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WoR 1

1 Relays & Contactors Page 7

1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable C10, C12, C16, C18 15
1.2 Interface Relays CRINT, CINT, CHA 25
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, R7, C9 33
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays C2x, C3x 67
1.5 Solid State Relays CSS, CRINT 73
1.6 Installation Relays CHI, C100/200/300, CR, B 81
ComatReleco at a glance
1.7 Installation Contactors RIC, RAC, RBC, Accessories 93
1.8 Industrial Contactors RMC, RSC, Accessories 113
ComatReleco is one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-quality relays and contactors
of all kinds. With one of the broadest product portfolios, including customized solutions, 1.9 Solid State Contactors CC1, CC3, CPC 131
ComatReleco serves customers in the industrial automation and building installation, rail 2 Time Relays Page 147
and transportation segments. Our core competencies are industrial relays, timing relays,
2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays CMD, AA2, AE2 151
monitoring relays and contactors. These are installed with the latest semiconductor tech-
nologies or also with the traditional electromechanical design. 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays CIM, AL, AM, CM, CPF, CRV, CSV 157
2.3 Star-Delta Relays CY 183
Designed in Switzerland, assembled in… 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable C, CS, RS 185
ComatReleco continuously invests in research and development, thus ensuring a con- 2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches CPU, QSU, EDS 197
sistently high rate of innovation. Several international patent applications support this fact. 2.6 Time Cubes CT2, CT3 203
Our research and development team is headquartered in Switzerland and has access to
2.7 Time Modules CT32R, CT33R, CT36R 207
additional qualified employees in our subsidiaries in Germany and China. With a share
of more than 20% of total research and development costs, we outperform many global 2.8 Timing Relay Accessories Accessories 213
players in our segment. 3 Monitoring & Measuring Devices Page 223

3.1 Energy Measuring Device MRE 225
Customer orientation and quality management
ComatReleco has a group-wide quality management system with real-time access to test 3.2 Multifunction Monitoring MRM 229
and inspection protocols. Our relays and contactors are 100% tested at the end of the 3.3 Voltage Monitoring MRU, MV, SSU34 233
production line. On arrival of the goods at our central warehouse in Switzerland, another 3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable SSU31, SSU33L 239
quality test is carried out. 3.5 Current Monitoring MRI 243
3.6 Motor Protection - pluggable TSR 247
Are you using a ComatReleco product or are you looking for a suitable solution? Our sup-
3.7 Isolation Monitoring ESU 249
port centre in Switzerland will be happy to help you find the right relay or contactor for your
application. ComatReleco is known for the world’s largest number of customized solutions 3.8 Monitoring Modules CT515, CT524R 251
for industrial, time and monitoring relays and contactors. 3.9 Suppressor Device CEM, CRC 255
3.10 Current Transmitter MRE-CT 259
Headquarters in Switzerland – international presence 3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories Accessories 265
The warehouse and logistics are managed centrally at the headquarters in Switzerland.
Production is diversified and optimized in terms of quality, costs and logistics criteria. Our 4 Sockets Page 269

production sites are located in Europe and Asia. Through our network of distribution part- 4.1 8-Pin Sockets S2 273
ners, the Group is present on all world markets. ComatReleco has been part of the man- 4.2 11-Pin Sockets EC-11, S3, S5 277
agement team since 2003. 4.3 14-Pin Sockets S4 287
4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets S7, S9 291
4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets S10, S12, S16, S18 297

5 Remote Monitoring & Control Page 305

5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay) CMS 307
5.2 CMS Accessories Accessories 311

6 Softstarter Page 325

6.1 Softstarter CTC, CCL, CCM, Accessories 327
6.2 DC Motor Controller CMC, KDM3-24 343

7 Worldwide Sales Network Page 350

Version WoR 1.1 EN

WoR 1 | 3

1 Relays & Contactors 2 Time Relays 3 Monitoring 4 Sockets 5 Remote Monitoring 6 Softstarter 7 Worldwide Sales
& Measuring Devices & Control Network
Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Type Page Country Page

B103 92 CHI34 83 AA2, AA2M 154 CEM01 256 EC-11 280 CMS-10F 308 CCL33H415US 330 Argentina 352
C2-A2x 36 CINT-51 / CINT-61 29 AE2, AE2M 155 CRC02 257 S2-B 274 CMS-10ADF 309 CCL33H425US 331 Australia 350
C3-A3x 37 CINT-52 / CINT-62 30 AL1 170 CT515R 252 S2-PO 275 CMS-10ACDF 310 CCL33H435US 332 Austria 351
C3-G3x 39 CINT-53/ CINT-63 31 AL3 171 CT524 253 S3-B 278 CMS-ANT-KAB 314 CCM33H425US 337 Belgium 351
C3-M1x 40 CPC1230 141 AL4 172 ESU-D2R 250 S3-M 281 CMS-ANT-MAG/2.5M 313 CCM33H450US 338 Bolivia 352
C3-N3x 43 CPC1250 142 AL5 173 FS-23 267 S3-M0 / S3-M1 282 CMS-ANT-SPEZ/5M 312 CCM33H530USi 339 Bosnia and Herzigovina 351
C3-R2x 42 CPC1430 143 AM1 174 FZ-23 266 S3-S 279 CMS-RS232 315 CCM33H550USi 340 Brazil 352
C3-T3x 38 CPC1450 144 AM2 175 HF-24 268 S4-J 288 CMS-USB 316 CCM3H403USi 333 Bulgaria 351
C3-X1x 41 CR11C 89 AM3 176 MRE-44S 227 S4-P 289 DR-15-24, DR-30-24 317 CCM3H415 334 Canada 352
C4-A4x 44 CR16CX 90 BZS DIN 17.5 mm 215 MRE-CT313 260 S5-M 283 KS-110 322 CCM3H415DS 335 Chile 352
C4-R3x 46 CRINT 1x1 series 27 C55 186 MRE-CT314 261 S5-P 284 MV-LKM-274 318 CCM3H425 336 China 350
C4-X2x 45 CRINT 1x2 series 28 C55.3 187 MRE-CT614 262 S5-SSY 285 PS1 323 CCMB3H425 341 Colombia 352
C5-A2x 47 CRINT 1x5 series 78 C55.4 188 MRE-CT1233 263 S7-C 292 RF01-U, RF01-U-D2 319 CMC1 344 Croatia 351
C5-A3x 48 CRINT 1x8 series 79 C56 189 MRI11 244 S7-IO 293 RTBSB-001-010 320 CMC14 345 Czech Republic 351
C5-G3x 49 CRS1C 91 C64 190 MRI32 245 S7-P 294 WF50-EXT-U4 321 CMC15 346 Denmark 351
C5-M1x 51 CSS-I 74 C83 191 MRM11, MRM11R 230 S9-M 295 CMC16 347 Ecuador 352
C5-M2x 52 CSS-N 76 C85 192 MRM32, MRM32R 231 S9-P 296 CTC3415 328 Estonia 351
C5-R2x 53 CSS-P 77 CIM1, CIM1R 160 MRU11 234 S10 297 CTC3425 329 Finland 351
C5-X1x 50 CSS-Z 75 CIM2, CIM2R 164 MRU32 235 S10-P 299 KDM3-24 348 Germany 351
C7-A1x 54 R7-A2x 61 CIM3, CIM3R 167 MV53 236 S12 300 P82-100C 342 Great Britain 351
C7-A2x 55 R7-T2x 62 CIM12, CIM12R 161 SSU31 240 S12-P 301 Greece 351
C7-G2x 57 RAC20 101 CIM13, CIM13R 162 SSU33L 241 S16-M 302 Hungary 351
C7-H2x 58 RAC25 102 CIM14 163 SSU34 237 S18-M 303 India 350
C7-T2x 56 RAC40 103 CIM22, CIM22R 165 TSR19 248 Iran 350
C7-W1x 60 RAC63 104 CIM23, CIM23R 166 Ireland 351
C7-X1x 59 RBC-AUX 108 CIM32, CIM32R 168 Italy 351
C9-A4x 63 RBC-AUX-CM 109 CIM33, CIM33R 169 Korea 350
C9-E2x 64 RBC-AUX-GM 110 CM2 177 Latvia 351
C9-R2x 65 RBC20 105 CM3 178 Lithuania 351
C10-A1x 16 RBC32 106 CMD11-A 152 Malaysia 350
C10-G1x 17 RIC-AUX 107 CMD11-E 153 Mexico 352
C10-T1x 18 RIC-DIST 111 CPF11 179 Netherlands 351
C12-A2x 19 RIC-SEAL 112 CPU 198 New Zealand 350
C12-G2x 20 RIC16 94 CRV4 180 Nigeria 351
C16-A25PTL 21 RIC20 95 CS2 193 Norway 351
C18-A15PT 22 RIC20-xxx-R4A110V 96 CS3 194 Pakistan 350
C18-A15PTL 23 RIC25 97 CSV4 181 Peru 352
C18-B15PTL 24 RIC32 98 CT2 204 Poland 351
C21 68 RIC40 99 CT3 205 Republic of Macedonia 351
C22 69 RIC63 100 CT32R 209 Russia 351
C31 70 RMC-AUX 125 CT33R 210 Serbia 351
C32 71 RMC-DI 129 CT36R 211 Singapore 350
C133.01 84 RMC-RC 127 CY1 184 Slovakia 351
C203.01 85 RMC08 114 EDS17 200 Slovenia 351
C203.04 86 RMC11 115 EDS35 201 Spain 351
C203.06 87 RSC-AUX 126 FA-50 219 Sweden 351
C301.04 88 RSC-MBL 130 FS-C 221 Switzerland 351
CC1H215 132 RSC-MP 124 FZ-50L 220 Taiwan 350
CC1H230 133 RSC-RC 128 HF-32 216 Thailand 350
CC1H250 134 RSC09 116 HF-33 217 Turkey 350
CC1H415 135 RSC12 117 HF-50 218 United States 352
CC1H430 136 RSC16 118 QSU 199 Uruguay 352
CC1H450 137 RSC22 119 RS 41-M 195 Vietnam 350
CC3H410 138 RSC30 120 SP-01 214
CC3H420 139 RSC38 121
CCR3H410 140 RSC43 122
CHA1 32 RSC63 123
CHI14 82
4 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 5
1 Relays & Contactors

1 Relays & Contactors

6 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 7
1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors 1 Relays & Contactors
Industrial Relays Coil accessories
General Information General Information

Product range
Basic identification principle (type designation code electromechanical relays) Industrial Relays C2-C9 Industrial Relays C10-C18
ComatReleco offers a wide range of relay
types and versions and associated sockets Protection against transients X LED indication with rectifier. LED and protection circuit connected to
and accessories. C n(n) - T X y   z () z  /….V RF-nnnn When the coil is disconnected from an electro- For DC and AC relays up to 250 V coil.

magnet, peaks of inverse voltage appear at the Note: LED connected, in series with the coil @
Industrial Relays C2, C3, C4, C5 terminals which can reach very high values. 220 V DC in QRC types. X  LED with no polarity, (standard)
35 x 35 mm round plug-in relay, 8- or Ref. nnnn These pulses can be transmitted down the line Coils ≤ 12 V A DC coils
11-­terminals multipole connector according
Relays with a reference number are associated with the coil and could possibly DX Free-wheeling diode + LED LED rectifier bridge in parallel
versions with special (e.g. customised) affect other components. Dampens transients caused by the relay coil on X  LED with no polarity, (standard)
to IEC 67 with 2 or 3 contacts up to 10 A and
features. These features may relate to In the case of a realy being operated by such de-energisation. Coils ≥ 24 V A DC coils
different contact types and contact materials. special test criteria, tolerances or other
Standard relay 35 x 35 mm with flat blade devices as transistors, Triacs, etc; it may be LED rectifier bridge in series
connectors with up to 4 contacts and up to necessary to protect against transients. FX Polarity + free wheeling diode + LED FX  LED with polarity A1+ (option)
Availability of such relays may be limited A diode in series with the coil protects the relay Every DC coil voltage
16 A with 4 contacts. to certain customers or applications.
Transients carried in the line from reverse connection. Polarity and Free-wheeling diodes
Industrial Relays C7, C9 High voltage surges can be carried in the sup- BX  LED with no polarity, (option)
22.5 mm series with up to 4 contacts and up ply line to the relay coil. These may appear in BX Bridge rectifier + LED indication Only 24 V and 48 V A DC coils
to 10 A with 1 or 2 contacts. Nominal coil voltage specification the form of peaks or bursts and are generated Allows the relay to operate in both AC or DC Rectifier bridge for AC/DC relays
AC … V AC 50/60 Hz, by the connection and disconnection of elec- without any polarity inconvience. Available only R  LED not available (option)
Interface Relays, C10, C12, C16, C18 voltage 6 – 250 (400) V tric motors, transformers, capacitors etc. in voltages up to 60 V. RC protection against pulses on AC
Overall width 13 mm with up to 2 electro- AC … V 60 Hz AC 60 Hz, 120, 240 V Normally a relay is unaffected by these pulses,
mechanical contacts, or fully electronic
DC … V DC, voltage 5 – 220 V but if a diode is connected in association with R Resistor and capacitor. Protection against pulses
UC … V AC/DC the coil, it must be capable of withstanding an When a relay coil is disconnected, reverse
inverse voltage higher than those of the incom- voltage peaks may arise and reach very high
ing peaks. X D DX
Special relays, remanence relays X X X D DX
D D values.
DXSaid peaks
DX can transmit to the coil
While "normal" relays are monostable, i.e. X = Electric position indicating device with LED associated line and other relays or semicon-
they return to the idle state when the excita- Protection circuits ductors can be affected.
tion is switched off, remanence relays are Describes the options A protection circuit must efficiently cope with
bistable, i.e. the current switching state is D = Integrated free-wheeling diode pulses generated by the coil as well as incom- If Triac, X≤12V
transistor, etc. controls a relay, appro-
F = Integrated free-wheeling diode and series
retained irrespective of the excitation. Relays ing line surges (surges U1.2/50µs.) piate stepsX≤12V
must be taken to avoidX≤12V
orBX X≤12V
diode e.g. for common alarm circuits ComatReleco Relays are available with inte- peaks down to a non risky level.
of this type are available in different versions. R = RC connection for the coil F FX B BX
grated protectionF circuits or with modules
B = Bridge rectifier
Solid State Relay CSS plugged into sockets S3-M, S3-M0 or S3-M1. Both Polarity and Free-wheeling diodes (FX),
PT = Transparent PCB Relay with 3mm Grid X≥24V
CSS Relays are suitabe to either switch PTL = Transparent PCB Relay with 5mm Grid
must protect coils, to avoid malfunctions
X≥24V X≥24V
R pro-X≥24V
vided DC relays in battery are installed.
AC or DC loads up to 6 A. For AC relays a
distinction is made between synchronously Definition of contact material
(zero crossing) and asynchronously switching This code may differ depending on type. Making or breaking engines, transformers or
versions. For switching transformer loads Examples: contactors in
FXan industrial environmental, may
generate high voltage FX
pulses, either isolated or FX
we recommended using asynchronously 0 in the standard range stands for AgNi

1–9 see contact material for each type
X RD DX burst, through the main line.
switching semiconductor switches. For R R R
incandescent lamp loads etc. synchronously The voltage level of those pulse may be high
Number of contacts enough to affect the isolation of the coil.
switching switches are ideal for avoiding high
switch-on currents.
Relay type
A = Standard (general-purpose) contact X≤12V BX
Accessories E = Sensitive drive with 500 mW coil power
Suitable sockets are available for the dif- G = Refers to a NO contact
ferent relay series for DIN rail mounting or H = Single-point contact + twin contact load
panel mounting. In addition, retaining clips to signal current circuit for switching state
feed back. Mixed contact configuration X≥24V
are available for the relays, some of which R
are included in the scope of supply. Suitable M = Relay with highly effective neodymium
blow magnet for fast quenching of the
bridges for cost-saving wiring in series are
arc. This relay is particularly suitable for
also available.
high DC loads.
N = Sensitive drive 800 mW coil power FX
() Special requirements
R = Code for remanence relays, drive-specific ID
H = Orange button. No lockable function S = Sensitive drive with 250 mW exciter input R
N = Black button. No function T = Twin contact for signal and control circuit
P = PCB pins W = With tungsten contact for maximum
switch-on currents
E = Lap transparent cover X = Relay high power, double make contact.
T = Close transparent cover (lamp) B = Single C.O. contact with two pins per

PT = PCB pins, 3.5mm grid, transparent cover

Basic type refers to the product line
PTL = PCB pins, 5mm grid, transparent cover Numbers between 2 and 12 and 20, 30 are used.

Normal industrial relay code

Relays with code R are used for railway series.

8 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 9
1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors 1 Relays & Contactors
Industrial Relays Industrial Relays
General Information General Information

During intermittent operation significantly Standards, conformities Main technical approvals and standards
Contacts Drive (coil)
higher overvoltages temporary may occur for All ComatReleco relays feature the CE mark Further information and tips
There are different contact types. The main The drive of a relay refers to the coil plus con- to indicate that CE standards apply e.g. 2kV The main operational criteria for relays such
short periods. If in doubt please consult our Country Technical approval
distinction is between single contacts and twin nections. surge resistance according to EN 61000-4-5. as number of cycles, switching frequency,

contacts. While single contacts are more suit- The coil has special characteristics, depending A significant and not generally available China Authority: CQC ambient conditions, reliability requirements,
able for higher loads, twin contacts are signifi- on the rated voltage and the type of current. characteristic is that the coils and in particu- Specification load type, switch-on current, load switch-off
cantly more reliable at small loads, i.e. lar the connections are able to withstand the GB14048.5-2001 energy must be clarified in order to ensure
< 24V, < 100mA. Ub/U N
Coil design voltage spikes that may occur in practice. reliable operation and long service life.
1.7 Russia Authority:
The coil consists of a plastic former (resist- In addition, the relays feature various tech- KORPORATSIA
Contact Material ant up to about 130°C) and doubly insulated 1.5 2 nical approvals depending on the respective STANDART Example
There is no all-purpose contact! high-purity copper wire, temperature class F. 1.3 relay code, and they comply with further Specification If the number of cycles is expected to
AgNi is used as standard material for a wide The winding must withstand threshold voltag- standards and guidelines. The main techni- TP TC 004/2011 exceed several 100.000 operations per
range of applications. AgNi contacts with hard es (EN 61000-4-5) of more than 2000V. This is cal approvals include cURus, CCC, Lloyd‘s year (e.g. clock generators, fast running
0.9 1
World Wide Authority: UL
gold plating (up to 5µm) are offered for appli- ensured through forced separation of the start Register, cULus and EAC.The associated machines), an electronic solution is no doubt
USA / Specification
cations in aggressive atmosphere. and end of the winding. 0.7 information is provided in the data sheets. more appropriate, although we also offer
Canada C 22.2; UL 60947
Relays with gold contacts are approved for 0.5 solutions for this type of application. In AC
relatively high currents (e.g. 6A, 250V), but in Coil resistance and other properties All -20 -5 10 25 40 55 70 T ºC United Authority: GB
Switching classes applications crosstalk caused by long con-
practice values of 200mA, 30V should not be Each coil has an ohmic coil resistance that can Kingdom Lloyd´s Register of
EN 60947 defines different switching classes trol leads is often a problem and can result
exceeded for operation with intact gold plat- Shipping
be verified with an ohmmeter. The specified that specify the suitability of contacts for dif- in constant humming of the relay or even
ing. coil resistance applies to a temperature of ferent load types. inadvertent triggering due to interference.
Relays with a tungsten pre-contact are avail- 20°C. The tolerance is ±10%. General design
able for very high switch-on currents (up to For AC operation the coil current will not ComatReleco Relays are made from high- Example: Different harmless loads may lead to very
Utilisation categories according to
500A, 2.5ms). For some applications AgNi match the ohmic value, because self-in- quality, carefully selected materials. AC-1 = Ohmic AC load high switch-on currents or switch-off energy
EN 60947-4-1/-5-1
contacts with gold flashing (0.2µm) are availa- ductance plays a dominant role. At 230V They comply with the latest environmental AC-3 = Motor loads values, resulting in an unacceptable reduc-
ble. The purpose is corrosion protection during this may reach more than 90H. When a relay regulations such as RohS. Their meticulous AC-15 = Power contactors, solenoid valves, tion in service life.
Pollution category
storage. Tin oxide is specially appropiated for is switched off, self-inductance results in design makes them particularly suitable for solenoids Particularly tricky are DC inductive loads.
Cat. 1
load with high-inrush current. a self-induced voltage that may affect the industrial applications and installation engi- DC-1 = Ohmic DC load Dry, non-conductive contamination without
switching source (destruction of transistors, neering. DC-13 = DC contactors, solenoids further effect Characteristics of various loads:
Minimum load EMC problems). They are particularly service-friendly through
The minimum load value is a recommended robust terminals, mechanical position indi- UL60947 contains different technical Heating circuits
Cat. 2
value under normal conditions such as regu- Drive voltages cating device a standard, manual operation, approval criteria such as general purpose, No higher switch-on currents, no higher
Occasional conductive contamination, short
lar switching, no special ambient conditions, A distinction is made between the standard- dynamic, permanent characteristics. control application etc. Switching classes switch-off loads.
duration due to moisture condensation
etc. Under these conditions reliable switching ised voltages according to EN 60947 as guar- Colour coding for manual operation as a are defined based on the electrical switching
behaviour can be expected. anteed values, and typical values that can be function of the coil voltage is another useful capacity, e.g. B600 etc. Cat. 3
expected with a high degree of probability. feature. Further options such as different coil Dry, non-conductive and conductive con- Incandescent lamps, halogen lamps
Contact resistance connections, free-wheeling diode, LED display, Choosing the right Socket Switch-on currents during a few ms in the
tamination with moisture condensation
Initial values of resistance of contact can vary Pick-up voltage, Release voltage bridge rectifier for AC/DC drives etc., and For plug-in industry, interface, time, and mon- range 10 … 18 x rated. Switch-off at rated
with the use, load and others conditions. The pick-up voltage is the voltage at which short-term availability of special versions for itoring relays, we offer sockets with the corre- load.
Cat. 4
Typical values when the relay is new is about the relay engages safely. For DC the typical practically any drive voltage up to DC 220V / sponding pin configuration and various layouts Contamination with persistent conductivity
50mΩ. trip voltage is approx. 65% of Unom, for AC AC 400V leave nothing to be desired. for the terminal connectors. For easy identifi- through conductive dust, rain
approx. 75%. The release voltage, on the other Apart from a few special versions, in general, Low-energy lamps
cation, you'll find those symbol referring to the
Contact spacing hand, is approx. 25% or 60% respectively. ComatReleco industrial relays feature manual Very high, but very short switch-on currents
matching socket. Protection class IP according to EN 60529
Normally all contacts have an air gap between For DC these voltages are strongly tempera- operation (push/pull) and a mechanical posi- due to built-in decoupling capacitors.
and other standards. Industrial relays and
0.5 … 1.5mm when they are open. They are ture-dependent, according to the temperature tion indicating device. Contacts have a tendency to fuse.
their sockets can be classified as follows:
referred to as µ contacts. According to the coefficient of Cu. This is not the case for AC, For safety reasons, manual operation may be Socket IP20: Contact safety
Low-Voltage Directive and the associated where the inductive resistance is the con- replaced with a black button, if required. Relay IP40/IP50: not watertight, but protect- Transformers, AC contactors
standards these contacts are not suitable for trolling factor, which is practically constant ed against ingress of coarse contaminants. Switching on during zero-transition may lead
safe disconnection. over a wide temperature range. Coil connections to switch-on currents of 8 … 15 x rated.
For switching of DC loads large contact clear- With AC, in a certain undervoltage range the Different coil connections can be integrated in Electrical Distributor DIN 45mm High inductive switch-off energy is possible.
ances are beneficial for quenching the arc. See relay may hum, and the armature may flutter. the relay as an option. All devices with a housing fitting in an elec- The load must be connected, not least due
relays with "Cx-Gyz" naming. "G" stands for This voltage range must be avoided. For DC a cost-effective free-wheeling diode is trical distributor with a front of 45mm are to EMC problems.
extended contact gap of 3mm. available. Please note that the stated release marked with the following symbol.
Operating voltage range times are generally specified without the coil
Switching capacity Unless specified otherwise, the following char- connection.
The contact switching capacity is the product acteristic curve applies for the operating volt- While an additional LED status indicator has
of switching voltage and switching current. age range. The upper limit of the coil voltage practically no effect, a free-wheeling diode (D)
For AC the permitted switching capacity is is determined by self-heating and the ambient will lead to an increase in release time by a
generally high enough to handle the max. temperature. Self-heating through contacts factor 2 to 5, or 10ms to 30ms. For AC VDRs
continuous AC-1 current over the whole volt- under high load must not be underestimated. or RC elements may be used. In this case
age range. For DC the load limit curve must It may be higher than the power dissipation in resonance effects may have to be considered.
never be exceeded, because this would lead the drive. VDRs and common RC elements may increase
to a remaining switch-off arc and immediate release times by less than 5 ms.
destruction of the relay. The order of mag-
nitude of the DC switching capacity is a few
100W (DC-1).

10 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 11
1 Relays & Contactors
1 Relays & Contactors 1 Relays & Contactors
Industrial Relays Industrial Relays
Full Features System Select the correct Relay

Time module Colour code = coil voltage

Marking label Manual actuator (lockable)

Mechanical status display Retaining clip • Level of switching current • DC or AC switching?
and voltage of the application? • Inductive or
Optical status display (optional LED) capacitive load?
• Expected number of switching
Coil voltage marking Time cube

Symbol Voltage Current Use Type Material

AgNi + Au
Low-level signals, double contact
Signal relays 100 mV…5 V 10 uA…1 mA Standard signals (0…10 V/
4…20mA) Gold-plated
Coil and power bridge bus bars Type & options AgNi + Au
Single Contact
This document is our intellectual property. Without our written approval it may neither copied nor provided
to third parties. All rights for this document have been reserved. Copyright reserved! © ComatReleco AG

DX Freewheeling diode, LED
BX Bridge rectifier, LED double contact AgNi
FX Polarity protection,
freewheeling diose, LED
PLC inputs,
Control circuits
Control relays 5 V…30 V 1 mA…100 mA AgNi + Au
Single Contact

Five colours for an easier identification of coil voltage Comprehensive technical label Frequent, rapid switching Mosfet (DC)
If you don´t want to have the lockable function,
procedures Triac (AC)
AC red: 230 V AC
(North America 120 V AC) you can use the orange button.
Part number
Increased AC or DC loads Single Contact AgNi
AC dark red: Orange button, no lockable function, AC 2.8 VA DC 1.3 W
push only 10 A / 250 V AC-1 | 10 A / 30V DC-1 Coil details
others V AC
Maximum Electromagnets
Black button, no function 3 9 2 Power relays 30 V …400 V 100 mA…16 A Single Contact AgSnO2
UC grey: A1 switching (utilisation cat. AC-15/DC-13)
V AC/DC capacity
A2 according to Frequent, rapid switching proce-
10 EN 60947 Mosfet (DC)
DC blue: (IEC 947) dures, high reliability, noiseless Semiconductor
Triac (AC)
24 V DC 10A 250 Vac switching
10A 30 Vdc
Made in India Aditional cir-
DC dark blue: cuit diagram Early make AgNi + W
for coil Capacitive loads
others V DC contact AgSnO2 + W
Approvals showing all High-power AgNi
additions to 12 V …400 V 100 mA…16 A High DC loads, inductive loads Series contacts
relays AgSnO2
the coil

Wiring dia- Frequent, rapid switching proce-

Mosfet (DC)
gram with dures, high reliability, noiseless Semiconductor
Triac (AC)
sequential switching
and DIN
Filename: Revision: Created: 20.05.2015 Ia Scale

Printing color: white Last edit: 01.03.2018 Ld 2:1

Reviewed: 01.03.2018 Mi Format Sheet / Nb
12 | WoR 1 State: Released A4 1/1 WoR 1 | 13
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable

1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable

Application Type Pin Page

C10 Series
1 pole | changeover contact | Faston C10-A1x 16

1 pole | normally open contact | Faston C10-G1x 17

1 pole | changeover twin contact | Faston C10-T1x 18

C12 Series
2 pole | changeover contact | Faston C12-A2x 19

2 pole | normally open contact | Faston C12-G2x 20

C16 Series
2 pole | 8-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm C16-A25PTL 21

C18 Series
1 pole | 5-pin | changeover contact | Grid 3.5mm C18-A15PT 22

1 pole | 5-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm C18-A15PTL 23

1 pole | 8-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm C18-B15PTL 24

14 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 15
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable 1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
C10-A1x C10-G1x
1 pole | changeover contact | Faston 1 pole | normally open contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.8 A/110 V DC-1
10 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 10 A/30 V DC-1 0.4 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0, 5 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0, 5
5 mA/5 V Code 8 5 mA/5 V Code 8
Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au Optional Code 5 AgSnO2
Optional Code 5 AgSnO2 Rated Load 10 A
Rated Load 10 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A (120 A for code 5)
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A (120 A for code 5) Switching voltage max. 250 V
Switching voltage max. 250 V
Connection diagram AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
Connection diagram
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA DC load see fig. 2
DC load see fig. 2 Gap: 3 1 4 Gap: 1 4
0.5 mm 12 14 A1 1 mm A1
Coil Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 11 A2 Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN A2
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 2 5 Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN 2 5
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Nominal power 1.1 VA (AC)/0.7 W (DC)
Nominal power 1.1 VA (AC)/0.7 W (DC) fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
10 24 290 45 12 224 53 10
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
AC-1 AC-1
24 290 45 12 224 53 48 1200 23 24 742 32
Cos ϕ 0.4 Cos ϕ 0.4
115 7.300 9.5 48 3.500 13.7

switching cycles x10 6

48 1200 23 24 742 32

switching cycles x10 6

115 7.300 9.5 48 3.500 13.7 230 28.800 4.7 110 19.900 5.5
230 28.800 4.7 110 19.900 5.5 1 1
Insulation Contact open 2000 V
Contact open 1000 V Contact/coil 5 kV
Contact/coil 5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
0.1 0.1
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω VA 500 1000 1500 2000 Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
VA 500 1000 1500 2000
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
fig. 2 DC load limit curve Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Specifications Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 10 Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms 10
DC-1 DC-1
Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms / ≤ 1 ms L/R 40 ms Release time/bounce time 8 ms L/R 40 ms
Release time/bounce time 5 ms / ≤ 3 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1

Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Weight 21g


Weight 21g
Product References
Product References 0,1 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C10-G10/AC … V C10-G15/AC … V 0.1
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C10-A10/AC ... V C10-A18/AC ... V C10-A15/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 LED C10-G10X/AC … V C10-G15X/AC … V Volt 75 125 175 225
LED C10-A10X/AC ... V C10-A18X/AC ... V C10-A15X/AC ... V RC Suppressor C10-G10R/AC…V C10-G15R/AC…V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
RC Suppressor C10-A10R/AC ... V C10-A18R/AC ... V C10-A15R/AC ... V
1 V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C10-G10/DC … V C10-G15/DC … V
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C10-A10/DC ... V C10-A18/DC ... V C10-A15/DC ... V 2 LED C10-G10X/DC … V C10-G15X/DC … V
1 1

LED C10-A10X/DC ... V C10-A18X/DC ... V C10-A15X/DC ... V 3 Polarity and free wheeling diode C10-G10FX/DC … V C10-G15FX/DC... V

2 2

Polarity and free wheeling diode C10-A10FX/DC ... V C10-A18FX/DC ... V C10-A15FX/DC ... V 4 5


6 3 3


A1 A2 4 5 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C10-G10BX/DC … V C10-G15BX/UC... V 4 5

6 6

V AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C10-A10BX/UC ... V C10-A18BX/UC ... V C10-A15BX/UC ... V Other voltages on request


12.5 A1 A2 A1 A2

Other voltages on request

12.5 12.5
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
FASTON .187 4.75 4.75


Accessories Accessories
Socket S10, S10-P Socket S10, S10-P
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

16 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 17
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable 1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
C10-T1x C12-A2x
1 pole | changeover twin contact | Faston 2 pole | changeover contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 5 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1
6 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 5 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 5 mA/5 V Code 1 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 1
1 mA/5 V Code 3 5 mA/5 V Code 2
Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Optional Code 3 AgNi + 5 µ Au Optional Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Rated Load 6A Rated Load 5A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A
Switching voltage max 250 V Switching voltage max. 250 V
AC load fig. 1 1.5 kVA
Connection diagram AC load fig. 1 1.2 kVA
Connection diagram
DC load see fig. 2 DC load see fig. 2
Gap: 3 1 9 7 4
Gap: 3 1 4 0.5 mm
0.5 mm 12 14 22 24 A1
Coil 12 14 A1 Coil
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 11 21 A2
11 A2
2 8 5
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN 2 5 Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
Nominal power 1.1 VA (AC)/0.7 W (DC) Nominal power 1.1 VA (AC)/0.7 W (DC)
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
10 10
24 290 45 12 224 53 24 290 45 12 224 53
48 1200 23 24 742 32 AC-1 48 1200 23 24 742 32

switching cycles x 10 6
115 7.300 9.5 48 3.500 13.7 115 7.300 9.5 48 3.500 13.7

switching cycles x10 6

230 28.800 4.7 110 19.900 5.5 230 28.800 4.7 110 19.900 5.5 1

Insulation Insulation
Contact open 1000 V Contact open 1000 V
Contact/coil 5 kV Contact/contact 3000 V
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Contact/coil 5 kV 0.1
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ VA 400 800 1200
VA 500 1000 1500 V
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 …70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Specifications
Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms 10 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 10
Release time/bounce time 5 ms /≤ 3 ms Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms DC-1
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Release time/bounce time 5 ms /≤ 3 ms
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1

Weight 21 g Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h


Weight 21 g
Product References
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C10-T11/AC … V C10-T13/AC … V 0.1 Product References 0.1
LED C10-T11X/AC … V C10-T13X/AC … V Volt 75 125 175 225 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C12-A21/AC … V C12-A22/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 220
RC Suppressor C10-T11R/AC…V C10-T13R/AC…V LED C12-A21X/AC … V C12-A22X/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
RC Suppressor C12-A21R/AC … V C12-A22R/AC … V
V DC12, 24, 48, 110 C10-T11/DC … V C10-T13/DC … V
LED C10-T11X/DC … V C10-T13X/DC … V 1 V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C12-A21/DC … V C12-A22/DC … V 7 1

2 8 2
Polarity and free wheeling diode C10-T11FX/DC … V C10-T13FX/DC … V 2 LED C12-A21X/DC … V C12-A22X/DC … V

3 9 3

Polarity and free wheeling diode C12-A21FX/DC … V C12-A22FX/DC … V


4 5
4 5
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C10-T11BX/UC … V C10-T13BX/UC … V 6
4 5

A1 A2

Other voltages on request A1 A2 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C12-A21BX/UC … V C12-A22BX/UC … V

12.5 Other voltages on request 12.5

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 4.75 "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 2.5
Accessories FASTON .187 Accessories
Socket S10, S10-P Socket S12, S12-P
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

18 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 19
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable 1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
C12-G2x C16-A25PTL
2 pole | normally open contact | Faston 2 pole | 8-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm

Maximum contact load 5 A/250 V AC-1 0.8 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 7 A/250 V AC-1
5 A/30 V DC-1 0.4 A/220 V DC-1 7 A/30V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 1 Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA/1 V AC/DC
5 mA/5 V Code 2
Contacts Material AgSnO2
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au Rated Load 7 A
Optional Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au Switching voltage max. 250 V
Rated Load 5A Max. inrush current (500 ms) 15 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Bounce time 2 ms
Switching voltage max. 250 V
AC load fig. 1 1.2 kVA
Connection diagram Coil
Connection diagram
DC load see fig. 2 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 3 1 9 7 4
Gap: Pick-up voltage 75 % of UN (DC) / 80 % of UN (AC) 12 14 22 24 A1
Coil 1 mm Release voltage ≤ 0.1 UN  (DC) / ≤ 0.3 UN (AC)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
13 23 Nominal power 1 VA (AC) / 0.53 W (DC) @ 23 °C
Pick-up voltage ≥ 0.8 x UN 14 24 11 21 A2
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Coil Data (DC voltage) 2 8 5
Nominal power 1.1 VA (AC)/0.7 W (DC) Coil Voltage Code Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance (Ω) Must operate Must release
 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance (V DC) ± 10 % voltage max. (V DC) voltage min (V DC) fig. 1 Max. Operating Power Curve
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Max. Operating Power Curve
10 12 12 270 9.00 1.2
24 290 45 12 224 53 20
48 1200 23 24 742 32 24 24 1080 18.00 2.4

Switching cycles x10 6

AC-1 15

Current of Load (A)

AC Resistive
115 7.300 9.5 48 3.500 13.7 36 36 1350 27.00 3.6
230 28.800 4.7 110 19.900 5.5 48 48 4340 36.00 4.8
110 110 22830 82.5 11 5
DC Resistive
Contact open 2000 V 1
Coil Data (AC voltage 50/60 Hz)
Contact/contact 3000 V
0.1 Coil Voltage Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance Must operate Must release Max. allowable 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 380
Contact/coil 5 kV
VA 400 800 1200 Code (V AC) (Ω) ± 10 % voltage max. voltage min voltage (V AC) Contact voltage (V)
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω
(V AC) (V AC)
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
fig. 2 DC load limit curve 24 24 253 19.2 7.2 26.4 Dimensions (mm)
Specifications 110 110 5819 88.0 33 121
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 10
230 230 23276 184 69 253
Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms
Release time/bounce time 5 ms /≤ 3 ms
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Insulation
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Insulation resistance (coil to contact) ≥ 100 MΩ @ 500 V DC, 50 % RH
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Dielectric strength 5 kV

Weight 21 g Contact/coil 5000 Vrms, 1 min

Contact/contact 1000 Vrms, 1 min
Product References 0.1
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, (120), 230, (240) C12-G21/AC … V C12-G22/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 220 Specifications
LED C12-G21X/AC … V C12-G22X/AC … V Ambient temperature operation/storage -55 …70 ºC /-55…70 °C (no ice)
Dimensions (mm)
RC Suppressor C12-G21R/AC … V C12-G22R/AC … V Pick-up time 10 ms
Release time 5 ms
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C12-G21/DC … V C12-G22/DC … V 7 1 Mechanical / electrical life ops ≥ 1 × 10 000 000  / 1 × 100 000
LED C12G21X/DC … V C12-G22X/DC … V 8 2 Weight 17 g
Max. switching frequency 20 Hz

9 3
Polarity and free wheeling diode C12-G21FX/DC … V C12-G22FX/DC … V

Tightness RT2
4 5

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C12-G21BX/UC … V C12-G22BX/UC … V

Product References
Other voltages on request 12.5 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 110 (120), 230 (240) C16-A25PTL/AC ... V
V DC 12, 24, 48 C16-A25PTL/DC ... V
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 2.5
Other voltages on request
Accessories "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
Socket S12, S12-P
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Socket S16-M
Retaining clip, plastic CP-16
Modules See datasheet socket S16-M
IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947
IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

20 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 21
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable 1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable
C18-A15PT C18-A15PTL
1 pole | 5-pin | changeover contact | Grid 3.5mm 1 pole | 5-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1
10 A/30 V DC-1 10 A/30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA/1 V AC/DC Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA/1 V AC/DC

Contacts Contacts
Material AgSnO2 Material AgSnO2
Rated Load 10 A Rated Load 10 A
Switching voltage max. 250 V Switching voltage max. 250 V
Max. inrush current (500 ms) 25 A Max. inrush current (500 ms) 25 A
Bounce time 2 ms Bounce time 2 ms

Connection diagram Coil
Connection diagram
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 3 1 4 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Pick-up voltage 75 % of UN (DC) / 80 % of UN (AC) Pick-up voltage 75 % of UN (DC) / 80 % of UN (AC) 3 1 4
12 14 A1
12 14 A1
Release voltage ≤ 0.1 UN  (DC) / ≤ 0.3 UN (AC) Release voltage ≤ 0.1 UN  (DC) / ≤ 0.3 UN (AC)
Nominal power 1 VA (AC) / 0.53 W (DC) @ 23 °C Nominal power 1 VA (AC) / 0.53 W (DC) @ 23 °C
11 A2 11 A2
Coil Data (DC voltage) 2 5 Coil Data (DC voltage) 2 5
Coil Voltage Code Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance (Ω) Must operate Must release Coil Voltage Code Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance (Ω) Must operate Must release
(V DC) ± 10 % voltage max. (V DC) voltage min (V DC) fig. 1 Max. Operating Power Curve (V DC) ± 10 % voltage max. (V DC) voltage min (V DC) fig. 1 Max. Operating Power Curve
Max. Operating Power Curve Max. Operating Power Curve
12 12 270 9.00 1.2 12 12 270 9.00 1.2
24 24 1080 18.00 2.4
20 24 24 1080 18.00 2.4 20
15 15

Current of Load (A)

Current of Load (A)

AC Resistive
36 36 1350 27.00 3.6 36 36 1350 27.00 3.6 AC Resistive

10 10
48 48 4340 36.00 4.8 48 48 4340 36.00 4.8
110 110 22830 82.5 11 110 110 22830 82.5 11
5 5
DC Resistive DC Resistive
Coil Data (AC voltage 50/60 Hz) 1 Coil Data (AC voltage 50/60 Hz) 1
Coil Voltage Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance Must operate Must release Max. allowable Coil Voltage Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance Must operate Must release Max. allowable
Code (V AC) (Ω) ± 10 % voltage max. voltage min voltage (V AC) 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 380 Code (V AC) (Ω) ± 10 % voltage max. voltage min voltage (V AC) 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 380
(V AC) (V AC) Contact voltage (V) (V AC) (V AC)
Contact voltage (V)
24 24 253 19.2 7.2 26.4 Dimensions (mm) 24 24 253 19.2 7.2 26.4 Dimensions (mm)
110 110 5819 88.0 33 121 110 110 5819 88.0 33 121
230 230 23276 184 69 253 230 230 23276 184 69 253

Insulation Insulation
Insulation resistance (coil to contact) ≥ 100 MΩ @ 500 V DC, 50 % RH Insulation resistance (coil to contact) ≥ 100 MΩ @ 500 V DC, 50 % RH
Dielectric strength 5 kV Dielectric strength 5 kV
Contact/coil 5000 Vrms, 1 min Contact/coil 5000 Vrms, 1 min
Contact/contact 1000 Vrms, 1 min Contact/contact 1000 Vrms, 1 min

Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature operation/storage -55 …70 ºC /-55…70 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature operation/storage -55 …70 ºC /-55…70 °C (no ice)
5 5
Pick-up time 10 ms Pick-up time 10 ms
Release time 5 ms Release time 5 ms
Mechanical / electrical life ops ≥ 1 × 10  000  000  / 1 × 100  000 Mechanical / electrical life ops ≥ 1 × 10  000  000  / 1 × 100  000
Weight 17 g Weight 17 g
Max. switching frequency 20 Hz Max. switching frequency 20 Hz
Tightness RT2 Tightness RT2

Product References Product References

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 110 (120), 230 (240) C18-A15PT/AC ... V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 110 (120), 230 (240) C18-A15PTL/AC ... V
V DC 12, 24.36, 48, 110 C18-A15PT/DC ... V V DC 12, 24, 36, 48, 110 C18-A15PTL/DC ... V
Other voltages on request Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Accessories Technical approvals, conformities Accessories Technical approvals, conformities

Socket S18-M Socket S16-M
Retaining clip, plastic CP-16 Retaining clip, plastic CP-16
Modules See datasheet socket S18-M Modules See datasheet socket S16-M

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

22 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 23
1.1 Interface Relays - pluggable

1.2 Interface Relays

1 pole | 8-pin | changeover contact | Grid 5mm

Maximum contact load 16 A/250 V AC-1

16 A/30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA/1 V AC/DC

Material AgSnO2
Rated Load 16 A
Switching voltage max. 250 V
Max. inrush current (500 ms)
Bounce time
25 A
2 ms
1.2 Interface Relays
Connection diagram
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % A1 12 11 14 3 (24)
(22) 1 4
Pick-up voltage 75 % of UN (DC) / 80 % of UN (AC) 12 14
12 14 A1
Release voltage ≤ 0.1 UN  (DC) / ≤ 0.3 UN (AC) A2 22 21 24
Nominal power 1 VA (AC) / 0.53 W (DC) @ 23 °C Application Type Page
11 A2
2 5
Coil Data (DC voltage) CRINT Series
For usage of the relay up to 16A, pin 22+12 (open),
Coil Voltage Code Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance (Ω) Must operate Must release pin 21+11 (common) and pin 24+14 (closing) need
(V DC) ± 10 % voltage max. (V DC) voltage min (V DC) to be bridged on the socket terminals to prevent 1 pole | changeover contact CRINT-1x1 27
overheating. Each contact on this relay is connected
12 12 270 9.00 1.2
to two pins each.
1 pole | changeover contact CRINT-1x2 28
24 24 1080 18.00 2.4
36 36 1350 27.00 3.6
fig. 1 Max. Operating Power Curve
Max. Operating Power Curve 1 pole | normally open solid state DC CRINT-1x5 78
48 48 4340 36.00 4.8
110 110 22830 82.5 11
15 1 pole | normally open solid state AC CRINT-1x8 79

Current of Load (A)

AC Resistive

Coil Data (AC voltage 50/60 Hz)
Coil Voltage Nominal Voltage Coil Resistance Must operate Must release Max. allowable CINT Series
Code (V AC) (Ω) ± 10 % voltage max. voltage min voltage (V AC)
1 DC Resistive 1 pole | changeover contact CINT-51 / CINT-61 29
(V AC) (V AC)
24 24 253 19.2 7.2 26.4
10 20 30 40 50 100 200 380 2 pole | changeover contact CINT-52 / CINT-62 30
110 110 5819 88.0 33 121 Contact voltage (V)
230 230 23276 184 69 253 2 pole | changeover contact CINT-53 / CINT-63 31
Dimensions (mm)

Insulation CHA Series

Insulation resistance (coil to contact) ≥ 100 MΩ @ 500 V DC, 50 % RH
Dielectric strength 5 kV 1 pole changeover contact, 1 pole auxiliary contact CHA1 32
Contact/coil 5000 Vrms, 1 min
Contact/contact 1000 Vrms, 1 min

Ambient temperature operation/storage -55 …70 ºC /-55…70 °C (no ice)
Pick-up time 10 ms
Release time 5 ms
Mechanical / electrical life ops ≥ 1 × 10  000  000  / 1 × 100  000
Weight 17 g
Max. switching frequency 20 Hz
Tightness RT2

Product References
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 110 (120), 230 (240) C18-B15PTL/AC ... V
V DC 12, 24, 36, 48, 110 C18-B15PTL/DC ... V
Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Accessories Technical approvals, conformities

Socket S16-M
Retaining clip, plastic CP-16
Modules See datasheet socket S16-M

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

24 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 25
1.2 Interface Relays

1.2 Interface Relays

CRINT 1x1 series
1 pole | changeover contact

Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/30 V DC-1

Recommended minimum contact load 100 mA / 12 V

Type 1 CO
Material AgSnO2
Switching current | TH 6 A 250 V AC
Switching power DC-1 30 V 180 W
Switching power AC-1 230 V 1500 VA
Switching power AC-15 230 V 300 VA
Max. inrush current (2.5 ms) 15 A
Connection diagram
Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.8 … 1.25 UN - AgSnO2
Nominal power DC /AC 408 / 900 mW - AgSnO2 + 3µ Au

14 A1
Insulation 11
-Screw terminal
CRINT Product Key RELAY Only Test voltage I / O 6 kV rms / 1 min 12
-Cage clamp terminal
Pollution degree 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 Over voltage category III fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Open contact 1000 Vrms dielectric strength 1 min
CRINT - C 1 1 1 R / UC 24V
CRINT - R 11 DC 12V Standard EN61810-1
1. Product family 5. Output Specifications
CRINT 1 = AgSnO2 1. Product family 4. Supply voltage
2 = AgSnO2 + 3µ Au Ambient temperature: operation / storage -40 … 70 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice)

2. Type 5 = NO / Solid-state DC Typical response time @ Vn 7 ms
C = Combined version (Socket and Relay) 8 = NO / Solid-state AC 2. Type 5. Nominal voltage Typical release time @ Vn 15 ms
R = Relay 12 V, 24 V, 48 V, 60 V* Switching cycles: mech./elec. 10 x 1 000 000 / 3 x 10 000
3. Contact 6. Options
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
1 = One change-over contact – = Standard version 3. Contact
R = Railway version 11 = AgSnO2 Cond. cross section spring cage 0.75 … 2.5 mm2 104
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4. Connection type 12 = AgSnO2 + 3µ Au Protection degree IP 20 Switching current [A]

1 = Screw terminal 7. Supply voltage 15 = NO / Solid-state DC Mounting position any, TS35 or Back Panel Mounting fig. 2 DC load limit curve
2 = Cage clamp terminal UC = AC / DC 18 = NO / Solid-state AC Weight 30 g
DC = Only for C1x5 and C1x8 10 AC-1
8. Nominal voltage *60 V Relay used for all sockets with Product References 5

12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 110-125V, 220-240V a nominal voltage higher or equal 60V Screw terminal 2

UC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 110-125V, CRINT-C111/UC...V

Current [A]
CRINT-C1xx & CINT-C5x/C6x Dimensions (mm)
Cage clamp terminal 0.5

UC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 110-125V, CRINT-C121/UC…V 0.2
Jumper link Jumper link 220-240V
Railway EN 50155 CRINT-C121R/UC…V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Voltage [V]
Label Label „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete

Dimensions (mm)
Product References
Jumper link
Screw terminals Cage clamp


Accessories Label

Jumper link blue: CRINT-BR20-BU (BAG 5 PCS)


Screw terminals
red: CRINT-BR20-RD (BAG 5 PCS)


black: CRINT-BR20-BK (BAG 5 PCS)


Label plate CRINT-LAB (BAG 4x16 PCS)
Spacer CRINT-SEP (BAG 5 PCS) Jumper link

22 NC 12 22 NC 12

21 COM11 21 COM 11 Replacement relays
24 NO 14

DC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V* CRINT-R11/DC...V Cage clamp


24 NO 14


„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete

Screw terminals Product References

Cage clamp
TS 35



n *60V Relay used for all sockets with
a nominal voltage higher or equal 60V

Technical approvals, conformities


220-240 VU

A1 A1

A2 A2

14 3,4 72 14 3,4 72

IEC/EN 61810, IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545

26 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 27
1.2 Interface Relays 1.2 Interface Relays

1.2 Interface Relays

CRINT 1x2 series CINT-51 / CINT-61
1 pole | changeover contact 1 pole | changeover contact

Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A (16 A)/250 V AC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 6 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 24 V

Type 1 CO
Type 1 CO
Material AgSnO2 + 5µ Au Material AgSnO2
Switching current | TH 6 A 250 V AC Switching current | TH 16 A
Switching power DC-1 30 V 180 W Max. inrush current (5 ms) 30 A
Switching power AC-1 230 V 1500 VA
Switching power AC-15 230 V 300 VA Coil
Max. inrush current (2.5 ms) 15 A Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.7 … 1.25 UN
Connection diagram Nominal power DC /AC 480 mW / 780 mW
Connection diagram
Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.8 … 1.25 UN - AgSnO2
Nominal power DC /AC 408 / 900 mW - AgSnO2 + 3µ Au Test voltage I / O 4000 Vrms / 1min
14 A1
Pollution degree 3 A1
12 11 14
22 21 24

Insulation 11
Socket Over voltage category III A2
-Screw terminal
Test voltage I / O 6 kV rms / 1 min 12
-Cage clamp terminal Open contact 1000 Vrms SOCKET
22 21 24
Pollution degree 3 Standard EN61810-1 A1 12 11 14
Over voltage category III fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Open contact 1000 Vrms dielectric strength 1 min Specifications SOCKET

Standard EN61810-1 AC-1

Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) on request

Typical response time @ Vn 5 ms
Specifications Typical release time @ Vn 10 ms
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -40 … 70 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2

Typical response time @ Vn 7 ms Cond. cross section spring cage 0.5 … 2.5 mm2 fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Typical release time @ Vn 15 ms Protection degree IP 20
Switching cycles: mech./elec. 10 x 1 000 000 / 3 x 10 000 Mounting position any on request
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Weight 63 g
Cond. cross section spring cage 0.75 … 2.5 mm2 104
Protection degree IP 20 0 1 2 3
Switching current [A]
4 5 6
Product References Dimensions (mm)
Mounting position any, TS35 or Back Panel Mounting Screw terminal
Weight 30 g fig. 2 DC load limit curve
UC24V, AC230V CINT-51/...V 22 NC 12

10 AC-1 21 COM11
Product References 6
5 Cage clamp terminal 24 NO 14

Screw terminal UC24V, AC230V CINT-61/...V
UC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 110-125V, CRINT-C112/UC...V 2
„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete
Current [A]

220-240V Screw terminals

TS 35
Product References

1 CINT-C5x
Cage clamp terminal n
UC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V, 110-125V, CRINT-C122/UC…V Accessories

220-240V 0.2
Jumper link black: CINT-BR8/5 A1

Railway EN 50155 CRINT-C122R/UC…V A2

„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Label plate CINT5-BEZ/18 14 3,4 72
Voltage [V]
Product References
Dimensions (mm) Replacement relays 22 NC 12

Jumper link
Accessories DC 24V, 110V CINT-R21/DC...V 21 COM 11

blue: CRINT-BR20-BU (BAG 5 PCS)

24 NO 14
Jumper link Label „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete


red: CRINT-BR20-RD (BAG 5 PCS) Screw terminals

Product References

black: CRINT-BR20-BK (BAG 5 PCS) CRINT-C11x

Cage clamp



*24V Relay used for 24 V sockets,
Label plate CRINT-LAB (BAG 4x16 PCS)
110V Relay used for 230V sockets. 220-240



Jumper link A1

Replacement relays

DC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V* CRINT-R12/DC...V 14 3,4 72

Cage clamp
„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete


Product References

*60V Relay used for all sockets with
a nominal voltage higher or equal 60V
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810, IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545 IEC/EN 61810

28 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 29
1.2 Interface Relays 1.2 Interface Relays

1.2 Interface Relays

CINT-52 / CINT-62 CINT-53 / CINT-63
2 pole | changeover contact 2 pole | changeover contact

Maximum contact load 8 A/250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 8 A/250 V AC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 5 mA / 5 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 24 V

Type 2 CO
Type 2 CO
Material AgNi + 5µ Au Material AgNi
Switching current | TH 8A Switching current | TH 8A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A

Coil Coil
Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.7 … 1.25 UN Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.7 … 1.25 UN
Nominal power DC /AC 480 mW / 780 mW
Connection diagram Nominal power DC /AC 480 mW / 780 mW
Connection diagram

Insulation Insulation
Test voltage I / O 4000 Vrms / 1min Test voltage I / O 4000 Vrms / 1min
Pollution degree 3 A1 22 21 24 Pollution degree 3 A1 22 21 24
12 11 14 12 11 14
Over voltage category III A2 Over voltage category III A2

Open contact 1000 Vrms SOCKET Open contact 1000 Vrms SOCKET
Standard EN61810-1 Standard EN61810-1
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) on request Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) on request
Typical response time @ Vn 5 ms Typical response time @ Vn 5 ms
Typical release time @ Vn 10 ms Typical release time @ Vn 10 ms
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
Cond. cross section spring cage 0.5 … 2.5 mm2 fig. 2 DC load limit curve Cond. cross section spring cage 0.5 … 2.5 mm2 fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Mounting position any on request Mounting position any on request
Weight 63 g Weight 63 g

Product References Dimensions (mm) Product References Dimensions (mm)

Screw terminal Screw terminal
UC24V, AC230V CINT-52/...V 22 NC 12
UC24V, AC230V CINT-53/...V 22 NC 12

21 COM11 21 COM11

Cage clamp terminal 24 NO 14 Cage clamp terminal 24 NO 14


UC24V, AC230V CINT-62/...V UC24V, AC230V CINT-63/...V
„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete
Screw terminals Screw terminals
TS 35

TS 35
Product References Product References


n n
Accessories Accessories

220-240 220-240

Jumper link black: CINT-BR8/5 A1 Jumper link black: CINT-BR8/5 A1

A2 A2

Label plate CINT5-BEZ/18 14 3,4 72 Label plate CINT5-BEZ/18 14 3,4 72

Replacement relays 22 NC 12 Replacement relays 22 NC 12

DC 24V, 110V CINT-R22/DC...V 21 COM 11

DC 24V, 110V CINT-R23/DC...V 21 COM 11

24 NO 14 24 NO 14

„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete

Product References Product References


Cage clamp Cage clamp


*24V Relay used for 24 V sockets, *24V Relay used for 24 V sockets,
110V Relay used for 230V sockets. 220-240 110V Relay used for 230V sockets. 220-240


A1 A1

A2 A2

14 3,4 72 14 3,4 72

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810 IEC/EN 61810

30 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 31
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.2 Interface Relays
1 pole changeover contact, 1 pole auxiliary contact

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.3 A/24 V DC-1

Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 12 V

Power cont.
Signal cont.
Material AgSnO2 AgNi
Switching current | TH 10 A 0.3 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A -

1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable

Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.8 … 1.1 UN
Connection diagram
Nominal power DC /AC 400 mW / 400 mW
24 V AC / DC
Test voltage I / O 3000 Vrms / 1min 24 V 300 mA Application Type Pin Page
B1 B2 A1(+) A2(–)
Pollution degree 3 ON
Over voltage category III S AUTO C2 Series
Open contact 1000 Vrms
Standard EN61810-1 2 pole | changeover contact C2-A2x 36

Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice)
C3 Series
A3 11 12 14
Typical response time @ Vn on request µ10 A 250 V 3 pole | changeover contact C3-A3x 37
Typical release time @ Vn on request
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
3 pole | changeover twin contact C3-T3x 38
Protection degree IP 20
Mounting position any
3 pole | normally open contact C3-G3x 39
Weight 42 g

Product References 1 pole | normally open serial contact with blow magnet C3-M1x 40

fig. 2 DC load
Function Tablelimit curve 1 pole | normally open serial contact C3-X1x 41

Green Control Relay / Check 2 pole | changeover contact | remanance C3-R2x 42

ON-OFF- input A3 LED back
switch contact
3 pole | changeover contact | sensitive coil C3-N3x 43
AUTO 1 1 1
0 0 1
C4 Series
ON - 1 0
OFF - 0 0 4 pole | changeover contact | Faston C4-A4x 44

2 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston C4-X2x 45

Dimensions (mm)
3 pole | changeover contact | remanance C4-R3x 46
A1 A2

B1 B2

C5 Series
2 pole | changeover contact | Faston C5-A2x 47


3 pole | changeover contact | Faston C5-A3x 48

11 A3

12 14 3 pole | normally open contact | Faston C5-G3x 49

26,5 17
11,5 4 58
1 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston C5-X1x 50

Technical approvals, conformities

1 pole | normally open serial contact with blow magnet | Faston C5-M1x 51

2 pole | normally open contact with blow magnet | Faston C5-M2x 52

IEC/EN 61810 2 pole | changeover contact | remanance C5-R2x 53

32 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 33
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable

Application Type Pin Page

C7 Series
1 pole | changeover contact | Faston C7-A1x 54

2 pole | changeover contact | Faston C7-A2x 55

2 pole | changeover twin contact C7-T2x 56

2 pole | normally open contact | Faston C7-G2x 57

2 pole | changeover contact | Faston C7-H2x 58

1 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston C7-X1x 59

1 pole | normally open tungsten pre-contact | Faston C7-W1x 60

R7 Series
2 pole | changeover contact | Faston R7-A2x 61

2 pole | changeover twin contact R7-T2x 62

C9 Series
4 pole | changeover contact | Faston C9-A4x 63

2 pole | changeover contact | sensitive coil | Faston C9-E2x 64

2 pole | changeover contact | remanance | Faston C9-R2x 65

34 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 35
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C2-A2x C3-A3x
2 pole | changeover contact 3 pole | changeover contact

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1
10 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 10 A/30 DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0, 9
5 mA/5 V Code 8 5 mA/5 V Code 8
Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Max. switching current 10 A Optional Code 9 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Max. peak inrush current (20 ms.) 30 A Rated Load 10 A
Max. switching voltage 250 V Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Max. AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
Connection diagram Switching voltage max. 250 V
Connection diagram
3 6 2
Max. DC load See fig. 2 4 3 5 6 2 4 3 5 6 2 AC load fig. 1 A1(+)
2.5 kVA
12 14 22 24 A1 (+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+) DC load see fig. 2 4 3 5 7 8 9 2
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 11 21 A2 11 21 A2 Coil
1 8 7 11 21 31 A2
Pick up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 1 8 7 1 8 7 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
1 6 11 10
Pick up voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Nominal power 2.2 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
4 3 5 7 8 9 2
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Nominal power 2.2 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) fig. 1 AC
12 voltage
14 22 24endurance
32 34 A1(+)
Coil Table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
24 67 92 24 443 54 10
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 10
48 296 46 48 1K8 27 24 67 92 24 480 50 11 21 31 A2
115 1K7 19 110 9K 12 48 296 46 48 1K8 26 1 6 11 10AC1

switching cycles x10 6

cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

cos 0.4
230 7K1 9.5 220 36K1 6 115 1K7 19 110 9K 12 3 7 9 2
1 230 7K1 9.5 220 36K1 6 AC1
AC1 1 AC15
Insulation Volt rms / 1 min AC15
Open contact 1000 V Insulation
Between adjacent poles 2.5 kV Contact open 1000 V 1 6 11 10
Between contacts and coil 2.5 kV Contact/contact 2.5 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ Contact/coil 2.5 kV 0.1
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
fig. 2 DC load limit curve Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Specifications DC1
DC13 DC1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 10 Specifications 10 DC13
Pick-up time + bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms DC-1 DC1 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) DC-1 DC1
Release time + bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms L/R 40 ms
DC13 Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms L/R 40 ms
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 ops. switching cycles 1 Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥ 100 000 switching cycles

Weight 79 g Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Weight 81 g
Product References 0.1 0.1
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C2-A20/AC … V C2-A28/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 Product References Volt 50 100 150 200
LED C2-A20X/AC … V C2-A28X/AC … V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C3-A30/AC … V C3-A38/AC … V C3-A39/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
RC Suppressor C2-A20R/AC … V C2-A28R/AC … V LED C3-A30X/AC … V C3-A38X/AC … V C3-A39X/AC … V
RC Suppressor C3-A30R/AC … V C3-A38R/AC … V C3-A39R/AC … V
V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C2-A20/DC … V C2-A28/DC … V 21 11 31 11
A2 A1
LED C2-A20X/DC … V C2-A28X/DC … V A2 8 1 A1 V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C3-A30/DC … V C3-A38/DC … V C3-A39/DC … V 10
11 1
7 2 34 14

Free wheeling diode
C2-A20DX/DC … V C2-A28DX/DC … V
LED C3-A30X/DC … V C3-A38X/DC … V C3-A39X/DC … V

6 3 8 4
24 14 32 7 6 5 12
Polarity and free wheeling diode C2-A20FX/DC … V C2-A28FX/DC … V 5 4
Free wheeling diode C3-A30DX/DC … V C3-A38DX/DC … V C3-A39DX/DC … V

24 22
22 21 12 21
Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-A30FX/DC … V C3-A38FX/DC … V C3-A39FX/DC … V
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C2-A20BX/UC … V C2-A28BX/UC … V 35 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C3-A30BX/UC … V C3-A38BX/UC … V C3-A39BX/UC … V 35

Other voltages on request Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Accessories (See also Section Sockets) Accessories

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Socket S2-B, S2-PO Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0,
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) S3-M1
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

36 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 37
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C3-T3x C3-G3x
3 pole | changeover twin contact 3 pole | normally open contact

Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 1.2 A/110 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 5 mA/5 V Code 1 Recommended minimum contact load 10 A/30 V DC-1 0.4 A/220 V DC-1
4 3 5 7 8 9 2
1 mA/5 V Code 2

12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+)
Contacts Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
11 21 31 A2
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au Rated Load 10 A
1 6 11 10
Optional Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Rated Load 6A 4 3 5 7 8 9 2 Switching voltage max. 250 V
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+) 4 3 5 7 8 9 2
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA 12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+)
Switching voltage max. 250 V DC load see fig. 2
AC load fig. 1 1.2 kVA 11 21 31 A2
1 6diagram 11 21
Connection diagram 31 A2
DC load see fig. 2 11 10 Coil
1 6 11 10
DC1 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Coil 4 3 5 7 8 9 2 DC13 Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Gap: 3 7 9 2
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+) 1.7 mm A1(+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.6 W (DC)
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN 11 21 31 A2 A2
1 6 11 10 1 6 11 10
Nominal power 2.2 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
3 7 9 2 24 65 100 24 360 66
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA A1(+)
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 48 286 50 48 1K4 34 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
24 67 92 24 480 50 115 1K7 21 110 7K6 15
48 296 46 48 1K8 26 230 6K8 10 220 30K3 7.5 10
115 1K7 19 110 9K 12
1 6 11 10

switching cycles x10 6

switching cycles x10 6
230 7K1 9.5 220 36K1 6 Insulation
AC-1 cos ϕAC15
Contact open 2000 V
Insulation 1 Contact/contact 2.5 kV 1
Contact open 1000 V Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Contact/contact 2.5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
0.1 0.1
Insulation, EN 61810-1 2.5 kV VA 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 Specifications kVA
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms DC1
10 10 DC13
Pick-up time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 3 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
Release time/bounce time 18 ms /≤ 1 ms DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC-1
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. L/R 40 ms
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Weight 81 g
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1 1
Weight 81 g Product References


V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C3-G30/AC … V

Product References LED C3-G30X/AC … V
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C3-T31/AC … V C3-T32/AC … V 0.1 RC Suppressor C3-G30R/AC … V 0.1
LED C3-T31X/AC … V C3-T32X/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 Volt 50 100 150 200
RC Suppressor C3-T31R/AC … V C3-T32R/AC … V V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C3-G30/DC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
AC1 LED C3-G30X/DC … V
V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C3-T31/DC … V C3-T32/DC … V AC15 Free wheeling diode C3-G30DX/DC... V
LED C3-T31X/DC … V C3-T32X/DC … V A2
31 11
A1 Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-G30FX/DC … V A2
31 11
11 1
Free wheeling diode C3-T31DX/DC … V C3-T32DX/DC … V 10
11 1
10 2

34 14 9 3

9 3

Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-T31FX/DC … V C3-T32FX/DC … V 32

7 6 5
12 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C3-G30BX/UC … V 32
7 6 5


24 22 24
21 Other voltages on request 21

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C3-T31BX/UC … V C3-T32BX/UC … V

35 35
Other voltages on request "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References Accessories

Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0,
Accessories S3-M1
Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0, Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

38 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 39
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C3-M1x C3-X1x
1 pole | normally open serial contact with blow magnet 1 pole | normally open serial contact

Maximum contact load 10 A /250 V AC-1 10 A/220 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 7 A/110 V DC-1
10 A/30 V DC-1 1.2 A/220 V DC-1

Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Rated Load 10 A Rated Load 10 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Switching voltage max. 250 V Switching voltage max. 250 V
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
DC load see fig. 2 DC load see fig. 2

Connection diagram Coil
Connection diagram
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Gap: 3 9 DC1 110V
2 3
Pick-up voltage 3 9 2 3 magnet (+) 9 2 4 3 8 9 6
>2 3 mm
4 3 8 ≤90.8 x UN 2 6 Gap: Imán Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN DC1 A1(+)
Release voltage > 3A1(+)
mm A1 (+) A1 A3
12 14 22 ≥240.1 x UN A1 A3 Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN ON (+)
(1.7 + 1.7)
OFF (+)
(1.7 + 1.7)
Nominal power 2.4 VA ON
(AC)(+)/ 1.3 W
OFF (+)
(DC) Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC)
A2 (-)
A2 A2 10
11 21 A2 (-)
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 10 10 Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC 1 Ω 11mA 10
1 11 24 65 10 100 24 480 50 24 65 100 24 480 54
48 286 50 48 1K8 26 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 48 286 50 48 1K8 26 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
115 1K7 21 110 9K 12 115 1K7 21 110 9K 12
230 6K8 10 220 29K 7.5 230 6K8 10 220 29K 7.5 10

AC-1 AC1
AC1 AC-1 AC1

switching cycles x10 6

Insulation ϕAC15
Insulation Cos ϕAC15
Contact open 2500 V Contact open 2500 V

switching cycles x10 6

Contact/contact 2.5 kV 1
Contact/contact 2.5 kV 1
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Insulation, IEC 61810-1: 2.5 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV

Specifications 0.1 Specifications
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 ºC (55° C AC) /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC voltage endurance Pick-up time/bounce time 18 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms DC13 110V
10 DC13
10 DC-1 220V
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
L/R 40 ms
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC-1 110V
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC-1 220V Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Weight 90 g Weight 83 g

11 1
Ops. x10

Product References Product References

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C3-M10/AC … V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C3-X10/AC … V
LED C3-M10X/AC … V LED C3-X10X/AC … V
RC Suppressor C3-M10R/AC … V 0.1 RC Suppressor C3-X10R/AC … V 0,1
2 4 6 8 10 Amps. Volt 25 75 125 175 225
V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C3-M10/DC … V Amp V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C3-X10/DC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
LED C3-M10X/DC … V LED C3-X10X/DC … V
Free wheeling diode C3-M10DX/DC … V Free wheeling diode C3-X10DX/DC … V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-M10FX/DC … V A2
31 11
Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-X10FX/DC … V A2
31 11
11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2
34 14 34 14

9 3

9 3

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C3-M10BX/UC … V 32

7 6 5
12 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C3-X10BX/UC … V 32
7 6 5

Other voltages on request Other voltages on request

24 22 24 22
21 21

35 35
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Accessories Accessories
Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0, Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0,
S3-M1 S3-M1
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

40 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 41
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C3-R2x C3-N3x
2 pole | changeover contact | remanance 3 pole | changeover contact | sensitive coil

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/30 V DC-1
10 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 4
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0 5 mA/5 V Code 8
5 mA/5 V Code 8
Contacts Material Standard Code 4 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au Rated Load 5A
Rated Load 10 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A Switching voltage max. 250 V
Switching voltage max. 250 V AC load fig. 1 1.5 kVA
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
Connection diagram DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram
DC load see fig. 2
3 9 2 3 9 2 (+) 4 3 5 7 8 9 2 DC1
4 3 8 9 2 6 Coil Imán
A1(+) A1 (+) 12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+) DC13
Coil A1 A3 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
ON (+) OFF (+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
A2 A2 11 21 31 A2
ON pulse power 1.5 VA/W A2 (-) Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
1 11 10 10 10 1 6 11 10
OFF pulse power 0.5 VA/W Nominal power 800 mW
Pull-in ON OFF ≤ 0.8 x UN
4 3 5 7 8 9 2
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA fig. 1 AC
12 14voltage
22 24 endurance
32 34 A1(+)
Internal Diagram: Coil table 24 67 92 24 480 50
A1 A3 10 6 10
+ + 48 296 46 48 1K8 26

A1 A3 A1 V AC mA ON mA OFF V DC mA ON mA OFF 115 1K7 19 110 9K 12 11 21 31 A2
+ + 24 75 12 12 125 41 AC-1AC1 1 6 11 10

switching cycles x10 6


switching cycles x10 6

A3 230 7K1 9.5 220 36K1 6
48 38 6 24 63 21 Cos ϕAC15
115 16 2.5 48 31 10 3 7 9 2
A2 DC A2 1 AC1 Insulation A1(+)
230 8 1.3 110 14 4.5 1
DC A2 AC AC15 Contact open 1000 V
Contact/contact 2.5 kV
Insulation Contact/coil 2.5 kV 1 6 11 10
Contact open 1000 V Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
0.1 0.1
Contact/contact 2.5 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 VA 0 250 500 750 1000 1250
Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω fig. 2 DC load limit curve Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV DC1 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
10 DC13 10
Pick-up time/bounce time 18 ms /≤ 3 ms
Specifications DC-1 DC1
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) L/R 40 ms
DC13 Mechanical life ops DC: 20 Mill.
Minimum pulse length for ON OFF 50 ms DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥ 100 000 switching cycles
Mechanical life ops 10 Mill. 11 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1

DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Weight 90 g


Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h

Weight 81 g Product References
V DC 24, 48, 60, 110 C3-N34/DC … V C3-N38/DC … V 0.1
Product References Volt 50 100 150 200 Free wheeling diode C3-N34D/DC … V C3-N38D/DC … V Volt 50 100 150 200

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 C3-R20N/AC … V C3-R28N/AC … V Polarity and free wheeling diode C3-N34F/DC … V C3-N38F/DC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
Other voltages on request
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C3-R20N/DC … V C3-R28N/DC … V AC15

Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
31 11 31 11
A1 A2 A1
11 1 11 1
2 10 2
34 14

34 14 9 3
"..."List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

9 3
8 4 8 4
32 7 6 5 12
Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0, 32 7 6 5 12


24 22 24

21 S3-M1 21

Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M, S3-M0, 35 Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 35

Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

42 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 43
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C4-A4x C4-X2x
4 pole | changeover contact | Faston 2 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston

1 2 4 5 7 8 13 12
Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 12 14 22 24 32 34 A1 A3 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 7 A/110 V DC-1
ON (+) OFF (+)
10 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 10 A/30 V DC-1 1.2 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/5 V Code 0 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0

11 21 31 A2 (-)
5 mA/5 V Code 8 3 6 9 14
Contacts Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi 2 5 8 11 13 Rated Load 10 A 1 2 4 5 7 8 13 12
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1 A3
Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au A1 (+) Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
ON (+) OFF (+)
Rated Load 10 A Switching voltage max 250 V
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA 11 21 31 A2 (-)
A2 3 6 9 14
Switching voltage max. 250 V DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram 14 Connection diagram
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
DC load see fig. 2 Coil Gap: 2 5 8 11 13
1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % > 3 mm A1 (+)
12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 A1(+) (1.7 + 1.7)
Coil Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 11 21 31 41 A2 Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) 14
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN 3 6 9 12 14
Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.4 W (DC) Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 24 65 100 24 443 54 fig. 1 AC voltage
12 14 22 endurance
24 32 34 42 44 A1(+)
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 48 286 50 48 1K8 27
10 115 1K7 21 110 9K2 12 10
24 65 100 24 414 58 31
11 21 41 A2
48 286 50 48 1K6 30 230 6k8 10 220 30K3 6
AC-1 AC1 3 6 9 12 AC114
115 1K7 21 110 8K1 13 Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

– – – 120 -125 10K 12.3 Insulation
230 6K8 10 220 35K7 6.2 1 AC1 Contact open 2500 V 1
Contact/contact 2.5 kV
Insulation Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Contact open 1000 V Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Contact/contact 2.5 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
0.1 0.1
Contact/coil 2.5 kV
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Specifications
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV fig. 2 DC load limit curve DC1 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve DC1
DC13 DC13
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms
10 10
Specifications Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms DC-1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) DC-1 Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. L/R 40 ms
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms L/R 40 ms
DC13 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles
Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 1 Weight 90 g 1
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles


Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Product References

Weight 90 g V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, (120), 230, (240) C4-X20/AC … V
0.1 LED C4-X20X/AC … V 0.1
Product References Volt 50 100 150 200 RC Suppressor C4-X20R/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, (120), 230, (240) C4-A40/AC … V C4-A48/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
LED C4-A40X/AC … V C4-A48X/AC … V V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C4-X20/DC … V
RC Suppressor C4-A40R/AC … V C4-A48R/AC … V LED C4-X20X/DC … V
1 41 7 4 107 10 Free wheeling diode C4-X20DX/DC … V 1
2 52 8 5 118 11
V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C4-A40/DC … V C4-A48/DC … V Polarity and free wheeling diode C4-X20FX/DC … V

6 9

6 9
LED C4-A40X/DC … V C4-A48X/DC … V

6 9

6 9

3 3 12 12

3 12 12
Free wheeling diode C4-A40DX/DC … V C4-A48DX/DC … V

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C4-X20BX/UC … V 13 13 14 14
13 14 14
Polarity and free wheeling diode C4-A40FX/DC … V C4-A48FX/DC … V 13
Other voltages on request
35 35 35
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C4-A40BX/UC … V C4-A48BX/UC … V 8 "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 8 88 88 8
8 88 88
Other voltages on request 3.85 3.85
3.85 3.85 3 3
3 6.5 6.5
3 6.5 6.5 Accessories
FASTON .110 .110 7.0 7.0
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References FASTON .110 .110 7.0 7.0 Socket S4-J, S4-L, S4-P
6.75 6.75 ø1.5 ø1.5
6.75 6.75 ø1.5 ø1.5
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Technical approvals, conformities
1.2 approvals,
1.2 6.75conformities
Accessories 1.2 1.2 6.75 Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.15 4.15
4.15 4.15 C.I. C.I.
Socket S4-J, S4-L, S4-P C.I. C.I.
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)
IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

44 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 45
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C4-R3x C5-A2x
3 pole | changeover contact | remanance 2 pole | changeover contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1

10 A/10 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 16 A/400 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0 16 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1
5 mA/5 V Code 8 Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V
Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au Rated Load 16 A
Rated Load 10 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A Switching voltage max. 400 V
Switching voltage max. 250 V AC load fig. 1 4 kVA
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
Connection diagram DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram
DC load see fig. 2
1 2 4 5 7 8 13 12 1 4 3 6 A
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1 A3 A1(+)
Coil ON (+) OFF (+) Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
ON pulse power 1.5 VA/W 11 21 31 A2 (-) Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN A2
3 6 9 14 7 9 B
OFF pulse power 0.5 VA/W Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.4 W (DC)
1 Winding for AC, 2 Windings for DC
Pull-in ON OFF ≤ 0.8 x UN fig. 1 AC Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 2 5 endurance
1 4voltage 3 6 A
2 voltage
5 endurance
8 11 13 fig. 1 AC
12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+)
A1 (+)
24 65 100 24 414 58
A1 Diagram: A3 Coil table 10 48 286 50 48 1K6 30 10
+ +
A3 A1
115 1K7 21 110 8K1 13 11 21 31 A2
+ + AC-1 AC1
A2 230 6K8 10 220 30K3 6 AC1 Ω
A1 A3 24 75 12 12 125 41 Cos ϕAC15
0.4 7 8 9 B ϕAC1
Cos 0.4

switching cycles x10 6

switching cycles x10 6

400 18K8 6 Cos ϕAC15
A2 A3 48 38 6 24 63 21
DC 115 16 2.5 48 31 10 AC1
A2 A2 1
1 4 5 6 A
DC AC 230 8 1.3 110 14 4.5 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 Insulation A1(+)
12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 A1(+) Contact open 1000 V
Insulation Contact/contact 4 kV
Contact open 1000 V 11 21 31 41 A2 Contact/coil 4 kV
0.1 7 8 9 B
Contact/contact 2.5 kV 3 6 9 12 14 Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥3 GΩ 0.1
kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω fig. 2 DC load limit curve DC1 fig. 2 DC load limit curve
DC13 Specifications
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV DC1
10 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 16 DC13
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms 10
Specifications DC-1 DC1
L/R 40 ms
DC13 Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms DC-1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
L/R 40 ms
Minimum pulse length for ON OFF 50 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. switching cycles 11 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h


Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Weight 90 g 1

Weight 95 g
0.1 Product References 0.1
Product References Volt 50 100 150 200 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C5-A20/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 C4-R30/AC … V C4-R38/AC … V LED C5-A20X/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
RC Suppressor (max 250 V) C5-A20R/AC … V
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 C4-R30/DC … V C4-R38/DC … V
Other voltages on request 1
V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-A20/DC … V
LED C5-A20X/DC … V

6 9

6 9
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References Free wheeling diode C5-A20DX/DC … V

3 3 12 12

13 14
Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-A20FX/DC … V
13 14

35 35
Socket S4-J, S4-L, S4-P AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-A20BX/UC … V
8 88 88 8 Other voltages on request
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 3.85 3.85
3 3 6.5 6.5
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
FASTON .110 .110 7.0 7.0
6.75 6.75 ø1.5 ø1.5
1.2 conformities
6.75 6.75 Technical approvals, conformities
4.15 4.15
Socket S5-M, S5-P
C.I. C.I.
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

46 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 47
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C5-A3x C5-G3x
3 pole | changeover contact | Faston 3 pole | normally open contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 16 A/400 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load
DC1 16 A/400 V AC-1 1.2 A/110 V DC-1
16 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 16 A/30 V DC-1 0.4 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V 1 4 3 6 A

Contacts Contacts

Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
7 9 B
Optional Code 5 AgSnO2 Optional Code 5 AgSnO2
Rated Load 16 A 1 4 3 6 A Rated Load 16 A 1 4 2 5 3 6 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A A1(+) Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A 12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+)
Switching voltage max. 400 V Switching voltage max. 400 V
AC load fig. 1 4 kVA A2 AC load fig. 1 4 kVA 11 21 31 A2
Connection diagram Connection
7 diagram
8 9 B
DC load see fig. 2 7 9 B DC load see fig. 2

Gap: 4 5 6
Coil 1 4 2 5 3 6 A Coil A
DC1 1.7 mm A1(+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 12 14 22 24 32 34 A1(+) Coil resistance
DC13 see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN 11 21 31 A2 Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
7 8 9 B
Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.4 W (DC) 7 8 9 B Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.6 W (DC)

Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA 4
fig. 1 AC voltage 5 6
endurance A Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
24 65 100 24 414 58 A1(+) 24 65 100 12 90 133
48 286 50 48 1K6 30 10 48 286 50 24 373 66
115 1K7 21 110 8K1 13 115 1K7 21 48 1K4 34 AC-1
230 6K8 10 220 30K3 6.2 AC-1A2 230 6K8 10 110 7K6 15 AC1
7 8 9 AC1 Cos ϕAC15
Cos BϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

400 18K8 6 400 18K8 6 220 30K3 7.5

switching cycles
1 DC13
Insulation Insulation
Contact open 1000 V Contact open 2000 V
Contact/contact 4 kV Contact/contact 4 kV

x10 6
Contact/coil 4 kV Contact/coil 4 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥3 G Ω 0.1 Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥ 3 GΩ
kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4 Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
fig. 2 DC load limit curve fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Specifications Specifications DC1
DC1 DC13
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 16 DC13 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 16
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms 10 Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms 10
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms DC-1 Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms DC-1 DC1
L/R 40 ms L/R 40 ms
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h

Weight 95 g Weight 95 g

Product References 0.1 Product References 0.1

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, (120), 230, (240) C5-A30/AC … V C5-A35/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, (120), 230, (240) C5-G30/AC … V C5-G35/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200
LED C5-A30X/AC … V C5-A35X/AC … V LED C5-G30X/AC … V C5-G35X/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm) DC1
RC Suppressor (max 250 V) C5-A30R/AC … V C5-A35R/AC … V RC Suppressor (max 250 V) C5-G30R/AC … V C5-G35R/AC … V DC13

V DC 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-A30/DC … V C5-A35/DC … V V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-G30/DC … V C5-G35/DC … V
LED C5-A30X/DC … V C5-A35X/DC … V LED C5-G30X/DC … V C5-G35X/DC … V
Free wheeling diode C5-A30DX/DC … V C5-A35DX/DC … V Free wheeling diode C5-G30DX/DC … V C5-G35DX/DC … V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-A30FX/DC … V C5-A35FX/DC … V Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-G30FX/DC … V C5-G35FX/DC … V

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-A30BX/UC … V C5-A35BX/UC … V AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-G30BX/UC … V C5-G35BX/UC … V
Other voltages on request Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Accessories Accessories
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Socket S5-M, S5-P Socket S5-M, S5-P
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS) Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) DC1
IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 DC13

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

48 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 49
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C5-X1x C5-M1x
1 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston 1 pole | normally open serial contact with blow magnet | Faston

Maximum contact load 16 A/400 V AC-1 7 A/110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 16 A/400 V AC-1 10 A/220 V DC-1
16 A/30 V DC-1 1.2 A/220V DC-13 1 4 3 6 A 8 3.6 A/110 V DC-13 2 A/220 V DC-13
A1 A3
Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V

ON (+) OFF (+)

A2 (-)
Contacts Contacts
7 9 B
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Rated Load 16 A Rated Load 16 A
4 (+) 6 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A Imán Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A
A1(+) 1 4 3 6 A 8
Switching voltage max. 400 V Switching voltage max. 400 V A1 A3
ON (+) OFF (+)
AC load fig. 1 4 kVA AC load fig. 1 4 kVA
DC load see fig. 2 DC load see fig. 2 A2 (-)
Connection diagram B Connection diagram
7 9 B

Coil Coil
Gap: Gap: 4 Magnet (+) 6 A
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % > 3 mm 4 6 A Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % > 3 mm
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN (1.7 + 1.7)
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN A2
Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) A2 Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) B
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
4 6 A
24 65 100 12 110 108 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 24 65 100 12 110 108 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance A1(+)
48 286 50 24 443 54 48 286 50 24 443 54
115 1K7 21 48 1K7 27 10 115 1K7 21 48 1K7 27 10
230 6K8 10 110 9K2 12 230 6K8 10 110 9K2 12
AC-1 AC-1B
400 18K8 6 220 30K3 6.2 AC1 400 18K8 6 220 30K3 6.2 AC1
Cos ϕAC15
Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

Insulation Insulation

Operations x10 6
1 1
Contact open 4 kV DC1 Contact open 4000 V
Contact/contact 4 kV Contact/contact 4 kV
Contact/coil 4 kV Contact/coil 4 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥ 3 GΩ Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥3 GΩ
0.1 0.1
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV Insulation, IEC 61810-1 4 kV
kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4 kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4

Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve Specifications fig. 2 DC voltage endurance

Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) DC1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) DC1
10 DC13
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms 16 DC13
DC1 Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms
DC-1 DC13
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms 10 Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms
L/R 40 ms DC-1 110V
DC1 220V
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. DC-1
DC1 220V
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC voltage endurance see fig. 2

Operations x10 6
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1
Weight 90 g Weight 90 g

Product References Product References

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C5-X10/AC … V 0.1 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C5-M10/AC … V 0.1
LED C5-X10X/AC … V Volt 50 100 150 200 LED C5-M10X/AC … V Amp 2 4 6 8 10
RC Suppressor (max 250 V) C5-X10R/AC … V RC Suppressor (max 250 V) C5-M10R/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-X10/DC … V V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-M10/DC … V AC15
LED C5-X10X/DC … V LED C5-M10X/DC … V
Free wheeling diode C5-X10DX/DC … V Free wheeling diode C5-M10DX/DC … V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-X10FX/DC … V DC1 Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-M10FX/DC … V

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-X10BX/UC … V AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-M10BX/UC … V

Other voltages on request Other voltages on request

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
DC13 110V
Accessories Accessories DC13 220V
Socket S5-M, S5-P Socket S5-M, S5-P
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS) Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947DC1

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

50 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 51
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C5-M2x C5-R2x
2 pole | normally open contact with blow magnet | Faston 2 pole | changeover contact | remanance

Maximum contact load 16 A / 250 V AC-1 7 A / 110 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/400 V AC-1 10 A/30 V DC-1
3 A / 220 V DC-1 0.2 A/250 V DC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V

Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Rated Load 16 A Rated Load 10 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Switching voltage max. 250 V Switching voltage max. 400 V
AC load fig. 1 4 kVA AC load fig. 1 4 kVA
DC load see fig. 2 DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Coil Coil
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Gap: 4 Magnet
6 A Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 1 4 3 6 A 8
1.7 mm A1(+) A1 A3
Pick-up voltage ≥ 0.8 x UN ON pulse power 1.5 VA/W ON (+) OFF (+)
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN OFF pulse power 0.5 VA/W 1 winding for AC, 2 winding for DC
Nominal power 2.4 VA (AC) / 1.6 W (DC) A2
Pull-in ON OFF < 0.8 x UN A2 (-)
7 (+) 9 (+)
B 7 9 B

Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Internal

A1 Diagram: A3 Coil table
+ + 4 (+) 6 A
24 65 100 12 90 133 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance A1 A3 A1 V AC mA ON mA OFF V DC mA ON mA OFF Imán endurance
fig. 1 AC voltage
+ + A1(+)
48 286 50 24 373 66 1 A1 A3 24 75 12 12 125 41
115 1K7 21 48 1K4 33 10
A2 A3
48 38 6 24 63 21
230 6K8 10.4 110 7K6 15 115 16 2.5 48 31 10 A2
AC-1 A2 DC A2 AC-1
Cos ϕ 0.4 230 8 1.3 110 14 4.5 B AC1
Cos ϕ 0.4

switching cycles x10 6


Ops. x10 6
Insulation AC
Contact open 2 kV Insulation
switching cycles
1 AC1
4 6 A
Contact/contact 4 kV Contact open 1000 V AC15
Contact/coil 3 kV Contact/contact 4 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥ 3 GΩ Contact/coil 4 kV
Insulation, EN 60947/IEC 61810-1: 4 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥3 GΩ B
Insulation, EN 60947/IEC 61810-1 4 kV kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4
kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4
Specifications KVA
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) DC1
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms 10 10 DC13
Minimum pulse ON OFF 50 ms
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. switching cycles L/R 40 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
DC-1 DC1
DC Rated load ≥ 75 000 switching cycles DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles L/R 40DC13
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Weight 90 g 1 Weight 95 g 1

Product References Product References
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) C5-M20/AC … V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 C5-R20/AC … V
LED C5-M20X/AC … V 0.1
Volt 50 100 150 200
RC Suppressor C5-M20R/AC … V V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, C5-R20/DC … V Volt 50 100 150 200
Other voltages on request
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C5-M20/DC … V
LED C5-M20X/DC … V "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
Free wheeling diode C5-M20DX/DC … V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C5-M20FX/DC … V Accessories
Socket S5-M, S5-P
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C5-M20BX/UC … V Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Other voltages on request Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

Socket S5-M, S5-P
Wall Mounting Adapter S5-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

52 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 53
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C7-A1x C7-A2x
1 pole | changeover contact | Faston 2 pole | changeover contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 16 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1 DC1

Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.5 A/110 V DC-1
16 A/24 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1 DC13 10 A/30 V DC-1 0.2 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0

5 mA/5 V Code 8
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi Contacts
Rated Load 16 A Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A (120 A for code 5) Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Switching voltage max. 250 V Rated Load 10 A
AC load fig. 1 4 kVA Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
DC load see fig. 2 Switching voltage max. 250 V
Connection diagram AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA
Connection diagram
Coil DC load see fig. 2 1 4 7
1 4 7 1 3 2 4 7 1 3 2 4 7 DC1
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 1 3 2 4 7 1 3 2 4 7 A1 (+)
A1 (+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+)
12 14
DC1 22 24 A1(+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+)
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Coil
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
A2 11 21 A2 11 21Pick-upA2voltage A2 11 21 A2 11 21 A2
Nominal power 1.2 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) ≤ 0.8 x UN
5 8 5 6 8 5 6 8 5 8 5 6 8 5 6 8
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Nominal power 1.2 VA (AC)/1 W (DC)
24 174 50 12 111 108 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
48 686 25 24 432 55 Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
115 4K3 10.4 48 1K7 28 10 24 174 50 12 148 85 10
230 18K6 5.2 110 9K2 12 48 686 25 24 594 43
AC-1 AC-1 AC1
AC1 115 4K3 10.4 48 2K3 21 Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

Insulation 230 18K6 5.2 110 11K4 10
Contact open 1000 V 1 AC1
1 DC1
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Insulation
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Contact open 1000 V
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV Contact/contact 2.5 kV
Contact/coil 2.5 kV
0.1 0.1
Specifications Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
kVA 0.66 1.33 2 2.6 3.3 4 kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms DC1
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 16 DC13 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
AC/DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 10 Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms DC-1 DC1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC-1 Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms L/R 40 ms
Weight 43 g L/R 40 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1
Product References Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h

Weight 43 g

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240)

LED C7-A10X/AC … V
Product References 0.1
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 Volt 50 100 150 200 V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) Volt 50 100 150 200
LED C7-A10X/DC … V LED C7-A20X/AC … V C7-A28X/AC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C7-A10DX/DC 24 V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-A10FX/DC … V V DC 12, 24, 48, 110
LED C7-A20X/DC … V C7-A28X/DC … V 1 21 2
1 21 2
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C7-A20DX/DC 24 V C7-A28DX/DC 24 V
Other voltages on request 3 43 4
3 43 4 5 65
Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-A20FX/DC … V C7-A28FX/DC … V 6


5 65 6


"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

7 87 8

7 87 8 A BA
A BA B AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C7-A20BX/UC … V C7-A28BX/UC … V B

Accessories Other voltages on request 21

21 21 21
Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P
10 10
Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 10 10 "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
4.05 4.05
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.05 4.05 4.75 4.75
4.75 4.75 4.70 4.70
4.70 4.70 Accessories FASTON .187 .187
.187 .187 FASTON 5.90 5.90
5.90 5.90 Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P,
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 7.25 7.25 ø2.2
7.25 7.25ø2.2 ø2.2
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 2 6.10
6.10 2 6.10
2 2 6.10
C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5
C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

54 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 55
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C7-T2x C7-G2x
2 pole | changeover twin contact 2 pole | normally open contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 6 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 0.8 A/110 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 5 mA/5 V Code 1 10 A/30 V DC-1 0.4 A/220 V DC-1
1 mA/5 V Code 2 Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V DC1


Contacts Contacts
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Optional Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au Rated Load 10 A
Rated Load 6A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Switching voltage max 250 V
Switching voltage max. 250 V AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA DC1
AC load fig. 1 1.2 kVA DC load see fig. 2 DC13
DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram Connection diagram
DC1 Coil 4 7 3 Gap:
4 7 3 4 7
1 4 7 1 3 2 4 7 1 3 2 4 7
Coil DC13 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % A1(+) 1.5 mm A1(+) A1(+)DC1
A1 (+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+) 12 14 22 24 A1(+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN A2 A2 A2
A2 11 21 A2 11 21 A2 5 6 8
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Nominal power 1.5 VA (AC)/1.5 W (DC) 5 8 8
5 8 5 6 8 5 6 8
Nominal power 1.2 VA (AC)/1 W (DC)
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 24 153 62 12 99 121 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
24 174 50 12 148 85 48 611 31 24 388 61
48 686 25 24 594 43 115 3K6 13 48 1K5 32 10
115 4K3 10.4 48 2K3 21 230 14K6 6.5 110 8K 14
AC-1 AC1
230 18K6 5.2 110 11K4 10

switching cycles x10 6

Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

AC-1 0.4
Insulation DC1
Insulation 1 Contact open 2000 V 1
Contact open 1000 V Contact/contact 2.5 kV
Contact/contact 2.5 kV Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
0.1 0.1
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV VA 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 kVA
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms 10
Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms 10 Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms
Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. DC-1 DC1
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles L/R 40 ms

DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1 Weight 43 g
Weight 43 g


Product References
Product References V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240)
V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 230 (240) 0.1 LED C7-G20X/AC … V 0.1
LED C7-T21X/AC … V C7-T22X/AC230V Volt 50 100 150 200 Volt 50 100 150 200
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 LED
LED C7-T21X/DC … V AC15 Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-G20FX/DC … V
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C7-T21DX/DC24V 1 2
1 2 1 2 1 2
Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-T21FX/DC … V C7-T22FX/DC110V 3 4
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C7-G20BX/UC … V 3 4 3 4
3 4 5 6
5 6

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V C7-T21BX/UC … V C7-T22BX/UC24V 5 6 5 6 Other voltages on request



Other voltages on request C7-T22BX/UC48V 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8

A B "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 21 21 21 21

10 10 Accessories 10 10
Accessories 4.05 Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P, 4.05 4.05
4.05 4.75 4.75
4.75 4.75 4.70
Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P, 4.70 4.70 Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.70
FASTON .187 5.90
Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 5.90 5.90 Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 5.90
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 7.25 ø2.2 7.25
7.25conformities ø2.2
Technical approvals,
7.25 conformities
ø2.2 Technical approvals,
2 6.10 2 2 6.10 6.10
2 6.10

C.I. C.I. 14.5 C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5


IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

56 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 57
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C7-H2x C7-X1x
2 pole | changeover contact | Faston 1 pole | normally open serial contact | Faston

Maximum contact load 10 A / 250 V AC-1 6 A / 250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 10 A/250 V AC-1 6 A/110 V DC-1
10 A / 30 V DC-1 6 A / 30 V DC-1 10 A/30 V DC-1 1 A/220 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V (Power contacts) Recommended minimum contact load 10mA/10V
5 mA/5V (twin contacts)
Contacts Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Material Standard Code 3 AgNi + 3 µ Au Rated Load 10 A
Rated Load 10 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A Switching voltage max. 250 V
Switching voltage max. 2,5 kV AC load 2.5 kVA
AC load fig. 1 2,5 VA DC load see fig. 2
DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram Connection diagram
1 3 2 4 7 Coil DC13 3 4
Gap: 7 3 4 7 DC1
Coil 12 14 22 24 A1(+) Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
3 mm (1.5 A1(+)
+ 1.5) A1(+)
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN A2
11 21 A2 A2
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Nominal power 1.5 VA (AC)/1.3 W (DC) 5 8 8 5 6
5 6 8
Nominal power 1.2 VA (AC)/1 W (DC)
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 24 153 62 12 111 108 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance DC1
230 18K6 5.2 24 594 43 48 611 31 24 432 55 DC13
10 115 3K6 13 48 1K7 27 10
230 14K6 6.5 110 9K2 12
AC-1 AC1
Insulation AC-1
Cos ϕAC15

switching cycles x10 6

ϕ 0,4

x10 6
Contact open 1000 V
Contact/contact 2.5 kV Contact open 2.5 kV

switching cycles
1 AC1
Contact/coil 2.5 kV AC15 Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV
0.1 0.1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Specifications kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms KVA Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms
10 Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 10
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC-1 DC1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC-1 DC1 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC13
L/R 40 ms
Weight 43 g L/R 40 ms
DC13 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h
Weight 43 g
Product References 1
LED (only 230 V AC) C7-H23X/AC 230 V Product References

Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C7-H23X/DC 24 V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240)
LED C7-X10X/AC … V
Other voltages on request 0,1
Volt 50 100 150 200 0.1
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110
Volt 50 100 150 200
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References LED C7-X10X/DC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C7-X10DX/DC 24 V
Accessories Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-X10FX/DC … V DC1
Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P, 1 2 1 2 1 DC13
2 1 2

Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 3 4 3 4 AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C7-X10BX/UC … V 3 4 3 4

5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6


Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) Other voltages on request


7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
21 21 21 21
10 10 10 10
Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P,
4.05 4.05 Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.05 4.05
4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75
4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) FASTON .187
FASTON .187 5.90 5.90 FASTON .187 5.90 5.90
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
7.25 7.25
ø2.2 ø2.2 7.25 7.25
ø2.2 ø2.2

2 2 6.10 6.10 2 2 6.10 6.10

C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5 C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5

IEC 61810; EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

58 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 59
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C7-W1x R7-A2x
1 pole | normally open tungsten pre-contact | Faston 2 pole | changeover contact | Faston

Maximum contact load: 10 A/250 V AC-1 6 A / 250 V AC-5a/b Maximum contact load: 10 A/250 V AC-1 10A/30V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load: 10 mA/10 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 0
5 mA/5 V Code 8
Material Standard Code 0 AgNi/W Contacts
Rated Load 10 A Material Standard Code 0 AgNi
Max. inrush current (2.5 ms) 500 A Optional Code 8 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Switching voltage max. 250 V Rated Load 10 A
AC load fig. 1 2.5 kVA Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A
DC load see fig. 2 Switching voltage max. 250 V
AC load see fig. 1
Connection diagram DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 4 7 3 4 7 3 4 7
1 3 2 4 7 DC1
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN A1(+) A1(+) Coil DC13
12 14 22 24 A1(+)
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
Nominal power 1.5 VA (AC)/1.5 W (DC) Operating range 0,7 UN ... 1,25 UN
A2 A2 A2
Pick-up voltage ≥ 0,1 x UN 11 21 A2
5 8 8 5 6 8
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Nominal power 1,07 W 5 6 8
24 153 62 12 99 121
48 611 31 24 388 61 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
115 3K6 13 48 1K5 32 Coil table Voltage Ω ± 10% mA
230 14K5 6.5 110 8K 14 10 24 535 45

AC-1 AC1 48 2004 24

switching cycles x10 6

Insulation Cos ϕAC15
0.4 72 4750 15

switching cycles x10 6

Contact open 1000 V 110 11337 10
Contact/coil 2.5 kV 1 1
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Insulation
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV Contact open 1000V
Contact/Contact 4kV / 2200V
Specifications Contact/coil 4kV / 2200V
0.1 0,1
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) kVA 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
VA 0 250 500 750 1000 1250
Pick-up time/bounce time 20 ms /≤ 3 ms Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2,5 kV
Release time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 1 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Specifications 10
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles Ambient temperature operation/storage -25.…70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms 
Weight 43 g Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms 
L/R 40ms
AC-5 a/b
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill.
Operations x10 6

Product References 1 DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 1

V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115 (120), 230 (240) Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h

LED C7-W10X/AC … V Weight 35 g

V DC 12, 24, 48, 110 0.1 Product References
LED VA 250 500 750 1000 V DC 12, 24, 48, 72, 110 Volts 25 100 175 225
Polarity and free wheeling diode C7-W10FX/DC … V LED + free wheeling diode R7-A20DX/DC ... V R7-A28DX/DC ... V
Dimensions (mm) DC1 Dimensions (mm)
DC13 Other voltages on request
AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C7-W10BX/UC … V
Other voltages on request
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 2
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 3 4 3 4

5 6 5 6


"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References

7 8 7 8
A B A B Accessories 7 8 7 8
Socket S7-C, S7-I/O, S7-P
Accessories 21 21
21 21
Socket S7-C, S7-IO, S7-P, 10 10
10 10
Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.05 4.05
4.75 4.75 4.05 4.05
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.70 4.70 4.75 4.75
FASTON .187 4.70 4.70
FASTON .187 5.90 FASTON .187
5.90 DC1 FASTON .187 5.90 5.90
7.25 DC13 ø2.2
Technical 7.25 ø2.2
approvals, conformities Technical approvals,7.25
conformities ø2.2
2 2 6.10 6.10
2 2 6.10 6.10
C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5
C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

IEC 60077; EN 60077-1-2/99; EN 61373/99

60 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 61
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
R7-T2x C9-A4x
2 pole | changeover twin contact 4 pole | changeover contact | Faston

Maximum contact load: 10 A/250 V AC-1 10A/30V DC-1 Maximum contact load 5 A/250 V AC-1 5 A/30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 2 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 1
1 mA/5 V Code 2
Material Standard Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au Contacts
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Rated Load 6A Optional Code 2 AgNi + 5 µ Au
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 30 A Rated Load 5A
Switching voltage max. 250 V Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A
AC load see fig. 1 Switching voltage max (same polarity) 250 V
DC load see fig. 2 AC load fig. 1 1250 VA
Connection diagram DC load see fig. 2
Connection diagram
1 3 2 4 7 DC1
1 5 4 8 13 10 1 5 4 8 13 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 13
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 12 14 22 24 A1(+) DC13 Coil 12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 A1(+)
12 14 22 24 A1 A3 A1(+)
Pick-up voltage 0,7 UN … 1,25 UN Coil resistance see
ON table;
(+) tolerance
OFF (+) ± 10 %
Release voltage ≥ 0,1 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
Nominal power 1,07 W 11 21 A2 Release voltage 11 21 N (-)
≥ 0.1 x UA2 A2 11 21 31 41 A2
5 6 8 Nominal power 9 12 14 W (DC)
1.2 VA (AC)/1 9 12 14 9 10 11 12 14
Coil table Voltage Ω ± 10% mA
24 535 45 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
48 2004 24 24 174 50 12 148 81
72 4750 15 10 48 686 25 24 594 40
110 11337 10 115 4K3 10.4 48 2K3 21

switching cycles x10 6

switching cycles x10 6

230 18K6 5.2 110 11K4 DC1
11 AC-1
Contact open 1000V Insulation 1
Contact/Contact 4kV / 2200V Contact open 1000 V
Contact/coil 4kV / 2200V Contact/contact 2 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ Contact/coil 2.5 kV
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2,5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ 0.1
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV VA 0 400 800 1200
VA 0 250 500 750 1000 1250
Ambient temperature operation/storage -25.…70 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve Specifications fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Pick-up time/bounce time 16 ms /≤ 3 ms 10 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 10
Release time/bounce time 8 ms /≤ 1 ms Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 3 ms
Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 
DC-1 Release time/bounce time 6 ms /≤ 1 ms
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles 
L/R 40ms Mechanical life ops AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. DC-1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles
Weight 35 g 1 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h 1
Weight 43 g

Product References


V DC 12, 24, 72, 110 Product References

LED + free wheeling diode R7-T22DX/DC ... V V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 (240) 0,1
LED C9-A41X/AC … V C9-A42X/AC … V Volts 25 75 125 175
Other voltages on request Volts 25 100 175 225

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

V DC 12, 24, 48, 110
LED C9-A41X/DC … V C9-A42X/DC … V
"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C9-A41DX/DC 24 V C9-A42DX/DC 24 V
1 2 1 2
Polarity and free wheeling diode C9-A41FX/DC … V C9-A42FX/DC … V 1 2 3 4
Accessories 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
5 6

5 6

Socket S7-C, S7-I/O, S7-P


1 2 3 4


AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C9-A41BX/UC … V C9-A42BX/UC … V


5 6 7 8
13 14
9 10 11 12
7 8 7 8

Other voltages on request 13
21 14
4.4 4.4 4.4
21 21
10 10 "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 2.6
4.05 4.4 4.4 4.4
FASTON .102 6.35
4.05 4.3
4.05 2.6
4.75 4.75 4.05
4.70 4.70 Accessories FASTON .102 6.35
FASTON .187 5.90
1.2 6.95 ø1.5
5.90 Socket S9-M, S9-P C.I.
Technical approvals,7.25
ø2.2 ø2.2 Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) Technical approvals, 6.95
2 6.10 6.10 Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 13.2
C.I. C.I. 14.5 14.5

IEC 60077; EN 60077-1-2/99; EN 61373/99

Maximum voltage between two separate circuits on neighbouring contacts: 150 V IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947
Not permitted: 24 V DC next to 230 V AC, 230 V AC next to neutral, 230 V AC next to 230 V AC of different phases
Permitted: 230 V AC next to 230 V AC same phase

62 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 63
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable 1.3 Industrial Relays - pluggable
C9-E2x C9-R2x
2 pole | changeover contact | sensitive coil | Faston 2 pole | changeover contact | remanance | Faston

Maximum contact load 5 A/250 V AC-1 5 A/30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 5 A/120V AC-1 5 A/30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V Code 1 Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA/10 V

Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Material Standard Code 1 AgNi + 0.2 µ Au
Rated Load 5A Rated Load 5A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A
Switching voltage max. 250 V Switching voltage max. 120V
AC load fig. 1 1200 VA AC load 600 VA
DC load see fig. 2 DC load see fig. 2

Connection diagram Coil
Connection diagram
Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 % 1 5 4 8 13 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 13 Coil resistance see table; tolerance ± 10 %
1 5 4 8 13 10 1 5 4 8 13 10 1 5 4
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 12 14 22 24 A1 A3 A1(+) 12 14 22 24 32 34 42 44 ON pulse power
A1(+) 1.2 VA/W
12 14 22 24 A1 A3
Release voltage ≥ 0.1 x UN ON (+) OFF (+) OFF pulse power 0.3 VA/W ON (+) OFF (+)
Nominal power 0.8 VA (AC)/0.5 W (DC) 11 21 31 41 A2
1 winding for AC, 2 winding for DC
11 21 A2 (-) A2
9 10 11 12 14  11 21 A2 (-)
9 12 14 9 12 14
Coil table V AC Ω mA V DC Ω mA Internal Diagram: A3 Coil table 9 12 14 9
24 238 33 12 288 42 + +

48 1K 17 24 1K1 21 + +
fig. 1 AC voltage endurance A1 A3 24 50 8 12 100 25 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
115 5K9 7 48 4K6 10 48 25 4 24 50 12
A2 A3
230 23K9 3.5 110 24K2 4.5 10 115 10 2 48 25 6 10 6
A2 DC A2
AC 230 5 1 60 20 5

switching cycles x10 6

DC1 AC-1
Contact open 1000 V Insulation

switching cycles
Contact/contact 2.5 kV 1 Contact open 1000 V 1
Contact/coil 2.5 kV Contact/contact 2 kV
Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 G Ω Contact/coil 2 kV
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV Insulation resistance at 500 V ≥1 GΩ
Insulation, IEC 61810-1 2.5 kV 0.1
Specifications VA 0 200 400 600
VA 0 400 800 1200
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Specifications
Pick-up time/bounce time 10 ms /≤ 3 ms fig. 2 DC load limit curve Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Release time/bounce time 6 ms /≤ 1 ms Minimum pulse ON OFF 50 ms
Mechanical life AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. Mechanical life AC: 10 Mill./DC: 20 Mill. 10
DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles DC voltage endurance at rated load ≥100 000 switching cycles
Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC-1 Max. switching frequency at rated load 1200/h DC-1
Weight 40 g Weight 43 g
Product References Product References


V AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 (240) AC 50 Hz/60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 C9-R21N/AC … V
LED C9-E21X/AC … V
0,1 DC 12, 24, 48, 60 C9-R21N/DC … V 0.1
V DC 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 Volts 25 75 125 175 Volt 50 75 125 175 200
Other voltages on request
LED C9-E21X/DC … V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
Free wheeling diode (only 24 DC) C9-E21DX/DC 24 V
Polarity and free wheeling diode C9-E21FX/DC … V "..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
1 2 3 4

AC/DC bridge rectifier 24 V, 48 V, 60 V C9-E21BX/UC … V 1 2

5 6 7 8
3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4


Other voltages on request 1 2 3 4 Socket S9-M, S9-P 5 6 7 8


13 14
9 10 11 12
5 6 7 8

13 14
9 10 11 12 Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS)



13 14

"..." List Coil Voltage to complete Product References 13

21 14 Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) 4.4 4.4 4.4
4.4 4.4 4.4 21
21 2.6
4.3 4.05 4.4 4.4 4.4
4.4 4.4 4.4 FASTON .102
Accessories FASTON .102
4.3 4.05
Socket S9-M, S9-P 2.6
4.05 FASTON .102
6.35 6.35 ø1.5
FASTON .102 1.2 6.95
Push only S9-OP (BAG 10 PCS) 1.2
6.95 ø1.5 6.35
C.I. 13.2
Blanking Plug S9-NP (BAG 10 PCS) C.I. 13.2 1.2 6.95 ø1.5
1.2 6.95 ø1.5
Technical approvals, conformities TechnicalC.I.approvals, conformities
C.I. 13.2

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

64 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 65
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays

1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays

Application Type Pin Page

C2x Series
Power relay C21 68

Control relay C22 69

C3x Series
Power relay C31 70

Control relay C32 71

66 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 67
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays 1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays
C21 C22
Power relay Control relay

Maximum contact load 10 A / 250 V AC-1, Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1
10 A / 30 V DC-1 6 A / 30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 50 mA / 10 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 5 V

Contacts Contacts
Material AgCuNi Material AgCuNi
Rated operational current 10 A Rated operational current 6A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A
Rated switching voltage AC-1 250 V Rated switching voltage AC-1 250 V
Max. AC load 2500 VA AC-1 Max. AC load 1500 VA AC-1
Max. DC load 30 V / 230 V DC-1 fig. 2 300 W / 90 W Max. DC load 30V / 230V DC-1 fig. 2 200 W / 90 W
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Coil Coil
2 2
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN
5 6 4 3 A1 (+) 5 6 4 3 A1 (+)
Release voltage AC / DC > 0.15 x UN / > 0.05 x UN Release voltage AC / DC > 0.15 x UN / > 0.05 x UN
Nominal power AC / DC 2.5 VA / 1.2 W Nominal power AC / DC 2.5 VA / 1.2 W
A2 8 1 A2
8 1
Coil Table VN AC Ω mA VN DC Ω mA 7 Coil Table VN AC Ω mA VN DC Ω mA 7
24 52 104 12 115 104 24 52 104 12 115 104
48 240 55 24 480 50 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 48 240 55 24 480 50 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
115 1350 23 48 1850 26 10
7 115 1350 23 48 1850 26 10

230 5600 11.5 110 9000 12 AC-1 230 5600 11.5 110 9000 12 AC-1

220 29000 7.6 220 29000 7.6

Types with LED indicator take additional 5 … 10 mA @ < 80 V Types with LED indicator take additional 5 … 10 mA @ < 80 V


Insulation Insulation
Contact Open 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Contact Open 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Contact Contact 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Contact Contact 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Contact Coil 2 kV rms / 1 min 10
5 Contact Coil 2 kV rms / 1 min 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature operation, storage -40 … 70 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve Ambient temperature operation, storage -40 … 70 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Pickup time AC / DC 3 … 10 ms / ≤ 12 ms 10
8 DC-1 Pickup time AC / DC 3 … 10 ms / ≤ 12 ms 10
8 DC-1
Release time AC / DC 2 … 15 ms / ≤ 3.5 ms 6 L/R 40 ms Release time AC / DC 2 … 15 ms / ≤ 3.5 ms 6 L/R 40 ms
Bounce time NO contact AC / DC 3 … 6 ms / approx. 3.5 ms 3 Bounce time NO contact AC / DC 3 … 6 ms / approx. 3.5 ms 4
Mechanical life ≥ 100 000 000 operations 2 Mechanical life ≥ 100 000 000 operations
DC current [A]

DC current [A]
Max. switching frequency at rated load 360/h 1
Max. switching frequency at rated load 360/h
Weight 80 g Weight 80 g
0.5 0.5
Product References Product References 0.3
0.2 0.2
AC 50 Hz / 60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 AC 50 Hz / 60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230
0.1 0.1
LED C21L/AC…V 0 50 100 150 200 250 LED C22L/AC…V 0 50 100 150 200 250
DC voltage [V] DC voltage [V]
DC: 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 DC: 12, 24, 48, 110, 220
Dimensions (mm) LED + Free wheeling diode C22DL/DC…V Dimensions (mm)
LED + Free wheeling diode C21DL/DC…V

"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Product References "…" List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
21 11 21 11

A2 8 1 A1 8
A2 1 A1
7 2

7 2

6 3 3
24 14
Socket S2-B, S2-PO
5 4 24 14
S2-B, S2-PO


22 21 12 22 21 12

35 35

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947

68 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 69
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays
1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays 1.4 Extended Lifetime Relays
C31 C32
Power relay Control relay

Maximum contact load 10 A / 250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1
10 A / 30 V DC-1 6 A / 30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 50 mA / 10 V Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA / 5 V

Contacts Contacts
Material AgCuNi Material AgCuNi
Rated operational current 10 A Rated operational current 6A
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 40 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A
Rated switching voltage 250 V Rated switching voltage AC-1 250 V
Max. AC load 2500 VA AC-1 Max. AC load 1500 VA AC-1
Max. DC load 30V / 230V DC-1 fig. 2 300W / 90 W Max. DC load 30V / 230V DC-1 fig. 2 200 W / 90 W
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Coil Coil
Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 2 Pick-up voltage ≤ 0.8 x UN 2
8 9 5 7 4 3 A1 (+) 8 9 5 7 4 3 A1 (+)
Release voltage AC / DC > 0.15 x UN / > 0.05 x UN Release voltage AC / DC > 0.15 x UN / > 0.05 x UN
Nominal power AC / DC 2.5 VA / 1.2 W Nominal power AC / DC 2.5 VA / 1.2 W
11 6 1 A2 11 6 1 A2
Coil Table VN AC Ω mA VN DC Ω mA 10 Coil Table VN AC Ω mA VN DC Ω mA 10
24 52 104 12 115 104 24 52 104 12 115 104
48 240 55 24 480 50 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 48 240 55 24 480 50 fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
115 1350 23 48 1850 26 10
7 115 1350 23 48 1850 26 10

AC-1 AC-1
230 5600 11.5 110 9000 12 230 5600 11.5 110 9000 12
220 29000 7.6 220 29000 7.6

Types with LED indicator take additional 5 … 10 mA @ < 80 V Types with LED indicator take additional 5 … 10 mA @ < 80 V


Insulation Insulation
Contact Open 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Contact Open 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Contact Contact 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Contact Contact 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Contact Coil 2 kV rms / 1 min 10
5 Contact Coil 2 kV rms / 1 min 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature operation, storage -40 … 70 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve Ambient temperature operation, storage -40 … 70 °C (no ice) fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Pickup time AC / DC 3 … 10 ms / ≤ 12 ms 10 Pickup time AC / DC 3 … 10 ms / ≤ 12 ms 10
8 DC-1 8 DC-1
Release time AC / DC 2 … 15 ms / ≤ 3.5 ms 6 L/R 40 ms Release time AC / DC 2 … 15 ms / ≤ 3.5 ms L/R 40 ms
4 4
Bounce time NO contact AC / DC 3 … 6 ms / approx. 3.5 ms 3 Bounce time NO contact AC / DC 3 … 6 ms / approx. 3.5 ms 3
Mechanical life ≥ 100 000 000 operations Mechanical life ≥ 100 000 000 operations 2

DC current [A]
DC current [A]

Max. switching frequency at rated load 360/h 1

Max. switching frequency at rated load 360/h 1
Weight 80 g Weight 80 g
0.5 0.5

0.3 0.3
Product References Product References 0.2
AC 50 Hz / 60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 (240) AC 50 Hz / 60 Hz: 24, 48, 115, 230 (240) 0.1
0.1 0 50 100 150 200 250
LED C31L/AC…V 0 50 100 150 200 250 LED C32L/AC…V
DC voltage [V] DC voltage [V]
DC: 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C31/DC…V DC: 12, 24, 48, 110, 220 C32/DC…V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
LED + Free wheeling diode C31DL/DC…V LED + Free wheeling diode C32DL/DC…V
Railway EN 50155 C31D/R DC…V Railway EN 50155 C32D/R DC…V
31 11 31 11

"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Product References “ …” List Coil Voltage to complete Product References
A2 A1 A2 A1
11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2
34 14 34 14

9 3

9 3
8 4 8 4
32 7 6 5 12 32 7 6 5 12

Accessories Accessories

24 22 24 22
21 21
Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M0, S3-M1 Socket S3-B, S3-S, S3-PO, S3-M0, S3-M1
35 35
Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS) Blanking Plug SO-NP (BAG 10 PCS)

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947; IEC/EN 50155 IEC/EN 61810; IEC/EN 60947; IEC/EN 50155
IEC/EN 61373; IEC/EN 45545 IEC/EN 61373; IEC/EN 45545
NF F 16-101/102 NF F 16-101/102

70 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 71
1.5 Solid State Relays

1.5 Solid State Relays

Application Type Pin Page

CSS Series
1 pole | normally open solid state AC | Faston CSS-I 74

1 pole | normally open solid state AC | Faston CSS-Z 75

1 pole | normally open solid state DC | Faston CSS-N 76

1 pole | normally open solid state DC | Faston CSS-P 77

CRINT Series
1 pole | normally open solid state DC CRINT-1x5 - 78

1 pole | normally open solid state AC CRINT-1x8 - 79

72 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 73
1.5 Solid State Relays 1.5 Solid State Relays

1.5 Solid State Relays

1 pole | normally open solid state AC | Faston 1 pole | normally open solid state AC | Faston

Output 1 NO Output 1 NO
Operating range 3 A, 24 … 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz Operating range 3 A, 24 … 250 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Minimum contact load 35 mA Minimum contact load 35 mA

Contact Contact
Type 1 NO (Solid state AC) Type 1 NO (Solid state AC)
Material Triac Material Triac
Rated Load 3 A AC Rated Load 3 A AC

Control circuit Control circuit

Input voltage range 5 … 48 V DC Input voltage range 5 … 48 V DC
Input current 10 mA
fig. 1 CSS-I diagram Input current 10 mA
fig. 1 CSS-Z diagram

1 A1 1 A1
Output circuit Instantaneous ~ Output circuit Synchronized zero ~
Max. output current 3A Max. output current 3A
Min. output current 35 mA Load Min. output current 35 mA Load
Output voltage range 24...250 V AC ~ Output voltage range 24 … 250 V AC ~
Inrush current 150 A/10 ms 2 A2 Inrush current 150 A/10 ms 2 A2
Residual current 1 mA Residual current 1 mA
I2t value 210 A2s Tab. 2 AC derating curve I2t value 210 A2s Tab. 2 AC derating curve

Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 ºC /-40 … 85 °C (no ice) 3 Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…70 ºC /-40 … 85 °C (no ice) 3

Pick-up time 0.06 ms Pick-up time 10 ms

Release time 0.06 ms Release time 10 ms

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Weight 28 g Weight 28 g

Applications 1 Applications 1

It is specially suitable to switch inductive loads up to 3A/250 V AC. Switches ohmic AC loads up to 3 A/250 V AC in the zero-point of the tension and avoids any over-
For switching loads with a high inrush or overcurrent as transformers, motors or fluorescents, the current peak in the connection.
0 0
maximum output current will limit to 2 A. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Suitable for switching resistors, incandescent lamps, signalling equipment, etc. Not suitable for 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
° °
inductive loads

CSS-I 230 V AC
V DC +(-)A1
-(+)A2 5…48
CSS-Z 230 V AC
CSS-I 230 V AC +(-)A1
-(+)A2 5…48 230 V AC

Product References
V DC 5– 48 CSS-I12X/DC5–48V Product References
Dimensions (mm) V DC 5– 48 CSS-Z12X/DC5–48V Dimensions (mm)
Socket S10, S10-P Accessories
14 Socket S10, S10-P


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 60947

74 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 75
1.5 Solid State Relays 1.5 Solid State Relays

1.5 Solid State Relays

1 pole | normally open solid state DC | Faston 1 pole | normally open solid state DC | Faston

Output 1 NO Output 1 NO
Operating range 6 A, 5 … 48 V DC Operating range 6 A, 5 … 48 V DC
Minimum contact load 1 mA Minimum contact load 1 mA

Contact Contact
Type 1 NO (Solid state DC) Type 1 NO (Solid state DC)
Material MOSFET Material MOSFET
Rated Load 6 A DC Rated Load 6 A DC

Control circuit Control circuit

Input voltage range 5 … 48 V DC Input voltage range 5 … 48 V DC
Input current 4 mA
fig. 1 CSS-N diagram Input current 4 mA
fig. 1 CSS-P diagram

1 (14) A1 2 (11) A1
Output circuit + Output circuit +
Type NPN Load Type PNP
Max. output current 6A Max. output current 6A Load
Output voltage range 5 … 48 V DC – Output voltage range 5 … 48 V DC –
2 (11) A2 1 (14) A2
Max. inrush current 40 A / 10 ms Max. switch-on current 40 A / 10 ms
Negative common Positive common
Max. voltage drop ≤ 0.14 V DC Max. voltage drop 0.14 V DC
Residual current 0.1 mA Tab. 2 AC derating curve Residual current 0.1 mA Tab. 2 AC derating curve
7 7
Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 70 °C/-40 … 85 °C (no ice) 6
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 …70 ºC /-40 … 85 °C (no ice) 6

Test voltage between input/output 4 kV rms /1 min. 5 Turn-on delay 0.06 ms 5

Turn-on delay 0.06 ms Release delay 0.06 ms

Current [A]

Current [A]
4 4
Release delay 0.06 ms Weight 28 g
3 3
Weight 28 g
2 Applications 2

Applications 1 For switching heating elements, electro valves, motors, PLC input/output signals, solenoids, incan- 1

For switching heating elements, electro valves, motors, PLC input/output signals, solenoids, incan- 0
descent and fluorescent lamps, etc. (up to 48 V DC). 0
descent and fluorescent lamps, etc. (up to 48 V DC). 0 10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80

Inductive loads must be shunted with an antiparallel diode.

Inductive loads must be shunted with an antiparallel diode.
5…48 5…48 V DC
+(-)A1 CSS-P
5…48 5…48 V DC -(+)A2
CSS-P 5…48 V DC
+(-)A1 -(+)A2
5…48 5…48 V DC

Product References
Product References Dimensions (mm) V DC 5– 48 CSS-P13X/DC5–48V Dimensions (mm)
V DC 5– 48 CSS-N13X/DC5–48V
Accessories 14 Socket S10, S10-P 14
Socket S10, S10-P


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 60947 IEC/EN 60947

76 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 77
1.5 Solid State Relays 1.5 Solid State Relays

1.5 Solid State Relays

CRINT 1x5 series CRINT 1x8 series
1 pole | normally open solid state DC 1 pole | normally open solid state AC

Maximum contact load 2 A / 24 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 2A

Recommended minimum contact load 20 mA / 5 V Recommended minimum contact load 20 mA / 5 V

Type 1 NO (Solid state DC)
Type 1 NO (Solid state AC)
Material Mosfet Material Triac
Max. inrush current (10ms) 48 A Max. inrush current (10 ms) 80 A

Coil Coil
Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.25 UN Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.25 UN
Nominal power DC 160 mW Nominal power DC 150 mW
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Relay Relay
Insulation SSR MODULE
- NO / Solid-state DC
Insulation SSR MODULE
- NO / Solid-state DC
Test voltage I / O 2.5 kV rms / 1 min - NO / Solid-state AC Test voltage I / O 2.5 kV rms / 1 min - NO / Solid-state AC
Pollution degree 3 (+) Pollution degree 3 (+)

Over voltage category III RELAY MODULE Relay Over voltage category III RELAY MODULE Relay
- AgSnO2 - AgSnO2
Open contact 1000 Vrms dielectric strength 1 min - AgSnO2 + 3µ Au
Open contact 1000 Vrms dielectric strength 1 min
- AgSnO2 + 3µ Au
Standard EN61810-5 Standard EN61810-5
14 A1 14 A1
11 Socket 11 Socket
Specifications 12
-Screw terminal Specifications 12
-Screw terminal
-Cage clamp terminal -Cage clamp terminal
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -30 … 70 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature: operation / storage -30 … 70 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice)
Typical response time @ Vn 1 ms fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Typical response time @ Vn 1 ms fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
Typical release time @ Vn 1 ms Typical release time @ Vn 1 ms
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 AC-1 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 AC-1

Cond. cross section spring cage 0.75 … 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section spring cage 0.75 … 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP 20 105 Protection degree IP 20 105
10 AC-1
Mounting position any, TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting position any, TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting 6
Housing material Polyamide PA 6 Housing material Polyamide PA 6


Current [A]
Product References Product References
Screw terminal Screw terminal
DC 12V, 24V, 60V, 110-125V, 220-240V CRINT-C115/DC...V DC 12V, 24V, 60V, 110-125V, 220-240V CRINT-C118/DC...V
104 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Cage clamp terminal Cage clamp terminal 0.1
DC 12V, 24V, 60V, 110-125V, 220-240V CRINT-C125/DC…V DC 12V, 24V, 60V, 110-125V, 220-240V CRINT-C128/DC…V 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

fig. 2 DC load limit curve fig. 2 DC load limit Voltage

curve [V]

Railway EN 50155 CRINT-C125R/DC…V 10 AC-1

Railway EN 50155 CRINT-C128R/DC…V
„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete 6 „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete
Product References Product References
Accessories Accessories
Current [A]

Jumper link blue: CRINT-BR20-BU (BAG 5 PCS) 1

Jumper link blue: CRINT-BR20-BU (BAG 5 PCS)
red: CRINT-BR20-RD (BAG 5 PCS) 0.5 red: CRINT-BR20-RD (BAG 5 PCS)
black: CRINT-BR20-BK (BAG 5 PCS) 0.3 black: CRINT-BR20-BK (BAG 5 PCS)

Label plate CRINT-LAB (BAG 4x16 PCS) 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Label plate CRINT-LAB (BAG 4x16 PCS)
Spacer CRINT-SEP (BAG 5 PCS) Voltage [V] Spacer CRINT-SEP (BAG 5 PCS)

Replacement relays Replacement relays

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
DC 12V, 24V, 48V, 60V* CRINT-R15/DC...V DC 12V, 24V, 60V* CRINT-R18/DC...V
„…“ List Coil Voltage to complete „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete
Jumper link Jumper link
Product References Jumper link Product References Jumper link


*60V Relay used for all sockets with Label *60V Relay used for all sockets with Label

a nominal voltage higher or equal 60V a nominal voltage higher or equal 60V
Screw terminals Cage clamp Screw terminals Cage clamp




Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61810, IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545 IEC/EN 61810, IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545
78 | WoR 1
1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

Application Type Page

CHI Series
1 pole | High Inrush Relay CHI14 82

3 pole | High Inrush Relay CHI34 83

C100/200/300 Series
2 pole | Power Relay C133.01 84

2 pole | 2 Coil | Control Relay C203.01 85

2 pole | 2 Coil | Control Relay C203.04 86

2 pole | 2 Coil | Signal Relay C203.06 87

3 pole | 3 Coil | Signal Relay C301.04 88

CR Series
2 pole | Signal Relay CR11C 89

1 pole | Power Relay CR16CX 90

1 pole | Power Relay | Step Switch CRS1C 91

B Series
1 pole | Power Relay B103 92

80 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 81
1.6 Installation Relays 1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

1 pole | High Inrush Relay 3 pole | High Inrush Relay

Maximum contact load 16 A / 250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 16 A / 250 V AC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 100 mA / 12 V Recommended minimum contact load 100 mA / 12 V

Number of contacts 1
Number of contacts 3
Material W / AgSnO2 Material W / AgSnO2
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 165 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 165 A
(200 µs) 800 A / 200 (200 µs) 800 A
Max. switching voltage AC-1 250 V Max. switching voltage AC-1 250 V
Max. AC load AC-1 fig. 1 4 kVA Max. AC load AC-1 fig. 1 4 kVA

Power supply- and control input

Connection diagram Auxiliary Contacts
Connection diagram
Nominal voltage (A1, B1) UC 24-240 V (UC = AC / DC) Number of contacts 1
Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V Nominal current at 25° C / 60° C 90 mA / 60 mA A1 1 3 5 N 13
Power consumption 1.2 VA / 0.43 W Inrush current 1 A / 100 μs
Frequency range 16 … 60 Hz Nominal voltage AC / DC 24 V
Contact Material Semiconductor
Insulation A2 2 4 6 14
Test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Supply UB (1 – N)
Test voltage between contacts and control input 2.5 kV rms / 1 min fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Nominal operating voltage (AC / DC) 110…240 V fig. 1 AC voltage endurance
10 7 Operating voltage (AC / DC) 80…250 V 10
AC-1 AC-1
General Specifications Frequency range 47…63 Hz
Ambient temperature storage /operation -40 … 85 °C / -40 …60 °C (no ice) Power consumption 3.45 VA
Mechanical life of contact 5 x 1 000 000 operations
Conductor cross section Stranded wire 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Power supply- and control input

Protection degree IP 20 106
Nominal voltage (A1, A2) UC 24-240 V (UC = AC / DC)
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V
Housing material Lexan Power consumption 30 VA / 30 mW
Weight 70 g Frequency range 47…63 Hz
105 105
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Product References Switching current [A] Insulation Switching current [A]

UC (AC/DC) 15…60 Hz CHI14/UC24-240V Test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min

fig. 2 DC load limit curve Test voltage between contacts and control input 2.5 kV rms / 1 min fig. 2 DC load limit curve
20 Test voltage between contacts 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 20
16 DC-1 16 DC-1

10 10

General Specifications 5
Ambient temperature storage /operation -40 … 85 °C / -25 …60 °C (no ice)
Mechanical life of contact 5 x 1 000 000 operations
Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2

1 Conductor cross section Stranded wire 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 1

Protection degree IP 20 0.5

Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm

Housing material Lexan 0.2

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Weight 125 g 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Voltage [V] Voltage [V]

Dimensions (mm) Product References Dimensions (mm)

UC (AC/DC) 47…63 Hz CHI34/UC24-240V
TS 35




17,5 5 44 20 36 4 44


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

EN 61000-6-3; EN 61000-6-2
EN 50155, EN 60730

82 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 83
1.6 Installation Relays 1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

C133.01 C203.01
2 pole | Power Relay 2 pole | 2 Coil | Control Relay

Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1 Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1 6 A 25 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 100 mA / 12 V Recommended minimum contact load 100 mA / 12 V

Type 2 CO
Type 2 x 1 CO
Material AgNi Material AgNi
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A Max. inrush current (20 ms) 15 A

Coil Coil
Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.85 … 1.15 UN Operation voltage AC 50/60 Hz / DC 0.85 … 1.15 UN
Nominal power DC /AC 1.1 W / 1.1 VA Nominal power DC /AC 1.1 W / 1.1 VA
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Insulation Insulation
Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min A1 A2 Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min A1 A1 A2
Pollution degree 3 11 12 14 Pollution degree 3 11 12 14
Over voltage category III Over voltage category III 1 2 2
Open contact 1000 Vrms 21 22 24 Open contact 1000 Vrms 11 12 14
Standard EN61810-1 Standard EN61810-1

Specifications fig. 1 AC voltage endurance Specifications fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 250 V

Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) 7
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) 7
10 10
Typical response time @ Vn 10 ms AC-1 Typical response time @ Vn 10 ms AC-1
Typical release time @ Vn 10 ms Typical release time @ Vn 10 ms
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20


6 6
Mounting position any 10 Mounting position any 10

Weight 89 g Weight 89 g

Product References Product References

5 5
10 10
AC220-240V, DC12V, UC24V, UC48V C133.01/...V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
AC220-240V, UC24V C203.01/...V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A]
"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A]

Product References Product References

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

TS 35

TS 35

4,2 4,2

17,5 5 64 17,5 5 64

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

EN 61810 EN 61810

84 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 85
1.6 Installation Relays 1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

C203.04 C203.06
2 pole | 2 Coil | Control Relay 2 pole | 2 Coil | Signal Relay

Maximum contact load 5 A / 250 V AC-1 5 A 30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 0.5 A / 125 V AC-1 2 A 30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA / 0.1 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 μA / 10 mV

Type 2 CO
Type 2 x 1 CO
Material Ag Alloy Material AgAu
Max. inrush current – Max. inrush current -

Coil Coil
Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.2 UN Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.2 UN
Nominal power DC 2 x 0.25 W Nominal power DC 2 x 0.25 W
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Insulation Insulation
Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min A1 A1 A2
1 Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min A1 A1 A2
Pollution degree 3 11 12 14 Pollution degree 3 11 12 14
Over voltage category III 1 2 2 Over voltage category III 1 2 2
Open contact 1000 Vrms 11 12 14 Open contact 1000 Vrms 11 12 14
Standard EN61810-1 Standard EN61810-1

Specifications fig. 1 Contact endurance Specifications fig. 1 DC Voltage Endurance

Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice)
10 106
Typical response time @ Vn 6 ms AC-1 Typical response time @ Vn 10 ms DC-1 30V
DC-1 106
Typical release time @ Vn 30 ms Typical release time @ Vn 20 ms DC-1 30V

Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20


Mounting position any 10
Mounting position any

Weight 65 g Weight 65 g

Product References Product References

DC24V C203.04...V AC220-240V, UC24V, UC48V C203.06/...V 105
10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 1 2 3 4 5
"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A]
UC24V C203.06R/…V Switching
Switching current (A)
current (A)

Product References „…“ List Coil Voltage to complete fig. 2 DC load limit curve
Dimensions (mm)
Product References
2 2


Current (A)

Current (A)
TS 35

0 50 100 150
0.1 Voltage (V)
0 50 100 150
Voltage (V)
Dimensions (mm)


17,5 5 64


TS 35

17,5 5 64

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

EN 61810 EN 61810

86 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 87
1.6 Installation Relays 1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

C301.04 CR11C
3 pole | 3 Coil | Signal Relay 2 pole | Signal Relay

Maximum contact load 5 A / 250 V AC-1 5 A 30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 0.5 A / 125 V AC-1 1 A 30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 1 mA / 0.1 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 μA / 10 mV

Type 3 x 1 NO
Type 2 CO
Material Ag Alloy Material AgAu
Max. inrush current - Max. inrush current -

Coil Coil
Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.2 UN Operation voltage DC 0.8 … 1.2 UN
Nominal power DC 3 x 0.25 W Nominal power DC 0.25 W
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Insulation Insulation
Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min A1 A1 A1 Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min 12 22
Pollution degree 3 13 14 13 14 13 14
Pollution degree 3 14 24
Over voltage category III 1 2 3 Over voltage category III 11 21
A2 A2 A2 +
11 21 A2 A1
Open contact 1000 Vrms 1 2 3 Open contact 1000 Vrms
Standard EN61810-1 Standard EN61810-1

Specifications fig. 1 Contact endurance Specifications fig. 1 Contact endurance

Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) 7
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice)
10 7
Typical response time @ Vn 6 ms AC-1 Typical response time @ Vn 3 ms 10
DC-1 30 V
Typical release time @ Vn 30 ms DC-1 Typical release time @ Vn 4 ms
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

Mounting position any Mounting position any

Weight 65 g Weight 38 g

Product References Product References

DC24V C301.04...V DC24V CR11C/...V 5
0 0.5 1
Switching current [A]
"…" List Coil Voltage to complete 0 1 2 3 4 5 "…" List Coil Voltage to complete
Switching current [A]
Product References Dimensions (mm) Product References Dimension

BS13 - K
BS13 - G
(incl. paper)

TS 35

TS 35


17,5 5 64

4 44
13 7 55

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

EN 61810 EN 61810

88 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 89
1.6 Installation Relays 1.6 Installation Relays

1.6 Installation Relays

1 pole | Power Relay 1 pole | Power Relay | Step Switch

Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1 6 A 30 V DC-1 Maximum contact load 6 A / 250 V AC-1 6 A 30 V DC-1
Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 12 V Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 12 V

Type 1 CO
Type 1 CO
Material AgNi Material AgNi
Max. inrush current - Max. inrush current -

Coil Coil
Operation voltage AC / DC 0.8 … 1.1 UN / 0.85 … 1.15 UN Operation voltage AC / DC 0.85 … 1.15 UN / 0.85 … 1.15 UN
Nominal power AC / DC 2.5 VA / 0.25 W Nominal power AC / DC 2 VA / 1.5 W
Connection diagram Connection diagram
Insulation Insulation
Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min 14 11
14 11

12 12

Pollution degree 3 12 12 + Pollution degree 3
Over voltage category III A2 A1
Over voltage category III
A2 A1
Open contact 1000 Vrms Open contact 1000 Vrms
Standard EN61810-1 Standard EN61810-1

Specifications fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 250 V Specifications fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 250 V
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … +60 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … +60 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) 10

Typical response time @ Vn 10 ms 107 AC-1 Typical response time @ Vn ≥ 50 ms AC-1 CRS1C/DC..

Typical release time @ Vn 20 ms Typical release time @ Vn ≥ 50 ms

Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 106
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

Mounting position any 106 Mounting position any
Weight 45 g Weight 45 g 105

Product References Product References

DC24V, AC230V CR16CX/…V 105 DC24V, AC230V CRS1C/…V 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A] "…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A]

Product References Dimensions (mm) Product References Dimension

BS13- K BS13 - K
BS13- G BS13 - G
(incl. paper) (incl. paper)

TS 35

TS 35


4 44
4 44
13 7 55
13 7 55

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC 61810 IEC 61810

90 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 91
1.7 Installation Contactors
1.6 Installation Relays
1 pole | Power Relay

Maximum contact load 10 A / 250 V AC-1 6 A 30 V DC-1

Recommended minimum contact load 10 mA / 12 V

Type 1 CO
Material AgSnO2
Max. inrush current (20 ms) 16 A

Operation voltage AC / DC 0.85 … 1.15 UN / 0.85 … 1.15 UN
1.7 Installation Contactors
Nominal power AC / DC 0.5 … 5.5 VA / 1.2 W
Connection diagram
Test voltage I / O 2000 Vrms / 1min 14 11
12 12

Pollution degree 3
Over voltage category III Application Type Page
A2 A1
Open contact 1000 Vrms
Standard EN61810-1 RIC Series
Specifications fig. 1 AC voltage endurance 250 V Installation Contactor | 1, 2 or 4 pole | 16 A | 3.5 kW RIC16 94
Ambient temperature: operation / storage -20 … 55 °C / -40 … 85 °C (no ice) 7
Typical response time @ Vn 20 ms AC-1 CRS1C/DC..
AC-1 CRS1C/AC.. Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 20 A | 4 kW RIC20 95
Typical release time @ Vn 12 ms
Cond. cross section screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 20 A | 7 kW | Railway RIC20-xxx-R4A 96
Protection degree IP 20

Mounting position any
Installation Contactor | 2 or 4 pole | 25 A | 5.4 kW RIC25 97
Weight 60 g

Installation Contactor | 2 or 4 pole | 32 A | 7 kW RIC32 98

Product References
AC220-240V, UC8-12V, UC24V B103/...V 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 40 A | 8.7 kW RIC40 99
"…" List Coil Voltage to complete Switching current [A]

Product References fig. 2 DC load limit curve Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 63 A | 13.3 kW RIC63 100
6 DC-1

RAC Series – manual lever Auto – 1 – Lock

Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 20 A | 4 kW RAC20 101
Current [A]

0.5 Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 25 A | 5.4 kW RAC25 102

0.2 Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 40 A | 8.7 kW RAC40 103

0 50 100 150 200 250
Voltage [V]
Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 63 A | 13.3 kW RAC63 104

Dimensions (mm)
BS13-K RBC Series – Step switch – manual lever 0 – 1 – Lock
(incl. paper)

Installation Contactor | 2 or 4 pole | 20 A | 4.4 kW RBC20 105

Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 32 A | 7 kW RBC32 106



Auxiliary module | 2 pole | 6 A RIC-AUX 107
4 44
13 7 55 Auxiliary module | 2 pole | 6 A RBC-AUX 108

Technical approvals, conformities

Auxiliary centralized control | On – Off RBC-AUX-CM 109

Auxiliary group control | On – Off RBC-AUX-GM 110

IEC 61810
Spacer RIC-DIST 111

Sealing cover RIC-SEAL 112

92 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 93
1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor | 1, 2 or 4 pole | 16 A | 3.5kW Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 20 A | 4 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 16 A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms / 180 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 3.5 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 4 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.1 kW (NO) / 0.55 kW (NC) Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW (NO) / 0.75 kW (NC)
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 3 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 3 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24V UC, 36 V UC, 110 V UC, 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Release time 20 ... 50 ms Release time 20 ... 50 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 2.1 VA / 2.1 W DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 2.1 VA / 2.1 W DC-1
16 A 20
Rated frequency 40 ... 500 Hz DC-3 Rated frequency 40 ... 500 Hz DC-3
10 DC-5 10 DC-5

5 5
Insulation Insulation
Current [ A ]

Current [ A ]
Rated insulation voltage 440 V 2 Rated insulation voltage 440 V 2

Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1 Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1
0.5 0.5
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III 0.2 Overvoltage category III 0.2
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.1 Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ] General data Voltage [ V ]
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 *Option:
Sealing cover
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 3.5 Nm *Option: Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm Type: RIC-SEAL 20
Sealing cover
Module width fig. 3 Type: RIC-SEAL 20 Module width fig. 3
Weight 130 g (1, 2 pole) / 170 g (4 pole) Weight 130 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

TS 35





Housing material PA 6 Housing material PA 6

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 230 1.5* Main circuit Product reference 24 36 110 230
17,5 35 5 44 ( 45.5*) 16.5
1 NO RIC16-100/UC...V ✓ 2 NO RIC20-200/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
17,5 5 44 ( 45.5* ) 16.5

1 NC RIC16-010/UC...V ✓ 2 NC RIC20-020/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
1 NO + 1 NC RIC16-110/UC...V ✓ 1 NO + 1 NC RIC20-110/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓

2 NO RIC16-200/UC...V ✓
Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095
2 NC RIC16-020/UC...V ✓
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
2 NO + 2 NC RIC16-220/UC...V ✓ Approvals Approvals
3 NO + 1 NC RIC16-310/UC...V ✓ Accessories
4 NO RIC16-400/UC...V ✓ Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20
4 NC RIC16-040/UC...V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20 / RIC-SEAL25
WoR 1 | 95
1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
RIC20-xxx-R4A110V RIC25
Installation Contactor | 2 pole | 20 A | 7 kW Installation Contactor | 2 or 4 pole | 25 A | 5.4 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 20 A Rated current AC-1 25 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms / 180 A, 300 µs Inrush current 60 A, 100 ms / 280 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 7 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 5.4 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW (NO) / 0.75 kW (NC) Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1.5 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 5 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-5 (cycles) ≥ 3 x 105 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 300
Switching frequency at rated load DC-5 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Control circuit
Nominal voltage 48 V AC, 400 V AC 24 V UC, 36 V UC, 110 V UC, 230 V UC
Control circuit Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Nominal voltage 24 V DC, 36 V DC, 72V DC, 110 V DC Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Operating voltage range 0.70 ... 1.25 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.7 UN Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Release time 20 ... 70 ms
Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms Power consumption AC / DC 2.6 VA / 2.6 W 25 DC-1
Release time 20 ... 50 ms Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 40 ... 500Hz 15 DC-3
Power consumption DC 2.6 W

Current [ A ]
Insulation Rated insulation voltage 440 V 2
Rated insulation voltage 440 V Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV Pollution degree 3
Pollution degree 3 Overvoltage category III
Overvoltage category III Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2

Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ]
General data Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 ... 80 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation -40 ... 70 °C Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 *Option:
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm Sealing cover Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm Sealing cover
Type: RIC-SEAL20 Type: RIC-SEAL25
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight 135 g Weight 250 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
TS 35

TS 35


Housing material PA 6 Housing material PA 6
Spacer Integrated
Product references
Product references Main circuit Product reference 48 400 24 36 72 110 230
Main circuit Product reference 24 36 72 110 1.5*
4 NO RIC25-400/AC...V ✓ ✓ 1.5*
17,5 3 5 44 ( 45.5* ) 16.5 35 5 44 ( 45.5* ) 16.5
2 NO RIC20-200-R4A110V/DC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4 NC RIC25-040/AC...V ✓
2 NC RIC20-020-R4A110V/DC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
4 NO RIC25-400/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓
1 NO + 1 NC RIC20-110-R4A110V/DC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
4 NC RIC25-040/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Standards IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 61373, Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095
IEC/EN 45545-2, IEC/EN 60947 2 NO + 2 NC RIC25-220/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. 2 CO RIC25-002/UC...V ✓ ✓ Approvals
Accessories “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20 Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Auxiliary module RIC-AUX
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL25

96 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 97
1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor | 2 or 4 pole | 32 A | 7 kW Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 40 A | 8.7 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgSnO2

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 32 A Rated current AC-1 40 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Inrush current 60 A, 100 ms Inrush current 170 A, 100 ms / 970 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 7 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 8.7 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW Rated load AC-3, 230 V 3.7 kW
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 5 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1.5 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 230 V UC Nominal voltage 230 V AC 24 V UC, 48 V UC, 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms Pick-up time 15 ... 20 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Release time 20 ... 70 ms Release time 35 ... 45 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 2.6 VA / 2.6 W 32 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 5 VA / 5 W 40 DC-1
Rated frequency 40 ... 500Hz 15 DC-3 Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 40 … 500 Hz 20
DC-5 DC-5
Insulation Insulation
Current [ A ]

Current [ A ]
Rated insulation voltage 440 V 2 Rated insulation voltage 440 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
0.5 0.5
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2 Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ] General data Voltage [ V ]
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 16 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm *Option: Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 3.5 Nm Sealing cover
Sealing cover Type:
Module width fig. 3 Type: RIC-SEAL 20/25 Module width fig. 3 RIC-SEAL40/63

Weight 140 g (2 pole) / 250 g (4 pole) Weight 420 g

Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

TS 35





Housing material PA 6 Housing material PA 6

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 230 1.5* Main circuit Product reference 230 24 48
17,5 35 5 44 ( 45.5*) 16.5 1.5*
2 NO RIC32-200/UC...V ✓ 4 NC RIC40-040/AC...V ✓ 54.5 5.5 44 16

2 NC RIC32-020/UC...V ✓ 4 NO RIC40-400/UC...V ✓ ✓
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
1 NO + 1 NC RIC32-110/UC...V ✓ 4 NC RIC40-040/UC...V ✓ ✓

4 NO RIC32-400/UC...V ✓ 4 NC RIC40-040/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓
Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095 Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095
4 NC RIC32-040/UC...V ✓ 2 NO + 2 NC RIC40-220/UC...V ✓ ✓ ✓

2 NO + 2 NC RIC32-220/UC...V ✓ Approvals Approvals

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
3 NO + 1 NC RIC32-310/UC...V ✓
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Auxiliary module RIC-AUX
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL40/63
Auxiliary module RIC-AUX
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20 / RIC-SEAL25

98 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 99
1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor | 4 pole | 63 A | 13.3 kW Installation Contactor – manual lever Auto - 1 - Lock | 2 pole | 20 A | 4 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgSnO2 Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 63A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Inrush current 240 A, 100 ms / 1500 A, 300 µs Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms / 180 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 13.3 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 4 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 6 kW Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW (NO) / 0.75 kW (NC)
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1.5 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 3 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 230 V AC 24 V UC, 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24 V UC, 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Pick-up time 15 ... 20 ms Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Release time 35 ... 45 ms Release time 20 ... 50 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 5 VA / 5 W 63 Power consumption AC / DC 2.1 VA / 2.1 W DC-1
DC-1 20
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 40 … 500 Hz DC-3 Rated frequency 40 ... 500Hz DC-3
25 DC-5 10 DC-5

10 5
Insulation Insulation

Current [ A ]
5 2
Rated insulation voltage 440 V Rated insulation voltage 440 V
Current [ A ]

Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 6 kV 2 Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1
Pollution degree 3 1 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III 0.5 Overvoltage category III 0.2
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2 Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.1
0.1 0.05
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ]
General data Voltage [ V ]
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 16 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2
*Option: *Option:
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 3.5 Nm Sealing cover Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm Sealing cover
Type: Type: RIC-SEAL20
Module width fig. 3 RIC-SEAL 40/63 Module width fig. 3
Weight 420 g Weight 130 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20




Housing material PA 6 Housing material PA 6

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 230 24 Main circuit Product reference 24 230
4 NC RIC63-040/AC...V ✓ 54.5 5.5 44 16 2 NO RAC20-200/UC...V ✓ ✓
17,5 5 44 (45.5* ) 16.5

4 NO RIC63-400/UC...V ✓ ✓ 2 NC RAC20-020/UC...V ✓ ✓
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
4 NC RIC63-040/UC...V ✓ 1 NO + 1 NC RAC20-110/UC...V ✓ ✓

2 NO + 2 NC RIC63-220/UC...V ✓ ✓
Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Approvals Approvals
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Accessories Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20
Auxiliary module RIC-AUX Spacer RIC-DIST
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL40/63

100 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 101

1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor – manual lever Auto - 1 - Lock | 2 pole | 25 A | 5.4 kW Installation Contactor – manual lever Auto - 1 - Lock | 4 pole | 40 A | 8.7 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgSnO2

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 25 A Rated current AC-1 40 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Inrush current 60 A, 100 ms / 280 A, 300 µs Inrush current 170 A, 100 ms / 970 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 5.4 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 8.7 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.3 kW Rated load AC-3, 230 V 3.7 kW
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 5 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1.5 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 V UC, 230 V UC Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Pick-up time 15 ... 45 ms Pick-up time 15 ... 20 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Release time 20 ... 70 ms Release time 35 ... 45 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 2.6 VA / 2.6 W 25 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 5 VA / 5 W 40 DC-1
Rated frequency 40 ... 500Hz 15 DC-3 Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 20
DC-5 DC-5
Insulation Insulation
Current [ A ]

Current [ A ]
Rated insulation voltage 440 V 2 Rated insulation voltage 440 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV 1
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
0.5 0.5
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2 Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ] General data Voltage [ V ]
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 16 mm2
*Option: *Option:
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm Sealing cover Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 3.5 Nm Sealing cover
Type: RIC-SEAL 25 Type:
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3 RIC-SEAL40/63

Weight 250 g Weight 420 g

Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20



Housing material PA 6 Housing material PA 6

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 24 230 Main circuit Product reference 230
4 NO RAC25-400/UC...V ✓ ✓ 4 NO RAC40-400/AC...V ✓ 54.5 5.5 44 16
34 5 44 (45.5* ) 16.5

2 NO + 2 NC RAC25-220/UC...V ✓ ✓ 3 NO + 1 NC RAC40-310/AC...V ✓
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095 Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095

Accessories Approvals Accessories Approvals

Auxiliary module RIC-AUX Auxiliary module RIC-AUX
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL25 Sealing cover RIC-SEAL40/63

102 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 103

1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor – manual lever Auto - 1 - Lock | 4 pole | 63 A | 13.3 kW Installation Contactor – Step switch - manual lever 0 - 1 - Lock | 2 or 4 pole | 20 A | 4.4 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgSnO2 Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Rated current AC-1 63 A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 100 mA, 10 V
Inrush current 240 A, 100 ms / 1500 A, 300 µs Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms / 180 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 13.3 kW Rated load AC-1, 230 V 4.4 kW
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 6 kW Rated load AC-3, 230 V 0.55 kW
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 106 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1.5 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 230 V AC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.9 … 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.75 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN
Pick-up time 15 ... 20 ms Minimal impulse duration at rated voltage UN 50 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Release time 35 ... 45 ms Minimal impulse duration at 0.9 UN 100 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 5 VA / 5 W 63 Minimal pause between two impulses 150 ms 20 DC-1
40 DC-3
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz DC-3 Maximal number of impulses ≤ 15 / min 10
25 DC-5
Maximal impulse duration ≤ 60 / min 5
Insulation Pick-up time 5 ... 35 ms
5 2
Rated insulation voltage 440 V Release time 5 ... 35 ms
Current [ A ]

Current [A]
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 6 kV 2 Power consumption AC / DC 9 VA / - W
Pollution degree 3 1 Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Overvoltage category III 0.5 0.2

Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm 0.2 Insulation 0.1

0.1 Rated insulation voltage 440 V 0.05

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
General data Voltage [ V ]
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV Voltage [V]

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Pollution degree 3

Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 55 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Overvoltage category III fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer -15 ... 40 °C Clearance of open contact > 3 mm
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 16 mm2 17.6
*Option: 44
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 3.5 Nm Sealing cover General data
Module width fig. 3 RIC-SEAL 40/63 Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Weight 420 g Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer 55 ° ... 70 °C
Protection degree IP 20 Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer 40 °... 55 °C


Housing material PA 6 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 10 mm2 ON


Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Product references Module width fig. 3
Main circuit Product reference 230 Weight 132 g (2 pole) / 250 g (4 pole)
1.5* Protection degree IP 20
4 NO RAC63-400/AC...V ✓ 54.5 5.5 44 16
Housing material PA 6 5
3 NO + 1 NC RAC63-310/AC...V ✓
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
Product references
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Main circuit Product reference 24 230
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095 Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095
2 NO RBC20-200/AC…V ✓ ✓

Accessories Approvals 1 NO + 1 NC RBC20-110/AC...V ✓ Approvals

Auxiliary module RIC-AUX 4 NO RBC20-400/AC...V ✓ ✓
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL40/63
Spacer RIC-DIST “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Auxiliary module RBC-AUX
Auxiliary module for centralised control RBC-AUX-CM
Auxiliary module for group control RBC-AUX-GM

104 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 105

1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Installation Contactor – Step switch - manual lever 0 - 1 - Lock | 4 pole | 32 A | 7 kW Auxiliary module for RIC | RAC Installation contactors | 2 pole | 6 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 440 V Rated voltage 230 V / 400 V
Rated current AC-1 32 A Rated current AC-1 6A/4A
Minimum contact load 100 mA, 10 V Minimum contact load 5 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 50 A, 100 ms / 180 A, 300 µs
Rated load AC-1, 230 V 7 kW Insulation
Rated load AC-3, 230 V 1.1 kW Rated insulation voltage 500 V
Rated load DC-1, DC-3, DC-5 fig. 2 Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 106 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Pollution degree 3 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Overvoltage category III
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105 Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ≥ 1 x 105
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 450 General data
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 450 Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Switching frequency at rated load DC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 300 Ambient temperature operation -25 ... 55 °C
Conductor cross section main circuit 2.5 mm2
Control circuit Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 0.8 Nm
Nominal voltage 230 V AC Module width fig. 2
Operating voltage range 0.9 ... 1.1 UN Weight 30 g
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.75 UN Protection degree IP 20
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.1 UN Housing material PA 6
Minimal impulse duration at rated voltage UN 50 ms
fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Minimal impulse duration at 0.9 UN 100 ms Product references
Minimal pause between two impulses 150 ms 32
DC-1 Main circuit Product reference fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Maximal number of impulses ≤ 8 / min 18 DC-5
Maximal impulse duration ≤ 60 / min 10

Pick-up time 5 ... 35 ms 5

Release time 5 ... 35 ms 1 NO + 1 NC RIC-AUX11
Current [A]

Power consumption AC / DC 9 VA / - W
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

TS 35


Insulation 0.2

Rated insulation voltage 440 V 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV Voltage [V]

Pollution degree 3 1.5*

Overvoltage category III fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)

8 5 44 ( 45.5* ) 16.5

Clearance of open contact > 3 mm Standards and approvals

35.2 44
General data
Standards IEC/EN 60947
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation 2 Device / 1 Spacer 55 ° ... 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation 3 Device / 1 Spacer 40 °... 55 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 10 mm2 ON


Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.6 Nm / 1.2 Nm

Module width fig. 3
Weight 192 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 6 5

Standards and approvals

Product references
Main circuit Product reference 230
Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 61095
4 NO RBC32-400/AC...V ✓

2 NO + 2 NC RBC32-220/AC...V ✓ Approvals

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Auxiliary module RBC-AUX
Auxiliary module for centralised control RBC-AUX-CM
Auxiliary module for group control RBC-AUX-GM

106 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 107

1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Auxiliary module for step switch Installation contactors | 2 pole | 6 A Auxiliary module for step switch Installation contactors - centralized control ON - OFF

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Rated voltage 250 V

Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current AC-1 6A Insulation
Minimum contact load 5 mA, 12 V Rated insulation voltage 440 V
Pollution degree 3
Rated insulation voltage 440 V General data
Rated impulse withstand voltage open contact 4 kV Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV fig. 1. Wiring diagram Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 70 °C fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Pollution degree 3 Conductor cross section main circuit 2.5 mm2
Overvoltage category III Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 0.8 Nm
Clearance of open contact > 3 mm Module width fig. 2
Weight 30 g
General data Protection degree IP 20
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Housing material PA 6
Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 70 °C
Conductor cross section main circuit 2.5 mm2 Product references
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 0.8 Nm Description Product reference
Module width fig. 2
Centralized control ON – OFF RBC-AUX-CM
Weight 30 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 6

Product references fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

Main circuit Product reference
1 NO + 1 NC RBC-AUX11



9 30 18 16 9 30 18 16

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

108 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 109

1.7 Installation Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors 1.7 Installation Contactors
Auxiliary module for step switch Installation contactors - group control ON - OFF Auxiliary spacer module for RIC / RAC installation contactors

Main circuit General data

Rated voltage 250 V Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C

Module width fig. 1
Insulation Weight 13 g
Rated insulation voltage 440 V Material PA 6
Pollution degree 3
Product references
General data Description Product reference
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 70 °C fig. 1. Wiring diagram fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section main circuit 2.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 0.8 Nm 9 45
Module width fig. 2
Weight 30 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 6

Product references
Description Product reference
Group control ON – OFF RBC-AUX-GM

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)


9 30 18 16

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


110 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 111

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.7 Installation Contactors
Auxiliary sealing cover for RIC / RAC installation contactors

General data
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C

Weight RIC-SEAL20, RIC-SEAL25, RIC-SEAL 40/63 1 g, 2 g, 3 g
Material PA 6

Product references
Description Product reference

Industrial Contactors
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL20
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL25 1.8
Sealing cover RIC-SEAL40/63

Application Type Page

RMC Series
Industrial Contactor | 4 pole | 8.5 A | 4 kW RMC08 114

Industrial Contactor | 4 pole | 11.3 A | 5.5 kW RMC11 115

RSC Series
Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 9 A | 4 kW RSC09 116

Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 12 A | 5.5 kW RSC12 117

Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 16 A | 7.5 kW RSC16 118

Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 22 A | 11 kW RSC22 119

Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 30 A | 15 kW RSC30 120

Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 38 A | 18.5 kW RSC38 121

Industrial Contactor | 5 pole | 43 A | 22 kW RSC43 122

Industrial Contactor | 5 pole | 63 A | 30 kW RSC63 123

Bimetallic thermal relay | 5 pole | 01 … 10 A RSC-MP 124

Auxiliary module | 2 or 4 pole | 6 A RMC-AUX 125

Auxiliary module | 2 or 4 pole | 6 A RSC-AUX 126

Supressor RMC-RC 127

Supressor RSC-RC 128

Supressor RMC-DI 129

Mechanical interlock RSC-MBL 130

112 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 113

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Industrial Contactor | 4 pole | 8.5 A | 4 kW Industrial Contactor | 4 pole | 11.3 A | 5.5 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 690 V Rated voltage 690 V
Rated current AC-1 20 A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Rated current AC-3 8.5 A, 400 V Rated current AC-3 11.3 A, 400 V
Rated current DC-13 0.25 A, 110 VDC Rated current DC-13 0.25 A, 110 VDC
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Rated load AC-1, 400 V 13 kW Rated load AC-1, 400 V 13 kW
Rated load AC-3, 400 V 4 kW Rated load AC-3, 400 V 5.5 kW
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC
fig. 2. Electrical endurance fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Utilization category: AC-3 Utilization category: AC-3
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC
Pick-up time 10 ... 15 ms Pick-up time 10 ... 15 ms
Release time 6 ... 15 ms Release time 6 ... 15 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 8.1 VA / 4 W Power consumption AC / DC 8.1 VA / 4 W
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)


Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 690 V Rated insulation voltage 690 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
AC-3 Motor rated power (kW) at 400 V, 50 Hz AC-3 Motor rated power (kW) at 400 V, 50 Hz
Ambient temperature operation open contact -20 ... 60 °C Operation frequency: 600 op.c./h Ambient temperature operation open contact -20 ... 60 °C Operation frequency: 600 op.c./h
Ambient temperature operation close contact -20 ... 45 °C Ambient temperature operation close contact -20 ... 45 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 2.5 mm2 fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 2.5 mm2 fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.2 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.2 Nm / 1.2 Nm
RMC08 (AC)
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight AC / DC Device 160 g / 215 g Weight AC / DC Device 170 g / 215 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 66 Housing material PA 66 4.1
TS 35

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 24 230 Main circuit Product reference 24 230

TS 35
35 4.5 49

3 NO + 1 NO RMC08-310/AC…V 3 NO + 1 NO RMC11-310/AC…V

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
RMC08 (DC)
3 NO + 1 NC RMC08-301/AC…V ✓ ✓ 4.1 3 NO + 1 NC RMC11-301/AC…V ✓ ✓

3 NO + 1 NO RMC08-310/DC…V ✓ 3 NO + 1 NO RMC11-310/DC…V ✓

3 NO + 1 NC RMC08-301/DC…V ✓ 3 NO + 1 NC RMC11-301/DC…V ✓ 45 4.5 49

TS 35

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected] Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]
45 4.5 49

Accessories Standards and approvals Accessories Standards and approvals

Auxiliary module RMC-AUX Auxiliary module RMC-AUX
RC - Suppressor RMC-RC RC - Suppressor RMC-RC
Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947
DI - Suppressor RMC-DI DI - Suppressor RMC-DI

Approvals Approvals

114 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 115

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 9 A | 4 kW Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 12 A | 5.5 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 690 V Rated voltage 690 V
Rated current AC-1 25 A Rated current AC-1 25 A
Rated current AC-3 9 A, 400 V Rated current AC-3 12 A, 400 V
Rated current DC-3 0.75 A, 220 V DC Rated current DC-3 0.75 A, 220 V DC
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Overload current 72 A (10 s) / 220 A (0.001 s) Overload current 96 A (10 s) / 330 A (0.001 s)
Rated load AC-1, 400 V 16 kW Rated load AC-1, 400 V 16 kW
Rated load AC-3, 400 V 4 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated load AC-3, 400 V 5.5 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

fig. 2. Electrical endurance fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC
Pick-up time 10 ... 25 ms Pick-up time 10 ... 25 ms
Release time 5 ... 15 ms Release time 5 ... 15 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 8.0 VA / 2.5 W Power consumption AC / DC 8.0 VA / 2.5 W

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 690 V Rated insulation voltage 690 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C
Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 6 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.4 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.4 Nm
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight 300 g Weight 300 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 66 Housing material PA 66

Product references Product references


Main circuit Product reference 24 230 Main circuit Product reference 24 230
3 NO + 1 NO RSC09-310/AC…V ✓ ✓ 3 NO + 1 NO RSC12-310/AC…V ✓ ✓

3 NO + 1 NC RSC09-301/AC…V ✓ ✓ 3 NO + 1 NC RSC12-301/AC…V ✓ ✓

3 NO RSC09-300/DC…V ✓ 3 NO RSC12-300/DC…V ✓
44.7 76.3 44.7 76.3

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected] Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]

Accessories Accessories
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals
Auxiliary module RSC-AUX Auxiliary module RSC-AUX
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP
RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards IEC/EN 60947 RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards IEC/EN 60947
DI - Suppressor RMC-DI DI - Suppressor RMC-DI
MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Approvals MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Approvals

116 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 117

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Industrial Contactor | 3 or 4 pole | 16 A | 7.5 kW Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 22 A | 11 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNiO2

Rated voltage 690 V Rated voltage 1000 V
Rated current AC-1 25 A Rated current AC-1 35 A
Rated current AC-3 16 A, 400 V Rated current AC-3 22 A, 400 V
Rated current DC-3 0.75 A, 220 V DC Rated current DC-3 1 A, 220 V DC
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Overload current 128 A (10 s) / 450 A (0.001 s) Overload current 176 A (10 s) / 600 A (0.001 s)
Rated load AC-1, 400 V 16 kW Rated load AC-1, 400 V 23 kW
Rated load AC-3, 400 V 7.5 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated load AC-3, 400 V 11 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

fig. 2. Electrical endurance fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC
Pick-up time 10 ... 25 ms Pick-up time 10 ... 20 ms
Release time 5 ... 15 ms Release time 5 ... 15 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 8.0 VA / 2.5 W Power consumption AC / DC 8.0 VA / 2.5 W

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 690 V Rated insulation voltage 1000 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C
Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 10 mm2
RSC22 (AC)
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.4 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.8 Nm
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight 300 g Weight 320 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

Housing material PA 66 Housing material PA 66

Product references Product references



Main circuit Product reference 24 230 Main circuit Product reference 24 230 RSC22 (DC)

3 NO + 1 NO RSC16-310/AC…V ✓ ✓ 3 NO RSC22-300/AC…V ✓ ✓

3 NO + 1 NC RSC16-301/AC…V ✓ ✓ 3 NO RSC22-300/DC…V ✓

3 NO RSC16-300/DC…V ✓

44.7 76.3 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]
Accessories 44.7

Accessories Auxiliary module RSC-AUX

Standards and approvals RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards and approvals
Auxiliary module RSC-AUX
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP DI - Suppressor RMC-DI
RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards IEC/EN 60947 MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Standards IEC/EN 60947
DI - Suppressor RMC-DI
MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Approvals Approvals

118 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 119

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 30 A | 15 kW Industrial Contactor | 3 pole | 38 A | 18.5 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNiO2 Contact material AgNiO2

Rated voltage 1000 V Rated voltage 1000 V
Rated current AC-1 35 A Rated current AC-1 45 A
Rated current AC-3 30 A, 400 V Rated current AC-3 38 A, 400 V
Rated current DC-3 1 A, 220 V DC Rated current DC-3 1 A, 220 V DC
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Overload current 240 A (10 s) / 900 A (0.001 s) Overload current 304 A (10 s) / 900 A (0.001 s)
Rated load AC-1, 400 V 23 kW Rated load AC-1, 400 V 29 kW
Rated load AC-3, 400 V 15 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated load AC-3, 400 V 18.5 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

fig. 2. Electrical endurance fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC ≥ 0.1 UN DC
Pick-up time 10 ... 20 ms Pick-up time 10 ... 20 ms
Release time 5 ... 15 ms Release time 5 ... 15 ms
Power consumption AC / DC 8.0 VA / 2.5 W Power consumption AC / DC 10 VA / 2.5 W

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 1000 V Rated insulation voltage 1000 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 - 400 V Rated motor power Pe (kW)

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C Ambient temperature operation open contact -25 ... 55 °C
Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation close contact -25 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 4 mm2 / 10 mm2
RSC30 (AC) RSC38 (AC)
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.8 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 1.4 Nm / 1.8 Nm
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight 320 g Weight 320 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20

Housing material PA 66 Housing material PA 66

Product references Product references

44.7 44.7

Main circuit Product reference 24 230 RSC30 (DC) Main circuit Product reference 24 230 RSC38 (DC)

3 NO RSC30-300/AC…V ✓ ✓ 3 NO RSC38-300/AC…V ✓ ✓

3 NO RSC30-300/DC…V ✓ 3 NO RSC38-300/DC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected] Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]

Accessories 44.7
85.6 Accessories 44.7

Auxiliary module RSC-AUX Auxiliary module RSC-AUX

RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards and approvals RC - Suppressor RSC-RC Standards and approvals
DI - Suppressor RMC-DI DI - Suppressor RMC-DI
MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Standards IEC/EN 60947 MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

120 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 121

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Industrial Contactor | 5 pole | 43 A | 22 kW Industrial Contactor | 5 pole | 63 A | 30 kW

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNiO2 Contact material AgNiO2

Rated voltage 1000 V Rated voltage 1000 V
Rated current AC-1 75 A Rated current AC-1 85 A
Rated current AC-3 43 A, 400 V Rated current AC-3 63 A, 400 V
Rated current DC-1 6 A, 220 V DC Rated current DC-1 6 A, 220 V DC
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Overload current 344 A (10 s) Overload current 504 A (10 s)
Rated load AC-1, 400 V 56 kW Rated load AC-1, 400 V 66 kW
Rated load AC-3, 400 V 22 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated load AC-3, 400 V 30 kW fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 3 x 106 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 3 x 106
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ≥ 2 x 105
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-3 (cycles) fig. 2
Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-1 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600 Switching frequency at rated load AC-3 (cycles/h) ≤ 600
Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300 Switching frequency at rated load DC-3 ≤ 300

Control circuit Control circuit

fig. 2. Electrical endurance fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC Nominal voltage 24 V AC, 230 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 0.85 UN
Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC Typ. release voltage ≥ 0.2 UN AC
Pick-up time 10 ... 20 ms Pick-up time 10 ... 20 ms
Release time 8 ... 15 ms 3
Release time 8 ... 15 ms RSC43 RSC63

Electrical endurance (x106 op.c.)

Power consumption AC 10 VA Power consumption AC 10 VA 3

Electrical endurance (x10 op.c.)

Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 2

Insulation 1 Insulation 1
Rated insulation voltage 1000 V 0,7 Rated insulation voltage 1000 V 0,7
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV 0,5 Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV 0,5
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3 0,4
Overvoltage category III 7,5 11 15 22 30 37
Overvoltage category III 0,3
7,5 11 15 22 30 37
Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 Rated motor power Pe (kW) Clearance of open contact 3.6 mm AC-3 Rated motor power Pe (kW)

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation open contact -20 ... 60 °C Ambient temperature operation open contact -20 ... 60 °C
Ambient temperature operation close contact -20 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation close contact -20 ... 45 °C fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 35 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 35 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.8 Nm / 4 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.8 Nm / 4 Nm
Module width fig. 3 Module width fig. 3
Weight 930 g Weight 930 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 66 Housing material PA 66

Product references Product references

Main circuit Product reference 24 230 Main circuit Product reference 24 230
3 NO + 1 NO + 1 NC RSC43-310/AC…V ✓ ✓ 65 108 44.7 337.8NO + 1 NO + 1 NC RSC63-310/AC…V ✓ ✓ 65 108

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected] Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]

Accessories Accessories
Auxiliary module RSC-AUX Auxiliary module RSC-AUX
RC - Suppressor RSC-RC RC - Suppressor RSC-RC
DI - Suppressor RMC-DI Standards and approvals DI - Suppressor RMC-DI Standards and approvals
MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL2 MBL - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL2
Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

122 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 123

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Bimetallic thermal relay | 5 pole | 0.1 … 10 A | RSC09 … RSC16 Auxiliary module for industrial contactors | 2 or 4 pole | 6 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Contact material AgNi Contact material AgNi

Rated voltage 690 V Rated voltage 690 V
Rated current AC-1 0.1 … 10 A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Rated current auxiliary contact AC / DC 3 A, 230 V / 0.1 A, 230 V Rated current AC-15 6 A, 230 V
Overload current 72 A (100 ms) Rated current DC-13 0.15 A, 110 V DC
Tripping curve fig. 2 Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107
Control circuit Electrical endurance at rated load AC-15 (cycles) ≥ 5 x 105
Phase loss protection Yes fig. 1. Wiring diagram Electrical endurance at rated load DC-13 ≥ 5 x 105 fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Ambient temperature compensation Yes Switching frequency at rated load AC-15 (cycles/h) ≤ 1200
Reset mode manual / automatic Switching frequency at rated load DC-13 ≤ 1200
Rated operational current auxiliary contact AC-15 3 A, 250 V
Insulation Rated insulation voltage 690 V
Rated insulation voltage 690 V Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV Pollution degree 3
Pollution degree 3
fig. 2. Electrical endurance
Overvoltage category III General data
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
General data Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit - mm2 / 2.5 mm2
Ambient temperature storage -25 ... 70 °C Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 1.2 Nm
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 55 °C Module width fig. 2
Conductor cross section Auxiliary / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Weight 20 g (2 pole) / 36 g (4 pole)
Nominal screw torque Auxiliary / Main Circuit 0.8 Nm / 1.2 Nm Protection degree IP 20
Module width fig. 3 Housing material PA 66
Weight 115 g fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Protection degree IP 20 Product references
Housing material PA 66 Main circuit Product reference 2 pole

2 NO RMC-AUX20 51 NC 61 NC
Product references

Description Product reference

1 NO + 1 NC RMC-AUX11
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.16
Operational current x/e (A) 4 NO RMC-AUX40 52 NC 62 NC
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.25
24 26
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.4
2 NO + 2 NC RMC-AUX22 4 pole
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.5
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.63
fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)

Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-0.8

Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-1.0
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-1.3
44 26
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-1.6
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-2.0
Standards and approvals
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-2.5
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-3.2 Standards IEC/EN 60947
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-4.0
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-4.8 Approvals
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-6.3
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-7.5
Bimetallic thermal relay RSC-MP-10.0

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


124 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 125

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
Auxiliary module for industrial contactors | 2 or 4 pole | 6 A RC - Suppressor

Main circuit Control circuit

Contact material AgNi Operating voltage range 12 - 48 V AC / 48 - 250 V AC

Rated voltage 690 V
Rated current AC-1 20 A General data
Rated current AC-15 6 A, 230 V Module width fig. 1
Rated current DC-13 0.15 A, 110 V DC Weight 16 g
Minimum contact load 50 mA, 17 V
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ≥ 1 x 107 Product references
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-15 (cycles) ≥ 5 x 105 Description Product reference
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-13 ≥ 5 x 105 fig. 1. Wiring diagram fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
RC - Suppressor 12 - 48 V RMC-RC1
Switching frequency at rated load AC-15(cycles/h) ≤ 1200
Switching frequency at rated load DC-13 ≤ 1200 RC - Suppressor 48 - 250 V RMC-RC2

Rated insulation voltage 690 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 6 kV

Pollution degree 3

General data 10 24
Ambient temperature storage -30 ... 80 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit - mm2 / 2.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit - Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2
Weight 20 g (2 pole) / 36 g (4 pole)
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 66
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Product references
Main circuit Product reference
1 NO + 1 NC RSC-AUX11


44.7 37.8

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


126 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 127

1.8 Industrial Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors 1.8 Industrial Contactors
RC - Suppressor DI - Suppressor

Control circuit Control circuit

Operating voltage range 12 - 48 V AC / 48 - 250 V AC Operating voltage range 6 - 250 V DC

General data
Module width fig. 1
General data
Module width fig. 1
Weight 16 g Weight 16 g

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm) fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
RC - Suppressor 12 - 48 V RSC-RC1 RC - Suppressor Diode 6 - 250 V RMC-DI
RC - Suppressor 48 - 250 V RSC-RC2



10 24 10 24

128 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 129

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.8 Industrial Contactors
MBL - Mechanical locking

General data
Module width 15 mm

Weight 14 g | 16 g

Product references
Description Product reference
RSC - Mechanical locking RSC-MBL1
RSC - Mechanical locking RSC43 / 63 RSC-MBL2
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
1.9 Solid State Contactors


Application Type Output Page

CC1 Series
15 51 Solid State Contactor | 230 V | 15 A CC1H215 1 132

Solid State Contactor | 230 V | 30 A CC1H230 1 133

Solid State Contactor | 230 V | 50 A CC1H250 1 134
on request
Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 15 A CC1H415 1 135

Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 30 A CC1H430 1 136

Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 50 A CC1H450 1 137

CC3 Series
Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 10 A CC3H410 3 138

Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 20 A CC3H420 3 139

Solid State Contactor | 400 V | 10 A | Reversing CCR3H410 3 140

CPC Series
Solid State Power Controller | 230 V | 30 A CPC1230 1 141

Solid State Power Controller | 230 V | 50 A CPC1250 1 142

Solid State Power Controller | 400 V | 30 A CPC1430 1 143

Solid State Power Controller | 400 V | 50 A CPC1450 1 144

130 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 131

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CC1H215 CC1H230
Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 230 V | 15 A Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 230 V | 30 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 1 Number of outputs 1
Rated voltage 230 V Rated voltage 230 V
Output voltage range 12 … 240 V AC Output voltage range 12 … 240 V AC
Reverse voltage 1000 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1000 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1100 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1100 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 15 A Rated current AC-1 30 A
Rated current AC-3 15 A Rated current AC-3 15 A
Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 1 mA Typ. leakage current 1 mA
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V
Typ. release voltage 7.2 V Typ. release voltage 7.2 V
Pick-up time 20 ms Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 270 g Weight 650 g
Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H215 Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H230

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

132 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 133

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CC1H250 CC1H415
Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 230 V | 50 A Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 400 V | 15 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 1 Number of outputs 1
Rated voltage 230 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 12 … 240 V AC Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC
Reverse voltage 1000 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1100 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 50 A Rated current AC-1 15 A
Rated current AC-3 15 A Rated current AC-3 15 A
Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 1 mA Typ. leakage current 1 mA
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V
Typ. release voltage 7.2 V Typ. release voltage 7.2 V
Pick-up time 20 ms Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 1050 g Weight 270 g
Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H250 Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H415

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

134 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 135

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CC1H430 CC1H450
Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 400 V | 30 A Solid State Contactor | 1 phase | 400 V | 50 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 1 Number of outputs 1
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 30 A Rated current AC-1 50 A
Rated current AC-3 15 A Rated current AC-3 15 A
Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 1 mA Typ. leakage current 1 mA
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V
Typ. release voltage 7.2 V Typ. release voltage 7.2 V
Pick-up time 20 ms Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g Weight 1050 g
Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H430 Solid State Contactor, 1 phase CC1H450

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

136 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 137

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CC3H410 CC3H420
Solid State Contactor | 3 phase | 400 V | 10 A Solid State Contactor | 3 phase | 400 V | 20 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 10 A Rated current AC-1 20 A
Rated current AC-3 10 A Rated current AC-3 10 A
Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 1 mA Typ. leakage current 1 mA
Rated limit load 610 A2t Rated limit load 610 A2t

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V
Typ. release voltage 7.2 V Typ. release voltage 7.2 V
Pick-up time 20 ms Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g Weight 1050 g
Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Solid State Contactor, 3 phase CC3H410 Solid State Contactor, 3 phase CC3H420

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

138 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 139

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CCR3H410 CPC1230
Solid State Contactor | Reversing | 3 phase | 400 V | 10 A Solid State Power Controller | 1 phase | 230 V | 30 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 1
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 230 V
Output voltage range 24 … 480 VAC Output voltage range 380 … 480 V
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1000 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1100 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 10 A Rated current AC-1 30 A
Rated current AC-3 10 A Minimum load 10 mA
Minimum load 10 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Typ. leakage current 1 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 1 mA Rated limit load 1800 A2t
Rated limit load 610 A2t
Control circuit
External power supply
Control circuit Nominal voltage 24 V UC 24 VAC or
24 VDC / 30 mA max
Nominal voltage 24 … 230 V UC Operating voltage range 0.5 ... 1.5 UN
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.1 UN Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 12 V
Typ. pick-up voltage 20.4 V Typ. release voltage ≥ 12 V
Typ. release voltage 7.2 V Pick-up time 20 ms
Pick-up time 20 ms Release time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms 11-12: Thermostat Control input 0 … 20 mA / 4 … 20 mA / 0 - 10 V
Interlock time 150 ms Potentiometer_input 0 - 10 kOhm
11-12: Thermostat
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 150 mW
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Insulation Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Pollution degree 3
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III General data
Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
General data Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Module width fig. 2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Weight 650 g
Module width fig. 2 Protection degree IP 20
Weight 650 g fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Housing material PPE fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Protection degree IP 20 Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting
Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Product references
Description Product reference
Product references
Power Controller, 1 phase CPC1230
Description Product reference
Solid State Contactor - Reversing, 3 phase CCR3H410 Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Accessories

Thermal overload protection P82-100C
Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

140 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 141

1.9 Solid State Contactors
1.9 Solid State Contactors 1.9 Solid State Contactors
CPC1250 CPC1430
Solid State Power Controller | 1 phase | 230 V | 50 A Solid State Power Controller | 1 phase | 400 V | 30 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor

Number of outputs 1 Number of outputs 1
Rated voltage 230 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 380 … 480 V Output voltage range 380 … 480 V
Reverse voltage 1000 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1100 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 50 A Rated current AC-1 30 A
Minimum load 10 mA Minimum load 10 mA
Typ. leakage current 1 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Typ. leakage current 1 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t

Control circuit Control circuit External power supply

External power supply
Nominal voltage 24 V UC 24 VAC or Nominal voltage 24 V UC 24 VAC or
24 VDC / 30 mA max 24 VDC / 30 mA max
Operating voltage range 0.5 ... 1.5 UN Operating voltage range 0.5 ... 1.5 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 12 V Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 12 V
Typ. release voltage ≥ 12 V Typ. release voltage ≥ 12 V
Load Load
Pick-up time 20 ms Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms Release time 20 ms
Control input 0 … 20 mA / 4 … 20 mA / 0 - 10 V Control input 0 … 20 mA / 4 … 20 mA / 0 - 10 V
Potentiometer_input 0 - 10 kOhm Potentiometer_input 0 - 10 kOhm 11-12: Thermostat
11-12: Thermostat
Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g Weight 650 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPE fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Housing material PPE fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Power Controller, 1 phase CPC1250 Power Controller, 1 phase CPC1430

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

142 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 143

1.9 Solid State Contactors
Solid State Power Controller | 1 phase | 400 V | 50 A

Main circuit
Output type Thyristor
Number of outputs 1 Notes
Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 380 … 480 V
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-1 50 A
Minimum load 10 mA
Typ. leakage current 1 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated limit load 1800 A2t

Control circuit
External power supply
Nominal voltage 24 V UC 24 VAC or
24 VDC / 30 mA max
Operating voltage range 0.5 ... 1.5 UN
Typ. pick-up voltage ≤ 12 V
Typ. release voltage ≥ 12 V
Pick-up time 20 ms
Release time 20 ms
Control input 0 … 20 mA / 4 … 20 mA / 0 - 10 V
Potentiometer_input 0 - 10 kOhm 11-12: Thermostat

Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III

General data
Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 10 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPE fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references
Description Product reference
Power Controller, 1 phase CPC1450

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068


144 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 145


2 Time Relays

2 Time Relays

146 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 147

Time functions

Delay functions Shot timing modes Time Cubes

Ext. Poti
Type Function t max.

t - Stop
On delay One shot leading edge E A F W N Q K L M B B1 B2 G H I P S LS X1 U V sec min h d Page
E S S R on with delay W S S R on for t CT..-E 30  30 203
S OFF R off S OFF R off CT..-A 30 I 30 203
t R t R (pulse clipping) CT..-K 30 I I 30 203
CT..-B 30 I 30 203

Off delay One shot trailing edge

A S S R on N S S OFF R on for t Modular plug-in Time Relays

Ext. Poti
Function t max.

t - Stop
S OFF R off with delay S on for t R off (CT-System)
t R t R Type E
B1 B2 G H I P S LS X1 U V sec min h d Page
CT32… 60* 209
CT33… I I g I I g I I I I   60* 210

2 Time Relays
On and off delay One shot leading and trailing edge CT36… I I 60* 211
F S S R on with delay (t1) O S S R on for t1
S OFF R off with delay (t2) S OFF R on for t2
t1 t2 R t1 t2 R S OFF off for t1 R off Plug-in Time Relays

Ext. Poti
Function t max.

t - Stop
Type E A F W N Q K L M B B1 B2 G H I P S LS X1 U V sec min h d Page
Puls shaping Blinker functions C55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 60 186
C55.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 60 187

Puls shaping
S S (pulse or continuous contact)
R on for t
Blinker, pulse start
S S R on/off periodically
according to t


t R S no influence on R and t t t t R S OFF R off CS2
I 60*

Pulse shaping, retrigger (subsequ.time operation from 0) Blinker, pulse start, trailing pulse
L S S (pulse or continuous contact) B1 S S R on/off periodically Plug-in Time Relays

Ext. Poti
Function t max.

t - Stop
R on for t according to t
t R S on for t = t RESET t t t R S OFF: last pulse = t Type
I I g I I g I I
B1 B2 G
 
H I P S LS X1 U V sec min h
d Page
C85 I I I I I I 60* 192
Puls shaping Blinker, interval start
M S S OFF R on for t B2 S S R after t on/off periodically
S no influence on R and t according to t DIN Time Relays

Ext. Poti
t Function t max.

t t

t - Stop
t R R S OFF R off
Type E A F W N Q K L M B B1 B2 G H I P S LS Y U V sec min h d Page
AA2 - AA2M I 1,5/12 154
Delayed pulse Repeat cycle timer AE2 - AE2M I 1,5/12 155
AL1 I 170
On delay single shot Repeat cycle timer, pulse start AL3 I I I 60 171
G S S (pulse or continuous contact) I S S R on/off periodically AL4 I I I 60 172
AL5 I 173
R after t1 on for t2 according to t1 and t2
t1 t2 R S no influence on R and t t1 t2 t1 R S OFF R off AM1 I I I I 60 174
AM2 I I I I 60 175
AM3 1) I I I I 60 176
On delay single shot Repeat cycle timer, interval start C55, CT1: t2 t1 CM2 I I I I I I I 12 177
H S S R after t1 on for t2 P S S R after t1 (t2) on/off peri- CM3 I I I I I I I 60* 178
S OFF R off odically according to t2 and t1 CMD11 A I 152
t1 t2 R t1 t2 t1 R S OFF R off CMD11 E I 153
CIM1 I I I I I I I I I 60* 160
CIM12 I I I I I I I I I 60* 161
Special functions Special functions CIM13 I I I I I I I I I 60* 162
CIM14 I I I I I I I I I 60* 163
Star-delta timer Step-on / Step-off switch I I I I
60* 164
S S on for t
S S R on/off CIM22 60* 165
t OFF on with delay for t - CIM23 I I I I
I I I 60* 166
t S OFF off R CIM3 I I I I I I 60* 167
CIM32 I I I I I I 60* 168
CIM33 I I I I I I 60* 169
Restart delay Step-switching (staircase lighting timer), with time lapse
X1 S S R on LS S S R on and starts t
I I g
I I g
I I g I I I I I I I I
I I g I I I I I I I I
S OFF R off and starts t S on for t R off CPF11 I I I 0.6 179
t t R S R restart only after t t t R CY1 I 184

Stop/Reset * TF-60 Setting of long times

S = Triggering
S STOP interrupts t t is stopped The TF60 time setting methode permits short examination of long delay time settings. Elapsing times of hours can be monitored in the sec. range.
t STOP (t-addition) T R on/off
R = Output circuit
= switches… Example for a delay time of 38h:
S RESET reset t Test 1. Set range switch to 60sec
t RESET t restarts immediately ON OFF 2. Set 38sec on the potentiometer
(e.g. check 38sec by chronometer)
3. Set range switch to 60h
Pulse sequence monitoring The delay time now amounts to 38h.

S1/S2 S1/S2
U V S1/S2 = Monitoring start alternatively with instantaneous contact

P (t P) P (t P) P = Pulse sequence  without auxiliary voltage (relay bistable)

t P = Pulse separation  without auxiliary voltage (relay monostable)
tA tV R tA R g t 2 = t1
 t 2 = 0.5s
: Pulse separation is smaller than the time tP Start with S1 = without start-up short-out tA t V = settable alarm delay
: Pulse separation is larger than the time tP Start with S2 = start-up short-out tA delay (tA = tV)

148 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 149


2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays

2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays

Application Type Page

CMD Series 2
Off delay | single voltage | 1 CO CMD11-A 152

On delay | single voltage | 1 CO CMD11-E 153

AA2, AA2M Series

Off delay | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO AA2, AA2M 154

AE2, AE2M Series

On delay | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO AE2, AE2M 155

150 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 151

2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays 2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays
Off delay | single voltage | 1 CO On delay | single voltage | 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions A Timing functions E
Timing range 50 ms … 60 min Timing range 50 ms … 60 min
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min

2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V AC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 8A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 8A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
+ ~ + ~
Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms S Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms S

Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2 Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2

Rated load AC-1 2000 VA Rated load AC-1 2000 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

15 16 18 15 16 18

Control circuit fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Nominal voltage 12 V UC 24 V UC 115 V AC 230 V AC Nominal voltage 12 V UC 24 V UC 115 V AC 230 V AC
10 10
Operating voltage range 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 8 DC-1
Operating voltage range 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 0.8 … 1.2 UN 8 DC-1

Power consumption AC / DC 50 / 32 mA 21 / 12 mA 47 mA / - 60 mA / - 5
Power consumption AC / DC 50 / 32 mA 21 / 12 mA 47 mA / - 60 mA / - 5

Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 2.7 / 4.3 mA 11.6 / 9.5 mA 1.7 mA / - 1.9 mA / - Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 2.7 / 4.3 mA 11.6 / 9.5 mA 1.7 mA / - 1.9 mA / -
2 2
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 5.2 / 8.8 V 9.5 / 14 V 42 V / - 80 V / - Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 5.2 / 8.8 V 9.5 / 14 V 42 V / - 80 V / -

Current [A]

Current [A]
Rated frequency 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 1
Rated frequency 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 48 … 62 Hz 1

0.5 0.5

Insulation 0.3 Insulation 0.3

0.2 0.2
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]

Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
General data 7
General data
10 107
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1

Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C

Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm 106
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm 106

Module width fig. 4 Module width fig. 4
Weight 48 g Weight 48 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PA 66 10
5 Housing material PA 66 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Product references Switching current [A] Product references Switching current [A]

Types Product reference 12 24 115 230 Types Product reference 12 24 115 230
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
UC supply CMD11-A/UC…V ✓ ✓ UC supply CMD11-E/UC…V ✓ ✓

AC supply CMD11-A/AC…V ✓ ✓ AC supply CMD11-E/AC…V ✓ ✓


“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
TS 35

TS 35



34 16 6 34 16 6

17.5 17.5
56 56

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

152 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 153

2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays 2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays
Off delay | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO On delay | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions A Timing functions E
Timing range AA2: 0.8 s … 1.5 min / AA2M: 0.1 min … 12 min Timing range AE2: 0.8 s … 1.5 min / AE2M: 0.1 min … 12 min
Timing scale AA2: 12 s / 1.5 min / AA2M: 1.5 min / 12 min Timing scale AE2: 12 s / 1.5 min / AE2M: 1.5 min / 12 min

2.1 ON and OFF delay Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V AC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA A2 B1 A1 Rated load AC-1 2500 VA A2 A1

Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 S Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 S

Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 + Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 +

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 V UC 220 … 240 V AC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 V UC 220 … 240 V AC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
10 DC-1 10 DC-1
Operating voltage range 0.8 … 1.3 UN 0.8 … 1.1 UN Operating voltage range 0.8 … 1.3 UN 0.8 … 1.1 UN
Power consumption AC / DC 0.84 VA / 0.84 W 2.4 VA / - 5 Power consumption AC / DC 0.84 VA / 0.84 W 2.4 VA / - 5

Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 25 / 25 mA 5 mA / - Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 25 / 25 mA 5 mA / -

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 10 / 10 V 176 V / - Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 10 V / 10 V 176 V / -
Rated frequency 48 … 63 Hz 48 … 63 Hz 1 Rated frequency 48 … 63 Hz 48 … 63 Hz 1

0.5 0.5
Insulation Insulation
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
General data 10
7 General data 10

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1

Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C

Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm

6 6
10 10
Module width fig. 4 Module width fig. 4
Weight 65 g Weight 65 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Housing material PC
5 5
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Product references Product references
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Types Product reference 24 220-240 Types Product reference 24 220-240
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
UC supply AA2/UC…V ✓ UC supply AE2/UC…V ✓

AC supply AA2/AC…V ✓ AC supply AE2/AC…V ✓

UC supply AA2M/UC…V ✓ UC supply AE2M/UC…V ✓

AC supply AA2M/AC…V ✓ AC supply AE2M/AC…V ✓

TS 35

TS 35
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.


Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

4,2 4,2

17,5 5 44 20 8 17,5 5 44 20 8

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

154 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 155


2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Application Type Page

CIM Series 2
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO CIM1, CIM1R 160

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac CIM12, CIM12R 161

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet CIM13, CIM13R 162

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 NO, pre-contact CIM14 163

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO CIM2, CIM2R 164

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac CIM22, CIM22R 165

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet CIM23, CIM23R 166

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO CIM3, CIM3R 167

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac CIM32, CIM32R 168

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet CIM33, CIM33R 169

AL Series
Staircase switch | Auto - ON | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO AL1 170

Staircase switch | Auto - ON | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact AL3 171

Staircase switch | Auto - ON | Central ON - OFF | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact AL4 172

Step switch | Auto - ON | Central ON - OFF | 230 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact AL5 173

AM Series
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 1 CO AM1 174

Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO AM2 175

Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO AM3 176

156 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 157


2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Application Type Page

CM Series 2
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO + 1 CO CM2 177

Multifunction | 12 … 24 V DC | 24 … 48 V DC, 24 … 240 V AC | 2 CO CM3 178

CPF Series
Pulse extension | 24 V DC | 1 PNP Transistor CPF11 179

CRV Series
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO | External potentiometer CRV4 180

CSV Series
Multifunction | 12 … 36 V DC | 1 Mosfet | External potentiometer CSV4 181

158 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 159

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K, N, B1, S, LS 3: B, W Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K, N, B1, S, LS 3: B, W
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of outputs 1 NO
Contact Material AgNi Output type Triac, zero crossing
Rated voltage 250 V AC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 16 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 2A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Minimum load 50 mA, 12 V + ~ + ~ + ~
Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms + ~ + ~ + ~ Inrush current 100 A, 10 ms S S S
Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 Rated limit load 78 A2s A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2
Rated load AC-1 4000 VA 1 2 3 Typ. leakage current 1 mA 1 2 3
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Rated load AC-1 300 VA
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 15 16 18 15 16 18 15 16 18 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞

15 18 15 18 15 18
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ∞
Control circuit fig. 2. DC load limit curve fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC 20 Control circuit
16 DC-1
Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V 10 Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC
Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW

Current [A]
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V 2 Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V

TS 35


Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Insulation
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 0 4,2

Voltage [V]
17,5 5 44 20
Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Overvoltage category III
General data Standards and approvals
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1 General data
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155
Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 13 A) Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 1.2 A) Approvals

Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Weight 70 g Module width fig. 2
Protection degree IP 20 10
Weight 70 g
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Housing material PC Switching current [A]
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC
Product references fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-240 Product references

UC supply CIM1/UC…V ✓ Types Product reference 24-240

UC supply, Railway version CIM1R/UC…V ✓ UC supply CIM12/UC…V ✓

UC supply, Railway version CIM12R/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
TS 35


Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].


17,5 5 44 20

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155


160 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 161

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 NO, pre-contact

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K, N, B1, S, LS 3: B, W Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K, N, B1, S, LS 3: B, W
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of outputs 1NO Number of contacts 1 NO
Output type Mosfet Contact Material W + AgSnO2
Rated voltage 24 V DC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 5A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 16 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 1 mA, 1 V Minimum load 100 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 40 A, 10 us + ~ + ~ + ~ Inrush current 800 A, 200 us / 165 A, 20 ms + ~ + ~ + ~
Typ. leakage current 10 µA A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ 1 2 3 Rated load AC-1 4000 VA 1 2 3
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ∞ Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
15 18 15 18 15 18 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 15 18 15 18 15 18

Control circuit
Nominal voltage
Operating voltage range
24 … 240 V UC
16.8 … 250 V
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
16 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V 10
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA

Current [A]
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V 2
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz

TS 35


Insulation 0.5
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Insulation
Rated test voltage open contact 0 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Overvoltage category III 4,2 Pollution degree 2

Voltage [V]
17,5 5 44 20
Overvoltage category III
General data fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards and approvals General data 107
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1

Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 4 A) Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155 Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 13 A)
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Approvals Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2

Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 4
Weight 70 g Weight 70 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Housing material PC 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Switching current [A]
Product references Product references
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-240 Types Product reference 24-240
UC supply CIM13/UC…V ✓ UC supply CIM14/UC…V ✓

UC supply, Railway version CIM13R/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

TS 35


17,5 5 44 20

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155


162 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 163

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, L, M, G 3: B2, H Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, L, M, G 3: B2, H
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of outputs 1 NO
Contact Material AgNi Output type Triac, zero crossing
Rated voltage 250 V AC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 16 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 2A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Minimum load 50 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms + ~ + ~ + ~ Inrush current 100 A, 10 ms + ~ + ~ + ~
Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 Rated limit load 78 A2s A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2
Rated load AC-1 4000 VA 1 2 3 Typ. leakage current 1 mA 1 2 3
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Rated load AC-1 300 VA
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 15 16 18 15 16 18 15 16 18 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ 15 18 15 18 15 18

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles)

Control circuit

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) 2
16 DC-1
Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V 10 Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC
Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW

Current [A]
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V 2 Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V

TS 35


Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Insulation
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 0 4,2

Voltage [V]
17,5 5 44 20
Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Overvoltage category III
General data Standards and approvals
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1 General data
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155
Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 13 A) Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 1.2 A) Approvals

Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Weight 70 g Module width fig. 2
Protection degree IP 20 10
Weight 70 g
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Housing material PC Switching current [A]
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC
Product references fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-240 Product references

UC supply CIM2/UC…V ✓ Types Product reference 24-240

UC supply, Railway version CIM2R/UC…V ✓ UC supply CIM22/UC…V ✓

UC supply, Railway version CIM22R/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
TS 35


Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].


17,5 5 44 20

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155


164 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 165

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, L, M, G 3: B2, H Timing functions fig. 1 2: F, Q, G 3: I, P, H
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of outputs 1 NO Number of contacts 1 CO
Output type Mosfet Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 24 V DC Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 5A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 16 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 1 mA, 1 V + ~ + ~ + ~ Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V
+ ~ + ~
Inrush current 40 A, 10 us S S S Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms S S

Typ. leakage current 10 µA A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 Rated load DC fig. 2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2

Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ 1 2 3 Rated load AC-1 4000 VA 2 3
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ∞ Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

15 18 15 18 15 18 15 16 18 15 16 18
Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Control circuit fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC 20
16 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V 10
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA

Current [A]
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V 2
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz

TS 35


Insulation 0.5
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Insulation
Rated test voltage open contact 0 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 0 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Overvoltage category III 4,2 Pollution degree 2

Voltage [V]
17,5 5 44 20
Overvoltage category III
General data fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards and approvals General data 107
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1

Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 4 A) Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155 Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 13 A)
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Approvals Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C

Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Module width fig. 2 Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Weight 70 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 70 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Housing material PC Switching current [A]
Product references
Product references fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-240
UC supply CIM23/UC…V ✓ Types Product reference 24-240

UC supply, Railway version CIM23R/UC…V ✓ UC supply CIM3/UC…V ✓

UC supply, Railway version CIM3R/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

TS 35

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].


17,5 5 44 20

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155


166 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 167

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Triac Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 2: F, Q, G 3: I, P, H Timing functions fig. 1 2: F, Q, G 3: I, P, H
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of outputs 1NO Number of outputs 1 NO
Output type Triac, zero crossing Output type Mosfet
Rated voltage 250 V AC Rated voltage 24 V DC
Rated current 2A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 5A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 50 mA, 12 V Minimum load 1 mA, 1 V
+ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Inrush current 100 A, 10 ms S S Inrush current 40 A, 10 us S S

Rated limit load 78 A2s A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2 Typ. leakage current 10 µA A1 B1 A2 A1 B1 A2

Typ. leakage current 1 mA 2 3 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ 2 3
Rated load AC-1 300 VA Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ∞
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞

15 18 15 18 15 18 15 18
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ∞ Control circuit
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Control circuit Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW
Operating voltage range 16.8 … 250 V Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA
Power consumption AC / DC 1.2 VA / 430 mW Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 22 / 22 mA Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 13 V / 15 V

TS 35

TS 35


Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Insulation
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Insulation Rated test voltage open contact 0
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Pollution degree 2
Rated test voltage open contact 0 4,2 Overvoltage category III 4,2


17,5 5 44 20 17,5 5 44 20
Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III General data
Standards and approvals Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards and approvals
General data Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards IEC/EN 60947 Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 4 A) Standards IEC/EN 60947
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -40 … 60 °C (IN 1.2 A) Approvals Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Approvals
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Module width fig. 2
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Weight 70 g
Module width fig. 2 Protection degree IP 20
Weight 70 g Housing material PC
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Product references
Types Product reference 24-240
Product references
UC supply CIM33/UC…V ✓
Types Product reference 24-240
UC supply, Railway version CIM33R/UC…V ✓
UC supply CIM32/UC…V ✓

UC supply, Railway version CIM32R/UC…V ✓ “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

168 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 169

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Staircase switch | Auto - ON | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO Staircase switch | Auto - ON | 24 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact

Time data Time data

Timing functions L Timing functions L, LS, S
Timing range 30 s ... 10 min Timing range 30 s - 60 min
Timing scale 6 min / 60 min
Main circuit

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Number of contacts 1 NO Main circuit
Contact Material AgNi Number of contacts 1 NO
Rated voltage 250 V Contact Material W + AgSnO2
Rated current 10 A Rated voltage 250 V
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Rated load DC fig. 2 Inrush current 600 A, 2.5 ms / 120 A, 20 ms
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Rated load DC 210 W, 30 V
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 Rated load AC-1 2500 VA
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) 5 x 103
Control circuit
Nominal voltage
Operating voltage range
220 … 240 V AC
187 ... 265 V
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 V UC 220 … 240 V AC
10 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC 2.5 VA Operating voltage range 19.2 ... 30 V 187 ... 265 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 45 mA / - 5 Power consumption AC / DC 2.5 VA / 2.5 W 2.5 VA / 2.5 W
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 0.7 UN Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 500 mA 120 mA

Current [A]
Rated frequency 48 ... 62 Hz Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V 175 V
1 Rated frequency 48 ... 63 Hz 48 ... 63 Hz
Insulation 0.5
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Insulation
Rated test voltage open contact 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Pollution degree 2 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Overvoltage category III Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III
General data fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 10
7 General data
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 40 °C AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm

Weight 71 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 98 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20
Standards and approvals
Housing material PC
Product references 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Product references Standards IEC/EN 60947
Types Product reference 220-240 Switching current [A]

AC supply AL1/AC…V ✓ Types Product reference 24 220-240

fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Approvals
UC supply AL3/UC…V ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. AC supply AL3/AC…V ✓
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
TS 35



17,5 5 44 20 8

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


170 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 171

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Staircase switch | Auto - ON | Central ON - OFF | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact Step switch | Auto - ON | Central ON - OFF | 230 V AC | 1 NO, pre-contact

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 L, LS, S Timing functions S
Timing range 30 s - 60 min
Timing scale 6 min / 60 min Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 NO

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Contact Material W + AgSnO2
Number of contacts 1 NO Rated voltage 250 V
Contact Material W + AgSnO2 Rated current 10 A
Rated voltage 250 V Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Inrush current 600 A, 2.5 ms / 120 A, 20 ms fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Rated load DC 210 W, 30 V
Inrush current 600 A, 2.5 ms / 120 A, 20 ms Rated load AC-1 2500 VA
Rated load DC 210 W, 30 V Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) 5 x 103
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) 5 x 103 Control circuit

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 220 ... 240 V AC
Nominal voltage
Operating voltage range
Power consumption AC / DC
230 V AC
187 ... 265 V
2.5 VA
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Operating voltage range 187 ... 265 V Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 120 mA
Power consumption AC / DC 2.5 VA Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 165 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 120 mA Rated frequency 48 ... 62 Hz
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 175 V
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Rated frequency 48 ... 62 Hz Insulation
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Insulation Rated test voltage open contact 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Pollution degree 2
Rated test voltage open contact 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
General data Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Standards and approvals
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Module width fig. 4
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Standards IEC/EN 60947 Weight 98 g
Module width fig. 4 Protection degree IP 20
Approvals Standards and approvals
Weight 98 g Housing material PC
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Product references Standards IEC/EN 60947

Types Product reference 230

Product references Approvals
AC supply AL5/AC…V ✓
Types Product reference 220-240
AC supply AL4/AC…V ✓ “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

172 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 173

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 1 CO Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions E, W, B, B2 Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K 3: W
Timing range 0.5 s … 60 min Timing range 0.5 s … 60 min
Timing scale 6 min / 60 min Timing scale 6 min / 60 min

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 10 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Rated load AC-1 2500 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 220 ... 240 V AC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 220 ... 240 V AC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
10 DC-1 10 DC-1
Operating voltage range 20 - 75 V 180 - 265 V Operating voltage range 20 - 75 V 180 - 265 V
Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 1.5 W 1.5 VA / 1.5 W 5 Power consumption AC / DC 1.5 VA / 1.5 W 1.5 VA / 1.5 W 5

Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 40 / 40 mA 15 / 15 mA Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 40 / 40 mA 15 / 15 mA

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V / 18 V 170 V / 170 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V / 18 V 170 V / 170 V
Rated frequency 40 ... 60 Hz 40 ... 60 Hz 1 Rated frequency 40 ... 60 Hz 40 ... 60 Hz 1

0.5 0.5
Insulation Insulation
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
General data 10
7 General data 10

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C AC-1

Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C

Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm

6 6
10 10
Module width fig. 4 Module width fig. 4
Weight 70 g Weight 70 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Housing material PC
5 5
10 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Product references Product references
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Types Product reference 24-60 220-240 Types Product reference 24-60 220-240
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
UC supply AM1/UC…V ✓ ✓ UC supply AM2/UC…V ✓

AC supply AM2/AC…V ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

TS 35


17,5 5 44 20 8

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

174 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 175

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 NO + 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K 3: W Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K 3: E, W
Timing range 0.5 s … 60 min Timing range 0.3 s … 12 h
Timing scale 6 min / 60 min Timing scale 3 s / 12 s / 1.5 min / 12 min / 1.5 h / 12 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 2 CO Number of contacts 1 NO + 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 10 A (total current 12 A) fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 6A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V R2= S R2= R (25-26-28) Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 16 A, 10 ms Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC 100 W, 24 V
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Rated load AC-1 1500 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 1 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 220 ... 240 V AC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles)

Control circuit
1 x 105
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) 2
Operating voltage range 19 ... 75 V 195 ... 265 V 10 DC-1 Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 220 ... 240 V AC
Power consumption AC / DC 1.8 VA / 1.8 W 1.8 VA / 1.8 W 5
Operating voltage range 19 ... 75 V 90 ... 265 V
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 50 / 50 mA 15 / 15 mA 4
Power consumption AC / DC 6 VA / 4.8 W 6 VA / 4.8 W

Current [A]
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 19 V / 19 V 187 V / 187 V 2 Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 10 / 20 mA 10 / 20 mA
Rated frequency 40 … 400 Hz 40 ... 60 Hz 1 Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V / 18 V 70 V / 85 V
Rated frequency 40 ... 60 Hz 40 ... 60 Hz
Insulation 0.3
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Insulation
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V]
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min
Pollution degree 2 Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Overvoltage category III
Standards and approvals
General data AC-1, DC-1 30 V General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Standards IEC/EN 60947
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 50 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 … 50 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 Approvals

Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Module width fig. 4 Module width fig. 4
Weight 110 g Weight 139 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC 105 Housing material PC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Switching current [A]
Product references Product references
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-60 220-240 Types Product reference 24-60 220-240
UC supply AM3/UC…V ✓ UC supply CM2/UC…V ✓

AC supply AM3/AC…V ✓ AC supply CM2/AC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
TS 35



35 5 44 20 8

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


176 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 177

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 12 … 24 V DC | 24 … 48 V DC, 24 … 240 V AC | 2 CO Pulse extension | 24 V DC | 1 PNP Transistor

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: A, K, N, B1 3: B, W Timing functions A, K, L
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 5 … 600 ms
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 60 ms / 600 ms

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 2 CO Number of outputs 1 NO
Contact Material AgNi Output type PNP Transistor
Rated voltage 250 V Output voltage range 10 … 32 V (Potential of +)
Rated current 5A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 0.8 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Inrush current 2 A, 5 s
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms Typ. leakage current 1 µA NAMUR sensor Three-wire sensor
Rated load DC fig. 2 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ∞
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 15 x 106
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Control circuit

Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Control circuit fig. 2. DC load limit curve Operating voltage range 10 … 32 V
Nominal voltage 12 ... 24 V DC 24 ... 48 V DC / 24 ... 240 V AC Power consumption AC / DC - / 0.4 W
5 DC-1
Operating voltage range 9.6 ... 28.8 V 19 ... 60 V / 19 ... 250 V 4 Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC - / E1: 10 V, E2: 15 V
3 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Power consumption AC / DC - / 1.2 W 15 VA / 1.2 W
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 10 / 20 mA 10 / 20 mA Insulation

Current [A]
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 5.8 ... 6.5 V 11 ... 15 V / 13 ... 18 V 1 Pollution degree 2
Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz 45 ... 63 Hz Overvoltage category III LABEL

Insulation General data


TS 35
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C

Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Ambient temperature operation -25 … 50 °C
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V] Ambient temperature operation derated power -25 … 60 °C (IN 0.7 A)
Pollution degree 2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Overvoltage category III fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm
Module width fig. 4 4,2

107 17,5 5 64 10
General data AC-1 Weight 60 g
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Protection degree IP 20
Standards and approvals
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Housing material PC
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2

Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm 106

Product references Standards IEC/EN 60947
Module width fig. 4 Types Product reference 24
Weight 72 g Approvals
DC supply CPF11/DC…V ✓
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC 105
0 1 2 3 4 5 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Switching current [A]
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Product references
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 12-24 24-48 / 24-240 Accessories
DC supply CM3/DC…V ✓

UC supply CM3/DC…V/AC…V ✓ Labels BZS DIN 17.5 mm

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. LABEL

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

TS 35


17,5 5 64

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


178 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 179

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays 2.2 Multifunction Time Relays
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO | External potentiometer Multifunction | 12 … 36 V DC | 1 Mosfet | External potentiometer

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: E, A, K, N, M, B1, F, G, Q, L, S, LS Timing functions fig. 1 1: E 2: E, A, K, N, M, B1, F, G, Q, L, S, LS
3: W, B, B2, H 3: W, B, B2, H
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 0.8 ms … 10 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.1 s / 1 s / 10 s / 1 min / 10 min / 1 h / 10 h

2.2 Multifunction Time Relays

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of outputs 1 NO
Contact Material AgNi Output type Mosfet
Rated voltage 250 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram Output voltage range 10.2 ... 45 V (Potential of A1) fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated current 6A Rated current 1.5 A
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Minimum load 1 mA, 10.2 V
Inrush current 15 A, 10 ms 15 18 Inrush current 4 A, 100 ms Z1 Z2
R Z1 Z2
Rated load DC fig. 2 Typ. leakage current 10 µA R
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA 16 B1 Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ +
A2 A1 O B1
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles) ∞

+ A2 A1
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 +
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Control circuit 10 Nominal voltage 12 ... 36 V DC fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC 6 Operating voltage range 10.2 ... 45 V
5 BS13 -K
Operating voltage range 19.2 … 250 V Power consumption AC / DC - / 0.2 W BS13 -G
Power consumption AC / DC 0.55 VA / 0.55 W 2
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC - / 4 mA

Current [A]
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 4 / 7 mA Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC - / 7.3 V
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 14.5 V / 17.5 V
Rated frequency 48 ... 63 Hz 0.5 Insulation

TS 35

0.3 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
Insulation 0.2 Pollution degree 2
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Overvoltage category III
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V]
Pollution degree 2 General data 4 44

Overvoltage category III fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 13 7 55

7 Ambient temperature operation -40 … 70 °C
General data Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1 mm2 Standards and approvals
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 70 °C Module width fig. 2 Standards IEC/EN 60947
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1 mm2 Weight 50 g

Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm 106 Protection degree IP 20 Approvals

Module width fig. 4 Housing material PC
Weight 50 g
Protection degree IP 20 Product references
Housing material PC Types Product reference 12-36
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Switching current [A] DC supply CSV4/DC…V ✓
Product references
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-240 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
UC supply CRV4/UC…V ✓ BS13 -K Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
BS13 -G
(incl. paper)

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Accessories

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
External potentiometer SP-01/100K



External potentiometer SP-01/100K

4 44
13 7 55

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


180 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 181


2.3 Star-Delta Relays

2.3 Star-Delta Relays

Application Type Page

CY Series 2
Star-delta | 24 ... 60 V UC | 110 ... 240 V UC | 1 NO + 1 CO CY1 184

182 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 183

2.3 Star-Delta Relays
Star-delta | 24 ... 60 V UC | 110 ... 240 V UC | 1 NO + 1 CO

Time data
Timing functions Y
Timing range Star time: 0.5 s … 60 s / switchover time 50 ms / 100 ms
Timing scale 6 s / 60 s

Main circuit

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Number of contacts 1 NO + 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage
Rated current
250 V
6A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V
Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Application Type Page

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 110 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve C Series 2
Operating voltage range 20 … 75 V 90 … 265 V 6 Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO C55 186
Power consumption AC / DC 1 VA / 1 W
Rated frequency 48 ... 63 Hz 48 ... 63 Hz 2 Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet AC and DC C55.3 187

Current [A]
Insulation Multifunction | 24 V DC | 1 Mosfet C55.4 188
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.5

Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.3

Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO | Potential-free control C56 189
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Pollution degree 2 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO | Off delay withpout control voltage C64 190
Overvoltage category III Voltage [V]

Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO C83 191

General data fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 10 7
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C AC-1 Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO C85 192
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.4 Nm CS Series
Module width fig. 4

10 6
Weight 76 g Multifunction | 12 … 240 V UC | 1 CO | External potentiometer CS2 193
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Multifunction | 12 … 240 V UC | 2 CO CS3 194

Product references 10 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 RS Series
Types Product reference 24-60 110-240 Switching current [A]

UC supply CY1/UC…V ✓ ✓ Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO | Potential-free control RS 41-M 195

fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

TS 35

Labels BZS DIN 17.5 mm


17,5 5 64 10

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


184 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 185

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
C55 C55.3
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 1 Mosfet AC and DC

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K, W, H, N, M, B, G, F, Q, I, P Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K, W, H, N, M, B, G, F, Q, I, P
3: E, W, H, B, I, P 4: U, V 3: E, W, H, B, I, P 4: U, V
Timing range 0.01 s … 60 d Timing range 0.01 s … 60 d
Timing scale digital Timing scale digital

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 2 CO Number of outputs 1 NO
Contact Material AgNi Output type Mosfet AC and DC
Rated voltage 250 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram Output voltage range 10 … 265 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated current 5A Rated current 0.5 A

Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Minimum load 1 mA, 10 V


+10 V
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms Inrush current 6 A, 2 us
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load AC-1 132 VA
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ∞
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles)

Control circuit
fig. 3
fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Electrical endurance at rated load DC-1 (cycles)

Control circuit

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

5 DC-1
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 110 ... 240 V UC 4 Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 110 ... 240 V UC
Operating voltage range 19 … 75 V 88 … 265 V Operating voltage range 19 … 75 V 88 … 265 V
Power consumption AC / DC 2 VA / 2 W Power consumption AC / DC 2 VA / 2 W

Current [A]
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6.3 / 6.3 mA 4.2 / 4.2 mA 1 Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6.3 / 6.3 mA 4.2 / 4.2 mA LABEL

Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 10 V / 10 V 40 V / 40 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 10 V / 10 V 40 V / 40 V
Rated frequency 48 ... 400 Hz 48 ... 400 Hz Rated frequency 48 ... 400 Hz 48 ... 400 Hz

Insulation Insulation
32 76 8
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Overvoltage category III General data
107 Standards and approvals
AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
General data Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Module width fig. 2 Standards IEC/EN 60947
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Weight 80 g

Module width fig. 4 106 Protection degree IP 20 Approvals

Weight 80 g Housing material PC
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC Product references
0 1 2 3 4 5
Types Product reference 24-60 110-240
Product references Switching current [A]
UC supply C55.3/UC…V ✓ ✓
Types Product reference 24-60 110-240
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
UC supply C55/UC…V ✓ ✓ “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Accessories

Accessories Sockets S3-M


Retaining clip HF-50

Sockets S3-M Transparent front cover FA-50
Retaining clip HF-50 Front panel mounting set FZ-50L
32 76 8
Transparent front cover FA-50
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


186 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 187

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
C55.4 C56
Multifunction | 24 V DC | 1 Mosfet Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO | Potential-free control

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K, W, H, N, M, B, G, F, Q, I, P Timing functions fig. 1 6: E, A, K, W, H, N, M, B, G, F, Q, I, P
3: E, W, H, B, I, P 4: U, V 7: E, W, H, B, I, P 5: U, V
Timing range 0.01 s … 60 d Timing range 0.01 s … 60 d
Timing scale digital Timing scale digital

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Main circuit Main circuit
Number of outputs 1 NO Number of contacts 2 CO
Output type Mosfet Contact Material AgNi
Output voltage range 19 … 30 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated voltage 250 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated current 2A Rated current 5A



+10 V
Minimum load 1 mA, 5 V Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
Inrush current 40 A, 150 us Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms
Mechanical endurance (cycles) ∞ Rated load DC fig. 2
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) ∞ Rated load AC-1 1250 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
Control circuit
Nominal voltage
Operating voltage range
24 V DC
19 … 30 V
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles)

Control circuit
fig. 3
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
5 DC-1
Power consumption AC / DC - / 300 mW Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 110 ... 240 V UC 4
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC - / 5.5 mA Operating voltage range 19 … 75 V 88 … 265 V
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC - / 10 V Power consumption AC / DC 2 VA / 2 W

Current [A]
LABEL Typ. input current on command input AC / DC n.A. 1
Insulation Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC n.A. (10 V from COM)
Pollution degree 2 Rated frequency 48 ... 400 Hz 48 ... 400 Hz

Overvoltage category III
32 76 8
General data Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V]
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min
Module width fig. 2 Pollution degree 2 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Weight 80 g Overvoltage category III
Standards and approvals 10

Protection degree IP 20 AC-1

Housing material PC General data

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Product references Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C

Approvals Module width fig. 4 10

Types Product reference 24

Weight 80 g
DC supply C55.4/DC…V ✓
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. 5
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. 0 1 2 3 4 5
Product references Switching current [A]

Accessories Types Product reference 24-60 110-240

fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
UC supply C56/UC…V ✓ ✓
Sockets S3-M
Retaining clip HF-50 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Transparent front cover FA-50 Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L LABEL


Sockets S3-M
Retaining clip HF-50
32 76 8
Transparent front cover FA-50
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


188 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 189

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
C64 C83
Multifunction | 24 … 60 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC | 2 CO | Off delay withpout control voltage Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO

Time data Time data

Timing functions A, N Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, N, L, F, K, G, B1, Q 3: E, W, H, B
Timing range 0.1 s … 20 min Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 1.2 s / 12 s / 120 s / 20 min Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

Main circuit Main circuit

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Number of contacts 2 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 5A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 8A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Rated load AC-1 2000 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 60 V UC 110 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
5 DC-1 8 DC-1
Operating voltage range 20 ... 75 V 88 ... 265 V 4 Operating voltage range 20 ... 265 V
3 5
Power consumption AC / DC 0.9 VA / 0.9 W 1.2 VA / 1.2 W Power consumption AC / DC 9 VA / 1.6 W
Rated frequency 48 ... 400 Hz 48 ... 400 Hz Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6.5 / 3.5 mA

Current [A]

Current [A]
1 Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V / 18 V
Insulation Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.5
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Insulation 0.3
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Pollution degree 2 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Overvoltage category III Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]
Overvoltage category III
General data fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 7
General data 107
10 AC-1
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C AC-1 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Module width fig. 4 Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Weight 75 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 60 g

106 106
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC

Product references
Types Product reference 24-60 110-240 Product references
UC supply C64/UC…V ✓ ✓
0 1 2 3 4 5
Types Product reference 24-240 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
UC supply C83/UC…V ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Sockets S3-M
Retaining clip HF-50 Sockets S7-C


Transparent front cover FA-50

Front panel mounting set FZ-50L
32 76

22 68

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

190 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 191

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
C85 CS2
Multifunction | 24 … 240 V UC | 1 CO Multifunction | 12 … 240 V UC | 1 CO | External potentiometer

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 2: F, G, Q, I, P 3: H, I, P Timing functions fig. 1 1: E, W, B, B2 2: A, E, K, N
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h

Main circuit Main circuit

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 8A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 8A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V EXT POT
Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms Inrush current 30 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Rated load AC-1 2000 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 12 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve 2
10 10
8 DC-1 8 DC-1
Operating voltage range 20 ... 265 V Operating voltage range 10.2 ... 265 V
5 5
Power consumption AC / DC 9 VA / 1.6 W Power consumption AC / DC 0.9 VA / 1.6 W
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6.5 / 3 mA Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6 / 2 mA

Current [A]
2 2
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 18 V / 18 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 6.5 V / 7 V

Current [A]
1 1
Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz
0.5 0.5

Insulation 0.3 Insulation

Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.2 Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.2

Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min 0.1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]
Pollution degree 2 Voltage [V]
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
General data 107
General data 10

AC-1 AC-1
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 4 Module width fig. 4
Weight 63 g Weight 75 g

Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20 106

Housing material PC Housing material PC


Product references Product references

Types Product reference 24-240 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Types Product reference 12-240 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
UC supply C85/UC…V ✓ Switching current [A] UC supply CS2/UC…V ✓ Switching current [A]

fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories

Sockets S7-C External potentiometer SP-01/1M


Sockets S3-M
Retaining clip HF-50
7 Transparent front cover FA-50
32 76 8
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L
22 68

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

192 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 193

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable 2.4 Time Relays - pluggable
CS3 RS 41-M
Multifunction | 12 … 240 V UC | 2 CO Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 220 … 240 V AC | 1 CO | Potential-free control

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E, W, B, B2 2: A, E, K, N Timing functions fig. 1 4: E, 5: A, 6: K, 1: W, I
Timing range 50 ms … 60 h Timing range 0.1 s … 15 min
Timing scale 0.6 s / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 6 h / 60 h Timing scale 1.5 s / 15 s / 15 min

Main circuit Main circuit

2.4 Time Relays - pluggable

Number of contacts 2 CO Number of contacts 1 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 6A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current 6A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Rated load AC-1 1500 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Control circuit
Nominal voltage 12 ... 240 V UC
fig. 2. DC load limit curve Control circuit
Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC 220 … 240 V AC
6 DC-1
Operating voltage range 10.2 ... 265 V 5
Operating voltage range 19 … 53 V UC 187 … 265 V AC
Power consumption AC / DC 0.9 VA / 1.6 W 3 Power consumption AC / DC 0.48 VA / 0.48 W 2.4 VA / 2.4 W
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 6 / 2 mA 2
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC n.A.
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 6.5 V / 7 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC n.A. (8 V from Terminal 4)

Current [A]

Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz 45 ... 63 Hz fig. 2. DC load limit curve

Insulation Insulation DC-1
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 5

Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2.5 kV rms / 1 min 0.1 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2

Current [A]
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V] Pollution degree 2
Pollution degree 2 Overvoltage category III 1

Overvoltage category III fig. 3. AC voltage endurance 0.5

7 General data 0.3
General data Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 0.2
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Module width fig. 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Voltage [V]
Module width fig. 4 Weight 75 g

Weight 75 g 106 Protection degree IP 20 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance

Protection degree IP 20 Housing material PC
Housing material PC
Product references
Product references 5 Types Product reference 24-48 220-240
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Types Product reference 12-240 Switching current [A] UC supply RS 41-M/UFK UC…V ✓

UC supply CS3/UC…V ✓
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) AC supply RS 41-M/ATX AC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Accessories LABEL
Accessories Switching current [A]

fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)


Sockets S3-M Sockets S3-M

Retaining clip HF-50 Retaining clip HF-50
Transparent front cover FA-50
32 76 8
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947

Standards and approvals


Standards IEC/EN 60947

194 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 195

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches

Application Type Page

CPU Series 2
Digital timer | 230 V AC | 1 CO CPU 198

QSU Series
Mechanical timer | 230 V AC | 1 CO QSU 199

EDS Series
Mechanical timer | 230 V AC | 1 CO EDS17 200

Mechanical timer | 230 V AC | 1 CO EDS35 201

196 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 197

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches 2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches
Digital Timer 16 A / 230 V AC-1 Mechanical timer 16 A / 230 V AC-1

Mechanical day Mechanical week
Digital Weekly Digital Weekly Digital Weekly Digital Weekly timer timer
Menu-guided timer, Timer menu-driv- timer Timer two-channel
multilingual en, two-channel, Time schedule Day Week

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches

multilingual Memory Space 1 1
Shortest switching
Time program Week, cycle and random program Week Week time 30 min 30 min
Permanent operation and holiday Summer / winter-
program | pulse 1...99 s | Automatic time changeover - -
leap year correction | Hour meter and power reverse 150 h 150 h
maintenance program | External input for Number of con-
switch or button tacts 1 1
Load AC-1 16 A / 230 V 16 A / 230 V
Memory Spaces 64 64 20 20 Operating voltage 230 V AC 230 V AC
Shortest switching Operating temper-
1 min 1 min 1 sec 1 sec ature 0…+50 °C 0…+50 °C
time changeover automatic automatic automatic automatic
Power reverse 6 Years 6 Years 15 Days 15 Days
Number of con-
tacts 1 2 1 2 Specifications
Load AC-1 16 A / 230 V 16 A / 230 V 16 A / 230 V 16 A / 230 V Protection degree IP 20
Operating voltage 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC Weight 134 g
Operating temper-
ature 0…+50 °C 0…+50 °C -10…+50 °C -10…+50 °C
(No ice) (No ice) Product References
AC 230 V QSU 35 U/AC230V
Specifications QSU 35 WU/AC230V
Protection degree IP 20
Weight 163 g

Product References
AC 230 V CPU 35 WU-JS/AC230V
CPU 35 W2U-JS/AC230V

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

198 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 199

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches 2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches
Twilight switch 16 A / 230 V AC-1 Twilight switch 16 A / 230 V AC-1

Specifications Specifications
Setting ranges 0…100 Lux Setting ranges 0…100 Lux
0…1000 Lux 0…1000 Lux
OFF 0…10000 Lux
Permanent light

2.5 Timers & Twilight Switches

Turn-on delay 15 s Turn-on delay 8s
Off-delay 30 s Off-delay 38 s
Number of contacts 1 Number of contacts 1
Load AC-1 16 A / 230 V Load AC-1 16 A / 230 V
Operating voltage 230 V AC Operating voltage 230 V AC
Operating temperatur -10…55 °C (No ice) Operating temperatur -10…55 °C (No ice)
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Weight 100 g Weight 234 g

Product References Product References

AC 230 V

EDS17A/AC230V AC 230 V

EDS35 /AC230V
Light sensor EDS/LF Light sensor EDS/LF

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

200 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 201


2.6 Time Cubes

2.6 Time Cubes

Application Type Page

CT Series 2
Single function | multivoltage CT2 204

Single function | multivoltage CT3 205

202 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 203

2.6 Time Cubes 2.6 Time Cubes
Single function | multivoltage Single function | multivoltage

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 1: E, B 2: A, K 3: W Timing functions fig. 1 1: E, B 2: A, K 3: W
Timing range 0.2 s … 30 min Timing range 0.2 s … 30 min
Timing scale 3 s / 30 s / 3 min / 30 min Timing scale 3 s / 30 s / 3 min / 30 min

Control circuit 1 / 2 Control circuit 1 / 2

Operating voltage range 9.5 … 18 V DC 20 … 65 V UC 90 … 150 V UC Operating voltage range 9.5 … 18 V DC 20 … 65 V UC 90 … 150 V UC
Power consumption AC / DC 0.2 VA / W 0.4 VA / W 0.3 VA / W Power consumption AC / DC 0.2 VA / W 0.4 VA / W 0.3 VA / W
Typ. input current on command input AC / DC - / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA Typ. input current on command input AC / DC - / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA
fig. 1. Wiring diagram fig. 1. Wiring diagram

2.6 Time Cubes

Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 9 V 18 V 75 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 9 V 18 V 75 V

Control circuit 2 / 2 Control circuit 2 / 2

Operating voltage range 180 … 265 V UC 90 … 265 V UC 413 586 Operating voltage range 180 … 265 V UC 90 … 265 V UC 4 1 3 5 6 7 8119

Power consumption AC / DC 0.5 VA / W 0.5 VA / W Power consumption AC / DC 0.5 VA / W 0.5 VA / W

Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 0.2 / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA CT2 Typ. input current on command input AC / DC 0.2 / 0.2 mA 0.2 / 0.2 mA

41 3
58 6

41 3
56 7
8 11 9
7 2 10 <
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 140 V 75 V Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 140 V 75 V

A2 A1 A2 A1
7 2 7 2

General data Socket + General data Socket +

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C

Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 35 g Weight 35 g
Protection degree IP 20 7654 Protection degree IP 20 7654

32 1

32 1
10 9 8

10 9 8
Housing material PC 6 Housing material PC 6
5 7 5 7
4 8 4 8
Product references Product references


3 9 3 9
2 10 2 10
Types Product reference S DC9.5-18 L UC20-65 M 90-150 U 180-265 H 90-265 1 11 Types Product reference S DC9.5-18 L UC20-65 M 90-150 U 180-265 H 90-265 1 11

Off delay CT2-A30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Off delay CT3-A30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

35 25 35 25
Blinker CT2-B30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ Blinker CT3-B30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓

On delay CT2-E30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ On delay CT3-E30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓

Pulse shaping, one shot CT2-K30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pulse shaping, one shot CT3-K30/…V ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Accessories Accessories
Approvals Approvals

Sockets S2-B, S2-PO Sockets S3-M

Retaining clip HF-33 Retaining clip HF-33

204 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 205


2.7 Time Modules

2.7 Time Modules

Application Type Page

CT Series 2
Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 110 V DC CT32R 209

Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 115 V UC | 230 V UC CT33R 210

Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC CT36R 211

206 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 207

2.7 Time Modules
Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 110 V DC

Time data
Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K, N, B1 3: E, W, B
Timing range 1.5 s / 6 s / 15 s / 60 s / 1.5 min / 6 min / 15 min / 60 min
The modular ComatReleco timer CT System Timing scale 0.15 s … 60 min
The time delay relays and monitoring relays consist of plug-in CT electron-
ic modules and 11 pole output relays. Both system components can be Control circuit
combined in a variety of combinations. This allows adapting the system for Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC 110 V DC
the specific application. Operating voltage range 19 … 60 V 77 … 138 V
Subsequent modifications, for example a change from mechanical con- Power consumption AC / DC 0.3 VA / 0.3 W - / 0.3 W

2.7 Time Modules

tacts to solid-state outputs, are possible at any time just by replacing the
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 9 V 60 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
This system provides the user a complete universal system with worldwide
unmatched flexibility. General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Module width fig. 2
Weight 25 g

The system sockets S3-M0 or C-155 serve as a basis for the secure The standard contacts have proven its reliability for high switching
Protection degree
Housing material
IP 20
PC 2
reception of the electronic modules. The sockets have a 4 pole module current applications over many years. The contact material AgNi permits
slot in which the CT modules lock firmly and vibration proof also without a wide switching range and due to the large dimensioning they are de- Product references
the output relay. Contact is made with reliable twin knife contacts. signed for a high number of switching cycles. The high breaking capac- Types Product reference 24-48 110
ity of up to 10 A /400 V and a low load switching capability of 12V/10mA fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
With the A2 connector bridge "C-A2", the neutral conductor (N / -) can be DC supply CT32R/DC…V ✓
connected from socket to socket. It reduces wiring work considerably. makes the contact suitable for the use in main circuits as well as for low
voltage applications. UC supply CT32R/UC…V ✓
Robust terminals for wires up to 4 mm2 and spacious labelling are other
advantages of this practical ComatReleco modular system.
The twin contacts are switching the load circuit with 2 independent “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Clear markings close to the terminal connections on the sockets make it 16

easy to identify the connections for wiring and servicing. contact tongues. The switching safety for low currents is therefore Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. 4

100 times higher compared to a single contact relay. Despite the high

switching capacity of up to 6A / 250 V, these contacts are very suitable Accessories
The CT modules are proof of the practical oriented experiences of Co- to switch low currents and voltages up to 1mA /6V.
matReleco in the field of industrial electronics. All control and display el-
ements are arranged easy accessible at all times on the front side of the Sockets S3-M0, S5-M
modules. The functions and settings are self-explanatory schematically The solid-state relays are an alternative to mechanical relays. In the Transparent front cover FS-C
illustrated on the front and allow to review the set values also during standard version, the relay has a potential-free universal semiconductor 38 4 20 54

operation. output for AC or DC loads. The advantage is a bouncing- and wear-

free, overload resistant, short circuit protected output with a practical
A transparent cover over the module setting components provides pro- unlimited life cycle.
tection from unintentional settings and additionally links the module to Standards and approvals
the output relay. Solid-state relays are specially recommended for applications of high
switching cycles, for example for repeat cycle timers, flushing lights, but
Triggering is performed with the operating voltage. (L1 or +). No poten- also for high inductive switching loads of solenoid valves, couplings, Standards IEC/EN 50155
tial-free contacts are therefore required. The triggering complies to ma- motors, etc. The solid state relays are also suitable for capacitive loads,
chine standards. Parallel connection to B1 is admissible. for example long power lines, or compensated lighting circuits. Approvals
Additional protection circuits of the output or of the load are not neces-
The wide UC voltage range (AC/DC) of the modules give a wide flexi- sary in any application for this type of ComatReleco relays.
bility. It permits the connection to AC or DC supplies and provides a high The solid-state relays are insensitive in any aggressive environment such
level of reliability in triggering. as chemical plants, sewage plants etc. and are therefore an excellent
Note: In case of even wider voltage ranges, for example UC 24-240V, choice for the employment in such environments.
triggering currents on B1 are often in the range of 100µA with simul-
taneous low threshold voltages of less than 20V. Due to capacitive or
inductive pick-ups this may lead to unintentional triggering or switching
errors caused by insufficient load on the control contacts (It is not seldom
that 50V or more can be measured in open lines).

The output relays show the connection diagram and the technical val-
ues on the front side, (exception C3 and C5 relays). A colour code in-
dicates an AC coil with red and a DC coil with blue colour. Most of the
relays have a lockable test button for manual operation.

The train symbol indicates products available in a special railway execution according EN 50155.
Please refer to our special railway brochure for details.

208 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 209

2.7 Time Modules 2.7 Time Modules
Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 115 V UC | 230 V UC Multifunction | 24 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC

Time data Time data

Timing functions fig. 1 2: E, A, K, N, B1, F, G, Q, L 3: E, W, B, H Timing functions I, P
Timing range 150 ms / 600 ms / 1.5 s / 6 s / 15 s / 60 s / 1.5 min / 6 Timing range 600 ms / 6 s / 60 s / 6 min / 60 min / 60 h
min / 60 min / 1.5 h / 6 h / 15 h / 60 h Timing scale 50 ms … 60 h
Timing scale 30 ms … 60 h
Control circuit
Control circuit Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC
Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC 115 V UC 230 V UC Operating voltage range 19 … 60 V 82 … 265 V
Operating voltage range 19 … 60 V 90 … 150 V 180 … 265 V Power consumption AC / DC 0.3 VA / 0.3 W 1 VA / 1 W

2.7 Time Modules

Power consumption AC / DC 0.3 VA / 0.3 W 0.5 VA / 0.5 W 1 VA / 1 W fig. 1. Wiring diagram fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. threshold voltage on command input AC / DC 9 V 60 V 100 V General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
General data Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Module width fig. 2
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Weight 25 g
Module width fig. 2 Protection degree IP 20
Protection degree
Housing material
25 g
IP 20
Housing material

Product references
Types Product reference 24-48 110-240
Product references
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) UC supply CT36R/UC…V ✓ ✓ fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 24-48 115 230
UC supply CT33R/UC…V ✓ ✓ ✓ “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
16 16
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. 4 Accessories 4


Accessories Sockets S3-M0, S5-M
Transparent front cover FS-C
Sockets S3-M0, S5-M
Transparent front cover FS-C
38 4 20 54 38 4 20 54

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 50155 Standards IEC/EN 50155

Approvals Approvals

210 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 211


2.8 Timing Relay Acessories

2.8 Timing Relay Accessories

Application Type Page

Accessories 2
Potentiometer | 100 kΩ | 1 MΩ | 0.2 W SP-01 214

Label BZS DIN 17.5 mm 215

Retaining clip | Steel HF-32 216

Retaining clip | Steel HF-33 217

Retaining clip | Steel HF-50 218

Transparent front cover FA-50 219

Front panel mounting set | Socket S3-L | Retaining clip FZ-50L 220

Transparent front cover FS-C 221

212 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 213

2.8 Timing Relay Accessories 2.8 Timing Relay Accessories
SP-01 BZS DIN 17.5 mm
Potentiometer | 100 kΩ | 1 MΩ | 0.2 W Label

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Housing material PC
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm
Module width fig. 1 Product references

2.8 Timing Relay Acessories

Weight 85 g Types Product reference
Protection degree IP 65
Label BZS DIN 17.5 mm

Product references fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)

Types Product reference 100k 1M
Potentiometer SP-01/ ✓ ✓
5 6 1MΩ
4 7 100KΩ

3 8 1 2 3
“...” list resistance to complete product references. 2 9
1 10

Ø 22…23

30 55 36

214 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 215

2.8 Timing Relay Accessories 2.8 Timing Relay Accessories
HF-32 HF-33
Retaining clip | Steel Retaining clip | Steel

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 1 Module width fig. 1
Weight 2g Weight 2g
Housing material Steel Housing material Steel

2.8 Timing Relay Acessories

Product references Product references
Types Product reference Types Product reference
fig. 1. Dimensions
Wiring diagram
(mm) fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
Retaining clip HF-32 Retaining clip HF-33

HF-32 HF-33



216 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 217

2.8 Timing Relay Accessories 2.8 Timing Relay Accessories
HF-50 FA-50
Retaining clip | Steel Transparent front cover

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 1 Module width fig. 1
Weight 2g Weight 5g
Housing material Steel Housing material PC

2.8 Timing Relay Acessories

Product references Product references
Types Product reference Types Product reference
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm) fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
Retaining clip HF-50 Transparent front cover FA-50



218 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 219

2.8 Timing Relay Accessories 2.8 Timing Relay Accessories
Front panel mounting set | Socket S3-L | Retaining clip Transparent front cover

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 1 Module width fig. 1
Weight 40 g Weight 5g
Housing material PC

2.8 Timing Relay Acessories

Product references
Product references Types Product reference
Types Product reference Transparent front cover, 5 psc FS-C/5 (BEUTEL/UNIT 5 STK/PCS)
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm) fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
Front panel mounting set FZ-50L



45 +0.6

33 +0.6

1.5 .. 5

36 22 68 18
FZ-50 L


45 + 0.6

33 +0.6

1.5 .. 5

36 22 68 18

220 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 221


3 Monitoring & Measuring Devices

3 Monitoring & Measuring Devices


222 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 223

3 Monitoring & Measuring Devices
Monitoring relays features














Monitoring One phase voltage monitoring ● ● ● ●
Three phase voltage monitoring ● ● ● ● ●
Four channel voltage measuring ●
DC Voltage monitoring ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 3.1 Energy Measuring Device
One phase current monitoring ● ● ●
Three phase current monitoring ● ● ●
Four channel current measuring ●
DC current monitoring ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Application Type Page
Phase failure ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

3.1 Energy Measuring Device

Phase sequence monitoring MRE Series
Phase angle monitoring / measuring* ● ● ● ● ● ● Energy measuring | 4 voltage channels | 4 current channels MRE-44S 227
Differential voltage monitoring / measuring* ● ● ●
Neutral failure monitoring ● ● ●
Frequency monitoring / measuring* ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Apparent power monitoring / measuring* ● ● ● ● ●
Active power monitoring / measuring* ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
Power factor monitoring / measuring*
Active energy measuring ●
THDI / THDU measuring ●
PTC monitoring ●
Earth failure monitoring ●
Functions Treshold exceeded "over" fig. 3. ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Theshold undershot "under" fig. 4. ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Window function "inside" fig. 2. ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Window function "outside" fig.1. ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Alarm on-delay ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Alarm off-delay ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●
Error storage function ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Threshold selectable ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Threshold fixed ● ● ●
Power Supply isolated from measuring circuit ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Supply from measure circuit ● ● ● ● ● ●
Mounting DIN rail mounting ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Housing according IEC/EN 43880
(electrical distribution mounting) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Plug-in (socket mounting) ● ● ● ● ●
*Measuring: MRE-44S only fig. 1. Outside fig. 2. Inside fig. 3. Over fig. 4. Under

Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm Alarm A Alarm Alarm A

Alarm ok hysteresis

224 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 225

3.1 Energy Measuring Device 3.1 Energy Measuring Device
MRE-44S | Energy measuring Energy measuring | 4 voltage channels | 4 current channels

Power supply
Overview of features Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 18 … 30 V DC
Power consumption AC/DC -/5W
Due to its compact size and the use of interface technolo- voltage 0.05) and numerous features that can be ena- analysis and comprehensive recording of harmonics
gies such as Modbus TCP, the MRE is perfectly suited for bled – such as an expansion of the grid frequency range up to 50 kHz. Monitoring of individual loads or entire Measuring circuit
use in installations with multiple loads that require mon- from 15  Hz to 400  Hz, a complete power quality analy- grids allows for the identification of PQ problems or Measured parameters U, I, f, P, Q, S, E, THDU, THDI
Number of voltage measurement inputs 4
itoring. To do so, one meter is connected to each corre- sis and the analysis of harmonics up to 50 kHz – it can the monitoring of critical components.
Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V AC / 400 V AC
sponding power terminal or load to be measured. be used flexibly for nearly all measuring tasks related to • Continuous management through an integrated web
AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 5 … 276 V AC / 5 … 480 V AC fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Thanks to precise measurements and sophisticated cal- electrical infrastructure in industrial settings as well as browser for visualisation and parameterisation. Quick Number of current measurement inputs 4
culation processes, the MRE records highly precise values office and administrative buildings. access to all relevant data at all times via mobile de- Rated measurement current 5A V+ V- 01+ 01- I1 I2 I3 GND A B

24V I/O RS485

for the electrical quantities, regardless of the type of load vices or laptops, and without additional software. Measurement current range 0.005 … 6 A LAN/PoE MRE

or the grid situation (e.g. power electronics providers). • High-precision measuring, recording and archiving of • Sophisticated data recording via the data logger al- Max. current 60 A, 1 s Voltage Current

Rated base frequency 30 … 65 Hz V1 V2 V3 VN PE I1k I1l I2k I2l I3k I3l INk INl

It can be used in all conventional systems operating at all important electrical variables. For the identification lows for long-term analyses in high resolution and
Harmonic frequency < 10 kHz
16.7 Hz, 50 Hz and 60 Hz. of savings potentials and deviations in the context of can also be used for statistical data analysis and fault Sampling frequency per measurement channel 20 kS / s

3.1 Energy Measuring Device

energy management as per DIN EN ISO 50001. prognosis. Bandwith per measurement channel 10 kHz L1
k l
k l
L2 L2

As a result of the high accuracy grade (current 0.1, • Monitoring of power quality (PQ) through complete PQ Accuracy class voltage [U] 0.05 L3
k l

Accuracy class current [I] 0.5 N

k l

Accuracy class frequency [f] 0.02 PE PE

Accuracy class power factor [cosPhi] 0.5

Accuracy class active power [P] 0.1 Connection diagrams for other networks in the
Areas of application Key areas Conformity / Standards Accuracy class active energy [E] 0.2 technical data sheet.

Accuracy class reactive power [Q] 1 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

Accuracy class apparent power [S] 0.2
• Industry • Modular measurement for multiple outlets • IEC 61557-12
• Infrastructure • Accuracy class 0.1 for electricity and 0.05 for voltage in accordance with • IEC 61000-4-15
• Testing devices
• Service sector
IEC 61557-12
• High flexibility and intuitive operation
• IEC 61000-4-30
• ISO  14025
Number of analogue / digital inputs
Nominal voltage digital inputs
24 V DC
• Public sector • Plug and Play


High level threshold digital Inputs 11.5 V DC
• PQ functionality in accordance with IEC 61000-4-30
Nominal range analogue inputs 0 … 10 V
• Flickermeter in accordance with IEC 61000-4-15
Resolution of analogue inputs 12 Bit
• Records harmonics in current and voltage 88 4.5 44

• Highly precise measurements in the additional frequency range Outputs
Number of transistor outputs 1
Rated voltage 60 V DC
Rated current 350 mA Standards and approvals

Discovery Tool Web server Flexible Interfaces Standards IEC/EN 61000-6-2:2005,

Hardware interfaces Ethernet, RS 485 IEC/EN 61000-6-3:2007,
Protocols Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU IEC/EN 61557-12, IEC/EN 61000-4-15,
The MRE is configured with a preset IP address upon The integrated web server provides a clear interface for • Simplified wiring with PoE
Transfer rate 100 Mbit, 19200 Baud IEC/EN 61000-4-30
delivery. With the free discovery tool, the device can configuring the MRE for each individual application. In just • Measurements close to load (transformer and meter)
easily be located from any computer in all networks. a few clicks, the MRE can be configured for the circuit • Data logging and customised dashboards via optional Insulation Approvals
No special knowledge is required, nor is it necessary to be measured. The integrated search function allows data logger Rated insulation voltage 300 V
to modify the communication parameters of your own the desired parameters to be found quickly. Important • Full PQ functionality and individual protective func- Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III
computer. Whether you are using a fixed IP address or variables can be added to a favourites list and displayed tions can be optionally integrated
DHCP, the discovery tool allows the basic settings of the graphically. Two access levels protect the device from un- • Transformers of various accuracy grades available as General data
MRE's communication interface to be configured as re- authorised access and ensure a high degree of security. accessories Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
quired. Ambient temperature operation -25 … 55° C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm
Module width fig. 2
Weight 120 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC

Product references
Types Product reference 24
Energy measuring MRE-44S/DC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

226 | WoR 1 Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. WoR 1 | 227

3.2 Multifunction Monitoring

Application Type Page

MRM Series

3.2 Multifunction Monitoring

Single phase multifunction monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRM11, MRM11R 230

Three phase multifunction monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRM32, MRM32R 231

228 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 229

3.2 Multifunction Monitoring 3.2 Multifunction Monitoring
Single phase multifunction monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC Three phase multifunction monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC
Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V
Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters U, I, P, S, f, Cosϕ Measured parameters U, I, P, S, f, Cosϕ, ΔPhi, phase sequence
Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 V / 0.1 A / 1 W / 1 VA / 0.1 Hz / 0.01 Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 V / 0.1 A / 1 W / 1 VA / 0.1 Hz / 0.01 / 1°
Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside fig. 1. Wiring diagram Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside, phase sequence, phase failure fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Number of voltage measurement inputs 1 N L Number of voltage measurement inputs 3 N L1 L2 L3

Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / - U– U– I– U/I+

Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / 400 V U– U– I1– U/I1+

AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 0.1 … 480 V AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 0.1 … 480 V
Rated DC voltage U+-U- 300 V Rated DC voltage U+-U- 300 V I2– U/I2+ I3– U/I3+




DC voltage measurement range U+-U- ±0.1 … 690 V 15 16 18 DC voltage measurement range U+-U- ±0.1 … 690 V AL1 AL2
15 16 18 25 26 28

Undervoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC Undervoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC
A1 A2 A1 A2
Overvoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC Overvoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC
Number of current measurement inputs 1 fig. 2. DC load limit curve Number of current measurement inputs 3 fig. 2. DC load limit curve

3.2 Multifunction Monitoring

Rated measurement current 5A 10 Rated measurement current 5A 10
DC-1 DC-1
Measurement current range 0.1 … 6 A 6 Measurement current range 0.1 … 6 A 6
5 5
Undercurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A Undercurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A
Overcurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A Overcurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Rated base frequency 15 … 150 Hz Rated base frequency 15 … 150 Hz
1 1
Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s
Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s 0.5 Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s 0.5
0.3 0.3
Main circuit 0.2 Main circuit 0.2

Number of contacts 1 CO 0.1 Number of contacts 2 CO 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Contact Material AgNi Voltage [V]
Contact Material AgNi Voltage [V]
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 6A fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Rated current 6A fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 107 AC-1
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 107 AC-1
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Rated load AC-1 1500 VA
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
106 106
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3

Insulation Insulation
Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min 105 Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min 105
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Switching current [A]
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Switching current [A]
Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Rated test voltage main / main circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min
Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III
General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C General data
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm
Weight 107 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 125 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20
Standards and approvals Housing material PC Standards and approvals
Product references
Types Product reference 12-48 110-240 Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730, Product references Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730,
IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545, Types Product reference 12-48 110-240 IEC/EN 50155, IEC/EN 45545,
Single phase monitoring MRM11/UC…V ✓ ✓
IEC/EN 43880 IEC/EN 43880
Single phase monitoring, railway version MRM11R/UC…V ✓ ✓ Three phase monitoring MRM32/UC…V ✓ ✓

Approvals Three phase monitoring, railway version MRM32R/UC…V ✓ ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. WoR 1 | 231

3.3 Voltage Monitoring

Application Type Page

MRU Series

3.3 Voltage Monitoring

Single phase voltage monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRU11 234

Three phase voltage monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRU32 235

MV Series
Single phase voltage monitoring | 115 V AC | 230 V AC MV53 236

SSU Series
Three phase + N voltage monitoring | 400 V AC SSU34 237

232 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 233

3.3 Voltage Monitoring 3.3 Voltage Monitoring
Single phase voltage monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC Three phase voltage monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC
Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V
Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters U, f Measured parameters U, f, ΔPhi, phase sequence
Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 V / 0.1 Hz Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 V / 0.1 Hz / 0.01
Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside fig. 1. Wiring diagram Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside, phase sequence, phase failure fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Number of voltage measurement inputs 1 N L Number of voltage measurement inputs 3 N L1 L2 L3

Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / - Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / 400 V U– U– U1+
U– U– U+
AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 0.1 … 480 V AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 0.1 … 480 V
Rated DC voltage U+-U- 300 V Rated DC voltage U+-U- 300 V U2+ U3+



DC voltage measurement range U+-U- ±0.1 … 690 V DC voltage measurement range U+-U- ±0.1 … 690 V

15 16 18 15 16 18 25 26 28

Undervoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC Undervoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC
A1 A2
A1 A2
Overvoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC Overvoltage setting range 0.1 … 480 V AC / ±0.1 … 690 V DC
Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s fig. 2. DC load limit curve Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s 10 Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s 10
DC-1 DC-1

3.3 Voltage Monitoring

6 6
5 5
Main circuit Main circuit
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 2 CO

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi
1 1
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
Rated current 6A 0.5 Rated current 6A 0.5
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 0.3 Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 0.3
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms 0.2 Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms 0.2

Rated load DC fig. 2 0.1 Rated load DC fig. 2 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Voltage [V]
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Voltage [V]
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
107 AC-1 107 AC-1
Insulation Insulation
Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
106 106
Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage main / main circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min

Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min
Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2
105 Overvoltage category III 105
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
General data Switching current [A] Switching current [A]
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C General data
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm
Weight 107 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 125 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC
Product references
Types Product reference 12-48 110-240 Product references

Single phase monitoring MRU11/UC…V ✓ ✓ Types Product reference 12-48 110-240

Three phase monitoring MRU32/UC…V ✓ ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Standards and approvals “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Standards and approvals
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730, Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730,
IEC/EN 43880 IEC/EN 43880

Approvals Approvals

234 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 235

3.3 Voltage Monitoring 3.3 Voltage Monitoring
MV53 SSU34
Single phase voltage monitoring | 115 V AC | 230 V AC Three phase + N voltage monitoring | 400 V AC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 230 V AC Nominal voltage 400 V AC
Operating voltage range 149 … 270 V Operating voltage range 240 … 495 V
Power consumption AC/DC 2.3 VA / - Power consumption AC/DC 1.5 VA
Rated frequency 45 … 65 Hz Rated frequency 50 Hz

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters U Measured parameters U, ΔPhi, Δf
Monitoring functions Under, over Monitoring functions Under, over, phase failure, phase sequence
Number of voltage measurement inputs 1 (A1 / A2) fig. 1. Wiring diagram Number of voltage measurement inputs 4 (L1 / L2 / L3 / N) fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / - Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / 400 V
AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 149 … 270 V AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 160 … 275 V / 280 … 480 V

Installation to
be protected
Undervoltage setting range 149 … 218 V Undervoltage setting range 160 … 225 V / 280 … 390 V
Overvoltage setting range 236 … 270 V Overvoltage setting range 235 … 275 V / 410 … 480 V
Rated base frequency 45 … 65 Hz Voltage difference setting range L-L 20 … 100 V 35 … 173 V
Rated base frequency 50 Hz DO NOT CONNECT AT THE SAME TIME:
Neutral conductor N and bridge L3-l!
Main circuit Frequency difference setting range L-L 3 … 15 Hz
Number of contacts 1 CO fig. 2. DC load limit curve Phase angle difference setting range L-L 3 … 15° fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Contact Material AgNi Alarm delay 0.2 … 5 s
6 5 DC-1

3.3 Voltage Monitoring

Rated voltage 250 V 5 4
Rated current 6A Main circuit
Minimum load 10 mA, 5 V 2 Number of contacts 2 CO

Current [A]
Current [A]
Inrush current 20 A, 20 ms 1 Contact Material AgNi 1
Rated load DC fig. 2 Rated voltage 250 V
0.5 0.5
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Rated current 5A
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 2 x 107 0.3
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V
0.2 0.2
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms
0.1 Rated load DC fig. 2 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Insulation Voltage [V] Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Voltage [V]
Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Pollution degree 2
107 10

Overvoltage category III AC-1 Insulation AC-1

Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min
General data 10
6 Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min

Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Pollution degree 2
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2 105 Overvoltage category III
Nominal screw torque 0.8 Nm
Module width fig. 4 General data
Weight 80 g 104 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 105
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5
Protection degree IP 20 Switching current [A] Ambient temperature operation -10 … 60 °C Switching current [A]
Housing material PC Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Product references Module width fig. 4
Types Product reference 230 Weight 350 g
Protection degree IP 20
Single phase monitoring MV53/AC…V ✓
Housing material PC

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. 6 5

Product references



Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].


Types Product reference 400

Three phase monitoring SSU34/AC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. 50 5 105

22,5 70 2 Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60065 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

236 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 237


3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable

Application Type Page

3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable

SSU Series
Phase sequence monitoring | 400 V AC SSU31 240

Three phase + N voltage monitoring | 230 V AC | 400 V AC SSU33L 241

238 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 239

3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable 3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable
Phase sequence monitoring | 400 V AC Three phase + N voltage monitoring | 230 V AC | 400 V AC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 400 V AC Nominal voltage 230 V AC 400 V AC
Operating voltage range 320 … 480 V Operating voltage range 160 … 275 V 280 … 480 V
Power consumption AC/DC 10 VA Power consumption AC/DC 3 VA
Rated frequency 45 … 65 Hz Rated frequency 50 Hz

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters U Measured parameters U, ΔPhi, Δf
Monitoring functions Under, phase failure, phase sequence Monitoring functions Under, over, phase failure, phase sequence
Number of voltage measurement inputs 3 (L1 / L2 / L3) fig. 1. Wiring diagram Number of voltage measurement inputs 4 (L1 / L2 / L3 / N) 3 (L1 / L2 / L3) fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L - / 400 V Rated AC voltage L-N / L-L 230 V / 400 V - / 400 V
AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 320 … 400 V AC voltage measurement range L-N / L-L 160 … 275 V 280 … 480 V
Undervoltage setting range ≤ 320 V Undervoltage setting range ≤ 160 V ≤ 280 V
Rated base frequency 45 … 65 Hz Overvoltage setting range ≥ 275 V ≥ 480 V
Voltage difference setting range L-L 20 … 100 V 35 … 173 V
Main circuit Rated base frequency 50 Hz

3.4 Voltage Monitoring - pluggable

Number of contacts 1 CO L3 Frequency difference setting range L-L 3 … 15 Hz
Contact Material AgNi fig. 2. DC load limit curve Phase angle difference setting range L-L 3 … 15° fig. 2. DC load limit curve
Rated voltage 250 V 10 Alarm delay 0.2 … 5 s 10
DC-1 DC-1
Rated current 6A 6 6
5 5
Minimum load 10 mA, 5 V Main circuit
Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms Number of contacts 1 CO

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Rated load DC fig. 2 Contact Material AgNi
1 1
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Rated voltage 250 V
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 0.5 Rated current 6A 0.5
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 0.3 Minimum load 10 mA, 5 V 0.3
0.2 Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms 0.2

Insulation 0.1 Rated load DC fig. 2 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V]
Rated load AC-1 1500 VA Voltage [V]
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min fig. 3. AC voltage endurance Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Pollution degree 2 10
AC-1 AC-1
Overvoltage category III Insulation
Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
General data Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min

106 106
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Pollution degree 2
Module width fig. 4 Overvoltage category III
Weight 300 g
Protection degree IP 20 General data
Housing material PC 10
5 Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Switching current [A]
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Switching current [A]
Product references Module width fig. 4
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Weight 300 g fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 400
Protection degree IP 20
Three phase monitoring SSU31/AC…V ✓
Housing material PC

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Product references
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Types Product reference 230 400

Accessories Three phase monitoring SSU33L/AC…V ✓
Socket S3-M Three phase monitoring + N SSU33L/AC…V ✓
Retaining clip HF-24
FS-23 FS-23
Transparent front cover FS-23 38 FZ-23 75 4,5 “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. 38 FZ-23 75 4,5

Front panel mounting set FZ-23 42 78 9

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
42 78 9

Standards and approvals Socket S3-M Standards and approvals
Retaining clip HF-24
Standards IEC/EN 60947 Transparent front cover FS-23 Standards IEC/EN 60947
Front panel mounting set FZ-23
Approvals Approvals

240 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 241


3.5 Current Monitoring

Application Type Page

MRI Series

3.5 Current Monitoring

Single phase current monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRI11 244

Three phase current monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC MRI32 245

242 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 243

3.5 Current Monitoring 3.5 Current Monitoring
Single phase current monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC Three phase current monitoring | 12 … 48 V UC | 110 … 240 V UC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC Nominal voltage 12 … 48 V UC 110 … 240 V UC
Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V Operating voltage range 10 … 60 V 85 … 250 V
Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W Power consumption AC/DC 3.2 VA / 1.6 W 2.6 VA / 1.5 W
Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz Rated frequency 16 … 63 Hz

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters I, f Measured parameters I, f
Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 A / 0.1 Hz Min. setting step, resolution 0.1 A / 0.1 Hz
Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside fig. 1. Wiring diagram Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Number of current measurement inputs 1 N L
Number of current measurement inputs 3 N L1 L2 L3

Rated measurement current 5A Rated measurement current 5A

I– I+ I1– I1+
Measurement current range 0.1 … 6 A Measurement current range 0.1 … 6 A
Undercurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A Undercurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A I2– I2+ I3– I3+




Overcurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A AL
15 16 18 Overcurrent setting range 0.1 … 5 A AL1 AL2
15 16 18 25 26 28

Rated base frequency 15 … 150 Hz Rated base frequency 15 … 150 Hz

A1 A2 A1 A2
Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s Alarm delay 0.5 … 999.9 s
Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s fig. 2. DC load limit curve Alarm reset delay 0.5 … 999.9 s fig. 2. DC load limit curve
10 10
DC-1 DC-1

3.5 Current Monitoring

Main circuit 6 Main circuit 6
5 5
Number of contacts 1 CO Number of contacts 2 CO
Contact Material AgNi Contact Material AgNi

Current [A]

Current [A]
2 2
Rated voltage 250 V Rated voltage 250 V
1 1
Rated current 6A Rated current 6A
Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 0.5 Minimum load 10 mA, 10 V 0.5
Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms 0.3 Inrush current 10 A, 10 ms 0.3
Rated load DC fig. 2 0.2 Rated load DC fig. 2 0.2

Rated load AC-1 1500 VA 0.1 Rated load AC-1 1500 VA 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Voltage [V]
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 Voltage [V]
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3 Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3
fig. 3. AC voltage endurance fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Insulation 107 AC-1
Insulation 107 AC-1
Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
106 106
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min Rated test voltage main / main circuit 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Pollution degree 2 Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min

Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2
Overvoltage category III
General data 105 105
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Switching current [A]
General data Switching current [A]
Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 fig. 4. Dimensions (mm) Ambient temperature operation -40 … 60 °C fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Module width fig. 4 Nominal screw torque 0.6 Nm
Weight 107 g Module width fig. 4
Protection degree IP 20 Weight 125 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC
Product references
Types Product reference 12-48 110-240 Product references

Single phase monitoring MRI11/UC…V ✓ ✓ Types Product reference 12-48 110-240

Three phase monitoring MRI32/UC…V ✓ ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Standards and approvals Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730, Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 60730,
IEC/EN 43880 IEC/EN 43880

Approvals Approvals

244 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 245


3.6 Motor Protection - pluggable

Application Type Page

3.6 Motor Protection - pluggable

TSR Series
Motor protection | PTC | Clixon | 24 … 48 V UC | 230 V AC TSR19 248

246 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 247

3.6 Motor Protection - pluggable
Motor protection | PTC | Clixon | 24 … 48 V UC | 230 V AC

Power supply
Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC 230 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 … 1.15 UN
Power consumption AC/DC 5 VA / 5 W
Rated frequency 50 … 60 Hz

Measuring circuit
Measured parameters Ω
Monitoring functions
Resistance, OK range
over, sensor ground fault, sensor break
100 … 1800 Ω fig. 1. Wiring diagram
3.7 Isolation Monitoring
Clixon, OK range 0 … 1800 Ω
Failure threshold ≤ 50 Ω, ≥ 2250 Ω, ≤ 1 kΩ (to ground) PTC
Alarm delay 2.5 s

Main circuit Thermo

Number of contacts 1 + 1 CO Switch Application Type Page
Contact Material AgNi
Rated voltage 250 V fig. 2. DC load limit curve ESU Series
Rated current 6A

3.7 Isolation Monitoring

5 DC-1
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V DC Isolation monitoring | 24 … 48 V UC ESU-D2R 250
Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA

Current [A]
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 3 x 107 1

Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) fig. 3


Rated test voltage measuring circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage measuring circuit / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min 0.1

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Rated test voltage main circuit / power supply 2 kV rms / 1 min Voltage [V]
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2 kV rms / 1 min
Rated test voltage open contact 1 kV rms / 1 min fig. 3. AC voltage endurance
Pollution degree 2 107
Overvoltage category III AC-1

General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C

Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 4
Weight 125 g
Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PC 10

0 1 2 3 4 5
Switching current [A]
Product references
fig. 4. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 230 24-48
Motor protection, AC supply TSR19/AC…V ✓

Motor protection, UC supply TSR19/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

Socket S3-M FS-23
Retaining clip HF-24 38 FZ-23 75 4,5
42 78 9
Transparent front cover FS-23
Front panel mounting set FZ-23

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947


248 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 249

3.7 Isolation Monitoring
DC Isolation monitoring | 24 … 48 V UC

Power supply
Nominal voltage 24 … 48 V UC
Operating voltage range 18 … 60 V
Power consumption AC/DC 2 VA / 2 W
Rated frequency 40 … 60 Hz

Measuring circuit
Measured parameters Ω
Monitoring functions
Rated DC voltage U+-U-
under, ground fault
60 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
3.8 Monitoring Modules
Overvoltage setting range > 60 VDC
Circuit / ground resistance measurement range 1 … 50 kΩ Installation to be monitored
Pre alarm setting range 4 … 30 kΩ DC 0 ..52 V
Main alarm ≤ 4 kΩ
Alarm delay 0.1 ... 10 s
Application Type Page
Main circuit V Pre alarm

Number of contacts 1 NO + 2 CO CT Series

Contact Material AgNi

3.8 Monitoring Modules

Rated voltage 250 V Current monitoring | 36 V DC CT515R 252
Rated current 5A
Minimum load 10 mA, 12 V Voltage monitoring | 24 V DC CT524 253
Rated load DC fig. 2
Rated load AC-1 1250 VA Main alarm
Only one ESU-D2
Mechanical endurance (cycles) 5 x 106 per DC network!

Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 (cycles) 1 x 105 Connect E1, E2 separately on E.

fig. 2. DC load limit curve

Pollution degree
Overvoltage category
General data
Current [A]

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C 0.5
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm 0.2
Module width fig. 4
Weight 250 g 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Protection degree IP 20 Voltage [V]

Housing material PC

Product references
Types Product reference 24-48
fig. 3. Dimensions (mm)
DC Isolation monitoring, railway version ESU-D2R/UC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

50 5 105

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155


250 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 251

3.8 Monitoring Modules 3.8 Monitoring Modules
CT515R CT524
Current monitoring | 36 V DC Voltage monitoring | 24 V DC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 36 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 18 … 45 V Operating voltage range 18 … 30 V
Power consumption AC/DC - / 2.3 V Power consumption AC/DC - / 0.4 W

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Measured parameters I Measured parameters U
Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside Monitoring functions Under, over, inside, outside
Rated measurement current 2A DC voltage measurement range U+-U- 0 … 30 V
Measurement current range 0…3A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Undervoltage setting range 0 … 30 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Undercurrent setting range 0…2A Overvoltage setting range 0 … 30 V
Overcurrent setting range 0…2A Alarm delay 100 ms / 500 ms / 2 s
Alarm delay 100 ms / 500 ms / 2 s Alarm reset delay 100 ms
Alarm reset delay 100 ms
General data
General data Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation railway version -40 … 70 °C Module width fig. 2
Module width fig. 2 Weight 25 g

3.8 Monitoring Modules

Weight 25 g Protection degree IP 20
Protection degree IP 20 Housing material PC
Housing material PC
Product references
Product references Types Product reference 24
Types Product reference 36 Voltage monitoring, railway version CT524R/…V ✓
Current monitoring, railway version CT515R/…V ✓
“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].
Accessories Socket S3-M0, S5-M
Socket S3-M0, S5-M

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

16 16
4 4

38 4 20 54 38 4 20 54

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155 Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN 50155

Approvals Approvals

252 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 253


3.9 Suppressor Device

Application Type Page

CEM Series

3.9 Suppressor Device

Suppressor device | 24 … 240 V UC CEM01 256

CRC Series
Overvoltage protection | 24 V UC CRC02 257

254 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 255

3.9 Suppressor Device 3.9 Suppressor Device
Suppressor device | 24 … 240 V UC Overvoltage protection | 24 V UC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 24 … 240 V UC Nominal voltage 24 V UC
Operating voltage range 19 … 250 V Operating voltage range 0 … 30 V DC / 0 … 38 V AC
Rated frequency 15 … 63 Hz Rated frequency 47 … 63 Hz

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Conductor cross section 0.08 … 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2, 2 x 1.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque --- fig. 1. Wiring diagram Nominal screw torque 0.4 N fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2 1 23
Weight 15 g Weight 70 g
Protection degree IP20 NC Protection degree IP20
Housing material PA 66 NC Housing material PC

Product references A1 Product references

Types Product reference 24-240 Types Product reference 24
Suppressor device CEM01/UC…V ✓ A2 Overvoltage protection CRC02/UC…V ✓
4 5 6

3.9 Suppressor Device

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references. “...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.
Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)


TS 35

17,5 5 64 3

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards Standards

Approvals Approvals

256 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 257


3.10 Current Transmitter

Application Type Page

MRE-CT Series

3.10 Current Transmitter

Current Transmitter | 50 / 5 A … 100 / 5 A MRE-CT313 260

Current Transmitter | 100 / 5 A … 750 / 5 A MRE-CT314 261

Current Transmitter | 1000 / 5 A … 1500 / 5 A MRE-CT614 262

Current Transmitter | 2000 / 5 A MRE-CT1233 263

258 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 259

3.10 Current Transmitter 3.10 Current Transmitter
Current Transmitter | 50 / 5 A … 100 / 5 A Current Transmitter | 100 / 5 A … 750 / 5 A

Power supply Power supply

Operating voltage range < 720 V Operating voltage range < 720 V

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Power consumption at 5 A 0.36 VA/m (2.5 mm2 wire) Power consumption at 5 A 0.36 VA/m (2.5 mm2 wire)
Measurement current range ≤ 1 x IN Measurement current range ≤ 1 x IN
Max. current 60 x IN, 1 s (max. 100 kA) Max. current 60 x IN, 1 s (max. 100 kA)
Rated base frequency 50 … 60 Hz Rated base frequency 50 … 60 Hz

Insulation fig. 1. Wiring diagram Insulation fig. 1. Wiring diagram

Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min, Um < 720 V Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min, Um < 720 V
I…k I…l I…k I…l
General data General data
Ambient temperature storage -25 … 70 °C Ambient temperature storage -25 … 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 … 50 °C k l Ambient temperature operation -5 … 50 °C k l
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 120 g PE Weight 180 g PE
Protection degree IP20 Protection degree IP20

3.10 Current Transmitter

primary wire primary wire
Product references Product references
Types Product reference 50 100 Types Product reference 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 750
Class 1, power 1 VA MRE-CT313-…/5A/1-1 ✓ Class 0.2s, power 2.5 VA MRE-CT314-…/5A/2.5-0.2S ✓ ✓ ✓

Class 1, power 2.5 VA MRE-CT313-…/5A/2.5-1 ✓ Class 0.2s, power 5 VA MRE-CT314-…/5A/5-0.2S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Class 0.5, power 2.5 VA MRE-CT314-…/5A/2.5-0.5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

“...” list primary current to complete product references.
Class 0.5, power 5 VA MRE-CT314-…/5A/5-0.5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Other transmission ratio on request. Please contact [email protected].

“...” list primary current to complete product references.

Other transmission ratio on request. Please contact [email protected].

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 61869 Standards IEC/EN 61869

Approvals Approvals

260 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 261

3.10 Current Transmitter 3.10 Current Transmitter
MRE-CT614 MRE-CT1233
Current Transmitter | 1000 / 5 A … 1500 / 5 A Current Transmitter | 2000 / 5 A

Power supply Power supply

Operating voltage range < 720 V Operating voltage range < 720 V

Measuring circuit Measuring circuit

Power consumption at 5 A 0.36 VA/m (2.5 mm2 wire) Power consumption at 5 A 0.36 VA/m (2.5 mm2 wire)
Measurement current range ≤ 1 x IN Measurement current range ≤ 1 x IN
Max. current 60 x IN, 1 s (max. 100 kA) Max. current 60 x IN, 1 s (max. 100 kA)
Rated base frequency 50 … 60 Hz Rated base frequency 50 … 60 Hz

Insulation fig. 1. Wiring diagram Insulation fig. 1. Wiring diagram

Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min, Um < 720 V Rated test voltage measuring / measuring circuit 3 kV rms / 1 min, Um < 720 V
I…k I…l I…k I…l
General data General data
Ambient temperature storage -25 … 70 °C Ambient temperature storage -25 … 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 … 50 °C k l Ambient temperature operation -5 … 50 °C k l
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 260 g PE Weight 340 g PE
Protection degree IP20 Protection degree IP20

3.10 Current Transmitter

primary wire primary wire
Product references Product references
Types Product reference 1000 1250 1500 Types Product reference 2000
Class 0.2s, power 10 VA MRE-CT614-…/5A/10-0.2S ✓ ✓ ✓ Class 0.2s, power 10 VA MRE-CT1233-…/5A/10-0.2S ✓

Class 0.5, power 10 VA MRE-CT614-…/5A/10-0.2S ✓ ✓ ✓ Class 0.5, power 10 VA MRE-CT1233-…/5A/10-0.2S ✓

“...” list primary current to complete product references. “...” list primary current to complete product references.
Other transmission ratio on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other transmission ratio on request. Please contact [email protected].

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 61869 Standards IEC/EN 61869

Approvals Approvals

262 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 263


3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories

Application Type Page

3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories

Front panel mounting set | Retaining clip FZ-23 266

Transparent front cover FS-23 267

Retaining clip | Plastic HF-24 268

264 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 265

3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories 3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories
FZ-23 FS-23
Front panel mounting set | Retaining clip Transparent front cover

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 1 Module width fig. 1
Weight 19 g Weight 80 g

Product references Product references

Types Product reference Types Product reference
Front panel mounting set FZ-23 Transparent front cover FS-23

3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories


fig. 1. Dimensions (mm) fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)

FZ-23 15.5

70 + 00.6


38 +0.6

42 75 / 89 15.5

266 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 267

3.11 Monitoring Relay Accessories
Retaining clip | Plastic

General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 60 °C
Module width fig. 1
Weight 20 g
Housing material PC

Product references
Types Product reference 4 Sockets
Retaining clip HF-24

4 Sockets
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)


268 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 269

4 Sockets Socket selection for industrial Relays 4 Sockets Socket Accessoires

Socket Selection for industrial Relays Socket Accessoires

CT32 / CT33 / CT36


CS2 / CS3 / C64



CT515 / CT524





Type Description


C83 / C85

C55 / C56
CA-11 Code Ring (BAG 5 PCS) ●



● ● ● ●

Socket Type Description C-A2 Neutral-Connector (BAG 5 PCS or 50 PCS)
EC-11 Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● SC-3 A1-Connector (BAG 10 PCS) ● ● ●
S2-B Socket for industrial Relay ● ● LH-1 Label carrier transparent (BAG 5 PCS) ● ● ●
S2-S * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● SL-36 Label holder transparent (BAG 5 PCS) ● ●
S2-L * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● SP-36 Labeling strips (BAG 5 PCS) ● ●
S2-P * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● L-16 Labeling strips (BAG 5 PCS) ● ● ●
S2-PO * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● SD-1T Lock lid transparent (BAG 5 PCS) ● ● ● ●
S3-B Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
SD-1W Lock lid white (BAG 5 PCS) ● ● ● ●
S3-MP Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
B20-G Bridge Bar grey (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S3-S Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
B20-R Bridge Bar red (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S3-P * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ●
B20-A Bridge Bar blue (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S3-P0 * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ●
PS-W Labeling strips ●
S3-M0 Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
S7-BB Bridge bar (BAG 5 PCS ( 5 x 4 )) ● ●
S3-M1 Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
S9-CH Labeling strib white (BAG 10 PCS) ● ●
S3-M Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● ●
S10-BB Bridge bar (BAG 20 PCS ( 5 x 4 )) ●
S4-J Socket for industrial Relay ●
S10-RH Labeling strib white (BAG 10 PCS) ● ●
S4-L Socket for industrial Relay ●
S4-P Socket for industrial Relay ● S10-RT Transparent Cover (BAG 20 PCS) ●
S5-M Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● SA-O Wall Adapter ● ● ●
S5-L Socket for industrial Relay ● SS-T Transparent Cover ●
S5-P Socket for industrial Relay SS-W White Cover ●
S7-C Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● ● ● V10-G Bridge Bar grey (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S7-IO Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● V10-R Bridge Bar red (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S7-16 Socket for industrial Relay ● ● ● V10-A Bridge Bar blue (BAG 5 PCS) ●

4 Sockets
S7-P * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● V40-G Bridge Bar grey (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S7-L * Socket for industrial Relay ● ● V40-R Bridge Bar red (BAG 5 PCS) ●
S9-M Socket for industrial Relay ● V40-A Bridge Bar blue (BAG 5 PCS) ●

S9-P Socket for industrial Relay
S9-L * Socket for industrial Relay ●
S9-P0 Socket for industrial Relay
S10 Socket for industrial Relay ●
S10-P Socket for industrial Relay ●
S12 Socket for industrial Relay ●
S12-P Socket for industrial Relay ●
S16-M Socket for industrial Relay ● ●
S18-M Socket for industrial Relay ● ●

* Discontinued, limited units may be still available from stock.

270 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 271

Retaining clip selection for socket and relay

272 | WoR 1
Made in
C2 ESP + CT2
CT 2 IND + CT2
C3 ESP + CT3
C3 ESP + CT3
C10 CN
C21 + CT2
C22 + CT2
C31 + CT3
C32 + CT3

Socket type
EC-8 ESP S3-C HF-32 S3-C HF-32 HF-32 HF-33 HF-32 HF-33
EC-11 CN HF-32 HF-33 HF-32 HF-33 S3-C HF-32
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33 HF-32 HF-33 HF-32 HF-33
S2-B. S2-S CN S3-C
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33
S20-B ESP S3-C
S2-L, S2-P, S2-PO ESP S3-C HF-32
S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33 HF-33 HF-33 CP-15B
HF-32 HF-32 HF-32 HF-32
S3-B CN S3-C S3-C
S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33 HF-33 HF-33 CP-15B
HF-32 HF-32 HF-32 HF-32
S30-B ESP S3-C S3-C
S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33 HF-33 HF-33 CP-15B
HF-32 HF-32 HF-32 HF-32
S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM S30-CM
CP-15B S3-CT HF-33 HF-33 HF-33 CP-15B
HF-32 HF-32 HF-32 HF-32
S3-S CN S3-C S3-C
S3-L, S3-P, S3-PO ESP S3-C HF-32 HF-32 HF-32
S3-M0 ESP S3-C S3-CT HF-32 HF-33 HF-32 HF-33 HF-32 HF-33
CP-15B CP-15B
S4-J CN S3-C S3-C
S4-L, S4-P, S4-PO ESP S4-CL S4-CL
CP-15B CP-15B
S5-S ESP S4-C S4-C
S5-M CN HF-32 HF-32
S7-C CN CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B
S7-IO ESP CP-01B CP-01B CP-07B CP-07B
S7-IO CN CP-01B CP-01B CP-07B CP-07B
S7-16 ESP CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B
S7-P CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B CP-07B
S9-C S9-C S9-C S9-C
S7-L, S7-PO ESP CP-01B CP-01B CP-01B CP-01B
S9-C S9-C
S9-M CN CP-01B CP-01B
S9-P CP-07B CP-07B
S9-C S9-C
S9-L, S9-PO ESP CP-01B CP-01B
S10-C S10-C S10-C
S10 CN CP-17B CP-17B CP-17B
S10-P CN CP-24B CP-24B CP-24B
S10-C S10-C
S12 CN CP-17B CP-17B
S12-P ESP CP-24B CP-24B
S16-M CN CP-16
S18-M CN CP-16

8-Pin Series

Socket for 8-pin Relays and Time Cubes

Socket for 8-pin Relays and Time Cubes



8-Pin Sockets



WoR 1 | 273

4.1 8-Pin Sockets

4.1 8-Pin Sockets 4.1 8-Pin Sockets
S2-B S2-PO
Socket for 8-pin Relays and Time Cubes Socket for 8-pin Relays and Time Cubes

Rated Load 10 A / 300 V Rated Load 10 A / 300 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Pin / Pin 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Cross-section of connecting wire Weight 17g
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
– Multi-wire 0.34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 Optional Accessories
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C2 / C2x Relays
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot HF-33
45° (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram Connection
Printed circuit
lay-out (mm)
Ambient temperature operation / storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 45°
7 ( A2 ) 6 ( 24 ) 7 ( A2 ) 8 ( 21 ) 6 ( 24 ) 5 ( 22 ) 5 4
Weight 48g ø1.3
8 ( 21 ) 5 ( 22 ) 6 3

7 ( A2 ) 6 ( 24 ) 7 ( A2 ) 8 ( 21 ) 6 ( 24 ) 5 ( 22 ) 5 4

Included Accessories 1 ( 11 ) 4 ( 12 ) 8 ( 21 ) 7 5 ( 22 ) 2 6 3

Retaining Clip, plastic S30-CM for C2 / C2x Relays 2 ( A1) 3 ( 14 ) 1 ( 11 ) 8 4 ( 12
1) 7 2
2 ( A1) 1( 11 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 )
2 ( A1) 3 ( 14 ) 8 1
2 ( A1) 1( 11 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 )
Optional Accessories

Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C2 / C2x Relays Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
HF-33 (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx





ø 5.3

S2-L 49


ø29.5 1
8 M3



A2 21 11 A1

24 22 12 14




4.1 8-Pin Sockets



3 S2-PO


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

274 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 275


4.2 11-Pin Sockets

Application Type Pins Page

11-Pin Series
Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time Cubes S3-B 278

Socket for 11-pin standard Relays and Time Cubes S3-S 279

Socket for 11-pin standard Relays EC-11 280

Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time / Monitoring Module S3-M 281

Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time / Monitoring Module S3-M0 / S3-M1 282

Socket for 11-pin Relays S5-M 283

PCB Socket for 11-pin Relays S5-P 284

Socket for 11-pin Relays S5-SSY 285

4.2 11-Pin Sockets


276 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 277

4.2 11-Pin Sockets 4.2 11-Pin Sockets
S3-B S3-S
Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time Cubes Socket for 11-pin standard Relays and Time Cubes

Rated Load 10 A / 300 V Rated Load 10 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 – Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
– Multi-wire 0.34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 – Multi-wire 0.34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Nominal screw torque 1.2 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot Screw Dimensions (mm) M3.5 Pozi slot
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram Mounting TS-3532°44’
32°44’ or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram
Ambient temperature -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 9 ( 34 ) Ambient temperature operation/storage 9 ( 34 ) -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Weight 55g 10 ( A2 ) 8 ( 32 ) 10 ( A2 ) 11( 31 )Weight 9 ( 34 ) 8 ( 32 ) 10 ( A2 ) 69g6 8 ( 32 ) 10 ( A2 ) 11( 31 ) 9 ( 34 ) 8 ( 32 )
7 5
11 ( 31 ) 7 ( 24 ) 11 ( 318) 4 7 ( 24 )
Included Accessories 6 ( 21 )Included Accessories
7 ( 24 ) 5 ( 22 ) 6 ( 21 ) 7 ( 24 ) 5 ( 22 )
1 ( 119) 6 ( 21 )

1 ( 11 ) 6 ( 21 ) 3
Retaining Clip, plastic S30-CM for C3 / C3x Relays Retaining Clip, plastic S30-CM2 for C3 / C3x Relays
2 ( A1) 5 ( 22 ) 2 ( A1 )10 5 ( 22 )
2 ( A1) 1( 11 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 ) 11 1 2 ( A1) 1( 11 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 )
3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 )
Optional Accessories Optional Accessories
Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Dimensions (mm) Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Dimensions (mm)
HF-33 (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx HF-33 (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx
Coding Ring S3-BC (BAG 5 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Coding Ring S3-BC (BAG 5 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays
ø ø8.2



5.3 ø5.3

M3 10 M3.5
88 M3
M3 M3 10 M3.5





34 7

32 5

31 6


99 1010 1111 11 22 33








88 77 66 55 44

4.2 11-Pin Sockets






31 1111 A1



















Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

278 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 279

4.2 11-Pin Sockets 4.2 11-Pin Sockets
EC-11 S3-M
Socket for 11-pin standard Relays Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time / Monitoring Module

Rated Load 10 A / 400 V Rated Load 10 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 – Single-wire 1 x 6 mm2/ AWG 10, 2 x 1.5 mm2/ AWG 16
– Multi-wire 0.34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 – Multi-wire 1 x 4 mm2/AWG 12, 2 x 1.5 mm2/AWG 16
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3.5 Pozi slot Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram 32°44’ 32°44’
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram
Ambient temperature operation/storage 9 ( 34 ) -25.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature operation/storage -25 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
ø1.3 10 (A2) 9 (34)
Weight 10 ( A2 ) 56 g 8 ( 32 ) 10 ( A2 ) 11( 31 ) 9 ( 34 ) 8 ( 32 ) 6 Weight 61g 11 (31) 8 (32)
7 5
11 ( 31 ) 7 ( 24 ) 8 4 6 (21) 7 (24)
6 ( 21 ) 7 ( 24 ) 5 ( 22 ) Included Accessories

1 ( 11 ) 6 ( 21 ) 9 3 1 (11) 5 (22)
2 C-A2
2 ( A1) 5 ( 22 ) 10 2 (A1) 3 (14)
2 ( A1) 1( 11 ) 3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 ) 11 1
3 ( 14 ) 4 ( 12 ) 4 (12)
Optional Accessories
Dimensions (mm) Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Dimensions (mm)
HF-33 (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx
Coding Ring S3-BC (BAG 5 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays 9 8 7 5 3 4
9 8 7 5 3 4 A2-Connector C-A2 (BAG 5 PCS), C-A2 (BAG 50 PCS)
Free-wheeling Diode Module RD1/DC12-220V
34 32 24 22 14 12
RC-Suppressor Module RC1/UC110-240V 16
30 4
6 max 40


FOR M4 C-A2 10

for A2 31 21 11 A1 A2 A1
10 11 6 1 12 2
10 11 6 1 1 2
38 4 20
22 4 38

4.2 11-Pin Sockets


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 50155

280 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 281

4.2 11-Pin Sockets 4.2 11-Pin Sockets
S3-M0 / S3-M1 S5-M
Socket for 11-pin Relays and Time / Monitoring Module Socket for 11-pin Relays

Rated Load 10 A / 250 V Rated Load 16 A / 400 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 4 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Terminal 4 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 1 x 6 mm2/ AWG 10, 2 x 1.5 mm2/ AWG 16 – Single-wire 1 x 6 mm2 / AWG 10, 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
– Multi-wire 1 x 4 mm2/AWG 12, 2 x 1.5 mm2/AWG 16 – Multi wire 1 x 6 mm2 / AWG 10, 2 x 1.5 mm2 / AWG 16
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Nominal screw torque 1 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot Screw Dimensions (mm) M3.5 Pozi slot
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram S3-M0 Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram
Ambient temperature operation/storage -25 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature operation / storage -40 … 60° C/-40 … 80° C (no ice)
10 (A2) 9 (34) 12 (A2) 9 (31) 3 (32) 6 (34)
Weight 61g Weight 92g
11 (31) 8 (32)
6 (21) 7 (24) 8 (21) 2 (22) 5 (24)
Included Accessories 1 (11) 5 (22)
Integrated Accessories 11 (B1)
A2-Connector C-A2 A2-Connector C-A2
12 (B1) 3 (14) 10 (A1) 7 (11) 1 (12) 4 (14)
2 (A1) 4 (12)
Retaining clip, plastic S5M-CP for C5 / C5x Relays
Optional Accessories A1-, B1-Connector SC-3
Retaining clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Connection diagram S3-M1 Dimensions (mm)
HF-33 (BAG 10 PCS) for Time Cube CTx Optional Accessories
Coding Ring S3-BC (BAG 5 PCS) for C3 / C3x Relays Retaining Clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C5 / C5x Relays
10 (A2) 9 (34)
A2-Connector C-A2 (BAG 5 PCS), C-A2 (BAG 50 PCS) A2-Connector C-A2 (BAG 5 PCS), C-A2 (BAG 50 PCS)
11 (31) 8 (32)

Free-wheeling Diode Module RD1/DC12-220V A1-, B1-Connector SC-3 (BAG 10 PCS)
6 (21) 7 (24)
RC-Suppressor Module RC1/UC110-240V
1 (11) 5 (22)
12 (B1) 3 (14)
2 (A1) 4 (12)



ø4. 3
With Bridge Connector SC-3

29.5 27.6
Dimensions (mm) 88




9 8 7 5 3 4 M4

CS -155

C 34
N 9







4.2 11-Pin Sockets









4 21




max 40







M3 29.5
FOR M4 C-A2 10


A2 B1 A1

10 11 6 1 12 2

38 4 20

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 50155

282 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 283

Socket for square base Relay C5-…
Rated impulse withstandRated voltage
Load 16 A / 400 V
4.2 11-Pin Sockets 4.2 11-Pin Sockets
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
S5-P S5-SSY– Terminal / Terminal Specifications
Rated impulse
2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
PCB Socket for 11-pin Relays Socket for 11-pin Relays
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms2 / 1 min
– Multi-wire Cross-section of connecting wire 0.34mm / 22 - 2.5 mm / AWG 14

Nominal screw torque– Single-wire 1.0 Nm 4 mm / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm / AWG 14 2 2

Rated Load 16 A / 400 V Rated Screw

Load dimensions – Multi-wire 16 A M3.5
/ 400Pozi
V 1 slot 2
0.34mm / 22 - 2.5 mm / AWG 14 2 2

Mounting Nominal screw torque TS-35 or Back1.0 Nm Mounting

Specifications Ambient temperatureScrew dimensions
Specifications M3.5...Pozi
-25.…85 ºC /-40 85 1°Cslot
(no2 ice)
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse
Weight withstand voltage 81 g
Ambient temperature -25.…85 ºC /-40 ... 85 °C (no ice)
– Pin / Pin 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail Weight
4 kV rms / 1 min 81 g
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC / -40 … 80 °C (no ice) – Terminal / Terminal 4 kV rms / 1 min
Weight 20g Included
Cross-section of Accessories
connecting wire
Retaining spring, steelIncluded Accessories
– Single-wire 1 x 6 S5-C
mm2 / AWG 10, 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
Retaining spring, steel S5-C
Optional Accessories – Multi wire 1 x 6 mm2 / AWG 10, 2 x 1.5 mm2 / AWG 16
Retaining spring, steel S5-CL (BAG 10 PCS) for C5 / C5x Relays Nominal screw torque 1 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3.5 Pozi slot Connection diagram
Printed circuit lay-out (mm) Connection
Connection diagram
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Ambient temperature operation / storage -40 … 60° C/-40 … 80° C (no ice)
1.8 9 ( 31) 9 (31)
Weight 92g B ( A2 ) B (A2) 3 ( 32 )
3 (32) 6 (634 )

Integrated Accessories 8 ( 21) 8 (21) 2 (22)

2 ( 22 ) 5 (524
A2-Connector C-A2 A (A1) 7 (11) 1 (12) 4 (14)
Retaining clip, plastic S5M-CP for C5 / C5x Relays A ( A1) 7 ( 11) 1 ( 12) 4 ( 14)
A1-, B1-Connector SC-3 Dimensions [mm]
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions
Optional Accessories
Retaining Clip, steel HF-32 (BAG 10 PCS) for C5 / C5x Relays 7.6 8.3 5.3

A2-Connector C-A2 (BAG 5 PCS), C-A2 (BAG 50 PCS) 7.6 8.3 5.3
S5-P S5-L A1-, B1-Connector SC-3 (BAG 10 PCS)

44.8± 0.1 (with clip)

42.6 ± 0.1
35.2 ± 0.1

44.8± 0.1 (with clip)

42.6 ± 0.1
35.2 ± 0.1



32 ± 0.1
32 ± 0.1

4.2 11-Pin Sockets

76.5 ± 0.1



76.5 ± 0.1

Technical approvals, conformities

Maximum voltage between two separate circuits on neighbouring contacts: 250 V
Not permitted: 24 V DC next to 230 V AC, 230 V AC next to neutral, 230 V AC next to 230 V AC of different phases
Permitted: 230 V AC next to 230 V AC same phase

Technical approvals, conformities

Maximum voltage between two separate circuits on neighbouring contacts: 250 V
Not permitted: 24 V DC next to 230 V AC, 230 V AC next to neutral, 230 V AC next to 230 V AC of different phases
Permitted: 230 V AC next to 230 V AC same phase

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

284 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 285


4.3 14-Pin Sockets

Application Type Pins Page

14-Pin Series
Socket for 14-pin C4 Relays S4-J 288

PCB Socket for 14-pin C4 Relays S4-P 289

4.3 14-Pin Sockets


286 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 287

4.3 14-Pin Sockets 4.3 14-Pin Sockets
S4-J S4-P
Socket for 14-pin C4 Relays PCB Socket for 14-pin C4 Relays

Rated Load 10 A / 250 V Rated Load 10 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Pin / Pin 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Ambient temperature -30 °C … +60 °C (no ice)
12 ( 41 ) 14 ( A2 ) 10 ( 42 ) 11( 44 )
Cross-section of connecting wire Weight 21g
9 ( 31) 7 ( 32 ) 8 ( 34 )
– Single-wire 1.5 mm2 / AWG 15 or 2 x 1.5 mm2 / AWG 15
– Multi-wire 0,34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 1 mm2 / AWG 17 Optional Accessories 6 ( 21 ) 4 ( 22 ) 5 ( 24 )

Nominal screw torque 1 Nm Retaining spring, steel S4-CL (BAG 10 PCS) for C4 / C4x Relays 3 ( 11 ) 13 ( A1) 1 ( 12 ) 2 ( 14 )

Screw Dimensions (mm) M3.5 Philips-slot (combo)

Connection diagram ø9 Connection
Printed circuit
lay-out (mm)S4-PO S4-L
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting 35.5
Ambient temperature -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) 24
M3 6 15.5 6 7.5
12 ( 41 ) 14 ( A2 ) 10 ( 42 ) 11( 44 ) 8
Weight 80g ø1.5
9 ( 31 ) 7 ( 32 ) 8 ( 34 )

Included Accessories 6 ( 21 ) 4 ( 22 ) 5 ( 24 ) 0.2 7
Retaining Clip, plastic S3-CM/CP-15B (BAG 10 PCS) for C4 Relays

3 ( 11 ) 13 ( A1) 1 ( 12 ) 2 ( 14 )

ø5.5 6.75

Optional Accessories
Retaining Clip, steel S3-C (BAG 10 PCS) for C4 Relays Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
24 M4/M5
ø ø1.5

11 44 8 34 5 24 2 14
12 41 9 31 6 21 3 11

14 21

10 42 7 32 4 22 1 12


6.5 S4-P S4-L


0.2 7




1.2 2.8

13 A1





11 44 8 34 5 24 2 14
12 41 9 31 6 21 3 11

14 21

10 42 7 32 4 22 1 12




4.3 14-Pin Sockets

13 A1



Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

288 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 289


4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets

Application Type Pins Page

8/14-Pin Series
Socket for 8-pin Relays S7-C 292

Socket for 8-pin Relays S7-IO 293

PCB Socket for 8-pin Relays S7-P 294

Socket for 14-pin Relays S9-M 295

PCB Socket for 14-pin Relays S9-P 296

4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets


290 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 291

4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets 4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets
S7-C S7-IO
Socket for 8-pin Relays Socket for 8-pin Relays

Rated Load 10 A, 16 A for 1 pole / 250 V Rated Load 10 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12, 2 x 1.5 mm2 / AWG 16 – Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12, 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
– Multi wire 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14, 2 x 1 mm2 / AWG 18 – Multi wire 0.34 mm2 / AWG 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40…60 °C (50 °C for 16 A) / -40…80 °C (no ice) Ambient temperature operation/storage -40…60 ºC / -40 … 80 °C (no ice)
8 (A2) 4 (24)
Weight 37g Weight 38g 8 (A2) 4 (24)
6 (21)
6 (21) 2 (22) 2 (22)
Included Accessories 5 (11) 3 (14) Included Accessories 3 (14)
5 (11)
Retaining clip, plastic CP-07B for C7 / C7x Relays 7 (A1) 1 (12)
Retaining clip, plastic S9-C for C7 / C7x Relays 7 (A1) 1 (12)

Optional Accessories Optional Accessories

Retaining clip, plastic CP-07B (BAG 50 PCS) for C7 / C7x Relays Dimensions (mm) Retaining clip, plastic S9-C (BAG 10 PCS) for C7 / C7x Relays Dimensions (mm)
A2-Connector S7-BB (BAG 20 PCS) A2-Connector S7-BB (BAG 20 PCS)
Panel Adapter S9-G (BAG 10 PCS) Panel Adapter S9-G (BAG 10 PCS)

Please Note:
This socket replaces former socket S7-M and S7-16

8 A2 6B1 5 7 A1



24 22 14 12






4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

292 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 293

4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets 4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets
S7-P S9-M
PCB Socket for 8-pin Relays Socket for 14-pin Relays

Rated Load 10 A / 250 V Rated Load 6 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– Pin / Pin 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) – Terminal / Terminal 2.5 kV rms / 1 min
Weight 10g Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
Included Accessories – Multi-wire 0.34mm2 / 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14
Retaining clip, plastic CP-07B for C7 / C7x Relays Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
S7-PO S7-L Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot
Optional Accessories
Printed circuit
22.5lay-out (mm)
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Connection diagram
4.4 10
10 M3 5.2 13.1
S7-P 7.7 5
Retaining clip, plastic CP-07B (BAG 50 PCS) for C7 / C7x Relays Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
12 ( 41 ) 14 ( A2 ) 4 ( 42 ) 8 ( 44 ) Weight 54g 12 ( 41 ) 14 ( A2 ) 4 ( 42 ) 8 ( 44 )
4.7 4.7
0.6 5.9 11( 31) 3 ( 32 ) 7 ( 34 ) 0.6 6.35
5.9 11 ( 31 ) 3 ( 32 ) 7 ( 34 )
2 1
7.25 10 ( 21 ) 2 ( 22 ) 6 ( 24 )
Included Accessories 6.35

4 3
7.25 10 ( 21 ) 2 ( 22 ) 6 ( 24 )
6 5 Retaining clip, plastic S9-C for C9 / C9x Relays
9 ( 11 ) 13 ( A1) S7-L 1( 12 ) 5 ( 14 )
13.2 ø 1.7
9 ( 11 ) 13 ( A1) 1( 12 ) 5 ( 14 )

14.5 8 ø2.5

B A Optional Accessories 14.5 ø2.5

M3 5.2 13.1 7.7 5
Dimensions (mm) Retaining clip, plastic S9-C (BAG 10 PCS) for C9 / C9x Relays Dimensions (mm)
S7-PO S7-L Panel Adapter S9-G (BAG 10 PCS)
22.5 Bridge Bar S9M-V1 (BAG 5 PCS)
2 1
M3 5.2 13.1 7.7 5 Bridge Bar S9M-V4 (BAG 5 PCS)

30 36.4
4 3
5 Bridge Bar S9M-BX (BAG 5 PCS)

86 S7-L5

B S7-P A7 2 3.5

2 1

B 4 A 3

6 5

8 S7-L


2 1
4 3

6 5

S7-P 2 3.5 S9-G

8 S7-P

2 1
4 3

12 11 10 12

44 34 24 14
42 32 22 12
41 31 21 41

8 7 6 5
12 11 10 9

A2 A2 A1 A2


6 5

2 3.5


4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets

8 S7-P






44 34 24 14
42 32 22 12
11 31 21 11

8 7 6 5
9 11 10 9

12 11 10 9











Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

294 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 295

4.4 8/14-Pin Sockets
PCB Socket for 14-pin Relays

Rated Load 6 A / 150 V

Rated impulse withstand voltage
– Pin / Pin 1.5 kV rms / 1 min
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Weight 12g

Included Accessories
Retaining clip, plastic CP-07B for C9 / C9x Relays
4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets
Printed circuit lay-out (mm)
Optional Accessories
M3 4 12.6 7.7 5
Retaining clip, plastic 10 CP-07B (BAG 50 PCS) for C9 / C9x Relays 4.4 S9-P

12 ( 41 ) 14 ( A2 ) 4 ( 42 ) 8 ( 44 )
11( 31) 3 ( 32 ) 7 ( 34 ) 0.6 6.35
0.6 5.9 4 3 2 1 Application Type Pins Page
8 7 6 5 6.35

7.25 10 ( 21 ) 2 ( 22 ) 6 ( 24 )
12 11 10 9

9 ( 11 ) 13 ( A1) 1( 12 ) 5 ( 14 )
13.213 ø 1.7 5/8-Pin Series
14.5 ø2.5 14
Dimensions 4 12.6 7.7 5 Socket for 5-pin Relays S10 298

S9-P PCB Socket for 5-pin Relays S10-P 299
4 3 2 M3
1 4 12.6 7.7 5
48 37 1562

30 36.4
8 7 6 5
12 11 10 9
Socket for 8-pin Relays S12 300
12 11 10 9

14 13 1.2 2.6
4 3 2 13
1 PCB Socket for 8-pin Relays S12-P 301
8 7 6 5

36.4 12 11 10 9

Socket for 8-pin Relays S16-M 302

14 13
Dimensions (mm) [mm] Socket for 8-pin Relays S18-M 303
4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5

12 11 10 9

1.2 2.6
14 13
4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5

12 11 10 9

1.2 2.6

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets

14 13


This print socket must be used in pollution degree 2 environment only, hence office, laboratory, household or similar. It is not suitable for
industry environment (pollution degree 3).
Technical approvals, conformities

Maximum voltage between two separate circuits on neighbouring contacts: 150 V

Not permitted: 24 V DC next to 230 V AC, 230 V AC next to neutral, 230 V AC next to 230 V AC of different phases
Permitted: 230 V AC next to 230 V AC same phase

296 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 297

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets 4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets
S10 S10-P
Socket for 5-pin Relays PCB Socket for 5-pin Relays

Rated Load 10 A / 250 V Rated Load 10 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 5 kV rms / 1 min – Pin / Pin 5 kV rms / 1 min
– Contact / Terminals 2.5 kV rms / 1 min Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
– Contact / Coil terminals 5 kV rms / 1 min Weight 7g
Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 Included Accessories
– Multi-wire 0.34mm2 / 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 Retaining clip, plastic
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot
Connection diagram Connection
Printed circuit
lay-out (mm)
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Weight 23g 5(A2) 3(12)


Included Accessories 4(A1) 1(14)

Retaining Clip, plastic S10-C for C10 / C10x Relays

Optional Accessories Dimensions (mm)

Retaining clip, plastic S10-C / CP-17B (BAG 10 PCS) for C10 / C10x
Bridge bar S10-BB (BAG 20 PCS)


Dimensions (mm)

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets


Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

298 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 299

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets 4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets
S12 S12-P
Socket for 8-pin Relays PCB Socket for 8-pin Relays

Rated Load 5 A / 250 V Rated Load 5 A / 250 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 5 kV rms / 1 min – Pin / Pole 3 kV rms / 1 min
– Contact / Terminals 2.5 kV rms / 1 min – Coil / contact terminals 5 kV rms / 1 min
– Contacts / Coil terminals 5 kV rms / 1 min Weight 7g
Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 4 mm2 / AWG 12 or 2 x 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 Included Accessories
– Multi-wire 0.34mm2 / 22 - 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 Retaining clip, plastic CP-24B (BAG 10 PCS) for C12 / C12x Relays
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi slot
Connection diagram Connection
Printed circuit
lay-out (mm)
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Ambient temperature operation/storage -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
5(A2) 9(22) 3(12)
Weight 31g
6(A2) 8(21) 2(11)
4(A1) 7(24) 1(14)
Included Accessories
Retaining Clip, plastic S10-C for C12 / C12x Relays

Optional Accessories 5(A2)

Dimensions (mm) 3(12)
Retaining Clip, plastic S10-C / CP-17B (BAG 10 PCS) 6(A2) 2(11)
for C12 / C12x Relays 4(A1) 1(14)
A2-Connector grey B20-G (BAG 5 PCS)
A2-Connector red B20-R (BAG 5 PCS)
A2-Connector blue B20-A (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar twofold grey V10-G (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar twofold red V10-RC (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar twofold blue V10-AC (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar fourfold grey V40-G (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar fourfold red V40-R (BAG 5 PCS)
Bridge Bar fourfold blue V40-AC (BAG 5 PCS)

Dimensions (mm)

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets



Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

300 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 301

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets 4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets
S16-M S18-M
Socket for 8-pin Relays Socket for 8-pin Relays

Rated Load 10 A / 300 V Rated Load 10 A / 300 V

Specifications Specifications
Rated impulse withstand voltage Rated impulse withstand voltage
– All terminals / DIN rail 3 kV rms / 1 min – All terminals / DIN rail 3 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Terminal 3 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Terminal 3 kV rms / 1 min
– Terminal / Coil 3 kV rms / 1 min – Terminal / Coil 3 kV rms / 1 min
Cross-section of connecting wire Cross-section of connecting wire
– Single-wire 1 × 0.5 mm2 / AWG 20 – Single-wire 1 × 0.5 mm2 / AWG 20
– Multi-wire 1 × 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 or 2 × 1.0 mm2 / AWG 18 – Multi-wire 1 × 2.5 mm2 / AWG 14 or 2 × 1.0 mm2 / AWG 18
Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm Nominal screw torque 0.7 Nm
Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi 1 slot 2
Connection diagram Screw Dimensions (mm) M3 Pozi 1 slot 2
Connection diagram
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting A2
Ambient temperature -40.…60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice) A2 22 24 21 Ambient temperature -40 … 60 ºC /-40 … 80 °C (no ice)
Weight 42 g M
o Weight 42 g o
d u
Included Accessories A1 12 14 11
Included Accessories A1 12 14 11 Retaining / Ejector clip, plastic CP-16
Retaining / Ejector clip, plastic CP-16
Dimensions (mm) Optional Accessories (modules) Dimensions (mm)
Optional Accessories (modules) Free wheeling diode RD16/DC12-240V
Free wheeling diode RD16/DC12-240V Green LED & free wheeling diode, 6-24V DC RDL16/DC6-24V

Green LED & free wheeling diode, 6-24V DC RDL16/DC6-24V Green LED & free wheeling diode, 24-60V DC RDL16/DC24-60V
Green LED & free wheeling diode, 24-60V DC RDL16/DC24-60V Green LED & free wheeling diode, 110-240V DC RDL16/DC110-240V

Green LED & free wheeling diode, 110-240V DC RDL16/DC110-240V 8-M3×8 Green LED, 6-24V AC/DC RL16/UC6-24V
Green LED, 6-24V AC/DC RL16/UC6-24V Green LED, 24-60V AC/DC RL16/UC24-60V

Green LED, 24-60V AC/DC RL16/UC24-60V Green LED, 110-240V AC/DC RL16/UC110-240V

Green LED, 110-240V AC/DC RL16/UC110-240V RC-Network 6-24V RC16/UC6-24V
max 78.3

RC-Network 6-24V RC16/UC6-24V RC-Network 24-60V RC16/UC24-60V

5.0 5.0

RC-Network 24-60V RC16/UC24-60V RC-Network 110-240V RC16/UC110-240V

RC-Network 110-240V RC16/UC110-240V

24.2 61.2max

4.5 5/8-Pin Sockets



max 78.3

3.5 3.5
Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

302 | WoR 1 WoR 1| 303


5 Remote Monitoring & Control

5 Remote Monitoring & Control


304 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 305

5 Remote Monitoring & Control
CMS-10 remote monitoring and control features

Description Detail CMS-10F CMS-10ADF CMS-10ACDF

General Periodic notification daily, weekly, monthly ● ● ●
Notification at power fail ● ● ●
Notification at startup ● ● ●
Status notification upon request ● ● ●
Up to five receivers per notification selectable
Notification escalation

5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System
Inputs Digital inputs ● (SMS Relay)
Analogue (0 … 10 V) / digital inputs ● ●
Analogue inputs 4 … 20 mA ●
Application Type Page
Notification digital input "on" ● ● ●
Notification digital input "off" ● ● ● CMS-Series
Analogue value: scaling according sensor unit ● ● ● 6 digital inputs | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC | 110 … 240 V AC CMS-10F 308

6 analogue / digital inputs | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC CMS-10ADF 309

4 analogue / digital inputs | 2 inputs 4 … 20 mA | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC CMS-10ACDF 310

SMS notification analogue input value < lower level ● ●

SMS notification analogue input value > lower level ● ●

5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay)

SMS notification analogue input value > upper level ● ●

SMS notification analogue input value < upper level ● ●

Notification of analogue value in event of value change Change > x ● ●
Periodic notification of analogue values ● ●
Notification delay 0.1 s … 99.9 h ● ● ●
Outputs Relay outputs ● ● ●
Call-in function
Switch on

● 5
Switch off ● ● ●
Output on for set time 0.1 s … 99.9 h ● ● ●

306 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 307

5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay) 5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay)
6 digital inputs | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC | 110 … 240 V AC 6 analogue / digital inputs | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 12 ... 48 V DC 110 ... 240 V AC Nominal voltage 12 ... 48 V DC
Operating voltage range 10 ... 60 V DC 85 ... 250 V AC Operating voltage range 10 ... 60 V DC
Power consumption AC/DC 8 VA / 4.2 W Power consumption AC/DC 4.2 W
Rated frequency 45 ... 63 Hz
Inputs Number of analogue / digital inputs 6
Number of digital inputs 6 Nominal voltage digital inputs 12 ... 48 V DC
Nominal voltage digital inputs 12 ... 48 V DC 110 ... 240 V AC High level threshold digital Inputs 9.5 V DC
High level threshold digital Inputs 9.5 V DC 85 V AC fig. 1. Wiring diagram Nominal range analogue inputs 0 ... 10 V fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Resolution of analogue inputs 10 Bit
Number of relay outputs 4 N/– CMS-10… CMS-10…
Outputs CMS-10… CMS-10…

0…10 V
Contact Material AgNi Number of relay outputs 4
14 12 11 14 12 11
1 1 14 12 11 14 12 11
Sig. 1 1

Rated voltage 250 V AC Contact Material AgNi DC12-48 VD
1 2 3 4 5 6

Rated current 10 A N N Rated voltage 250 V AC N N

Minimum contact load relay outputs 10 mA, 12V Rated current 10 A
Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms Minimum contact load relay outputs 10 mA, 12V
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms
Mechanical endurance 3 x 107 Rated load AC-1 2500 VA
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 150 000 Mechanical endurance 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 150 000
Communication standards GSM (2G) Communication
Frequencies 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz Communication standards GSM (2G)
Antenna connector SMA female Frequencies 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
Antenna connector SMA female
Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min Insulation
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min
Pollution degree 3 Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min
Overvoltage category II Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category II
General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C General data

5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay)

Ambient temperature operation -25 … 55 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Ambient temperature operation -25 … 55 °C
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Weight 120 g Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm
Protection degree IP20 Weight 120 g
Housing material PC Protection degree IP20
Housing material PC
Product references
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Product references fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Types Product reference 12-48 110-240
DC supply CMS-10F/DC…V ✓ Types Product reference 12-48

DC supply, kit (*included accessories) CMS-10FKIT/DC…V ✓ DC supply CMS-10ADF/DC…V ✓

AC supply CMS-10F/AC…V ✓ DC supply, kit (*included accessories) CMS-10ADFKIT/DC…V ✓

AC supply, kit (*included accessories) CMS-10FKIT/AC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.


Antenna cables CMS-ANT-KAB/5M, CMS-ANT-KAB/10M, CMS-ANT-KAB/20M
Programming cable CMS-RS232*
Antenna cables CMS-ANT-KAB/5M, CMS-ANT-KAB/10M, CMS-ANT-KAB/20M
USB to serial converter CMS-USB*
Programming cable CMS-RS232*
Power supply 15W, 24V DR-15-24
USB to serial converter CMS-USB*
Standards and approvals Power supply 30W, 24V DR-30-24 Standards and approvals
Power supply 15W, 24V DR-15-24
PT100 / PT1000 amplifier MV-LKM-274
Power supply 30W, 24V DR-30-24
Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN60730 Indoor temperature sensor with display, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U-D Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN60730
PT100 / PT1000 amplifier MV-LKM-274
Indor temperature sensor, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U
Indoor temperature sensor with display, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U-D
Approvals Exterior temperature sensor, -50 … +50 °C CWF50-EXT-U4 Approvals
Indor temperature sensor, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U
Thermostat, 5 … 30 °C CRTBSB-001-010
Exterior temperature sensor, -50 … +50 °C CWF50-EXT-U4
Temperature / humidity sensor KS-110
Thermostat, 5 … 30 °C CRTBSB-001-010
Water level sensor PS1
Temperature / humidity sensor KS-110
Water level sensor PS1
WoR 1 | 309
5.1 ComatReleco Messaging System (SMS Relay)
4 analogue / digital inputs | 2 inputs 4 … 20 mA | 4 relay outputs | 12 … 48 V DC

Power supply
Nominal voltage 12 ... 48 V DC
Operating voltage range 10 ... 60 V DC
Power consumption AC/DC 4.2 W

Number of analogue inputs 2
Number of analogue / digital inputs 4
Nominal voltage digital inputs
Nominal range analogue inputs
12 ... 48 V DC
0 ... 10 V (I1 - I4) / 4 ... 20 mA (I5 - I6) fig. 1. Wiring diagram
5.2 CMS Accessories
Resolution of analogue inputs 10 Bit

Outputs CMS-10… CMS-10…

4... 20 mA
0…10 V
Number of relay outputs 4 Sig. Sig. 1
14 12 11
14 12 11

Contact Material AgNi DC12-48VD

1 2 3 4 5 6

Rated voltage 250 V AC Application Type Page


Rated current 10 A
Minimum contact load relay outputs 10 mA, 12V Accessories
Inrush current 15 A, 20 ms
Rated load AC-1 2500 VA Exterior antenna | 5 m cable CMS-ANT-SPEZ/5M 312
Mechanical endurance 3 x 107
Electrical endurance at rated load AC-1 150 000 Magnetic pod antenna | 2.5 m cable CMS-ANT-MAG/2.5M 313

Communication Antenna cable | SMA male / female | 5 m | 10 m | 20 m CMS-ANT-KAB 314

Communication standards GSM (2G)
Frequencies 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz Programming cable | Serial 1:1 | D-Sub 9 male / female | 2 m CMS-RS232 315
Antenna connector SMA female

USB to serial converter | D-Sub 9 to USB A | FTDI FT231XS CMS-USB 316

Rated test voltage control / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min
Rated test voltage main / main circuit 2.5 kV, 1 min Power supply | 24 V DC | 15 W | 30 W DR-15-24, DR-30-24 317
Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category II PT100 / PT1000 amplifier | 0 … 10 V output MV-LKM-274 318

General data Indoor temperature sensor | 0 … 50 °C | 0 … 10 V output RF01-U, RF01-U-D2 319

Ambient temperature storage -40 … 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 … 55 °C Thermostat | 5 … 30 °C | Cooling or heating | 1 CO RTBSB-001-010 320
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Nominal screw torque 0.5 Nm Exterior temperature sensor | -50 … 50 °C | 0 … 10 V output WF50-EXT-U4 321
Weight 120 g
Protection degree IP20 Temperature / humidity sensor | -40 … 80 °C | 0 … 100 % rH | 0 … 10 V output | Cable length 2 m KS-110 322
Housing material PC

Water level sensor | 0 … 0.5 bar | 0 … 10 V output PS1 323

Product references fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

5.2 CMS Accessories

Types Product reference 12-48
DC supply CMS-10ACDF/DC…V ✓

DC supply, kit (*included accessories) CMS-10ACDFKIT/DC…V ✓

“...” list control circuit voltage to complete product references.


Antenna cables CMS-ANT-KAB/5M, CMS-ANT-KAB/10M, CMS-ANT-KAB/20M
Programming cable CMS-RS232*
USB to serial converter CMS-USB*
Power supply 15W, 24V DR-15-24
Power supply 30W, 24V DR-30-24 Standards and approvals
PT100 / PT1000 amplifier MV-LKM-274
Indoor temperature sensor with display, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U-D Standards IEC/EN 60947, IEC/EN60730
Indor temperature sensor, 0 … 50 °C CRF01-U
Exterior temperature sensor, -50 … +50 °C CWF50-EXT-U4 Approvals
Thermostat, 5 … 30 °C CRTBSB-001-010
Temperature / humidity sensor KS-110
Water level sensor PS1

310 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 311

5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
Exterior antenna | 5 m cable Magnetic pod antenna | 2.5 m cable

Communication Communication
Communication standards GSM Communication standards GSM / UMTS
Frequencies 824 … 960 / 1710 … 1990 MHz Frequencies 824 / 960 / 1710 / 1910 / 1990 / 2010 / 2025 / 2110 / 2170 MHz
Antenna connector SMA male Antenna connector SMA male
Antenna type 1/4 _ Antenna type 1/4 _
Impedance 50 Ω Impedance 50 Ω
Max. power 20 W Max. power 20 W

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -30 °C ... 70 °C Ambient temperature storage -40 °C ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -20 °C ... 60 °C Ambient temperature operation -40 °C ... 80 °C
Weight 360 g Weight 65 g
Housing material RW24BR Housing material PA 6

Product references Product references

Types Product reference 5 Types Product reference 2.5
Exterior antenna CMS-ANT-SPEZ/…M ✓ Magnetic pod antenna CMS-ANT-MAG/…M ✓

“...” list cable length to complete product references. “...” list cable length to complete product references.

5.2 CMS Accessories

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Approvals Approvals

312 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 313

5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
Antenna cable | SMA male / female | 5 m | 10 m | 20 m Programming cable | Serial 1:1 | D-Sub 9 male / female | 2 m

Communication General data

Antenna connector SMA male / female Ambient temperature storage -35 °C ... 80 °C
Impedance 50 Ω Ambient temperature operation -35 °C ... 80 °C
Weight 126 g
General data
Ambient temperature storage -35 °C ... 80 °C Product references
Ambient temperature operation -35 °C ... 80 °C Types Product reference
Weight 180 g ( 5 m) / 270 g (10 m) / 728 g (20 m)
Programming cable CMS-RS232
Housing material Cu / PE

Product references
Types Product reference 5 10 20
Extension cable SMA male / female CMS-ANT-KAB/…M ✓ ✓ ✓

“...” list cable length to complete product references.

Other cable length on request. Please contact [email protected].

5.2 CMS Accessories

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Approvals Approvals

314 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 315

5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
CMS-USB DR-15-24, DR-30-24
USB to serial converter | D-Sub 9 to USB A | FTDI FT231XS Power supply | 24 V DC | 15 W | 30 W

General data Power supply

Ambient temperature storage -40 °C ... 85 °C Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Ambient temperature operation -40 °C ... 85 °C Operating voltage range 85 … 264 V AC
Weight 41 g Power consumption AC/DC - / 110 VA
Rated frequency 47 … 63 Hz
Product references Output voltage 24 V DC
Types Product reference Output voltage range 21.6 … 26.4 V
Output power 15 W 30 W
USB to serial converter CMS-USB

General data
Ambient temperature storage -40 °C ... 85 °C
Ambient temperature operation -20 °C ... 60 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2
Module width fig. 1
Weight 65 g
Protection degree IP20
Housing material PA 6

Product references
Types Product reference
Power supply 15 W, 24 V DC DR-15-24
Power supply 30 W, 24 V DC DR-30-24

Other voltages on request. Please contact [email protected].





46.5 46.5


-V N


+V L

fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)

5.2 CMS Accessories

68 67.2

45 44.2






46.5 46.5

46.5 46.5


12.2 5 5 5
5 -V N



7 +V L




Standards and approvals Standards and approvals



Approvals Approvals

46.5 46.5


12.2 5 5 5

316 | WoR 1 7
WoR 1 | 317


5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
MV-LKM-274 RF01-U, RF01-U-D2
PT100 / PT1000 amplifier | 0 … 10 V output Indoor temperature sensor | 0 … 50 °C | 0 … 10 V output

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V UC
Operating voltage range 15 … 35 V DC Operating voltage range 22 … 26 V UC
Power consumption AC/DC 0.24 W / - Power consumption AC/DC 0.2 W / -

Outputs Outputs
Number of analogue outputs 1 Number of analogue outputs 1
Analogue output type 0 … 10 V Analogue output type 0 … 10 V

General data fig. 1. Wiring diagram General data fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Ambient temperature storage -25 °C ... 70 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 °C ... 60 °C
Ambient temperature operation -25 °C ... 70 °C Ambient temperature operation -20 °C ... 60 °C
Conductor cross section 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section 1.5 mm2
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 60 g Weight 67 g
Protection degree IP20 Protection degree IP54
Housing material PC Housing material ABS

Product references Product references

Types Product reference Types Product reference
PT100 / PT1000 amplifier MV-LKM-274 Indoor temperature sensor RF01-U
Indoor temperature sensor with display RF01-U-D2

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

5.2 CMS Accessories

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Approvals Approvals

318 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 319

5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
RTBSB-001-010 WF50-EXT-U4
Thermostat | 5 … 30 °C | Cooling or heating | 1 CO Exterior temperature sensor | -50 … 50 °C | 0 … 10 V output

Outputs Power supply

Number of relay outputs 1 CO Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Rated voltage 230 V AC Operating voltage range 21.6 … 26.4 V DC
Rated current 10 A (Terminal 1) / 5 A (Terminal 3)
Rated load AC-1 2300 VA / 1150 VA Outputs
Number of analogue outputs 1
General data Analogue output type 0 … 10 V
Ambient temperature storage -20 °C ... 60 °C
Ambient temperature operation -20 °C ... 60 °C General data
Conductor cross section 1.5 mm2 fig. 1. Wiring diagram Ambient temperature storage -30 °C ... 70 °C
Weight 90 g Ambient temperature operation -30 °C ... 70 °C
Protection degree IP30 Conductor cross section 1.5 mm2
Housing material ABS Module width fig. 2
Weight 100 g
Product references Protection degree IP65
Types Product reference Housing material PA

Thermostat RTBSB-001-010
Product references
Types Product reference
Exterior temperature sensor WF50-EXT-U4

fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

5.2 CMS Accessories

** **

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Approvals Approvals

320 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 321

5.2 CMS Accessories 5.2 CMS Accessories
KS-110 PS1
Temperature / humidity sensor | -40 … 80 °C | 0 … 100 % rH | 0 … 10 V output | Cable length 2 m Water level sensor | 0 … 0.5 bar | 0 … 10 V output

Power supply Power supply

Nominal voltage 24 V DC Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Operating voltage range 12 … 27 V DC Operating voltage range 12 … 30 V DC
Power consumption AC/DC 0.2 W / -
Outputs Number of analogue outputs 1
Number of analogue outputs 2 Analogue output type 0 … 10 V
Analogue output type 0 … 10 V
General data
General data Ambient temperature storage 5 °C ... 70 °C
Ambient temperature storage -40 °C ... 85 °C Ambient temperature operation 5 °C ... 70 °C
Ambient temperature operation -40 °C ... 85 °C Weight 550 g
Weight 62 g Protection degree IP68
Protection degree IP65
Product references
Product references Types Product reference
Types Product reference Water level sensor PS1
Temperature / humidity sensor KS-110
Sensors for other liquids on request. Please contact [email protected].

5.2 CMS Accessories

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Approvals Approvals

322 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 323


6 Softstarter

6.0 Softstarter

324 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 325


6.1 Softstarter

Application Type Page

CTC Series
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A CTC3415 328

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A CTC3425 329

CCL Series
Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A CCL33H415US 330

Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A CCL33H425US 331

Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 35 A CCL33H435US 332

CCM Series
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 3 A CCM3H403USi 333

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A CCM3H415 334

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A CCM3H415DS 335

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A CCM3H425 336

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 25 A CCM33H425US 337

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 50 A CCM33H450US 338

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 30 A CCM33H530USi 339

Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 50 A CCM33H550USi 340

6.1 Softstarter
Starting Torque Limiter with dynamic brake| 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A CCMB3H425 341

Thermal overload protection P82-100C 342

326 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 327

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
CTC3415 CTC3425
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 1 Controlled phases 1
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 208 … 400 V AC Output voltage range 208 … 400 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-53a 15 A Rated current AC-53a 25 A
Minimum load 50 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 50 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Typ. leakage current 5 mA
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 6300 A2t
Switching cycles / h 3000 Switching cycles / h 3000

Control circuit Control circuit

Release time 1 Periode Release time 1 Periode
Ramp-up time 0.5 … 5 s Ramp-up time 0.5 … 5 s
Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % Torque adjustment 0 … 85 %
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz
11-12: Thermostat
Insulation Insulation 11-12: Thermostat
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C, 0.7 IN
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 4 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 1.5 mm2 / 4 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g Weight 650 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPO Housing material PPO
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting
fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Product references Product references
Description Product reference Description Product reference
Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CTC3415 Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CTC3425

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermostat P82-100C Thermostat P82-100C

6.1 Softstarter
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068-2-6 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068-2-6

Approvals Approvals

328 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 329

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 3 Controlled phases 3
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Bypass Integrated Bypass Integrated
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 230 … 400 V AC Output voltage range 230 … 400 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-58 15 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current AC-58 25 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 1.5 A Minimum load 2.5 A
Typ. leakage current 5 mA 1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 Typ. leakage current 5 mA
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3
Inrush current 90 A, 1 s Inrush current 150 A, 1 s
Rated limit load 610 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t
Switching cycles / h 12 34 14 C A L N Switching cycles / h 12
34 14 C A L N
Control circuit Control circuit
Nominal voltage 230 V AC Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.15 UN Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.15 UN
Typ. release voltage 110 V AC Typ. release voltage 110 V AC
Pick-up time 500 ms Pick-up time 500 ms
Release time 500 ms Release time 500 ms
2/T1 4/T2 6/T3 2/T1 4/T2 6/T3
Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -20 ... 65 °C Ambient temperature operation -20 ... 65 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 470 g Weight 470 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Compressor Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCL33H415US Compressor Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCL33H425US

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

6.1 Softstarter
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947

Approvals Approvals

330 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 331

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
Compressor Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 35 A Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 3 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 3 Controlled phases 2
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Bypass Integrated Bypass Integrated
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 230 … 400 V AC Output voltage range 400 … 480 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-58 35 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current AC-53b 3A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 3.5 A Minimum load 250 mA
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Typ. leakage current 5 mA
Inrush current 210 A, 1 s
1/L1 3/L2 5/L3 Inrush current 18 A
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 72 A2t
Switching cycles / h 12 Switching cycles / h 120
34 14 C A L N
Control circuit Control circuit
Nominal voltage 230 V AC Nominal voltage 400 V AC
Operating voltage range 0.85 ... 1.15 UN Ramp-up time 0.5 … 10 s
Typ. release voltage 110 V AC Ramp-down time 0.5 … 10 s
Pick-up time 500 ms Torque adjustment 0 … 85 %
Release time 500 ms Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz
2/T1 4/T2 6/T3
Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -20 ... 65 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C
Module width fig. 2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 4 mm2
Weight 470 g Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Protection degree IP 20 Module width fig. 2
Housing material PPE Weight 270 g
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Housing material PPO
Product references Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting 22.5

Description Product reference

Product references
Compressor Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCL33H435US
Description Product reference
Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM3H403USi

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

120 3.8


6.1 Softstarter




8.5 127.3

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068

Approvals Approvals

332 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 333

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 15 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 2 Controlled phases 2
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 400 … 480 V AC Output voltage range 400 … 480 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-53b 15 A Rated current AC-53b 15 A
Minimum load 250 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Minimum load 250 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Typ. leakage current 5 mA
Inrush current 90 A Inrush current 90 A
Rated limit load 1800 A2t Rated limit load 1800 A2t
Switching cycles / h 3000 Switching cycles / h 3000

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 400 V AC Nominal voltage 400 V AC
Ramp-up time 0.5 … 10 s Ramp-up time 0.5 … 10 s
Ramp-down time 0.5 … 10 s Ramp-down time 0.5 … 10 s
Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % Torque adjustment 0 … 85 %
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 11-12: Thermostat Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 11-12: Thermostat

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 4 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 4 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 Module width fig. 2
Weight 650 g Weight 650 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPO fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Housing material PPO fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM3H415 Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM3H415DS

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

6.1 Softstarter
Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068

Approvals Approvals

334 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 335

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
CCM3H425 CCM33H425US
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 25 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 2 Controlled phases 3
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Rated voltage 400 V Bypass Externally
Output voltage range 400 … 480 V AC Rated voltage 400 V
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Output voltage range 200 … 480 V AC
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Rated current AC-53b 25 A Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Minimum load 250 mA fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current AC-53b 25 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Minimum load 3A
Inrush current 150 A Typ. leakage current 5 mA
Rated limit load 6300 A2t Inrush current 150 A, 450 ms
Switching cycles / h 3000 Rated limit load 6300 A2t
Switching cycles / h 120
Control circuit
Nominal voltage 400 V AC Control circuit
Ramp-up time 0.5 … 10 s Nominal voltage 480 V AC
Ramp-down time 0.5 … 10 s Operating voltage range 24 - 230 V UC
Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % Typ. release voltage 5 V UC
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz 11-12: Thermostat Ramp-up time 0.5 … 30 s 11-12: Thermostat
Ramp-down time 0.5 … 60 s 13-14: For control of Start/Stop function
Insulation Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % 23-24: By end of ramp up time for by-pass contactor
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Insulation
Overvoltage category III Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
General data Pollution degree 3
Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Overvoltage category III
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C General data
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Module width fig. 2 Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C
Weight 1050 g Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2
Protection degree IP 20 Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Housing material PPO fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Module width fig. 2 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Weight 1050 g
Protection degree IP 20
Product references Housing material PPE
Description Product reference Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM3H425

Product references

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Description Product reference

Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM33H425US
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].


6.1 Softstarter
Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068

Approvals Approvals

336 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 337

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
CCM33H450US CCM33H530USi
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 50 A Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 30 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 3 Controlled phases 3
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Bypass Externally Bypass Externally
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 200 … 480 V AC Output voltage range 200 … 480 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm
Rated current AC-53b 50 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current AC-53b 30 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 3A Minimum load 3A
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Typ. leakage current 5 mA
Inrush current 300 A, 450 ms Inrush current 180 A, 450 ms
Rated limit load 25300 A2t Rated limit load 6300 A2t
Switching cycles / h 120 Switching cycles / h 120

Control circuit Control circuit

Nominal voltage 480 V AC Nominal voltage 480 V AC
Operating voltage range 24 - 230 V UC Operating voltage range 24 - 230 V UC
Typ. release voltage 5 V UC Typ. release voltage 5 V UC
Ramp-up time 0.5 … 30 s 11-12: Thermostat Ramp-up time 0.5 … 30 s 11-12: Thermostat
Ramp-down time 0.5 … 60 s 13-14: For control of Start/Stop function Ramp-down time 0.5 … 60 s 13-14: For control of Start/Stop function
Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % 23-24: By end of ramp up time for by-pass contactor Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % 23-24: By end of ramp up time for by-pass contactor
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz

Insulation Insulation
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Rated insulation voltage 660 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV
Pollution degree 3 Pollution degree 3
Overvoltage category III Overvoltage category III

General data General data

Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm
Module width fig. 2 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Module width fig. 2 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Weight 2500 g Weight 1050 g
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Housing material PPE Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting

Product references Product references

Description Product reference Description Product reference
Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM33H450US Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM33H530USi

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected]. Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].

Accessories Accessories

6.1 Softstarter
Thermal overload protection P82-100C Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068 Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068
Approvals Approvals

338 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 339

6.1 Softstarter 6.1 Softstarter
CCM33H550USi CCMB3H425
Starting Torque Limiter | 3 phase | 480 V | 50 A Starting Torque Limiter with dynamic brake| 3 phase | 400 V | 25 A

Main circuit Main circuit

Number of outputs 3 Number of outputs 3
Controlled phases 3 Controlled phases 2
Output type Thyristor Output type Thyristor
Bypass Externally Bypass Externally
Rated voltage 400 V Rated voltage 400 V
Output voltage range 200 … 480 V AC Output voltage range 400 … 480 V AC
Reverse voltage 1200 Vrrm Reverse voltage 1600 Vrrm
Peak reverse voltage 1300 Vrrm Peak reverse voltage 1650 Vrrm
Rated current AC-53b 50 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram Rated current AC-53a 25 A fig. 1. Wiring diagram
Minimum load 3A Minimum load 1A
Typ. leakage current 5 mA Typ. leakage current 5 mA Brake control input
Inrush current 300 A, 450 ms Inrush current 200 A Slow speed control input
Rated limit load 25300 A2t Rated limit load 6300 A2t Run control input
Switching cycles / h 120
Control circuit
Control circuit Nominal voltage 480 V AC
Nominal voltage 480 V AC Operating voltage range 24 - 230 V UC
Operating voltage range 24 - 230 V UC Typ. release voltage 5 V UC
Typ. release voltage 5 V UC Pick-up time 100 ms
Ramp-up time 0.5 … 30 s 11-12: Thermostat Release time 100 ms
Ramp-down time 0.5 … 60 s 13-14: For control of Start/Stop function Ramp-up time 0.5 … 10 s
Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % 23-24: By end of ramp up time for by-pass contactor Brake current 0 … 50 A
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz Torque adjustment 0 … 85 % Common control voltage input
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz
11-12: Thermostat
Rated insulation voltage 660 V Insulation 13-14: For control of Start/Stop function
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV Pollution degree 3 23-24: By end of ramp up time for by-pass contactor
Pollution degree 3 Overvoltage category III
Overvoltage category III
General data
General data Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature storage -20 ... 80 °C Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C
Ambient temperature operation -5 ... 40 °C Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C
Ambient temperature operation derated power -5 ... 60 °C Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2
Conductor cross section Control / Main Circuit 2.5 mm2 / 6 mm2 Module width fig. 2
Nominal screw torque Control / Main Circuit 0.5 Nm / 1.2 Nm Weight 1050 g
Module width fig. 2 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm) Protection degree IP 20 fig. 2. Dimensions (mm)
Weight 2500 g Housing material PPE
Protection degree IP 20 Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting
Housing material PPE
Mounting TS 35 or Back Panel Mounting Product references
Description Product reference
Product references
Starting Torque Limiter with dynamic brake, 3 phase CCMB3H425
Description Product reference
Starting Torque Limiter, 3 phase CCM33H550USi

Other devices on request. Please contact [email protected].


6.1 Softstarter
Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Standards and approvals

Standards IEC/EN 60947, 50022, 60068


340 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 341

6.1 Softstarter
Thermal overload protection

General data
Module width fig. 1
Weight 3g
Protection degree IP 66
Mounting Slot on contactor
Application fig. 2

Product references
Description Product reference
fig. 1. Dimensions (mm)
6.2 DC Motor Controller
Thermal overload protection P82-100C

Application Type Page

CMC Series
4 8 DC Motor Controller | digital inputs | constant speed CMC1 344

DC Motor Controller | variable speed CMC14 345

DC Motor Controller | analogue inputs 0 … 10 V | variable speed CMC15 346

DC Motor Controller | analogue inputs 4 … 20 mA | variable speed CMC16 347

fig. 2. Wiring diagram KDM Series

DC Motor Relay | 1 output for motor | 1 output for breaking resistor | Faston KDM3-24 348

Optional thermal overload protection is possible

by inserting a thermostat in a slot on the right
hand side of the electronic contactor.

Example 1 Example 2

Thermostat in series with control Thermostat in series

circuit of the SSR contactor. with control circuit from
main contactor.

6.2 DC Motor Controller

Example 3 Example 4

Thermostat in series with the Thermostat in series

control supply of the controller. with PLC input.


The thermostat is connected in series with the different control circuits. When the controller heatsink temperature exceeds 90° C, the
device is switched off. When the controller heatsink has dropped to approx.. 60° C, the control supply is switched On again
(depending the chosen control circuit).

342 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 343

Speed adjustable via potentiometer
Power supply DC 12…24 V
Motor current 10 A continuously, temporary 20 A
6.2 DC Motor Controller 6.2 DC Motor Controller Adjustable start and break ramps
Status and error displayed by LED
CMC1 CMC14 Short-circuit-proof
Wear free
DC Motor Controller | digital inputs | constant speed DC Motor Controller | variable speed

Maximum load 16 A / 24 V Maximum load 210Description

A / 24 V
The CMC14 is a control device for DC motor operation. The Motor speed is set by corresponding potentiometer on
Outputs Drive Outputs Drive
the front of the device. To adjust the acceleration and deceleration ramp another potentiometer is used. Up to two
motors can be operated independently of each other. Mechanical shocks and high current peaks are prevented;
Type Mosfet H bridge Type Mosfet H bridge
the lifetime of the entire system is increased.
Nominal switching current 16 A Nominal switching current 10 A
Motor controllers of the CMC line comply to DIN standard 43880. Installation width is 14 mm.
Inrush current 20 A / max. 3 s Inrush current 20 A / max. 3 s
Nominal voltage 24 V Nominal voltage 24 V
Switching power DC-5 384 W Switching power DC-5 240 W
3 Order designation

Control Voltage Vn = 12-24 V Power supply Motor controller (speed adjustable) CMC14/DC12-24V
Nominal operating voltage range (DC) 12 – 24 V Nominal operating voltage (DC) 12 – 24 V
Admissible voltage range (DC) 8 – 28 V Connection diagram Operating voltage (DC) 8 – 28 V Connection diagram
4 Connection diagram
Current consumption DC Max. current consumption without load 10 mA
12 V 3 mA + Max. power consumption DC
Terminal Description

12-24 VD

12-24 VD
24 V 6 mA 1 Q1 12 V ≤
I1 150 mW Input 1
2 Q2 M 24 V ≤
I2 300 mW Input 2
Power supply GND Ground
Nominal operating voltage (DC) 12 – 24 V Max. 16A Time response Q1 Output 1
Operating voltage (DC) 8 – 28 V + Start ramp 0
Q2– 4 s Output 2

12-24 VD

12-24 VD
Max. current consumption without load 10 mA 1 Q1 Breaking ramp 0 –4s
+, - Power supply
Max. power consumption DC
2 Q2
12 V 120 mW M M Specifications The output stage is galvanically isolated.
24 V 240 mW GND Ambient temperature storage/operation -40 … 85°C / -25 … +60°C (no ice)
Max. 2×10A
Connection terminals Screw terminal 2.5 mm2
Time response DC voltage endurance at rated load > 100 000 h (at 25 °C)
Start ramp 0–4s Function diagram Protection degree IP 20 Function diagram
Breaking ramp 0–4s Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Housing material Aluminium
Specifications U Weight 80 g
Motor controller CMC14 55082-101-57-001
Ambient temperature storage/operation -40 … 85°C / -25 … +60°C (no ice)

I 05.09.2017 'Sc Datasheet 1/5

Connection terminals Screw terminal 2.5 mm2 t t Product References

DC voltage endurance at rated load > 100 000 h (at 25 °C) DC 12-24 CMC14/DC12-24V
Protection degree IP 20 LED IN
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Housing material Aluminium
Weight 80 g

Product References
DC 12-24 CMC1/DC12-24V
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

6.2 DC Motor Controller

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities
IEC/EN 61373 IEC/EN 61373

344 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 345

6.2 DC Motor Controller 6.2 DC Motor Controller
DC Motor Controller | analogue inputs 0 … 10 V | variable speed DC Motor Controller | analogue inputs 4 … 20 mA | variable speed

Maximum load 10 A / 24 V Maximum load 10 A / 24 V

Outputs Drive Outputs Drive

Type Mosfet H bridge Type Mosfet H bridge
Nominal switching current 10 A Nominal switching current 10 A
Inrush current 20 A / max. 3 s Inrush current 20 A / max. 3 s
Nominal voltage 24 V Nominal voltage 24 V
Switching power 240 W Switching power 240 W

Analogue inputs Analogue inputs

Nominal operating voltage range (DC) 0 – 10 V Nominal operating voltage range (DC) 4 – 20 mA
Resolution 8 Bit Connection diagram Resolution 8 Bit Connection diagram
Input impedance 55 kΩ Input impedance 190 Ω
+ +

0-10 VD

4-20 mA

Power supply 1 Q1 Power supply 1 Q1
Nominal operating voltage (DC) 12 – 24 V
2 Q2 M Nominal operating voltage (DC) 12 – 24 V
2 Q2 M
Operating voltage (DC) 8 – 28 V GND Operating voltage (DC) 8 – 28 V GND
Max. current consumption without load 10 mA Max. 10A Max. current consumption without load 10 mA Max. 10A
Max. power consumption DC Max. power consumption DC
+ +

4 -20 mA
0-10 VD
12 V 120 mW 12 V 120 mW


1 Q1 1 Q1
24 V 240 mW 24 V 240 mW
2 Q2 2 Q2
Time response Time response
Start ramp 0–2s Max. 2×10A Start ramp 0–2s Max. 2×10A
Breaking ramp 0–2s Breaking ramp 0–2s
Function diagram Function diagram
Specifications Specifications
Ambient temperature storage/operation -40 … 85°C / -25 … +60°C (no ice) Ambient temperature storage/operation -40 … 85°C / -25 … +60°C (no ice)
Connection terminals Screw terminal 2.5 mm2 Connection terminals Screw terminal 2.5 mm2
DC voltage endurance at rated load > 100 000 h (at 25 °C) DC voltage endurance at rated load > 100 000 h (at 25 °C)
Protection degree IP 20 Protection degree IP 20
Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting Mounting TS-35 or Back Panel Mounting
Housing material Aluminium Housing material Aluminium
Weight 80 g Weight 80 g

Product References Product References

DC 12-24 CMC15/DC12-24V DC 12-24 CMC16/DC12-24V

Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)

6.2 DC Motor Controller

Technical approvals, conformities Technical approvals, conformities

IEC/EN 61373

IEC/EN 61373

346 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 347

6.2 DC Motor Controller
DC Motor Relay | 1 output for motor | 1 output for breaking resistor | Faston

Maximum load 3 A / 32 V

Outputs Drive Brake

Type: Power MOS FET High side N-channel
Max. switching current 3 A 3 A, 10 sec
Max. continuous current 3 A (5 A) 1) 2A
Max. inrush current, 1 sec 2) 20 A 7
Switching voltage range 10 … 32 V 10 … 32 V
Max. Load 100 W 65 W
Thermal overload protection 2) self restoring self restoring
Over current limiting 2) type. 35 A 7 … 14 A
Clamp voltage type. 58 V 60 … 70 V Connection diagram
Max. inductive switch-off energy 2) 1 Ws single pulse 0.4 Ws single pulse
ON resistance @ 25 °C ≤ 50 mΩ ≤ 100 mΩ 4 2 3 1 + Adjustment braking action
Leakage current ≤ 10 µA + Q2 Q3 Q1

4 2 3 1
 epetitive operation: When the ratio tpulse / tcycle is a low value then the current
R K 8 6 7
can be increased up to 5 A @ TA ≤ 50 °C. E1 + S
8 6 5 7
Not for continuous repetitive operation K 3A,12-24VD

Control Voltage VN = DC 12-24 V

Operating voltage range 9 … 28 V
Release voltage ≤2V Function diagram
Typical input current @ 12 / 24 V 2 / 6.5 mA
Power consumption @ 12 / 24 V 25 / 160 mW
24 V supply
Polarity reversal protected
Ambient temperature storage/operation -40 … 85°C / -25 … +60°C (no ice)
ON delay 1 ms
Release time 1 ms Output current vs. duty cycle
Housing material Lexan
Weight 27 g 5

Product References
DC 12-24 KDM3-24/DC12-24V R 3
Current [A]

Accessories 2

Socket S7-C

Application example
Four quadrant (forward / reversed) motor control 0 20 40 60 80 100
Duty cycle [%]

Dimensions (mm)
4 4
7 1 M 1 7
3 3
6/8 2 2 6/8

Operating with brake resistors (on 2–3) is not recommended in this application.

6.2 DC Motor Controller

22 35.5

Technical approvals, conformities

348 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 349
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350 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 351
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ComatReleco AG | Bernstrasse 4 | 3076 Worb | Switzerland | | [email protected] | [email protected] | 

352 | WoR 1 WoR 1 | 353


ComatReleco AG
Bernstrasse 4 | 3076 Worb  | Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 838 55 77
Fax +41 31 838 55 99
[email protected] |
[email protected] |

354 | WoR 1
ComatReleco AG
Bernstrasse 4 | 3076 Worb  | Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 838 55 77
Fax +41 31 838 55 99
[email protected] |
[email protected] |

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