Otl540port Futr LN PN 1
Otl540port Futr LN PN 1
Otl540port Futr LN PN 1
Solve proportions, including word problems 6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio
involving proportions with one unknown. language to describe a ratio relationship between two
Understand the justification for solving proportions
by crossmultiplication. 6.RP.2 Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b
associated with a ratio a:b with b = 0, and use rate
Convert between fractions, decimals, and percents. language in the context of a ratio relationship.
Find the given percent of a number, and find what 6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world
percent a given number is of another number. and mathematical problems.
Solve problems involving percent increase and 6.RP.3a. Make tables of equivalent ratios relating
decrease. quantities with whole- number measurements, find
missing values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values
Find an unknown number when a percent of the on the coordinate plane. Use tables to compare ratios.
number is known.
6.RP.3c. Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100
Use expressions with percents greater than 100% and (CCSI, 2016).
less than 1% (Core Knowledge Foundation, 2010)
Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to How do ratios and rates affect how we view
solve problems (NCDPI, 2013). relationships between quantities of things?
Connect ratio and rate to whole number When and why should I express a ratio as a unit rate?
multiplication and division (NCDPI, 2013).
What can you reason about ratios from either looking
Understand relative comparisons. at a table or graphing equivalent ratios on a coordinate
Understand that some situations call for ratios to be
expressed as unit rates. How does percent help us understand how a thing or
substance is made up?
Students understand that you cannot compare
something to nothing.
A ratio is the comparison of two quantities or Identify and describe any ratio relationship.
measures. The comparison can be part-to-whole
(ratio of guppies to all fish in an aquarium) or part- Describe ratio relationships in different forms, e.g. 2 to
to-part (ratio of guppies to goldfish) (NCDPI, 2013). 2
3, 2:3, or 3 (NCDPI, 2013)
Domain vocabulary:
ratio, equivalent ratios, tape diagram, unit rate, part-to-part, part-to-whole, percent
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Final Performance Assessment Ideas:
Performance assessments measure a students ability to think critically and apply reasoning skills to solve real-
life problems. Performance assessments should parallel the skills taught in class (Darling-Hammond, L. &
Adamson, F, 2010). Assessments should include rubrics for consistency in scoring.
1. Fashion Designer (6.RP.1, 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3a)
As production managers for a New York based apparel company, students will develop a spec for a new
garment to be produced. The spec will include a table with exact quantities of fabric and findings needed for
their garment, lowest quantity of fabric and findings available to buy, vendor quantity discounts, total
manufacturing cost per garment, and scaled cost of production of 1000 and 10,000 garments. Students will also
include a drawing of their garment and an explanation of how they arrived at their costs.
2. Store Buyer (6.RP.3c)
As store buyers, students will buy the garment they produced for the previous unit. Students will prepare a
table showing percent mark-up, retail price and store profit at full price, plus store profit (or loss) at various
discounts (10% off, 20% off, 25% off, final markdown- 25% of 50% off original prices).
Instructional Strategies
Three critical aspects of math instruction include:
1. Teaching for conceptual understanding
2. Developing childrens procedural literacy.
3. Promoting strategic competence through problem-solving activities (The Effective Mathematics
Classroom, n.d.)
Use explicit instruction. Explicit instruction includes sets the stage, demonstrates, models, guides practice, then
provides independent practice (Pennsylvania Department of Education, n.d.). Teaching should transition
smoothly between demonstration, to modeling, to independent practice with the goal of being error-free
(NCTM, 2007). In addition, teachers should pay special attention to balancing skills and concepts and delaying
cross-multiplication until students have experience working with ratios and a solid understanding of
proportions (NCTM, 2007).
Peer-to-peer learning (Zher, Hussein, & Saat, 2016). This strategy can be used after trading and grading
homework or during independent practice. Students work in teams of two to teach each other problems.
Math discussions (Kosko & Miyazaki, 2012). When calling on students for answers to problems, have students
talk through their reasoning and how they arrived at their answer.
Feedback Strategies
1. Check for understanding, gather data, respond to data (Lemov, 2010).
Cold call: Call on students regardless of whether they have raised their hands. By doing so, students will
come to expect that they may be called on and prepare for it. Cold call allows the teacher to distribute
work evenly around the classroom as well as check understanding for all students, not just those who
are quick to volunteer. Cold call can be used simultaneously with taking answers from students with
hands raised to reward those students ask to participate (Lemov, 2010).
Thumbs-up, thumbs-down: During instruction, the teacher conducts an informal survey by asking
students to give a thumbs-up, thumbs-to-the-side, or thumbs-down if they understand the concept.
Instruction can be adjusted accordingly (Pilcher, 2012).
2. Provide effective, actionable feedback: Giving feedback on student work needs to be goal-oriented,
actionable, user-friendly, and transparent. Instead of just marking homework problems wrong, write comments
that give students clues as to where they will find their error (Wiggins, 2012). Feedback should also be linked
to the learning objective (Goodwin & Hubbell, 2013).
3. Right is right: Students should provide the right answer at the right time to demonstrate understanding of
both the concept and procedure behind the problem. Instead of just requiring the answer to the problem,
requiring students to talk through their strategy of finding the answer will reveal understanding or
misunderstanding (Lemov, 2010).
4. Choose your favorite no: Students are often afraid to take risks in math. Choose your favorite combines
practicing a growth mindset with peer-to-peer learning. For this activity, students choose one wrong answer
from a homework or in class activity and correct with a partner. Ideally each partner takes a turn teaching a
problem they understand and learning a problem they struggled with. Some students will be mostly on the
giving end and some on the receiving end, but in either case learning is deepened (Blad, 2015).
5. Teacher feedback: Responding to student feedback and adjusting instruction accordingly improves both the
teachers and the students performance (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005). Give students a weekly or biweekly
survey on what they found most interesting, most boring, most helpful, and most confusing. Using an online
app such as Socrative can accomplish this task. The questions should reflect the learning goals for that week.
Blad, E. (2015, September 9). Teachers nurture growth mindset in math. Education Week, 35(3),
Cardetti, F., Khamsemanan, N., & Orgnero, M.C. (2010, January). Insights regarding the use of
Common Core States Standards Initiative. (2016). Grade 6: Ratios and proportional
Core Knowledge Foundation. (2010). Core knowledge sequence: Content and skill guidelines for
Goodwin, B., & Hubbell, E. (2013). The 12 touchstones of good teaching: A checklist for staying
Hong, K.T., Hoong, H. C. K., Hoon, L.H., Tann, L.E., Cheng, R. L., Wan, N.H., Peng, C.C.
Kosko, K. & Miyazaki, Y. (2012). The effect of student discussion frequency on fifth-grade
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2007). What are features of effective instruction
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. (2013, July). Instructional support tools for
Pilcher, J. (2012). Whos engaged? Climb the learning ladder to see (2nd ed). Pensacola, FL:
Studer Education
Zher, N.H., Hussein, R.M.R., Saat, R.M. (2016). Enhancing feedback via peer learning in large