Lesson Plan 10 01 2013 John Shia 001

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Lesson Plan

Alignment of the Teacher Performance Standards with the Georgia Performance Standards Date: October 7, 2013 Teacher: John Shia Developed By: John Shia Curriculum Area: 2013-2014 6th Grade Math, CCGPS Lesson Focus: Unit: 2 Rate, Ratio, and Proportional Reasoning Using Equivalent Fractions Grade: 6th grade math

Using Cross Products to Complete Proportions Students will learn about using cross products to find the missing value in a proportion(of form a / A = b / B). They will also articulate the differences between ratio and proportion in their own words and personally reflect on the relevancy of proportion by reflecting on their future career aspiration. CCGPS Standard/Element(s): MCC6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. MCC6.RP.3d Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units; manipulate and transform. Literacy Integration CCGPS Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Standards The concepts and vocabulary will be enunciated and explained during the lesson, and reinforced throughout the unit.
Researched-based strategies to engages student in active learning

Students will articulate the differences between ratio and proportion, and articulate the definition and concept of proportion in their own words for retention and deeper conceptual understanding. ELACC6RI4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. Technology Integration - Promethean whiteboard will be used. - YouTube video lecture will be utilized in demonstrating how to use cross products to complete proportion with one missing value. This video lecture is located at:
http://www.cleanvideosearch.com/media/action/yt/watch?v=Ss3fp51ghMo Mathematical Practices Standards: (Highlight the ones that will be used in the lesson) 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision.


7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Component 1: Teacher and students talk about what they will learn and do (Communication of
Learning Intentions) ESSENTIAL IDEAS - Ratios is a comparison of two quantities using division. - Proportion is an equation that shows two equivalent ratios. By the end of this lesson, students will: Students will be able to solve a proportion with one missing value. Students will be able to express the definition of proportion in their own words, internalizing the concept.

Component 2: How will you know when they have learned it? (Communication of Success Criteria)
Upon completion of this lesson, student learners will be able to: Solve a proportion with one missing value. Understand and be able to articulate in their own words that proportion is an equation that shows two equivalent ratios.
Getting students ready to learn

Teacher will check for understanding by viewing homework assignments, oral quizzes, daily class assignments, tests, and observing general student facial and body expressions after communicating and presenting course materials.


Component 3: Activating Approach/Warm Up/Engagement (Build Commitment and Engagement): Warm Up Students will reflect on the concept of ratio and proportion, and articulate what proportion is in their own words, as well as the differences between ratio and proportion. The precise nature of the warm up will depend on what immediately preceding lesson which have not being executed yet. Depending on the preceding lessonand student mastery of prior material, students will: Write the warm up on warm up sheet. Articulate the answer on selective basis, presenting it to the whole class.

Component 4: Give students new information (Teacher Presentation Strategies-includes Academic

Vocabulary) Key terms and concepts:

ratio proportion cross products equivalent ratios and equivalency of cross products coefficient dividing both sides by the same coefficient (same number) to preserve equality of operations

Component 4: Give students new information (Teacher Presentation Strategies, Procedures,


The introduction will build on the concept of ratios that was previously covered. The goal is to conceptualize proportion in terms of equivalent ratios. As such, its critical that that this section builds on top of material that was presented immediately preceding it(which is in future at this time). Since this lesson plan is written several days prior to the actual implementation date, precise nature is not yet determined. Proportion using simple equivalent ratios with all values known will be used initially as a gentle introduction. For example, if there are 2 equivalent ratios a / A and b / B, proportion a/A=b/B will be introduced initially. a, A, b, and B will all be simple, natural, whole numbers that are greater than zero. Please note that symbols will not be used. As stated previously, SIMPLE, NATURAL, WHOLE NUMBERS will be used. EXACT format and style of presentation will depend on assessment of mastery of equivalent ratios that will be presented in classes preceding this lesson plan(as of today, yet in the future). Then the same proportion with one missing value will be introduced . This will serve as a gateway to the technique of using cross products to complete proportion with one missing value. Formalized steps that will be shown to the students will include:
1. How to find the cross products(learning to identify that (a, B) is one set of multiplicand and that (b, A) is another). 2. Setting up the equal cross products(a x B = b x A). 3. Identifying the coefficient that is adjacent to the missing value. 4. Dividing both sides of cross product by coefficient of the missing value(if b was the missing value, then b = (b x A) / A = (a x B) / A). 5. Solve for b. 6. Verify that the missing value that was found is the correct answer through proving that two cross product are equivalent. Please note again that variable name and algebra for most part will not be used. Exact number and format will depend on state of mastery at the time, which will depend on assessment that will be done in prior classes.

At this time, per discussion with mentor teacher, its being determined that firm grasp of concept of equivalent ratios will be critical.

ESSENTIAL IDEAS - Learning to replace missing value in a proportion by a lower case letter such as b, c, d, n, p, t, x, etc. Current expectation is that initially, simple place holder notation will be used, followed by ? mark, and then eventually by a variable name(6th grade worksheet and textbook uses variable symbol like n, p, etc.). - How to check if 2 ratios (fractions) are equivalent through checking the equality of cross product (equivalent ratios are proportional with the resulting property that cross product are equivalent). - In an equation involving equivalent ratios of the form a / A = b / B, show that independent of the location of the missing value( a, A, b, or B is the missing value), they all reduce to same form of cross product: (a x B = b x A). - Learn to identify the proper coefficient next to missing value. Again, the term coefficient will not be used during communication with the 6th grade students. Its being used here to facilitate communication regarding design and structure of lesson plan for pedagogic purpose only. - Learning to divide both sides of the cross product with the coefficient adjacent to missing value.

Critical Thinking and Extension Questions (Differentiation and Academically Challenging Environment) Proportion will explained using what was already covered: equivalent ratios. This will depend on immediately preceding lesson and assessment during that class. What is ratio? What is proportion? Express it in your own words. During warm up, students will write and verbally describe it in their own words. How do you tell if two ratios are equivalent? If cross products are equivalent. Equivalency of cross product will be used to demonstrate the case when two ratios are the same. This will also function as an introduction to setting up of proportion. How do you setup a proportion? How do you solve a proportion with one missing value? Formula approach will be used. How do you confirm that the missing value that you found is the correct solution? Equivalency of cross product will be used(same technique as used during the introduction).


Providing Rigor Differentiation

Supporting Student Learning (Scaffolding and Accelerating Learning for Different Ability Levels)
Demonstrate high learning expectations for all students commensurate with their developmental needs. This will be done through classroom management that will involve praise, encouragement, and personal assessment and teaching as the teacher moves around the classroom. Problem Solving Develops critical and creative thinking by providing activities at the appropriate level of challenge for students Grouping Use flexible grouping strategies to encourage appropriate peer interaction and accommodate learning

needs/goals. This will be done via group activities which involves problem solving and class presentation. Group incentive will be structured so that members of group responsible for problem solution will not known beforehand and material reward will depend on overall group performance instead of individual competence. Guiding Questions Provide remediation, enrichment, and acceleration to further student understanding of material. Component 5: Have students use the new information (Guided Practice ) Problem #1-10 in Lesson 7-3 of classroom workbook Students will be placed in small groups of 2-3 students. Each group will have no more than one dominant individual. Diversity of ability will be used as one of many criteria in group formation. Using collaborative learning model, they will solve problems 1 through 10 in lesson 7-3 of classroom workbook(Georgia Homework and practice Workbook, Mathematics, Course 1 by Hold, Rinehart, and Winston).
Releasing students to do the work Helping students make sense of their learning

Expectation here is that students in each group will learn together as a group entity, teaching and learning from each other. Grouping Each group will have no more than 1 dominant individual. In order to motivate the group, different tiers of prizes will be awarded to each group that completes the drill . Emphasis will be placed on each group acting as a group entity, not as disparate individuals making up a group. A member from each group will share their responses as a class.


Guiding Questions for Discussion/Group Phase How did you setup the cross product of the proportion? What was the coefficient next to the missing value in the proportion? What is the missing value? And what the specific steps you took to find that particular missing value? How do you verify that the missing value that you found is correct? Component 6: Make sure they can do it (Closure, Assessment, Evaluation Strategies) Talk the Talk There will be a series of formative assessments(walking around the classroom, observing student behavior) during this time period. It will be followed by an exit ticket involving solving a basic proportion equation with one unknown and a short essay, detailing how they will use ratio and proportion in their future career. Finally, they will be assigned 10 homework problems involving ratio and proportion. Exit Ticket They will solve a basic proportion equation with one unknown (7 / 10 = ? / 50) and also, write a short essay, detailing what their future career aspiration is and how they will use proportion in their future career.


Component 6: Make sure they can do it (Closure, Rubric, Product etc.)

Assess student learners based on their ability to do the following as evidenced by note taking, small group participation in guided practice, the Exit Ticket and the homework assignment:

Warm-up: articulate the meaning of ratio and proportion in their own words. Guided note-taking: take notes during class while viewing YouTube video on proportion and during Promeathean whiteboard presentation on how to setup and solve proportion. In class drill: solve proportion problems from section 7-3 in 6th grade math workbook. Exit ticket: solve very basic proportion problem (7 / 10 = ? / 50) and also, write a short essay articulating their future career aspiration and how they will use proportion in their future career. Homework: they will solve 10 proportion problems in their textbook.

Component 6: Make sure they can do it (Closure, Summarizing Strategy)

Evaluate performance and reinforce/supplement training for those who fall below proficient in either a second day of instruction, small group instruction or one-on-one tutoring, as indicated.

Component 7: Have students practice at home (Independent Practice)

Homework Assignment on page 364 of textbook (Georgia Mathematics Course 1, Holt) by Rinehart and Wilson, do numbers 1-10.

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