Health Kelso

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Amy Pitre

Lesson Tattling/telling problem solving

Date Nov. 29th, 2018
Title/Focus (Kelso wheel)
Subject/Grade Time
Health: Grade 1 30 mins
Level Duration


General ELA: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts,
Learning ideas, feelings and experiences.
Outcomes: Health: Relationship choices ( Interactions)
Learning R-1.7 demonstrate simple ways to resolve conflict, with limited adult assistance
Students will:
Make a Kelso wheel to help them solve (small) problems without an adult
- Know when it’s appropriate to seek help from an adult.

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))

 Students are participating in conversation and it’s related to the topic. Answers reflect appropriate
situations to tell, identify ways they can solve problems. Show that they understand what the Kelso
wheel is used for.


Students need no prior knowledge Kelso wheels sheets
- Maybe a familiarity with what tattling is Tattle poster
Have Kelso wheels printed on cardstock Kelso song (YouTube video-
Have tattle poster ready to be put on the smartboard
Have Kelso wheel ready to be put on the smartboard v=Jqps2UZSU4M – for just the song start at
Have Kelso song ready to play for later in the lesson 2.11)
Crayons/pencil crayons
A tattle-tell Tale by Kathryn Cole (or other tattle
Introduction Time
Ask students to come sit at the carpet as they come in from gym. If students are very
energetic from gym do a few breaths with them to relax.

I’m going to read you all a story, and then we will have a little chat about it, and after I have 3-5 Mins
a little activity for you to do.
Introduce book: I’m going to read you this story. Before I read it, can you make a good (125-130
guess on what it might be about? (bully, tattling, someone upset) pm)
Read the title, author and illustrator.

Wait for students to be focused and listening before reading.

Body Time

Read the book:

Stop and ask questions as feels natural. (Possible things to think about, is this person
being a good friend, could the character have done anything to try and solve the problem, 20 mins
is this a big problem or a small problem, should he tell an adult, what do you think he
should do?). 130-
Ms. Amy Pitre

Post reading: Discussion about the book. 150pm

ASK: Did you know there was a difference between tattling and telling? Who can tell me
what the difference between tattling and telling is? (Tattling is when you get someone in
trouble, telling is when you get someone out of trouble). Can someone give me an example
of tattling? (He pinched me, she’s making faces at me, and he’s not doing the assignment)
What about telling? (When there is an emergency, someone is hurt etc.). What about big
problems and small problems/ was Joseph’s problem big or small? What’s an example of a
big problem? What about small problems? Did you guys notice how small problems are
often related to tattling and big problems are related to telling?

Pull up tattle poster to emphasize what has been discussed. Read it over and talk about
the points with the class. (Provide examples as you go through: e.g. tell an adult- if it’s an
emergency- if someone is bleeding, or if someone is really hurt).
ASK: Before I show you Kelso’s wheel, what are some things you know you can do to
solve a problem?

Pull up Kelso Wheel Read all the choices, and explain how they are used for different
situations. (E.g. if someone is bugging you, you can ask them to stop, or ignore them, or
walk away. If you did something wrong and your friends are upset what might you do?-
apologize and maybe something else on the wheel)

Instruct students to color their Kelso wheel in light colors so that they can still read it/see Approx.
the pictures. And cut out the wheel and the arrow like they did for their season’s wheels. 140pm
And then come to me when they need to put them together.
Hand out the sheets to students at the carpet to go to their desks. (By calling names,
instruct students to sit nicely.)
Closure Time
* Video is 4 ½ mins long (start at 2.11). If students are still working on their wheel, call
attention to class and tell them you are going to put on a little song and video about the
Kelso wheel and they can keep working while they listen and watch the video. (Can be
played during the body of the lesson.)

If students are still not finished around the 150 (5 mins to recess, instruct them to leave
materials on their desks, as they can finish their wheels after recess, and come sit on the
carpet. Have a quick chat with students about how they will use their wheel.
E.g. when you come across a problem I want you to think about is this an emergency, is
someone hurt etc. (all the items from the poster), then I need to tell an adult. Is this 2-5 mins
something I can solve on my own, then get out your wheel- because you are all going to 150-155
keep them in your desks! Whenever you are going to come to me or Mrs. Palmer, or Mrs.
Legge, we are going to ask you, if it’s a small problem “what did you try from your Kelso
So, what are you going to do when you have a problem? Are you going to run up to me and
say Ms. Pitre, Ms. Pitre Johnny flicked my paper? No you’re going to try to solve the
problem by yourself! You might tell him to stop, ignore him etc.

Tell students they can get their snack and get ready to go outside for recess. (Calmly,
students to come back to carpet if they run).


Ms. Amy Pitre

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