ABSTRACT This study proposes the practical power management of integrated system with photo-
voltaic (PV) and energy storage system (ESS) to solve the line congestion and voltage problems in a
distribution system while considering the electricity price and state of charge (SOC) of ESS. In addition,
the proper power management of PV/ESS integrated system (PEIS) enables to increase the hosting capacity
of renewable energies in a distribution system and to maximize the profit of independent power producer
(IPP). In this study, the real power management of PEIS of 100 kW is implemented in practice and tested with
the actual measurements for 3 days. The results show that the proposed method deals with the line congestion
problem effectively and efficiently while increasing the profit of IPP by 11%. In particular, the reactive power
control based on the international electrotechnical commission (IEC) standard, IEC 61850-90-7 is applied
to the PEIS, and it can successfully mitigate the variations of voltage in a distribution system.
INDEX TERMS Distribution system, energy storage system, integrated system, photovoltaic system, power
management, reactive power control, renewable energy.
I. INTRODUCTION On the other hand, every distribution line has the power
To deal with the climate change due to greenhouse gas limit, above which is not allowed to flow, due to its thermal
emission, many countries have been strongly pursuing the capacity. This problem is called as the line congestion in
green growth policies while focusing on renewable energies a distribution system [4], [5]. For example, the real power
such as photovoltaic (PV) and wind, etc. Accordingly, many flowing in a general distribution line is limited to 10 MW at
renewable energy-based generators have been connecting in maximum in South Korea [6]. As the result, the other PV sys-
the transmission and distribution systems of existing power tems cannot be newly connected to this line because it already
grid. The PV generation has an infinite energy source with- has many renewable energy-based generators, of which total
out making environmental pollution. Its characteristic shows output power reaches to 10 MW. Even though the increase of
the pattern of general power consumption, and therefore hosting capacity with the installation of new lines and trans-
this can make helpful supplying the power. In other words, formers can be a fundamental solution, it requires the high
it mainly generates power during the daytime when the most cost. To figure out this problem, the PV and energy storage
electricity is consumed. Thus, it can be strategically used system (ESS) integrated system (PEIS) can be applied [2],
for system operator to resolve the power shortage during [3]. In other words, even when the PV system can generate
the peak demand. However, its output power is affected by its maximum power according to the good weather condition,
weather conditions. This results in increasing the variability some amount of power is charged in the ESS depending on
and uncertainty in its power generation [1]–[3]. its capacity. This can prevent the maximum power from PV
system flowing in distribution line. As the result, it enables to
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and solve the line congestion problem, and therefore increase the
approving it for publication was Chandan Kumar . hosting capacity of renewable energies.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME 8, 2020 189775
S. U. Jeon et al.: Practical Power Management of PV/ESS Integrated System
There are several studies on the integrated PV-ESS system the particular distribution line, and it generates its maxi-
[7], [8], which describes the integrated PV-ESS system with mum power output according to the good weather condition,
the DC bus. It supplies the AC power depending on whether it might excess the power limit (10 MW in South Korea) of
there is a load consumption in DC bus or a generation from line due to its thermal capacity in some sections, as shown
PV system. Because the DC bus is separated from AC system, in Fig. 1(a), even though the ESS exists in the other separate
and the associated power management system (PMS) handles location [6]. To figure it out, the PEIS is applied as shown
the power fluctuation of PV generation and DC load, it can in Fig. 1(b). In this case, even if the PV system generates the
contribute to improving the stability of distribution system. same maximum power, some amount of power can be charged
However, because the DC bus voltage mainly depends on in the ESS. Then, this results in avoiding line congestion
the state of charge (SOC) of ESS, it does not change signifi- problem. Also, this energy stored in ESS of PEIS can be
cantly while the power generation from PV system is subject used when the electricity price is high at peak demand
to fluctuate. Therefore, the DC/DC converter is required to and/or the subsidy supported from government is also high
adjust the DC voltage and transfer the power. As the result, at nighttime [12].
the additional cost for DC/DC converter and the loss from
power conversion reduce the independent power producer
(IPP)’s revenue. In contrast, the proposed PEIS does not
require the DC bus. Also, its PMS can be easily applied to the
conventional PV and ESS system. Moreover, there is no need
for additional DC/DC converter or DC bus system. It requires
the only line measurement device.
The South Korea government has been carrying out the
strong renewable energy promotion program while giving
more weight (that is, higher subsidy) to the time schedule
operation of ESS. Then, the PEIS gives the chance to sell its
stored energy at nighttime at the higher cost determined by
this weight. Therefore, it can reduce the investment payback
period although it requires the high initial cost [2], [3]. Even
though there are several studies to prevent the line congestion
by estimating the margin of line capacity and improving the
optimal power flow method for microgrid [9]–[11], there are
no researches to directly solve the line congestion problem
while increasing the IPP’s revenue.
This paper proposes the new practical PMS applied to the
PEIS with the inverter (INV) for PV system and the power
conditioning system (PCS) for ESS, which basically supports
the time schedule to consider the economic profit while solv-
ing the line congestion problem in a distribution system, and FIGURE 1. Line congestion in a distribution line.
therefore increasing the hosting capacity of renewable ener-
gies. This paper is organized as follows. Section II explains B. PRACTICAL PV/ESS INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF 100 KW
the line congestion problem in a distribution line. It also The structure of practical PEIS of 100 kW is shown in the
describes the structure of PEIS with its communication pro- Fig. 2. It consists of the INV for PV system and the PCS
cess. Section III gives the full details for proposed PMS. Also, for ESS in hardware. The measurements from the INV is
it introduces the renewable energy policy of South Korea with firstly transmitted to the PMS. Also, the PCS measures the
the focus on subsidy. In Section IV, the case studies are carried input DC voltage, output AC voltage/current, and SOC of
out to verify the performance of PMS applied to the PEIS battery. Then, they are sent to the PMS in every second based
of 100 kW. Thereafter, the experimental results tested for on the recommended standard (RS) 485 communication. The
3 days are given in Section V. Finally, a conclusion is given power flow from the PEIS to line is measured by the power
in section VI. protection & monitoring equipment (PPME), and this is trans-
mitted to the PMS. Note that the PPME, which is added to
II. THE PROPOSED PV/ESS INTEGRATED SYSTEM the conventional PEIS, can also perform block function of
A. LINE CONGESTION PROBLEM reverse power flow [6]. The power flow monitoring equip-
As mentioned in above, the PV system can be strategically ment (PFME) measures the power flowing through the line,
used because its output pattern is similar to that of load and send it to the PMS.
during daytime [1]–[3]. However, it is characterized with The communication method used to implement the pro-
the variability and uncertainty depending on weather con- posed PEIS is the RS485 communication, which is more
ditions. In particular, when the PV system is connected to resistant to noise than the other serial communications such
By the IEC 61850-90-7, the PCS of renewable energy-
based generator must be able to carry out the smart inverter
FIGURE 2. Structure of PEIS with its communication process. functions, which can deal with the frequency-real power,
frequency-reactive power, voltage-real power, and voltage-
as RS232, RS442. Also, it is more preferably used for reactive power relationships, etc. In addition, they support the
the long-distance communication. In particular, the PFME operation for giving the economic profit to the IPP. Among
(which acquires the information of line) is inevitably far the above functions, which can be implemented by the virtual
from the PMS. For this case, it can transmit the informa- droop control, this study focuses on the voltage control by
tion more stably. For these reasons, the RS485 communi- reactive power compensation, as shown in Fig. 3. That is,
cation has been used in many industry applications. The the PEIS provides or absorbs the reactive power to control the
important components of proposed PEIS, which are INV voltage by the INV for PV system and/or PCS for ESS while
for PV, PCS for ESS, PPME, and PFME, are using the regulating the power factor within ±0.9 in South Korea [6].
RS485 communication. In addition, in order to prevent the The values from V1 to V4 in Fig. 3 might be different
accident by communication error, the acknowledge signal is depending on the system condition and grid code in each
periodically transmitted and received to check whether the country. When the value of voltage is lower than that of
communication is stable. If a communication error occurs, V2 (which is 372.4 V), the INV supplies the positive (over-
the proposed PEIS is stopped. It is set to 19200 bps, which excited) reactive power to increase the voltage. In contrast,
is the communication speed, which can transmit the most if it is higher than that of V3 (which is 372.4 V), the negative
data while being able to perform the stable communication. (under-excited) reactive power is compensated to decrease
There is no interference between the AC system of 60 Hz voltage. For this study, this compensation starts right after the
and the PWM frequency of 7.2 kHz. Moreover, the device voltage is above ±2% of the rated voltage. When it reaches
equipped with a terminating resistor is used in the RS485 to ±5% of the rated voltage (which are corresponding to
communication module to prevent the signal reflection. Also, V4 and V1, respectively), the PEIS makes the maximum
the proposed PMS can be easily applied to the conven- reactive power compensation up to 48.4% of rated power so
tional PV and ESS system because there is no need for that the power factor becomes ±0.9.
additional DC/DC converters or DC bus systems, which are For the reactive power compensation, when the line voltage
required in [7] and [8]. exceeds its limit, the proposed PMS calculates the amount of
On the other hand, the reactive power must be effectively reactive power required to restore the voltage. Then, it adjusts
compensated to keep the voltage stability in distribution the power factor of PEIS until it supplies the required reac-
system. In practice, the only INV performs this function. tive power. In this case, the power factor is limited not to
This study proposes the new reactive power compensation drop below 0.9 according to the grid-code regulation in [6].
method with the smart inverter functions based on the inter- In some cases, when the reactive power compensation cannot
national electrotechnical commission (IEC) standard, IEC be fully made due to the lack of PV generation or SOC of ESS,
61850-90-7 [14]. Then, its effectiveness is verified by the this control can be accomplished inside of the dark triangle
practical hardware experimental test. in Fig. 3.
A. POWER FLOW CONTROL The South Korea government is operating the renewable
Each renewable energy-based generator must be connected energy certificate (REC) program to support and expand
in practice after considering the allowable hosting capacity the renewable energy business. The system operator sets the
FIGURE 5. Power flows by the proposed PEIS to get the REC price in
different time periods.
In other words, it can be calculated by multiplying the rated (DCP) [19] such that the objective function of Jp + Js is
capacity of PCS (which is 100 kW) and the ratio of 1SOC minimized as
and 1Time.
min Js + Jp .
Pref .c = 100 (2) s.t Ppv − Pref ≤ Pl.cap
Pref .d = 100 · (3) Pref ≤ Ppv . (9)
where 1SOC is the difference between the present SOC The minimization of combination of Jp in (4) and Js in (6)
and the constant SOC of 10%, which is the recommended becomes a convex optimization problem and it consists of
as the minimum limit of ESS. And, 1Time is the remain- a quadratic objective function and two linear constraints.
ing time until 10:00 in the next day from the present Then, it can be solved by the DCP while finding the proper
time. After calculating the Pref .c by (2) and Pref .d by (3), value of Pref . For solving this quadratic equation with upper
the objective function, Jp , for the power flow of ESS is and lower bounds, the DCP is transformed into a quadratic
defined as program (QP) which can be solved with a standard QP
2 solver [20].
Jp = Pref − Pref .c orPref .d (4) The DCP is implemented in MATLAB and solves the
Firstly, the PMS determines the value of Pref to minimize optimization problem with least-squares gradient estimation
the objective function, Jp in (4), which makes the reference as follows. Firstly, the proposed PMS updates the measure-
charging and discharging powers, Pref .c or Pref .d to operate ment, and it assigns the variables to the optimization problem.
as (2) and (3), respectively, while reflecting the renewable Thereafter, the gradient method starts to find the optimal
energy policy. That is, if the value of Pref is different from that value within the available range. If the value of objective
of Pref .c or Pref .d , the value of Jp increases. In contrast, if they function of Jp + Js is decreased after the Pref is decreased in
are same, the value of Jp becomes zero. To prevent diverging a present iteration, then the Pref will be decreased in the next
its value to the negative infinity, the Jp is set as a quadratic iteration with the update in search of finding its minimum
equation. Thereafter, with the ωREC , the total selling price value. In the opposite direction, if the value of objective
(SP) can be obtained as function of Jp + Js is decreased after the Pref is increased in
a present iteration, then the Pref will be increased in the next
SP = SMP + ωREC · RECprice(ωREC = 1.2, 5) (5) iteration with the update in search of finding its minimum
value. This iteration performs the gradient method to find
Next, the second objective function, Js reflecting the price
the proper value until the change in the objective function
information is defined as the product of SP in (5) and
1(Jp + Js ) is less than one. As mentioned above, the PMS is
Pref as
implemented in the DCP under electricity price, measurement
Js = SP · Pref (6) information and grid-code regulation.
Next, as shown in Fig. 3, the required reactive power, Qreq
Because the value of Js becomes negative only when the depending on the variation of vl , is compensated. In other
ESS discharges, it is recommended that the PEIS controls words, if the vl is within ±2% of the rated voltage, there
to discharge the ESS more than the Pref .d when the SP is no need to compensate. Therefore, the Qreq is zero, and
is high. As shown in the Fig. 6, the REC price becomes the pfref becomes 1. Otherwise, the Qreq has non-zero value.
different depending on the time. For example, even though Thereafter, it is compared with the actual reactive power from
the SMP is the lowest at around 3:00, the corresponding the PEIS, QPEIS , which is defined as the sum of the reactive
REC price is the highest among the day. The Js reflects this powers from INV for PV and PCS for ESS as
price information to the PMS. There are some constraints to q q
solve the optimization problems in (4) and (6). Firstly, if the 1 − pf 2pv 1 − pf 2ess
PEIS receives the power from the grid, the profit supported QPEIS = Ppv · + Pess · (10)
by the REC is reduced [6]. Thus, the PEIS must charge pf pv pf ess
the power less than the Ppv . The associated constraint is The PMS keeps decreasing the pfref by 0.001 in step from
formulated as 1 to 0.9 until the values of QPEIS and Qreq become same.
Pref ≤ Ppv (7) According to [6], if the pfref is lower than 0.9, its value is
set to 0.9. Note that when the value of Qreq is positive and
Also, because the power flowing to the grid, Ppv − Pref , negative, the PEIS performs the lagging and leading pfref
cannot exceed the Pl.cap to avoid the line congestion problem, controls, respectively.
the following constraint is required to consider.
Ppv − Pref ≤ Pl.cap (8)
To evaluate the performance of PMS applied to the PEIS
Finally, the optimization problem to find the proper of 100 kW, the case study is carried out by using the real
value of Pref is solved by the disciplined convex program measurements for 3 days, as shown in Fig. 8.
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SEOUNG UK JEON (Member, IEEE) received JUNG-WOOK PARK (Senior Member, IEEE)
the B.S. degree from Yonsei University, Seoul, was born in Seoul, South Korea. He received
South Korea, in 2011, where he is currently pursu- the B.S. degree (summa cum laude) from the
ing the Ph.D. degree through the combined M.S. Department of Electrical Engineering, Yonsei Uni-
and Ph.D. Program with the School of Electrical versity, Seoul, South Korea, in 1999, and the
and Electronic Engineering. His research interests M.S.E.C.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the School
include power conversion system control, opti- of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Geor-
mal management using converter-based renewable gia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA,
energy, and energy storage systems. in 2000 and 2003, respectively. He was a Post-
doctoral Research Associate with the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
USA, from 2003 to 2004. He was also a Senior Research Engineer with
LG Electronics Inc., South Korea, from 2004 to 2005. Since 2005, he has
JINAH NOH (Graduate Student Member, IEEE) been with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei Uni-
received the B.S. degree from Gyeongsang versity, where he is currently a Professor. He is also the Director of the
National University, Jinju, South Korea, in 2011. Yonsei-Power System Research Center for Great Energy Transition (Yonsei-
She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree through PREFER) supported by the Leading Research Program (7.2M USD Grant
the combined M.S. and Ph.D. Program with the for nine years), National Research Foundation (NRL), South Korea. His cur-
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, rent research interests include power system dynamics, energy management
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. She was systems, renewable energies-based distributed generation systems, operation
an Assistant Researcher with KD Power Company and planning of microgrid, hardware implementation of power-electronic-
Ltd., Chuncheon, South Korea, from 2012 to 2015. based inverters, and so on. He was a recipient of the Young Scientist
Her research interests include control and opera- Presidential Award from the Korean Academy of Science and Technology
tion of power systems, energy management systems, and renewable energies- (KAST), South Korea, in 2013.
based distributed generation systems.