Lec # 2 - Aristolte

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Aristolte 384 – 322 BC

How to write an answer about philosopher?

1. Context / Concern of Thinker.
2. Time of Thinker/ Scope of Thinker.
3. Perspective of Thinker.
4. School of Thought.
5. Methodology of Thinker.
6. Key / Prominent Ideas.
7. Commentaries I Support I Against.
8. Evaluation of Political Theory.
9. Influence.
10. Summary.

Time Line of Aristotle

384 BC: Aristotle was born in Macedonia.

367 BC: Aristotle enrolls in the academy and became the student of Plato.
347 BC: Plato dies and Aristotle as passed over as head of academy.
347 BC: Aristotle marries Pythias.
345 BC: Aristotle began writing his book Politics. He finished the book until about 335
343 BC: Aristotle invited by King Phillip II. Went to Macedonia to tutor his son
Alexander the Great.
335 BC: Aristotle founded his own academy Lyceum.
323 BC: Aristotle is force to flee Athens.
322 BC: Aristotle passes away.

Greatest disciple of Plato.
Greatest critic of Plato.
Reformed Plato. – trying to addres the defect in thoughts of Plato.
Similarities of Plato and Aristotle:
Both belonged to Socratic tradition - criticize Sophist.
State is prior to man.
Believe in natural inequality.
Poverty equals Ignorance.
Lack in faith in masses.

Basic differences between Plato & Aristotle

Idealist Pragmatic
Perfectionist Moderation
Radical Conservative
Ultimate Knowledge Common Sense
Absolute Wisdom Practical Wisdom

Aristotle – Ruler need to be worldly wise rather that world of Ideas.

Aristotle Theory of Ideas/ Knowledge:

Aristotle – There is nothing outside this world.

Idea is not independent of matter. Idea is preset in matter itself.
To understand right and wrong, we require common sense (not social knowledge).
Plato – Father of political philosophy – He established that real world is the world of
ideas and philosophy is ultimate source of knowledge.
Aristotle – Father of Political Science – Practical approach – Importance to world of
matter along with the world of ideas.

Comparison with Plato:

1. Plato’s Republic is like an Encyclopedia – Why?
2. Multiple Subjects – Education, Ethics, Philosophy, Literature and Sociology.
3. Aristotle’s Politics – deals with core issues – 1st textbook in the discipline of
Political Science.
4. Plato theory is based on imagination – Aristotle theory based on observation of
real constitutions.
5. Aristotle Methedology is more scientific (Proto Science).

Aristotle Theory of State

1. Man is by nature a Political Animal.

2. State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the sake of good
3. State is the highest of all associations.
4. One who can live without State is either Beast or God, he cannot be a man.
5. State is the union of family and villages.

Man is by nature a Political Animal

Importance of state is high lightened.

Nature has not made man in such a way that he can live without State.
Challenges Sophist traditions that State is conventional (Artificial) and man prior
to state.
Analysis of needs of man – Not self-sufficient cannot fulfill biological needs.

1st Association Villages State


State is the highest of all associations

Only state is capable of fulfilling all the needs of man.

Family and villages are not self-suffeint.
State is self sufficient entity or institution.
Ultimate Institution – State (No institution of any significance is beyond State).
State deserves maximum obligation of man towards it.
State deserves the highest share in man’s obligation in his life.
Why State deserves maximum amount of respect?
State is preconditioned for good life.

State comes into existence for the sake of life and continues for the
sake of good life

Analysis of needs of man; State is natural institution and man as Political Animal.

One who can live without State is either Beast or God, he cannot be
a man

Super human qualities of Beast or God to be able to live without State.

Teleo-logical Argument (on the school of destiny)

Nature has determine a place for everyone.

Destiniy of man – to live under the state.
Man cannot avoid state because nature has made that way.

Critical Analysis : State is Natural or Necessary

Contested concept – remains a matter of debate.
Idealist: State is necessary and source of virtue.
Liberals: State is a necessary Evil.
Anarchist: State is unnecessary Evil.
Pakistan is a Soft state.
Criminalization of Politics – those who disobey gets respect.
Slow Judiciary
Culture and Feudalism
Muscle Power and Cast.
Matter of Debate.

Aristotle’s Theory of Citizenship

Fours Exceptions (beside general rule of excluding foreigners)
1. Slaves – Lack Reason.
2. Children – Lack Maturity.
3. Women – Within four walls of family.
4. Old People – Physical condition uncertain.

Eligibilty of Citizenship – Native born adult Male Greek having property.

Citizenship – 1. Birth 2. Blood
Citizenship is the duty towards the State.
Partipcipation in the affairs of State – Law making Judicial.

1. Remains Narrow.
2. Undesirable.
3. But, cannot discard him altogether.
4. Sensible Argument – Citizenship is a duty.
Theory of Slavery

Slavery is natural as well as desireable and useful institution.

Categories in Ancient Greece:

1. Natural Slaves by nature.
2. Slaves by Law – Prisoners of War.

Who are slaves by Nature

Nature has 2 types of person.
1. Slaves by nature – Physical Strong.
2. Masters by Nature – Qualities – Menatally Strong.
3. Aristotle wants to understand the message of nature.
a. Some can perform physical work for long duration.
b. Some can perform Mental work naturally.
Who are Masters
Man of reason and courage takes decision and have courage to standby the consequence
of the decisions.

Machievelli – Prince has to be: clever like Fox and brain like lion.

Justification of Slavery

Natural and useful

Aristotal’s Theory justifies
Benevoulent Despotism
White Man’s burden
Civilizing Mission.

Utility of Slavery:
Useful for Economic system – Physically strong can work for long duration.
State – Master has slave. Master can participate in state affairs.
Master – Opportunity for Master to enhance virtue.
Slave – cannot live their own and in the company of good master they wil have the
opportunity to develop some virtue.

Reforms by Aristotle

If slaves develop virtue – Master can set him free.

Master should take care of slaves properly.
Critical Evaluation – Slavery is natural.
Sympathy is not applicable everywhere.
May be natural but we don’t live in nature.
Survival of the fittest – Principle in Nature.
No need to apply it in society.
In contemporary times – no amount of utility can justify slavery.
Human dignity principle cannot be compromised.
Emanuel Kant – principle human dignity – Each man is end in itself, no one ought to treat
other as a means to an end.
Each person has its own intrinsic value. No one is ought to be treated as a means of utility
for others.

Theory of Constitution
Political Science begin and ends with State.
Salient Features:
Don’t make any difference between constitution, State and Gvernment.
Classification of Constitution:
On the basis of number of person’s ruling.
On the basis of purpose – Normal (In interest of people) and Corrupt (Self interest of
ruling class).
No. of Person’s Ruling Normal Corrupt
1 few many Monarchy / Philosopher Tyranny
Few Aristocracy Oligarchy
Many Politi (Middle Class) Democracy (Poor)

Politi (Rule of Law):

 Rule of many, but not so many – the rule of middle class (avoids extreme of 2
systems) – Middle class possesses reason.
 Politi is the golden mean of Oligarchy and democracy - It is situated between these
2 forms.
 Oligarchy – Rule of few rich.
 Democracy – Rule of Masses – Ignorant poor.
 Rule of Middle class is always better:
o Both rich and poor are susceptible to crimes.
o Rich commits crime out of arrogance, poor commit crime out of ignorance.
o Nobody will trust each other, either of the rule will not be stable.
o Both trust middle class – more stable, Example of Solon – lawgivers –
coming from middle class.

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