Energy Management Strategy To Coordinate Batteries and Ultracapacitors of A Hybrid Energy Storage System in A Residential Prosumer Installation
Energy Management Strategy To Coordinate Batteries and Ultracapacitors of A Hybrid Energy Storage System in A Residential Prosumer Installation
Energy Management Strategy To Coordinate Batteries and Ultracapacitors of A Hybrid Energy Storage System in A Residential Prosumer Installation
Abstract—In recent years, power systems have experimented addition, prosumers which are equipped with control and
a great development as a consequence of the apparition of the communication systems can provide services to the power
distributed generation. Renewable energy sources, active users system, such as the increase of the penetration of intermittent
and electric vehicles play a fundamental role in power systems, renewable energy sources (like photovoltaic and wind sources)
which has supposed a new topic research. In this scenario, the into the grid, the load/generation shifting, ancillary services
figure of prosumer has gained relevance due to the multiple and grid system applications [3], [4]. Thus, it is possible to
advantages that they can contribute to improve the behavior of decrease both the required peak power generation and the
power systems and to achieve energy and cost savings. In charge on the electric grid, and therefore a reduction of the
particular, special attention is focus on photovoltaic (PV) arrays
usage of fossil fuels [5]; moreover, it allows that end users
integrated in residential buildings with energy storage systems
achieve lower electricity bills and to optimize the utilization of
(ESSs), such as batteries or ultracapacitors (UCs) or even a
combination of both in a hybrid energy storage system (HESS).
renewable energy sources [4].
This paper presents an energy management strategy to exchange The renewable energy source which has experimented de
energy between the batteries and the UCs that form a HESS greatest development in the last years has been the PV
installed with a PV array in a prosumer dwell in order to generation [6], especially in residential and commercial
maintain its UC bank available to support the energy installations connected to low voltage distribution networks
requirements during the most time possible. [2], [7]. The growth of small PV plants has been considerably
Keywords—prosumer; battery; ultracapacitor; hybrid energy
high in urban areas, where they use to be integrated to the roofs
storage system; energy management strategy of buildings [8], instead of occupy large land areas, and allow
users can benefit from electricity cost savings [2].
I. INTRODUCTION In spite of the multiple advantages that PV systems offer,
they also present some issues. In residential applications, the
In last years, the proliferation of distributed generation has
peak power consumption is usually produced in the evening;
caused power systems have to face multiple challenges [1] in
however, the peak power generation is usually produced at
order to integrate renewable energy sources, electric and hybrid
noon; hence, a mismatch between peak PV power generation
vehicles and active users into the grid. Distributed generation
and peak power consumption times occurs [5]. At this
needs to solve several technical issues associated with it, such
disadvantage, we have to add the intermittent and
as electromagnetic interference, harmonic distortion, problems
unpredictable character of PV generation as a result of its
in voltage and frequency regulation or islanding [2]. As a
dependence of the solar irradiance. These problems can be
possible solution to mitigate the problems exposed below, a
mitigated incorporating an ESS associated to the PV
new concept about the role of end users has appeared recently:
installations, whose main purpose is to store the excess of
end users have been called to become prosumers, instead of
power produced by the PV system in order to deliver the
being considered only as consumers.
necessary energy to satisfy the user demand when PV power is
A prosumer can be defined as a combination of a producer insufficient [7]. ESS can be designed using different
and a consumer. It means that a prosumer is able both to extract technologies and even combining up to one of them to
power from the grid (like a conventional consumer) and to compose a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) [9].
deliver power into the grid (like a producer) [3]. At
This paper focuses on simulating by Simulink/Matlab
installations of prosumers, loads and energy sources coexist, in
software the operation of a residential prosumer installation
a way that the energy sources provide energy to feed their own
with a PV array and a HESS based on batteries and
loads or to inject power to the electric grid according to
ultracapacitors, as shown in Fig. 1. A brief explanation about
economic decisions. For this reason, a large number of
ESS technologies and HESS configurations that can be
prosumers can contribute to smooth the energy demand curve,
integrated in PV systems is offered in Section II. In Section III,
and, therefore, to reduce the required power generation. In
E − Emin
SOCUC = (7)
Emax − Emin
SOC (%)
Using (7), when the UC voltage reaches the 50% of its
nominal value, SOCUC is equal to 0%. It means that an UC is
considered as fully discharged when its voltage is the half of its 0
nominal value (Vnom), in order to maintain a minimum energy 0 Vnom/2 Vref Vnom
equal to 25% of the total energy that the UC could store (8) and Voltage (V)
ensure the minimum operating voltage required by the
power converter. Fig. 4. Evolution of SOCUC with V.
Fig. 5. Simulink model used to simulate the battery and UC banks work with the proposed control.
50 Voltage
Voltage* Fig. 7. Comparison of the currents provided by the battery and the UC
systems since 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Voltage (V)
This paper exposes the relevance that prosumers have
reached as a result of the new scenario that the development of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 distributed generation has caused in recent years. Besides, a
Time (h)
brief discussion about ESSs is given. Namely, the case of a
(a) prosumer dwell with a small PV array combined with a HESS
100 SOC
based on lead-acid batteries and UCs has been simulated.
SOC* Moreover, a comprehensive control strategy has been proposed
in order to optimize the energy management and it has been
SOC (%)
60 validated by simulation.
The implemented EMS allows maintaining the SOC of the
20 UC bank in the half of their maximum value, which is useful to
UCs remain available at all times and even to take advantage of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 the surplus of the energy stored in UCs to charge batteries.
Time (h)
As further works, it would be interesting to continue
analyzing the proposed EMS with different PV conditions and
SOC load characteristics in order to evaluate its operation in other
66 SOC* possible cases. In addition, this work could be complemented
64 with an economical study which considers the variable energy
SOC (%)
prices and allows to determine the economic impact that a
HESS and a EMS can cause in a residential installation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 This research work has been partially supported by the
Time (h) project (TEC2016-77632-C3-1-R) from “Ministerio de
(c) Economía y Competitividad (Gobierno de España)” and by
Fig. 6. Comparison of the evolution of the voltage (a) and the SOC (b) of the “Junta de Extremadura” with funds for research groups
UC system and the SOC of the batteries bank (c) along a day with the (GR15177).
proposed control action (marked with *) and without it.