Learning Plan 4 1
Learning Plan 4 1
Learning Plan 4 1
Copyright © 2021 by PEPE SAN MIGUEL UMALI and the University of Nueva Caceres
Note that the course pack provided to you in any form, including this Study Guide, is
intended only for YOUR use in connection with the course that you are enrolled in.
SALE. Permission should be obtained from your instructor for any use other than for what it
is intended.
Study Guide 3 Moral Standards Versus Non-Moral Standards and Human Acts 8
Ex - Excellence Driven
C - Culturally- Rooted with Multi-Cultural Understanding
GRADUATES Creative and Critical Thinker
ATTRIBUTES Compleat Leader (Compleat means Accomplished, Masterful, Great)
E - Effective Communicator
Ethically and Socially Responsible
L - Life-Long Learner
Program College Course
Term, School 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021
Course Code 1008
Course Title Ethics
Course This course covers with principles of ethical behaviour in modern society at the
Description level of the person, society, and in interaction with the environment and other
shared resources. (CMO 20 s 2013)
The course discusses the context and principles of ethical behaviour in modern
society at the level of individual, society, and in interaction with the
environment and other shared resources. The course also teaches students to
make moral decisions by using dominant moral frameworks and by applying a
seven-step moral reasoning model to analyze and solve moral dilemmas.
The course is organized according to the three (3) main elements of the moral
experience; (a) agent, including context- cultural, communal, and
environmental; (b) the act; and (c) reason of framework (for the act).
Mode of Delivery
The mode of delivery of the course depends on your access to the Internet. If your access to the
Internet is not possible, you will be provided with a softbound copy of this module and you are
expected to answer all the learning activities and assessments in this module. However, if you have
an access to the Internet, you can access the lessons in the Learning Management System used by
the University through the UNC Blackboard. With this mode, you are expected to submit all the
learning activities and assessments online.
Because this is a module, you are expected to facilitate your own learning. A short
discussion on the concepts needed to understand the lesson is given. You may look for the
resources mentioned if the short discussion is not yet enough for you to grasp an understanding of
the lesson. Learning activities are provided to make you think critically and further deepen your
understanding. As with other modular approach, the modules are designed for self-paced learning.
A regular once a week synchronous session with you, mainly for consultations,
clarifications, and monitoring purposes will be conducted. This will be conducted via Zoom
following the schedule below:
Code Course Subject Unit Time Days Synchronous Asynchronous Room
1008 ETH KXa Ethics 3 11:00am M M M NB204
In a face-to-face mode of delivery, we meet during class hours at an assigned room. That has
changed in a remote set up. Instead of meeting every week at a pre-assigned time and place, a large
portion of your work will involve independent study tasks. This means you will need to pace
yourself, direct your own learning experience, be disciplined in managing your time, and target to
complete assignments on or before the due date.
Every week, I designed a Study Guide which provides details on how you should engage
with the core topic and whether this will be supported by a live meeting via Zoom. The lesson/topic
for each week is designed following the UNC outcome-based education delivery format. You must
view these study guides at the start of the week to give you clarity of what lies ahead and what is
expected of you during the week.
Range Numerical Grade Interpretation
99% - 100% 1.0 Excellent
Teaching & Learning Activities
Topics/ Expected
Week/Date Synchronou
POs & COs Asynchronous Output
Orientation of the course Reading of course Setting of Participated in
Week 0 guide expectations the discussion
via LMS
Week 1 CO1, CO2, Discussion on the Participation Answered the
CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 study guide in the guide/ reflective
History and Meaning of discussion questions
Philosophy and Ethics Discussion of
terminal project
Discussion of
Group them as
study/ research
Week 2 CO1, CO2, Contextualization Participation Answered the
CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 of the course with in the guide/ reflective
careers discussion questions
Concept of Good and Evil
of the course with
Nueva Caceres
Week 3 CO1,CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Principles, Participation Answered the
Moral Versus Non-Moral Standards, Laws, in the guide/ reflective
Standards and Human Acts trends, Issues, discussion questions
Debates related
to the course
Week 4 CO1, Team/Peer Participation Answered the
CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Learning Activity in the guide/ reflective
Voluntary Acts and Moral learning questions
Dilemma activity
Week 5 CO1,CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Presentation of Participation Presented and
Determinants of Morality Initial Terminal in the Approved Title
and Modifiers of Human Project presentation
Acts of terminal
Week 6 C01,CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Formative Participation Submitted the
Culture and Virtue Ethics Assessment in the guide/ reflective
discussion questions
Week 7 CO1, Participate in a Participation Attended the
CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Supplemental in the lecture/webinar
Natural law Principle and Lecture/ lecture/
Deontological Ethics Webinar webinar
Week 8 CO1,CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 SPREAD Reading Participation Read the
Natural law Principle and Materials in the SPREAD
Deontological Ethics discussion
Week 9 CO1,CO2,CO3,PO1,PO2,PO3 Presentation of Participation Submitted and
Distributive Justice Terminal in the presented the
Project/Output discussion terminal project
General Requirements
Each student is expected to perform in a number of positive ways so as to develop and/or
enhance both tangible and intangible competencies and appreciation. As a facilitator of learning
in these areas, the following expectations must also be met:
1. Thoroughly read and submit all course requirements by the due dates.
2. Communicate with the faculty via LMS, email or mobile phone number.
3. Conduct yourselves in a professional manner.
4. Check the LMS regularly.
Feedback Mechanism
For Flexi Kit users, feedback will be given/access via Facebook/UNC Blackboard/LMS.
Written Works: Accuracy and Attribution
All work submitted to the instructor for a grade in the class must be typed or word-
processed, following the format recommended by the APA (American Psychological Association)
citation guidelines (6th Edition). The faculty will adhere to all university policies regarding the
originality of work, examination protocols and behavior, and grading practices. Students are
expected to be familiar with them. Individual and group work submitted by students must be
original. Using other works not properly referenced, especially long passages, may result in a
grade reduction or other appropriate actions as required by the severity of the situation.
Accurate and complete referencing will avoid any and all problems in this regard. If you use a
reference from the Internet, the complete URL is required in your bibliography per APA citation
standards (6th Edition).
Keeping Second Copies of Your Work
Students should retain second copies of all material submitted to the faculty. All written
work submitted to the LMS must contain the student’s name.
Course and Faculty Evaluation by Students
Students will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate the course and the faculty, as
well as relevant materials and activities used in the course delivery. Student feedback is welcome
any time. The best avenue is LMS, email, faculty or AS Dean mobile phone number.
Prepared by:
Recommending Approval:
Learning Task 2
ANSWER: Activity # 1 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
WATCH: Ritter, Bernd [Feb. 12, 2015].Western Philosophy, Part I- Classical Education.
READ: Agapay, R. (2006). The Study of Ethics (pp. 1-6). Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.
Co, M., et al. (2009). Understanding Ethics (147—156). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterpises
Gualdo, R.(2005). Introduction: Why we should study Ethics? (pp.1-4). Cabanatuan City: Anahaw
In Class Activity:
Learning Task 3
ZOOM meeting #1 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Learning Task 4
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on basic concepts in Philosophy and Ethics
✓ (10 pts)
✓ Objective (True or False, Multiple choice)
✓ Online link to be sent.
Reflective Questions:
1. What made me a thinking being compared to other beings?
2. Why we are always inclined to love wisdom?
Agapay, R. (2006). The Study of Ethics (pp. 1-6). Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.
Co, M., et al. (2009). Understanding Ethics (147—156). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterpises
Gorospe, A., et al. (2004) Introductory notes in Ethics (pp.1-15). Manila: Ateneo de
Manila Press
Gualdo, R.(2005). Introduction: Why we should study Ethics? (pp.1-4). Cabanatuan
City: Anahaw Enterprises
________(2000). Ethics: Basic Concepts and Contemporary Moral Issues (pp. 3-15).
Harner, D. (2018). What is the Proper Content of a Course in Professional Ethics? (11-
22).Teaching Philosophy vol. 41, no.2
Matson, W. (1987) The Rise of Science and Philosophy (pp.3-60). Berkeley: Harcourt
BraceJovanovich, Publishers
Pasco, O. et. al. (2018). Ethics and Ethos (pp. 4-8). Quezon City. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Quito, E. (2008). Fundamentals of Ethics (pp.13-44). Manila: Manila De la Salle Press
Santiago, A. (2006). Introduction to Philosophy (pp. 6-11). Manila: Jollence Publishing
Santiago A. (2004) Becoming A Human Person (pp.23-35). Manila: Jollence Publishing
Stumpf, S.E. and Fieser, J. (2003). Socrates’ Predecessors: Philosophy and the Natural
Order (pp. 6-27). India: McGraw-Hill Companies
Umali, Pepe. (2006). Introductory Notes in Logic (pp. 1-4). Manila: Mind Shapers
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 2 in the UNC Blackboard or the printed Module on Ethics
Umali, Pepe (2020). Concept of Good and Evil, Ethics (pp. 11-15). Naga City: University of
Nueva Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 2 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity:
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #2 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on basic concepts of good and evil
✓ (10 pts)
Reflective Questions:
1. Why I consider myself naturally good?
2. Why I am inclined to do good?
Agapay, R. (2006). The Ends of the Human Acts (pp. 31-37). Manila: National
Bookstore, Inc.
Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics. (1952). Transl. by Ross, W.D.. Chicago: Britannica
Great Books Inc.
Borchet, D. and Stewart D. (1986). Actualizing Human Nature (pp.131-154). New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company
Gualdo, R. (2005). Man and His Ends (pp. 15-23). Cabanatuan City: Anahaw
Harner, D. (2018). What is the Proper Content of a Course in Professional Ethics?
(pp.12-27). Teaching Philosophy vol. 41
Ocampo, M. (2006). The Rationality of Man (pp.129-131). Manila, University of Santo
Peschke, K.(1994). Offences Against the Christian Faith (pp.56-58). Quezon City.
Divine Word Publications
Porter, B.. (2004). Judging the Value of Conduct: Ethics (pp.158-235}. New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hill
Rug. n (2015). Good and Evil. Retrieved from Rug.n/filosopfie/education/minor/good-and-
evil- introduction-to-ethics?lang=en
Santiago, A. (2004). Becoming A Human Person (pp.3-28). Manila: Jollence Publishing
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 3 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Moral versus Non-moral Standards and Human Acts, Ethics (pp. 15-19).
Naga City: University of Nueva Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 3 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #3 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on Moral versus non-moral standards and Acts of Man
✓ (10 pts)
Agapay, Ramon. (2006). The Human Acts (pp.11-17). Manila: National Bookstore, Inc.
Blosser, P. (1987). Moral and Nonmoral Values: A Problem in Scheler's Ethics. (pp.139-
143). Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/2107712?seq=1
Borchet, D. and Stewart, D..(1986). Exploring Ethics (pp.1-7). New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company
Castilla, G. (2019). Moral Versus Non-Moral Standards (pp. 18-23). Quezon City: LJ
Graphics and Literary Exponent
Gualdo, Rosendo S.. (2005). Human Acts (pp. 25-37). Cabanatuan City: Anahaw
Ocampo, M.. (2006). The Dignity of the Thinking Person (pp. 25-38). Manila: University
of Santo Tomas
The Focus of Ethics is Human Action. (2013). Retrieved www. insight.
The Morality of Human Acts. (n.d.). Retrieved docsity. Com/en/the-morality-of-human-
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 4 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Voluntary acts Moral Dilemma, Ethics (pp. 20-27). Naga City: University
of Nueva Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 4 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #4 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Presentation of Initial Terminal Project
Learning Task 5
Knowledge on voluntary acts and moral dilemma
✓ (10 pts)
Castilla, G. (2019). Moral Versus Non-Moral Standards (pp. 18-23). Quezon City: LJ Graphics
and Literary Exponent
Ethics Aristotle. (n.d.). Voluntary and Involuntary acts. Retrieved from
Kuscholrwork. Edu. (n.d.) Voluntary and involuntary acts. Retrieved from
Gualdo, R. (2005). Human Acts (pp. 25-37). Cabanatuan City: Anahaw Enterprises. 2005.
Moral Dilemmas (June 16, 2018). In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
Philo-Notes. (June 10, 2018). What are Moral Dilemmas? Retrieved from
Thomson, M. (2018). Ethics for Life: Making Sense of the Morals of Everyday. London: John
Murray Learning
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 5 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Determinants of Morality and Modifiers of Human Acts, Ethics (pp. 28-
34). Naga City: University of Nueva Caceres Press
WATCH Movie entitled “Jacob The Liar” of Robin Williams
In learning this unit you are required to watch the movie entitled “Jacob the Liar”.
Make a 2 pages refection paper about the movie that focuses on your moral stand about the movie
(at least one page).
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 5 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
WRITE: Reflection Paper in the Movie Jacob the Liar (2 pages, double spaced))
The following items are your guide to make an essay or reflection paper:
1. Identify the different moral issues (act itself) presented in the movie.
2. Identify and discuss the motives and the circumstances that justify the lie of Jacob in the movie.
In Class Activity
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #5 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on determinants of morality and modifiers of human acts
✓ (10 pts)
Agapay, R. (2006). Determinants of Morality (pp. 41-46). Manila: National Bookstore,
Coppens, C. (n.d.). Moral Philosophy. Retrieved from
De leon, K. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://www.com/doc/Modifiers-of-the-Human Act
Gualdo, R. (2005). Determinants of Morality (pp. 40-43). Cabanatuan City: Anahaw
Gula, R. (1981). What Are They Saying About Moral Norms (pp 12-32). New York:
Paulist Press Limayo, C. (n.d.) . Retrieved from
Jimdo. (n.d.) Determinants of Morality. Retrieved from
Ocampo, S. (2015 june, 29). Modifiers of Human Acts. Retrieved from
Panizo, A. (1964). Ethics or Moral Philosophy (pp. 4-18), UST Textbook Series. Manila:
Novel Publishing Researchpaper. (n.d.) Modifiers of Human Acts. Retrieved
from http://researchpaper- 2012/06/modifiers- of-human-acts.html
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 6 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Culture and Virtue Ethics, Ethics (pp. 35- 49). Naga City: University of Nueva
Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 6 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity:
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #6 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on determinants of morality and modifiers of human acts
✓ (10 pts)
Bulaong, O., et al. (2018). Natural Law (pp.46-54). Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Castilla, G. (2019). Virtue Ethics (pp. 167-179). Quezon City: LJ Graphics and Literary
Co, M., et al. (2009). Natural Law Ethics (pp.168-174). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterprises
Cole, N. (August 2, 2019). What is Culture. Retrieved from
Javier, J., et al.. (2002). Culture: Humankind’s Imprints to Civilization. Manila: Rex
Book Store
Journal of medical ethics (1987). Moral theories Aquinas's moral theory (pp.31-34).
Retrieved from https://jme.bmj.com/content/medethics/13/1/31.full.pdf
Journal of Religion. (1970). The Ethical Theory of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Interpretations
and Misinterpretations. Retrieved from https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/
Horn P. (2018). Foundations and Characteristics of Culture. University of Cape Town
South Africa. Retrieved from eol ss/ nef/ sample chapters/C04/E6-23-01-
01. Pdf
Lottick, K. (2007). Some Distinctions between Culture and Civilization as Displayed in
Sociological Literature (pp.240-250). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Palispis, E..(1996). The Study of Culture. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Pasco, O. et. al. (2018). The Natural Law: St. Thomas Aquinas (pp. 45-57). Quezon
City. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Feb. 3, 2017). Aquinas’ Moral, Political, and
Legal Philosophy. Retrieved from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aquinas-
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 7 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Natural Law Principle of St. Thomas and Deontological Ethics of
Kant, Ethics (pp. 51-58). Naga City: University of Nueva Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 7 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity:
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #7 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on Natural Law Principle and Deontological Ethics
✓ (10 pts)
Borchet, D. and Stewart D..(1986). Pursuing One’s Duty (pp.196-225). New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company
Bulaong, O., et al. (2018). Deontology (pp.66-72). Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Castilla, G. (2019). Virtue Ethics (pp. 167-179). Quezon City: LJ Graphics and Literary
(2019). Immanuel Kant and Right Theorists (pp. 181-190). Quezon City: LJ
Graphics and Literary Exponent
Co, M., et al. (2009). Natural Law Ethics (pp.168-174). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterprises
(2009). Deontological Kant (pp. 176-180). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterpises
Journal of Medical Ethics (1987). Moral theories Aquinas's moral theory (pp.31-34).
Retrieved from https://jme.bmj.com/content/medethics/13/1/31.full.pdf
Journal of religion. (1970). The Ethical Theory of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Interpretations
Pasco, O. et. al. (2018). Deontological Ethics: Immanuel Kant (pp.59-67). Quezon City.
C&E Publishing, Inc.
Seven Pillars Institute. (Jan. 29, 2013). Kantian Duty Based (Deontological) Ethics.
Retrieved from Kranak, J. (n.d.). Kantian Deontology. Retrieved from
https://press.rebus.community/intro-to-phil- ethics/chapter/kantian-deontology/
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Oct. 17, 2016). Deontological Ethics. Retrieved f
from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-deontological/
Study Guide 8: Utilitarian Ethics
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 8 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020). Utilitarian Ethics, Ethics (pp. 59-62). Naga City: University of Nueva
Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 8 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity:
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #8 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on Utilitarian Ethics
✓ (10 pts)
Borchet, D. and Stewart D..(1986). Maximizing Human Happiness (pp.179-194). New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company
Bulaong, O., et al. (2018). Utilitarianism (pp.29-35). Quezon City: Rex Book Store, Inc.
Castilla, G. (2019). Utilitarianism Ethics (pp. 198-209). Quezon City: LJ Graphics and Literary
Cavalier, R. (n.d.). Utilitarian Theories. Retrieved from
Co, M., et al. (2009). Pleasure (pp. 188—195). Manila: Libro Filipino Enterpises
Open text. (n.d.). Utilitarianism: The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number
Retrieved from https://opentextbc.ca/businessethicsopenstax/chapter/utilitarianism/
Pasco, O. et. al. (2018). Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill (pp.69-87). Quezon City. C&E Publishing,
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.( Sep 22, 2014). The History of Utilitarianism. Retrieved
from https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/utilitarianism-history/
Learning Task 2
READ: Module 9 in the UNC Blackboard
Umali, Pepe (2020).Distributive Justice of John Rawls, Ethics (pp. 63-66). Naga City:
University of Nueva Caceres Press
Learning Task 3
Answer Activity # 9 in the module in the UNC Blackboard Online
In Class Activity
Learning Task 4
ZOOM meeting #9 Class discussion
Let’s look for a good time to talk and discuss on date, using the following Zoom details
Time & Date:
Meeting ID: 955 3737 5960
Passcode: 632545
Learning Task 5
Recitation/ quiz/ seatwork/ group activity
Knowledge on Distributive Justice
✓ (10 pts)
Borchet, D. and Stewart D..(1986). Maximizing Human Happiness (pp.179-194). New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company
Buchaman, A. (1980). Fundamental of Rawlsian System of Justice, in John Rawls’ Theory of Social
Justice. (205-315) Ohio: Ohio University Press
Castilla, G. (2019). Distributive Justice (pp. 198-209). Quezon City: LJ Graphics and Literary
McCartney, S. (n.d.). Rawls’ Theory of Justice. Retrieved from
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Jan 9, 2017). John Rawls. Retrieved from
Recommending Approval: