Questions Chapter 4 PEC

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CHAPTER 4 conductor shall have a continuous _____ that

readily distinguishes it from the other

1. A _____ conductor that carries only the conductor or conductors.
unbalanced current from other conductors of
the same circuit shall not be required to meet
the requirements of a current-carrying 9. A braid finished showing a _____ or _____
conductor. color and the braid on the other conductor or
conductors finished to show a readily
2. In a 3-wire circuit consisting of two phase distinguishable solid color or colors.
wires and the neutral of a 4-wire, 3-phase,
wye-connected system, a common conductor 10. A _____ in a braid of any color contrasting with
carries approximately the same current as the that of the braid and no tracer in the braid of
line-to-neutral currents of the other the other conductor or conductors. No tracer
conductors and shall be considered to be a shall be used in the braid of any conductor of a
_____ conductor. flexible cord that contains a conductor having
a braid finished to show white or gray.
3. An equipment grounding conductor shall not
be considered a _____ conductor. 11. A white or gray insulation on one conductor
and insulation of a readily distinguishable color
4. Flexible cables shall be durably marked on the or colors on the other conductor or conductors
surface at intervals not exceeding _____ mm for cords having no braids on the individual
with the type designation, size, and number of conductors. For jacketed cords furnished with
conductors. appliances, one conductor having its insulation
colored light blue, with the other conductors
5. Flexible cords not smaller than _____, and having their insulation of a readily
tinsel cords or cords having equivalent distinguishable color other than _____ or
characteristics of smaller size approved for use _____.
with specific appliances, shall be considered as
protected against overcurrent by the 12. A _____ or _____ separator on one conductor
overcurrent devices described in and a separator of a readily distinguishable
solid color on the other conductor or
6. Flexible cords and cables shall be protected by conductors of cords having insulation on the
_____ or _____ where passing through holes in individual conductor’s integral with the jacket.
covers, outlet boxes, or similar enclosures.
13. A conductor intended to be used as an _____
7. In industrial establishments where the shall have a continuous identifying marker
conditions of maintenance and supervision readily distinguishing it from the other
ensure that only licensed electrical practitioner conductor or conductors. Conductors having a
or non-licensed electrical practitioner under continuous green color or a continuous green
the supervision of a licensed electrical color with one or more yellow stripes shall not
practitioner service the installation, flexible be used for other than equipment grounding
cords and cables shall be permitted to be purposes.
installed in aboveground raceways that are no
longer than _____ m to protect the flexible 14. Cables operated at over _____ volts shall be
cord or cable from physical damage shielded. Shielding shall be for the purpose of
confining the voltage stresses to the insulation.
8. One conductor of flexible cords that is
intended to be used as a grounded circuit 15. All shields shall be _____.
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mechanical means that ensures that the blades
16. The minimum bending radii for portable cables remain in the open position when so set.
during installation and handling in service shall 27. Double-throw knife switches shall be
be adequate to prevent damage to the _____. permitted to be mounted so that the throw is
either vertical or horizontal. Where the throw
17. Fixture wires shall not be smaller than _____. is vertical, integral mechanical means shall be
provided to hold the blades in the _____
position when so set.
18. Fixture wires that are intended to be used as
grounded conductors shall be identified by one
28. Exception: The _____ and _____ supplying the
or more continuous _____ or other than green
load of a switch shall be permitted to be
insulation or by the means described in
energized when the switch is in the open
(a) through (b).
position where the switch is connected to
circuits or equipment inherently capable of
19. Thermoplastic insulated fixture (luminaire) providing a backfeed source of power. For such
wire shall be durably marked on the surface at installations, a permanent sign shall be
intervals not exceeding _____ mm. All other installed on the switch enclosure or
fixture wire shall be marked by means of a immediately adjacent to open switches with
printed tag attached to the coil, reel, or carton. the following words or equivalent:
20. All other fixture wire shall be marked by means ENERGIZED BY BACKFEED.
of _____ attached to the coil, reel, or carton.
29. All switches and circuit breakers used as
21. Fixture (luminaire) wire types listed in Table switches shall be located so that they may be shall be permitted to be _____ to operated from a readily accessible place. They
indicate special characteristics of the cable shall be installed such that the center of the
materials. These markings include, but are not grip of the operating handle of the switch or
limited to, markings for limited smoke, sunlight circuit breaker, when in its highest position, is
resistance, and so forth. not more than _____ mm above the floor or
working platform.
22. Fixture wires shall not be used as _____
conductors. 30. _____ shall be of ferrous metal not less than
0.75 mm in thickness or of nonferrous metal
23. Three-way and four-way switches shall be not less than 1.00 mm in thickness. Faceplates
wired so that all switching is done only in the of insulating material shall be noncombustible
_____ circuit conductor. and not less than 0.25 mm in thickness, but
they shall be permitted to be less than 0.25
24. Switches or circuit breakers shall not mm in thickness if formed or reinforced to
disconnect the _____ conductor of a circuit. provide adequate mechanical strength.

25. Switches and circuit breakers shall be of the 31. Snap switches used with open wiring on
_____ type mounted in an enclosure listed for insulators shall be mounted on insulating
the intended use. material that separates the conductors at least
_____ mm from the surface wired over.
26. _____ switches shall be placed so that gravity
will not tend to close them. Single-throw knife 32. A hand-operable circuit breaker equipped with
switches, approved for use in the inverted a lever or handle, or a power-operated circuit
position, shall be provided with an integral breaker capable of being opened by hand in
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the event of a power failure, shall be 43. _____protected receptacles shall be provided
permitted to serve as a switch if it has the where replacements are made at receptacle
required _____. outlets that are required to be so protected
33. Knife switches rated at over 1 200 amperes at elsewhere in this Code.
250 volts or less, and at over 600 amperes at 44. A non–grounding-type receptacle(s) shall be
251 to 600 volts, shall be used only as isolating permitted to be replaced with a ground-fault
switches and shall not be opened under _____. circuit interrupter-type of receptacle(s). These
receptacles shall be marked “_____.”
34. To interrupt currents over 1 200 amperes at
250 volts, nominal, or less, or over 600 45. Grounding-type receptacles supplied through
amperes at 251 to 600 volts, nominal, a _____ the ground-fault circuit interrupter shall be
or a switch of special design listed for such marked “_____” and “_____.” An equipment
purpose shall be used. grounding conductor shall not be connected
between the grounding-type receptacles.
35. _____ switches shall be permitted to be of the
knife-switch type. 46. Receptacles connected to circuits that have
different voltages, frequencies, or types of
36. Snap switches rated 20 amperes or less current (ac or dc) on the same premises shall
directly connected to aluminum conductors be of such design that the attachment plugs
shall be listed and marked _____. used on these circuits are not _____.

47. After installation, receptacle faces shall be

37. _____ shall be marked with the current
flush with or project from faceplates of
voltage, and, if horsepower rated, the
insulating material and shall project a
maximum rating for which they are designed.
minimum of _____ mm from metal faceplates.
38. Where in the off position, a switching device 48. Metal faceplates shall be of ferrous metal not
with a marked OFF position shall completely less than _____ mm in thickness or of
disconnect all ungrounded conductors to the nonferrous metal not less than _____ mm in
_____ it controls. thickness.

39. _____ shall be listed and marked with the 49. _____ of insulating material shall be
manufacturer’s name or identification and noncombustible and not less than 0.25 mm in
voltage and ampere ratings. thickness but shall be permitted to be less than
0.25 mm in thickness if formed or reinforced to
40. Receptacles and cord connectors shall be rated provide adequate mechanical strength.
not less than 15 amperes, 125 volts, or 15
amperes, 250 volts, and shall be of a type not 50. A _____ shall be considered to be in a location
suitable for use as _____. protected from the weather where located
under roofed open porches, canopies,
41. Receptacles rated _____ amperes or less and marquees, and the like, and will not be
designed for the direct connection of subjected to a beating rain or water runoff.
Conductors shall be marked CO/ALR. 51. Grounding-type receptacles, cord connectors,
and attachment plugs shall be provided with
42. Receptacles installed on 15- and 20-ampere one fixed grounding pole in addition to the
branch circuits shall be of the _____ type. circuit poles. The grounding contacting pole of
grounding-type plug-in ground-fault circuit
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interrupters shall be permitted to be of the combined rating not greater than that of the
movable, self-restoring type on circuits _____.
operating at not over _____ volts between any
two conductors or any conductor and ground. 58. Panelboards equipped with snap switches
rated at 30 amperes or less shall have
52. The phase arrangement on 3-phase buses shall overcurrent protection of _____ amperes or
be A, B, C from front to back, top to bottom, or less.
left to right, as viewed from the front of the 59. Panelboards shall be mounted in cabinets,
switchboard or panelboard. The _____ phase cutout boxes, or enclosures designed for the
shall be that phase having the higher voltage purpose and shall be _____.
to ground on 3-phase, 4- wire, delta-connected
systems. Other busbar arrangements shall be 60. In panelboards, fuses of any type shall be
permitted for additions to existing installations installed on the ____ side of any switches.
and shall be marked.
61. Instruments, pilot lights, potential
53. For other than a totally enclosed switchboard, transformers, and other switchboard devices
a space not less than _____ mm shall be with potential coils shall be supplied by a
provided between the top of the switchboard circuit that is protected by standard
and any combustible ceiling, unless a overcurrent devices rated _____ amperes or
noncombustible shield is provided between less.
the switchboard and the ceiling.
62. An assembly of a systematic and standard
54. Panelboards shall be classified for the arrangement of two or more components such
purposes of this article as either lighting and as motor controllers, overload relays, fused
appliance branch circuit panelboards or power disconnects switches, and circuit breakers and
panelboards, based on their content. A lighting related control devices such as pushbutton
and appliance branch circuit is a branch circuit stations, selector switches, timers, switches,
that has a connection to the neutral of the control relays, and the like with associated
panelboard and that has overcurrent wiring, terminal blocks, pilot lights, and similar
protection of _____ amperes or less in one or components. The industrial control panel does
more conductors. not include the controlled equipment.

55. A lighting and appliance branch-circuit 63. The size of the industrial control panel supply
panelboard is one having more than _____ conductor shall have an ampacity not less than
percent of its overcurrent devices protecting _____ percent of the full-load current rating of
lighting and appliance branch circuits. all resistance heating loads plus 125 percent of
the full-load current rating of the highest rated
56. Not more than _____ overcurrent devices motor plus the sum of the full-load current
(other than those provided for in the mains) of ratings of all other connected motors and
a lighting and appliance branch-circuit apparatus based on their duty cycle that may
panelboard shall be installed in any one be in operation at the same time.
cabinet or cutout box.
64. Industrial control panel enclosures shall not be
57. Each lighting and appliance branch-circuit used as junction boxes, auxiliary gutters, or
panelboard shall be individually protected on raceways for conductors feeding through or
the supply side by not more than two main tapping off to other switches or overcurrent
circuit breakers or two sets of fuses having a devices, unless adequate space for this
purpose is provided. The conductors shall not

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fill the wiring space at any cross section to of the rod on a plane horizontal to the floor
more than _____ percent of the cross- extending the entire length of the rod.
sectional area of the space, and the
conductors, splices, and taps shall not fill the 70. _____ shall have adequate space and shall be
wiring space at any cross section to more than located so that lamps and equipment can be
_____ percent of the cross-sectional area of properly installed and maintained.
that space.
71. Luminaires (fixtures) and lampholders shall be
65. All luminaires (fixtures) installed in wet securely supported. A luminaire (fixture) that
locations shall be marked, “_____.” All weighs more than _____ kg or exceeds 410
luminaires (fixtures) installed in damp mm in any dimension shall not be supported
locations shall be marked, “_____” or “_____.” by the screw shell of a lampholder.

66. No parts of cord-connected luminaires 72. A pole shall have a handhole not less than
(fixtures), chain-, cable-, or cord-suspended- _____ mm × _____ mm with a raintight cover
luminaires (fixtures), lighting track, pendants, to provide access to the supply terminations
or ceiling-suspended (paddle) fans shall be within the pole or pole base.
located within a zone measured _____ mm
horizontally and _____ mm vertically from the 73. Exposed metal parts shall be grounded or
top of the bathtub rim or shower stall insulated from ground and other conducting
threshold. surfaces or be inaccessible to unqualified
personnel. Lamp tie wires, mounting screws,
67. Luminaires (fixtures) shall be constructed, clips, and decorative bands on glass spaced at
installed, or equipped with shades or guards so least _____ mm from lamp terminals shall not
that combustible material is not subjected to be required to be grounded.
temperatures in excess of _____°C.
74. _____ lampholders with permanently attached
68. Lampholders installed over highly combustible leads, where used for other than festoon
material shall be of the unswitched type. wiring, shall be hung from separate stranded
Unless an individual switch is provided for each rubber-covered conductors that are soldered
luminaire (fixture), lampholders shall be directly to the circuit conductors but
located at least _____ mm above the floor or supported independently thereof.
shall be located or guarded so that the lamps
cannot be readily removed or damaged. 75. Unless part of listed decorative lighting
assemblies, pendant conductors shall not be
69. The volume bounded by the sides and back smaller than 2.0 mm2 (1.6 mm dia.) for
closet walls and planes extending from the mogulbase or medium-base screw-shell
closet floor vertically to a height of 1 800 mm lampholders or smaller than 0.75 mm2 (1.0
or to the highest clothes-hanging rod and mm dia.) for intermediate or candelabra-base
parallel to the walls at a horizontal distance of lampholders.
600 mm from the sides and back of the closet
walls, respectively, and continuing vertically to 76. Pendant conductors longer than ____ mm shall
the closet ceiling parallel to the walls at a be twisted together where not cabled in a
horizontal distance of 300 mm or the width of listed assembly.
the shelf, whichever is greater; for a closet that
permits access to both sides of a hanging rod, 77. Individual showcases, other than fixed, shall be
this space includes the volume below the permitted to be connected by flexible cord to
highest rod extending 300 mm on either side permanently installed receptacles, and groups

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of not more than _____ such showcases shall shall not be less than 0.50 mm in thickness.
be permitted to be coupled together by Other canopies shall not be less than 0.40 mm
flexible cord and separable locking-type if made of steel and not less than 0.50 mm if of
connectors with one of the group connected other metals.
by flexible cord to a permanently installed
receptacle. 85. Pull-type canopy switches shall not be inserted
in the rims of metal canopies that are less than
78. Receptacles, connectors, and attachment plugs 0.65 mm in thickness, unless the rims are
shall be of a listed grounding type rated _____ reinforced by the turning of a bead or the
or _____ amperes. equivalent. Pull-type canopy switches, whether
79. Where a metal lampholder is attached to a mounted in the rims or elsewhere in sheet
flexible cord, the inlet shall be equipped with metal canopies, shall not be located more than
an insulating bushing that, if threaded, is not _____mm from the center of the canopy.
smaller than raceway size _____ mm.
86. Exposed live parts within porcelain luminaires
80. Bushing having holes _____ mm in diameter (fixtures) shall be suitably recessed and located
shall be permitted for use with plain pendant so as to make it improbable that wires come in
cord and holes 11 mm in diameter with contact with them. There shall be a spacing of
reinforced cord. at least _____ mm between live parts and the
mounting plane of the luminaire (fixture).
81. Electric-discharge luminaires (lighting fixtures)
provided with mogul-base, screw-shell 87. Lampholders of the screw-shell type shall be
lampholders shall be permitted to be installed for use as lampholders only. Where
connected to branch circuits of _____ amperes supplied by a circuit having a grounded
or less by cords complying with conductor, the grounded conductor shall be
Receptacles and attachment plugs shall be connected to the _____.
permitted to be of a lower ampere rating than
the branch circuit but not less than _____ 88. The outer metal shell and the cap shall be lined
percent of the luminaire (fixture) full-load with insulating material that prevents the shell
current. and cap from becoming a part of the circuit.
The lining shall not extend beyond the metal
82. Branch-circuit conductors within 75 mm of a shell more than _____ mm but shall prevent
ballast shall have an insulation temperature any current-carrying part of the lamp base
rating not lower than _____°C unless supplying from being exposed when a lamp is in the
a luminaire (fixture) listed and marked as lampholding device.
suitable for a different insulation temperature.
89. An _____ for general use on lighting branch
83. Tubing used for arms and stems where circuits shall not be equipped with a medium
provided with cut threads shall not be less base if rated over 300 watts, or with a mogul
than _____ mm in thickness and, where base if rated over 1 500 watts. Special bases or
provided with rolled (pressed) threads, shall other devices shall be used for over 1 500
not be less than _____ mm in thickness. Arms watts.
and other parts shall be fastened to prevent
turning. 90. Luminaires (fixtures) shall be installed so that
adjacent combustible material will not be
84. Metal canopies supporting lampholders, subjected to temperatures in excess of
shades, and so forth exceeding _____ or _____°C.
incorporating attachment plug receptacles,

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91. Where a luminaire (fixture) is recessed in fire-
resistant material in a building of fire-resistant 98. The terminals of an electric-discharge lamp
construction, a temperature higher than shall be considered as energized where any
_____C but not higher than _____°C shall be lamp terminal is connected to a circuit of over
considered acceptable if the luminaire (fixture) _____ volts.
is plainly marked that it is listed for that
service. 99. Luminaires (fixtures) that use a metal halide
lamp other than a thick-glass parabolic
92. A recessed luminaire (fixture) that is not reflector lamp (PAR) shall be provided with a
identified for contact with insulation shall have containment barrier that encloses the lamp, or
all recessed parts spaced not less than _____ shall be provided with a physical means that
mm from combustible materials. The points of only allows the use of a lamp that is Type
support and the trim finishing off the opening _____.
in the ceiling or wall surface shall be permitted 100. Equipment having an open-circuit
to be in contact with combustible materials. voltage exceeding _____ volts shall not be
installed in dwelling occupancies unless such
93. Thermal insulation shall not be installed above equipment is designed so that there will be no
a recessed luminaire (fixture) or with _____ exposed live parts when lamps are being
mm of the recessed luminaire's (fixture's) inserted, are in place, or are being removed.
enclosure, wiring compartment, or ballast
unless it is identified for contact with 101. Where a surface-mounted luminaire
insulation, Type IC. (fixture) containing a ballast is to be installed
on combustible low-density cellulose
94. Tap conductors of a type suitable for the fiberboard, it shall be listed for this condition
temperature encountered shall be permitted or shall be spaced not less than _____ mm
to run from the luminaire (fixture) terminal from the surface of the fiberboard.
connection to an outlet box placed at least
_____ mm from the luminaire (fixture). Such 102. Wired luminaire (fixture) sections are
tap conductors shall be in suitable raceway or paired, with ballast supplying a lamp or lamps
Type AC or MC cable of at least _____ mm but in both. For interconnection between paired
not more than _____ mm in length. units, it shall be permissible to use raceway
size _____ mm flexible metal conduit in
95. Luminaires (fixtures) shall be constructed such lengths not exceeding _____ mm, in
that adjacent combustible material is not conformance with Article 3.48.
subject to temperatures in excess of _____°C.
103. An autotransformer that is used to
96. Incandescent lamp luminaires (fixtures) shall raise the voltage to more than _____ volts, as
be marked to indicate the maximum allowable part of a ballast for supplying lighting units,
wattage of lamps. The markings shall be shall be supplied only by a grounded system.
permanently installed, in letters at least _____
mm high, and shall be located where visible 104. Electric-discharge lighting systems with
during relamping. an open-circuit voltage exceeding _____ volts
shall be listed and installed in conformance
97. Equipment for use with electric-discharge with that listing.
lighting systems and designed for an
opencircuit voltage of _____ volts or less shall
be of a type intended for such service.

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105. Equipment that has an open-circuit not more than _____ mm in length shall have
voltage exceeding _____ volts shall not be one additional support.
installed in or on dwelling occupancies.
113. The housing for the lighting track
106. The terminal of an electric-discharge system shall be of substantial construction to
lamp shall be considered as a _____. maintain rigidity. The conductors shall be
installed within the track housing, permitting
107. The secondary-circuit voltage shall not insertion of a luminaire (fixture), and designed
exceed _____ volts, nominal, under any load to prevent tampering and accidental contact
condition. The voltage to ground of any output with live parts. Components of lighting track
terminals of the secondary circuit shall not systems of different voltages shall not be
exceed _____ volts, under any load conditions. interchangeable. The track conductors shall be
a minimum _____ mm2 (_____ mm dia.) or
108. Transformers shall have a secondary equal and shall be copper. The track system
short-circuit current rating of not more than ends shall be insulated and capped.
_____ mA if the open-circuit voltage is over 7
500 volts, and not more than _____ mA if the 114. A lighting system consisting of an
open-circuit voltage rating is 7 500 volts or isolating power supply operating at _____ volts
less. (42.4 volts peak) or less under any load
condition, with one or more secondary circuits,
109. Transformers shall be located so that each limited to _____ amperes maximum,
adjacent combustible materials are not supplying luminaires (lighting fixtures) and
subjected to temperatures in excess of associated equipment identified for the use.
115. Exposed bare conductors and current-
110. Each luminaire (fixture) or each carrying parts shall be permitted for indoor
secondary circuit of tubing having an open- installations only. Bare conductors shall not be
circuit voltage of over 1 000 volts shall have a installed less than _____ mm above the
clearly legible marking in letters not less than finished floor, unless specifically listed for a
_____ mm high reading “Caution ____ volts.” lower installation height.
The voltage indicated shall be the rated open-
circuit voltage. 116. Lighting systems operating at 30 volts
or less shall be supplied from a maximum
111. Heavy-duty lighting track is lighting _____-ampere branch circuit.
track identified for use exceeding _____
amperes. Each fitting attached to a heavy-duty 117. Appliances shall have no _____
lighting track shall have individual overcurrent normally exposed to contact other than those
protection. parts functioning as open-resistance heating
elements, such as the heating element of a
112. Lighting track shall be securely toaster, which are necessarily exposed.
mounted so that each fastening is suitable for
supporting the maximum weight of luminaires 118. The branch-circuit rating for an
(fixtures) that can be installed. Unless appliance that is continuously loaded, other
identified for supports at greater intervals, a than a motor-operated appliance, shall not be
single section _____ mm or shorter in length less than _____ percent of the marked rating,
shall have two supports, and, where installed or not less than _____ percent of the marked
in a continuous row, each individual section of rating if the branch-circuit device and its

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assembly are listed for continuous loading at 126. All single-phase cord-and plug-
_____ percent of its rating. connected high-pressure spray washing
machines rated at _____ volts or less shall be
119. Infrared lamp commercial and provided with factory-installed ground-fault
industrial heating appliances shall have circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
overcurrent protection not exceeding _____ The ground-fault circuit interrupter shall be an
amperes. integral part of the attachment plug or shall be
located in the supply cord within _____ mm of
120. Open-coil or exposed sheathed-coil the attachment plug.
types of surface heating elements in
commercial-type heating appliances shall be 127. Cord-and plug- connected vending
protected by overcurrent protective devices machines manufactured or re-manufactured
rated at not over _____ amperes. on or after _____, shall include a ground-fault
circuit-interrupter as an integral part of the
121. A fixed storage-type water heater that attachment plug or located in the power
has a capacity of 450 L or less shall be supply cord within _____ mm of the
considered a continuous load. attachment plug. Cord-and-plug connected
122. In industrial occupancies, infrared vending machines not incorporating integral
heating appliance lampholders shall be GFCI protection shall be connected to a GFCI
permitted to be operated in series on circuits protected outlet.
of over _____ volts to ground, provided the
voltage rating of the lampholders is not less 128. Individual branch circuits shall be
than the circuit voltage. permitted to supply any size fixed electric
space-heating equipment. Branch circuits
123. For permanently connected appliances supplying two or more outlets for fixed electric
rated at not over _____ volt-amperes or _____ space-heating equipment shall be rated _____,
hp, the branch-circuit overcurrent device shall _____, _____, or _____ amperes. In non-
be permitted to serve as the disconnecting dwelling occupancies, fixed infrared heating
means. equipment shall be permitted to be supplied
from branch circuits rated not over 50
124. All cord-and-plug-connected
smoothing irons and electrically heated
appliances that are rated at more than 50 129. Fixed electric space-heating equipment
watts and produce temperatures in excess of requiring supply conductors with over _____°C
_____°C on surfaces with which the cord is insulation shall be clearly and permanently
likely to be in contact shall be provided with marked. This marking shall be plainly visible
one of the types of approved heater cords after installation and shall be permitted to be
listed in Table adjacent to the field connection box.

130. For fixed electric space-heating

125. Infrared heating lamps rated at _____
equipment without a motor rated over _____
watts or less shall be permitted with
hp, the branch-circuit switch or circuit breaker
lampholders of the medium-base, un-switched
shall be permitted to serve as the
porcelain type or other types identified as
disconnecting means where the switch or
suitable for use with infrared heating lamps
circuit breaker is within sight from the heater
rated 300 watts or less.
or is capable of being locked in the open

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131. Heating cables shall be furnished 138. The entire ceiling surface shall have a
complete with factory-assembled non-heating finish of thermally non-insulating sand plaster
leads at least _____ mm in length. that has a nominal thickness of _____ mm, or
other non-insulating material identified as
132. Each unit length of heating cable shall suitable for this use and applied according to
have a permanent legible marking on each specified thickness and directions.
non-heating lead located within _____ mm of
the terminal end. 139. Cables shall be secured by means of
approved stapling, tape, plaster, nonmetallic
spreaders, or other approved means either at
133. Wiring located above heated ceilings
intervals not exceeding _____ mm or at
shall be spaced not less than _____ mm above
intervals not exceeding _____ mm for cables
the heated ceiling and shall be considered as
identified for such use. Staples or metal
operating at an ambient temperature of
fasteners that straddle the cable shall not be
_____°C. If this wiring is located above thermal
used with metal lath or other electrically
insulation having a minimum thickness of 50
conductive surfaces.
mm, the wiring shall not require correction for
140. In dry board installations, the entire
ceiling below the heating cable shall be
134. Heating elements of cables shall be
covered with gypsum board not exceeding
separated at least _____ mm from the edge of
_____ mm thickness.
outlet boxes and junction boxes that are to be
used for mounting surface luminaires (lighting
fixtures). A clearance of not less than _____ 141. In dry board applications, cable shall
mm shall be provided from recessed be installed parallel to the joist, leaving a clear
luminaires (fixtures) and their trims, ventilating space centered under the joist of _____ mm
openings, and other such openings in room (width) between centers of adjacent runs of
surfaces. Sufficient area shall be provided to cable.
ensure that no heating cable is covered by any
surface-mounted units. 142. Not less than _____ mm of free
nonheating lead shall be within the junction
135. Cables shall not be installed in _____ box. The marking of the leads shall be visible in
unless it is necessary for an isolated single run the junction box.
of cable to be installed down a vertical surface 143. Excess leads of heating cables shall not
to reach a dropped ceiling. be cut but shall be secured to the underside of
the ceiling and embedded in plaster or other
approved material, leaving only a length
136. Adjacent runs of cable not exceeding 9
sufficient to reach the junction box with not
watts/m shall not be installed less than _____
less than _____ mm of free lead within the
mm on centers.
137. All heating cables, the splice between
144. Constant wattage heating cables shall
the heating cable and non-heating leads, and
not exceed _____ watts/linear meter of cable.
_____ mm minimum of the non-heating lead
at the splice shall be embedded in plaster or
dry board in the same manner as the heating 145. The spacing between adjacent runs of
cable. cable shall not be less than _____ mm on

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146. Heat pumps and air conditioners assembly identified as being suitable for
having duct heaters closer than _____ mm to connection to a wiring system.
the heat pump or air conditioner shall have
both the duct heater and heat pump or air 153. Heating panels and heating panel sets
conditioner identified as suitable for such shall be installed in accordance with the _____
installation and so marked. instructions.

147. A boiler employing resistance-type 154. Edges of panels and panel sets shall be
immersion heating elements contained in an separated by not less than _____ mm from the
ASME rated and stamped vessel shall have the edges of any outlet boxes and junction boxes
heating elements protected at not more than that are to be used for mounting surface
_____ amperes. Such a boiler rated more than luminaires (lighting fixtures). A clearance of
120 amperes shall have the heating elements not less than _____ mm shall be provided
subdivided into loads not exceeding 120 from recessed luminaires (fixtures) and their
amperes. trims, ventilating openings, and other such
openings in room surfaces, unless the heating
148. A boiler employing resistance-type panels and panel sets are listed and marked for
heating elements not contained in an ASME lesser clearances, in which case they shall be
rated and stamped vessel shall have the permitted to be installed at the marked
heating elements protected at not more than clearances.
_____ amperes. Such a boiler rated more than
48 amperes shall have the heating elements 155. Wiring located above heated ceilings
subdivided into loads not exceeding 48 shall be spaced not less than 50 mm above the
amperes. heated ceiling and shall be considered as
operating at an ambient of 50°C. If this wiring
149. Where the heaters are rated _____ kW is located above thermal insulations having a
or more, the conductors supplying the minimum thickness of _____mm, the wiring
overcurrent protective device specified in shall not require correction for temperature. shall be permitted to be sized at not
less than _____ percent of the nameplate 156. Any wiring behind heating panels or
rating of the heater. heating panel sets located in interior walls or
partitions shall be considered as operating at
150. The size of branch-circuit conductors an ambient temperature of _____°C.
and overcurrent protective devices shall be
calculated on the basis of _____ percent of the 157. Heating panels or heating panel sets
total load (motors not included). A contactor, shall not exceed _____ watts/m2 of heated
relay, or other device, approved for continuous area.
operation at _____ percent of its rating, shall
be permitted to supply its full-rated load. 158. Heating panels or panel sets installed
under floor covering shall not exceed _____
151. A complete assembly provided with a watts/m2 of heated area.
junction box or a length of flexible conduit for
connection to a branch circuit. 159. A system in which heat is generated in
a pipeline or vessel wall by causing current to
152. A rigid or nonrigid assembly provided flow through the pipeline or vessel wall by
with nonheating leads or a terminal junction direct connection to an ac voltage source from
a dual-winding transformer.

Hershey B. Samonte
169. Unless protected by ground-fault
160. A system in which heat is generated in circuit-interrupter protection for personnel,
a pipeline or vessel wall by inducing current the secondary winding of the isolation
and hysteresis effect in the pipeline or vessel transformer connected to the pipeline or
wall from an external isolated ac field source. vessel being heated shall not have an output
voltage greater than _____ volts ac. Where
161. A complete system consisting of ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for
components such as pipelines, vessels, heating personnel is provided, the voltage shall be
elements, heat transfer medium, thermal permitted to be greater than 30 but not more
insulation, moisture barrier, nonheating leads, than _____ volts.
temperature controllers, safety signs, junction
boxes, raceways, and fittings. 170. The ampacity of the conductors
connected to the secondary of the transformer
162. A length of pipe including pumps, shall be at least _____ percent of the total load
valves, flanges, control devices, strainers, of the heater.
and/or similar equipment for conveying fluids.
171. Induction coils that operate or may
163. A specific separate element to operate at a voltage greater than _____ volts
generate heat that is applied to the pipeline or ac shall be enclosed in a nonmetallic or split
vessel externally or internally. metallic enclosure, isolated, or made
inaccessible by location to protect personnel in
the area.
164. A system in which heat is generated on
172. The factory-installed attachment plug
the inner surface of a ferromagnetic envelope
of cord-and-plug-connected equipment rated
attached to a pipeline or vessel, or both.
_____ amperes or less and _____ volts or less to
ground shall be permitted to be the disconnecting
165. A container such as a barrel, drum, or means.
tank for holding fluids or other material.
173. Temperature controlled switching
166. External surfaces of pipeline and vessel devices that do not have an “_____” position
heating equipment that operate at shall not be required to open all ungrounded
temperatures exceeding _____ 60°C (140°F) conductors and shall not be permitted to serve
shall be physically guarded, isolated, or as the disconnecting means.
thermally insulated to protect against contact
by personnel in the area. 174. A combination of the power converter,
motor, and motor mounted auxiliary devices
167. Power supply nonheating leads (cold such as encoders, tachometers, thermal
leads) for resistance elements shall be suitable switches and detectors, air blowers, heaters,
for the temperature encountered. Not less and vibration sensors.
than _____ mm of nonheating leads shall be
provided within the junction box. 175. An interconnected combination of
equipment that provides a means of adjusting
168. Each factory-assembled heating unit the speed of a mechanical load coupled to a
shall be legibly marked within _____ mm of motor. A drive system typically consists of an
each end of the nonheating leads with the adjustable speed drive and auxiliary electrical
permanent identification symbol, catalog apparatus.
number, and ratings in volts and watts or in
volts and amperes.
Hershey B. Samonte
176. Is any switch or device that is normally 183. For continuous duty, the conductors
used to start and stop a motor by making and connecting the secondary of a wound-rotor ac
breaking the motor circuit current. motor to its controller shall have an ampacity
not less than _____ percent of the full-load
177. The circuit of a control apparatus or secondary current of the motor.
system that carries the electric signals
directing the performance of the controller but 184. For motors larger than 1 500 hp, a
does not carry the main power current. protective device having embedded
temperature detectors that cause current to
178. A redundantly monitored, remotely the motor to be interrupted when the motor
operated contactor-isolating system, packaged attains a temperature rise greater than marked
to provide the disconnection/isolation on the nameplate in an ambient temperature
function, capable of verifiable operation from of _____°C.
multiple remote locations by means of lockout
switches, each having the capability of being 185. Where a motor is connected to a
padlocked in the “off” (open) position. branch circuit by means of an attachment plug
and receptacle and individual overload
179. A motor complying with (4) protection is omitted as provided in
shall be marked “Impedance Protected.”, the rating of the attachment plug
Impedance protected motors rated 100 watts and receptacle shall not exceed _____
or less and complying with shall amperes at _____ volts or _____ volts.
be permitted to use the abbreviated marking
“_____” 186. Adjustable instantaneous-trip settings
shall not exceed _____ percent of full-load
180. Control circuit devices with screw-type motor current for other than Design B energy-
pressure terminals used with 2.0 mm2 (1.6 mm efficient motors and not more than _____
dia.) or smaller copper conductors shall be percent of full-load motor current for Design B
torqued to a minimum of _____ unless energy-efficient motors.
identified for a different torque value.
187. Conductors from the branch-circuit
181. For a wye-start, delta-run connected short-circuit and ground-fault protective
motor, the selection of branch-circuit device to a listed manual motor controller
conductors on the line side of the controller additionally marked “_____” shall be
shall be based on the motor full-load current. permitted to have an ampacity not less than
The selection of conductors between the the rating or setting of the branch-circuit
controller and the motor shall be based on short-circuit and ground-fault protective
_____ percent of the motor full-load current. device.

182. For a part-winding connected motor, 188. Control circuit transformers rated less
the selection of branch-circuit conductors on than _____ volt-amperes (VA) and that are an
the line side of the controller shall be based on integral part of the motor controller and
the motor full-load current. The selection of located within the motor controller enclosure
conductors between the controller and the shall be permitted to be protected by primary
motor shall be based on _____ percent of the overcurrent devices, impedance limiting
motor full-load current. means, or other inherent protective means.

Hershey B. Samonte
189. Where the control circuit transformer exceeding this capacity where under expert
rated primary current is less than 2 amperes, supervision. The oil switch shall be permitted
an overcurrent device rated or set at not more to be both power and manually operable.
than _____ percent of the rated primary
current shall be permitted in the primary 197. Circuit conductors supplying power
circuit. conversion equipment included as part of an
adjustable-speed drive system shall have an
190. An autotransformer starter shall ampacity not less than _____percent of the
provide an “_____” position, a running rated input to the power conversion
position, and at least one starting position. It equipment.
shall be designed so that it cannot rest in the
starting position or in any position that will 198. The disconnecting means shall be
render the overload device in the circuit permitted to be in the incoming line to the
inoperative. conversion equipment and shall have a rating
not less than _____ percent of the rated input
191. Listed manual motor controllers current of the conversion unit.
additionally marked “_____” shall be
permitted as a disconnecting means where 199. Flexible metal conduit or liquidtight
installed between the final motor branch- flexible metal conduit not exceeding _____
circuit short-circuit protective device and the mm in length shall be permitted to be
motor. employed for raceway connection to a motor
terminal enclosure.
192. For stationary motors rated at more
than 40 hp dc or 100 hp ac, the disconnecting 200. The frames of portable motors that
means shall be permitted to be a general-use operate at over _____ volts to ground shall be
or isolating switch where plainly marked guarded or grounded.
193. The disconnecting means for motor 201. The value in amperes to be used
circuits rated 600 volts, nominal, or less shall instead of the rated-load current in
have an ampere rating not less than _____ determining the ratings of motor branch-
percent of the full-load current rating of the circuit conductors, disconnecting means,
motor. controllers, and branch-circuit short-circuit and
ground-fault protective devices wherever the
194. Disconnecting means for a torque running overload protective device permits a
motor shall have an ampere rating of at least sustained current greater than the specified
_____ percent of the motor nameplate percentage of the rated-load current. The
current. value of branch-circuit selection current will
always be equal to or greater than the marked
195. The ampere rating of the rated-load current.
disconnecting means shall not be less than
_____ percent of the sum of all currents at the 202. A combination consisting of a
full-load condition determined in accordance compressor and motor, both of which are
with enclosed in the same housing, with no external
shaft or shaft seals, the motor operating in the
196. An oil switch used on a circuit whose refrigerant.
rating does not exceed 600 volts or _____
amperes, or by special permission on a circuit

Hershey B. Samonte
203. A device provided in a power supply 209. The total marked rating of a cord-and-
cord or cord set that senses leakage current attachment-plug-connected room air
flowing between or from the cord conductors conditioner shall not exceed _____ percent of
and interrupts the circuit at a predetermined the rating of a branch circuit where lighting
level of leakage current. outlets, other appliances, or general-use
receptacles are also supplied.
204. The rated-load current for a hermetic
refrigerant motor-compressor is the current 210. An attachment plug and receptacle
resulting when the motor-compressor is shall be permitted to serve as the
operated at the rated load, rated voltage, and disconnecting means for a single-phase room
rated frequency of the equipment it serves. air conditioner rated _____ volts or less if (1)
the manual controls on the room air
205. A protective device having a rating or conditioner are readily accessible and located
setting not exceeding _____ percent of the within _____ mm of the floor or (2) an
motor-compressor rated-load current or approved manually operable disconnecting
branch-circuit selection current, whichever is means is installed in a readily accessible
greater, shall be permitted, provided that, location within sight from the room air
where the protection specified is not sufficient conditioner.
for the starting current of the motor, the rating
or setting shall be permitted to be increased 211. Where a flexible cord is used to supply
but shall not exceed _____ percent of the a room air conditioner, the length of such cord
motor rated-load current or branch-circuit shall not exceed _____ mm for a nominal, 115-
selection current, whichever is greater. volt rating or _____ mm for a nominal, 208- or
230-volt rating.
206. Branch-circuit conductors supplying a
single motor-compressor shall have an 212. Single-phase cord-and-plug-connected
ampacity not less than _____ percent of either room air conditioners shall be provided with
the motor-compressor rated-load current or factory-installed LCDI or AFCI protection. The
the branch-circuit selection current, whichever LCDI or AFCI protection shall be an integral
is greater. For a wye-start, delta-run connected part of the attachment plug or be located in
motor-compressor, the selection of branch- the power supply cord within _____ mm of the
circuit conductors between the controller and attachment plug.
the motor-compressor shall be permitted to be
based on _____ percent of either the motor- 213. Generators operating at _____ volts or
compressor rated-load current or the branch- less and driven by individual motors shall be
circuit selection current, whichever is greater. considered as protected by the overcurrent
device protecting the motor if these devices
207. The rating of the attachment plug and will operate when the generators are
receptacle shall not exceed _____ amperes at delivering not more than 150 percent of their
125 volts or _____ amperes at 250 volts. full-load rated current.

208. The total marked rating of a cord-and- 214. The ampacity of the conductors from
attachment-plug-connected room air the generator terminals to the first distribution
conditioner shall not exceed _____ percent of device(s) containing overcurrent protection
the rating of a branch circuit where no other shall not be less than _____ percent of the
loads are supplied. nameplate current rating of the generator.

Hershey B. Samonte
215. Live parts of generators operated at larger, required clearances for transformers
more than _____ volts to ground shall not be with ventilating openings, and the amount and
exposed to accidental contact where kind of insulating liquid where used. In
accessible to unqualified persons. addition, the nameplate of each dry-type
transformer shall include the temperature
216. Grounding autotransformers covered class for the insulation system.
in this section are zigzag or _____ transformers
connected to 3-phase, 3-wire ungrounded 222. Dry-type transformers installed
systems for the purpose of creating a 3-phase, indoors and rated 112½ kVA or less shall have
4-wire distribution system or providing a a separation of at least _____ mm from
neutral reference for grounding purposes. combustible material unless separated from
the combustible material by a fire-resistant,
217. An overcurrent protective device of heat-insulated barrier.
adequate short-circuit rating that will open
simultaneously all ungrounded conductors 223. Individual dry-type transformers of
when it operates shall be applied in the more than _____ kVA rating shall be installed
grounding autotransformer branch circuit and in a transformer room of fire-resistant
shall be rated or set at a current not exceeding construction.
_____ percent of the autotransformer
continuous per-phase current rating or _____ 224. Transformers exceeding 112½ kVA
percent of the continuous-current rating of any shall not be located within 300 mm of
series connected devices in the combustible materials of buildings unless the
autotransformer neutral connection. transformer has Class _____ insulation systems
or higher and is completely enclosed except
218. Where the operating voltage exceeds for ventilating openings.
_____ volts to ground, secondary ties provided
with limiters shall have a switch at each end 225. Transformers insulated with a
that, when open, de-energizes the associated dielectric fluid identified as nonflammable
tie conductors and limiters. shall be permitted to be installed indoors or
outdoors. Such transformers installed indoors
219. Where secondary ties are used, an and rated over _____ volts shall be installed in
overcurrent device rated or set at not more a vault.
than _____ percent of the rated secondary
current of the transformers shall be provided 226. -insulated transformers installed
in the secondary connections of each indoors and rated over _____ kVA shall be
transformer supplying the tie system. furnished with a pressure-relief vent.

220. The operating voltage of exposed live 227. The walls and roofs of vaults shall be
parts of transformer installations shall be constructed of materials that have adequate
indicated by signs or _____ on the equipment structural strength for the conditions with a
or structures. minimum fire resistance of _____ hours. The
floors of vaults in contact with the earth shall
221. Each transformer shall be provided be of concrete that is not less than _____ mm
with a nameplate giving the name of the thick, but where the vault is constructed with a
manufacturer, rated kilo-volt-amperes, vacant space or other stories below it, the
frequency, primary and secondary voltage, floor shall have adequate structural strength
impedance of transformers _____ kVA and for the load imposed thereon and a minimum

Hershey B. Samonte
fire resistance of 3 hours. For the purposes of
this section, studs and wallboard construction 235. Device without rotating parts, sized for
shall not be acceptable. a given 3-phase load to permit operation from
a single-phase supply.
228. A door sill or curb that is of sufficient
height to confine the oil from the largest 236. Where the loads to be supplied are
transformer within the vault shall be provided, variable, the conductor ampacity shall not be
and in no case shall the height be less than less than _____ percent of the phase converter
_____ mm. nameplate single-phase input full-load
229. For a vault ventilated by natural
circulation of air to an outdoor area, the 237. Where the phase converter supplies
combined net area of all ventilating openings, specific fixed loads, and the conductor
after deducting the area occupied by screens, ampacity is less than _____ percent of the
gratings, or louvers, shall not be less than phase converter nameplate single-phase input
_____ mm2 per kVA of transformer capacity in full-load amperes, the conductors shall have an
service, and in no case shall the net area be ampacity not less than _____ percent of the
less than _____ m2 for any capacity under 50 sum of the full-load, 3-phase current rating of
kVA. the motors and other loads served where the
input and output voltages of the phase
230. All ventilation openings to the indoors converter are identical.
shall be provided with automatic closing fire
dampers that operate in response to a vault 238. Capacitors containing more than
fire. Such dampers shall possess a standard fire _____ L of flammable liquid shall be enclosed
rating of not less than _____ hours. in vaults or outdoor fenced enclosures
complying with Part 1.10.3. This limit shall
231. Where practicable, vaults containing apply to any single unit in an installation of
more than _____ kVA transformer capacity capacitors.
shall be provided with a drain or other means
that will carry off any accumulation of oil or 239. _____ shall be provided with a means
water in the vault unless local conditions make of discharging stored energy.
this impracticable. The floor shall be pitched to
the drain where provided. 240. The residual voltage of a capacitor
shall be reduced to 50 volts, nominal, or less
232. The manufactured or derived phase within _____ minute after the capacitor is
originates at the phase converter and is not disconnected from the source of supply.
solidly connected to either of the single-phase
input conductors. 241. The ampacity of capacitor circuit
conductors shall not be less than _____
233. An electrical device that converts percent of the rated current of the capacitor.
single-phase power to 3-phase electrical
power. 242. A means shall be provided to reduce
the residual voltage of a capacitor to 50 volts
234. A device that consists of a rotary or less within _____ minutes after the
transformer and capacitor panel(s) that capacitor is disconnected from the source of
permits the operation of 3-phase loads from a supply.
single-phase supply.

Hershey B. Samonte
243. A thermal barrier shall be required if 251. External hinged doors or covers shall
the space between the resistors and reactors be provided with stops to hold them in the
and any combustible material is less than open position. Cover plates intended to be
_____ mm. removed for inspection of energized parts or
wiring shall be equipped with lifting handles
244. Insulated conductors used for and shall not exceed _____ m2 in area or _____
connections between resistance elements and kg in weight, unless they are hinged and bolted
controllers shall be suitable for an operating or locked.
temperature of not less than _____°C.
252. Control and instrument transfer switch
245. Resistors and reactors shall not be handles or pushbuttons other than those
installed in close enough proximity to covered in shall be in a readily
combustible materials to constitute a fire accessible location at an elevation of not over
hazard and shall have a clearance of not less _____ mm.
than _____ mm from combustible materials. 253. All energized switching and control
parts shall be enclosed in effectively grounded
metal cabinets or enclosures. These cabinets
246. The voltage calculated on the basis of
or enclosures shall be marked “_____” and
2 volts per cell for the lead-acid type and 1.2
shall be locked so that only authorized and
volts per cell for the alkali type.
licensed electrical practitioner or non-licensed
electrical practitioner under the supervision of
247. A sealed cell or battery is one that has a licensed electrical practitioner can enter.
no provision for the addition of water or
electrolyte or for external measurement of 254. Each boiler shall be supplied from an
electrolyte specific gravity. The individual cells individual branch circuit rated not less than
shall be permitted to contain a venting _____ percent of the total load.
arrangement as described in
255. Means shall be provided for detection
248. A battery comprised of one or more of the sum of the neutral and ground currents
rechargeable cells of the lead-acid, nickel- and shall trip the circuit-interrupting device if
cadmium, or other rechargeable the sum of those currents exceeds the greater
electrochemical types. of _____ amperes or 7½ percent of the boiler
full-load current for _____ seconds or exceeds
249. Cells with covers sealed to jars of an instantaneous value of 25 percent of the
nonconductive, heat-resistant material shall boiler full-load current.
require no additional insulation support. Cells
in jars of conductive material shall be installed
in trays of nonconductive material with not
more than _____ cells (24 volts, nominal) in
the series circuit in any one tray.

250. Each vented cell shall be equipped

with a _____ that is designed to prevent
destruction of the cell due to ignition of gases
within the cell by an external spark or flame
under normal operating conditions.

Hershey B. Samonte

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