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AGMA Technical Paper

Low Distortion Heat

Treatment of
By Dr. V. Heuer and Dr. K. Löser,
ALD Vacuum Technologies
GmbH, D.R. Faron, General
Motors, and D. Bolton, ALD-TT
Low Distortion Heat Treatment of Transmission Components

Dr. Volker Heuer and Dr. Klaus Löser, ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH,
Donald R. Faron, General Motors, and David Bolton, ALD-TT

[The statements and opinions contained herein are those of the author and should not be construed as an
official action or opinion of the American Gear Manufacturers Association.]

In many applications the high demands regarding service life of transmission components can be reached
only by the application of a customized case hardening. This case hardening process results in a wear
resistant surface-layer in combination with a tough core of the component.
However as a side-effect the components get distorted during heat treatment. This distortion has a significant
cost-impact, because distorted components often need to be hard-machined after heat treatment. Therefore
the proper control of distortion is an important measure to minimize production costs.
By applying the technology of low pressure carburizing (LPC) and high pressure gas quenching (HPGQ) heat
treat distortion can be significantly reduced.
HPGQ provides a very uniform heat transfer coefficient. The predictability of movement during quenching is
more certain and uniform throughout the load. Further improvements can be achieved by “Dynamic
Quenching” processes where the quenching severity is varied during the quench sequence by step control of
the gas velocity. Proper fixturing is another factor for distortion control. Modern CFC-materials (carbon
reinforced carbon) are well suited as fixture-material for gas quenching.
The paper presents how LPC and HPGQ processes are successfully applied on Internal ring gears for a 6
speed automatic transmission. The specific challenge in the heat treat process was to reduce distortion in
such a way that subsequent machining operations are entirely eliminated. As a result of extensive
development in the quenching process and the use of specialized CFC- fixtures it was possible to meet the
design metrological requirements.
The Internal ring gears addressed in this report have been in continuous production since 2006. Subsequent
testing and monitoring over a two year period progressively demonstrated that consistent metrology was
achieved and quality inspection was reduced accordingly.

Copyright  2010

American Gear Manufacturers Association

500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350
Alexandria, Virginia, 22314

October 2010

ISBN: 978--1--55589--979--0
Low Distortion Heat Treatment of Transmission Components
Dr. Volker Heuer and Dr. Klaus Löser, ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH,
Donald R. Faron, General Motors, and David Bolton, ALD--TT

Introduction put times and lower energy consumption during

production. Since there is no need to dispose any
Proper distortion control has become even more
oil after the quench and since cleaning operations
important than in previous days. To answer the
after the quench are unneeded, the simplified
demand for fuel--efficient vehicles, modern
process chain is much more environmentally
transmissions are built much lighter. Therefore the
friendly as well.
components of the transmission exhibit less wall--
thickness which makes them more sensitive to For the Internal ring gears addressed in this report,
distortion. Distorted gear components cause noise the parts used to be heat treated with an induction
in the transmission, can require post heat treat hardening--process. This process requires a 50
machining processes and may even create prob- carbon and high alloy steel--grade, which is very
lems during transmission--assembly. Therefore challenging for machining, or a non--ferritic grade of
distortion control has become more important than cast iron, which is challenging for casting. So the
ever. intent was to change from induction hardening to
case hardening and to guarantee a low level of
By applying the technology of Low Pressure
distortion after case hardening, to allow for direct
Carburizing (LPC) and High Pressure Gas Quench-
assembly into transmission.
ing (HPGQ) heat treat distortion can be significantly
reduced. LPC is a case hardening process which is Distortion mechanisms
performed in a pressure of only a few millibar using
acetylene as the carbon source in most cases. The plastic deformation of metallic components
During HPGQ the load is quenched using an inert during heat treatment is referred to as distortion.
gas--stream instead of a liquid quenching media. Distortion occurs if the stress in the material ex-
Usually nitrogen or helium are used as quench gas. ceeds the yield stress of the material. During case
hardening the components are exposed to high
With an optimized distortion control it is possible to temperatures in the range of 880C to 1050C and
simplify the process chain significantly. Figure 1 the yield stress decreases strongly with increasing
shows how the process chain can be simplified, if temperature of a component. Three different types
the specified geometrical values of the components of stress in the material need to be distinguished:
can be guaranteed after gas quenching.
-- Residual stresses (they are induced before heat
If the simplified process chain can be applied, then treatment by casting, forging, machining etc.).
this will result in lower costs per part, lower through- [1]

Figure 1. Conventional and new process chain for the manufacturing of gear components

-- Thermal stresses (they are caused by the exhibit very inhomogeneous cooling conditions.
temperature gradient while heating and Three different mechanisms occur during
quenching). conventional liquid quenching: film--boiling, bubble--
-- Transformation stresses (they are caused by boiling and convection. Resulting from these three
the transformation from ferrite to austenite dur- mechanisms the distribution of the local heat
ing heating and transformation from austenite to transfer coefficients on the surface of the
martensite/bainite during quenching). component are very inhomogeneous. These
inhomogeneous cooling conditions cause tremend-
These three types of stresses overlay with each
other and add up to the total stress in the ous thermal and transformation stresses in the
component. They are influenced by part--geometry, component and subsequently distortion. During
steel--grade, casting, forging, machining etc., and HPGQ only convection takes place which results in
they depend on the heat treatment. If the total much more homogenous cooling--conditions, see
stress in the component exceeds the yield stress, Figure 3.
then plastic deformation (distortion) of the
component takes place. The chronology and the Significant reductions of distortion by substituting
height of the three types of stresses leading to dis- Oil--quench with HPGQ have been published [9].
tortion are dependent on numerous different Another advantage of HPGQ is the possibility to
factors, see Figure 2. adjust the quench--intensity exactly to the needed
severity by choosing quench--pressure and
High pressure gas quenching (HPGQ)
quench--velocity. Typical quench pressures range
The technology of high pressure gas quenching from 2 bar to 20 bar. The gas velocity is controlled
(HPGQ) offers a tremendous potential to reduce by a frequency converter and typical gas--velocities
heat treat distortions. Conventional quenching-- range from 2 m/s to 15 m/s depending on the part--
technologies such as oil-- or polymer--quenching geometry and the steel--grade of the component.

Figure 2. Potential factors influencing distortion of bearing--rings [2]

Figure 3. Heat transfer coefficient and temperature--distribution in liquid-- and gas--quenching [3]

Equation 1 describes the heat transfer coefficient as Typical gases applied for HPGQ are nitrogen and
a function of gas--velocity, gas density and the type helium. [5]. To achieve the required core hardness
of gas. [4] in gears of low alloyed case hardening steels,
helium as quenching medium and a gas pressure of
α = C w 0,7 Ã0,7 d −0,3 η −0,39 c0,31
p λ 0,69 (1) 20 bar is necessary for many applications. The
where usage of this low density gas allows to quench with
very high gas velocity by using reasonable motor
C constant factor (depending on quench cell); power. In combination with an advanced
w gas velocity; gas--recovery technology, exhibiting a recovery rate
à gas density; > 99.5 %, gas quenching is very economic in spite of
the helium gas price. The positive experiences with
d diameter of component;
gas quenching have induced gear suppliers to use
η viscosity of the gas; case hardening steels with better hardenability thus
cp specific heat capacity of the gas; being able to quench bigger transmission--
λ thermal conductivity of the gas components as well.

For many applications it is not the absolute height of Two high--powered gas circulators arranged to left
distortion causing manufacturing problems but the and right of the cylindrical housing accelerate the
spread of distortion. So for many applications the quenching gas to a high velocity in the chamber. A
challenge is to optimize the HPGQ in such way that very homogeneous flow through the charge is
it provides a heat treatment process with very little reached by means of several flow guides.
spread of distortion within a load and over time from
The design of the chamber is modular and can be
load to load.
equipped with a gas flow reverse system. The
quench chamber is suitable for standard gas
Furnace equipment and fixturing for quenching processes with constant gas pressure
distortion control and gas velocity as well as for new quenching
processes such as “Dynamic--Quenching”.
The design of the gas quenching chamber is of key
importance to minimize distortion. The chamber As in the case of liquid quenching, proper fixtures
needs to provide a high gas velocity to ensure that and optimized loading of the parts is important for
the core--hardness specification is met and the gas quenching, too. Alloy fixtures are widely used in
chamber needs to provide a very uniform distribu- heat treatment. However after long--term service
tion of the gas--velocity to minimize the spread of the fixtures tend to deform due to high temperature
distortion within the load. Intensive numerical flow deformation, which has a negative effect on the
calculation (CFD--studies) and experimental distortion of the loaded parts. Moreover due to the
studies (with the Institute for industrial aerodynam- pick up of carbon and subsequent formation of
ics at Aachen--University) led to the design of the carbides the fixtures undergo dimensional growth
quenching chamber of the ModulTherm - system, creating further problems during handling in
see Figure 4. [6] automated external transportation devices.

Figure 4. ModulTherm heat treat system with gas quenching chamber

As an alternative, carbon composite materials, e.g., To further reduce distortion, a quenching process
CFC, were introduced for the use as fixtures in heat has been developed where the quenching paramet-
treating applications. Low pressure carburizing ers gas pressure and/or gas flow velocity are
furnaces with high pressure gas quenching are per- stepwise varied during quenching, see Figure 6.
fectly suited for the use of CFC--fixtures (Figure 5).
This process, so--called “Dynamic Quenching” is
Due to the usage of walking beam transportation
typically divided into three steps [7]:
any wear and overstressing of the fixtures is
avoided. The use of oxygen--free hydrocarbons in a -- Step 1: high quenching severity until a certain
vacuum environment and the inert quenching gases part--temperature is reached
during the quenching process avoid any surface
-- Step 2: quenching severity is reduced for a set
reactions with the fixtures. In this service environ-
time to allow for temperature equalization in the
ment one can take full advantage of the excellent part.
material properties of CFC, which has a very high
deformation resistance at high temperatures, low
thermal expansion coefficient, and very low specific
weight. Fixtures from CFC are designed to carry
more parts, exhibiting less gross weight thereby
increasing productivity and reducing energy costs.
The major advantage however is that CFC--fixtures
do not show deformation during the heat treatment
process thereby assuring optimum positioning of
the parts. This has an significant, positive effect on
part distortion.

Dynamic quenching
To achieve optimum quenching results with respect
to microstructure, hardness, and distortion, the gas Figure 5. Load of Internal ring gears on CFC
quenching parameters need to be well adjusted. fixturing

Figure 6. Schematic illustration of dynamic quenching for specimen of different sizes

-- Step 3: quenching severity is increased again again in 8/2008. Distortion studies were performed
until the end of the quenching process. The accordingly on the three Internal gears (Reaction--
control system in the quenching chamber allows Output-- and Input--Internal gears). Data from these
to control the different quenching steps of studies will be presented in the following and
“Dynamic Quenching” in a very accurate way compared with the earlier findings of the authors
with a good reproducibility. Optimum results are from 2006.
achieved when using helium. The light quench-
ing gas helium can be decelerated and For each part the current standard production
accelerated very precisely for optimum process was used and complete load--sizes were
distortion control. treated. 48 pre--measured parts were equally
distributed into different layers of each load. Addi-
Distortion study tionally to cover all “extreme” positions in the load, it
was made sure that parts from all 8 corners and
An intensive process optimization program was
started before the start of production of the 6--speed parts from the middle of the load were geometrically
automatic transmission. The specific challenge inspected. All measurements were performed with
was to optimize distortion control of the Internal ring a CNC analytical gear--checker. Figure 7 shows the
gears. The goal was to eliminate hard machining inspection of an output internal gear with the probe
completely on these components thus simplifying of the gear--checker moving along one tooth of the
the process chain as postulated in Figure 1. gear. Four teeth are inspected for each gear and
Furnace supplier and transmission manufacturer both left flank and right flank are examined per
worked in close cooperation and successfully tooth.
implemented a serial process duly for the start of
production in 6/2006. The process consists of LPC
using acetylene as carburizing source and HPGQ
using helium as quench medium. Prior to carburiz-
ing, the parts are heated under an atmosphere of
1,2 bar nitrogen. This “convective heating” is
applied to achieve uniform temperature distribution
inside the load while heating up. Once the
carburizing temperature is reached, the pressure is
lowered to a few millibars and the carburizing is initi-
ated. The application of HPGQ with Dynamic
Quenching and the use of CFC--fixtures made
subsequent machining--operations unnecessary.
The findings were published by the authors of this
paper in 2006. [8]
Initially all Internal ring gears from each load were
checked for excessive distortion with a so called
“roll checker”. A “roll checker” is an automated
measurement system utilizing a rolling master held
by a pivoting yoke. The yoke enables the roll master
spindle to move in the lead and taper directions as
the rolling master rotates in tight mesh with the test
component. Separate transducers located in the
gimble head monitor lead and taper travel.
Figure 7. Geometrical inspection of an output
To become more cost--efficient, the transmission internal gear with a CNC analytical
manufacturer wanted to abandon this one hundred gear--checker
percent “roll checker” inspection of all parts and The production process for all three gears includes
change to a spotwise control of distortion. The goal convection heating for a fast and uniform heating up
was to inspect only two gears per load. Therefore it of all parts. After being properly heated, the parts
was necessary to further reduce the amount of are carburized at 900C by using acetylene. The
distortion and the quenching process was optimized temperature is reduced to an intermediate temper-

ature and then the parts are quenched with helium maximum change in circularity amounts to 38 mm
using an optimized dynamic quenching process. and the average change in circularity is as low as 10
mm. All circularity--values after heat treat are well
Input internal gears below the specified maximum of 150 mm. Helix
The components have an outer diameter of angle variation after heat treat is well below the
139 mm, 89 internal teeth and are made of 5130 specified maximum as well as shown in Figure 11.
material. The average change during heat treat in helix angle
variation is 12 mm for the left flank and 9 mm for the
A picture of the part is given in Figure 8. The case
right flank.
hardening depth CHD after heat treat is specified as
0,3…0,6 mm and surface hardness is specified as
79…83 HRA. The geometry after heat treat is
specified with a maximum circularity of 150 mm.
Figure 9 shows the circularity of the 48 measured
parts before and after heat treatment. The change
of circularity during heat treat is shown in Figure 10.
When evaluating and comparing heat treat distor-
tion, the change of geometry from the green to the
treated component should be considered.
Figure 11 shows the variation of the helix angle per
part for the left and the right flank. Four teeth were
measured per part and the variation Vbf represents
the difference between the maximum helix angle
and the minimum helix angle measured on the four
teeth per one gear.
As shown in Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11 the Figure 8. Input Internal gear (d = 139 mm, 89
achieved level of distortion is very small. The internal teeth)

Figure 9. Circularity of input internal gears before and after heat treat (LPC and HPGQ with
dynamic quenching); spec. maximum after heat treat: 150 mm

Figure 10. Change of circularity of input internal gears during heat treat (LPC and HPGQ with
dynamic quenching); spec. maximum after heat treat: 150 mm

Figure 11. Helix angle variation of input internal gears before and after heat treat (LPC and HPGQ
with dynamic quenching)

Reaction internal gears HPGQ is below the specified maximum as well. The
average change during heat treat in helix angle vari-
The reaction internal gears have an outer diameter ation is 10 mm for the left flank and 11 mm for the right
of 152 mm, 103 internal teeth and are made of 5130 flank.
material as well. The specification of the parts after
heat treat is identical to the Input Internal gears. Output Internal gears

The circularity of the 48 measured pieces before The components have an outer diameter of 139
and after heat treatment can be found in Figure 12. mm, 99 internal teeth and are made of 5130
Figure 13 shows the change of circularity during material. A picture of the part can be found in
heat treat. Figure 7. The level of distortion achieved on these
gears is slightly higher compared to the values
The helix angle variation (Vbf) for each part is achieved for the Input-- and Reaction Internal gears.
shown in Figure 14. As shown in Figure 12, The maximum change in circularity amounts to 81
Figure 13 and Figure 14 the achieved level of mm and the average change in circularity is 28 mm.
distortion is very small for the Reaction Internal This means that all circularity-- values after heat
gears as well. The maximum change in circularity treat are well below the specified maximum of 150
amounts to 41 mm and the average change in mm. The helix angle variation after LPC and HPGQ
circularity is only 7 mm. All circularity-- values after is within specification as well. The average change
heat treat are well below the specified maximum of during heat treat in helix angle variation is 9 mm for
150 mm. The helix angle variation after LPC and the left flank and 10 mm for the right flank.

Figure 12. Circularity of reaction internal gears before and after heat treat (LPC and HPGQ with
dynamic quenching); spec. maximum after heat treat: 150 mm

Figure 13. Change of circularity of reaction internal gears during heat treat (LPC and HPGQ with
dynamic quenching); spec. maximum after heat treat: 150 mm

Figure 14. Helix angle variation of reaction Internal gears before and after heat treat (LPC and
HPGQ with dynamic quenching)

Comparison of the initial and the the estimated Martensite Start temperature (MS) by
optimized HPGQ--process an adjustment of the gas--speed and the timing of all
The data presented in the previous section three steps of the dynamic quench--process. This
represents a significant reduction of the already low process optimization in combination with the very
distortion values from 2006. The dynamic quench stable manufacturing process chain before heat
process was optimized in 8/2008. To do so the treat led to the significant improvements as
hold--temperature was manipulated in the vicinity of demonstrated in Figure 15 and Figure 16.

Figure 15. Maximum and average change of circularity during heat treatment in a load of reaction
internal gears; comparison of initial production process from 6/2006 and the optimized
production process used since 8/2008; spec. maximum after heat treat: 150 mm

Figure 16. Helix angle variation after heat treatment averaged per load for input--, reaction-- and
output internal gears; comparison of initial production process from 6/2006 and the optimized
production process since 8/2008

Figure 15 shows a comparison of two loads of 6/2006. Initially all Internal ring gears from each
reaction internal gears. One load was treated in load were checked for excessive distortion with a so
2006 with the initial HPGQ--process [8] and the called “Roll checker”. As distortion proved to be
other load was treated with the optimized HPGQ-- very consistent after introduction of the optimized
process. The average change of circularity during process in 8/2008, the transmission manufacturer
heat treat was reduced from 67 to 7 mm and the decided to abandon the one hundred percent
biggest change of circularity inside the load was inspection of all parts. Since 10/2008 only two
reduced from 132 to 41 mm. gears per load are being measured with a CNC
analytical gear checker. One part from the top
The helix angle variations after heat treat from six
different loads are presented in Figure 16. One load corner and one part from the bottom middle are be-
of each type of Internal gears was treated in 2006 ing inspected in each load. These two positions
with the initial HPGQ--process and one load of each were chosen to cover the “extreme” positions in the
type was treated with the optimized HPGQ-- load.
process. Both for the right flanks as for the left
flanks the helix angle variations were significantly Results from distortion monitoring since
reduced. introduction of the optimized process in 8/2008 until
As discussed earlier in this paper, the residual today are presented in Figure 17. The diagram
stresses inside the components can contribute to shows the helix angle variation after heat treat (Vbf)
distortion. This means that the level of residual averaged per month of production. TC represents
stress inside these gears before heat treat must be the sample from the top corner of the load and BM
very low to allow such a low level of distortion after represents the sample from the bottom middle of
heat treatment. the load. Additionally the number of inspected loads
per month is indicated in the diagram. The total
Distortion monitoring in serial production
number of inspected loads from 8/08 until 3/10 was
Serial production of the transmission started in 229 loads.

Figure 17. Reaction Internal gears: helix angle variation after heat treat
averaged per month of production
(TC = sample from top corner of the load; BM = sample from bottom middle of the load; the number of
inspected loads is indicated per each month; the total number of inspected loads from 8/08 until 3/10 was
229 loads; no production in 1/09)

Figure 17 demonstrates that the distortion--values etc. is mandatory to create low levels of residual
in serial production are very stable. This was stress in the components before heat treating.
achieved with the help of the optimized LPC & HP-
GQ process in combination with the stable Summary
manufacturing process chain of the components.
LPC and HPGQ processes were successfully
applied on Internal ring gears for a 6 speed
Necessary steps for low distortion heat automatic transmission. Helium was chosen as
treatment quench--gas. Distortion studies were conducted to
The necessary steps that need to be accomplished analyze the geometrical stability of the input--,
to provide low distortion values are given in reaction-- and output internal gears during heat
Figure 18. treat. In each case 48 pre--measured parts were
blended into a full production load. For Reaction
The design of the gas quenching cell is of key Internal gears the maximum change of circularity
importance to minimize distortion. The chamber during heat treat was 41 mm and the average
needs to provide a very uniform distribution of the change of circularity was as low as 7 mm. The
gas--velocity to minimize the spread of distortion average change during heat treat in helix angle
within the load. Another important factor is proper variation was 10 mm for the left flank and 11 mm for
fixturing. Modern CFC--materials (carbon rein- the right flank. All values after heat treat are well
forced carbon) are well suited as fixture--material for below the specified maximum. Measurements of
gas quenching. input-- and output Internal gears showed similar res-
ults with all gears being well within specification.
Further improvements can be achieved by
The level of distortion stays at such a low level that
optimized LPC--processes using “convective heat-
subsequent machining operations are entirely
ing” for homogenous temperature distribution and
eliminated. This led to enormous cost savings for
by application of “Dynamic Quenching”--processes
the transmission manufacturer.
where the quenching severity is varied during the
quench sequence by step control of the gas velocity. Production of the gears started in 6/2006. Results
However if the components inhibit high residual from continuous distortion monitoring during pro-
stress, then it is impossible to achieve low duction prove that the distortion of the LPC & HPGQ
distortion--values during heat treat. Therefore an process is very stable. Therefore in 10/2008 it was
optimized and stable manufacturing process chain decided to reduce the quality inspection drastically
including melting, casting, cutting, soft machining which resulted in significant cost savings.

Figure 18. Necessary steps for low distortion heat treatment with LPC and HPGQ

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