Lec # 2 - Aristolte
Lec # 2 - Aristolte
Lec # 2 - Aristolte
Greatest disciple of Plato.
Greatest critic of Plato.
Reformed Plato. – trying to addres the defect in thoughts of Plato.
Similarities of Plato and Aristotle:
Both belonged to Socratic tradition - criticize Sophist.
State is prior to man.
Believe in natural inequality.
Poverty equals Ignorance.
Lack in faith in masses.
State is the highest of all associations
State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the
sake of good life
Analysis of needs of man; State is natural institution and man as Political Animal.
One who can live without State is either Beast or God, he cannot be
a man
1. Remains Narrow.
2. Undesirable.
3. But, cannot discard him altogether.
4. Sensible Argument – Citizenship is a duty.
Theory of Slavery
Machievelli – Prince has to be: clever like Fox and brain like lion.
Justification of Slavery
Utility of Slavery:
Useful for Economic system – Physically strong can work for long duration.
State – Master has slave. Master can participate in state affairs.
Master – Opportunity for Master to enhance virtue.
Slave – cannot live their own and in the company of good master they wil have the
opportunity to develop some virtue.
Reforms by Aristotle
Theory of Constitution
Political Science begin and ends with State.
Salient Features:
Don’t make any difference between constitution, State and Gvernment.
Classification of Constitution:
On the basis of number of person’s ruling.
On the basis of purpose – Normal (In interest of people) and Corrupt (Self interest of
ruling class).
No. of Person’s Ruling Normal Corrupt
1 few many Monarchy / Philosopher Tyranny
Few Aristocracy Oligarchy
Many Politi (Middle Class) Democracy (Poor)