11 2f9 6th Grade PLC Agenda and Minutes

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West Edgecombe Middle School 

School PLC Agenda and Minutes

PLC Team Name: ​6th Grade Date: ​11/9/17

Members Present: ​Casey, Ricks, Ahmed, Joyner, Times: ​10:41am - 11:35 pm

Garrow, Ballard, Sykes, Winston, Brown

Facilitator for this PLC: ​Mrs. Brown Note Taker: Brown

Agenda: Our PLC Norms:

● Norms
We Will: ● Begin and end on time
● Celebrations
● Use time wisely and efficiently
● Benchmark Data
● Listen and respect others

● Student data driven discussions
● Snacks (occasional)

Norms Reviewed During This PLC Meeting?

__​x​____Yes ______No

PLC Focus Evidence/Comments/Notes

Celebrate Successes Majority of Block I passed with Lesson 7, using

● What’s working? quizlet and quizziz, projects, teamwork,
students who were low are now doing better,
11/18 students are showing 3 month + growth
on STAR test with 6 of them showing more than
8 months growth. Student that averaged 50%
in Q1 scored an 85. His new seat assignment
helped.Understanding of ratio and students are
excited about math project. Being able to get
through an entire lesson.

Identify Areas for Improvement Increase math and reading scores. Students
are struggling with vocabulary and students
need strategies when reading passages.

Develop a Plan Teach and model reading strategies with

passages. Reteach standards from Q1 during
Wildcat time. Students have been regrouped
based on math data from Benchmark.
Students who were proficient in reading and
math will get enrichment from enhancement
teacher. Teachers will have groups for two
weeks before rotating.
Reading Standards: RL/RI 1,2,3,4 and RI 8
Math Standards: G.1, 4; 6.EE.2a,c; EE.A.1;

Monitoring the Plan At the end of the second week, students will be
assessed using SchoolNet. The data will be
tracked on TeamDrive spreadsheet to
determine growth.

Assigned tasks for next meeting Mrs. Brown will create the SchoolNet
assessments for Wildcat time. Mrs. Brown will
post new rotation before the end of 11/9/17

Materials needed for next meeting First rounds of SchoolNet testing and
enrichment projects.

Support needed
(From Principal, Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, Other)

Additional Comments:

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