History of Sulfuric Acid

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History of Sulfuric Acid

Although sulfuric acid is now one of the most widely used chemicals, it was probably little known
before the 16th cent. It was prepared by Johann Van Helmont (c.1600) by destructive distillation of
green vitriol (ferrous sulfate) and by burning sulfur. The first major industrial demand for sulfuric acid
was the Leblanc process for making sodium carbonate (developed c.1790). Sulfuric acid was produced at
Nordhausen from green vitriol but was expensive. A process for its synthesis by burning sulfur with
potassium nitrate was first used by Johann Glauber in the 17th cent. and developed commercially by
Joshua Ward in England c.1740. It was soon superseded by the lead chamber process, invented by John
Roebuck in 1746. The contact process was originally developed c.1830 by Peregrine Phillips in England; it
was little used until a need for concentrated acid arose, particularly for the manufacture of synthetic
organic dyes.

Concentrated Sulfuric Acid

When heated, the pure 100% acid loses sulfur trioxide gas, SO3, until a constant-boiling solution, or
azeotrope, containing about 98.5% H2SO4 is formed at 337°C. Concentrated sulfuric acid is a weak acid
and a poor electrolyte because relatively little of it is dissociated into ions at room temperature. When
cold it does not react readily with such common metals as iron or copper. When hot it is an oxidizing
agent, the sulfur in it being reduced; sulfur dioxide gas may be released. Hot concentrated sulfuric acid
reacts with most metals and with several nonmetals, e.g., sulfur and carbon. Because the concentrated
acid has a high boiling point, it can be used to release more volatile acids from their salts.
Concentrated sulfuric acid has a very strong affinity for water. It is sometimes used as a drying agent
and can be used to dehydrate (chemically remove water from) many compounds, e.g., carbohydrates. It
reacts with the sugar sucrose, C12H22O11, removing eleven molecules of water, H2O, from each molecule
of sucrose and leaving a brittle spongy black mass of carbon and diluted sulfuric acid. The acid reacts
similarly with skin, cellulose, and other plant and animal matter.
When the concentrated acid mixes with water, large amounts of heat are released; enough heat can
be released at once to boil the water and spatter the acid. To dilute the acid, the acid should be added
slowly to cold water with constant stirring to limit the buildup of heat. Sulfuric acid reacts with water to
form hydrates with distinct properties.

Dilute Sulfuric Acid

Dilute sulfuric acid is a strong acid and a good electrolyte; it is highly ionized, much of the heat
released in dilution coming from hydration of the hydrogen ions. The dilute acid has most of the
properties of common strong acids. It turns blue litmus red. It reacts with many metals (e.g., with zinc),
releasing hydrogen gas, H2, and forming the sulfate of the metal. It reacts with most hydroxides and
oxides, with some carbonates and sulfides, and with some salts. Since it is dibasic (i.e., it has two
replaceable hydrogen atoms in each molecule), it forms both normal sulfates (with both hydrogens
replaced, e.g., sodium sulfate, Na2SO4) and acid sulfates, also called bisulfates or hydrogen sulfates (with
only one hydrogen replaced, e.g., sodium bisulfate, NaHSO4).
Production of Sulfuric Acid

There are two major processes (lead chamber and contact) for production of sulfuric acid, and it is
available commercially in a number of grades and concentrations. The lead chamber process, the older
of the two processes, is used to produce much of the acid used to make fertilizers; it produces a
relatively dilute acid (62%–78% H2SO4). The contact process produces a purer, more concentrated acid
but requires purer raw materials and the use of expensive catalysts. In both processes sulfur dioxide is
oxidized and dissolved in water. The sulfur dioxide is obtained by burning sulfur, by burning pyrites (iron
sulfides), by roasting nonferrous sulfide ores preparatory to smelting, or by burning hydrogen sulfide
gas. Some sulfuric acid is also made from ferrous sulfate waste solutions from pickling iron and steel and
from waste acid sludge from oil refineries.

Uses of Sulfuric Acid

Sulfuric acid is one of the most important industrial chemicals. More of it is made each year than is
made of any other manufactured chemical; more than 40 million tons of it were produced in the United
States in 1990. It has widely varied uses and plays some part in the production of nearly all
manufactured goods. The major use of sulfuric acid is in the production of fertilizers, e.g.,
22superphosphate of lime and ammonium sulfate. It is widely used in the manufacture of chemicals,
e.g., in making hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfate salts, synthetic detergents, dyes and pigments,
explosives, and drugs. It is used in petroleum refining to wash impurities out of gasoline and other
refinery products. Sulfuric acid is used in processing metals, e.g., in pickling (cleaning) iron and steel
before plating them with tin or zinc. Rayon is made with sulfuric acid. It serves as the electrolyte in the
lead-acid storage battery commonly used in motor vehicles (acid for this use, containing about 33%
H2SO4 and with specific gravity about 1.25, is often called battery acid).

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