Classroom and Group M B Results Report

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and Group
Mindsets & Behaviors Results Report

School Name Wake Forest High School

Results Report for: £ Unit
£ Lesson
£ Small Group
Grade Level All grades
Topic CFNC exploration and Interest Survey
Mindsets & Behaviors NC Guidance Essential Standard: EI.CR.1.2- Analyze your career plan and goals in
relationship to your self-awareness and personal
ASCA Essential Standard: B-LS 7. - Identify long- and short-term academic, career
and social/emotional goals
Participation Data 27 # of students participating
45 mins Length of lessons/sessions
1 # of lessons/sessions
Pre-Intervention Data: Post-Intervention Data:
19/27 students were not familiar with The presentation averaged a 4 on a 1-5
Mindsets & Behaviors CFNC and their career exploration tools scale on how helpful it was to help with
Data career exploration and goals.
10/17 students learned or confirmed
an interest area within John Holland’s
Outcome Data Baseline Data
Final Data: This intervention will hopefully engage students with material more
Attendance and/or
and change can be seen through attendance and GPA. An assessment of
Discipline Data)
attendance rates and GPA will be done at the end of the semester.

Percent Change:

Implications How will data results help deliver the lessons more effectively?
Analyze your data. Based on the amount of students who were not familiar with CFNC, a counselor
How will data inform could focus on a deep exploration of CFNC with students in the future.
future practice?
How can Mindsets & Behaviors data be collected more accurately?
I think asking a Likert scaled question based on short term goals and long term goals
would allow the mindsets to be captured better through data.
What will be continued/discontinued/amended?
I believe this intervention is helpful for students to understand CFNC and the
tools it provides for career exploration. Therefore, this intervention will be
continued with a few adjustments. A more interactive discussion of what
students learned should be incorporated so that students can explore the short
term goals fully.

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