Increasing Fired Heater Thermal Efficiency: March 2011

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March 2011

Upcoming Training Courses

Increasing Fired Heater Thermal Efficiency held in our NJ offices
• Course 1510, Mechanical
Design of Process Plant
By Lester W. Davis, Jr. Equipment, April 12-15, 2011
• Course 1210, Process Design
Increasing the thermal efficiency of a Fired Heater reduces the heater’s carbon footprint and for Process Plant Equipment
operating costs. For example, assuming a Fired Heater with a heat release of 100 MBTU/hr, an May 24-26, 2011
increase in efficiency of 1% will result in a savings of $38K/yr at a fuel cost of $4 per MBTU. • Course 1302, Relief System
Design, June 21-23, 2011
The thermal efficiency of a Fired Heater is an indication of how much of the total heat fired is For more information, see our
absorbed by the process, and can be defined by the following equation: website at

Eff = Qa/Qf For a copy of our 2Q 2011

course catalog, please email
Where: [email protected].

Eff = Efficiency Work Highlights

Qa = Heat absorbed by the process Mechanical Engineering
Provided mechanical engineering
Qf = Heat fired Cold Eyes Review of a refinery’s
upcoming operating plan for their
The amount of heat fired may by readily obtained by measuring the flow rate of the fuel fired delayed coker unit. This review
(lb/hr) and the fuel’s heating value (BTU/lb). The amount of heat absorbed by the process is not was prompted due to reliability
readily known. Therefore we turn our attention to the Fired Heater heat losses. By subtracting issues that the drums have had in
the past. Drum repair, operating,
the heat losses from the heat fired, we can determine the heat absorbed by the process. The and design recommendations
equation for efficiency then becomes: were provided with the goal of
improving the future reliability of
Eff = Qf - Ql/Qf the existing drums, and to
consider for possible replacement
Where: drums later.
Process, Operations & Safety
Ql = Fired Heater heat losses
Provided essential multi-unit
There are two areas that determine the heat losses from a Fired Heater: technical support and onsite
start-up assistance for a domestic
1. Stack losses are related to the temperature of the flue gas and the amount of flue gas client’s refinery-wide turnaround,
leaving the stack. including FCC, fluid coker,
hydrogen plant, sulfur plant, and
2. The heat losses are also due to radiation from the Fired Heater casing. amine scrubbing areas. Assisted
with emergency shutdown
incident investigations and FCC

Carmagen Engineering, Inc. – Industry Leading Engineering Consulting and Training

4 West Main Street, Rockaway, NJ 07866 • 973-627-4455 •

As discussed, stack temperature of the flue gas at some Excess air influences stack loss by decreasing or increasing the
temperature indicates the amount of heat lost to the stack gas flow rate. To minimize the flue gas flow rate, the
atmosphere. By performing an analysis of the fuel fired we can excess air to the burners should be minimized. This can be
determine the amount of constituents in the flue gas in terms of accomplished by first testing the Fired Heater to determine the
mole % or wt %. Knowing the flue gas constituent fractions, minimum excess air level at which it can safely operate.
which are typically H2O, N2,and CO2, we can find their enthalpy
in terms of BTU/lb. For example, CO2 at 600°F is about AIR LEAKAGE LOSSES
120 BTU/lb while N2 is about 135 BTU/lb and O2 is about
123 BTU/lb. By summing up the constituent enthalpies we Fired Heaters typically operate at an internal pressure which is
determine the BTU/lb of flue gas and heat leaving the stack. less than atmospheric or negative. Therefore, any openings in
Most Thermodynamic and Combustion references have this the Fired Heater will allow ambient air to be infiltrated or leaked
information in table or graphic form. See Figures 1 and 2 (next into the box. The result of this leakage has the same effect on
page) taken from API Recommended Practice 532. flue gas rates as operating at high excess air levels through the
burners. To reduce the air infiltration, the openings should be

The heat loss from the Fired Heater casing can be determined To determine the amount of air being leaked, a portable O2
using a rigorous analysis which involves: analyzer should be used to measure the O2 entering and
leaving the convection section. The openings typically occur at
1. Measuring the temperature of the casing with a contact tube penetrations and header boxes which are mostly located
thermocouple or an infrared camera. in the convection section. A visual inspection should be made
of these areas, and also of the radiant section around peep
2. Measuring or noting the air velocity. doors and outlet piping.
3. Referring to a Transmission Curve which plots the There will always be some air infiltration. The object is to
difference between the casing temperature and ambient minimize it to below 1% excess O2.
temperature against the heat transmission rate as a
function of the air velocity. SUMMARY
4. Multiplying the transmission rate (BTU/ft2/Hr) by the Increasing the thermal efficiency of a Fired Heater reduces the
surface area (ft2) produces the radiation loss (BTU/Hr). heater’s carbon footprint and operating costs. This article
In general, we find that the radiation losses are comparatively provided a simple definition of thermal efficiency, and identified
small. Therefore for design purposes, after calculating the fuel the main factors that affect it. A focused audit done by an
required to support process conditions, the following guidelines experienced fired equipment engineer can often quickly identify
are normally used to cover radiation losses: things that may easily be done to improve thermal efficiency
without making any capital investments.
1. For Fired Heaters designed to absorb more than
100 MBTU/hr, the calculated net fuel required is increased
by 1% (i.e., multiplied by 1.01). About the Author
2. For Fired Heaters designed to absorb between 15 and Les Davis has over 44 years of experience as a Stationary Equipment
100 MBTU/hr, the calculated net fuel required is increased Engineer specializing in Combustion/Fired Equipment, 34 of those
by 2% (i.e., multiplied by 1.02). years with ExxonMobil Research and Engineering. He has provided a
significant amount of onsite, technical support to a major refinery
3. For Fired Heaters designed to absorb less than covering energy efficiency improvements, carbon emission
15 MBTU/hr, the calculated net fuel required is increased reductions, capital projects, operations support, and general fired
by 3% (i.e., multiplied by 1.03). equipment problem solving.
Please contact Vince Carucci ([email protected]) if you’d like
more information on Carmagen’s expertise in this area.

Carmagen. All the right people in all the right places.
Figure 1 – Enthalpy of H2O, CO, CO2, and SO2

Figure 2 – Enthalpy of Air, O2, and N2

Carmagen. All the right people in all the right places.

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