Digital Unit Plan-Ratios and Proportional Relationships

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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Name: Zahra Izadashenas

Content Area: Math

Grade Level: 7th grade

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

6.RP.A 3 a& b; Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems
7.RP.A 1; 2 a, b, c, d: Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems
7.EE.B 3 : Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
Standards for Mathematical Practices (MP) 1, 3, 4, 5
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:

Students will be able to recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.
students will be able to compute the unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, including ratios of length,
areas, and other quantities measured in like or different units.
Students will be able to use proportional relationships to solve multi-step ratio problems in real-life
mathematical ratio situations using graphs and equations.

Unit Summary:

In this unit step by step students will understand the concept of proportional relationships, ratios, rates, unit rates and
unit prices with the review of math lessons practicing ratio language and use tables, tape diagrams, double number
line, equivalent fractions, equations, and graphs to solve ratios and proportional problems. Students will use ratio
reasoning and its language to recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities in tables, double
number lines, tape diagrams, equivalent ratios, graphs, diagrams, and equations. Also, they will compute unit rates
associated with ratios of fractions, including ratios of lengths, areas, and other quantities measured like or different
units. Finally, they will learn to analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve multi-step equations of ratio
problems in real-world mathematical problems.

Assessment Plan:

Students will take some pre-unit test
to assess the level of their knowledge
that they need for the unit. The
content of this test can be from their
previous years or previous lessons
which are related to this unit.

students will participate in many
different activities. These activities
include quizzes, exit tickets that they
take by the end of lessons, participate
in some fun game activities, or other
class activities.

Students will make an "End of Unit
Presentation" using technology with
their choice of the topic related to the
unit. They can use PowerPoint, Word,
Excel, or Web base tools such as Prezi
or use whatever they like. The
presentation needs to include tables,
tape diagrams, double number line,
equivalent ratios, equations and
graphs with some brief explanation.
There is also an "End of Unit Test" that
students need to take. This test is a
cumulative test contains all the areas
covered in the unit.

Lesson 1

Student Learning
By the end of this
lesson Students will
understand and
explain what it
means for data to
be proportional by
comparing and
contrasting the
tables, scenarios
and graphs of 2 data

Students explain,
in writing, and
verbal what it
means for data to
be proportional.
Students use
thumbs up/down to
identify if a
situation is
proportional or not.

Instructional Strategies:

Lesson Activities:
Students participate in "Who Eats More
M&M's" activity. In this activity one scenario
is proportional and one is not. Students will
record a t-chart (ratio table) and graph for
each and then compare and contrast to
understand which one is proportional and
which one is not (by looking at the scenario,
the table, the y-intercept and the graph).
Students will listen to the teacher lecture
about which graph is proportional . Students
use thumbs up/down to identify if a situation
is proportional or not. Once they understand
and write summary statements about
what it means for data to be proportional,
given scenarios, tables and graphs, they
decide if the data is proportional.
Class discussion is their lesson Closure.
Finally, they will get the "Proportional"
graphic organizer for the assignment to

summarize what they learned in the lesson

with examples.
Lesson 2
Student Learning

By the end of this

lesson Students will
be able to
understand 1)why
rate is part of ratio
family, 2) use ratio
tables to calculate
the value of 1 of
something; 3) they
study the original
and unit rates to
describe a pattern
and method to
calculate unit rate.

Acceptable Evidence:

Instructional Strategies:

Lesson Activities:

Acceptable Evidence:

Instructional Strategies:

Lesson Activities:

Students correctly
calculate and
compare unit rates
and correctly explain
their method.

Students watch a short video clip about " Unit

Rate Problems". Then, they will participate in
"Understanding Unit Rate" activity complete
missing components in ratio tables to
calculate different unit rates and explain
methods to calculate unit rate.

Lesson 3
Student Learning

Students will learn

how to find the unit
rate using graphs
for price and speed
for different

Unit Resources:

Students solve unit

rate problems.

Students watch a short video about finding

unit rate in different situations using graphs,
then they participate in class activity (Protein
Drink) taking notes. Then they solve unit rate
problem sheets. As their assignment, they
are given a sample from the video that they
watched in the class to make a graphic
organizer for the part that they need to find
the unit rate for speed. They are given a
sample for the unit rate for price. They take
an exit ticket at the end.

Anaheim Union High School Districts Mathematics Notes (auhsdmath)

Math and Teaching Students Packets (used in Capistrano Unified District);,,,,

Useful Websites:

Math Snacks (Enjoy these five fun Math Snacks videos while learning about number line, ratio, rate and proportion.)
Ratio Stadium (Express ratios in fraction form. Look for the matching ratio. Power up your motorcycle and win first place!)
Ratio Martian (What exactly is a ratio? Would you recognize one that happened to pass you by? Practice identifying ratios in this
sci-fi math game!)
Ratio Blaster (There's more than one way to name a ratio. Can you save the planet from almost certain doom?)
Unit Rate (Enjoy these five fun Math Snacks videos while learning about number line, ratio, rate and proportion.)
Scale Recipes (Use scales in cooking!)
Khan Academy (Series of Khan Academy sites teaching "Ratios and Proportional Relationships")
Math Games Solving Proportions (Find out how to solve proportional relationship problems!)
IXL Graph-Proportional-Relationships (Practice proportional relationships by graphing!)
Jeopardy-Proportional-Relationships (Play jeopardy and learn ratios and proportional relationships!)
Best Deal (You learn how find the best deals at stores when you go shopping!)
Watch Know Learn (There are many videos that you can learn and play games practicing Proportional Relationships.)

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