Sabo - Prelim Examination
Sabo - Prelim Examination
Sabo - Prelim Examination
I Fill in the blanks with the correct answer which can be found inside the rectangle shown below.
Durability Cohesion Hardness
Aggregate Borrow Limestone
Initial Set Stiffness Corrosion
Fatigue Structural Safety Slag
Concrete Flexible Pavement Workability
Cement Strength Creep
Rigid Pavement Final Set Toughness
III OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS : Write the answer of the following questions briefly.
1. What are some criteria in selecting aggregate for bituminous concrete? (5 pts.)
Strength - it is the result of friction and interlocking between adjacent particles.
Failure to resist the shearing results in the particle being forced close together.
2. Discuss briefly the outlined flow chart on the processing of aggregates. (5 pts.
Excavation and Quarrying - This refers to the origin or source of the aggregates
where it is taken from.
Transportation - Using a damp track upon delivery of the raw materials to the
batching plant.
Crushing - Using the equipment for grinding and crushing the aggregates.
3. Explain the measurement of workability of fresh concrete which include the interpretation
of the value of (a) slump test, (b) compacting factor and (c ) vebe test. (12 pts.)
Workability - the most important term relating to fresh (plastic) concrete
4. Write your comments on the workability test in terms of advantages and disadvantages
of the three tests. in measuring workability.(8 pts.)
The slump test is the most suitable test for the measurement of medium to high
workabilities. The test has the advantage that the equipment is simple ,portable
and does not require an electricity supply.The compacting factor test is sensitive
to medium and low workabilities though its use is not included in the current DoE
design document Design of normal concrete mixes since ‘it Is not possible to
establish relationship between it and the slump or Vebe test, The compacting
factor test may nevertheless be useful as a control test for drier concretes and is
used in civil engineering applications.The Vebe test has the disadvantage of
requiring mains electricity,though it is very sensitive to changes in the water
content of dry mixes,this providing the main basis for its use It is important to
appreciate that all above tests are used to check the workability of the
concrete ,once mixed; and that,since design methods rarely give a very accurate
water batch.
5. A sample of concrete was divided into three and result from slump test, compacting factor
test, and vebe test was obtained. They were as folows :
slump test 12 mm, compacting factor ;0.37; vebe test : 17 sec
Compare the following results for the workability of concrete in terms of their category of
workability and give also the corresponding application of each result. (10 pts.)
Good Luck !