BIO 1203 Course Syllabus
BIO 1203 Course Syllabus
BIO 1203 Course Syllabus
4. Total Student
Total Face to Face
Independent Learning
Student Learning Time (SLT) Time
L = Lecture 28 14 20 0 36 14 70
T = Tutorial
P = Practical(Lab)
O= Others
A= Assessment
OL= Online learning
IL= Independent learning
6. Credit Value: 4
8. Learning outcomes:
On completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss genetics and living organism’s problem using cell biology and genetics principles. (C2, PLO1)
2. Produce written report based on the biology experiment findings. (P3, PLO2)
3. Demonstrate verbal communication, written communication, and teamwork skills in presenting biology
principles. (A3, PLO5)
9. Synopsis:
This course, the first of a two-semester sequence, introduces scientific philosophy and focuses on major biological
concepts concerning biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular biology, cellular reproduction, classical and molecular
genetics. Laboratory work is included, demonstrating some of the principles covered in the lectures.
12. Content outline of the course/module and the SLT per topic:
Sessions Topics LO L T P OL O A IL
1-2 Biology: Exploring Life 1,2,3 2 1 2 1 36 70
The scope of biology. Evolution, unity
and diversity. The process of science.
Biology and everyday life.
Sessions Topics LO L T P OL O A IL
3-4 The Chemical Basis Of Life 1,2,3 2 1 2 1
Elements, atoms, and molecules.
Water's life-supporting properties.
Chemical reactions.
Total 28 14 20 14 36 70
Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Other (O), Assessment (A), Online learning (OL); Independent Learning
(IL); Learning Outcome (LO)
Additional references:
Mader, S.S. (2015). Biology. (12th Ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.
Starr, C., Evers, C.A. & Starr, L. (2015). Biology: concepts and applications. (9th Ed.) California: Thomson
Assessment format:
Test : 15%
Assignment : 25%
Laboratory Work : 10%
Final Examination : Paper consists of 5 structured-type questions. Students are required to answer
any 4 questions. All questions carry equal marks
Laboratory Work:
1. The Scientific Method
2. Measurements in Biology
3. Biologically Important Molecules
4. Techniques in Microscopy
5. Structure and Function of Living Cells
6. Diffusion, Osmosis and the Functional Significance of Biological Membranes
7. Photosynthesis Capture of Light
8. Mitosis
9. Meiosis
10. Isolation of DNA
Grading Scale:
A+ (90 – 100) (4.00), A (80 – 89) (4.00), A (75 – 79) (3.67), B+ (70 – 74) (3.33), B (65 – 69) (3.00),
B (60 – 64) (2.67), C+ (55 – 59) (2.33), C (50 – 54) (2.00), C (45 – 49) (1.50), D (40 – 44) (1.00),
F (0 – 39) (0.00)
A student who obtains a grade C- (45 -49 marks) in a 100% coursework module is required to resubmit the
coursework component determined by the lecturer and ascertained at the Exam Board. Resubmission marks
will be capped at a maximum of 50 marks or a grade C.
A passing mark can only be achieved when the student attempts both the coursework and final exams.