Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: Understanding Ratios Name: Vanessa Villasenor Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 6 Grade

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Understanding Ratios Name: Vanessa Villasenor

Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 6th grade
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Ratios and Proportional Relationships 6.RP:
1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.
2. Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship.
3. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line
diagrams, or equations.

Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

1. What is a ratio?
2. What does a ratio look like?
3. What is a proportion?
4. How are ratios and proportions related to each other?
5. How can ratios and proportions be applied to the real world?

Unit Summary:

In this unit, students will learn about ratios and then how to create proportions using ratios. Students must understand the concept of the ratio and know how to describe a ratio
relationship between any two quantities. After being introduced to ratios, students will complete a range of activities that will facilitate and promote their knowledge about ratios and
proportions. In the first activity, students will come prepared to engage in a lecture about ratios by following along with a set of guided notes. In the second activity, students will
complete a web based activity known as a webercise. The webercise will require students to access different websites in order to complete questions about the fundamentals of
proportions. After learning the fundamentals, students will apply their knowledge of proportions to solve proportion problems. In the last activity, students will use a graphic organizer
known as a concept map in order to connect important ideas about ideas. The concept map is focused on ratios because it serves as the foundation for ratios. After completing these
activities, students should have a clear understanding of ratios and proportions.

Assessment Plan:
Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:
 Brainstorm – What does a fraction mean?  Flashcards – Review of definitions for Ratios and  Exam – Consisting of word problems and
Proportions. definitions that test the student’s knowledge of
 Concept Map – Organization of ideas related to ratios and proportions.
ratios.  Presentation – Students need to present a real
 Quick Write – Students need to explain their world proportion problem they created and present
thought process in solving any type of proportion. how they solved it to the class.
 Critical Thinking Questions – Students will need
to answer questions about how proportions are
useful outside of the classroom.
Lesson 1 (Teacher Lecture)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence Lesson Activities: Students will follow along the lecture with guided notes provided for them. The lecture will be
 Students will (Assessments): Students will focused on the essential concepts about ratios. The lecture will open up by accessing students’ prior knowledge. It
understand that a learn in the lecture the will review their knowledge about fractions. Students will then fill in the blanks for key terms regarding fractions.
ratio compares definition a ratio and how to Afterwards, students will be asked to brainstorm what a ratio means based on their previous knowledge of
two quantities. write a ratio using three fractions. Students will then be introduced to definition of a ratio and the three ways to write a ratio. Then,
different methods. That students will fill in the blanks for the definition of a ratio and the three ways to write a ratio. The lecture will
 Students will be
knowledge will be reinforced present an example and three ways to write a ratio for that specific example. In the guided notes, students will
able to write a
have to write ratios using all three methods for the various examples. Finally, the lecture will close off
ratio in three because those key pieces of
previewing what students will learn next in the unit which is proportions.
ways. information will be recorded
in the guided notes.
Lesson 2 (Webercise/ iPad Lesson)
Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities: The webercise will require students to have internet access because they will have to navigate
 Students will be Students clearly solved the websites listed in the webercise in order to answer the questions. Although this webercise will mostly focus
able to solve any proportions by solving on proportions. students will have to answer questions about ratios to ensure their understanding. The following
proportion by multiple proportion section will introduce the fundamentals of proportions including the three methods used to solve proportions.
comparing two problems. Students will The websites will focus on the method of cross multiplication to solve proportions. After learning how to use
ratios. explain what their preferred cross multiplication, the students will solve for the variable “x” in a few cross multiplication problems. Then,
method to solve proportions students will visit the Geogebra website will solve real world proportion problems using the price tool to adjust
for the price. Finally, students were asked to reflect to answer what was the preferred method to solve
proportions and why they believe proportions are important.

Lesson 3 (Graphic Organizer)

Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Lesson Activities: Students will create a concept map to organize main ideas about ratios. Students will be
 Students will be Students will represent a provided a rubric that will list the criteria for a desirable grade. Students must include their definition of a ratio,
able to represent a ratio using figures by finding the different types of ratios, and the different ways to write a ratio, and explain how to scale a ratio. The most
ratio using figures. pictures online that represent challenging part of this graphic organizer is that students will have to find three pictures online. Based on those
 Students will be ratios. Then, students will pictures, students will have to write a problem asking them to find a ratio between two quantities. Once they
have to describe those real have done that, then for each problem they will have to write the ratio using all three ways. Students will be
able to recognize
world ratios by writing a ratio expected to have an organized and detailed concept map about ratios. Otherwise, students will be docked points
and describe
for lack of organization or detail.
ratios in real in all three ways.
world examples.

Unit Resources:
Video that serves as an introduction to ratios.
Video that reviews the definition of a proportion and shows how proportions are used to find unknown values.
Video presents a song that shows how fractions, ratios, and proportions are all related.
This interactive website serves as practice for students who struggle with ratio word problems.
This website has a fun game named Ratio Blasters which requires students to find equivalent ratios.
This website tests students’ abilities to write a ratio based off a picture.
This website asks students to input any fraction, and will output what that fraction means.
This website has a game called Ratio Martian which asks students to identify a ratio only if it appears.
This interesting website explains what the golden ratio is, how to calculate it, and the beauty behind it.
This website shows 13 real life examples of the golden ratio.
This website covers the definition of ratio, the different types of ratios, how to scale a ratio, and examples of ratio problems.
This website explains the definition of a proportion and the three methods used to solve a proportion.
This website explains what a proportion is and focuses only on the cross multiplication method to solve a proportion.
This interactive tool shows proportionality by showing how the quantity changes if you change the price.

Useful Websites:
This website allows you to create graphic organizers like concept maps.
This website allows you to create interesting presentations.
This website allows you to create quizzes and exams.

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