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Instructions to students
In the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initial(s)
and signature.
Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box ( ). If you change your mind
about an
Answer, put a line through the box ( ) and then mark your new answer with a cross ( ).
The paper reference is shown at the top of this page. Check that you have the correct
question paper.
Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided in this question paper..
Information for Candidates
The total mark for this paper is 100. The marks for the parts of questions are shown in
Brackets: e.g. (2).
There are 6 pages in this question paper except cover page. All blank pages are indicated.

Parts of midterm examination is summarized the table below:

Part one Multiple choice 40marks

Part two Complete the empty sentences 10marks

Part three Structural question 50 marks

Total 100
1- Chickens with the characteristics ( small in size, light in weight, and lay more
A Layers B Broilers
C Broody D Both a and b

2- Which of the following drugs can speed up brain action?

A Hallucinogens B Sedatives
C Stimulants D Painkillers

3- The largest bone in our body is called

A Femur B Radius
C Sternum D Humerus

4- Images formed by pinhole camera is

A Upside down B Larger
C Virtual D None
5- Skeleton outside the body is known as :
A Hydro skeleton B Endoskeleton
C Exoskeleton D None
6- Energy of an object due to its movement is:
A Kinetic energy B Potential energy
C Electric energy D A and B

7- Water can be conserved by:

A Dam building B deforestation
C land contouring D Pollution

8- Chloroplast contains green substance called

A Mesophyll B chlorophyll
C Stomata D vascular bundles

9- Which of the following units can be used to measure level of temperature

A Gramm B Kelvin
C Joule D Ampere

10- Causative organism of gonorrhea is
A Salmonella typhoid B Neisseria meningitis
C Neisseria gonorrhea D HIV virus
11- Name of this defect from the figure

A Hypermetropia
B Long sightedness
C Myopia
D A and B

12- Here are symptoms of poultry disease identify kind of disease

-watery yellowish, white bad smelling feces, staggering, drooping wings and bent of neck.
A poultry typhoid B Coccidiosis
C Newcastle D fowl pox
13- “Change in the form and often habits of an animal during the normal
development” this process is known as;
A Ecology B Fertilization
C Metamorphosis D Methodology
14- The name of fertilized ovum is
A Zygote B Embryo
C Fetus D Baby

15- The temperature of a body is 27Co what Kelvin scale is equivalent

A 246K B 300K
C 273K D 37K

16- The diagram below shows male reproductive organs , (choose the part which
produces male sex cells)

17- What is the another name of immunization

A Treatment B Antibiotic
C Vaccination D Sedatives
18- Name of part X is
A Chalazae
B Yolk
C Embryo
D Albumen

19- There method of chicken rearing which method involve low capital
A deep litter system B Battery cage system
C free range system D intensive system

20- In these places where bacteria can be found

A Intestines B Soil
C Dust D All


framework Oxygen natural tendency shutter The placenta
umbilical cord carbon dioxide Film network

1- Water is split into hydrogen and ……………….. in sunlight

2- ……………… is where fetus receives its food from the mother
3- Diaphragm is a device which control the amount of light which falls on the
……………… or retina
4- A broody hen is one which shows …………………. To sit on eggs and rear
5- Skeleton is defined as ……………………. of the body


1- Using the table below answer the question and explain if necessary (12marks)
Disease: AIDS

Pathogen (causative
organism) (1 mark)

Site of action of pathogen


Mode of transmission
(2 mark)

Signs and symptoms

(3 mark)

Control and prevention


Factors promote the

spread of disease

2- What are the advantages and disadvantages of battery system (4marks)

3- Complete the table about the conversion of temperature units (5 marks)
Scales (units ) Celsius (℃) Fahrenheit (℉) Kelvin (oK)
Temperature 50o
Temperature 86o
Temperature 59o 288o
4- The diagram below shows human skeleton system (8marks)

I. There are three main parts of human skeleton, what are they? (3 marks )
II. Name part Q, M, W and T? (4 marks)
III. What is the important of part Q (1 mark)?
5- Mention three important of water conservation (or simply important of water)?
6- Define each of the following terms (5 marks)
i. Temperature
ii. Energy
iii. A Drug
iv. Photosynthesis
v. Puberty

7- The diagram shows a section through an eye (6 marks)

8- Name four factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis (4 marks)


9- List at five forms of energy? (4 marks )



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