor which runs through
they are near the bottom and it’s on the cards they will rebound Q4. Mr Nomura commented Nongping area development, Laos and will ultimately
Abu Dhabi and Vietnam both had successful communications satellite launches last week; that the global economy has planning for the That Luang link Myanmar to Danang in
Newsats launch is due in December this year. undergone rapid change and marsh development, and Vietnam also has high potential
The AUD favourite of FX traders was lower trading at US$9,858 but steady there at €77.06. fluctuations, reflecting various development planning along for development.
Other currency trades were mixed on Monday. The LAO kip (LAK) held 7995 kip / US$1; underlying issues. 450 Year Road. “We intend to make the most
the €uro fell to 10,222 kip / US$1; and the ¥en strengthened as it rose to 99.46. The CAD and Many developed countries In December last year, the benefit of the potential offered
AUD were just above 7,700 kip to the US$1 on Monday. are now experiencing an company carried out an urban by agriculture, electricity, and
This week focus is on the S&P 500 which nosedived below the 1300 points. Interest will see economic downturn, while development planning project bountiful natural resources in
if it moves lower against the 1300 pivotal support line. Although not one of our favourite developing countries are in Vientiane province. this region,” Mr Nomura said.
indicators, if it goes lower on the 200 EMA line expect another sell off. Hope of a major eyeing a bright future amid “However, these projects NSC will use all its abilities
rally is severely diminished at the moment. On a positive note volumes haven’t picked up on strong economic growth. are in the planning stages, to carry out development
recent selling. On balance volumes (a technical indicator) did show some bearish divergence “In the midst of this which it isn’t real project projects and with the support
at the recent high at the start of May; it is now back at the October high and that’s a negative economic upswing, companies implementation or clear of the Lao government and
market sign. running businesses in Japan are design,” Mr Nomura said. Japanese companies operating
Last week’s sell off on the law of averages will see some bounces this week possibly even showing more and more interest He said Laos and Japan in Laos has decided to
today as investors buy into weakness all against market trends and sell off late in the week. in that market,” he said. have good relations in terms of contribute to the development
The “bulls” are likely to remain in hibernation until June 17 or later awaiting the outcome of Mr Nomura said NSC their history and economies and and growth of Laos.
Greece’s election.
Remember our commentary is a general assessment of intraday trading and not a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular stock. Investors should study up on “dollar
cost averaging” to trade in rising or today’s falling markets and also consult their broker and
at least two other resources.
Some good websites: LINKS for Lao stocks are at the top of the lsx.com.la/ (markets website
page) and don’t forget the daily VTtimes Stock Market section at vientianetimes.org.laFor
Invitation for Expression of Interest
IT System Developer
Technical Cooperation on “Capacity Development for Sector-wide Coordination in Health
Phase 2” (CDSWC2), being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and
JICA, invites IT system developer intending to show his/her interest in providing the services
according to the scope of works described below.
international stocks, Bloomberg, CNBC, Reuters and News.com.au offer reliable and timely
updates. There are many other sites but that’s a starting point. Go to the business tabs. All Scope of Works
have charts and most you can add 20 (1 month) and 100 (6 month) moving averages and Department of Organisation and Personnel (DOP), MoH, which is in charge of the education
volumes bars. and training for health personnel of the Lao PDR, would like to develop the Training Course
Information System (TCIS). Work of the IT system developer includes system basic design,
program coding, testing, training and documenting of the TCIS based on the TCIS System
Requirement Definition. There is a TCIS team in the DOP, and the IT system developer is
expected to realize a user-friendly system, conduct training, and produce easy-to-understand
manuals and other documentations for future system enhancement/maintenance. IT system
developer will work closely with the TCIS team members and other DOP staff, taking into
consideration of ICT environment of DOP, MOH and Provincial Health Departments.

Interested individual(s)/company in this service should present its expressions of interest and submit
a simple proposal that specifies the following information wiht documents indicating the eligibility for
proper qualification requirements and experience:
 cover letter,
Vientiane: Mondays at the local LSX usually sees a poor start with low volumes. That was  Experiences in IT system development in general and specifically in Lao PDR
the trend on Monday as few stocks crossed as investors wary of the EU trend tended to  CV of the principle IT system developer to be assigned to this task,
wait it out. Yesterday gave no indicators of what lies ahead this week as the volumes were  Structure of development team, if created
insignificant for BCEL (+50 kip) and EDL-Gen (-50 kip) this week.  Follow-through-service after launching of the system

Expressions of Interest should be submitted in the written form to the following address before
the end of Friday, 1 June, 2012:
 CDSWC2, MOH building next to Wat Simouang,
 Tel: 021 252207
 E-mail: [email protected]
Additional information, including detailed ToR of this task, can be obtained in the above e-mail
address until the closing date.
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 B193
In brief
Oil rises above
LTH closer to RM3bil sale Saravan buzzes with buyers
US$92 ahead of Iran
nuclear talks
(The Star) -- The first condition
of Lembaga Tabung Haji’s
forego, said the source.
LTH first acquired its 95
percent stake in THIP in 1997
for fresh forest honey
SINGAPORE (AP) -- Oil (LTH) RM3bil proposed for approximately RM800mil to
rose above US$92 a barrel sale of a 95 percent stake in RMlbil. The remaining 5 percent Khonesavanh Latsaphao
on Monday in Asia ahead plantation company, PT TH of THIP is owned by a local
of talks this week aimed at Indo Plantations (THIP) has company with no connection Hotels, guesthouses and
avoiding a military conflict been fulfilled, sources said. to LTH. This company is not restaurants in Saravan province
over Iran’s nuclear program. LTH has found a buyer selling its plantation land. in southern Laos are competing
Benchmark oil for June for THIP which has 83,879 When contacted, a plantation to sell fresh honey to buyers
delivery was up 56 cents to ha of plantation land in Riau, analyst added that on a back of from Vientiane during the
US$92.04 a barrel at late Indonesia. This is believed to the envelope calculation, the honey season of April and
afternoon Singapore time in be the biggest single piece of RM3bil price tag appeared fair. May.
electronic trading on the New plantation landbank in the world. The P/B of 3x just shows Saravan is famous for its
York Mercantile Exchange. Apart from the land, THIP has a that they are getting a 3x higher wild honey, which is harvested
The contract fell US$1.08 to kernel crushing plant, six palm return from when they first locally and sold in restaurants
settle at US$91.48 in New oil mills and one biomass plant. bought into it. However the and at roadside stalls.
York on Friday. Since negotiation began 45x PER is good as it shows Vilayvone Restaurant in
in February, the buyer has that they are selling it at a much the provincial capital is one
Asia stocks mixed obtained all the regulatory higher earnings generation of many with honey for sale.
approvals from the Indonesian capacity, she said.
after G8 vague on government as well as satisfied Assuming THIP has no debt
Restaurant owner Ms Khan
Vongsoupith told Vientiane Bottles of honey on sale in Saravan province.
Europe fix the due dilligence requirements and all of its plantation land is Times on Monday that they sell
BANGKOK (AP) -- Bargain- imposed by LTH and also put planted, the sale of the land is only the best honey, and it is told her that if the water Khan said.
hunting helped Asian stock in a hefty cash pre-payment to valued at RM35,765 per ha, never watered down. vanishes in the honey, it means Honey is a popular and
markets edge upward on signify its seriousness in the which is about US$11,537 per “We are Saravan people the honey has been watered diverse ingredient in many
Monday, but gains were deal. At RM3bil, the sale is ha. At US$11,500, that is the and we are confident that down. household kitchens. Many
limited as investors remained valued at a price to book (P/B) current market rate for plantation people in Saravan will not tell Saravan’s famous honey people put half a spoonful into
unconvinced that the world’s ratio of more than three times landbank. The market rate is lies to their customers,” she is still in good supply across bottled water to give it flavour
major economies nailed a and a price earnings ratio (PER) anywhere between US$10,00 said. the province and other places, while others use honey as a
solution to the European debt in excess of 45 times. LTH is set and US$15,000 per ha, said the She said some honey including the capital. healing product.
crisis following a summit in to make a gain of some RM2bil plantation analyst. sellers in other parts of the The restaurant bought a Mr Kaysome Lath-
Washington. Markets posted from this sale. She added that as LTH was country often sell old honey hive from some beekeepers khamdaeng, 54, of
only muted gains as traders Both the P/B and PER are predominantly a fund manager, or add water and sugar to it to and harvests its own honey. Phontongchommany village
were kept on edge by worries based on the current net book perhaps it was good to harvest increase its weight. They sell 2 litre plastic bottles in Chanthabouly district,
about the economic future of value of the plantation land. THIP, especially if it felt it Ms Khan said she never for 150,000 kip each. Vientiane, believes that eating
Greece and whether it would Based on THIPs earnings, could get better investments adds anything to her honey, The honey is very popular honey helps to soothe him and
exit the 17-country euro it would have taken LTH more elsewhere. Furthermore, it was saying that customers expect it amongst the restaurant’s gives him a good night’s sleep.
currency union. than 20 years to realise this sort not easy to find a buyer willing to be fresh. Many people from regular customers. On good “I love to eat honey
of gain from the THIP disposal. to take up the entire bulk of the Vientiane ask her if it is fresh days, 10 bottles of honey are because the bees have fed
Yahoo to sell half of This deal was just too good to plantation land. before purchasing any, she sold to people eating lunch or on wild flowers and it makes
its Alibaba stake for says. dinner there. everything so natural. Also, it
US$7.1B She said some buyers have Most of those who buy are is a safe and wholesome food
their own way to test whether people who work in Vientiane for adults, children and the
HONG KONG (AP) -- the honey has been diluted. and have heard about the elderly,” he said.
Struggling Internet company “They open the jar and honey from their friends. “We Apart from its great taste
Yahoo Inc. has secured a pour a little bit of water in. If are proud of our honey and and general capacity for
lifeline after agreeing to sell the water does not disappear it love delighting customers who enhancing well-being, honey is
half of its prized stake in means the honey is fresh.” believe in what we produce a healthy substitute for refined
Chinese e-commerce group One person from Vientiane and really enjoy the taste,” Ms sugar.
Alibaba for about US$7.1
billion, with most of the cash
going to shareholders.
The deal, announced on
Sunday in the US, will
see Alibaba Group buying
back half of its 40 percent
stake from Yahoo Inc. for
US$6.3 billion cash and up to
US$800 million of Alibaba
preference shares. Based on THIP’s earnings, it would have taken LTH more than 20
years to realise this sort of gain from the THIP disposal.

The United Nations World Food Programme

The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. In Laos, WFP is
committed to reduce undernutrition and food insecurity throughout the country. All WFP staff contributes as a team to this

Vacancy Announcement: National Logistics Assistant SC-4
Vacancy Announcement No: WFP LAO 019 Date: 14 May 2012
Title: Logistics Assistant Duty Station: Vientiane
Grade: SC4 Contract Type: Service Contract (1 year renewal)
Organization Unit: Logistics Unit Deadline for application: 25 May 2012

A Logistics Assistant will be stationed in the Vientiane Office Education:

and will work under direct supervision of Sr. Logistic Assistant A degree in education, Business Administration or any other related field.
and overall supervision of the Head of Logistics and
Procurement. He/she will carry out the following duties and Experience:
• At least three years of progressively responsible support experience
Duties and Responsibilities including at least one year in the field of accounting, transport,
• Ensuring effective Landside, Transport, Storage and insurance, statistics, operations or another related field;
Handing(LTSH) management including project budgetary • Good working knowledge of English, computer i.e. word processing,
reviews and regular update of LTSH matrices; excel spread sheet.
• Ensure that accurate and complete accounting reporting
and internal control systems are functioning and that all Application Submission
relevant records are maintained; Applicants should submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae in a
• Performing in-depth analyses of the financial aspects of the sealed envelope marked "Confidential" to:
LTSH and recommend improvements to enhance efficiency
and effectiveness; UN World Food Programme
Donnokhum Village, Sisattanark District
• Entering data and processing information in the established
P.O. Box 3150, Vientiane, Lao PDR
WFP corporate information system(WINGS)-creating
or email: [email protected]
Purchase Orders and Service Entry Sheets, among others;
• Preparing LTSH funds status reports and other related
CaNdIdates WHO PReVIOusLy aPPLIed tO Va NR WFP LaO
reports as and when required;
018 Need NOt Re-aPPLy.
• Reviewing and monitoring expenditures against LTSH and
allotments, and bringing to the attention of the supervisor
WFP is committed to gender balance in all functions and at all levels. We
any potential problem that warrant furfure review;
are committed to increasing the number of female staff in our offices.
• Perform any other duties incidental to the above as and Female candidates in particular are encouraged to apply.
when required.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please
note that CVs and other documents submitted to WFP cannot be
20 4
B Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Vientiane Times

Vientiane Times Classified Tuesday May 22, 2012


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Chok Dee cafe

“All transportation solution under one roof”

Service offered: Logistics, Transport,

Home Removal,Custom clearance for air
freight and sea freight.
Contact Information: Ban Donkoy,
beers bar T4 Road, Sisattanak District
Maniraath gems and jewellery Vientiane, Lao P.D.R
Genuine diamond & setted “Moules-frites” Tel/Fax: +856- 021- 330154,
jewellery with 18k precious, semi precious and Mobile: +856- 020- 55506402
Italian chains 40 Belgian beers Email: [email protected] and www:
talat sao mall #2-10 second floor
Tel: 020 56103434, www.chokdeecafe.com cstransportlao.com
vientiane lao PDR, Tel: 021 285 051, mobile: 020 55676545, 020 55775544 Fagnum, Mekong riverside road infront of bus stop
C Classifieds Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times

Email: [email protected], Fax: 021 217441

Tel: 021 260419/020 55878688/020 55509957

City Centre, Short & long term stay

From 3,200,000 kip ($400) per month
Air-conditioning, cable TV,
housekeeping, laundry, electricity and water
Lao Air Service Co.Ltd Call: 020 55505840, 55023782
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Sale Agents for Lao Airline SERVICED APARTMENTS

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affairs) Tel: (856 21) 219280-1, Fax: (856 21) 219282
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Car for Sale

 Hyundai Terracan, 2WD
 Owner used it in Korea & brought

to Lao in 2009
Mainly used in Vientiane Capital
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Rashmi Jewellers
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316, Samsenthai Road,

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Tel #: [856-21] 251513,252790 Fax #: [856-21] 243791
Mob #: [856-20] 2212021, 5513101
Email: [email protected]
Vientiane Times Tuesday May 22, 2012 Classifieds C233

Multinational mineral drilling company is seeking applications from Lao Nationals with relevant qualifications and
experience for immediate starts at our office in following location:

Positions Available
(1) HR Consultant
- Ensure HR service to operations is effective in timely manner after recruitment until termination.
- Provide HR service guide / advisory to site / local HR staff
- Advise instruction of all HR management to ensure clear HR practice for site operations
- Develop HR competency for site HR staff and office HR assistant
- Visit and discuss with site management and HR as well as other staff for better HR improvement.
- Ensure legal requirement and awareness as well as Work Regulations.
- Indirect manage site HR to comply with HR requirements, site requirements and support.
- Support to help on trouble shooting and preventing.
- Oversee HR administration works e.g. Social Security, insurance, health assessment
- Ensure employee relation, safe workplace legal and corporate requirement conformance.
o BA and any related fields, 5+ years work experiences
o HR Experiences, mining is advantage
o Strong personality and proactive approach
o Good at English

(2) Recruitment Specialist

- Managing staff planning and requirement with operations team
- Execute recruitment planning and time line
- Processing recruitment and selection involving local HR, local management and individually
- Driving external variety sources to get alternative people resources
- Liaison with educational institute to execute trainee / apprenticeship program.
- Work with management to identify potential internal candidate and involve training & development team to develop.
- Perform frequent discussion or meeting or visiting with remote site management to get update information regarding
staff requirement.
- Report progress in company recruitment tools.
o BA and any related fields, 3 years + work experiences
o Recruitment Experiences, mining is advantage
o Strong personality and proactive approach
o Good at English
o Know HR networks, institute and employee resources

(3) HRIS Officer

- Administrate HR information to HRIS tools, Oracle
- Support HR team on processing relevant document for HRIS tools completion.
- Run and distribute HR reports
- Work with site to better understanding of HRIS and delegation.
- Reconcile all figures for employee base and payroll execution.
o BA or any related files, 2 years + work experiences
o Strong computer background and understanding new technology
o Experience with Oracle HR or similar is advantage.
o Smart and willing to learns new things.

(4) Data Entry Officer (based in PhuBia, Laos)

This position will report to Workshop Supervisor
• Perform a variety of clerical office duties such as: maintaining files, keeping records, preparing schedule, compiling
data for reports.
• Searching and investigating information contained in files, processing department documents, posting records and
typing correspondence and reports from rough drafts.
• Communication skills levels of English and be able to translate and interpreting English languages.
• Computer competency skills on MS Word, Excel, Outlook, IE and etc…
• At least 2 years working experience in Administrative or data files.
• Be able to live in the project site at PhuBia, Phukham site
• Experiences in maintenance or data fields are desirable.

Attractive salary and AGL insurance will be provided based upon experience.
To apply, email to: [email protected] Or [email protected]
or deliver your CV and a statement explaining how your qualifications and experience match the position requirements,
and expectation, to the address below:

No 135, Unit 15, Ban Phonthan Neua, Saysetha District,

Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R, P.O.Box 6681
Before 31st MAY 2012

Lao Red Cross youth Competition!

Win a term of free English lessons by playing the Lao Red Cross Youth
Competition. From all correct entries, one winner will be drawn month. This month’s winner will
receive a notebook and a T-shirt promoting HIV/AIDS awareness. From all monthly winners, one
lucky winner will receive one full term of English lessons donated for free by Vientiane College.

This month we have another word game for you. Just unscramble the following 5 words
and place them in the boxes provide. For the right answers we will give you in the next month .






Cut out this entry form and send it to HIV/AIDS Project, Lao Red Cross, PO Box 2948 or take it
to the Lao Red Cross office behind Vat Xiengnhune. Closing date for the competition on
Thursday, 31 May 2012 at 9.00am.

Name: _________________ ID Card No: ________________ Address & Phone Number:


Last month’s winner: mr. Vanxay Phongphanith, Id Card No: 08-0014121.

Last month’s answer: Essential, Geophysics, Windstorm, Warranty and Youthfulness.

Please contact to Ms. Phoutthalom for further more information at Tel: 241632.
C Classifieds Tuesday May 22, 2012 Vientiane Times
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Issued on: 15 May 2012
Deadline For Application: 23 May 2012

PROGRAMME/PROJECT NUMBER OSRO/LAO/101/BEL Emergency assistance to restore the livelihoods of vulnerable farming
families affected by floods in Khammouan, Savannakhet and Champassack provinces in Lao PDR
Promotion of home gardens for enhanced food and nutrition security is Northern uplands areas
affected by multiple natural hazards
DUTY STATION: Vientiane, Lao PDR with possible travel to the project provinces

1. Position Title: Fisheries Officer

Duration: 03 Months
• Assist in the preparation of a detailed work plan and associated procurement plan and distribution plan together with other project
staff, government counterparts and stakeholders.
• Provide technical assistance, as required, to FAO project staff, to counterpart officials and to FAO implementing partners and make
recommendations for any required procedures and changes to the project.
• Participate and give guidance to the government counterparts and the project staff on targeted districts, villages and beneficiaries
based on collected information from the government, INGOs, National Civil Society organizations and other sources.
• On demand, travel to targeted provinces and districts to assess needs and to the implementation of project activities.
• Assist in identifying implementing partners to be involved in the distribution, training, monitoring, and evaluation of the inputs.
• In consultation with the technical officers in RAP, national counterparts and project staff, prepare and review the technical
specifications of the inputs to be provided under the projects.
• Give technical advice on the preparation of Letter of Agreements and Service Contracts with Implementing Partners.
• Participate in the development and conclusion of training material, the organizing of trainings, and identify specific local training
• Assist, in the revision and production of an inception report one month after the start of the assignment.
• Prepare monthly reports to the Project Manager and any other reports as required by TCES, FAOR or the Project Manager.
• Prepare a final technical report containing a complete overview of activities undertaken, major results obtained, problems
encountered, and progress towards achieving the specific objectives of the project. A section on recommendations , presenting
guidelines and advise on further improvement of strategies for future interventions should be included. The report should be
submitted no later than two weeks after completion of the assignment.
• Assist with the translation of materials from English to Lao and vice versa.
• Perform other duties as requested by his/her supervisor.

• University degree in fisheries, aquaculture or related fields
• At least two years of relevant experience, including project implementation, preferably with an international organization.
• Proven experience from working with government agencies and knowledge on government procedures at both central and local levels.
• Good computer literacy and ability to efficiently use the basic Microsoft ® office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook).
• Ability to work independently, prioritize tasks, promptly deal with urgent problems as they arise and adhere to FAO policies and
• Good working knowledge of Lao and English, both oral and written
• Good communication skills and ability to work productively in teams.

• Depth of knowledge and understanding of the work of international organizations and national governments.
• Extent of experience in the implementation of projects in the field of fisheries and aquaculture.
• Extent and relevance of academic qualifications.
• Ability to establish good cooperation with partners and work successfully in multi-cultural teams.
• Proven ability to work independently, to prioritize tasks and deal promptly with urgent issues.
• Demonstrated ability to analyze problems and make appropriate recommendations.
• Extent of both oral and written communication skills including the ability to write concise reports in English.

2. Position Title: Operations Officer

Duration: 07 Months
• Assist the FAOR/Emergency Project Manager to ensure effective and timely implementation, including in particular
• Procurement of project equipment; preparation of letters of agreement and service contracts as necessary; preparation of project
budget revisions;
• Reviewing/editing/processing reports of various types; provide updated information on project financial and administrative status to
requested technical officers; finalization of terminal reports/terminal statements and concluding letter.
• Analyze project status and recommend appropriate adjustments;
• Ensure close cooperation and collaboration with government counterparts at central, provincial and district level, including the
Project Steering Committee, other implementing partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders.
• Participate in project design, planning and monitoring of project activities, ensure adherence to the work plan timeframe.
• Support the Programme Manager, in consultation with FAOR, FAO staff and the government counterparts, in preparing and
maintaining a work plan, and an inputs procurement and distribution plan, within one month from start of the assignment.
• Participate in the collection and analysis of information from the government, INGOs, National Civil Society organisations and other
sources on targeted districts, villages and beneficiaries and on general assessment of the situation in the field.
• Assist in preparing and review the technical specifications of the inputs to be provided under the projects.
• Identification of implementing partners to be involved in the distribution, training, monitoring, and evaluation of the inputs.
• On demand, travel to targeted provinces and districts to monitor and ensure smooth implementation of project activities.
• Assist with the translation of materials from English to Lao and vice versa.
• Prepare monthly reports (Field document) to the Project Manager and any other reports as required by TCES, FAOR or the Project
• Perform other duties as requested by his/her supervisor.
VaCaNCy aNNOuNCemeNt • In the absence of the Project Manager, assume overall responsibility for the daily management and operations of the Project
(Announcement No. 12/38) Implementation Unit.

OPeN tO: All interested candidates MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS

• University degree in agriculture, rural development, project management, or related fields.
POsItION: Guards (NeC), FsN-3 • At least five years of relevant experience, in project implementation and management, preferably with an international
OPeNING date: May 16, 2012 organization.
CLOsING date: May 31, 2012 • Proven experience from working with government agencies and knowledge on government procedures at both central and local
CONtRaCt: Less than three years levels.
• Good computer literacy and ability to efficiently use the basic Microsoft ® office software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
WORK HOURS: Full-time; 48 hours/week ).
saLaRy: Actual grade and salary will be based on the qualifications of the applicant. • Ability to work independently, prioritize tasks, promptly deal with urgent problems as they arise and adhere to FAO policies and
NOte: tHIs Is a LOCaL POsItION. tHe seLeCted CaNdIdate WILL COme uNdeR LOCaL LaBOR • Good working knowledge of Lao and English, both oral and written.
• Good communication skills and able to work productively in teams.
LaW, aNd Be PaId aCCORdING tO tHe emBassy’s LOCaL COmPeNsatION PLaN. aLL ORdINaRILy
ResIdeNCy PeRmIts tO Be eLIGIBLe FOR CONsIdeRatION. • Depth of knowledge and understanding of the work of international organizations and national governments.
• Extent of experience in the implementation of projects in the field of agriculture and aquaculture.
The U.S. Embassy in Vientiane is seeking 12 individuals for the position of Guard for the New Embassy Compound (NEC) • Extent and relevance of academic qualifications.
• Ability to establish good cooperation with partners and work successfully in multi-cultural teams.
Project. • Proven ability to work independently, to prioritize tasks and deal promptly with urgent issues.
• Demonstrated ability to analyze problems and make appropriate recommendations.
BasIC FuNCtION OF POsItION • Extent of both oral and written communication skills including the ability to write concise reports in English.

Incumbent serves as a guard for the New Embassy Compound (NEC) and reports to the NEC Sergeant, Shift Supervisor and NEC 3. Position Title: Administrative and Finance Assistant
Duration: 11 Months
Guard Commander, Site Security Manager and the Regional Security Officer (RSO). He/she is responsible for controlling access of DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
all personnel and vehicles into the NE, patrolling NEC grounds and responding to security incidents, operating security equipment • Under the supervision of the Project Manager, ensure effective functioning of financial operations and systems in support of the
and raising the alarm in an emergency. projects and management of the Project Implementation Unit.
• Maintain tools and mechanisms for effective and efficient monitoring of the project budgets in an accurate and timely manner.
• Ensure effective financial recording and reporting systems, internal control, audit requirements and processes financial transactions
in an accurate and timely manner.
QuaLIFICatIONs ReQuIRed • Assist in controlling Field Budget Authorizations, and assist in the preparation of budget revisions when necessary.
NOte: all applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information • Ensure that all financial activities of the programme are carried out according to the FAO rules and regulations.
supporting each item. • Review and resolve unclear accounting.
• Responsible for the compilation and review of financial reporting.
• Prepare all programme related payments including Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for local travel.
1. education: Completion of Secondary School is required
• Check expenditures related to all activities including trainings and local travel after activities have been conducted.
2. Prior Work experience: One year of Embassy guard duties or directly applicable military or police experience. • Assist in planning and implementing required procurement.
3. Language Proficiency: Level II English, minimal working knowledge required. Level III, good working knowledge • Maintain updated project assets inventory records.
of Lao required. • Assist in preparing and organizing trainings and meetings.
4. Job Knowledge: Must be thoroughly familiar with all Embassy Guard orders, procedures, standards and emergency • Assist with the translation of materials from English to Lao and vice versa.
• Take charge of incoming and outgoing documents, maintain records and keeping the filing system up to date.
responses. • Perform other duties as requested by his/her supervisor
5. skills and abilities: Must be able to operate security equipment, interpret guard orders and instructions. Must be
• A university degree or diploma in Business Administration or related field.
• At least two years of relevant experience, including general office operations, preferably with an international organization.
• Good computer literacy and ability to efficiently use the basic Microsoft ® office software (Word, Excel and Outlook).
• Ability to work independently, learn fast, prioritize tasks, promptly deal with urgent problems as they arise and adhere to FAO
Interested applicants for this position must submit the following for the application to be considered: policies and regulations.
1. Universal Application for Employment (Form DS-174). Download the form at: • Good working knowledge of Lao and English, both oral and written.
http://laos.usembassy.gov/job_opportunities.html • Good communication skills and ability to work productively in teams
2. Candidates who claim U.S. Veterans preference must provide a copy of their Form DD-214 with their application. SELECTION CRITERIA
3. Any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards, copies of degrees earned) that • Depth of knowledge and understanding of the work of international organizations and national governments.
addresses the qualification requirements of the position as listed above. • Extent of experience in the implementation of projects.
• Extent and relevance of academic qualifications.
suBmIt aPPLICatION tO • Ability to establish good cooperation with partners and work successfully in multi-cultural teams.
• Proven ability to work independently, to prioritize tasks and deal promptly with urgent issues.
Human Resources Office • Extent of both oral and written communication skills including the ability to write concise reports in English
American Embassy
Rue Bartholonie, That Dam Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different
PO Box 114, Vientiane, Laos national and cultural backgrounds.
(Hardcopy or e-mail attachments are accepted)
Interested applicants should submit their applications in writing (clearly indicating on the sealed envelope the Vacancy Announcement number
2012/01 to the FAO Representation, 128 Phonexay Road, P.O. Box 1640, Vientiane Capital, Tel: 021 413205, 414503.
POINt OF CONtaCt or email their applications to: [email protected]
Telephone: 856-21-267176
Fax: 856-21-267140 Applications sent to any other address will be rejected.
E-mail: [email protected]
The latest date for receiving the applications is 23 May 2012. Please note that application received after the closing date will not be given
consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Interested persons should contact Embassy Human Resources Office for more information. Blank application forms may be
picked up from the cabinet inside the Embassy entrance. In line with FAO policy on gender equity, the vacancy is open for both male and female candidates. FAO is also committed to increasing
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. the number of ethnic group staff in its programmes and offices. Therefore, Candidates from ethnic groups are especially encouraged
to apply.
CLOsING date FOR tHIs POsItION: may 31, 2012 Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to
An Equal Opportunity Employer any activities or office of the organization.

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