Osborn TOP (Power Brushes)

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TOP High Performance

Power Brushes.
Superior Range for
Demanding Applications.

High Performance

Intro OSBORN, Your competent partner. Page 3-5

Technical information Rules to be observed. Page 6-7

Fill materials The right material.

Page 8

Adapters and drive arbors For perfect mounting.

Page 9

Wheel brushes, knotted DISC CENTER®

Page 10-13

Wheel brushes, crimped RINGLOCK®, MONITOR®, MATIC®,


Page 14-19

Cup brushes, knotted CUP®

Page 20-21



Page 22-25


Page 26-29

Internal brushes Korfil-E®, SIBOT®, SITUFT®, HELITUF®

Honing tools

Page 30-35

Product specification Page 36-39

Our further product range Page 40-41

Index, numerical Page 42-43

Your competent partner for surface finishing tools - worldwide.

Organisations throughout the world trust in the quality and course paid to the supply of the number of distributors in the
efficiency of OSBORN products. In 12 locations worldwide we German-speaking area.
are manufacturing brushes and abrasives of high quality for International operating industrial partners always meet their
professional use in the industrial, trade and private sector. requirements with OSBORN products for surface treatment
In Germany OSBORN International GmbH is located in and support of their plants in their vicinity.
Burgwald. High-performance power brushes made in
Burgwald are sold all over the world. Special attention is of

OSBORN International GmbH OSBORN International AB

Ringstraße 10 (Sinjet Nässjo Borst)
35099 Burgwald - Germany Huskvarnavägen 105
Phone: ++49 (64 51) 5 88-0 S-56123 Huskvarna - Sweden
Fax: ++49 (64 51) 5 88-206 Phone: ++46 (36) 38 92 00
eMail: [email protected] Fax: ++46 (36) 14 43 49
eMail: [email protected]

OSBORN International Ltd.

Lower Church Street OSBORN International A/S
Chepstow, Monmouthshire NP16 5XT - UK Nr. Bjertvej 103-107
Phone: ++44 (12 91) 63 40 00 6000 Kolding - Denmark
Fax: ++44 (12 91) 63 40 98 Phone: ++45 (76) 32 76 32
eMail: [email protected] Fax: ++45 (76) 32 76 00
eMail: [email protected]

OSBORN International S.A.

Parc d’Activités Les Doucettes OSBORN International S.R.L.
23, Avenue des Morillons Bd. Bucovina F.N.
95140 Garges Lés Gonesse - France 725300 Gura Humorului - Romania
Phone: ++33 Phone: ++40 (230) 234 212
Fax: ++33 Fax: ++40 (230) 531 785
eMail: [email protected] eMail: [email protected]

OSBORN International, S.L. OSBORN International China

Calle Ciudad de Alcoy, 8 Rm. 505, Tower H, Huiyuan Int. Apartment
46988 P.I. Fuente del Jarro (Valencia) - Spain No. 8 Beichen East Road, Chaonyang District
Phone: ++34 961 325 876 Beijing 100101 - PR China
Fax: ++34 961 324 602 Phone: ++86 (10) 84 98 81 91
eMail: [email protected] Fax: ++86 (10) 64 99 18 63
eMail: [email protected]

OSBORN International Ltda.

Rua Lemos Torres, 150, Jardim Galiardi
09890-070 Sao Bernado do Campo - Brazil OSBORN International
Phone: ++55 (11) 43 91 65 59 5401 Hamilton Avenue
Fax: ++55 (11) 43 91 65 50 Cleveland, OH 44114-3997 - USA
eMail: [email protected] Phone: ++1 (800) 720 33 58
Fax: ++1 (216) 361-1913
eMail: [email protected]
OSBORN International Lda.
(Brushes International Portugal Lda.)
Beco das Lages N.56
4405-511 Canelas V.N. Gaia - Portugal OSBORN International
Phone: ++351 (2) 7 12 57 78 225 N. Freeport Drive
Fax: ++351 (2) 7 12 57 79 Nogales AZ 85621 - Mexico
eMail: [email protected] Phone: ++1 216 361-1900 ext 300
Fax: ++1 011 52 63 135266
eMail: [email protected]

Development. Testing. Production.
For products matching your requirements.

If you use OSBORN brushes or abrasives, you can be certain for the surface treatment all over the world.
to use a product perfectly matched to your application. All experience gained is immediately integrated into the pro-
Every new product, which OSBORN introduces into the mar- duction; thus the manufacturing procedures are continuously
ket, is tested in field trials for optimal functionality after the modified. By doing this we maintain the high quality standard
construction phase. Only in this way we can guarantee a per- and the permanent extension of our technological lead.
fect cooperation of machine and OSBORN brush. Customers
and end users benefit from the large experience and exchan-
ge of information of our technicians who develop solutions

OSBORN Quality.
Factor for efficient working.

Raw materials of high quality; experience of many years; sion by independent inspection institutes prove that OSBORN
highprecision manufacturing techniques; meticulous proces- products sustain the essential quality criteria.
sing and professional finish: These are the criteria providing The certification of all operational procedures as well as the
the constant high quality of OSBORN products. product quality DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 achieved by OSBORN
From blank to finished brush, quality assurance and control is is therefore self evident. Furthermore, all products corre-
firmly anchored in the OSBORN manufacturing processes. spond to the standards of the European Community (EN
Product and quality controlling measures are integrated in 1083-1, EN 1083-2) and the production processes are in accor-
every phase of production. The control of spot samples from dance with the regulations for prevention of accidents.
the running production as well as the regular quality supervi-

OSBORN Application.
Suitable products for every application of surface treatment.

A particular strength our customers appreciate all over the brushes into plant engineering processes. Engineering and
world: OSBORN offers products perfectly matched for each development, as well as the high product quality standard,
type of application meeting all requirements in regard of guarantee optimal performance in production processes.
functionality, safety and efficiency during operation. OSBORN
offers a wide range of brushes and abrasives that are develo-
ped and made for the specific needs of the user – from work
piece cleaning to complex tasks of surface treatment.
One of OSBORN’s core competences is the integration of

OSBORN Service.
Technology alone is not sufficient for us.

OSBORN customers benefit from the advantages of a strong, from providing quotations to invoicing. Availability, flexibility
international operating enterprise. and quick reaction to customer requirements are therefore a
The large product assortment is of course stocked appropria- real advantage for users of OSBORN quality products.
tely – rapid deliveries enable uninterrupted working proces- OSBORN’s sales engineers are at the customer’s disposal to
ses at the customer’s site. answer technical questions and to assist in the specific pro-
Through ultra-modern, computer controlled transport and duct selection.
storing systems OSBORN is in the position to deliver goods
ordered within 24 hours. Moreover, web-based purchasing
platforms and open EDP-systems facilitate the whole process

Technical information.
Rules to be observed.

Brush diameter and trim Work- and safety r.p.m. Operating Speed & Maximum
length of fill material during brushing Safe Free Speed (MSFS)

The brush diameter and length of fill To entirely fulfil the requirements of To guarantee your safety, please
material are the determining factors workplace safety the maximum safe- select the largest possible brush dia-
for the surface working result. ty r.p.m. indicated on the products meter that can be used on your dri-
A combination of smaller diameter must not be exceeded under any cir- ving device. Standard values for safe
brush body and greater length of fill cumstances. peripheral speeds are approx. 30-35
material results in soft and flexible The optimal work r.p.m. for the brus- m/sec for brushes with crimped
brushes which are ideally suitable for hing of work pieces is defined by wires, 18-22 m/sec for brushes with
the treatment of structured workpie- peripheral speed and brush diameter. synthetic filaments and plastic bon-
ces and for easy, gentle surface wor- The optimal r.p.m. during operation ded fill materials.
king. is therefore often appreciably less For further recommendations of opti-
A larger diameter of the brush body than the safety r.p.m. mal work speeds and driving power,
and smaller length of fill material please refer to the tables listed in this
result in more aggressive brushes catalogue or contact our technical
which can be used for deburring and service for assistance.
removal of Optimal positioning of the brush
tougher dirt. towards the work piece: The contact
For most efficient surface working, pressure of a brush is among other
please select the maximum brush things defined by the depth of inser-
diameter, which can be mounted on tion in the work piece. Our recom-
the respective driving device. The mendation is the 3-fold filament dia-
peripheral speed and consequently meter, e.g. 1.0 mm depth of insertion
the performance of the brush can be for 0.35 mm diameter of wire.
influenced by the brush diameter. We are pleased to answer your ques-
tions regarding the optimal positio-
Important: Portable machines must ning of the work piece towards the
only be used with brushes with maxi- brush centre.
mum 180 mm diameter!

Chart of brush and operating adjustments to obtain the desired results

Observed defects Suggested corrections
Brushing effect too little Increase surface speed by increasing a) brush diameter, b) RPM
Decrease trim length
Increase diameter of fill material (e.g. use .35 wire instead of .30 wire, or use Korfil-E grit 120 instead of grit 180)
Brushing effect too heavy Reduce surface speed by reducing a) brush diameter, b) RPM
Increase trim length
Decrease diameter of fill material (e.g. use .30 wire instead of .35 wire, or use Korfil-E grit 180 instead of grit 120)
Action of brush peens burr to Decrease trim length
adjacent surfaces Check position of brush and work piece
Finish too coarse and unequal Decrease trim length
Decrease diameter of fill material of Korfil-E grit size
Increase surface speed by increasing a) brush diameter, b) RPM
Finish too smooth and bright Increase trim length
Increase diameter of fill material of Korfil-E grit size
Reduce surface speed by reducing a) brush diameter, b) RPM

Fill material density Working- and clamping Assembly instructions
of the brush width of the brush

The fill material density depends on the The working width describes the con- Before mounting of the brush please
number of wire tips per surface unit. tact surface of the brush on the work consider the following:
High fill material densities are the basis piece. - The r.p.m. of your machine’s driving
for optimal cutting performance and The rotational speed of the brush shaft must not exceed the maximum
service life of the brushes as well as during operation may influence the safety r.p.m. of the brush!
perfect results, e.g. during deburring. indicated maximum working width. - The length of the drive shaft should
Low fill material densities increase the To measure the working width, please be dimensioned in a way, that an
flexibility of the brush and are the pre- press the fill material surface slightly absolutely firm seat of the spindle
requisite for the treatment of strongly together. nut is guaranteed.
profiled surfaces. The clamping width of the brush is - Brushes with clamping shank can be
If the brush diameter stays the same, measured between the clamping adap- mounted easily in customary drill
the fill material density can be influen- tors and normally differs from the wor- chucks.
ced by the measure of the body. king width. - The connecting threads of brushes
are fitted with adapted key faces for
easy mounting and dismounting.

Table of surface speeds in metres per sec.

General safety instructions
rpm Brush diameter in mm
20 40 50 80 100 125 150 180 200 250 300 350
We strongly recommend the wea-
800 3,35 4,19 5,23 6,28 7,53 8,37 10,47 12,56 14,75
900 2,35 3,77 4,71 5,88 7,06 8,48 9,41 11,77 14,12 16,47 ring of safety clothing and protecti-
1.150 3,01 4,81 6,01 7,52 9,02 10,83 12,03 15,04 18,04 21,04 ve goggles during brushing in
1.200 1,26 2,51 3,14 5,02 6,28 7,85 9,41 11,30 12,55 15,69 18,83 21,97
1.400 1,46 2,93 3,66 5,86 7,32 9,15 10,98 13,18 14,64 18,31 21,97 25,63 order to exclude possible injuries
1.500 1,57 3,14 3,92 6,28 7,85 9,81 11,77 14,13 15,69 19,61 23,54 27,46
1.800 1,88 3,77 4,71 7,54 9,41 11,77 14,12 16,95 18,83 23,54 28,24 32,95 through extraneous elements, dirt,
2.000 2,09 4,19 5,23 8,37 10,26 13,08 15,69 18,84 10,92 26,15 31,38 36,61 rust, and burr residuals. No per-
2.500 2,62 5,23 6,54 10,47 13,08 16,35 19,61 23,55 26,15 32,67 39,23 45,76
2.800 2,93 5,86 7,32 11,72 14,64 18,31 21,97 26,37 29,29 36,61 43,93 51,25 sons without protective clothing
3.000 3,14 6,28 7,85 12,56 15,69 19,62 23,54 28,26 31,38 39,23 47,07 54,92 should stand in the direct vicinity of
3.200 3,35 6,70 8,37 13,40 16,74 20,92 25,10 30,14 33,47 41,84 50,21 58,58
3.500 3,66 7,33 9,15 14,65 18,31 22,89 27,46 32,97 36,61 45,76 54,92 64,07 the work area of the brush.
4.000 4,19 8,37 10,46 16,75 20,92 26,16 31,38 37,68 41,84 52,33 62,76 73,22
4.500 4,70 9,42 11,77 18,84 23,54 29,43 35,30 42,40 47,07 58,84 70,61 82,43 In the interest of your own safety
5.000 5,23 10,47 13,08 20,93 26,15 32,70 39,23 47,10 52,33 65,38 78,50 and that of your co-workers, please
5.400 5,65 11,30 14,12 22,94 28,24 35,31 42,36 50,67 56,48 70,61 84,78
6.000 6,28 12,56 15,69 25,12 31,38 39,24 47,07 56,52 82,76 78,50 observe all instructions regarding
7.000 7,33 14,66 18,31 29,31 36,61 45,78 54,92 65,94 73,22 91,58 work safety, the recommended
8.000 8,37 16,75 20,92 33,94 41,48 52,32 62,76 75,36 83,73
9.000 9,42 18,84 23,54 37,68 47,07 58,86 70,61 84,78 94,20 work- and safety r.p.m.s of
10.000 10,47 20,93 26,17 41,86 52,33 65,40 78,50 94,20
12.500 13,08 26,17 32,71 52,33 65,42 81,75 98,13
OSBORN products as well as the
15.000 15,70 31,40 39,25 62,80 recommendations and operating
17.500 28,32 36,63 45,79 73,26 Table of surface speeds in metres per sec.
20.000 20,93 41,87 52,33 83,73 Which speed for which brush? Our technical sales department will advise you instructions of the manufacturers
22.500 23,55 47,10 58,88 94,20 Brush diameter (d) x π x speed (n) of the driving device you use.
Surface speed (v) =
25.000 26,17 52,33 65,42 104,66 1000 x 60

Fill materials
The right material.

For our high quality products we only use fill materials that
have been developed by us or which have been specifically
selected. Constant laboratory tests assure a high quality.
Regardless of the task to be performed, we have a compre-
hensive range of fill materials available. Our technical sales
department will be pleased to advise you on the ideal fill
material for your particular application.

Original OSBORN steel wire, crimped and knotted

- OSBORN developed, unique high performance steel wire
- guaranteed and consistently controlled quality
- great tensile strength
- high elongation
- long brush life
- economical profitable brush life

Original stainless OSBORN steel wire, crimped and knotted

- see above
- most commonly used alloy 1.4401
- other alloys are also available (1.4571 oder 302)
- This wire is used where residues from normal steel wire would affect surfaces such as stainless
steel, aluminium and other non-ferrous metals.

Plastic bonded steel wire

- with synthetic filling compound bonded crimped steel wire
- long brush life
- wire does not break

Korfil-E® (Si C)
- nylon filaments impregnated with silicon carbide
- uniform abrasive actions ensured by the filament construction
- high elasticity and flexibility without danger of breaking
- residues will not clog up the fill material
- low absorption rate makes the product suitable for both, wet and dry applications
- resistent to weak acids and alkaline solutions
- long brushlife ensured by: adequate RPM (22m/sec. tip speed; low contact pressure; low heat

Adapters and drive arbors

1-A / 3-A adapter [mm] 1-A / 3-A adapter [inch]

interchangeable metal adapters interchangeable metal adapters
Ø of arbor hole 1-A 3-A Ø of arbor hole A-1 A-3
mm Item No. Item No. inch Item No. Item No.
6 --- 0103-075 306 1/4” 0103-075 019 0103-075 046
10 0103-075 210 0103-075 310 3/8” 0103-075 020 0103-075 047
12 0103-075 212 0103-075 312 1/2” 0103-075 021 0103-075 048
13 0103-075 213 0103-075 313 5/8” 0103-075 022 0103-075 049
15 0103-075 215 0103-075 315 3/4” 0103-075 023 0103-075 050
16 0103-075 216 0103-075 316 7/8” 0103-075 024 0103-075 051
17 0103-075 217 --- 1” 0103-075 025 0103-075 052
1-A 3-A 20 0103-075 220 0103-075 320 1/8” 0103-075 026 ---
25 0103-075 225 0103-075 325 1 1/4” 0103-075 027 ---
For: 30 0103-075 230 --- 1 1/2” 0103-075 028 ---
Disc-Center® wheel brushes, Matic® wheel brushes, 32 0103-075 232 ---
Master-Wheel® wheel brushes, Plastic bonded wheel 35 0103-075 235 ---
brushes, Monitor®, Master Wheel®
40 0103-075 240 ---

4-M adapter
interchangeable metal adapters
Ø of arbor hole Ø of arbor hole
mm inch Item No. mm inch Item No.
12,7 1/2” 0003-075 064 28 1 1/8” 0003-075 069
15,9 5/8” 0003-075 065 31,8 1 1/4” 0003-075 070
19 3/4” 0003-075 066 38 1 1/2” 0003-075 071
For: 22,2 7/8” 0003-075 067 44,5 1 3/4” 0003-075 072
Disc-Center® wheel brushes over Ø 250, Uni-Master® 25,4 1” 0003-075 068 50,8 2” 0003-075 073
wheel brushes over Ø 250, Korfil-E Uni-Master® wheel
brushes over Ø 200

F - Fibre adapter

mm inch mm inch Item No.
9,53 3/8” 6,35 1/4” 0003-000 201
12,7 1/2” 6,35 1/4” 0003-000 211
12,7 1/2” 9,53 3/8” 0003-000 212
15,9 5/8” 6,35 1/4” 0003-000 221
15,9 5/8” 9,53 3/8” 0003-000 222
15,9 5/8” 12,7 1/2” 0003-000 223
Disc-Center® wheel brushes up to Ø 178, Monitor® wheel 22,2 7/8” 9,53 3/8” 0003-000 242
brushes Ø 100, Monitor® plastic bonded wheel brushes 22,2 7/8” 12,7 3/8” 0003-000 243
up to Ø 178, Korfil-E Uni-Master® wheel brushes up to Ø 22,2 7/8” 15,9 5/8” 0003-000 244
22,2 7/8” 19 3/4” 0003-000 245

Drive arbors

D B max. F
mm inch mm inch Item No.
9,53 3/8” 6 --- 11 9907-075 128
For: 12,7 1/2” 6 --- 11 9907-075 129
Ringlock® brushes, Ringlock® plastic 15,9 5/8” 6 --- 11 9907-075 130
bonded brushes, Korfil-E Ringlock®

The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, knotted

Wheel brushes, knotted
DISC CENTER® wheel brushes for single handed grinders and horizontal grinders

An aggressive model for use at high surface speed for descaling, deburring, removing rust and adhe-
sive residues and for preparing and cleaning welding seams.

DISC CENTER® wheel brushes

for single handed angle grinders and horizontal grinders
Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless OSBORN steel wire Adapter MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 0,30 0,35 0,50 0,35 0,50 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 75
75 8 17 13 1/2” --- --- 9906-026 001 9906-026 002 --- --- F 20.000 12
75 13 17 13 1/2” --- 9906-026 010 9906-026 011 9906-026 012 --- --- F 20.000 12
Ø 100
100 13 22 16 5/8” --- 9906-026 115 9906-026 116 9906-026 117 9906-026 218 --- F 18.000 12
100 13 22 22,2 7/8” --- 9906-026 280 --- 9906-026 281 --- --- F 18.000 12
100 10 20 --- --- M14x2 --- 9906-026 355 --- --- --- --- 18.000 12
100 10 20 --- --- M10x1,25 --- 9906-026 356 --- --- --- --- 18.000 12
100 10 20 --- --- 5/8”NC --- 9906-026 359 --- --- --- --- 18.000 12
100 6 20 --- --- M14x2 --- --- 9906-026 365 --- --- --- 18.000 12
100 6 20 --- --- M10x1,25 --- --- 9906-026 366 --- --- --- 18.000 12
100 6 20 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- 9906-026 369 --- --- --- 18.000 12
Ø 115
115 6 20 22,2 7/8” --- --- 0002-626 301 2906-026 501 --- 0002-626 650 --- 12 500 12
115 6 27 --- M14x2 --- 0002-626 305 0002-626 505 --- 0102-626 655 --- 12 500 12
115 6 27 --- 5/8”NC --- 0002-626 309 0002-626 509 --- 0002-626 659 --- 12 500 6
115 12 23 22,2 7/8” --- --- 0002-631 131 0002-631 151 0002-631 331 0002-631 351 --- 12 500 1
Ø 125
125 6 25 22,2 7/8” --- --- 0002-626 311 0002-626 251 --- 0002-626 651 --- 12 500 12
125 6 25 --- M14x2 --- 0002-626 315 0012-626 251 --- 0002-626 656 --- 12 500 1
125 6 25 --- 5/8”NC --- 0002-626 319 0802-626 251 --- 0002-626 660 --- 12 500 12
125 13 28 22,2 7/8” --- --- 6152-631 131 2202-631 151 2202-631 331 2202-631 351 --- 12 500 1
125 13 28 --- M14x2 --- 1402-631 131 1402-631 151 1402-631 331 1402-631 351 --- 12 500 1
125 12 23 --- 5/8”NC --- 0802-631 131 0802-631 151 0802-631 331 0802-631 351 --- 12 500 10

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, knotted
DISC CENTER® wheel brushes for angle grinders and stationary machines

Ideal for preparing and cleaning welding seams, deburring, removing rust, descaling and removing
adhesive residues.
For use on hand tools of up to 178 mm diameter.

DISC CENTER® wheel brushes

for angle grinders and stationary machines
Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless Adapter MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 0,30 0,35 0,50 0,63 OSBORN st. 0,40 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 150
150 6 38 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- 9906-026 501 --- --- F 12.000 12
150 25 38 22,2 7/8” --- 9906-026 246 9906-026 247 --- 9906-026 629 F 12.000 12
150 13 38 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- --- 9906-026 249 --- F 12.000 12
150 6 38 --- --- M14x2 --- --- 9906-026 500 --- --- --- 12.000 10
150 6 38 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- 9906-026 045 --- --- --- 12.000 10
150 25 38 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- --- 9906-026 047 --- --- 12.000 10
Ø 165
165 6 32 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- 9886-026 051 --- --- F 12.000 12
165 10 32 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- --- 9886-026 039 --- F 12.000 12
165 6 32 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- 9906-026 048 --- --- --- 12.000 10
165 10 32 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- --- 9906-026 039 --- --- 12.000 2
Ø 171
171 6 29 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- 9706-026 904 --- --- F 12.000 12
171 6 29 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- 9906-026 904 --- --- --- 12.000 10
Ø 178
178 6 38 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- 9906-026 051 --- --- F 12.000 12
178 13 44 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- --- 9906-026 551 --- F 12.000 12
178 6 38 --- M14x2 --- --- 9906-026 053 --- --- --- 12.000 10
178 6 38 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- 9906-026 052 --- --- --- 12.000 10
178 13 44 --- --- M14x2 --- --- --- 9906-026 552 --- --- 12.000 10
178 13 44 --- --- 5/8”NC --- --- --- 9906-026 553 --- --- 12.000 10

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, knotted
DISC CENTER® wheel brushes for stationary machines

Ideal for preparing and cleaning welding seams, deburring, removing rust, descaling, removing adhe-
sive residues, as well as for retreading tyres.
Where a wide face is required, several individual brushes can be assembled onto one shaft.

DISC CENTER® wheel brushes

for stationay machines
Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Adapter MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 0,30 0,35 0,50 0,63 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 200 highly aggressive
200 16 32 50,8 2” --- 9907-026 099 --- --- --- 1A 8.000 6
Ø 200
200 18 46 32 11/4” --- --- 9906-026 127 9906-026 245 9906-026 133 3A 8.000 12
Ø 250 highly aggressive
250 18 48 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-026 198 --- --- 4M 4.500 6
Ø 250
250 18 43 50,8 2” --- 9906-026 182 9906-026 183 9906-026 185 --- 4M 4.500 6
Ø 300
300 16 57 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-026 276 9906-026 279 1306-026 279 4M 3.600 2
300 18 57 50,8 2” --- 9906-026 171 9906-026 172 9906-026 236 --- 4M 3.600 2
Ø 380
380 20 67 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-026 166 9906-026 167 --- 4M 3.600 2

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, crimped

Wheel brushes, crimped
RINGLOCK® wheel brushes for high speed portable tools

Ideal for deburring, removing lacquer, derusting, descaling, cleaning. The small diameter allows
effective brushing in hard-to-reach areas, internal surfaces and grooves.
They can be used singly or in multiple, mounted on a drive arbor or directly on the portable tool.

RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, with arbor hole

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Arbor hole Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T B 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,35 0,13 0,20 0,26 0,35 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
32 6 7 10 3/8” 9907-011 009 9907-011 010 9907-011 011 --- --- --- --- --- 20.000 12
38 7 10 10 3/8” 9907-011 016 9907-011 017 9907-011 018 9907-011 019 9907-011 078 --- --- --- 20.000 12
50 8 13 13 1/2” 9907-011 031 9906-011 032 --- 9907-011 034 9907-011 086 --- 9907-011 088 --- 15.000 12
63 10 19 13 1/2” 9907-011 045 9907-011 046 --- 9907-011 048 --- --- --- --- 15.000 12
76 10 25 13 1/2” --- 9907-011 058 --- 9907-011 060 9907-011 094 9907-011 095 --- 9907-011 097 15.000 12
76 11 23 16 5/8” 9907-011 061 9907-011 062 --- 9907-011 063 --- --- --- --- 15.000 12

RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, with fixed shank

für hochtourige Antriebsmaschinen
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,35 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
32 10 7 6 9907-011 309 9907-011 310 9907-011 311 --- 20.000 10
38 12 10 6 9907-011 316 9907-011 317 9907-011 318 9907-011 319 20.000 10
50 14 13 6 9907-011 331 9906-011 332 --- 9907-011 334 15.000 10
63 16 19 6 --- 9907-011 346 --- 9907-011 348 15.000 10
76 18 23 6 9907-011 361 9907-011 362 --- 9907-011 363 15.000 10

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, crimped

Ideal for roughening, deburring, removing lacquer, descaling, depolishing and cleaning.
MONITOR® wheel brushes (narrow face width) are particularly suitable for jobs where the area to be
brushed is narrow, or the surface or edge not straight or flat. For wider surfaces the brushes can be
mounted in multiple.
MATIC® (medium face width) and MASTER-WHEEL® (wide face width) wheel brushes are best for
brushing parts with large surfaces.


Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless Adapter MSFS Stand.
D A T B G 0,15 0,20 0,30 0,35 OSBORN st. 0,26 RPM Verp.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 100
MONITOR 12 20 16 5/8” --- 9906-021 002 --- --- --- 9906-021 055 F 6.000 2
MATIC 16 20 32 11/4” --- 9906-022 191 9906-022 193 9906-022 195 --- --- 3A 6.000 1
Ø 125
MATIC 18 28 50,8 2” --- 9906-022 051 9906-022 052 9906-022 055 --- --- 1A 6.000 1
Ø 150
MONITOR 14 29 32 11/4” --- 9906-021 009 9906-021 013 9906-021 163 --- 9906-021 059 3A 6.000 6
MATIC 20 26 50,8 2” --- 9906-022 061 9906-022 062 9906-022 065 9906-022 066 --- 1A 6.000 1
Ø 178
MATIC 22 40 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-022 072 9906-022 075 --- --- 1A 6.000 1
MASTER-W. 32 40 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-022 032 --- --- --- 1A 6.000 1

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, crimped and wire stripping brushes

Ideal for roughening, deburring, removing lacquer, descaling, depolishing and cleaning.
UNI-MASTER® wheel brushes (wide face width) For wider surface the brushes can be mounted in
Wire stripping brush: These brushes require very little pressure to thoroughly remove all types
of insulation from electrical wire. Please note, that the wire stripping is accomplished by arran-
ging two brushes, as shown in the below sketch.


Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Adapter MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 0,15 0,20 0,30 0,35 0,50 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 200
MONITOR 18 38 50,8 2” --- 9906-021 183 9906-022 184 --- --- --- 1A 4.500 2
MATIC 22 37 50,8 2” --- 9906-022 081 9906-022 082 9906-022 085 9906-022 086 9906-022 088 1A 4.500 2
Ø 250
UNI-MASTER 26 60 50,8 2” --- 9906-013 007 9906-013 008 9906-013 009 9906-013 010 9906-013 011 4M 3.600 2
Ø 300
UNI-MASTER 28 60 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-013 020 9906-013 021 9906-013 022 9906-013 023 4M 3.000 2
Ø 380
UNI-MASTER 32 72 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-013 056 9906-013 057 9906-013 058 --- 4M 2.400 2

Wire stripping brush, plastic bonded

Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 0,20 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No.
Ø 35
35 20 9,5 6,4 1/4” --- 9907-011 679 3.500 2
Ø 38
38 24 9,5 9,5 3/8” --- 9907-011 682 3.500 2
38 48 9,5 9,5 3/8” --- 9907-011 685 3.500 2
Operating speeds (1750 to 3450 RPM) vary with type of insulation material.
Wire to be stripped: 60 mm and heavier
Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, crimped, plastic bonded
PB RINGLOCK® wheel brushes for high speed portable tools

Ideal for uniform blending of surfaces and surface junctures. For deburring, removing lacquer,
derusting, removing slag, descaling and cleaning. The small diameter allows effective brushing
in hard-to-reach areas, internal surfaces and grooves.
They can also be used singly or in multiple, mounted directly on the drive arbors.

PB RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, plastic bonded, with arbor hole

for high speed portable tool
Dimensions Arbor hole Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T B 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,35 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
38 6 10 10 3/8” --- 9907-011 623 9907-011 624 9907-011 625 20.000 12
50 7 13 13 1/2” 9907-011 631 9907-011 632 --- 9907-011 634 15.000 12
63 8 19 13 1/2” --- --- --- 9907-011 641 15.000 12
76 8 23 16 5/8” --- 9907-011 650 --- 9907-011 651 15.000 12

PB RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, plastic bonded, with fixed shank

for high speed portable tool
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,35 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
38 6 10 6 --- 9907-011 723 9907-011 724 9907-011 725 20.000 10
50 7 13 6 9907-011 731 9907-011 732 --- 9907-011 734 15.000 10
63 8 19 6 --- --- --- 9907-011 741 15.000 10
76 8 23 6 --- 9907-011 750 --- 9907-011 751 15.000 10

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, crimped, plastic bonded

Ideal for uniform blending of surfaces and surface junctures. The superb cutting quality and con-
trolled face width giving high efficiency. For deburring, removing lacquer, derusting, removing
slag, descaling and cleaning.
MONITOR® wheel brush: narrow face width
MASTER-WHEEL® wheel brush: wide face width

PB MONITOR®, PB MATIC®, TORNADO-PB® wheel brushes, plastic bonded

Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainl. Adapter MSFS Pack
D A T B G 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,35 0,50 O. st. 0,26 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 100
MONITOR 10 19 13-16 1/2-5/8” --- 9907-021 594 --- 9907-021 595 --- --- --- F 6.000 4
Ø 150
MONITOR 5 29 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- --- 0002-921 874 --- --- F 9.000 12
MONITOR 10 29 32 11/4” --- 9907-021 503 9907-021 504 9907-021 506 9907-021 508 --- 9907-021 528 3A 6.000 4
MASTER-W. 25 27 50,8 2” --- --- --- 9907-022 704 --- --- --- 1A 6.000 2
Ø 178
TORNADO-PB 5 41 22,2 7/8” --- --- --- --- 0002-921 875 --- --- F 8.000 12
TORNADO-PB 5 41 --- --- 5/8”
NC --- --- --- --- 0002-921 889 --- --- 8.000 10
TORNADO-PB 5 41 --- --- M14 --- --- --- --- 0002-921 876 --- --- 8.000 10

Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire Adapter MSFS Pack
D A T B G 0,20 0,26 0,30 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 200
MONITOR 10 38 32 11/4” --- --- 9907-021 512 --- 3A 4.500 4
MONITOR 10 47 32 11/4” --- 9907-021 509 --- --- 3A 4.500 4
MATIC 14 38 50,8 2” --- 9907-022 773 --- 9907-022 774 1A 4.500 2
Ø 250
MATIC 19 51 50,8 2” --- --- --- 9907-022 783 1A 3.600 2
Ø 300
MATIC 22 48 50,8 2” --- --- --- 9907-022 794 1A 3.000 2

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Cup brushes, knotted

Cup brushes, knotted
CUP® cup brushes for angle grinders

Sturdy safe construction. Suitable for most common makes of angle grinder and stationary
machine. Aggressive tools suited to heavy cleaning jobs and for brushing large surfaces.
They remove cinder, paint, rust, scale and other kinds of contamination to expose the metal and
create an excellent surface for painting and other coatings. Good brush balancing ensures easy

CUP® cup brushes, kotted

for angle grinders
Dimensions Thread Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D A T G 0,50 0,80 / *0,88 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm Item No. Item No.
Ø 90
90 32 65 M14x2 9906-033 125 --- 7.500 6
90 32 65 5/8”NC 9906-033 126 --- 7.500 6
Ø 150
150 45 70 M14x2 9906-033 016 *9906-033 022 6.000 1
150 45 70 5/8”NC --- 9906-033 021 6.000 1
Ø 150 (2 rows)
150 45 75 M14x2 9906-033 031 --- 6.000 1
150 45 75 5/8”NC 9906-033 030 --- 6.000 1

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

End brushes

End brushes, knotted
RUFTUF® end brushes for high speed portable tools

Ideal for roughening, deburring, removing lacquer, removing slag, descaling, depolishing and
cleaning. Also specially suitable for inside cleaning of cylindrical bores and internal surfaces.
The special features of these brushes are their particular flexibility and great cleaning efficiency.
Centrifugal force arising in use causes these brushes to expand in diameter.

Table showing the working diameter

Item No. Ø of body Wire size Ø in mm at a speed of RPM
mm mm 5.000 8.000 15.000
9906-030 302 / 9906-030 326 20 0,15 55 70 80
9906-030 304 / 9906-030 328 / 4506-030 328 20 0,26 55 70 75
9906-030 305 / 4506-030 305 / 9906-030 329 / 4506-030 329 20 0,35 25 50 70
9906-030 308 / 9906-030 332 23 0,15 70 80 90
9906-030 310 / 9906-030 334 23 0,26 40 65 75
9906-030 311 / 4506-030 311 / 9906-030 335 23 0,35 35 55 70
9906-030 312 23 0,50 30 50 65
9906-030 314 / 9906-030 338 30 0,15 70 80 90
9906-030 316 / 9906-030 340 30 0,26 55 70 85
9906-030 317 / 4506-030 317 / 9906-030 341 / 4506-030 341 30 0,35 50 70 80
9906-030 318 / 4506-030 318 30 0,50 40 55 70

RUFTUF® end brushes, knotted, with shank (with OSBORN logo and neutral)
for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D K L T 0,15 0,26 0,35 0,50 0,15 0,26 0,35 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
20 20 44 29 6 9906-030 302 9906-030 304 9906-030 305 --- 9906-030 326 9906-030 328 9906-030 329 22.000 12
20 neutral 20 44 29 6 --- --- 4506-030 305 --- --- 4506-030 328 4506-030 329 22.000 12
23 23 44 29 6 9906-030 308 9906-030 310 9906-030 311 9906-030 312 9906-030 332 9906-030 334 9906-030 335 20.000 12
23 neutral 23 44 29 6 --- --- 4506-030 311 --- --- --- --- 20.000 12
30 30 44 29 6 9906-030 314 9906-030 316 9906-030 317 9906-030 318 9906-030 338 9906-030 340 9906-030 341 20.000 12
30 neutral 30 44 29 6 --- --- 4506-030 317 4506-030 318 --- --- 4506-030 341 20.000 12

RUFTUF® end brushes, knotted, with shank (outfoamed or with rolled up housing)
for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D Knots K L T 0,35 0,50 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No.
20 outfoamed 6 20 44 29 6 0706-030 305 --- 20.000 12
20 outfoamed 4 20 44 29 6 6616-030 305 --- 20.000 250
These brushes will be stabilized by outfoaming
20 rolled up 6 20 44 15 6 8206-030 305 --- 20.000 120
and uprolling of the housing! This will reduce the
20 rolled up 4 20 44 30 6 8736-030 305 --- 20.000 12
working diameter and increases the aggressivity!
23 rolled up 8 20 44 30 6 --- 8106-030 312 20.000 12

Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

End brushes, crimped
End brushes for high speed portable tools

Ideal for roughening, deburring, removing lacquer, removing slag, descaling, depolishing and
cleaning. For removing burrs, rust, cinder, scale, paint, excess rubber, residues of combustion
and other heavy contamination in hard-to-reach areas and internal surfaces.

End brushes, crimped, with shank

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D K L T 0,15 0,26 0,50 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
16 16 44 25 6 9906-030 351 9906-030 353 --- 25.000 12
22 22 44 25 6 9906-030 357 9906-030 359 9906-030 361 20.000 12
29 29 44 25 6 9906-030 363 9906-030 365 9906-030 367 20.000 12

End brushes, plastic bonded, with shank

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D K L T 0,15 0,26 0,50 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
17 16 44 25 6 9907-030 700 9907-030 702 9907-030 704 15.000 12
24 22 44 25 6 9907-030 705 9907-030 707 9907-030 709 15.000 12
31 29 44 25 6 9907-030 710 9907-030 712 9907-030 714 15.000 12

FLEX® end brushes, plastic bonded, with shank

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D K L T 0,15 0,26 0,26 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
42 15 44 --- 6 9907-030 755 9907-030 756 9907-030 768 25.000 12
50 22 44 --- 6 9907-030 759 9907-030 760 --- 20.000 12

Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

End brushes
PILOT-BONDING und DRILL® end brushes for special applications

*Power drill bits are not supplied!

PILOT-BONDING®: Construction with extremely short fill material and centering pin. Particularly
suitable for cleaning rivet holes. Used in many different industrial applications such as in the air-
craft industry.
Drill® end brush: Special housing for installing and fastening to a drill bit. Drilling and simulta-
neously cleaning the surrounding hole surface! This tool is ideally used for treating vibration

PILOT-BONDING® end brushes

Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainless OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.
D L T d 0,10 0,10 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No.
13 57,15 10 2,38 1/4” 9907-030 145 9907-030 190 25.000 12
13 57,15 10 3,18 1/4” 9907-030 148 9907-030 193 25.000 12
13 57,15 10 3,97 1/4” 9907-030 151 9907-030 196 25.000 12
13 57,15 10 4,76 1/4” 9907-030 154 9907-030 199 25.000 12
13 57,15 10 6,35 1/4” 9907-030 157 --- 25.000 12

DRILL® end brushes Holder für DRILL® end brushes

Dimensions Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack. Ø for Pack.

D d T 0,65 RPM Qty. borer Qty.
mm mm mm Item No. mm Item No.
19 11 22 9907-030 235 3.500 12 10 9907-075 013 1
11 9907-075 015 1

Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!


Wheel brushes, Korfil-E®
RINGLOCK® wheel brushes for high speed portable tools

The small diameter renders the brush extremely useful for hard to reach areas, internal
surfaces and grooves, and shows excellent characteristics at work on non-ferrous metal
and synthetic.
RINGLOCK® wheel brushes with arbor hole can be used singly or in multiple; mounted on
the drive arbor.

RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, Korfil-E®, with arbor hole

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Arbor hole Grit MSFS Pack.
D A T B 120 180 320 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No.
38 10 6 13 1/2” 9906-011 146 9906-011 147 9906-011 148 20.000 12
50 10 11 16 5/8” 9906-011 149 9906-011 150 9906-011 151 15.000 12
63 13 17 16 5/8” 9906-011 153 9906-011 154 9906-011 155 15.000 12

RINGLOCK® wheel brushes, Korfil-E®, with fixed shank

for high speed portable tools
Dimensions Shank Grit MSFS Pack.
D A T 120 180 320 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
38 10 6 6 9906-011 446 9906-011 447 9906-011 448 20.000 10
50 10 11 6 9906-011 449 9906-011 450 9906-011 451 15.000 10
63 13 17 6 9906-011 453 9906-011 454 9906-011 455 15.000 10

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Wheel brushes, Korfil-E®
UNI-MASTER® wheel brushes

These flexible brushes adapt themselves to the workpiece and have excellent characteristics for
treating different materials. Extremely reliable in operation and economical. Brushes can be
mounted in multiple to build a wide face brush.
Recommended surface speed 22 m/sec.

UNI-MASTER® Wheel brushes

for stationary machines
Dimensions Arbor hole Thread Grit Adapter MSFS Pack.
D A T B G 80 120 180 320 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm inch Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No.
Ø 75
75 12 15 16 5/8” --- 9906-015 001 9906-015 002 9906-015 003 9906-015 004 F 20.000 6
Ø 100
100 13 20 16 5/8” --- 9906-015 025 9906-015 026 9906-015 027 9906-015 028 F 12.000 6
Ø 125
125 16 32 16 5/8” --- 9906-015 035 9906-015 036 9906-015 037 9906-015 038 F 12.000 6
Ø 150
150 17 32 22,2 7/8” --- 9906-015 079 9906-015 080 9906-015 081 9906-015 082 F 8.000 6
Ø 178
178 20 47 22,2 7/8” --- 9906-015 040 9906-015 041 9906-015 042 9906-015 043 F 8.000 2
Ø 200
200 18 35 50,8 2” --- 9906-015 050 9906-015 051 9906-015 052 9906-015 053 4M 6.000 2
Ø 250
250 18 35 50,8 2” --- 9906-015 056 9906-015 057 9906-015 058 9906-015 059 4M 3.000 2
250 18 60 50,8 2” --- 9946-015 056 9946-015 057 9946-015 058 9946-015 059 4M 3.000 2
Ø 300
300 18 35 50,8 2” --- 9906-015 062 9906-015 063 9906-015 064 9906-015 065 4M 2.400 2
300 18 60 50,8 2” --- 9966-015 062 9966-015 063 9966-015 064 9966-015 065 4M 3.000 2
Ø 350
350 19 55 50,8 2” --- --- 9906-015 069 9906-015 070 9906-015 071 4M 2.400 2

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

End brushes and KORFLEX® Flap wheel brushes, Korfil-E®

KORFIL-E® end brushes: Brushes for a perfect finishing process, omit-

ting dimesional changes of the surface.
KORFLEX® flap wheel brushes: High flexibility and high working
effect. The special construction prevents undesired accumulation of
heat during the application.

End brushes, Korfil-E®, with shank

Dimensions Shank Grit MSFS Pack.

D K L T 120 180 320 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
10 10 45 25 6 9906-030 488 9906-030 489 9906-030 490 8.000 12
15 15 45 25 6 9906-030 492 9906-030 493 9906-030 494 5.000 12
22 22 45 25 6 9906-030 496 9906-030 497 9906-030 498 5.000 12
28 28 45 25 6 9906-030 500 9906-030 501 9906-030 502 5.000 12

KORFLEX® flap wheel brushes, Korfil-E®, with shank

Dimensions Shank Grit MSFS Pack.

D A T 80 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No.
100 38 25 6 9907-028 010 4.500 1
125 38 38 6 9907-028 011 4.500 1
150 38 51 6 9907-028 012 4.500 1

Other threads, dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Internal brushes

Internal brushes, Korfil-E®
Cylindrical tube brushes

Galvanized double-stem with single spiral. Indispensable brushes for inside cleaning of
arbor holes and difficult finishing jobs on non-ferrous metal and hydraulic castings.
Suitable especially for deburring cross drillings, steering parts, O-rings and cylindrical
boreholes in many other workpieces. Adaptable for using as a hand tool or mounted in a
portable tool for outstanding cost-effctive performance.

Internal brushes, Korfil-E®

Cylindrical tube brushes
Dimensions Shank Grit Pack.
D A L 80 120 320 Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No.
6 50 125 3 --- 0003-056 306 0003-056 326 12
8 50 125 3 --- 0003-056 308 0003-056 328 12
10 50 125 4 0003-056 010 0003-056 310 0003-056 330 12
13 50 125 4 0002-056 011 0002-056 311 0002-056 331 12
16 50 125 5 0002-056 012 0002-056 312 0002-056 332 12
19 65 125 5 0002-056 013 0002-056 313 0002-056 333 12
22 65 125 5,5 0002-056 014 0002-056 314 0002-056 334 12
25 65 125 5,5 0002-056 015 0002-056 315 0002-056 335 12
32 65 125 6 0002-056 016 0002-056 316 0002-056 336 12
38 65 125 6 0002-056 017 0002-056 317 0002-056 337 12
50 65 125 6 0002-056 018 0002-056 318 0002-056 338 12

Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

SITUFT® internal brushes

The original OSBORN wire fastened in wing shape and double wire core. These brushes
are designed for pneumatic and electric tools. They can be operated safely at high speeds
and are especially suitable for cleaning drilled holes and hard-to-reach areas.
The right holders allow a simple and quick adaption to various power machines.

SITUFT® internal brushes Holder

* The overall sizes refer to the bore dameters!!!
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainl. O. st. Pack. Dimensions
D A L 0,08 0,13 0,20 0,13 Qty. D L
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. mm mm Item No.
6* 14 54 2,38 9907-035 021 9907-035 023 --- 9907-035 181 12 Suitable for shank-Ø 2,38 mm
8* 14 54 2,38 9907-035 031 9907-035 032 --- --- 12 6 85 9907-075 131
10* 14 54 2,38 9907-035 041 9907-035 042 9907-035 043 9907-035 189 12 Suitable for shank-Ø 3,18 mm
10 85 9907-075 132
11* 14 54 2,38 9907-035 051 9907-035 052 9907-035 053 --- 12
13* 14 54 2,38 9907-035 061 9907-035 062 9907-035 063 9907-035 197 12
14* 16 54 3,18 9907-035 081 9907-035 082 9907-035 083 --- 12 Contains one each of the following brushes and holders!
16* 16 54 3,18 9907-035 086 9907-035 087 9907-035 088 9907-035 205 12 Dimensions
18* 16 54 3,18 --- 9907-035 092 9907-035 093 --- 12 D Orig. OSBORN
19* 16 54 3,18 9907-035 096 9907-035 097 9907-035 098 9907-035 213 12 mm steel wire Item No.
21* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 102 --- --- 12 Complete 9907-035 000
6* 0,08 9907-035 021
22* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 107 --- 9907-035 221 12 6* 0,13 9907-035 023
25* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 117 9907-035 118 9907-035 229 12 8* 0,08 9907-035 031
27* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 122 9907-035 123 --- 12 8* 0,13 9907-035 032
29* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 127 9907-035 128 --- 12 10* 0,13 9907-035 042
11* 0,13 9907-035 052
30* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 132 9907-035 133 --- 12
13* 0,13 9907-035 062
32* 16 57 3,18 --- 9907-035 137 9907-035 138 9907-035 245 12 14* 0,20 9907-035 083
16* 0,13 9907-035 087
19* 0,20 9907-035 098
25* 0,20 9907-035 118
32* 0,20 9907-035 138
Holder 9907-075 131
9907-075 132
Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

HELITUF® internal brushes

Helically fastened original OSBORN wire with double wire core.

These brushes are heavily filled and rugged brushing tools that can be used by hand, or
with power tools. They are excellent for cleaning out tapped holes and will effectively
brush the edges of a longitudinal recess such as a keyway.
Holders can be used individually or connected together to form a 225 mm long brush
(brush included).

HELITUF® internal brushes Holder

* The overall sizes refer to the bore dameters!!!
Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Orig. stainl. OSBORN steel wire Pack. Dimensions
D A L 0,13 0,20 0,13 0,20 Qty. D L
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No. Item No. Item No. mm mm Item No.
6* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 012 --- 9907-036 139 --- 12 Externally threaded, tapered hole
8* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 017 --- --- --- 12 5 90 9907-075 126
10* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 022 9907-036 023 9907-036 147 9907-036 148 12 Internally threaded, tapered hole
11* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 027 --- 9907-036 151 --- 12 6 90 9907-075 127
13* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 032 9907-036 033 9907-036 155 9907-036 156 12
14* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 037 --- --- --- 12 Contains one each of the following brushes and holders!
16* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 042 9907-036 043 9907-036 163 9907-036 164 12 Dimensions
18* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 047 --- --- --- 12 D Orig. OSBORN
19* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 052 9907-036 053 9907-036 171 9907-036 172 12 mm steel wire Item No.
21* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 057 --- --- --- 12 Complete 9907-036 000
10* 0,13 9907-036 022
22* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 062 9907-036 063 9907-036 179 --- 12 11* 0,13 9907-036 027
24* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 067 --- --- --- 12 13* 0,20 9907-036 033
25* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 072 9907-036 073 9907-036 187 9907-036 188 12 14* 0,13 9907-036 037
29* 25 89 3,18 9907-036 082 --- --- --- 12 16* 0,20 9907-036 043
18* 0,13 9907-036 047
32* 25 89 3,18 --- 9907-036 093 --- 9907-036 204 12
19* 0,20 9907-036 053
21* 0,13 9907-036 057
22* 0,20 9907-036 063
24* 0,13 9907-036 067
25* 0,20 9907-036 073
29* 0,13 9907-036 082
Holder 9907-075 126
9907-075 127
Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

SIBOT® internal brushes and tube brushes, plastic bonded

Tube brushes, plastic bonded: Galvanized, double-stem. Ideal for removing heavy burrs from
boreholes, cleaning internal surfaces and removing excess rubber from vibrating mounts.
SIBOT® internal brushes: Square trimmed, with shank. In a single operation they brush the sides
and bottoms of cylindrical holes. For removing fine burrs from cross-drilled holes.

Tube brushes, plastic bonded

Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire Pack.

D A L 0,15 0,26 Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No. Item No.
13 50 125 5 9907-051 110 --- 12
16 50 125 5 --- 9907-051 111 12
19 63 125 6 --- 9907-051 112 12
22 63 125 6 --- 9907-051 113 12
25,4 63 125 6 --- 9907-051 114 12

SIBOT® internal brushes

Dimensions Shank Orig. OSBORN steel wire MSFS Pack.

D T L 0,15 RPM Qty.
mm mm mm mm Item No.
25,4 10 83 6,35 9907-011 190 4.500 12
31,8 13 86 6,35 9907-011 198 4.500 12
38,1 14 86 6,35 9907-011 202 4.500 12

Other dimensions and wire sizes on request! The standard stocked items are printed in bold type!

Honing tools

The continuously growing demand of industrial production

to the quality of all components and very tight process toler-
ances require inevitably the increasing application of the
honing procedure beyond the traditional brush applications.

- very easy and quick method to treat bores in all materials
- a cost-efficient alternative to internal grinding
- guaranteed bore geometry with pinpoint accuracy (<0.05
µm Ra)
- every surface requested can be achieved (<0.02µm Ra)
- high material removal at low tool costs

We optimize the placement of lag-honing tools with honing

lags for the treatment of most diverse materials, e.g. NiKaSil,
hard chrome, aluminium, various oxide layers, free-cutting
steel, tool steel, quenched and tempered steel, grey cast iron
and others.

The applications primarily extend over the entire the metal-

working industry, with focus on the automobile, vehicle con-
struction, toolmaking, machine tool building, hydraulic and
pneumatic industry as well as the aeronautical industry.
Additionally a diversified range of applications has emerged
in the production of compressors and electric motors.

Product specification Wheel brush

Issued (name / date):

Customer / reference OSBORN International GmbH

Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-0
Fax: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-206
eMail: [email protected]

Rundb Dx (DE), Wheel Dx (EN), Circ Dx (FR), Circ Dx (ES)
Required quantity pcs.
Material number

Outside diameter (D) mm
Tubing interior diameter (R) mm
Trimming height/ -lengthens (T) mm
Working width (A) mm
Arbor hole (B)/ shank (S)/ thread (G) mm
Keyway (Yes/ No) mm
Clamping width (EB) mm
Core width (KB) mm


Fill materials Notes

Original OSBORN steel wire (sketches/ remarks/ etc.)
Stainless steel wire
Plastic bonded steel wire
Korfil-E (SIC)
Wire size/ grit size mm Grit

Operating conditions
RPM n max MSFS
Kind of drive unit
Kind of workpiece
Auxiliary media/ working conditions
(water/ oil/ acids/ liquor)

(special packing/ special marking/ etc.)
Product specification Cup brush

Issued (name / date):

Customer / reference OSBORN International GmbH

Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-0
Fax: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-206
eMail: [email protected]

Required quantity pcs.
Material number

Outside diameter (D) mm
Trimming height/ -lengthens (T) mm
Arbor hole (B)/ shank (S)/ thread (G) mm
Keyway (Yes/ No) mm


Fill materials
Original OSBORN steel wire
Stainless steel wire
Plastic bonded steel wire
Korfil-E (SIC) Notes
Others (sketches/ remarks/ etc.)
Wire size/ grit size mm Grit

Operating conditions
RPM n max MSFS
Kind of drive unit
Kind of workpiece
Auxiliary media/ working conditions
(water/ oil/ acids/ liquor)

(special packing/ special marking/ etc.)
Product specification Internal brush

Issued (name / date):

Customer / reference OSBORN International GmbH

Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-0
Fax: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-206
eMail: [email protected]

Required quantity pcs.
Material number

Diameter (D) mm
Total lenght (L) mm
Trim length (A) mm

Single spiral Double spiral
Twist wire: galvanized Twist wire: stainless
Shank Handle Eye Thread
Handle: wood Handle: plastic

Fill materials
Original OSBORN steel wire Notes
Stainless steel wire (sketches/ remarks/ etc.)
Plastic bonded steel wire
Korfil-E (SIC)
Wire size/ grit size mm Grit

Operating conditions
RPM n max MSFS
Kind of drive unit
Kind of workpiece
Auxiliary media/ working conditions
(water/ oil/ acids/ liquor)

(special packing/ special marking/ etc.)
Product specification End brush

Issued (name / date):

Customer / reference OSBORN International GmbH

Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-0
Fax: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-206
eMail: [email protected]

Required quantity pcs.
Material number

Outside diameter (D) mm
Trimming height/ -lengthens (T) mm
Arbor hole (B)/ shank (S)/ thread (G) mm
Keyway (Yes/ No) mm


Fill materials
Original OSBORN steel wire
Stainless steel wire
Plastic bonded steel wire
Korfil-E (SIC) Notes
Others (sketches/ remarks/ etc.)
Wire size/ grit size mm Grit

Operating conditions
RPM n max MSFS
Kind of drive unit
Kind of workpiece
Auxiliary media/ working conditions
(water/ oil/ acids/ liquor)

(special packing/ special marking/ etc.)
Our further product range

Special brushes and roller brushes

Specially designed and engineered to meet customer’s specific application

OSBORN Novofil
Abrasive nylon brushes in Hi Tec filaments, rectangular and round in
Diamond, Zirconium, Aluminium Oxide and Silicon Carbide. Available in a
wide range of grit values.

OSBORN MultiStrip
Saving thermal energy, reducing the passage of sound, protecting against
insect and vermin infestation, sealing against dust, dirt, water and smoke,
cleaning of industrial and commercial conveying systems.

Brushes for weld cleaning

Power driven brushes for the pipeline industry, e.g. cleaning the internal dia-
meters of pipe, external cleaning, edge prparation, removal of insulation
coatings, remedial work, cleaning weld seams prior to welding and weld
bead deslag.

Microabrasive brushes and miniatur brushes

Flexible, highly efficient brushing tools for surface finishing of small bores
and cross hole deburring.

Multizack system and punched roller brushes
Products for a wide range of applications: Brushes for cleaning, deburring,
transporting, sorting, washing, guiding and structuring.

Non-woven mill rolls

The economical alternative to conventional rubber-coated, PUR- and felt
rolls. The chemical resistence of our non-woven materials is matched to the
individual demand through the ideal combination of fibre material and bon-
ding agent.

OSBORN Load Runners

Load handling systems for precise movement of heavy loads in demanding
industrial applications.

The product range for professional applications.

Individuelle trading concepts

The product range for professional applications.
In addition to the standard range of brushing tools, we can supply a range
of products for resale which are specially designed to attract attention at the
point of sale.

Index, numerical

Item No. Page Item No. Page Item No. Page Item No. Page
0002-056 011 31 0003-075 069 9 6152-631 131 11 9906-015 069 28
0002-056 012 31 0003-075 070 9 6616-030 305 23 9906-015 070 28
0002-056 013 31 0003-075 071 9 8106-030 312 23 9906-015 071 28
0002-056 014 31 0003-075 072 9 8206-030 305 23 9906-015 079 28
0002-056 015 31 0003-075 073 9 8736-030 305 23 9906-015 080 28
0002-056 016 31 0012-626 251 11 9706-026 904 12 9906-015 081 28
0002-056 017 31 0102-626 655 11 9886-026 039 12 9906-015 082 28
0002-056 018 31 0103-075 019 9 9886-026 051 12 9906-021 002 16
0002-056 311 31 0103-075 020 9 9906-011 032 15 9906-021 009 16
0002-056 312 31 0103-075 021 9 9906-011 146 27 9906-021 013 16
0002-056 313 31 0103-075 022 9 9906-011 147 27 9906-021 055 16
0002-056 314 31 0103-075 023 9 9906-011 148 27 9906-021 059 16
0002-056 315 31 0103-075 024 9 9906-011 149 27 9906-021 163 16
0002-056 316 31 0103-075 025 9 9906-011 150 27 9906-021 183 17
0002-056 317 31 0103-075 026 9 9906-011 151 27 9906-021 184 17
0002-056 318 31 0103-075 027 9 9906-011 153 27 9906-022 032 16
0002-056 331 31 0103-075 028 9 9906-011 154 27 9906-022 051 16
0002-056 332 31 0103-075 046 9 9906-011 155 27 9906-022 052 16
0002-056 333 31 0103-075 047 9 9906-011 332 15 9906-022 055 16
0002-056 334 31 0103-075 048 9 9906-011 446 27 9906-022 061 16
0002-056 335 31 0103-075 049 9 9906-011 447 27 9906-022 062 16
0002-056 336 31 0103-075 050 9 9906-011 448 27 9906-022 065 16
0002-056 337 31 0103-075 051 9 9906-011 449 27 9906-022 066 16
0002-056 338 31 0103-075 052 9 9906-011 450 27 9906-022 072 16
0002-626 251 11 0103-075 210 9 9906-011 451 27 9906-022 075 16
0002-626 301 11 0103-075 212 9 9906-011 453 27 9906-022 081 17
0002-626 305 11 0103-075 213 9 9906-011 454 27 9906-022 082 17
0002-626 309 11 0103-075 215 9 9906-011 455 27 9906-022 085 17
0002-626 311 11 0103-075 216 9 9906-013 007 17 9906-022 086 17
0002-626 315 11 0103-075 217 9 9906-013 008 17 9906-022 088 17
0002-626 319 11 0103-075 220 9 9906-013 009 17 9906-022 191 16
0002-626 505 11 0103-075 225 9 9906-013 010 17 9906-022 193 16
0002-626 509 11 0103-075 230 9 9906-013 011 17 9906-022 195 16
0002-626 650 11 0103-075 232 9 9906-013 020 17 9906-026 001 11
0002-626 651 11 0103-075 235 9 9906-013 021 17 9906-026 002 11
0002-626 656 11 0103-075 240 9 9906-013 022 17 9906-026 010 11
0002-626 659 11 0103-075 306 9 9906-013 023 17 9906-026 011 11
0002-626 660 11 0103-075 310 9 9906-013 056 17 9906-026 012 11
0002-631 131 11 0103-075 312 9 9906-013 057 17 9906-026 039 12
0002-631 151 11 0103-075 313 9 9906-013 058 17 9906-026 045 12
0002-631 331 11 0103-075 315 9 9906-015 001 28 9906-026 047 12
0002-631 351 11 0103-075 316 9 9906-015 002 28 9906-026 048 12
0002-921 874 19 0103-075 320 9 9906-015 003 28 9906-026 051 12
0002-921 875 19 0103-075 325 9 9906-015 004 28 9906-026 052 12
0002-921 876 19 0706-030 305 23 9906-015 025 28 9906-026 053 12
0002-921 889 19 0802-626 251 11 9906-015 026 28 9906-026 115 11
0003-000 201 9 0802-631 131 11 9906-015 027 28 9906-026 116 11
0003-000 211 9 0802-631 151 11 9906-015 028 28 9906-026 117 11
0003-000 212 9 0802-631 331 11 9906-015 035 28 9906-026 127 13
0003-000 221 9 0802-631 351 11 9906-015 036 28 9906-026 133 13
0003-000 222 9 1306-026 279 13 9906-015 037 28 9906-026 166 13
0003-000 223 9 1402-631 131 11 9906-015 038 28 9906-026 167 13
0003-000 242 9 1402-631 151 11 9906-015 040 28 9906-026 171 13
0003-000 243 9 1402-631 331 11 9906-015 041 28 9906-026 172 13
0003-000 244 9 1402-631 331 11 9906-015 042 28 9906-026 182 13
0003-000 245 9 1402-631 351 11 9906-015 043 28 9906-026 183 13
0003-056 010 31 1402-631 351 11 9906-015 050 28 9906-026 185 13
0003-056 306 31 2202-631 151 11 9906-015 051 28 9906-026 198 13
0003-056 308 31 2202-631 331 11 9906-015 052 28 9906-026 218 11
0003-056 310 31 2202-631 351 11 9906-015 053 28 9906-026 236 13
0003-056 326 31 2906-026 501 11 9906-015 056 28 9906-026 245 13
0003-056 328 31 4506-030 305 23 9906-015 057 28 9906-026 246 12
0003-056 330 31 4506-030 311 23 9906-015 058 28 9906-026 247 12
0003-075 064 9 4506-030 317 23 9906-015 059 28 9906-026 249 12
0003-075 065 9 4506-030 318 23 9906-015 062 28 9906-026 276 13
0003-075 066 9 4506-030 328 23 9906-015 063 28 9906-026 279 13
0003-075 067 9 4506-030 329 23 9906-015 064 28 9906-026 280 11
0003-075 068 9 4506-030 341 23 9906-015 065 28 9906-026 281 11

Item No. Page Item No. Page Item No. Page Item No. Page
9906-026 355 11 9907-011 034 15 9907-028 010 29 9907-035 213 32
9906-026 356 11 9907-011 045 15 9907-028 011 29 9907-035 221 32
9906-026 359 11 9907-011 046 15 9907-028 012 29 9907-035 229 32
9906-026 365 11 9907-011 048 15 9907-030 145 25 9907-035 245 32
9906-026 366 11 9907-011 058 15 9907-030 148 25 9907-036 000 33
9906-026 369 11 9907-011 060 15 9907-030 151 25 9907-036 012 33
9906-026 500 12 9907-011 061 15 9907-030 154 25 9907-036 017 33
9906-026 501 12 9907-011 062 15 9907-030 157 25 9907-036 022 33
9906-026 551 12 9907-011 063 15 9907-030 190 25 9907-036 023 33
9906-026 552 12 9907-011 078 15 9907-030 193 25 9907-036 027 33
9906-026 553 12 9907-011 086 15 9907-030 196 25 9907-036 032 33
9906-026 629 12 9907-011 088 15 9907-030 199 25 9907-036 033 33
9906-026 904 12 9907-011 094 15 9907-030 235 25 9907-036 037 33
9906-030 302 23 9907-011 095 15 9907-030 700 24 9907-036 042 33
9906-030 304 23 9907-011 097 15 9907-030 702 24 9907-036 043 33
9906-030 305 23 9907-011 190 34 9907-030 704 24 9907-036 047 33
9906-030 308 23 9907-011 198 34 9907-030 705 24 9907-036 052 33
9906-030 310 23 9907-011 202 34 9907-030 707 24 9907-036 053 33
9906-030 311 23 9907-011 309 15 9907-030 709 24 9907-036 057 33
9906-030 312 23 9907-011 310 15 9907-030 710 24 9907-036 062 33
9906-030 314 23 9907-011 311 15 9907-030 712 24 9907-036 063 33
9906-030 316 23 9907-011 316 15 9907-030 714 24 9907-036 067 33
9906-030 317 23 9907-011 317 15 9907-030 755 24 9907-036 072 33
9906-030 318 23 9907-011 318 15 9907-030 756 24 9907-036 073 33
9906-030 326 23 9907-011 319 15 9907-030 759 24 9907-036 082 33
9906-030 328 23 9907-011 331 15 9907-030 760 24 9907-036 093 33
9906-030 329 23 9907-011 334 15 9907-030 768 24 9907-036 139 33
9906-030 332 23 9907-011 346 15 9907-035 000 32 9907-036 147 33
9906-030 334 23 9907-011 348 15 9907-035 021 32 9907-036 148 33
9906-030 335 23 9907-011 361 15 9907-035 023 32 9907-036 151 33
9906-030 338 23 9907-011 362 15 9907-035 031 32 9907-036 155 33
9906-030 340 23 9907-011 363 15 9907-035 032 32 9907-036 156 33
9906-030 341 23 9907-011 623 18 9907-035 041 32 9907-036 163 33
9906-030 351 24 9907-011 624 18 9907-035 042 32 9907-036 164 33
9906-030 353 24 9907-011 625 18 9907-035 043 32 9907-036 171 33
9906-030 357 24 9907-011 631 18 9907-035 051 32 9907-036 172 33
9906-030 359 24 9907-011 632 18 9907-035 052 32 9907-036 179 33
9906-030 361 24 9907-011 634 18 9907-035 053 32 9907-036 187 33
9906-030 363 24 9907-011 641 18 9907-035 061 32 9907-036 188 33
9906-030 365 24 9907-011 650 18 9907-035 062 32 9907-036 204 33
9906-030 367 24 9907-011 651 18 9907-035 063 32 9907-051 110 34
9906-030 488 29 9907-011 679 17 9907-035 081 32 9907-051 111 34
9906-030 489 29 9907-011 682 17 9907-035 082 32 9907-051 112 34
9906-030 490 29 9907-011 685 17 9907-035 083 32 9907-051 113 34
9906-030 492 29 9907-011 723 18 9907-035 086 32 9907-051 114 34
9906-030 493 29 9907-011 724 18 9907-035 087 32 9907-075 013 25
9906-030 494 29 9907-011 725 18 9907-035 088 32 9907-075 015 25
9906-030 496 29 9907-011 731 18 9907-035 092 32 9907-075 126 33
9906-030 497 29 9907-011 732 18 9907-035 093 32 9907-075 127 33
9906-030 498 29 9907-011 734 18 9907-035 096 32 9907-075 128 9
9906-030 500 29 9907-011 741 18 9907-035 097 32 9907-075 129 9
9906-030 501 29 9907-011 750 18 9907-035 098 32 9907-075 130 9
9906-030 502 29 9907-011 751 18 9907-035 102 32 9907-075 131 32
9906-033 016 21 9907-021 503 19 9907-035 107 32 9907-075 132 32
9906-033 021 21 9907-021 504 19 9907-035 117 32 9946-015 056 28
9906-033 022 21 9907-021 506 19 9907-035 118 32 9946-015 057 28
9906-033 030 21 9907-021 508 19 9907-035 122 32 9946-015 058 28
9906-033 031 21 9907-021 509 19 9907-035 123 32 9946-015 059 28
9906-033 125 21 9907-021 512 19 9907-035 127 32 9966-015 062 28
9906-033 126 21 9907-021 528 19 9907-035 128 32 9966-015 063 28
9907-011 009 15 9907-021 594 19 9907-035 132 32 9966-015 064 28
9907-011 010 15 9907-021 595 19 9907-035 133 32 9966-015 065 28
9907-011 011 15 9907-022 704 19 9907-035 137 32
9907-011 016 15 9907-022 773 19 9907-035 138 32
9907-011 017 15 9907-022 774 19 9907-035 181 32
9907-011 018 15 9907-022 783 19 9907-035 189 32
9907-011 019 15 9907-022 794 19 9907-035 197 32
9907-011 031 15 9907-026 099 13 9907-035 205 32

■ Brazil
■ China
■ Denmark
■ France
■ Germany
■ Great Britain
■ Mexico
■ Portugal
■ Romania
■ Sweden
■ Spain

ISO 9001-2000 Certified Quality System

OSBORN International GmbH

Manufacturer of Industrial Brushes,
Surface Finishing Tools and Load Runners

Ringstraße 10
35099 Burgwald-Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-0
Fax: +49 (0) 64 51 / 5 88-206
eMail: [email protected]
Internet: www.osborn.de


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