4 - May - 22 - GNLM - Myanmar Newspaper
4 - May - 22 - GNLM - Myanmar Newspaper
4 - May - 22 - GNLM - Myanmar Newspaper
Vol. IX, No. 18, 5 th Waxing of Kason 1384 ME www.gnlm.com.mm Wednesday, 4 May 2022
State Administration Council Vice-Chairman Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win meets service members, families
and trainees in Myeik Station on 3 May 2022.
THE correct administration (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe ly playing an essential role in the discharging the duty. If so, they the modern armed forces. If
system will affect welfare and Win in separately meeting with State, all Tatmadaw members will have self-confidence and comprehensive training skill is
then gain good morality, which servicemen, families and train- need to understand and con- then secure victory through combined with good administra-
is important for success, said ees in Myeik, Palauk and Heinze scientiously serve their duties skillfulness. Only when they tion, Tatmadaw members will
Vice-Chairman of the State stations yesterday. and functions. Only when they study the development of mili- have to secure missions and vi-
Administration Council Deputy Speaking at the meetings, know the truth will they do the tary technologies will they have sions. The Commander-in-Chief
Commander-in-Chief of Defence the Vice-Senior General said correct work with success. The the capacity to keep abreast of Defence Services adopted
Services Commander-in-Chief that as the Tatmadaw is current- training is crucial for thoroughly of other countries by building SEE PAGE-3
(Excerpt from New Year Message of greetings delivered by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on the New Year occasion in 1384 Myanmar Era Myanmar New Year Day on 17-4-2022)
The Vice-Senior General presents foodstuffs to service members and families in Myeik, Palauk and Heinze stations (from left to right), respectively.
4 MAY 2022
The Vice-Senior General and party kowtow the Atularanthi Shwethalyaung reclining Buddha image on Pahtet Hill yesterday.
They also viewed around the ble ethnic people for possessing GAqP. Annually, it exports some
self-reliant dockyard and fish safety life with the improvement 1,000 tonnes of seawater fish,
and shrimp lakes of the com- of education, health and social about 600 tonnes of shrimps and
pany. measures. Its construction start- about 290 tonnes of soft crabs to
The cold storage was built ed in 1998 and was completed in foreign countries and dutifully
on Pahtaw-Pahtet Island near 2000. The cold storage manages pays taxes at relevant rates to
Myeik in order to export ma- the purchase of quality marine the State.
rine products as value-added products from some 1,800 fish- The Vice-Senior General
products, minimize marine raw ing trawlers of the Myeik region, paid homage to Atularanthi
materials, increase earnings of systematic packaging, making Shwethalyaung reclining Bud-
foreign exchange, raise job op- frozen blocks and storage. It dha image on Pahtet Hill and
portunities in the region, devel- sends marine products to Japan, made cash donations to the fund
op human resources, pay the the US, Hong Kong, China, Ma- of the pagoda. A pagoda photo
increased amount of tax to the laysia, Viet Nam and Thailand was returned to him as a gift of
State year after year and ena- in line with the orders through Dhamma. — MNA
The Vice-Senior General looks into the marine products.
ICE-CHAIRMAN of the storage.
State Administration Managing Director U Hla
Council Deputy Com- Than of the cold storage reported
mander-in-Chief of Defence on works of the company, breed-
Services Commander-in-Chief ing of seawater shrimps and pro-
(Army) Vice-Senior General duction of cold storage products,
Soe Win inspected the fish and and Managing Director U Soe
shrimp (1000-tonne) cold storage Win of Myeik Corporation Pub-
of Pyae Phyo Tun International lic Co Ltd on matters related to
Company Limited in Kyunsu the first-ever international fish
Township yesterday morning. auction market and industrial
The Vice-Senior General zone project in Myeik in accord
and party viewed the packag- with the guidance of the Prime
ing process of fish and shrimp Minister. The Vice-Senior Gener-
in the good aquaculture prac- al asked for further information
tices-GAqP displayed at the cold and fulfilled the requirements. The Vice-Senior General views the packing process of fish and shrimp at the cold storage.
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4 MAY 2022
Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman attends Nay Pyi Taw Council
Investment Committee (2/2022) Meeting
discussed the response to the the Myanmar Investment Com-
Myanmar Investment Commis- mission on the proposal to allow
sion’s request to Nay Pyi Taw the production and export of rice
Council for comments on agri- and broken rice.
cultural investment. Detailed explanations were
“It is necessary to have a made regarding the permission
roundtable discussion in Union to issue the approval for the ex-
Territory in Nay Pyi Taw on the tension of the construction pe-
need for investment promotion riod of the new Kaba Shwe Pyi
and facilitation in the region,” Tan Co., Ltd., which is engaged
Dr Maung Maung Naing said. in the production, distribution
He urged them to focus on and sale of bricks.
coordinating on the difficulties Nay Pyi Taw Council mem-
investors face in expanding the ber U Zeyar Lin and committee
business. members discussed the relevant
Next, Director Daw Yin Yin issues.
Nwe from the Directorate of In- After that, Nay Pyi Taw
vestment and Company Admin- Council Investment Commit-
istration, Nay Pyi Taw, discussed tee Chairman and Nay Pyi Taw
rice production of MAYLP Agri- Council Chairman Dr Maung
NAY Pyi Taw Council Invest- at Nay Pyi Taw Council Meeting Investment Committee Chair- culture Co., Ltd. through a joint Maung Naing made a concluding
ment Committee (2/2022) Meet- Hall. man Nay Pyi Taw Council Chair- venture farming system and to remark at the meeting. — Tun
ing was held at 10 am yesterday First, Nay Pyi Taw Council man Dr Maung Maung Naing be able to submit an opinion to Tun Win (District IPRD)/GNLM
4 MAY 2022
Bear a beautiful
smile to all
The Advantages of Using Fibre-Optic Internet
By Yin Nwe Ko
STARTED using internet ac- was much swifter than the oth- Cable internet sends its signals • FTTC: “Fibre to the Curb.” to download a 2-hour movie on Have you ever noticed the worry of overloading the system, of work while he or she languishes
cess in 2012. One of my friends ers I have already used. In fact, I down metal wires. The metal heats This gets the fibre to the util- fibre-optic vs cable internet. power goes out just when you fibre-optic internet providers can in waiting rooms. He or she an-
introduced me to how to use was outdated because there were up, weakening the signal and pick- ity pole outside your house Time to download a 2-hour HD need it most? On a hot summer give equal shrift to uploads and swers the same questions over and
LL living beings, especially humans, are called social an- Facebook via internet access. His many fibre internets used in the ing up interference. That’s why but uses a coaxial cable from movie: Sunday, for instance, when you downloads alike. That makes it over about street addresses and
imals because they all socially contact each other in their introduction made me greatly in- large cities in Myanmar. Then, I cable and DSL (Digital Subscriber there. The short length of · Fiber optic internet speed 1 really, really want your air condi- easier to share files and work from medication allergies. But can fibre
daily life. In contacting others, they introduce them with terested as one could write freely wanted to be curious why this fibre Line) internet are so much slower copper wire is a bottleneck Gb/s: 40 seconds tioner to work? That is because home with fibre-optic cable inter- optic internet providers really help
a beautiful smile first. on Facebook without being edited internet was much better than any and clumsier than fibre optics. • FTTN: “Fibre To The Node” · Cable internet speed 100 those hot days overload our power- net service. with that? Yes, they can. Telemed-
As they all are social animals, they have to practice good social by an editor. At that moment, the other connections. It was associ- Fibre-optic internet works or “Neighborhood.” The fibre Mb/s: 7 minutes lines. Everyone is maxing out their 4K TVs pack four times more icine lets health care profession-
relations to each other to achieve success in their work processes. speed of the internet connection ated with modern technology that by splitting files like movies and optics get to within one mile · DSL speed 25 Mb/s: 30 min- A/C at the same time. The same pixels into the same real estate, als evaluate, diagnose, and even
So, whenever they meet each other, they have to extend greetings was rather slow, and the charges was out of my reach. Therefore, I games into data packets of ze- of your house. utes thing happens with our cable in- which makes for much crisper pic- treat patients remotely. Thanks
before talking about the work process or negotiating something for using the internet were con- asked a technician who was my roes and ones. A laser flashes this · 4G LTE speed 35 Mb/s: 25 ternet systems. Internet providers tures. But it also sucks a lot more to higher resolution video chats,
special. Due to a good introduction created by a smile, it is sure that ducted according to the time du- cousin and was once one of the Morse code-type signal into one A longer trip through metal minutes use “throttling” to prevent those bandwidth from your internet con- much faster fibre-optic internet
their talks might be successful ration of the users. Later, 3 G and staff of MRTV. end of a plastic or glass filament. wires makes this the slowest · 5G internet speed 10 Gb/s: 4 outages. At peak times, your ISP nection. With speeds of 100 Mb/s speeds make telemedicine more
by cent per cent. 4 G internet appeared one after He explained to me about the The “wire” is about as thick as one of the three options seconds (Internet Service Provider) may or less, cable internet may strug- reliable. It can help the elderly, and
It is because a smile Whenever they extend another, and the charges of using fibre-optic internet in detail inter- strand of human hair. A special Is fibre-optic internet service The truth is that the cable lower your cable speed from 100 gle at times to deliver 4K internet those with disabilities live more
greetings to all at the meet- it were conducted by the volume estingly. The followings are the sheath called a cladding keeps the better? In a word, ‘Yes’. It’s much connection should be fast enough Mb/s to 20 or lower to ration their streaming. Fibre-optic internet independently as well.
can change the ings, they express the auspi- of data of a user. advantages of using fibre internet beam of light inside the filament. It faster and more reliable than cable to stream video without interrup- service. Fibre-optic internet speed service won’t even bat an eye at it. I have known just the quick-
daily routines from ciousness for others first and
foremost to create a peaceful
In March 2022, I had a chance
to install the fibre internet at home.
for those who need internet access
as an essential one.
bounces off the walls for as far as
60 miles and pops out the other end
internet or DSL. But it has other
major advantages like no throttling
tion, but peak traffic overloads the
wires. That is where fibre-optic
does not throttle because it’s less
susceptible to overload.
A fibre-optic connection running
at even a sub-optimal 500 Mbps
ness of fibre internet before. To be
frank, I never knew the facts he
the easy process to mind for others at the moment. I have heard the speed of internet Fibre-optic internet is a data where a modem decodes the light and better TV picture quality. Let’s internet vs cable speed differ- Cable internet has different should have no trouble streaming explained. Just now, I have heard
If so, the friends can accept connection on fibre internet, which connection carried by a cable filled into a form your computer can use. take a quick stroll through some ences get obvious. Fibre optics speeds for download and upload, high-quality 4K TV and movies. them. I thanked him, I said. At the
the difficult ones. the pleasure and peace in possesses very swift access with- with thin glass or plastic fibres. There are three types of fi- ways fibre-optic cable internet can handle more users and more and upload speeds are a lot slower. His long and patient explana- same time, I would like to urge you,
their minds with happy fac- out hesitation. In practical use, Data travels through them as bre-optic cable internet: beats standard cable. data at consistently higher speeds. That is based on how people use tion made me understand because my esteemed readers, that if you
A cheap smile es expressing their pleasant it was quite right. I installed the beams of light pulsed in a pattern. Fibre-optic internet speed Another bonus? Fibre-optic cable the internet. Most of us do a lot he only used a few terminological are the ones who need internet ac-
feelings. speed rate with 20 Mb/s which Fibre-optic internet speeds are • FTTH or FTTP: “Fibre To is 1 Gbps. That’s 10 to 20 times internet does not need energized more downloading than uploading, words. However, the last part of cess as an essential requirement,
will be invaluable Such a smile will help ones cost the company’s lowest charg- about 20 times faster than regular The Home” or “Premises.” speedier than the 50 to 100 Mb/s lines, so it is not as prone to out- so internet providers give most his explanation made me amazed you should choose the fibre-optic
for enhancing better beautiful. As such, it is
sure that a smile will bring bet-
es, but the connection ability was
satisfactorily accepted. Its speed
cable at 1 Gb/s. Why is fibre-optic
cable internet so much better than
This is the fastest, most re-
liable fibre-optic connection
cable most of us know now. For a
concrete fibre-optic vs cable inter-
ages as cable internet. As long as
the fibre-optic cable stays intact, it
of their bandwidth to downloads.
With fibre-optic internet speed,
due to his peculiar word “Tele-
HE Republic of the Union source and pass buckets hand in
of Myanmar is an ethnical- hand to the fire.
ly diverse country. Being In 1666, a great fire started
a developing country, Myanmar in a bakery owned by Thomas
has been stepping up to reform Farina and the importance of
its economy since the previous firefighters and the fire equip-
administrations. With a con- ment was noticed. People began
structive effort, Myanmar has to find ways to remedy the loss of
gradually improved. In keeping property in the fire. The first fire
abreast of the development of insurance company called Fire
the international countries, fire Office was established in 1667.
hazard management is of great The first US President,
importance in modern building George Washington, also served
and rural industrial development. as a volunteer firefighter in Vir-
The fire brigade provides the ginia. Benjamin Franklin also
frontline rescue services in pro- helped found the first fire ser-
tecting the lives and property of vice department in Philadelphia
the people. Regardless of the dif- in 1736. Also, he was a volunteer
ferent religious beliefs, languages firefighter before then.
and skin colours, every country Then, the insurance com-
has its own fire brigade. Every pany hired private fire service
country has different patterns departments to combat the fire
Firefighters are pictured extinguishing the fire in the Hlinethaya Industrial Zone. PHOTO: THITSA
of politics, economics, education due to the lack of state-sponsored
and health. Nonetheless, every fire service departments, leading
firefighter across the globe is to the competition of the private There has been evidence of tion and preparedness such as petence. There was evidence of
ready to serve the people’s lives, firefighters. Myanmar’s fire preventive ac- putting water pots at the top of strict rules and law enforcement
all of them perform the same, and Maintaining the capacity for tivities since the Bagan Dynas- the roof and keeping fire safety regarding fire safety.
they are committed to the job. an act of heroism ty in 1044 AD. King Anawrahta hooks at their house. People had Remembering our fallen he-
History of firefighters The first-ever organized mu- (reigned 1044-1077 AD) was a to keep alert to the gong sound roes
It is noted that the history nicipal fire brigade in the world noble King acquiring martial which was meant to warn people Fire can burn the city, and
of firefighters began in ancient was established in Edinburgh, arts skills and a heart of gold. not to have fire spark and smoke the ancient Kings were aware of
Rome under the rule of Augus- Scotland, in 1824, led by James He was sagacious enough to take after cooking time. The house it and strictly monitored that. The
tus in the 3rd Century. It was said Braidwood. The London Fire Bri- preventive measures against fire owner would be arrested at the world is facing natural disasters
hazards. The history of Myan- mayor’s office if a kiln could still linked to climate change and glob-
mar’s fire service began in the ignite. People cannot smoke on al warming in the digital age. The
King Anawrahta era. About 663 roads. Firefighter crew must consequences of torrential rain,
fire service crews were appointed patrol five times a day”. Small strong wind, earthquake, volcano
to take fire safety measures in the towers were built at the moats, eruption, cyclones and tsunami
palace. They gave a warning to gates and walls. Princes and disasters are significant challeng-
the people by hitting a gong for garrisons must monitor the fire es for the world leaders. The dig-
the time limit of fire in use. Ono- safety activities. ital sector is of vital importance
matopoeic words for the resonant Historical documents regard- in overcoming unprecedented
and echoing sound of the gong ing law enforcement on fire natural disasters. Even the de-
(Thaw Thaw Nyan Bagan Mee safety veloped countries are facing a
Saw Maung) were noted from the King Mindon appointed four series of difficulties. Meanwhile,
duties of the fire service crew in foreigners as fire brigade mem- the developing countries with a
the palace. bers under the names of Paitsa, lack of advanced technology are
File photo shows the fire on the garment factory in the Shwelinpan Fire safety practices without Sabei, Hninsi and Phyuleik. The undoubtedly experiencing more
Industrial Zone. having a bias smoke covered the whole palace damage and loss.
King Swar Sawke released a of King Mindon while opening a Being a developing country,
firefighting attempts could be gade was established in 1833, and statement regarding the fire haz- box from Italy. Those four fire- Myanmar falls short of technolo-
traced to ancient Egypt before James Braidwood was the de- ard that the mayor, clerk, prison fighters were extinguished. Then, gy and equipment in fire hazard-
that. Marcus Licinius Crassus partment’s chief. The world lead- warden and staff must interro- some European countries donat- ous and disaster risk manage-
created the first Roman fire bri- ers recognized the firefighters, gate those suspects and prevent ed two fire engines and firefight- ment. Nevertheless, the country
gade. He organized a fire brigade and Winston Churchill held the fire and crimes in the palace’s ing equipment to King Mindon. managed to develop the skills
to rush to the fire scene and set firefighters in high esteem and proximity. The king also made The market fire broke out and attributes of the firefight-
the price to extinguish the fire. called them Angels with Grimy the royal families participate in in the palace’s backyard on the ers. Myanmar fire brigade is an
In 60 AD, Emperor Nero formed faces during World War II. Fire- the fire safety practice without 6th waxing of Taboung 1235 ME. institution that stands proudly
firefighters called the Vigiles to fighters have been the selfless having bias. Even Prince Makaya led the fire- in history. They did heroic deeds
put out fires using water buckets and bravest human beings in the Strict rules for fire safety fighting troops. Over 700 houses by risking their lives in hazard-
and pumps. past years. They keep the act of King Alaungpaya, the found- were destroyed in the market fire, ous fires and natural disasters.
Vigiles patrolled the streets bravery, courage and heroism er of the Konbaung Dynasty, re- so King Mindon sentenced South As a result, they were honoured
of Rome and served as a fire res- to date. leased a statement concerning Mayor U Pesi and North Mayor U for their selfless and heroic ac-
cue team and police force. When The resonant and echoing the fire outbreak on the 1st waxing Tha Oh with legs chained. Also, tions and left a mark on people’s
there was a fire, the firefighters sound of the gong in Bagan of Taboung 1119 ME that “every Kanni minister, was dismissed hearts.
would line up to the nearest water as a preventive fire measure house had to take fire preven- from the position due to incom- SEE PAGE-11
4 MAY 2022
Fuel Import, Storage and Distribution Supervisory Committee
Reference wholesale prices for Yangon and Mandalay and reference
retail prices for cities of regions and states
4-5-2022 Kyat/Litre
Nay Pyi Taw
92 Ron 1,965 2,010 2,005 1,970 2,005 2,030 2,015 1,995 2,090 2,105 2,000 2,010 2,045 2,045 2,045 2,265 2,405
95 Ron 2,020 2,070 2,065 2,030 2,065 2,090 2,075 2,055 2,145 2,165 2,060 2,075 2,105 2,105 2,105 2,325 2,720
HSD 2,325 2,370 2,365 2,330 2,370 2,390 2,385 2,355 2,470 2,465 2,360 2,370 2,405 2,405 2,405 2,625 2,715
(500 ppm)
HSD 2,350 2,400 2,395 2,360 2,395 2,420 2,415 2,385 2,495 2,490 2,390 2,400 2,430 2,435 2,435 2,655 2,750
(50 ppm)
HSD 2,350 2,400 2,395 2,360 2,395 2,420 2,415 2,385 2,495 2,490 2,390 2,400 2,430 2,435 2,435 2,655 2,750
(10 ppm)
Fuel (Wholesale Price) Yangon Mandalay Remarks: (1) It’s calculation is based on MOPS price.
92 Ron 1,866 1,937 (2) If people are not satisfied with purchase of fuel, they may safely send
complaints to telephone numbers of the committee as follows: -
95 Ron 1,923 1,995
067-409881 and 09-699611116, 067-411129, 09-440433533
HSD 2,215 2,289
(500 ppm)
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V ISEACO Consignees of cargo carried on M.V IAL 001 VOY. Consignees of cargo carried on M.V PHUC THAI
GENESIS VOY.NO. (171N/S) are hereby notified that NO. (125N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be VOY.NO. (2223S/2224N) are hereby notified that the
the vessel will be arriving on 4-5-2022 and cargo will be arriving on 4-5-2022 and cargo will be discharged into vessel will be arriving on 4-5-2022 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of HPT where it will lie at the premises of AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s discharged into the premises of MIP where it will lie at
the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. conditions of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel. from the Vessel. from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day. the Claims Day. the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185
Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department Shipping Agency Department
Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority Myanma Port Authority
Agent For: Agent For: Agent For:
4 MAY 2022
Hundreds of migrants resume MALI’S ruling junta announced on Monday it was breaking off from its
defence accords with former colonial ruler France, condemning “fla-
Channel crossings to UK grant violations” of its national sovereignty by the French troops there.
The announcement — threatened several times over the past
few weeks — was the latest confirmation of deteriorating relations
HUNDREDS of migrants thousands of miles away to year, according to data compiled between the junta in Mali and France.
crossed the Channel from Rwanda. The plans, which have by Britain’s domestic Press As- “For some time now, the government of the Republic of Mali
France to Britain in small boats been roundly criticized by rights sociation news agency. notes with regret a profound deterioration in military cooperation
on Sunday, the UK Ministry of groups and UK opposition par- More migrants were seen with France,” spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga said in a televised
Defence said, following an 11- ties, have come as the number being brought into the port of statement.
day hiatus in the controversial of migrants crossing one of the Dover, in southeast England, Maiga cited multiple instances of French forces having violated
arrivals. world’s busiest shipping lanes on Monday aboard lifeboats and the country’s airspace.
The resumption in the has risen dramatically. Border Force vessels after being He referred to the June 2021 decision by France to end joint
journeys, thought to be due to Sunday’s arrival of 254 picked up in the Channel. There operations with Malian forces.
a change in the weather, comes people mean nearly 7,000 have appears to have been an 11-day And he mentioned France’s decision taken in February to pull
weeks after Britain announced reached the UK so far in 2022, break in the crossings from 20 to out its troops from Mali.
contentious proposals to send more than three times the num- 30 April during a period of strong The Malian authorities said they had informed Paris of the decision
those who cross the Channel ber recorded by this time last winds and choppy seas.—AFP on Monday afternoon.—AFP
4 MAY 2022
Here are the latest developments in the war in Ukraine:
Murray sees off Thiem Man Utd stroll takes sting out of
in Madrid as Halep surges on
fan protest against Glazers
ANDY Murray has urged Dom- clash at the Caja Magica.
inic Thiem to “keep going” in “I hope you feel better MANCHESTER United took the sting out of their
his comeback from injury after soon. I’m glad to see you back, fans’ latest protest against the Glazer family
Murray defeated the Austrian keep going, it takes a lot of time as they eased to a 3-0 win against Brentford on
6-3, 6-4 in the Madrid Open first but you’ll be fine,” Murray told Monday.
round to claim his first win on a the former US Open champion Ahead of a summer of change for troubled
clay court in five years. as they shook hands at the net. United, Ralf Rangnick’s side won for just the sec-
Thiem returned from a Murray, who initially in- ond time in seven games to keep the atmosphere
10-month wrist injury lay-off tended to skip the clay season, from turning toxic at Old Trafford.
four weeks ago and has yet to made a surprise appearance Bruno Fernandes struck early in the first half
taste victory in any of the four in Madrid after the hard-court and Cristiano Ronaldo converted a second half
matches he has contested so Challengers he was planning penalty before France defender Raphael Varane
far. to compete at were cancelled. bagged his first goal for United.
Former world No.1 Mur- He plans on playing in the Despite winning their last home game of
ray, who has spent several sea- Spanish capital, as well as next the season, United remain in sixth place in the
sons dealing with hip problems week’s ATP 1000 tournament Premier League with two games left.
and recovering from surgeries, in Rome before shifting his Manchester United eased to victory against They sit five points adrift of the top four with
gave Thiem some words of en- focus to next month’s grass Brentford. PHOTO: AFP no realistic hope of qualifying for next season’s
couragement at the end of their season.—AFP Champions League.—AFP