Time Allowed: 25 Minutes Marks: 17: Federal Board HSSC-II Examination Biology Model Question Paper
Time Allowed: 25 Minutes Marks: 17: Federal Board HSSC-II Examination Biology Model Question Paper
Time Allowed: 25 Minutes Marks: 17: Federal Board HSSC-II Examination Biology Model Question Paper
Time allowed: 25 minutes Marks: 17
Note: Section-A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the separately
provided OMR Answer Sheet which should be completed in the first 25 minutes and
handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Do not use lead pencil.
Q.1 Choose the correct answer i.e. A / B / C / D by filling the relevant bubble for each
question on the OMR Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each
part carries one mark.
1. The area in lungs where blood vessels and airways pass in and out is called:
A. Pelvis B. Hilum
C. Mediastinum D. Fissure
2. Antidiuretic hormone promotes the retention of water by stimulating the:
A. Active transport of water
B. Active transport of chloride
C. Active transport of sodium
D. Permeability of collecting duct to water
3. Autonomic functions of body such as heartbeat, blood pressure and respiration are
controlled by:
A. Cerebellum B. Pons
C. Medulla D. Thalamus
4. During human embryonic development, first site of RBC formation is:
A. Yolk sac B. Allantois
C. Notochord D. Blastocyst
5. Some animals like fiddler crab, are busiest during the time of either dawn or dusk
or both are called:
A. Diurnal animals B. Nocturnal animals
C. Crepuscular animals D. Circadian animals
9. Vasa recta is the cluster of capillaries present in the nephron of human beings. It
is derived from “X” and surrounds “Y”, where “X” are arterioles and “Y” are tube
like structures. Which of the following correctly identifies “X” and “Y”?
A Efferent arterioles Proximal convoluted tubule
B Afferent arterioles Proximal convoluted tubule
C Efferent arterioles Loop of Henle
D Afferent arterioles Loop of Henle
17. The diagram shows an aquatic food web.
Answer Key SECTION-A
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Federal Board HSSC-II Examination
Biology Model Question Paper
(Curriculum 2006)
Q.2 Attempt any FOURTEEN parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks.
(14 3 = 42)
i. What are osmoregulators? How do they adapt in fresh water? Give example.
Answer: The organisms which can maintain internal osmotic concentration different
from the surrounding medium. They are hypotonic or hypertonic to surrounding
environment e.g. fresh water animals and most marine vertebrates.
Fresh water osmo-regulators face problem of excess water in their bodies being living
in hypotonic environment along with problem of salts deficiency.
• They produce large volume of diluted urine
• Actively reabsorb salts and ions through kidneys and ionocytes in skin and gills
• They eat diet rich in salts and ions.
ii. Name cranial and facial bones with paired and unpaired classification.
Answer: Cranial bones:
There are 8 cranial bones, 2 paired and 4 unpaired
Paired bones: Unpaired bones:
Parietal bones Frontal bone
Temporal bones Occipital bone
Ethmoid bone
Sphenoid bone
Facial bones:
There are 14 facial bones, 6 paired and 2 unpaired.
Paired bones Unpaired bones
Maxilla Mandible
Zygomatic Vomer
Inferior concha
iii. List the roles of the components of limbic system in human brain.
Answer: Limbic system: The limbic system is located as an arc between thalamus
and just under cerebrum, which produce our most basic and primitive emotions,
drives and behaviors. It consists of:
1. Hypothalamus 2. Amygdala 3. Hippocampus
Roles of components of Limbic system
• Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus through its hormone production and neural
connection acts as major coordinating center between neurons and endocrine.
It maintain homeostasis and contain centers for regulating hunger, sleep, thirst, body
temperature, water balance and blood pressure, menstrual cycle and sleep wake cycle.
• Amygdala: It produces sensation of pleasure, punishment, love, hate, rage, altruism,
fear, rage and sexual arousal.
• Hippocampus:It is very important in converting short term memory into long term
iv. What are the different types of hormones on the basis of their chemical
Answer: Types of hormones on the basis of chemical nature: Chemically hormones
belong to following 5 categories:
• Proteinous hormones: e.g. Somatotropic hormone (STH), Thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH), Gonadotropic hormones (GH)
• Amino acids derivatives: e.g. Thyroxin
• Peptide Hormones: e.g. Melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)), Adrenocorticotrophic
hormone (ACTH), Oxytocin, Vasopressin, Calcitonin and Parathormone
• Steroid Hormones: e.g. Cortisol and Aldosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone and
• Catecholamine: Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
v. What are the characteristics (symptoms) of different types of hypothyroidism?
Answer: Symptoms of different types of hypothyroidism:
Myxedema is a full blown hypothyroidism in adults. It is characterized by low
metabolic rate, feeling chilled, puffy eyes, thick, scaly and dry skin with hair loss from
the scalp and eyebrows, oedema tongue swelling, constipation and enlarged thyroid
gland i.e. goiter.
Cretinism: It is the congenital under secretion of thyroxin in infants which is
characterized by mental retardation with poor physical growth and disproportionate body
size, delayed bone maturation, puberty and infertility.
➢ During transport of CO2, HCO3-ion is released from RBCs into the plasma. To balance
this exit of HCO3- from RBCs, Cl-ion enters the RBCs from plasma. This opposite flow
maintains the neutrality of RBCs environment. This is also called Chloride shift.
➢ These movements are regulated by special bicarbonate-chloride carrier proteins that exist
in RBC membrane, to maintain pH of blood at 7.4.
xii. Why is Sanger’s method of gene sequencing called chain termination method?
Ans. Sanger’s method is based on the use of modified nucleotides dideoxynucleoside
triphosphates (ddNTPs)in addition to normal deoxynucleotides (dNTPs) found in DNA.
Modified nucleotides (ddNTPs) are essentially same as common nucleotides (dNTPs)
except ddNTPs have hydrogen groups (H) at both 2nd and 3rd carbons instead of hydroxyl
(OH) groups. During DNA synthesis, when these modified nucleotides (ddNTPs)are
integrated in the growing DNA strand, they prevent addition of further nucleotides
because an OH group is required at 3´ end to make a phosphodiester bond with next
incoming nucleotide. In this way polynucleotide chain is terminated at the modified
nucleotide (ddNTP) every time when they are integrated in the strand.
xiii. How does dominance differs from epistasis? Give example to clear the
Sr.# Dominance Epistasis
1 It is relationship between alleles of same It is interaction between different genes
gene occupying same locus. occupying different loci.
2 Gene supresses the expression of its own Gene supresses the expression of
alleles alleles of different gene.
3 Only the recessive allele is supressed by Expression of both dominant and
its dominant allele. recessive alleles of another gene is
suppressed by epistatic gene.
4 Effect is only due to dominant allele. Both dominant and recessive alleles
can become epistatic.
5 Expression of A, B & AB phenotypes of Expression of recessive allele “i” is
ABO blood group is controlled by alleles suppressed by its dominant alleles IA&
IA & IB on a locus of chromosome 9 by IBin heterozygous form(IAi & IBi) all
producing antigens A & B but their residingon the same locus.
expression is supressed by the recessive Allele for short height in pea plant (t)
allele “h” of gene H at a locus on suppressed by its dominant allele (T) in
chromosome 19 because gene “h” inhibits heterozygous form (Tt).
the production of antigen A & B so
Bombay phenotypes are produced.
xvi. Nuclear power is one of the important sources of energy especially in developed
countries. How nuclear power generation and management may be
Ans. Problems regarding Nuclear power generation and management are failure to
achieve highest levels of surety of safe operation and safe disposal of wastes.
If Surety of safe operation is not maintained, accidents and release of hazardous
effluents may occur. To achieve optimum safety in operation and to diminish the
consequences of failure following parameters of strict actions are needed. (a)high quality
design and construction (b) comprehensive monitoring regular testing to detect the
equipment and operator failures (c) prevention of significant radioactive release
Safe disposal of wastes: is necessary as(a) Nuclear wastes are radioactive so cause
number of health hazards for any life who comes into contact with the radiation of fatal
level. (b)Nuclear wastes are not biodegradable so it does not decompose naturally by
microbes and other effects of atmosphere. (c) Effects of nuclear wastes are extremely
long lasting and irreparable.
xvii. Given figure shows structures in human thorax. Identify parts labelled A, B
and C and describe their roles.
Ans. A:Larynx. It controls the ventilation. Larynx has vocal cords which creates vocal
sound by the vibration of their elastic fibres when air is forced between the vocal cords.
B:Alveoli. The alveoli are tiny, thin walled balloon shaped air sacs and are the sites of
gaseous exchange (oxygen into the blood from lungs and carbon dioxide in the lungs
from blood.
C: Diaphragm. It separates the thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity and also helps in
breathing and involves in pushing out and pulling in the air during ventilation.
a. Put the steps (labelled H, J, K, L, M, N, O) into the correct sequence
in the following table: (2)
b. Name the ovulating follicle and what happens to this follicle after
ovulation? (1)
Ans. Ovulating follicle is fully matured follicle and called Graafian follicle. After
ovulation ruptured follicle become yellowish glandular mass called Carpus leutum that
secrets progesterone hormone.
xix. After kidney failure, dialysis is performed. Figure shows how blood, fresh and
used dialysis fluid move through a dialysis machine. The composition of the
dialysis fluid changes as it passes through the dialysis machine.
a. Redraw and complete the table using words “low”, “high”, “same” or
“none” to show how concentration of each substance changes in the
dialysis fluid and blood. (2)
Concentration of substance in
Substance Blood before Fresh Used Blood after
Dialysis dialysis fluid Dialysis fluid Dialysis
Glucose Low High Low High
Salts High Low High Low
Urea High None High None
Toxin High None High None
xx. The given figure shows the inheritance of Duchene muscular dystrophy, which
is X-linked recessive disorder.
Describe why grand-daughter “H” of person “A” is affected with this disorder
whereas grand-daughter “J” of the same person “A” is normal?
(NOTE: In this pedigree, appearance of affected granddaughter “H” is hypothetical situation because
affected males rarely survive up to adolescence and are not able to become fathers so this disease is limited
to males only and females remain carrier).
Q.3 a. Describe and sketch sliding filament model of a skeletal muscle fibre. (4+2)
Muscle Contraction – Sliding Filament Model
The sliding filament theory of contraction states that during contraction the thin
myofilaments slide past the thick ones so that they overlap to a greater degree. In a
relaxed muscle fibre, the thick and thin myofilaments overlap only at the ends of the A-
band. But when muscle fibres are stimulated by the nervous system, the myosin heads are
attached on to myosin binding sites on actin in the thin myofilaments, and the sliding
begins. These links are called cross bridges which are formed and broken several times
during a contraction, acting like tiny ratchets to generate tension and propel the thin
myofilaments toward the centre of the sarcomere.
As this event occurs simultaneously in sarcomeres throughout the cell, the muscle cell
shortens. The I-bands shorten, the distance between successive Z discs is reduced, the H-
zone disappears, and the contiguous A-bands move closer together but do not change in
Control of cross bridges
Muscle contraction is initiated by nerve impulse arriving at the neuromuscular junction.
The nerve impulse is carried through the sarcolemma to the T-tubule then to the
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The calcium gates of the SR open releasing calcium into the
cytosol. When muscle is at rest, the tropomyosin is placed in such a way that it covers the
sites on the actin chain where the heads of the myosin have to attach. When muscle is
required to contract, calcium ions bind to the free site of troponin molecules and cause
them to twist and move slightly. This twisting of troponin causes the tropomyosin
displacement and thus expose the binding sites for myosin heads on the actin. ATP is
hydrolysed to ADP and phosphate (Pi) and energy is utilized for attachment of myosin
heads to actin filament thus causing the contraction of sarcomere. New ATP molecule
binds again to myosin and hydrolysis of ATP causes the active uptake of calcium ion by
sarcoplasmic reticulum, breakdown of cross bridges and the detachment of myosin from
actin resulting relaxation of sarcomere. The formation and breakdown of cross bridges
occur again and again during the sliding of the filament.
b. Draw and describe different steps of Nitrogen Cycle in detail. (3+4)
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is required by all living organisms for the synthesis of organic molecules such as
amino acids, nucleic acids and proteins. The nitrogen cycle consists of a series of processes that
convert nitrogen gas to organic substances and back to nitrogen in nature. It is a continuous cycle
maintained by the decomposers and other bacteria. The nitrogen cycle involves ammonification,
nitrification, nitrogen fixation, assimilation and de-nitrification.
The nitrogenous wastes of animals and nitrogenous compounds of dead organisms are
decomposed by saprophytic soil bacteria and fungi to form simple substances like water, carbon
dioxide, amino acid and energy. The amino acids are converted into ammonia or ammonium
ions. Production of ammonia or ammonium compounds in the decomposition of organic matter
by microorganisms is called ammonification. Ammonification occurs in the soil, in an aerobic
Some ammonia escapes into the soil but much of it and ammonium ions are converted into
nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. It is accomplished by two groups of nitrifying bacteria. The first
group of bacteria e.g., Nitrosomonas converts ammonia to nitrites and the second group of
bacteria e.g., Nitrobacter converts nitrites to nitrates. This process is called nitrification.
Nitrification takes place only in well aerated soils because the bacteria responsible for it are
Nitrogen fixation
Nitrogen gas is composed of two atoms of nitrogen linked by a very strong triple bond.
This makes it chemically unreactive and large amounts of energy are required to break the bond.
Nitrogen gas can be fixed in three ways.
Atmospheric fixation: The nitrogen fixation that occurs spontaneously by lightning is called
atmospheric fixation; a small amount (5-8 %) only is fixed in this way. Lightning allows nitrogen
and oxygen to combine to produce various oxides of nitrogen. These are carried by the rain into
the soil where they can be used by plants.
Industrial fixation: The synthesis of nitrogen containing fertilizers is called industrial fixation.
Biological fixation: Nitrogen-fixing bacteria fix 60 % of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere.
Bacteria Convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia.
Only a relatively few bacteria (the nitrogen-fixing bacteria) are able to carry out this
reaction. Fixed nitrogen is made available to plants by the death and lysis of free-living nitrogen-
fixing bacteria e.g., Azotobacter (aerobic) and Clostridium (anaerobic) or from the symbiotic
association of some nitrogen-fixing bacteria with plants e.g. Rhizobium.
Nitrogen cycle
It is the process of utilization of nitrogenous compounds in living bodies. Many
microorganisms are able to utilize free nitrogen directly from atmosphere but plants obtain
nitrogen in the form of inorganic nitrogenous compounds like ammonia and nitrates from the
soil, whereas animals take their nitrogen from the eating of plants or other animals.
Nitrogen can be lost as a result of the activities of certain soil bacteria; in the absence of
oxygen these bacteria breakdown nitrates releasing nitrogen back into the atmosphere and using
the oxygen for their own respiration. This process is known as denitrification and such bacteria
are called denitrifying bacteria e.g., Pseudomonas reduce nitrates in the soil to gaseous state.
Q.4 a. Given figure is a flow diagram showing how insulin is produced using genetic
i. Define and describe the steps involved in recombinant DNA technology.(3)
1. Gene of interest
A gene is identified that controls a trait in which scientists are interested. DNA containing that
gene is collected from the donor organism that naturally has this gene.
2. Vector selection
Scientists isolate plasmid DNA (extra-chromosomal ring of DNA) from bacteria. This ring of
DNA will carry the gene to the new organism. The plasmids or bacteriophage viruses can serve
as a vector.
3. Restriction endonuclease
The donor DNA and the plasmid DNA are mixed with restriction endonuclease enzyme (cutting
enzyme). This enzyme cuts both kinds of DNA into pieces at special sequence.
4. Formation of recombinant DNA
The pieces of DNA which have complementary sequences join together to make a complete
plasmid. This plasmid is now a ring of DNA that has a new gene in it so it is called recombinant
DNA. DNA ligase (joining enzyme) is used to make bond between two types of DNA.
5. Transfer of recombinant DNA into host
The recombinant DNA is mixed with other bacterial cells. Some of these bacteria will take the
plasmids into their cells by a process called transformation. The cells containing the gene are
identified and separated. These are genetically modified organism (GMO).
6. Growth of the GMO
Colonies of GMO are provided suitable growth conditions, as in fermenter.
7. Expression of the gene
The GMO contains the gene of interest and produces the desired product, which is separated
from culture medium
ii. At which step/s restriction endonuclease enzyme was used in this process? Why
thisenzyme is named so? (1.5)
Answer: At step R plasmid is cut with restriction endonuclease. At step N donor chromosome is
cut with restriction endonuclease to isolate gene of interest.
Naturally restriction enzymes are found in bacteria, where they appear to serve as host-defence
role because they chop up and inactivate ("restrict") the DNA of infecting viruses. That’s why
this enzyme is named as restriction endonuclease.
iii. Complete Table as completed in first row. (2.5)
Answer: Electrical potential that exists on the surface of neuron cell is potential energy that is
manifested during separation of charges across the neuron cell membrane, is called membrane
potential. Neurons are always in membrane potential which are of two types; resting membrane
potential (RMP) and Active membrane potential (AMP).
When neuron is not stimulated and no impulse is passing through the neuron it is said at rest and
its membrane potential is called resting membrane potential (RMP). In RMP, neuron is
negatively charged from inside of the neuron andmore positive charge on the outer surface than
inner surface. RMP is approximately 70 millivolts more negative than the outside (−70 mV). It is
caused by unequal distribution of positive and negative ions on both surfaces (inside and outside)
of neuron cell membrane.
Factors responsible in the establishment and, maintenance of RMP in a neuron are:
1. Concentration of Na+ and K+ ions: Na+ ion is about 10 times greater in the fluid outside of
the cell membrane than Na+ ion inside the membrane, whereas K+ ion is about 30 times
greater in the fluid inside the cell than K+ ion outside
2. Negative organic ions: Huge amount of negatively charged ions and organic molecules
(amino acids, fatty acids, proteins and RNA) inside the cell cytoplasm than few or negligible
negatively charged ion and organic molecules outside the cell. Due to relatively larger size
and impermeability of membrane to negative charges, negatively charged ions rarely move
across the membrane.
3. Na+/ K+ pump(active proteins inside the neuron cell membrane) performs active transport of
ions. Mainly positive ions move across the cell membrane, for active transport of every two
K+ ions inside the cell there is active pumping of three Na+ions outside the cell.
4. Leaky channels of K+ ions: Cell membrane of neuron has many non-voltage regulated
channel proteins called gates which continuously allow movement of K+ ions from inside of
cell to outside.
All above factors together make the outside of the cell more positive than inside and
establish the RMP. This RMP will be maintained until the membrane is not stimulated by a
sufficiently strong stimulus above the threshold level.
Q.5 a. Discuss Hershey and Chase experiments. What was concluded from these
experiments? Draw labelled diagram. (3+2+2)
Hershey and Chase Experiment
i. Describe the structure, purpose and development of placenta along with its
hormonal role during pregnancy. (4)
The Placenta
The placenta is the organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the embryo and helps
dispose of its metabolic wastes, formed of the embryo’s chorion and mother’s endometrial blood
Structure of placenta
The structure of the placenta consists of tissue from foetal part and maternal part. The
foetal part consists of chorionic villi. This increase surface area for absorption. The maternal
part consists of projections from endometrium. The placenta begins to develop upon
implantation of the blastocyst into the maternal endometrium. The outer layer of the blastocyst
becomes the trophoblast, which forms the outer layer of the placenta. The placenta grows
throughout pregnancy. However, development of the maternal blood supply to the placenta is
completed by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy (approximately 12–13 weeks). At this
stage, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) declines, the corpus luteum degenerates and the
placenta completely takes over the production of progesterone, which maintains pregnancy.
The foetal blood in the capillaries of the chorionic villi comes in close contact with the
mother’s blood in the tissues between villi. However, they are always separated by a membrane
through which substances may diffuse or be actively transported. Maternal and foetal blood does
not normally mix in the placenta or any other place.
ii. Name the structure labelled as “P”. What is its role and what happens to it after
birth of baby? (2)