Machiavelli 1

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Niccolò Machiavelli

1. What is his full name?
2. Where is he from?
3. In what time period does he live?
4. Were they from rich or poor family?
5. What is his main work?
1. Niccolò Machiavelli
2. Italy
3. Born May 3, 1469, Florence, Italy—Died June 21, 1527, Florence
4. Rich family but his father is poor.
5. The Prince(Il Principe)
Analysis & Opinion

By learning his basic information, in my opinion, I think that his work will be about how the leader
should act and behave in their position in order to control the society. I think that his work “The
Prince” will influence both the people and political leaders idea on how to govern the country.


Mansfield, H. (2018). Niccolò Machiavelli. Retrieved January 05, 2018, from

“ If you do not take an interest in the

affairs of your government, then you
are doomed to live under the rule of
fools ”
1. What do I already know about Plato?
2. What are some of Plato’s main ideas?
3. What are Plato’s political idea?

1. Greek philosopher, teacher
2. -Perfect unchanging world of form(the way he look at everything) --> if we die we will go to the world of form(perfect world).
-Believe in innate thought, should understand ideal form
-Utopia(ultimate goal)--> should lead by king, women vumm is animal that can cause illness.
-Reason is the way it give the truth. Should trust our reason
3. - There are 3 social level: Producer, Military and Ruler(Noble lie: Everyone makeup of metal which define what level you are in).
- Philosopher king or Queen(Prone from corruption is best for the world) → Philosopher or the one that born to be ruler need to
rule the country.
- Low view of democracy.
Analysis and Opinion:
I think that Plato have the idea of eliminate the knowledge from people as more knowledge we have, more problem will occur.
Moroer, I believe that he desire for a educated leader. Thus, they can use their knowledge to control the people. This idea is related to the
picture above as the prisoners that face the wall for their whole life refer to the people without knowledge. The light from outside is new
life for the prisoners. If one prisoner have a chance to go out of this cave, they will found the new world and if they go back to tell and
help their friends, no one will believe him. Similarly, this is the same with his idea as he believe that the world without corruption and
problem come from the people with less knowledge.

Reference: Learn in class


“ Educating the mind without

educating the heart is no
education at all”

1. What are some of Aristotle’s political idea?
2. What are the differences between Plato’s and Aristotle’s ideas?

1. Private Property: Aristotle believes in Individualism. People should not share property as it is the nature of people when sharing
things we will result in less attention in their responsibility(As they believe that someone else will work on that matter). He give
an example of the few servants that have their own duty with numerous servants that work on every type of work. This is similar
to the idea of owning the private property as the one that own it will use their property to develop things that will benefit them(If
there is no private property, then there is no stimulation for the people to work).
Middle Class: The middle class should be the ruler because the overly prosperous will exploit other. Even though, they can support
themselves while the lower class will have little to know education and try to find the way to reduce the property of the rich. For the
middle class, they have enough money to support education also they know how to value working hard.
Rich → Oligarchy & Poor → Majority Democracy

Political System: Political System is never perfect. However if the extreme is pursued, it would lead to something unnatural and
harmful such as selfishness and propaganda that will harm the society as a whole

Education: Education is needed for the state to survive which citizens ignorance on the principle of the society the government will
collapse. He believe that the political system should aim to fulfil people need while promoting the growth of virtue.

2. Private property: Plato believes that the happiness will occur when people are unified. People should share property together even
the ruler’s wives should be shared. Furthermore, people should view every children as their own.
Middle Class: People are made of metal which this define what class in the society people belong to.
Political system: Philosopher or the one that born to be ruler need to rule the country.
Analysis & Opinion:
After I learned about Aristotle, I believe that his idea in being not too extreme or too weak is the reason for creating a peaceful in the
society as it will not harm or not provide enough resource for the people.
After the study of the two significant philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, I notice that both of them have the opposite ideas of each other as
Aristotle believes in individualism and Plato believe in the world of form.

Four important lessons from Aristotle's The Politics. (2015). Retrieved January 12, 2018, from
Thommas Hobbes Jonh Locke

What are the differences between Hobbes’ and Locke’s ideas?


Thomas Hobbes John Locke

❏ Government Form: Absolute Monarchy ❏ Monarchy with severely limited power

❏ Human are selfish→ No government=warfare ❏ Social Contrary Theory: Contract between Monarch &
❏ Natural State: Man life was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, People need to be scruntinized.
and short. ❏ The king can be overthrown if he rule arbitrarily.
❏ Social Contract Theory: Not need to reign fairly ❏ Natural State: Good & Wise
❏ Government is necessary ❏ Human are socialise and tolerant. If left unmolested, then
they will work for better their own and community.
Analysis & Opinion:

I think that Hobbes’ idea means that, it is normal, when people live without ruler they will seek to empower themselves. Thus, the the
society will become chaos. For Locke, I believe that he is the Liberalists as he trusts in people’s liberty(People can overthrow the rulers, if
they reign arbitrarily). In my opinion, I usually agree with Locke idea because I believe that people should have their own freedom and
liberty. The ruler should not be the one that have ultimate power. Hence, if there are none restriction, the society will develop as it is
nature for people to work to better both themselves and the community .


Hobbes & Locke Worksheet

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Questions: 19/01/2018

1. Who is Rousseau?
2. What are his main ideas?
3. What is the state of nature like in his view?
4. What are his thoughts on society?
5. What impact did his ideas have on history?

1. 18 Century political philosopher and a novelist
2. Not agree on the progress of the society: Individual are all good but when exposed to society, they are plagued by vice and sin. When
people live in city, they will compare and imitate themselves to other(Stop to think what they want and felt). He believes that all
children are truly good(when born), so the parents need to raise them to avoid corruption. Therefore, the children will grow up to be a
better person(the society is one the influence people behaviour). He valued on human being and original state.
People have natural right: The government should not interfere the individuals and empower people with education.
3. State of Nature: If we look back to the past, when men and women live in forest, human tend to understand life, love family, respect
nature, and taste for music and simple entertainment.

4. Government Society, Civil Society: The government should stay out of the citizen interaction. He believes that the government
come(derive) from people, so he anti inherited Monarchy(Libertarian).

5. French Revolution→ Rousseau followers became terrorists, Representative government(Space for individual right & society), battle
cries on the street(gather crowd to overthrow the monarchy), Excuse to the abuse of French revolutionary→ Unstable government(Based
on individual→ high believe in individual but low believe in government), Slavery: Man in nature is amazing but the society is the one
that make them devalue.
Analysis & Opinion:

I think that his idea on individualism might lead to problem as people when exposed to freedom, they will be selfish and will not consider
about the society. I think that Rousseau idea of right and liberty is associate with Locke idea as they both believe that the government
should not interfere with citizens(The more the government interruption, the more harm of the individual right). Furthermore, I quite
agree with his idea that all children are innocent but how their behaviour develop will depend on the society and the environment around


The School of Life(2015, August 14). POLITICAL THEORY – Jean-Jacques Rousseau [Video File]. Retrieved from

World Library Foundation(2016, November 28). "The Social Contract" by Jean Jacques Rousseau [Video File]. Retrieved from
1. Who is Machiavelli?
2. What is a good leader like in Machiavelli’s point of view?
3. Why does he think it is impossible to be a good person and a good ruler at the same time?
4. What virtues does machiavelli believe that leaders should have? What are criminal virtues?

1. Late 15 Century Philosopher.
2. Not friendly → Dark, rich, know how to defend, bring honour to the state→ Effectiveness
3. The prince & The Discourses(Books)→ Impossible to be a good person and a good ruler at the same time. Know how to fight, Have
reputation and management(Balance)→ not too soft and easy to disobey but not too cruel so that the society will hate).
Love Or Fear→ Both possible but if need to choose→ fear(made people under control). Church teach that prince need to be nice.
Machiavelli said we cannot be christian. Being good and ruler does not work and it is a weakness. Nice people will not success in
politic at all.
4. Virtue: Wisdom, Strategy, Strength, Bravery, and Ruthlessness.
Criminal Virtue: Cruel in the name of the state but good as the leader→ Security of state, violent not repeat so often

Analysis & Opinion:

I think that if the authority be like what Machiavelli said, he/she might abuse power and oppress the citizens as he/she will do everything
to protect their position. Thus, I think that the state requires to have a power authority but there should have a rule to limit their power(the
same as Locke said that the state can have the Monarch but with limited of power.) I think that because he live in the state that unstable
and when the authority was overthrown, the state was in a unsteady state. So, this might lead him to have an idea of what the authority
might be to control the people.

The School of Life(2015, June 19). POLITICAL THEORY - Niccolò Machiavelli [Video File]. Retrieved from
Mansfield, H. Niccolò Machiavelli. Retrieved January 22, 2018, from
John Stuart Mill
1. Who is John Stuart Mill?
2. What is utilitarianism?
3. What is Deontology?

1. 19 Century British Philosopher
2. - Most moral action is one that provide greatest happiness for the greatest number
-Consequentialist→ Look at the outcome of the action(happiness of the large group of people) → Majority happiness for justify
(Ex: Soldier fight for the people to prevent further loss). Focus on the result, or consequences of the action and treat intention as
irrelevant. Every action need to consider for the happiness that will make for the result.
3. Deontology: Focus on the action whether it is right or wrong(Not Focus on consequence) → Opposed to utilitarianism. This means
that the situation will be good or bad, it depends on the action that bring it.

Analysis & Opinion:

I think that sometime we cannot only consider only about the result of the action. This is because it is quite risk to do something as we do
not know the result of the action whether it will cause a good or bad result. Furthermore, his idea state that moral action depend on the
greatest happiness of the greatest number. However, in my opinion, the moral action should provide happiness for everyone equally.
(Imagine that the minority do not receive what they should receive because of the result of the utilitarianism idea.)
Macat(2015, October 13). An Introduction to John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism - A Macat Politics Analysis [Video File]. Retrieved from

CrashCourse(2016, November 21). Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36 [Video File]. Retrieved from
Deontology. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2018, from
Herbert Spencer
1. Who is Herbert Spencer?
2. What were his ideas?
3. What is Social Darwinism?
4. How is it different than evolution?
5. What does Social Darwinism have in common with Darwin’s theories of evolution?
6. Where did Survival of the Fittest come from, and what does it mean?

1. 19th-century philosopher & social idealist
2. He focused on the idea of utilitarianism and justice(maximize the result & consider liberty for all people). The success cannot
treat the weak in the way that harm them even though they are fail.
3.Social Darwinism→ Apply from the law of evolution: Survival of the fittest → The strong will be success and the weak will be
fall. The fittest will be success and should rule over the weak as they are fit enough to do so. The success can treat the weak in the way
that injustice to them.

4. In evolution theory, Darwin wrote that it is the survival of the fit which means that the one who fit would be able to survive(This
idea occur naturally and there is no fittest among animals) → Biological process. However, in Social Darwinism, it is about the fittest
will be able to survive in the society→ this is because there are some biological mechanism that made them superior than the
other(Political process).

5. Both of the ideas suggested that the one that are strong will be able to live in the society(The strong in the society and the strong in
the environment will be able to survive).

6. The survival of the fittest came from the idea of evolution from Darwin. It means that the one that are strong in the society will be
success and the weaker need to be fall.
Analysis & Opinion:
I think that his idea is quite true in our society. When everyone are equal by, for example, having equal education. However, different
people have different ability which will make some of them greater than the other. Thus, the one that is dedicate and genius will success. I
also agree with him that even though you success in the society, you do not have right to oppress and abuse power to the other. I think
that his idea is similar to Darwin idea of evolution → “Survival of the fit & Survival of the fittest”

The worksheet in class
Crossman, A. (n.d.). Herbert Spencer's Contributions to Sociology. Retrieved January 26, 2018, from
1. Who is Montesquieu?
2. What are his political ideas?
3. How should the government be organized according to Montesquieu?

1. French Political Philosopher → Work: The Spirit of Laws

2. He noticed that there are three main sections in the society: The Monarchy, Aristocrats(Higher class), Commons. There are 2 types of
power that the Monarchy had: The Sovereign power(Highest power) & The Administrative power(office work) → Legislative(Created),
Executive(Enforced), Judicial Branches(Judged). However, he worry that the Monarch will have much power(even though, there is a
check and balance from the Aristocrat). Thus, he believed that the three powers should be separated, equal to each other, and able to
check and balance each other. This is what is now called “the separation of powers”.
*Check and Balance(System to make sure that the power doesn’t use to abuse by stop)
* The state that people are equal → Abolish Slavery
* He had an idea of three types of government: a Republic(Democracies or Aristocracies.), a Monarchy, and a despotism(No rule of law
→ Citizens: fear and are oppressed). He also believe that in all types of governments, people can corrupt for their own interest.

3. Legislative(Created), Executive(Enforced), Judicial Branches(Judged) need to be separate from each other and each branch need to
have equal power as the other. This is to prevent corruption and secure liberty.

Analysis & Opinion:

I think that the idea of separate power came from when the people live in nature there will always have people who will hold power
above the other. I think that his idea is similar to John Locke as both of them believe that the Monarch should be limited in power. This is
because if there is nothing to restrain them, they might abuse and oppress their citizens. I think that he would disagree with Machiavelli as
Machiavelli believe that to control the state and create peace in the society, the leader should have the most power. I think that his idea
affect the society by the authority of most country use his idea to rule the country(For example Thailand), so the power will be balanced
and it will prevent corruption and oppressive power.
Power Point slides in class
Shackleton, R. Montesquieu. Retrieved January 29, 2018, from

Baron de Montesquieu. (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2018, from

Niccolò Machiavelli Project
2/02/2018 & 12/02/2018
1. What is Machiavelli background information?
2. How about Machiavelli’s family?
3. What is Machievelli’s job?
4. What is the brief information of Machiavelli’s works.
5. What is the background information about the ruler in his time?

● Niccolò Machiavelli, (born May 3, 1469, Florence, Italy—died June 21, 1527, Florence), Italian Renaissance political philosopher
● Machiavelli’s father(Bernardo) was the poorest in the family
● Machievelli education and early life in Florence do not have much record
● Learn Latin & Greek and learn humanist education for the official chancery
● Age 29: Head of second chancery —> Republic’s foreign affairs in subject of territories
● At the second chancery, Machiavelli persuaded Soderini to reduce the employment of mercenary and create a militia (1505) which
this result in exile and torture as he against the Merdici Family
● In 1513, when Medici family came back to rule Florence, Machiavelli was jailed, tortured, and exile to San Casciano(South of
Florence) because he suspected for secret meeting. —> Wrote The Prince(His work published after his death) and Discourses on
Other Information:
● 1503: Wrote Del modo di trattare i sudditi della Val di Chiana ribellati
● Discourses on Livy(about ancient Roman historian): in this work he contrasts the errors of Florence with the wisdom of the
Romans and explain that to deal with rebellious peoples one must either benefit them or eliminate them.
● Early writing → “One should not offend a prince and later put faith in him.”
● He wrote the Prince for Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici
● During the time that Rome elected the pope, Machiavelli watch the decline of Cesare Borgia from Julius II
● During the time he was young, Florence was ruled by Mercidi’s Family, Lorenzo de Medici
● Machiavelli may have contact with Lorenzo's son, Giuliano
● Medici fell from power in 1494, as the French invade Italy and the leader was replaced by a Dominican priest, Girolamo
Savonarola. He govern the country by using a religious.
● In 1498, Girolamo Savonarola was hanged and burned in a public square which this referred to The Prince as an unarmed prophet
who must fail and Machiavelli became a secretary of the Second Chancery and secretary to the Council of Ten of War(The
committee that have a responsibility on diplomacy and warfare.)—>intellectual and energy attracted the attention from Florence
Politician. He worked in these 2 works for 14 years and had chances to observing the politicians such as King Louis XII of France
and Cesare Borgia(kill his brother because he usually need to get a title of Duke; however, this title pass on to his brother and also
he want to create his own state, The Borgia state) etc. The experiences that he gain during his work lead him to build up the theory
that he wrote in his book.
● After the rule of Girolamo Savonarola, in 1502, Soderini came to rule Florence. Machiavelli claim that he was good but weak
● In 1512, Soderini fail to rule and the Medici came back to govern Florence with the help of a Spanish army.
■ Machiavelli believed that the loss of power of Soderini was due to his own refusal to use violence against political
● After the rule of Medici family, Machiavelli was imprison and get exile. Thus, he use this time to wrote The Prince
Analysis & Opinion:
Before Machiavelli’s build up his idea, people belief in ethic. Thus, the leaders in their belief need to govern the state through morality.
However, Machiavelli changed the people belief on how leaders deal with politic as he is the first one who influence the people to belief
that the leader in reality need to be cruel in order to make peace in the society. Furthermore, I think that he do not agree with most of the
political leaders in that time as most of them believe in the Utopia idea(Morality is the best way to govern the state.). Additionally, from
what I have learned, I think that what Machiavelli had saw since he was young inspire him to build up his theory. When the ruler of
Florence was overthrow by the revolutionist, the way the ruler will be able to survive is to be good as the leader but cruel to protect the
FightMediocrity(2015, June 22). THE PRINCE BY NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI | ANIMATED BOOK REVIEW [Video File]. Retrieved from

Mansfield, H. Niccolò Machiavelli. Retrieved February 12, 2018, from

Mallett, M. E. Cesare Borgia, duke of Valentinois. Retrieved April 10, 2018, from

Piero di Tommaso Soderini (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2018, from
19/02/2018 & 20/02/2018
1. What is Machiavelli’s works?
2. What is Machiavelli’s idea?
3. How should a leader behave in Machiavelli’s idea?
4. Give example of Machiavelli’s idea from “The Prince”?

● Works: The Prince & Discourses on Livy

● The Prince is the most famous book for Machiavelli which this idea came from what he saw during the time of Borgia family
regime(The theory of Government)
● The Prince: GOOD RULER NOT NEED TO BE GOOD(For a Stable State, the leader no need to concern on justice, honest, and
kindness). They need to only concern on preventing their decline of power and state. This idea was opposed to what the people in
that time believe as they believe that the king is appointed by god and they need to be good(Honest, Justice, and follow the law).

● Ex: Caterina Sforza rebel against Cesare Borgia and Machiavelli advise that the prince should make peace with her first as if the
war go on it will damage the troops, citizens, and crops. After she trust you, then capture and put her in the cage. So you can
march her in front of the enemy. Then rape and kill her.

● His idea of Machiavellian influence the most in Renaissance period and lead him to be a Father of Modern Political Theory

● His work emphasize on how the politic actually work in the real world(What do politic actually do rather than what should it do)

● Encourage the prince on how to deal with the enemies.

● Allies in politic are not friend and encourage ruthlessness

Analysis & Opinion:
I think that Machiavelli believe that moral and religious rules cannot be used to govern the country as sometimes if the leader is to soft,
the people will not obey and this will cause chaos in the country. Therefore, to create peace in the society, the leader need to be cruel so
that the people will respect and obey. Moreover, if his idea adapt to use in other area like in Economic, I think that the owner of the
private business will need to oppress their workers. Thus, they will be able to control their labors and can implement their company to be
able to gain more profit.
Niccolo Machiavelli and “The Prince”. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2018, from

O’Rourke, J. (n.d.). Machiavelli's The Prince: Still Relevant after All These Years. Retrieved February 20, 2018, from

Scott, J. and Zaretsky, R. (n.d.).Why Machiavelli Still Matters. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from

Niccolò Machiavelli. Retrieved March 26, 2018, fromò-machiavelli-9392446

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