Applied Energy: Xiaojun Dai, Mark Jolly

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Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116

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Potential energy savings by application of the novel CRIMSON aluminium

casting process
Xiaojun Dai, Mark Jolly ⇑
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Compared with its output the casting industry uses a disproportionate amount of energy as a result of the
Received 15 July 2010 inefficient processes used. This paper presents the melting processes that are used in one of the tradi-
Received in revised form 27 September tional foundries and identifies the energy burdens associated with them. A comparison is then made with
the new CRIMSON process to demonstrate where energy savings can be made. An actual case or casting
Accepted 13 December 2010
sample is investigated to demonstrate the advantage of energy saving in CRIMSON method which will
Available online 22 January 2011
help the foundry industry in reduction of energy cost and promote competitiveness in the production
of high end casting components.
Energy saving
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aluminium casting

1. Introduction use unnecessary energy and create more rejects. The closed cruci-
ble, then, is transferred to a station and the melted metal is push
The metal casting industry is naturally very energy intensive. up using a computer controlled anti-gravity filling method to fill
Energy consumption in foundry mainly depends on electricity the mould. Due to a feature of rapid melting, transfer and filling
gas and oil. It is estimated that the energy required in melting in the new method, the holding time of melted metal is minimised,
and heating in a typical metal casting facility is 60–75% of the total a drastic energy saving is achieved and in the mean time the pos-
energy used in the facility [1]. The energy efficiency of any metal sibility of hydrogen absorption and formation of surface oxide film
casting facility depends largely on the efficiency of its melting are reduced to a great extent [3]. In this paper, the traditional melt-
and heat treating operations. In conjunction with the two opera- ing and casting processes from one local company are investigated
tions, over 60% of the total process energy costs are represented and they are compared with the novel method. The calculation and
in a typical casting facility [2]. Therefore, there are huge opportu- analysis of energy consumption are completed to see what the
nities for metal casting industry to adopt the best energy solutions difference between the current melting processes and the novel
which will offer the great energy saving potential. To improve the method. Then, the potential energy saving for the novel method
energy efficiency of these operations will have an important effect can be found. This comparison is only one of a number being car-
on reducing the manufacturing cost and promote the competitive- ried out under the auspices of an EPRSC project whereby four tra-
ness. For example, by implementing some cutting-edge technology ditional casting processes will be benchmarked for their energy
such as the CRIMSON method in aluminium alloy casting will take usage and scrap rates.
advantage of such opportunities.
The CRIMSON (Constrained Rapid Induction Melting Single Shot
Up-Casting) method was co-invented by researchers and engineers 2. Audit the energy consumption of melting processes in
of University of Birmingham and a local company, N-Tec Ltd. The traditional foundry
aim is to reduce the energy consumption and to improve the cast-
ing quality within light-metal shape casting industry. The meth- Energy audit is the definition for ‘‘a thorough mapping of energy
od’s main philosophy is that foundries, using an induction and water use, all beneficial saving possibilities, and the renewable
furnace, need only to melt the quantity of metal required to fill a form of energy usable possibilities of the building and the produc-
single mould in a closed crucible rather than large batches that tion process carried out by experts’’ [4]. Usually, energy used in
foundry will be electricity, gas, oil and other forms. In this paper,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (0) 121 414 7355; fax: +44 (0) 121 414 4168. we mainly focus on the energy consumption of melting processes,
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Jolly). other energy consumption issues will be investigated later in our

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
112 X. Dai, M. Jolly / Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116

research project. The energy burden of the melting and holding 1.1 GJ/tonne (306 KW h/tonne) [3]. Fig. 2 [3] shows the flow chart
processes is a large part of the total energy used in the foundry. of foundry process where the energy loss at each stage is indicated.
Fig. 1 gives an estimate of the process-specific energy profile of In the worst cases for each stage, the figure of the final energy cost
the metal casting industry based on tacit energy and it was calcu- could be 182 GJ/tonne (50.6 MW h/tonne) [3]. In the current re-
lated by converting delivered energy data, obtained from published search project, a specific casting has been identified and the energy
energy reports, to tacit energy (tacit energy is a term used to de- consumption is audited by comparing the traditional melting pro-
scribe an energy value that equals the combination of onsite en- cess and the new process.
ergy consumption, the process energy required to produce and Traditional foundry ingot is supplied in what are called ‘‘pigs’’
transmit/transport the energy source, and feedstock energy). Melt- and are roughly trapezoidal in cross section (Fig. 3a). For the new
ing and holding stands out above all other process areas with an process a circular cross section direct chill (DC) cast billets
estimated 72% of the metal casting industry tacit energy consump- (Fig. 3b) would be required in order obtain the best efficiency of
tion [5]. heating with the RF induction coil. The latter route has an added
In UK, most of the foundry use electricity, gas and oil as the fuel benefit in also being a metal of higher quality. Traditionally pro-
in the melting processes. Traditionally, the majority of foundries duced foundry ingot is cast in a turbulent fashion which inherently
melt the alloys to be cast first and then hold the melted alloys in produces poor quality metal to start with thus starting with DC
a furnace for long time, sometimes for the duration a full shift. cast billet is an immediate advantage. It is not possible at this stage
The purpose of holding the molten alloys is to pour the moulds to purchase small volumes of DC cast foundry alloy billet. For this
in batches. This process planning method is convenient and flexible project it was necessary to re-cast the traditional ingot into billets
for the foundry personnel to operate in normal circumstances. after treating the melt to reduce the oxide content. In order to
However, for every hour the metal is held energy is unnecessarily. make a comparison of the traditional processes with the new pro-
Theoretically, the quantity of energy required for melting one cess route the initial casting of the stock has been left out of the en-
tonne of aluminium to a superheat of 100 °C is calculated to be ergy audit for both routes. In other words the starting point has

Fig. 1. Typical method casting tacit energy profile by process.

Fig. 2. Flow chart of aluminium foundry processes with estimated energy losses at each stage.
X. Dai, M. Jolly / Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116 113

Fig. 3. (a) Traditional foundry ingot and (b) DC cast billet.

been chosen as the metal in solid billet or ingot form required by cess is especially selected to produce high quality components. A
the process. This can be justified by specifying that if the new pro- ‘‘Test bar’’ mould has been selected to use novel method to exam-
cess were adopted by the industry it would only be feasible if the ine its energy consumption. The design of the ‘‘Test bar’’ with a
starting stock was foundry alloy in billet form of the correct runner system is shown in Fig. 5 which has a profile of 530 mm
diameter. length  390 mm width  100 mm height with a weight of 4 kg
Calculation of energy consumption of melting process:
2.1. Case investigation – Grainger & Worrall Co. Ltd.
Without considering the chemical reaction, slag formation and
other heat losses, the theoretical calculation of energy for heating
One of the foundries for producing high end casting compo-
A354 aluminium alloy to 760 °C is as follows [7]:
nents in Grainger & Worrall (G&W) Ltd. is currently using one type
of melting furnace (Fig. 4) with combining melting process where Q ¼ mC m1 ðT m  T 1 Þ þ Q f þ mC m2 ðT 2  T m Þ ð2:1Þ
the primary melting area can be called a melting area and gas is
Here, Q is the heat that is needed to heat and melt the Al alloys; m is
used to melt aluminium ingot, then the melted aluminium alloy
the mass of the Al alloy; Cm1 is the specific heat for solid A354 Al
flowing along an inclined channel to a refining area where an elec-
alloys, 1.07 kJ kg1 °C1 [7]; Cm2 is the specific heat for liquid
tric resistance furnace is used. The refined liquid aluminium alloy
A354 Al alloys, 1.05 kJ kg1 °C1 [7]; Tm is the melting temperature
is held in the electric resistance furnace. ‘‘Pouring’’ is carried out
of A354 Al alloys, 596 °C [8]; T1 is the environment temperature,
using an electromagnetic pump to pump the liquid metal to the
20 °C; T2 is the superheat temperature, 760 °C; and Qf is the heat
mould. This is called the ‘‘Cosworth’’ process. In this foundry, there
of fusion, 389 kJ kg1 °C1 [8].
are two furnaces using this kind of combining melting processes
for producing two types of aluminium alloys-A354 and A357. The
(a) Calculation of the gas consumption:
capacity of both furnaces is 4 tonne. The holding time for each fur-
nace is up to 4–5 days. The overheating temperature of A354 alu- In this case, the gas is used to heat the Al alloys to its melting
minium alloy is 760 °C. The pouring temperature of the melted point 596 °C and melt the alloys.
Al alloy is 700 °C. Therefore, the heat Q1 for heating and melting the Al alloys can
G&W is currently using traditional sand casting processes to be calculated as:
produce normal casting components and the Cosworth casting pro-

Fig. 4. The schematic plan of the furnace in G&W Ltd.

114 X. Dai, M. Jolly / Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116

Fig. 5. The structure of the ‘‘Test bar’’ with runner system [6].

Q 1 ¼ mC m1 ðT m  T 1 Þ þ Q f ð2:2Þ Table 1
Actual consumption of gas and electricity in G & W Ltd. where the Cosworth process is
Q 1 ¼ 1:07ð596  20Þ þ 389 ¼ 1005 kJ kg Energy type Energy consumption Energy density by mass
(b) Calculation of the electricity consumption: (MJ kg1)
LPG (propane) (0.7 m3 tonne1) 49.6
In this case, the electricity is used to overheat the melted Al al- [10] 65.3 kJ kg1
Electricity (2800 kW h tonne1)
loys to 760 °C. 10.08 MJ kg1
Therefore, the heat Q2 for overheating the Al alloys can be cal-
culated as:

Q 2 ¼ mC m2 ðT 2  T m Þ ð2:3Þ sured and the cost which linking with the rate is not considered
1 in this measurement.
Q 2 ¼ 1:05ð760  596Þ ¼ 172 kJ kg
From Table 1, the total actual energy consumption Qt2 for melt-
(c) Total energy consumption: ing A354 Al alloys in G&W can be calculated as follows:

Combining Q1 and Q2, the total theoretical energy consumption Q t2 ¼ 0:7  49:6  þ 2800 ¼ 9644 þ 2800
Qt1 for melting A354 Al alloys to 760 °C is: 3600
¼ 12; 444 kW h tonne1 ¼ 44:80 MJ kg
1 1
Q t1 ¼ Q 1 þ Q 2 ¼ 1005 þ 172 ¼ 1177 kJ kg ¼ 327 kW h tonne
The thermal efficiency of using the LPG for melting the alloys:
During the heating and melting processes of Al alloys, the actual 0
g ¼ 1005  9644 ¼ 10:4%
energy consumption in a furnace is higher than the value of theo-
retical calculation due to the heat losses from conduction, radia- The thermal efficiency of using the electricity for holding the
tion, convection, drossing and oxidation etc. It is estimated [9] melt:
that the thermal efficiency is 7–19% for a crucible furnace using g02 ¼ 172  2800 ¼ 6:14%
natural gas, 59–76% for an induction furnace using electricity.
(The average values of the thermal efficiency are selected in this
case: g1 = 13% for the gas; g2 = 67.5% for electricity.) 3. Audit energy consumption of new process
The energy consumption at G&W where the Cosworth process
is applied was investigated where both gas and electricity are in- 3.1. The novel casting facility
cluded and the usages are recorded in Table 1. It should be pointed
out that power measurement may link with the day or night rate. The structure of the novel casting process facility is indicated in
Here, only the energy consumption (kJ kg1or MJ kg1) is mea- Fig. 6,
X. Dai, M. Jolly / Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116 115

Fig. 6. The schematic plan of the new casting process facility.

Where the Up-caster’s features are as follows:

Table 2
The actual measurement parameters of producing the ‘‘Test bar’’ in CRIMSON facility.
a. High power Induction furnace (275 KW): It is used to quickly
heat and melt the metal to the required pouring tempera- Experiment parameter Value Note
ture. Usually each time, a billet of the required size and cal- Weight of ingot 4 kg Using thermal
culated amount of metal is put in, also the composition of Melt temperature 729 °C couple
the billet should be consistent with the casting component Melting time 2 min
Injection time of Up-caster 10 s
that will be poured and produced.
Holding time 20 s
b. Up-caster: When the crucible with the melted metal inside is Solidification time 23 s
ready, it is moved and cramped in the right position in Up- Measured energy consumption for 7.92 MJ
caster and a mould is located on the top of pouring position, melting the ingot (2.2 kW h)
a piston in the Up-caster will raise and push the melted
metal in the crucible into the mould.
c. Computer-controlled operation table of the Up-caster: The ciency of the induction furnace can be calculated from these two
movement of the piston in Up-caster is automatically con- figures and is given below:
trolled by the pre-programmed computer program.
d. Mould transfer stop: After pouring, cooling down and solidifi- 1145
gc ¼  100% ¼ 57:8%
cation, the mould can be moved to the transfer stop, waiting 1980
for lifting and cleaning.
4. Comparison and discussion of energy consumption between
3.2. Calculation of energy consumption of novel casting method traditional foundry and the new casting method

Experimental parameters for casting the ‘‘Test bar’’ mould in the The normal thermal efficiency (average g1 = 13%) of crucible
new casting facility are given in Table 2: furnace for melting Al alloys using gas and the thermal efficiency
The theoretical energy consumption Qt3 for heating the A354 al- ðg01 ¼ 10:4%Þ of furnace using LPG at G&W are in the normal range
loy to 729 °C can be calculated using Eq. (2.1). 7–19% although it is a bit lower than the expected average value
(13%). The difference in the thermal efficiency ðg02 ¼ 6:14%Þ of
Q t3 ¼ mC m1 ðT m  T 1 Þ þ Q f þ mC m2 ðT 2  T m Þ ¼ 1145 kJ kg holding furnace using electricity at G&W with the normal thermal
efficiency (g1 ¼ 59—76%) of an induction furnace was a much lar-
¼ 318 kW h tonne1
ger than expected. This suggests that there are great savings to be
The energy consumption measured during the melting was made in identifying why these poor efficiencies exist. If it were
1.98 GJ tonne1 (550 kW h tonne1) (Table 2). The thermal effi- possible to replace the large holding and melting furnaces at
116 X. Dai, M. Jolly / Applied Energy 89 (2012) 111–116

G&W by single shot melting then melting efficiencies could be im- come more important in the intensively competitive market of
proved by upwards 40%. Thus reducing production cost. the future.
During the ‘‘Test bar’’ experiment using the new up-casting The other aspects of the energy consumption for the whole
facility, the thermal efficiency gc was calculated as 57.8% which foundry will be further considered in the research project which
is close to the normal thermal efficiency of an industrial induction is not only consider the melting process, but also include casting
furnace (g2 ¼ 59—76%). The reason for the heat loss in up-casting and other relevant processes.
process facility can be attributed to radiation, conduction and con-
vection between the melt and the surrounded environment. When
melting the same weight of the Al alloys, G&W used 22.6 times Acknowledgements
more energy than the new casting facility. It is estimated that
42.8 GJ tonne1 (11.9 MW h tonne1) can be saved for producing This research project is funded and sponsored by the Engineer-
every tonne of A354 casting alloys when using the new process. ing and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK un-
Further reasons for recommending choosing the new casting der the Grant of EP/G060096/1. Many thank to the N-Tec Ltd.
method and as opposed to using crucible furnace in G&W are: a and University of Birmingham for supplying the experiment equip-
crucible furnace is less expensive melting method for melting Al al- ment. Especially, acknowledgement will be given to the Grainger &
loys which is popular in foundry due to its easy for tapping and Worrall Ltd. and Mr. Martin Wood for providing the data of their
charging different alloys. However, the thermal efficiency of the current melting process and the energy consumption.
crucible furnace is far lower (7–19%) than the new casting method
(57.8%), and the temperature of the melted alloys is difficult to
control. It has been proved in the case of G&W where the thermal
efficiency is only 10.4%. Furthermore, the new up-casting method [1] Saha VJ. Energy efficiency improvement in melting furnaces, report. World
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Therefore, the quality of the casting can be assured. project, report; 2009.
[5] Schifo JF, Radia JT. Theoretical/best practice energy use in metalcasting
operations. KERAMIDA Environmental, Inc., Indianapolis; May 2004.
5. Conclusions and future work [6] Geelin JC, Lovis M, Jolly MR. Simulation of tensile test bars: does the filling
method matter? In: Wang Q, Krane MJM, Le PD, editors. Symposium on
Comparing the thermal efficiency and energy consumption of simulation of aluminum shape casting processing, TMS2006, Warrendale, PA;
March, 2006.
melting processes between the traditional foundry and the novel [7] Schmitz C. Handbook of aluminium recycling: fundamentals, mechanical
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ment results give the following conclusion: the new method is GmbH; 2006.
[8] MatWed materials property data. <
an advanced method for saving energy in the casting industry. If MaterialGroupSearch.aspx>.
the traditional foundries in the study could use the novel melting [9] BSC. Incorporated, advanced melting technologies: energy saving concepts and
method instead of their usual method, the estimated energy sav- opportunities for the metal casting industry, report. US Department of Energy;
ings could be of the order of 43 GJ tonne1 (11.9 MW h tonne1)
[10] Wikipedia-energy density. <
can for A354 alloy. This would drastically reduce their production search?±lpg±
cost by about £904 pounds tonne1 (7.6 p kW h1). This will be- density&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a>.

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