Bio F111 1002

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Second Semester 2017-18

Course Handout – Part II
Date: 6th Jan, 2018

In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses) printed on page 1 of the timetable book, this
portion gives further specific details regarding the course.

Course Number : BIO F111


Instructor-in-Charge : PANKAJ KUMAR SHARMA ([email protected])

Instructors : Rajdeep Chowdhury ([email protected])
Sudeshna Mukherjee ([email protected])
Jitendra Panwar ([email protected])
Vishal Saxena ([email protected])
Prabhat Nath Jha ([email protected])
Shilpi Garg ([email protected])
Sandhya Marathe ([email protected])
Syamantak Majumder ([email protected])
Meghana Tare ([email protected])

1. Course Description:
Living systems and their properties; classification of organisms; biochemistry and cell biology;
primary biochemical/metabolic pathways; introductory genetics; biotechnology and its
applications; basic human physiological processes.

2. Scope and Objectives:

The course is aimed to provide a broad introduction to the major principles and topics in biology.
The relationship of the living organism with its environment at the molecular level is highlighted in
line with modern research in biological sciences. By the end of the course, the student would have
gained an overall understanding of the essential aspects of biology – both as a basic science and as
a branch with wide-ranging applications in industry, medicine and human health. It is also
expected that using the acquired knowledge, he/she would be able to devise/suggest strategies to
solve some of the imminent problems facing mankind and the world at large.

3. Textbook:
Simon, E.J. et. al. Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology (5th edition). Noida: Pearson India
Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2016.

4. Reference Books:
RB1: Enger, E.D., Ross, F.C. and David B. Bailey. Concepts in Biology (14th edition, BITS-Pilani
Custom Edition 2012). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2012.

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Instruction Division

RB2: Raven, P.H., et. al. Biology (9th edition). Singapore: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
RB3: Starr, Cecie. Biology: Concepts and Applications (6th edition). India: Thomson Brooks/Cole,

5. Lecture Plan:

*Unless specified otherwise, the numbers correspond to chapters from the textbook

Lect. Learning Chap. Learning Outcomes

Topics to be covered
# Objectives #*
Getting Orientation to the course Get the initial big picture
1 introduced to content; the scientific method; 1, 4 about studying biology
the course properties of life
Classification Develop an appreciation
and Kingdoms of life and examples; for the diversity of life
2-3 RB1:
characteristics viruses around us
of life forms
Differentiate between
Organic Building blocks; carbohydrates;
structure and properties
4-5 chemistry of proteins (including enzymes); 3, 5
of biological
living things nucleic acids; lipids
Cell theory; prokaryotic and Associate organelles
Cell Structure eukaryotic cells; brief overview with their cellular
6-8 4
and Function of cellular organelles; membrane functions
transport mechanisms
Biochemical Pathways – Cellular Examine the steps the
respiration: three stages of cells use to derive
9-10 nutrition: 6
generating ATPs; process of energy from different
cellular level
fermentation biomolecule classes
Borrowing Examine the steps the
Biochemical Pathways –
energy from plant cells employ to
Photosynthesis: light reactions,
11-12 nature: 7 synthesize sugars using
Calvin cycle; autotrophs and
photosynthetic sunlight
Comprehend the types
Cell cycle and Mitosis; stages of
Cell Division – of cell division and the
mitosis; cancer and cell cycle;
Proliferation underlying control
13-15 Meiosis – stages and generation 8
and checkpoints; compare
of genetic diversity;
Reproduction the differing mechanics
chromosomal abnormalities
in cancer cells

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Mendelian genetics – laws of 9+ Apply the famous

Patterns of Mendelian laws to solve
16-18 heredity; extensions to Mendel; RB1:
Inheritance problems in heredity
other influences on phenotype 10
DNA structure and replication; Analyze in detail the
DNA and RNA –
RNA and protein synthesis : processes associated
19-22 Structure and 10
transcription and translation; with the Central Dogma
mutations of Biology
Genetic How and why genes are Understand the
regulation and controlled; cloning plants and importance of regulation
23-25 11
the process of animals; stem cells ; the genetic of gene expression
cloning basis of cancer
Techniques of DNA Critique the use of
Biotechnology manipulation; GMOs; DNA biotechnology tools for
26-29 and its Fingerprinting; bioinformatics; 12 societal benefit
Applications forensic science; biotechnology
Unifying Appreciate the perfect
Regulating internal body
Concepts of control mechanisms that
environment; Human 13, 14,
30-32 Animal ensure homeostasis in
circulatory, respiratory, 15
Structure and the human body
digestive and excretory systems
Compare the types of
Body’s defense Innate immunity; lymphatic defense mechanisms
33-34 16
strategies system; adaptive immunity operating in the body
when faced by diseases
Understand and
Organization of the nervous appreciate how life-
Nervous system; nerve signal sustaining messages get
35-36 19
System transmission; central and transmitted in the
peripheral nervous systems human body via
electrical signals
Understand and
appreciate how life-
Different hormones, their
Hormonal sustaining messages get
37-38 production sites and modes of 17
system transmitted in the
human body via
chemical signals

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Human Reproduction, Sex and Develop a scientific

Human Sexuality - gametogenesis; male 18+ awareness about
39- reproduction and female reproductive RB1: reproductive health
40 and embryonic systems – hormonal controls; 27
development pregnancy and early human

Note: A few topics may be given for self-study, if deemed appropriate by the instructor team.

6. Evaluation Scheme:
Evaluation Marks Date and
# Duration Remarks
component (Weightage) Time
Mid-semester 1½ 9/3 11:00 -
1 50 (25%) Closed-book type
Test hours 12:30 PM
To be
2 Course Quiz ¾ hour 30 (15%) Closed-book type
Some of these may
3 quiz(zes) / Variable 30 (15%) Periodic
be surprise
Comprehensive 2½ Closed-book plus
4 90 (45%) 10/5 AN
Examination hours Open-book type

7. Academic Conduct Policy:

It is expected that all students follow the highest standard of academic practice when participating
in any evaluation component. Having a zero-tolerance for academic dishonesty, any case of
misconduct, however minor, will be dealt with appropriately. The case may be reported to the
Dean, Instruction Division, if necessary.

8. Grading Policy:
Award of grades would be guided by the histogram of marks and course average. If a student
absents himself/herself in any one of components (listed in the Evaluation Scheme) entirely,
his/her performance in the course may be reported as ‘NC’ (Not Cleared). For a student on the
borderline of two grades, the decision on which grade to award will depend on the tutorial
instructor’s recommendation (considering his/her regularity/sincerity in classes and completing
assigned tasks).

9. Make-up Policy:
If a student misses any of the evaluation components due to a genuine reason (serious medical
causes leading to hospitalization, personal/family emergencies or absence from classes due to
official purposes) there exists a provision to apply for make-up*. Prior permission must be taken

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from the Instructor-in-Charge, before applying. The decision to grant make-up or not is taken by
the instructor team and shall be final.

*Important note: No make-up will be granted for quizzes/assignments.

10. Instructor Consultation:

The instructors will announce their contact hour in the lecture class or individual tutorial class.

11. Course Notices:

Primarily, announcements regarding the course will be made in the lecture and tutorial classes.
Certain others notices (eg. seating arrangement for exams) will be displayed on the notice boards
of the Department of Biological Sciences and/or Nalanda.

BIO F111

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