Elective Biology Syllabus
Elective Biology Syllabus
Elective Biology Syllabus
Republic of Ghana
The Director
Curriculum Research and Development Division (CRDD)
P. O. Box 2739
Accra, Ghana.
Tel: 021-683668
September, 2010
The survival of humans and the development of nations would ever depend more and more on science and technology. Biology however is a branch of natural
science which is devoted to the study of life and the activities of all living things from bacteria to high plants and animals. The survival of humans nevertheless
depends greatly on the knowledge and understanding of the structure and functions of organisms and how they interact with one another and the environment.
This invariably leads to the necessity of conservation of living things and other natural resources.
The need to teach Biology ultimately must be to explain the living world in terms of scientific principles although appreciating that, organisms behave in ways which
often seem beyond the capabilities of their component parts. It is also to guide and inculcate in the learner skills in observing and measuring, formulating
hypothesis, predicating and designing, investigating, recording data and interpreting results, drawing conclusions and communicating them.
The knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired through the study of Biology is to provide the learner with the necessary basic tools for employment in laboratory,
industry, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, health care, work with animals, marine and fresh water biology, information science, administration, finance,
management and teaching.
It further equips the learner for further studies and research in pure and applied science and technology that are vital areas for the advancement of society.
Teaching elective biology in totality guides the learner and makes him/her capable of critical thinking, making meaningful decisions and solving problems.
3. develop scientific approach to solving personal and societal (environmental, economic and health) problems.
4. develop practical skills required to work with scientific equipment, biological materials and living things.
5. collect, analyse and interpret biological data; and also present data graphically.
6. be aware of the existence of interrelationships between biology and other scientific disciplines.
8. appreciate and understand the interrelationships between organisms and themselves and with the environment.
9. recognize the value of biology to society and use it responsibly.
11. provide a foundation for those who will develop a career in biological sciences.
The content of the syllabus has been designed in such a way as to provide students with basic knowledge in biology for them to understand themselves and other
organisms, which enable them make very informed choices as they interact with nature. The scope of the content of this syllabus also enables the learner pursue
specialized careers relating to biology and fully prepares the students who wish to continue the study of biology at the tertiary level. The course covers the
Introduction to Biology
Life Processes
Interactions in Nature
4) (Pg17-20) PHYSIOLOGY (Pg50-64)
Unit 1: Biology as a Science of life Unit 1: The five Kingdoms and the hierarchy of Unit 1: Morphology of Monocotyledonous and
classification. Dicotyledonous plants
Unit 2: How Biologists Work
Unit 2: Phyla of Kingdom Protoctista and Kingdom Unit 2: Internal structure of roots, stems and leaves
Unit 3: Importance of Biology Fungi
Unit 3: Growth and Development of plants
Unit 4: Body Symmetry and Orientation Unit 3: Divisions and classes of Kingdom Plantae
Unit 4: Photosynthesis and Mineral Nutrition
Unit 5: The microscope Unit 4: Phyla, classes and orders of the Kingdom
Animalia Unit 5: Gaseous exchange
Unit 6: Biological Drawings
Unit 5 Characteristics of some of the orders of Class Unit 6: Transport
Unit 7: Excretion
Unit 6: Identifying Organisms using
Biological keys. Unit 8: Reproduction
EVOLUTION (pg 65-70)
Unit 1: The Cell as a Unit of life Unit 1. Basic concepts in ecology Unit 1: Nucleic acids
Unit 2: Types/Classes of Cells Unit 2: Study of Specific Habitats: Aquatic and Unit 2: DNA Structure and replication and RNA
Terrestrial transcription
Unit 3: Specialized Eukaryotic Cells
Unit 3: Biological Associations Unit 3: Protein Synthesis
Unit 4: Relationship of cell to tissue,
organ and organ system Unit 4: Population Dynamics Unit 4: Cell cycle
Unit 5: Movement of substances into and out of Unit 5: Biological Pest Control Unit 5: Heredity
Unit 6: Ecological Succession Unit 6: Variation
Unit 6: Scientific Inquiry Skills
Unit 7: Soil Unit 7: Evolution
Unit 2: Nutrition
Unit 3: Transport
Unit 4: Respiration
Unit 5: Excretion
Unit 6 Movement
Unit 7 Reproduction
A total of six periods a week, each period consisting of forty minutes, is allocated to the teaching of biology. It is recommended that the teaching periods be
divided as follows:
The teaching of biology should be student-centred and activity oriented. The teacher acts as a facilitator. For effective teaching and learning in this course, it is
recommended that the school should establish a small botanical garden, animals in a cage, fishpond and insects in a cage. Plan must be made for visiting well-
established experimental and commercial farms, agricultural research institutes and other institutions. Visits must also be planned to scientific and manufacturing
organisations, forest and game reserves, man-made lakes, the seashore, hospitals, where students will observe scientific work and the application of science in
manufacturing, different types of habitats and interactions in nature. Video clips could also be shown where these are available.
The provision of well equipped laboratories will enhance teaching and learning biology. It is also suggested that well trained laboratory technicians be made
available to play complementary role to the teacher.
The syllabus is presented in a teaching sequence. However, the teacher may change the teaching order in a particular year provided the linkage between the
sections and the respective units is maintained and the syllabus for the year completed by the end of each year. It is important that classroom teaching be
supplemented with field trips wherever appropriate.
Even though biological drawings, interpretation of biological data, writing of scientific reports are done as integral part of teaching of the biology syllabus, it is given
as a unit on its own in the syllabus to emphasise its important and also make students appreciate it better.
Besides the above advice, the teacher‟s attention is drawn to some new concepts that have been introduced in the new set of syllabuses to help improve
instructional delivery and learning. Please, read this section very carefully and relate the information to your repertoire of teaching methods and skills.
General Objectives
General objectives have been listed at the beginning of each section. The general objectives specify the skills and behaviours students should acquire by the end
instruction in the units of a section. Read the general objectives very carefully before you start teaching the section. After teaching all the units in the section, go
back and read the general objectives again to be sure that you have covered the objectives adequately in the course of your teaching.
The syllabus is structured in five columns: Units, Specific Objectives, Content, Teaching and Learning Activities and Evaluation. A description of the contents of
each column is as follows:
Column 1 – Units: The units in Column 1 are divisions of the major topics of the section. You are expected to follow the unit topics according to the linear order in
which they have been presented. However, if you find at some point that teaching and learning in your class will be more effective if you branched to another unit
before coming back to the unit in the sequence, you are encouraged to do so.
Column 2: Specific Objective: Column 2 shows the Specific Objectives of each unit. The specific objectives begin with numbers such as 1.3.5 or 2.2.1. These
numbers are referred to as “Syllabus Reference Numbers”. The first digit in the syllabus reference number refers to the section; the second digit refers to the unit,
while the third refers to the rank order of the specific objective. For instance, 1.3.5 means section 1, Unit 3 (of section 1) and Specific Objective 5 in other words,
1.3.5 refers to Specific Objective 5 of Unit 3 of Section 1. Similarly, the syllabus reference number 2.2.1 simply means Specific Objective number 1 of Unit 2 of
section 2. Using syllabus reference numbers provides an easy way of communication among teachers and other educators. It further provides an easy way for
selecting objectives for test construction. Let‟s say for instance, that Unit 2 of Section 2 has five Specific Objectives: 2.2.1 – 2.2.5. A teacher may want to base
his/her test items/questions on objectives 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 and not use the other three objectives. In this way, a teacher would sample the objectives within units
and within sections to be able to develop a test that accurately reflects the importance of the various skills taught in class.
You will notice that the specific objectives have been stated in terms of the student, i.e. what the student will be able to do after instruction and learning in the unit.
Each specific objective hence starts with the following, “ The student will be able to”. This in effect, means that you have to address the learning problems of each
individual student. It means individualising your instruction as much as possible such that the majority of students will be able to master the objectives of each unit
of the syllabus.
A central aspect of this syllabus is the concept of profile dimensions that should be the basis for the instruction and assessment. Learning may be divided into a
number of classes. A student may acquire some knowledge through learning. The student may also learn to apply the knowledge acquired in some new context.
For instance, “dirty water contains particles and disease causing organisms” is a knowledge fact the student learn in class.
To help the student to understand that fact, the student should be required to filter dirty water and examine water through the microscope, if there is a microscope
available. If not, the student should be required to filter the dirty water and examine the sediments left on the cotton wool in the filtering bed. Since there could still
be dangerous organisms and chemicals in the filtered water, the student should then be taught the process of boiling and distilling dirty water. By filtering, boiling
and distilling dirty water, the student acquires scientific process skills. At another period, the teacher may give the student a type of dirty water, and ask the
student to indicate which of the three treatment methods i.e. filtering, boiling and distilling, should be used for its treatment. This particular requirement is asking
the student to apply” the knowledge gained in the treatment of dirty water to a particular type of water. You will see from various steps that the student has gone
through acquisition of basic knowledge, and acquired “process skills and has been given the experience of applying his/her knowledge to a particular problem
The four learning behaviours, “knowledge”, understanding”, “application” and “process “are referred to as dimensions of knowledge. Knowledge is a dimension;
application of knowledge is also a dimension. More than one dimension forms a profile of dimensions. A specific objective may be stated with an action verb as
follows: The student will be able to describe … etc. Being able to describe something after the instruction has been completed means that the student has
acquired “knowledge”. Being able to explain, summarise, give examples, etc. means that the student has understood the lesson taught.
Similarly being able to develop, plan, construct, etc. means that the student has learnt to create, innovate or synthesize knowledge. You will note that each of the
specific objectives in this syllabus contains an action verb that describes the behaviour the student will be able to demonstrate after the instruction. “Knowledge
application”, etc. are dimensions that should be the prime focus of teaching and learning in schools. Instruction in most cases has tended to stress knowledge
acquisition to the detriment of other higher-level behaviours such as application, analysis, etc. The focus of the new form of teaching and learning as indicated in
this syllabus and in all others, is to move teaching and learning from the didactic acquisition of “knowledge and rote memorisation to a new position where students
will be able to apply their knowledge, develop analytical thinking skills, develop plans, generate new and creative ideas and solutions and use their knowledge in a
variety of ways to solve problems. Each action verb indicates the underlying profile dimension of each particular specific objective. Read each objective carefully
to know the profile dimension toward which you have to teach.
Column 3 – Content: The “content” in the third column of the syllabus presents a selected body of core ideas that you will need in teaching a particular specific
objective. In some cases, the content presented is quite exhaustive. In some other cases, you could add some more information to the content presented.
Column 4 – Teaching and Learning Activities (T/L): T/L activities that will ensure maximum pupil participation in the lesson are presented in Column 4. Try to avoid
rote learning and drill-oriented methods and rather emphasise participatory teaching and learning in your lessons. As much as possible, try to emphasise the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of knowledge in your instructional system wherever appropriate. You are encouraged to re-order the suggested
teaching and learning activities and also add to them where necessary in order to achieve optimum student learning. As implied already, the major purpose of
teaching and learning is to make students able to apply their knowledge in dealing with issues both in and out of school. A suggestion that will help your students
acquire the habit of analytical thinking and the general capacity for problem solving is to begin each lesson with a practical problem. Select a practical problem for
each lesson. The selection must be made such that students can use knowledge gained in the previous lesson and other types of information not specifically
taught in class. At the beginning of a lesson, state the problem, or write the problem on the board. Let students analyse the problem, suggest solutions, etc.,
criticise solutions offered, justify solutions and evaluate the worth of possible solutions. The learning of any skill considered important must start early.
Column 5 – Evaluation: Suggestions and exercises for evaluating the lessons of each of the unit are indicated in column 5 .Evaluation exercises can be in the form
of oral questions, quizzes, class assignments, essays, project work, etc. Try to ask questions and set tasks and assignments etc; that will challenge students to
apply their knowledge to issues and problems as we have already mentioned above, and not exhaustive. You are encouraged to develop other creative evaluation
tasks to ensure that students have mastered the instruction and behaviours implied in the specific objectives of each unit.
Lastly it is important to bear in mind that the syllabus cannot be taken as a substitute for lesson plans. It is necessary that you develop a scheme of work and
lesson plans for teaching the units of this syllabus.
Each of the dimensions has been given a percentage weight that should reflect in teaching learning and testing. The weights indicated on the right of the
dimensions, show the relative emphasis that the teacher should give in the teaching, learning and testing processes. The focus of this syllabus is to get students
not only to acquire knowledge but also to be able to understand what they have learnt and apply them practically. Combining the three dimensions in your
teaching will ensure that Biology is taught not only at the factual knowledge level but that students will also acquire the ability to apply scientific knowledge to
issues and problems, and will also acquire the capacity for practical and experimental skills that are needed for scientific problem solving.
Understanding The ability to:
Interpret, explain, infer, compare, explain, exemplify, do advanced searches, categorize, comment, twitter, tag, annotate, subscribe,
summarize, translate, rewrite, paraphrase, give examples, generalize, estimate or predict consequences based upon a trend.
Understanding is generally the ability to grasp the meaning of some material that may be verbal, pictorial, or symbolic and is also referred
to as “Comprehension”.
The ability to use knowledge or apply knowledge, as implied in this syllabus, has a number of learning/behaviour levels. These levels include application, analysis,
innovation or creativity, and evaluation. These may be considered and taught separately, paying attention to reflect each of them equally in your teaching. The
dimension “Applying Knowledge” is a summary dimension for all four learning levels. Details of each of the four sub levels are as follows:
A number of examination questions at the Secondary School level begin with the word “Discuss”. Discuss belongs to the evaluation thinking skill and implies the
ability to analyse, compare, contrast, make a judgement, etc. The word “discuss” asks for a variety of thinking skills and is obviously a higher order thinking
behaviour. Students consequently do poorly on examination questions that start with “Discuss”. For this reason, and also for the reasons that discussion of
issues, discussion of reports, etc. are some of the major intellectual activities students will be engaged in, in work situations and at higher levels of learning after
they have left Secondary School, it will be very helpful if you would emphasize discussion questions etc. both in class and in the test you set.
Scientific Inquiry Skills (SIS)
These are a combination of practical and experimental skills that one needs to develop to become a good biologist. In view of the importance of the skills to the
biologist, this syllabus has a unit in almost each section dubbed scientific enquiry skills to help the teacher consciously teach and facilitate certain activities to
help the student develop these skills.
Practical Skills involve the demonstration of manipulative skills using tools, machines and equipment for practical problem solving. The teaching of practical skills
should involve projects, case studies and field studies where students will be intensively involved in practical work and in search for practical solutions to problems
and task.
Experimental Skills involve the demonstration of the inquiry processes in science and refer to skills in planning and designing of experiments, observation,
manipulation, classification, drawing, measurement, interpretation, recording, reporting and conduct in the laboratory/field.
Practical and Experimentation Skills refer to the psychomotor domain.
A summary of skills that are required for effective practical and experimental work is as follows:
1. Equipment Handling
2. Planning and designing of experiments
3. Observation
4. Manipulation
5. Classification
6. Drawing
7. Measuring
8. Interpretation
9. Recording
10. Reporting
11. Conduct in Laboratory/Field
Equipment Handling: Proper equipment handling and use of tools and equipment for practical and experimental work. The teacher should ensure that students
acquire a high level of proficiency in the use of tools and equipment for scientific work.
Planning and designing of Experiments: Development of hypotheses, planning and designing of experiments, persistance in the execution of experimental
activities, modification of experimental activities where necessary, in order to reach conclusion.
Research evidence show that when confronted with a problem, scientists who excel in their respective fields of work develop a number of hypotheses within a
short time, and design experiments to test how far each hypothesis is true. Weaker scientists on the other hand, tend to focus on only one or two hypotheses.
The implication of this for the teacher of Biology is to lead students to learn to generate a number of hypotheses for every problem tackled in class; critique each
hypothesis generated before selecting the best one. Some of the critical characteristics to encourage in students are:
- observation
- identification of the problem
- hypothesis generation
- testing hypothesis through experiment
- analysis of experimental results
- drawing conclusion
- review hypothesis
Observation: Use of the senses to make accurate observations. The student for instance, should be able to tell the colour, form, texture and structure of
specimens provided and be able to classify them.
Manipulation: Manipulation involves the skills of handling scientific objects and tools for accomplishing specific tasks. It involves setting up laboratory apparatus,
prepared specimens and other material for observation.
Classification: Group specimens and objects according to their common properties or characteristics.
Measuring: Refers to the accurate use of measuring instruments and equipment for measuring, reading and making observations.
Recording: Draw or make graphical representations boldly and clearly, well labelled and pertinent to the issue at hand.
Reporting: Students should be able to present pertinent and precise reports on projects they undertake. Reports, oral or written, should be concise, clear and
Conduct in Laboratory/Field: Observation of safety measures in the laboratory; care and concern for the safety of one‟s self and for others; ability to work alone
and with others; good co-operative spirit, economical use of materials; maintenance of clean and orderly work area; persistance in achieving results; creative use
of materials.
The action verb and definitions provided in the explanations of the three profile dimensions should help you to structure your teaching such as to achieve the
effects needed. Select from action verbs provided for your teaching, in evaluating learning before, during and after instruction. Use the action verb also in writing
your test questions. This will ensure that you give your students the chance to develop good thinking skills, and the capacity for excellent performance in Biology
and in examinations. Check the weights of the profile dimensions to ensure that you have given the required emphasis to each of the dimensions in your teaching
and assessment.
In developing assessment procedures, select specific objectives in such a way that you will be able to assess a representative sample of the syllabus objectives.
Each specific objective in the syllabus is considered a criterion to be achieved by the student. When you develop a test that consists of items or questions that are
based on a representative sample of the specific objectives taught, the test is referred to as a “Criterion-Referenced Test”. In many cases, a teacher cannot test
all the objectives taught in a term, in a year, etc. The assessment procedure you use i.e. class test, homework, projects, etc. must be developed in such a way
that it will consist of a sample of the important objectives taught over a period.
Table 1 shows an examination consisting of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2, and continuous assessment. Paper 1 consists of two sections A and B lasting 2½
hours. Section A consists of multiple-choice objective questions lasting 1 hour. Section B consists of essay questions, essentially testing “Application of
Knowledge”, but also consisting of some questions on “Knowledge and Understanding”. Paper 2 is Practical test lasting two hours. and Continuous Assessment
will be based on all the dimensions as indicated. The distribution of marks for the objective test items, essay type questions and the practical questions in the two
Papers and in the continuous assessment should be in line with the weights of the profile dimensions already indicated and as shown in the last column of Table 1.
In the examination structure presented in the table, Paper 1 is marked out of 140 Paper 2 is marked out of 60; totalling 200, which is scaled down to 70%. The
continuous assessment is marked out of 100 but scaled down to 30%. The last row shows the weight of the marks allocated to each of the four test components.
The two papers are weighted differently.
You will note that Paper 1 has a contribution of 40% to the total marks; Paper 2 has a contribution of 30% to the total marks; and Continuous Assessment has a
contribution of 30% to the total marks. The numbers in the cells indicate the marks to be allocated to the items/questions that test each of the dimensions within
the respective test papers.
The last but one column shows the total marks allocated to each of the dimensions. Note that the numbers in this section are additions of the numbers in the cells
and they agree with the profile dimensions weights indicated in the last column.
Of the total marks of 300, 90 marks equivalent to 30% of the total marks are allocated to Knowledge and Comprehension. 120 marks, equivalent to 40 % of the
total marks are allocated to application of Knowledge and 30% to Practical/Experimental skills. The weight of each of the three dimensions is indicated in the last
column. The ratio of theory to practice in Biology is 70:30.
Item Bank: Obviously, the structure of assessment recommended in this syllabus will need a lot of work on the part of the teacher. In preparation for setting
examination papers, try to develop an item bank. The term “item bank” is a general term for a pool of objective items, a pool of essay questions or a pool of
practical test questions. As you teach the subject try to write objective test items, essay questions, structured essay questions and practical test questions to fit
selected specific objectives which you consider important to be tested. If you proceed diligently, you will realise that you have written more than 100 objective test
items, and more than 30 essay questions in a space of one year. Randomly select from the item bank to compose the test papers. Select with replacement. This
means that, as items/questions are selected for testing, new ones have to be written to replace those items/question already used in examinations. Items and
questions that have been used in examination may also be modified and stored in the item bank.
An important issue in the preparation for a major examination such as SHSCE is the issue of test wiseness. To be “test wise” means that the student knows the
mechanics for taking a test. These mechanics include writing your index number and other particulars accurately and quickly on the answer paper; reading all
questions before selecting the best question to answer; apportioning equal time to each question or spending more time on questions that carry more marks;
making notes on each question attempted before writing the answer; leaving extra time to read over one‟s work; finally checking to see that the personal
particulars supplied on the answer sheet are accurate. Some good students sometimes fail to do well in a major examination because of weakness in the
mechanics of test taking; because they are not test wise. Take your students through these necessary mechanics so that their performance on major
examinations may not be flawed by the slightest weakness in test taking.
A new School Based Assessment system (SBA) will be introduced into the school system in 2011. The new SBA system is designed to provide schools with an
internal assessment system that will help schools to achieve the following purposes:
o Standardize the practice of internal school-based assessment in all Senior High Schools in the country
o Provide reduced assessment tasks for subjects studied at SHS
o Provide teachers with guidelines for constructing assessment items/questions and other assessment tasks
o Introduce standards of achievement in each subject and in each SHS class
o Provide guidance in marking and grading of test items/questions and other assessment tasks
o Introduce a system of moderation that will ensure accuracy and reliability of teachers‟ marks
o Provide teachers with advice on how to conduct remedial instruction on difficult areas of the syllabus to improve class performance.
The arrangement for SBA may be grouped in categories as follows. Laboratory work, Projects, Group Work and End of Term Examinations
1. Laboratory Work:
Students will be required to keep laboratory notebook. It is of utmost importance that records be neatly and accurately kept by both student and teacher.
2. Projects/Field Work: These are tasks assigned to students to be completed over an extended time.
3. Mid-Term Test: The mid-term test following a prescribed format will form part of the SBA
4. Group Exercise: This will consist of written assignments or practical work on a topic(s) considered important or complicated in the term‟s syllabus
5. End-of-Tem Examination: The end-of-term test is a summative assessment system and should consist of the knowledge and skills students have acquired
in the term. The end-of-term test for Term 3 for example, should be composed of items/questions based on the specific objectives studied over the three
terms, using a different weighting system such as to reflect the importance of the work done in each term in appropriate proportions. For example, a
teacher may build an End-of-Term 3 test in such a way that it would consist of the 20% of the objectives studied in Term 1, 20% of objectives studied in
Term 2 and 60% of the objectives studied in Term 3. The end-of-term 3 test should therefore sample the knowledge and skills acquired over the three
school terms in appropriate proportions.
To improve assessment and grading and also introduce uniformity in schools, it is recommended that schools adopt the following WASSCE grade structure for
assigning grades on students‟ test results.
In assigning grades to students‟ test results, you are encouraged to apply the above grade boundaries and the descriptors which indicate the meaning of each
grade. The grade boundaries i.e., 60-69%, 50-54% etc., are the grade cut-off scores. For instance, the grade cut-off score for B2 grade is 70-79% in the example.
When you adopt a fixed cut-off score grading system as in this example, you are using the criterion-referenced grading system. By this system a student must
make a specified score to be awarded the requisite grade. This system of grading challenges students to study harder to earn better grades. It is hence a very
useful system for grading achievement tests.
Always remember to develop and use a marking scheme for marking your class examination scripts. A marking scheme consists of the points for the best answer
you expect for each question, and the marks allocated for each point raised by the student as well as the total marks for the question. For instance, if a question
carries 20 marks and you expect 6 points in the best answer, you could allocate 3 marks or part of it (depending upon the quality of the points raised by the
student) to each point , hence totaling 18 marks, and then give the remaining 2 marks or part of it for organisation of answer. For objective test papers you may
develop an answer key to speed up the marking.
General Objectives: The student will:
1. understand biology as a science of life, its importance and how biologists work
2. appreciate body symmetry and orientation of objects/organisms
3. be able to manipulate the light microscope
4. acquire skills of preparing wet-mounts and observing them under the microscope
BIOLOGY AS A 1.1.1 explain the term Explaining biology Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of biology. Explain the meaning of
SCIENCE OF LIFE biology. biology.
Revise as in SHS integrated science pg 3 to bring out
1.1.2 explain what organisms Living things as the meaning of living things. What is the difference
are. organisms. Discuss the activities of living things e.g. respiration, between a living thing and
excretion, etc an organism?
1.2.2 describe the methods of Methods of science – Discuss methods of science used in solving problems Identify three biological
science used to solve identifying the problem, problems in your locality
problems. defining the problem, and outline the steps you
hypothesizing, will take to solve the
experimenting, recording, problems.
analyzing and concluding.
HOW BIOLOGISTS 1.2.3 describe the steps Steps for writing report on Discuss the steps for writing a report on biological
WORK for writing a report biological experiment or experiment or investigation.
on biological investigation e.g.
investigation. Aim/Title
Hypothesis/scientific framework
Materials/Drawing of set up
IMPORTANCE OF 1.3.1 list some Application of biology to everyday Brainstorm to bring out instances of the application of Enumerate ways by
BIOLOGY application of life biology in everyday life. which biology is
biology in everyday applied in the home,
life. hospital, industry
and agriculture.
1.3.2 enumerate careers Careers associated with the study Brainstorm to bring out the careers associated with the State three
that require of biology study of biology. examples in each
knowledge of case.
BODY SYMMETRY 1.4.1 explain the term Body Symmetry: Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of body symmetry. Distinguish between
AND ORIENTATION Body Symmetry. Bilateral Symmetry radial and bilateral
Note: Bilateral e.g. Small mammal, Use objects to explain bilateral and radial symmetries. symmetry using
mango fruit, human body, etc. named specimens.
Radial Symmetry e.g. Orange, okro
fruit, Hydra, etc.
1.4.2 distinguish among Longitudinal, transverse and Discuss the differences among longitudinal, transverse Distinguish among
the various types of vertical sections of objects e.g. and vertical sections of objects. the longitudinal,
sectioning in lime, orange, tomato fruit, plant transverse and
root, stem and leaf, bean seed. Cut transverse, longitudinal and vertical sections of vertical sections of
biological specimens. specimens.
BODY SYMMETRY 1.4.3 describe the various Orientation of specimens discuss the various orientations/views of specimens; Name the parts of a bony
AND ORIENTATION orientations of anterior, posterior, lateral, dorsal and ventral views. fish/lizard/toad/small
specimens. draw and label various orientation of the views of an mammal when looking at :
insect/fish/toad/lizard/small mammal. i. Lateral view
ii. Dorsal view
iii. Ventral view
iv. Posterior view
UNIT 5 v. Anterior view
THE MICROSCOPE 1.5.1 identify the various Parts and functions of the Examine the simple, light and compound light microscopes Describe the parts and
parts of the simple simple light and and identify the various parts. function of the simple light
light and compound compound light and compound light
light microscopes. microscopes Discuss the functions of each of the parts of the microscopes and their
microscopes. uses.
1.5.2 handle and care for Handling and caring for Discuss how to handle and care for microscopes.
the microscope. the microscope
1.5.3 use the compound Observing slides under Practice how to use the simple/compound light microscope
light microscope to the simple/compound light to observe prepared slides.
view objects on microscope
1.5.4 prepare wet-mount of Preparation of wet-mounts Prepare wet-mounts of any suitable material e.g. onion
slides of onion of slides epidermis.
epidermis or any
suitable material.
1.5.5 explain the concept: Resolution and Discuss the concepts: resolution and magnification of the outline the steps you
resolution and magnification of microscope (compound light and electron). would take to prepare a
magnification of the microscopes (compound wet-mount of slides of an
light microscope. light and electron). onion epidermis.
1.5.6 identify the parts of Parts of the electron Visit any research institute (eg. Noguchi Memorial Institute)
the electron microscope to observe the electron microscope or observe drawings or
microscope. photographs of the electron microscope.
UNIT 5 (CONT’D) 1.5.7 take measurements with Measuring length using the Practice how to measure length of specimen using
THE MICROSCOPE compound light compound light microscope compound light microscope.
BIOLOGICAL 1.6.1 list the materials required Biological drawings, Discuss the materials to use when making drawings in What materials would you
DRAWINGS for making biological Materials required biology: require to produce a
drawings e.g. HB pencil ,sharpener, ruler/straight edge, eraser, biological drawing?
cutting instrument and A4 bond sheets or drawing book.
1.6.2 give appropriate heading Heading of biological Practice giving appropriate heading to biological drawings.
to biological drawings. drawings Note: The heading should be on top of the drawing.
What are the
1.6.3 write correctly, the Writing of magnification of Practice writing magnification of biological drawing(s). characteristics of a good
magnification of a biological drawing. Note: The size of a drawing must be reasonable (not too biological drawing?
biological drawing. small and not too large).
1.6.4 draw the outline of Outline of biological drawing Draw the outline of a number of objects and biological
biological drawing should specimens.
be made. Note: show the distinction between biological drawing and
an art work.
1.6.5 describe how guidelines Guidelines of biological Discuss how guidelines should be done.
are made. drawing
1.6.6 describe how labels of Labels of biological drawings draw guidelines for the drawings in the TLA for 1.6.4
drawings are written.
Discuss how labels are written for biological drawings.
General Objectives: The student will:
1. understand that the cell is a unit of life and building block of all living things.
2. appreciate the differences between the various types of cells including the specialized eukaryotic cells.
3. understand the relationship between cell, tissue, organ, organ system and organism.
4. understand the physiological processes involved in the movement of substances into and out of the cell.
THE CELL AS A 2.1.1 explain the concept of cell The concept of cell Observe a group of cells under the microscope e.g. onion Explain why the cell is
UNIT OF LIFE as the basic unit of life cells, cheek cells, red blood cells of a toad. considered as a unit of
and all cells evolving from Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of cell. life.
pre-existing cell (s)
2.1.2 distinguish between Akaryotes and Prokayotes View bacterial cells and viruses from charts and electron
akaryotes, and micrographs.
prokayotes. Draw and label the structures viewed. Why is a virus not
Discuss the structural differences between the two kinds of considered as a cell?
structures viewed.
2.1.3 describe mode of life of Mode of life of viruses and Discuss mode of life of viruses and bacteria.
viruses and bacteria. bacteria
2.1.4 describe eukaryotic cell eukaryotic cell structure and Review eukaryotic cell structure from S.H.S integrated What are the structural
structure and functions. functions science syllabus. Page 7 characteristics of
Observe typical plant and animal cell under the light prokaryotic and eukaryotic
microscope. cells?
RELATIONSHIP OF 2.3.1 explain the terms cell, Cell as the building block Observe slides of cells, tissues e.g. muscle tissue, T.S of leaf
CELL,TO TISSUE, tissue, organ, organ of all living things or stem under the microscope.
ORGAN AND system and organism. Discuss the observations to bring out the meaning of tissue,
ORGAN SYSTEM organ, organ system and organism.
2.3.2 describe the relationship Levels of organization of Discuss the organization of living things
living things (a) unicellular living things e.g. Amoeba, Euglena,
between cell, tissue, Paramecium Differentiate between a
organ, organ system and (b) Tissue, e.g. palisade tissue, epidermis, lining of the unicellular living thing and
organism. mouth, etc an organism.
(c) Organ, e.g. bulb, rhizome, heart.
(d) Organ system (in mammals and flowering plants. e.g. What level of organization
reproductive system, excretory system, etc. is Hydra? Give reasons
(e) Organism- mango, plant, man etc.
2.3.3 list the forms in which cells Forms in which cells can Use the microscope to observe the different forms in which
can exist. exist living cells can exist. These should include:
(a) single and free living e.g. Amoeba, Paramecium,
Euglena, Chlamydomonas
(b) Colony: Volvox
(c) Filament – Spirogyra
(d) Part of multicellular organism – cheek cell, onion cell,
root tip cell and leaf epidermal cell
MOVEMENT OF 2.4.1 explain the need for Transport across the cell Discuss the necessity or importance of movement of
SUBSTANCES INTO movement of substances surface membrane substances in and out of cells.
AND OUT OF CELLS across the cell surface Note that the importance of the movement of substances to
membrane. include the following: e.g. -to obtain nutrients;
- to excrete waste;
- to secrete useful substances;
-to generate ionic gradient for nervous and
muscular activity;
-to maintain suitable pH and ionic concentration within the cell
for enzyme activity.
MOVEMENT OF 2.4.2 explain the concepts of Physiological processes by Review topics in SHS Integrated Science syllabus pg.14 on Describe experiments to
SUBSTANCES plasmolysis, active which substances move into diffusion, osmosis, plasmolysis and active transport. demonstrate
INTO AND OUT transport, endocytosis and out of the cell (a) diffusion
OF CELLS. (phagocytosis and Discuss and bring out the meaning of endocytosis and (b) Osmosis
(CONT’D) pinocytosis) and exocytosis (bulk transport) (c) plasmolysis
2.4.3 perform experiment to Experiment on diffusion, Perform experiment to demonstrate diffusion, osmosis and (a) conditions under
demonstrate diffusion, osmosis and plasmolysis. plasmolysis which endocytosis
osmosis and plasmolysis and exocytosis
observe electron micrographs or charts showing occur
endocytosis and exocytosis (b) Examples of
phagocytosis and
Discuss the mechanism of plasmolysis. pinocytosis
Describe what happens
Discuss the mechanism of plasmolysis.
Note: Rheo discolor or Zebrina should be used
SCIENTIFIC 2.5.1 prepare a temporary slide Preparation of temporary Bring onion or cocoyam leaves; and clean disposable
INQUIRY SKILLS of plant and animal cells. slide of epidermal cells spoon (for scraping the cheeks) to class.
Prepare temporary slides of epidermal cells of the leaf and
Note: use the onion or cheek cells.
cocoyam leaves; and cheek Collect prepared slides of cells noted in the content
epithelial cells. column.
2.5.2 mount microscope slide Mounting variety of Mount the slides one after the other and observe the
and bring what needs to specialized eukaryotic cells structures of the cells.
be observed into focus. Note: The following cells must be provided:
Cheek cells, nerve cells, sperm cells, red blood cells,
muscle cells, root tip cells, leaf epidermal and palisade
2.5.3 draw cells under the Cells as seen under the Draw and label as many of the cells as possible
microscope. microscope. Describe what happens. Discuss the mechanism of
General Objectives: The student will:
1. understand the life processes of living things.
2. relate the structure to functions of living things at various stages of their life cycles.
3. recognize the external features of vertebrates.
4. appreciate how insects and vertebrates are adapted to their habitat
5. appreciate the economic importance of selected insects and vertebrates.
Amoeba, 3.1.1 describe the structure of External structure of Collect water from ponds and ditches and look for these Explain how Amoeba,
Paramecium, and Amoeba, Paramecium and Amoeba, Paramecium organisms under the microscope .Amoeba, Paramecium and Paramecium and
Euglena Euglena. and Euglena Euglena. Draw and label them Euglena regulate the
Note. Use permanent slides where available. water content of their
3.1.2 explain the life processes Life processes of Discuss the life processes of Amoeba, Paramecium and
of Amoeba Paramecium Amoeba, Paramecium Euglena
and Euglena. and Euglena Note Euglena should be studied as a living thing exhibiting
both plant and animal features. List the plant and
animal features of
UNIT 2 Euglena.
Spirogyra and 3.2.1 identify Spirogyra and Structure of Spirogyra Collect specimen of Spirogyra from stagnant water or fringes
Rhizopus Rhizopus. and Rhizopus of slow running streams.
Spirogyra and 3.2.2 explain nutrition and Nutrition and Reproduction in Spirogyra Discuss nutrition and reproduction in Explain how Spirogyra
rhizopus reproduction in and Rhizopus Spirogyra and Rhizopus survives in a dry pond.
Spirogyra and Note both Spirogyra and Rhizopus exhibit
Rhizopus. all the other life processes. Draw and label to illustrate the various Explain why bread goes
stages of sexual reproduction of the two mouldy
UN IT 3 3.3.1 identify Mosses and Structure of Mosses Collect Specimens of Mosses and ferns
Ferns. e.g. Brachymenium, Funaria; and
Mosses and ferns Ferns, e.g. Nephrolepis/ Observe the specimens using hand lens
3.3.2 describe the external External features of Mosses and Ferns Discuss observations after using the
features of mosses and hand lens
ferns. Describe the stages of
Draw to show the external features of reproduction in a named
mosses and ferns moss.
3.3.3 explain nutrition and Nutrition and Reproduction in Mosses Discuss nutrition and reproduction in Draw and label the
reproduction in mosses. mosses prothallus of a fern.
3.3.4 outline the reproduction Reproduction in Ferns Draw and label features of various What do you understand
in ferns. stages in the life cycle of a named fern by the term alternation of
Note: Detailed structure of antheridium generation?
and archegonium are not required
COCKROACH AND 4.4.1 identify cockroach and External features of Collect eggs, nymphs and adults of cockroach. Collect
BUTTERFLY Butterfly. cockroach and butterfly eggs, caterpillars, pupae of butterflies and adults
Examine the specimens collected and note any structural
4.4.2 describe the external External features of the Examine and discuss the external features of the nymph Make a labelled drawing
features of the nymph and nymph and adult stages and adult cockroach. of the adult cockroach to
adult cockroach. of cockroach. show the external features
Draw and label the specimens collected.
4.4.3 discuss the life cycle and Life processes of the Discuss the life processes of the cockroach.
other life processes of the cockroach
4.4.4 relate the structures at the Structural changes in the Discuss, draw and label stages in the life cycle of the
various stages of life cycle of the cockroach
development of a cockroach
cockroach to their
4.4.5 describe the external External features of the Collect and examine larva, pupa and adult butterfly.
features of the larva larva, pupa and adult
(caterpillar), pupa and butterfly. Discuss the external features of the larva, pupa and adult
adult butterfly . butterfly.
6.1.2. describe the mode of Mode of life of termites/honey bees. Discuss the mode of life of castes of termites/honey bees
life of the castes of
termites/honey bees.
6.1.3 relate the structure of Adaptations of the castes of Discuss the features of adaptation of the castes of Name the various castes
the castes of termites/honey bees to their habitats. termites/honey bees. of:
termite/honey bees to Termites or Honey bees
their function.
Enumerate the economic
6.1.4 explain the economic Economic importance of the caste of Discuss the economic importance of the castes of termites/ importance of: Termites or
importance of the termites/honey bees. honey bees. Honey bees
castes of
termites/honey bees
Tilapia 3.7.1 describe the external External features of Tilapia. Examine the external features of Tilapia critically. List all observable features
features of Tilapia Note: any bony fish can be used. of a named bony fish
3.7.2 describe the life Life processes of Tilapia: Movement, Name and discuss the life processes of Tilapia
processes of Tilapia. nutrition, gaseous exchange,
excretion, and reproduction. Visit a fish farm and observe feeding, movement and
gaseous exchange as carried out by Tilapia or any bony fish.
3.7.3 discuss the adaptation Adaptation of Tilapia to aquatic life. Discuss the adaptive features of Tilapia in aquatic ecosystem How is Tilapia adapted to
of Tilapia to its aquatic life?
3.7.4 outline the ecological Ecological significance of Tilapia. Discuss the role of Tilapia in the aquatic ecosystem
significance of Tilapia.
TOAD OR FROG 3.8.1 describe the external External features of toad or Examine and discuss the external features of toad or frog Annotated diagram to
features of toad or frog. frog. show the external features
Draw and label the toad or frog to show external features of toad/frog.
3.8.2 discuss the adaptation of Adaptation of toad or frog Observe a toad or frog and discuss the features which
toad or frog to its habitat. to its habitat. adapt the toad or frog to its habitat
3.8.3 Describe the life Life processes of toad or Discuss the life processes of toad or frog Describe how toad/ frog
processes of toad or frog. frog feeds?
LIZARD (Agama) 3.9.1 describe the external External features of lizard Examine and discuss the external features of the lizard How is the lizard adapted
features of lizard (Agama). (Agama) (Agama). Draw and label the external features of the to terrestrial habitat?
Agama lizard.
3.9.2 describe the life processes Life processes of the lizard Discuss the life processes of lizard
of the lizard.
3.9.3 relate the structural Adaptation of lizard to Discuss the adaptive features of lizard to terrestrial habitat.
features of the lizard to terrestrial habitat
their functions.
DOMESTIC 3.10.1 describe the external External features of Examine and discuss the external features of domestic fowl
FOWL features of domestic fowl. domestic fowl. Draw the domestic fowl and label the external features.
3.10.2 describe the life processes Life processes of domestic Discuss the life processes of domestic fowl.
of domestic fowl. fowl
3.10.3 explain the adaptation of Adaptation of domestic fowl Discuss the adaptive features of domestic fowl to the
domestic fowl to its to the terrestrial habitat terrestrial habitat
3.10.4 explain the different uses Types and functions of Examine and draw the different types of feathers Identify the different types
of the feathers of domestic feathers of domestic fowl. of feathers and state their
fowl. Discuss the functions of each type of feather. functions.
SCIENTIFIC 3.11.1 perform the skill of Observing Paramecium Mount prepared slides of Paramecium under the compound light
INQUIRY SKILLS observing. microscope
3.11.2 mount Euglena Mounting of Euglena Obtain water from a pond or ditch preferably near a farm yard.
under the under the compound light
compound light microscope CAUTION: Avoid infection from the water by wearing appropriate
microscope. footwear, clothing and gloves.
Mount a drop of the water under the microscope and look out for
3.11.3 identify stages of Observing Spirogyra Collect a mass of Spirogyra filaments and handle them between
conjugation of the thumb and the index finger.
Describe how they feel.
3.11.4 use a hand lens to Observing moss plant Collect a cluster of moss plants and isolate a single plant and
examine biological with hand lens. observe using a hand lens.
specimens. Note: The technique of using hand lens must be emphasized.
Describe how the leaf-like structures are arranged on the “stem”.
Draw the moss plant and label fully.
SCIENTIFIC 3.11.5 make biological Drawing an insect. Collect adult anaesthetized cockroaches
INQUIRY SKILLS drawing of an Note: Use the Discuss how biological drawings are done.
insect. cockroach Make a drawing of the dorsal view of the cockroach and label.
3.11.6 observe and record Observing and recording Study the life cycle of the citrus swallowtail butterfly or moth.
biological data. biological data Record the date, stage of the cycle and the observation made.
Note: Use the life cycle Note Record daily observation.
of citrus swallowtail Discuss the life cycle of the butterfly or moth.
butterfly or moth.
3.11.7 draw biological Drawing of biological Examine the external features of Tilapia or any bony fish.
specimen specimen
accurately. Discuss the structure of the fish.
Note: Use freshly killed
or preserved Tilapia or Draw the lateral view of the fish and label fully.
any bony fish
3.11.8 make inference Making inference from Examine beaks and claws of birds and discuss their structure and
from biological biological data. function.
Infer from the structure of the beaks and claws the type of food the
birds eat.
General Objectives: The student will:
1. appreciate the diversity of living things
2. assign organisms to their various economic groups
3. distinguish between various organisms, based on their characteristics.
THE FIVE 1.1.1 state the importance Importance of classification of discuss the importance of classification. List any two general
KINGDOMS AND of classification of living organism. characteristics for each of the
THE HIERARCHY living organism. following kingdoms,
i) Monera/ Prokaryotae
ii) Protoctista
CLASSIFICATION 1.1.2 outline the general General characteristics of Review the topic on the general characteristics of the five iii) Fungi
characteristics of the kingdoms kingdoms from the SHS integrated science syllabus, p4. vi) Plantae
five kingdoms of living v) Animalia
things. i) Monera/ Prokaryotae
ii) Protoctista State the kingdoms of the
iii) Fungi following organisms and give
iv) Plantae two reasons to support your
answer in each case.
v) Animalia
I) Tilapia
II) Dove
1.1.3 identify and classify Using the observable Go out of the classroom, Identify, list and collect as many III) Hibiscus
organisms into their characteristics of organisms to organisms as possible, and then place them in their IV) Cat
respective kingdoms. place them in appropriate kingdoms based on their characteristics. V) Bread mould
kingdoms. VI) Cassava plant
PHYLA OF 1.2.1 list the major Phyla of Major Phyla of Kingdom Examine, identify and draw members or representatives Give an example. each of
KINGDOM Kingdoms Protoctista Protoctista. of the major phyla of Kingdom Protoctista and Fungi fungi belonging to the
PROTOCTISTA and Fungi and Include; Rhizopoda, Zoomastigina, Apicomplexa, following divisions.
AND KINGDOM describe their major Ciliophora, Euglenophyta, Oomycota, Chlorophyta,
a) Ascomycota
FUNGI characteristics. Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta b) Basidiomycota
c) Zygomycota
Major Phyla of kingdom Fungi. Discuss the characteristics of each phyla of Kingdom
Characteristics of the major Protoctista. and Fungi Give one reason in each case
Phyla of Kingdom Ptotoctista for your choice of example.
and Fungi
1.3.2 describe the Characteristics of Identify and discuss the characteristics of the major divisions and Distinguish between
characteristics of the the major divisions classes of Kingdom Plantae monocotyledonous and
major divisions and and classes of dicotyledonous plants.
Kingdom Plantae.
classes of Kingdom
Discuss any two
Plantae. characteristics which adapt
mosses to their habitat.
PHYLA, CLASSES 1.4.1 outline the major Major phyla and Examine and draw representatives of the major phyla and Compare the five classes of
AND ORDERS OF phyla and classes of classes of Kingdom classes of Kingdom Animalia. Phylum Arthropoda under
KINGDOM Kingdom Animalia. Animalia:. the following headings:
ANIMALIA i. antennae
1.4.2 identify and describe Characteristics of List the major phyla and classes of the Kingdom Animalia. ii. appendages
the characteristics of the major phyla and Discuss the characteristics of the major phyla and classes of iii. body divisions.
the major phyla and classes of Kingdom Kingdom Animalia
classes of Kingdom Animalia. List the characteristic
Animalia. Major phyla; features of mammals.
odermata and
1.7.2 classify organisms. Classification of organisms. Collect a lot of different plants and animals
(organisms) from different habitats.
General objectives: The student will:
1. identify the significance of biological associations in ecosystems
2. appreciate the importance of maintaining soil fertility
3. use some instruments for sampling populations of different organisms
BASIC 2.1.1 discuss basic concepts in Basic concepts in ecology Revise basic concepts in ecology from SHS Integrated Name one ecosystem in
CONCEPTS IN ecology. Science Syllabus. your locality that you might
ECOLOGY Note; ecological niche and biomes should be treated study and list three abiotic
factors affecting living
things in that ecosystem.
STUDY OF 2.2.1 outline the general General characteristics of aquatic Visit an aquatic and terrestrial habitat and observe the Compare the features of
SPECIFIC characteristics of and terrestrial habitat characteristics of each habitat. aquatic and terrestrial
HABITATS aquatic and terrestrial habitats under the
habitats List the characteristics of the various habitats using the following headings;
following headings: i. Physical
i. Physical environment environment
ii. Chemical environment ii. Chemical
iii. Geologic features environment
iv. Photosynthetic organisms iii. Geologic features
v. Animals. iv. Photosynthetic
2.2.2 explain the effects of Biotic and abiotic factors in the Discuss the aquatic and terrestrial habitats observed. Identify any two biotic and
abiotic and biotic terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Observe the interactions in an aquatic and terrestrial habitat abiotic factors in aquatic
factors on life in aquatic and identify some biotic and abiotic factors habitats and explain their
and terrestrial habitats effects on a named aquatic
2.2.3 explain how organisms Adaptations of organisms in Observe and discuss the effects of biotic and abiotic factors
in aquatic and aquatic and terrestrial habitats in selected aquatic and terrestrial habitats
terrestrial habitats are
adapted to their Observe and discuss the adaptive features or structures on
habitats each organism.
BIOLOGICAL 2.3.1 explain the concept of Concept of symbiosis: Brainstorm to give an explanation of the concept symbiosis.
ASSOCIATIONS symbiosis. Symbiotic relationships:
2.3.2 identify the different Mutualism , Parasitism Observe ecological associations between different organisms What do you understand
symbiotic relationships Saprophytism, and Epiphytism in their school garden or field and record their observations. by the term symbiosis?
UNIT 4 2.4.1 explain the terms, Population density, Population Brainstorm to explain the terms mentioned under content. Explain the following
POPULATION population density, growth, Immigration, Emigration, terms:
DYNAMICS population growth, Birth rate and Death rate i. Population
immigration, emigration, density
birth rate and death rate. ii. Immigration
iii. Emigration
2.4.2 outline the population Methods of determining population Discuss the methods of determining the population size, iv. Birth Rate
sampling techniques. size, density, etc. Direct counting, density and growth. v. Death Rate
Removal method. Note: Quadrats, traps, nets, etc. are sampling tools and are
used together with the sampling techniques or methods.
UNIT 6 The student will be able to: Let students:
SUCCESSION 2.6.1 explain the concept Concept of ecological Discuss the meaning of ecological succession. Explain ecological
ecological succession. succession succession.
2.6.2 outline the process of Process of ecological Discuss the types of ecological succession.
ecological succession in a succession
field. Locate a patch of bare piece of land or place a concrete
block in a shaded place, observe between 6 to 12 months
and record findings.
SOIL 2.7.1 identify the components of a Components of soil; Carry out sedimentation experiments.
soil sample. 1. Organic components:-
(i) Living things
(ii) Humus Identify different layers of soil particles and draw the Differentiate between
2. Inorganic components:- different layers. organic and inorganic
(i) soil particles components of soil.
(ii) Mineral salts
(iii) Soil water
(iv) Air
2.7.2 identify different soil types. Types of soil: - Sand, Loam Collect the three types of soils and carry out experiments
and Clay. to determine their properties. The properties should
include, pH, permeability, capillarity and water retention
Compare the properties
2.7.3 determine the presence of Living things in the soil. Collect soil samples from different locations and carry out of sand loam and clay.
living things in soil. NOTE: Living things should experiments to find out presence of living things. Record
include macro and micro and discuss findings.
Explain why clay has
2.7.4 identify some mineral salts in Mineral salts exist as anions Carry out tests for; the presence of higher water-holding
2+, 2+, 3+, 2+, +
soil and cations in the soil. Ca Fe Fe Mg K capacity than sand
2+, 2+, 3+,
Cations: - Ca Fe Fe 2- - 3
2+, + And SO4 , N03 , PO 4
Mg K
- - - 2-
Anions: - S04 , N03 , P04 in
soil sample NOTE: - No quantitative analysis of these ions required. Describe an experiment
to determine the
Perform experiments to determine the percentage of 2+
2.7.5 determine the percentage Organic matter(humus), presence of Ca
organic matter , soil water and soil air content in soil + - -
organic matter , soil water inorganic matter, soil water K , S04 , and N03 , in soil
and soil air content in soil and soil air content in soil sample sample.
samples samples Compare the results of different soil samples.
2.7.6 explain how soil loses its Loss of soil fertility: Select a site of land in the locality and explore the factors that Describe an experiment to
fertility Erosion, overgrazing, burning, contribute to loss of soil fertility in the field. determine the percentage
over-cropping, leaching and water content of a soil
surface compacting sample.
2.7.7 explain conservation, Explanation of soil conservation, Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of soil conservation, soil Discuss four different ways
maintenance, renewal of soil maintenance, renewal of soil maintenance, renewal of soil fertility and soil reclamation. by which soil looses its
soil fertility and soil fertility and soil reclamation. fertility.
2.7.8 identify the methods of soil Methods of soil conservation, Visit different land sites like farms, fields, plantations, etc and Discuss four methods of
conservation, soil maintenance, fertility renewal and identify ways by which the soil can be conserved, maintained, maintaining soil fertility
maintenance, renewal of reclamation. renewed and reclaimed as the case may be.
soil fertility and soil
SCIENTIFIC 2.8.1 weigh soil samples on an Measuring weight of different soil Weigh soil samples using electronic or chemical balance.
INQUIRY electronic or chemical samples. Discuss their findings
SKILLS balance.
2.8.2 Determining water content Comparing the permeability and Perform an experiment to compare the permeability and
in soil samples. water – retaining abilities of clay, water-retaining abilities of types of soil in dried form.
sand and loam.
2.8.3 identify plants and animals Adaptations of plants and animals Collect different flora and fauna from different environments.
by their adaptive features. to their habitat.
Examine closely their observable features.
UNIT 8 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let Students
SCIENTIFIC 2.8.4 use dissecting Dissection of a small mammal. Discuss their features and how they are used (plants and
INQUIRY SKILLS instruments to cut open For example, rat, guinea pig, animals) to live successfully.
the gut of a small rabbit, mouse. Dissect the abdominal section of a small mammal.
mammal for Draw in situ the structures observed and label fully.
observation of its
2.8.5 identify biological Biological associations Empty the gut and examine it critically. and use what they
associations in an observable in an ecosystem. observe to determine the trophic level.
Go on a field trip to an abandoned farm land or forest.
2.8.6 interpret biological Interpreting biological data using Select a habitat near the school.
data. studies from a terrestrial habitat. Use quadrats and other techniques to collect different
organisms in the habitat.
Record the names or assign labels to the organisms for
Interpret their observation of the numbers of organisms
2.8.7 present biological data Presentation of biological data in Draw graphs from biological data
in graphical form. graphical form.
Note: Teacher should provide enough data for students to
2.8.8 report on succession of Studying succession on a plot of Observe a concrete block or a plot of land on an exposed
organisms on a plot of land or a concrete block. wall for a period of time (6-12 months).
land or a concrete
block. Make recordings of the observation and report to the class.
Discuss their findings
NATURAL 3.1.1 explain what Natural Natural Resources: Brainstorm to bring out the meaning and 1. Explain the term Natural
RESOURCES Resources are and give Note: Genetic resources should be included examples of natural resources. Resources and give
some examples of Examples.
Natural Resources. Visit forest reserves, games and wildlife .
parks, mines and water bodies.
3.1.2 distinguish between Renewable and Non-renewable Natural Classify all natural resources as
renewable and Non- Resources. renewable or non-renewable.
renewal Natural
List the importance of any
3.1 .3 explain the need for Importance of Natural resources. Brainstorm to bring out the importance two natural resources and
conserving Natural of named Natural Resources and explain how such
resources and identify the Methods of conserving Natural Resources suggest ways of conserving them. resources can be
methods of their conserved.
conservation. Note cultural practices like sacred
groves, specific days for fishing, farming
and hunting also contribute to
conserving Natural Resources.
3.1.4 explain the ecosystem Functional relationship and Identify a degraded area close to the school, list the key Explain the term
approach to Natural processes within stakeholders and suggest interventions that would reverse Ecosystem approach
Resource Management. ecosystems the degradation.
Enhanced benefit sharing for
all stakeholders
Adaptive management
Management actions at the What four activities of
UNIT 2 appropriate scale humans could result in
Inter-sectoral cooperation i) Air pollution
CONSEQUENCES ii) Water pollution
INTERFERENCE 3.2.1 identify human activities that Human activities and the Brainstorm and cite examples of human activities that
IN NATURE bring about undesirable environment cause harm to the stable nature of their environment.
change in the natural
Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of the term pollution.
3.2.2 explain the term pollution, Pollution: Note: In the definition words such as substances, energy,
causes and its effects on the quantities released should be stressed.
environment. Causes and effects of
pollution on the environment Note: Greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone
layer must be stressed.
3.2.4 describe the Integrated Integrated Water Resources Discuss the IWRM approach to manage available water Describe two ways in
Water Resources Management(IWRM) and prevent further contamination of water sources which potable water can
Management and explain Note: water is a commodity with social, biological and be contaminated.
how it can reduce economic dimensions.
undesirable change in the Discuss the various uses of water by different users and How can IWRM reduce
natural environment. the consequent environmental impacts. the cost of water
HUMANS AND 3.3.1 explain the term Microbes Observe pictures of bacteria, viruses etc. from textbooks, internet,
HARMFUL microbes and classify scientific magazines and journals.
MICROBES them. Classification of
Microbes (useful and Observe permanent slides of microbes such as Amoeba,
harmful). Plasmodium Paramecium and yeast cells
3.3.2 name some diseases Diseases caused by Invite resource persons e.g. health personnel to interact with List five microbes and the
caused by microbes. microbes in plants students on diseases caused by microbes. diseases they cause in each
and animals. of the following
Visit crop and livestock farms to identify diseases based on i) humans
symptoms observed. ii) plants
iii) Livestock
Discuss their observations.
3.3.3. describe the mode of Mode of transmission, Discuss mode of transmission, symptoms, control and prevention of Describe how you would
transmission, symptoms, control the diseases mentioned under content. control malaria in your
symptoms, control and prevention of Note: In the control of malaria knowledge of the life cycle of vector community.
and prevention of some diseases of (Anopheles mosquito) is required.
some diseases people and other Note. Examples should include, avian flu, CSM, the six childhood
caused by microbes. organism caused by killer diseases, and potato blight .
bacteria, viruses,
3.3.4 explain the terms Immunization, Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of Immunization, vaccination
immunization, vaccination inoculation and show how they relate.
vaccination and Inoculation.
inoculation, and show Visit immunization centres and observe how immunization is carried
how they are related. out.
3.3.5 classify immunity. Classification of Brainstorm to bring out the classes of immunity.
3.3.6 state the importance Importance of Discuss the importance of immunization in the control and
of immunization. immunization prevention of diseases
3.4.3 explain the term drug abuse Drug abuse Discuss the meaning of drug abuse and brainstorm to bring What do you understand
and name the classes of out the classes of drugs that are usually abused. by drug abuse? List the
drugs that are usually classes of drugs abused.
3.4.4 state the dangers posed by Consequences of drug Invite a psychiatric to give a talk or visit a psychiatric What is the effect of drug
drug abuse. abuse hospital to observe the behaviour of patients and discuss abuse on humans?
some of the causes of the observed behaviour. Or observe
Note: The effect of pictures or charts showing effects of drugs abused by
alcoholism on pregnant humans.
mothers and the unborn Brainstorm to bring out some dangers associated with the
child should be stressed. use of hard drugs, smoking and alcoholism.
3.4.5 explain the term First Aid. First Aid Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of First Aid.
3.4.6 describe different methods First Aid administration. Invite Red Cross personnel to demonstrate how First Aid is
ofadministering First Aid. administered.
SCIENTIFIC 3.5.1 communicate biological Reporting on biological Go on field trips to observe natural resources.
INQUIRY SKILLS observation verbally with observations Note: use natural settings such as: forest reserves, game
peers and other people. reserves, mines, water bodies.
3.5.3 draw a diagram of stages of Stages of local brewery Visit a local brewery.
production in a local production. Document the processes of production.
industry. Draw a flow chat to show the stages of production.
3.5.4 follow laboratory instruction Designing experiments Use written out steps to design an experiment to estimate the
to estimate the alcohol alcohol content of drinks.
content of different alcoholic
drinks. Carry out the experiment to estimate the alcohol content of
different drinks.
3.5.5 carry out biological Investigating contents of Carry out biological investigation of the contents of cigarette
investigation of the contents cigarette smoke smoke in groups
of cigarette smoke. Note . Each student Note:
should be encouraged Materials suggested to be used:
to design his or her own U-tube with vents on each stem of the tube, rubber tubing,
investigation so no one glass tubes, rubber bungs (one big one with two holes, and
investigation is correct two smaller ones without holes in them), water, cotton wool,
provided the design six untipped sticks or cigarette, matches.
Examine the cotton wool and the water and note their colour
and smell.
DISSECTION OF A 4.1.1 dissect a small mammal. The arrangement of Dissect a small mammal and display the internal organs in List the abdominal
SMALL MAMMAL internal organs of the neck, chest and abdominal regions. organs viewed in situ
(NECK, CHEST AND mammals. when a small mammal
ABDOMINAL Identify by name and their location internal organs of a (guinea pig) is dissected.
REGIONS dissected mammal.
Draw and label the internal organs both in situ and when
4.1.2 relate the structure of the Functions of the internal Describe the structure of the internal organs and list their Describe any five
internal organs to their organs. various functions. abdominal organs of a
functions. mammal and state their
4.2.1 explain the concept Nutrition. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of Nutrition, and types of Distinguish between the
NUTRITION Nutrition. nutrition (autotrophic and heterotrophic). different types of
heterotrophic nutrition.
4.2.2 explain why living things Why living things need Discuss some common examples of the use of energy in
need energy. energy. organisms. Give reasons why
For example, synthesis of substances organisms need energy.
Active transport.
Electrical transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of
Maintenance of body temperature
Bioluminescence, etc.
UNIT 2 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
NUTRITION 4.2.3 outline the types of Types of nutrients found in food: Discuss types of nutrients found in food.
nutrients found in food. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
vitamins and minerals.
4.2.4 classify nutrients found in Classes of nutrients. Discuss and classify nutrients found in food giving
food. examples in each case.
4.2.5 write the structural Structural formulae of Draw the structural formulae of carbohydrates, State two characteristics
formulae of carbohydrates, carbohydrates proteins and proteins and lipids. each of:
proteins and lipids. lipids. monosaccharides
4.2.6 state the importance of Importance of nutrients in food. Discuss the functions of each nutrient found in food. polysaccharides
nutrients found in food. amino acids
Let students:
UNIT 2 (CONT’D) The student will be able to:
Review dental care from SHS Discuss three different
NUTRITION 4.2.9 explain the importance of dental Dental care in humans. Integrated science. Syllabus page 14 ways by which dental
care in humans. health is maintained.
Discuss methods by which dental
decay may be prevented or controlled.
4.2.10. explain the concept of Balanced diet. Discuss what makes a diet balanced Children of both affluent
balanced diet. Note: should include water and what factors make it vary from and poor parents may be
individual to individual. obese. What are the
likely reasons in each
4.2.11 explain the concept Malnutrition. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
malnutrition. malnutrition.
4.2.12 explain the concept enzymes. Enzymes. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
enzymes and how enzymes work.
4.2.13 outline the characteristics of Mechanisms of enzyme action. Carry out experiments to show enzyme Describe the process of
Enzymes and enzyme action. action. digestion in humans
Record and discuss the observation. after taking a meal of
boiled rice and meat
4.2.14 explain the factors that affect the Rate of Enzyme reactions. Perform and discuss experiments on stew and fresh orange
rate of enzyme reaction rate of enzymatic reactions. as desert.
4.2.17 describe the structure of the Structure of the liver of a mammal. Observe the structure of the liver of a Identify FOUR functions
Liver. mammal of the liver that involves
protein metabolism.
4.2.18 state the functions of the liver. Functions of the liver. Observe prepared slides of T.S. of the What is the role of
internal structure of the liver. Draw and phagocytic cells in the
label liver?
UNIT 3 The student will be able to: Let students:
TRANSPORT 4.3.1 explain the concept “Transport” Transport in mammals Discuss the need for transport in Give two reasons for
and its need in mammals. - surface area/volume ratio mammals. which blood transport
- substances have to move greater system is necessary in
distances. mammals.
4.3.2 describe the structure of the Structure of the mammalian heart. Examine, draw and label the Describe how the
mammalian heart. mammalian heart showing its internal structure of the
and external features and its mammalian heart is
associated blood vessels. related to its functions.
4.3.3 explain the mechanism of heart Mechanism of heart beat: myogenic Discuss the generation and
excitation and contractions. stimulation of the heart include (SAN), transmission of heart-beat.
(AVN), Purkinje tissue.
Examine, draw and label the T.S. of
4.3.4 describe the structure of blood Structure of blood vessels. artery, vein and capillary. Compare the structure of
vessels. an artery, vein and
Discuss the structure of each type of capillary.
blood vessel in relation to its functions.
UNIT 3 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
TRANSPORT 4.3.6 state the functions of blood. Functions of blood. Discuss the functions of blood.
4.3.7 describe circulation of blood of a Circulatory system Examine the circulatory system of a What is the significance
mammal dissected mammal. of double circulation in
Draw and label the circulatory system
4.3.9 outline the functions of lymph. Functions of lymph. Discuss the functions of lymph.
UNIT 4 4.4.1 explain the concept respiration. Respiration. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
respiration. Trace the path of air from
RESPIRATION the atmosphere to the
4.4.2 explain the concept of gaseous Gaseous exchange. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of alveolus.
exchange. gaseous exchange. In what ways does lung
Note:” Gaseous exchange” is also structure facilitate
known as breathing in mammals. gaseous exchange?
4.4.3 describe the respiratory system The mammalian respiratory system. Observe a dissected mammal, draw
of mammals (humans) and label the respiratory system.
The student will be able to:
The student will be able to: Let students:
4.5.1 explain excretion and identify Excretory system Revise the meaning of excretion and
EXCRETION organs of the mammalian organs of the mammalian excretory
excretory system. system from the SHS 1 UNIT 5
integrated science syllabus S.R.N.
NOTE: mention should be made of the .
liver as an excretory organ
4.5.2 describe the structure of The structure of mammalian kidney, skin Examine models and drawings or
mammalian kidney, skin and and lungs. charts of kidney, skin and lung of a
lungs. mammal
The student will be able to: Let students:
MOVEMENT 4..6.1 explain the concept skeleton and Concept of skeleton: Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of Distinguish among the
mention the types of skeleton. Types of skeleton (Endoskeleton, skeleton. three types of skeleton.
Exoskeleton and Hydrostatic skeleton).
Discuss the types of skeleton in Name the bones that
animals. constitute the
i. axial skeleton
4.6.2 describe the general plan of the General plan of the mammalian Examine a model of the skeleton of a and
mammalian skeleton. Skeleton. (Axial Skeleton and mammal (human, rabbit etc). ii. Appendicular
Appendicular Skeleton). skeleton
Identify the components of the axial
and appendicular skeletons.
4.6.3 describe the structure of skeletal Skeletal tissues (Bone and cartilage). Describe the structure of bone and Explain any three
tissues. cartilage. advantages the
endoskeleton has over
Examine a T.S of a compact bone the exoskeleton.
under a microscope and discuss the
UNIT 6 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
MOVEMENT 4.6.4 identify the different vertebrae in Structure and function of the vertebral Examine the vertebral column of a How will you distinguish
the vertebral column column: mammal among the various types
of vertebrae?
Identify the various vertebrae by virtue
of their location
i.e. Neck region = cervical,
Chest region = thoracic, etc.
4.6.5 describe the structure of the rib Structure of the rib cage Examine the rib cage of a mammal. Name the parts of the rib
cage Identify the various bones that form the cage that are made of
rib cage cartilage
4.6.6 identify the limb bones and their Limb bones and their girdles Examine the bones of the limbs and What advantage do
girdles their girdles. mammals have in
possessing a flexible
Discuss the structure of the bones of connection between the
the limbs and their girdles, in relation to pectoral girdle and the
their function. vertebral column
4.6.7 outline the functions of the Functions of the mammalian skeleton Discuss the functions of the State four major
mammalian skeleton mammalian skeleton functions of the skeleton
4.6.8 define the term joint and identify Types of joints: (Movable, slightly Brainstorm to bring out the definition of Describe the
the different types of joints movable and immovable ) joint characteristic features of
a moveable joint
Examine the different types of joints
Discuss the structure of the different
types of joints in relation to their
UNIT 6 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
MOVEMENT 4.6.9 identify the types of muscles. Types of muscles (Smooth, striated and Examine slides of muscles under a
cardiac muscles). microscope.
4.6.10 explain the sliding-filament The sliding-filament model of muscle Examine the structure of skeletal What happens to the
model of muscle contraction. contraction. muscle (Model or diagram). length of the A-band as
the sarcomere
Discuss the sliding-filament model of contracts?
muscle contraction.
4.6.11 describe how muscles bring Movement of muscles. Carry out activities to demonstrate how Describe the action of
about movement. muscles act on bones to bring about any two antagonistic
movement.e.g. bending and muscles.
UNIT 7 straightening of the arm.
REPRODUCTION 4.7.1 explain the term reproduction. Reproduction in mammals. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
the term reproduction.
UNIT 7 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
REPRODUCTION 4.7.3 describe the internal structure of Internal structure of the testis and ovary. Examine slides of sections of testis and In what important way is
the testis and ovary. ovary under a microscope. the structure of the ovum
similar to that of the
Compare the slides to diagrams or sperm?
pictures of sections of the testis and
4.7.4 outline the process of gamete Gametogenesis. Discuss the processes of Compare
formation. spermatogenesis and oogenesis. spermatogenesis and
Examine slides of sperm and ovum
under a microscope and discuss their
function in relation to their structure.
Describe the processes
4.7.5 describe fertilization, Fertilization, development of the embryo Discuss the processes involved in involved when a potent
development of the embryo and birth. fertilization, development of the embryo sperm meets a potent
and birth. and birth. ovum until a baby is
4.7.6 outline the secondary sexual Secondary sexual characteristics. Discuss the changes (physical) that
characteristics in male and occur in males and females during Distinguish between
female human beings. puberty. primary and secondary
Discuss the role of hormones in the sexual characteristics.
development of secondary sexual
characteristics. Compare secondary
sexual characteristics of
4.7.7 explain the different birth control Birth control. Explain what birth control is and males and females.
methods. discuss the methods of birth control in
UNIT 8 The student will be able to: Let students:
CONTROL AND CO- 4.8.1 explain control and co-ordination Control and co-ordination. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
ORDINATION of body activities. control and co-ordination.
4.8.2 describe the general plan of the The nervous system (Central nervous Observe and discuss models or charts What is the basic unit of
nervous system. system and peripheral nervous system). of the nervous system. the nervous system?
NOTE: peripheral nervous system should
include spinal nerves and cranial nerves Identify the various parts of the nervous
4.8.3 identify the parts of the brain and Parts of the brain and their functions: Use a model or chart to locate the State two different
state their functions. position of the brain and how it is functions each of the
protected. cerebrum, cerebellum
and the medulla
Identify the various parts of the brain oblongata.
and discuss their functions.
4.8.4 identify the spinal cord and its Parts of the spinal cord Examine slides of the spinal cord under Draw T.S. of the spinal
parts. a microscope. cord to show the parts.
4.8.5 describe the structure of the Structure of neurone. Examine slides, charts or diagrams of
neurone. NOTE: sensory neurone, relay neurone neurones.
and motor neurone Draw and label a neurone.
UNIT 8 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
CONTROL AND CO- 4.8.6 classify neurones. Classification of nuerones. Use charts/drawings to identify different Differentiate among the
ORDINATION types of neurones. three types of neurons.
4.8.7 describe the generation and Generation and transmission of nerve Discuss the generation and What role does the Golgi
transmission of nerve impulses. impulses: transmission of impulses. Apparatus and
Note: The study should include Mitochondria play in the
generator region, generator potential, synaptic knobs of
threshold value, action potential and neurones?
resting potential.
Carry out activities to demonstrate the Describe the various
reception of stimulus. steps involved in the
Discuss their findings. transmission of
4.8.8 distinguish between voluntary Voluntary and Involuntary actions. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
and involuntary actions. voluntary and involuntary actions.
Carry out experiments to demonstrate
voluntary and involuntary actions.
Discuss their findings and distinguish
between voluntary and involuntary
4.8.9 describe the reflex arc and reflex Reflex arc and reflex action. Examine, discuss and draw charts or
action. pictures of reflex` arc.
Discuss the process of a reflex action. Describe the reflex arc
and give three different
examples of reflex
4.8.10 explain the organization of the Autonomic nervous system: Discuss the organization of the
autonomic nervous system and autonomic nervous system.
its function.
Discuss the functions of the autonomic
nervous system.
UNIT 8 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
What is the principal
CONTROL AND CO- 4.8.11 describe the structure and the Structure and functions of the ear and Observe models or diagrams/charts of function of the lens of
ORDINATION functions of the ear and the eye the eye of a mammal. the ear and the eye. the eye?
of a mammal.
Identify the various parts. Where does the greatest
degree of refraction of
Discuss the structure of the eye and light occur in the eye and
ear, in relation to their functions. why?
Draw and label the eye and the ear of a What is the difference
mammal. between the pitch and
intensity of sound?
How does the cochlea
4.8.12 describe the eye defects and Common eye defects and their Discuss the eye defects and their differentiate between the
their corrections. correction. corrections pitch and intensity of
NOTE: myopia, hypermetropia, sound?
presbyopia and astigmatism.
Explain how convex and
4.8.13 describe the endocrine system. The endocrine system. Identify the organs that constitute the concave lenses correct
endocrine system. eye defects.
4.8.14 explain the effects of over- Effects of over-secretion or under- Discuss the effects of over-secretion or
secretion or under-secretion of secretion of hormones by the endocrine under-secretion of each of the
hormones by the endocrine glands. hormones.
What is the difference
UNIT 9 between an endocrine
and exocrine gland?
SCIENTIFIC 4.9.1 dissect a small mammal ( neck Dissection of a small mammal Cut open a chloroformed mammal Give two examples each
INQUIRY SKILLS and chest regions) and draw the (guinea pig, rat, mouse or rabbit) of endocrine and
internal organs seen. Draw the internal organs as they are exocrine glands.
arranged naturally.
In what ways is the
pancreas an exocrine
gland as well as
endocrine gland?
SCIENTIFIC 4.9.2 plan and design experiment to Food Test. Plan how they will identify the food
INQUIRY SKILLS determine the nutrients in a meal. nutrients in a given meal.
4.9.3 plan physiological experiment. Planning physiological experiment Discuss the plan they will use to carry
Note: use starch and the enzyme out experiment to show that amylase
amylase. acts on starch.
4.9.4 observe the movement of blood Movement of blood in blood vessels of a Carry out experiment to observe the
in blood vessels. tadpole of toad or frog. movement of blood in the blood vessels
of a tadpole of toad or a frog.
Note: Use audio visual to explain
circulatory systems and other delicate
Discuss their observation.
SCIENTIFIC 4.9.5 identify types of vertebrae. Vertebral column. Observe vertebra from different regions
INQUIRY SKILLS of the vertebral column.
4.9.6 manipulate the microscope to Structure of the testis, ovary and sperm Mount prepared slides of the testis,
view details of minute structures. of a mammal ovary and sperm.
4.9.7 draw conclusions from Drawing of conclusions from data Carry out the experiment showing the
observations. Note: use the experiment showing the effect of thyroxine on the development
effect of thyroxine on the development of of tadpoles.
Note: this experiment will take at least
8 days.
MORPHOLOGY OF 1.1.1 describe the external External features of Collect samples of monocotyledonous and Using the external
MONOCOTYLEDONOUS features of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. features only
AND monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. distinguish between
DICOTYLEDONOUS dicotyledonous plants. Examine and discuss the external features of a monocotyledonous
PLANTS monocotyledonous and a dicotyledonous plant. and dicotyledonous
Draw the plants, and label their external features. plants.
1.1.2 outline the functions of roots, Functions of roots, stems and Brainstorm to bring out the functions of roots,
stems and leaves of plants. leaves of monocotyledonous stems and leaves of monocotyledonous and
and dicotyledonous plants. dicotyledonous plants.
UNIT 2 The student will be able to: Let students:
Draw tissue maps of
INTERNAL 1.2.1 describe the internal structure Internal structure of root, stem and leaf. Collect and cut T.S of root, stem and T.S. of root, stem and
STRUCTURE OF of root, stem and leaf. leaf of young monocotyledonous and leaf of young
ROOTS, STEMS dicotyledonous plants. monocotyledonous and
AND LEAVES. dicotyledonous plants
Examine the sections under a
1.2.2 distinguish between the Tissues of the root, stem and leaf. Identify the different tissues in both Describe the
different types of tissues of the Note: Tissues as seen in T.S. and L. S. T.S.and L.S of roots, stems and leaves. composition or structure
should be observed. of the following tissues:
root, stem and leaf.
Discuss the structure of the cells that i. Cortex
make up the various tissues. ii. Epidermis
iii. Cambium
Describe the types of cells as seen in
the T.S. and L.S. of root, stem and leaf.
1.2.3 relate the structure of the types Functions of cells in plant tissues. Discuss the structure of each type of
of cells to their functions. cell in relation to their functions.
1.2.4 compare T.S. of root and stem Comparison of the internal structure of Examine the T.S of root and stem of Compare the internal
of monocotyledonous and stem and root of monocotyledonous and monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous structure of the root,
dicotyledonous plants. dicotyledonous plants. plants. stem and leaf of
monocotyledonous and
Compare the T.S of the root and stem dicotyledonous plants.
of a monocotyledonous and a
dicotyledonous plant.
UNIT 3 The student will be able to: Let students:
GROWTH AND 1.3.1 explain the concept of growth Growth and development. Brainstorm to bring out the explanation Explain the concept of
DEVELOPMENT OF and development. of the concept growth and growth and
PLANTS development. development.
1.3.2 measure growth in seedlings. Measurement of growth in plants Grow a number of seedlings and
Note: Indicators of growth in seedlings: measure their growth over a period of
length of shoot, length of root, time.
length/breadth of leaf.
Record and discuss the data collected.
1.3.3 explain primary and secondary Primary and secondary growth in plants. Discuss primary and secondary growth Outline the processes
growth in plants. in plants. that result in primary and
secondary growth in
Examine slides of T.S. of shoots and plants.
roots showing primary and secondary
1.3.4 distinguish between primary Comparing primary and secondary Examine sections of stems and roots Compare primary and
and secondary growth. growth. showing different stages of primary and secondary growth in
secondary growth. plants.
UNIT 3 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students
GROWTH AND 1.3.5 explain what auxins are. Auxins. Brainstorm to bring out what auxins Describe the role of
DEVELOPMENT OF are. auxins in roots and stem
PLANTS elongation
1.3.6 describe the role of auxins in Role of auxins in stem and root Examine slides or charts of L.S of root Describe an experiment
root and stem elongation. elongation. and shoot tips. to demonstrate the effect
of auxins on the
Identify the various regions of the root elongation of shoot tips
and shoot tips. of a named seedling.
1.3.7 distinguish among tropic Tropic, nastic and tactic movements of Brainstorm to bring out the meanings of Explain the significance
movements, nastic movements plants. tropic, nastic and tactic movements. of the tropic, nastic and
and tactic movements. tactic movements to
Discuss the mechanisms involved in plants.
these plant movements.
UNIT 3 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
GROWTH AND 1.3.8 explain the mechanisms of Mechanisms of tropic movements. Discuss the different types of tropic Explain the mechanism
DEVELOPMENT the types of tropisms. movements. of geotropism and
Discuss the role of IAA in the different
tropic movements.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS 1.4.1 describe the process of The process of photosynthesis. Revise the process of photosynthesis Explain the process of
AND MINERAL photosynthesis. from the SHS integrated science photosynthesis.
NUTRITION syllabus p.19.
Note: Revision should include definition
and conditions necessary for
photosynthesis as well as experiments
on these conditions.
1.4.2 describe the structural Adaptations of the leaf for photosynthesis. Examine T.S of a leaf under a
adaptation of the leaf for microscope.
Examine a model or diagram showing
the T.S of a leaf.
1.4.3 explain the conditions that Factors that affect the rate of Carry out experiments to show the
affect the rate of photosynthesis: effects of the factors that affect the rate
photosynthesis. Note the following factors: of photosynthesis.
Light intensity, temperature and carbon (IV)
oxide concentration, chlorophyll. Record and discuss the findings of the
concentration, specific inhibitors, water and experiments.
1.4.4 explain the biochemical Biochemical nature of photosynthesis. Discuss the light-dependent and light- Describe the
nature of photosynthesis. independent stages of photosynthesis. biochemical nature of
UNIT 4 (CONT’D) The student will be able to:
PHOTOSYNTHESIS 1.4.5 explain the fate of the products Fate of the products of photosynthesis. Brainstorm to bring out what happens
AND MINERAL of photosynthesis. Account should be given of the following: to the glucose produced during
NUTRITION (1) Transport of sugars and storage photosynthesis.
of starch
(2) Respiration of sugar Discuss how other substances are
(3) Synthesis of lipids synthesized from glucose.
1.4.6 state the effects of the macro- Macronutrients: Brainstorm to bring out the mineral List the importance of
nutrients and micronutrients Nitrate ( NO3 ), sulphate ( SO4 2 ), elements needed by plants. the following macro and
needed by plants. micronutrients in plants:
phosphate, ( PO43 ), potassium Discuss macro and micronutrients. i. NO3
+ 2
ion(K ), calcium ion (Ca +), iron (II) 2-
ion.(Fe +). Investigate the effects of the minerals ii. SO4
on plants by using water culture
Micronutrients: (hydroponics). iii. Cu
2+ +
Manganese,(Mn ), zinc (Zn ),
2+ 3+
copper,Cu ) molybdenum, (Mo ), Discuss the findings and list the ion or iv. Cl
mineral deficiency symptoms of plants.
Boron as Borate ( BO33 or B4O7 2
chlorine (Cl ).
GASEOUS 1.5.1 explain the term gaseous Gaseous exchange. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of Using the idea of
EXCHANGE exchange in terms of gaseous exchange. concentration gradient,
concentration gradient. explain how gases enter
and leave plants.
1.5.2 identify the structures of plants Structures of plants involved in gaseous Draw and label the structures involved Explain how gaseous
involved in gaseous exchange. exchange i.e. stomata, lenticels. in gaseous exchange. exchange occurs
Discuss how the structures involved in i. the stomata
gaseous exchange function. ii. the lenticel
1.5.3 demonstrate that plants Aerobic respiration: Carry out experiments to show that Describe an experiment
respire. The equation for it should be explained aerobic respiration releases carbon (IV) to show that plants
C6 H12O6 6O2 6CO2 6H2O Heat oxide/water vapour/heat energy. respire aerobically.
Record and discuss their findings.
1.6.1 describe the process of uptake Water and mineral salts uptake from the Observe two potted plants one with
TRANSPORT and movement of water and soil into the plant. moist soil and the other with dry soil.
mineral salts in plants.
Note: Observation should begin one
week before this lesson.
1.6.2 explain the concept of Movement of water and mineral salts Carry out experiments using eosin Explain the mechanism
translocation. through the plant. solution to show water and mineral of water and mineral
salts uptake. uptake and movement
through the plant.
Record and discuss their findings.
1.6.3 demonstrate that transport of Translocation of synthesized organic Select a plant in the school How will you design an
synthesized organic nutrients nutrients. garden/compound. experiment to show that
occurs through the phloem. Perform ringing or girdling experiment. organic nutrients are
transported through the
Compare and discuss their phloem tissue?
TRANSPORT 1.6.4 explain the term transpiration. Transpiration: advantages and Brainstorm on the definition of
disadvantages of transpiration to plants transpiration
and humans.
Discuss advantages and
disadvantages of transpiration to plants
and humans.
1.6.5 distinguish between the types Types of transpiration. Discuss types of transpiration
of transpiration. NOTE: mention them –stomata and
1.6.6 explain how water is able to Physiological factors affecting the rise of Carry out experiments to demonstrate Describe an experiment
move to the apex of trees and water in the xylem: Root pressure, the physiological factors that affect the to show that:
herbs. Transpiration – Cohesion- Tension rise of water in the xylem. transpiration occurs
Mechanism, Water Potential Gradient. through the leaves of
Record and discuss their observations. a plant.
1.6.8 identify the environmental Environmental factors affecting Carry out experiments to demonstrate What factors affect
factors that affect transpiration. transpiration e.g. temperature light the factors that affect transpiration. transpiration
intensity, wind, relative humidity.
Discuss their observations
Note: Control of excessive loss of water
by transpiration should be emphasized. Discuss the environmental factors that
affect transpiration.
TRANSPORT 1.6.9 explain the concept of guttation. Biological principles underlying guttation. Carry out experiments to measure the Distinguish between
rate of transpiration under different transpiration and
conditions. guttation.
Record and discuss their findings.
Carry out experiments to demonstrate
UNIT 7 guttation.
1.7.2 list the excretory Excretory products of plants. e.g. water, List the excretory products plants and
products of plants. carbon (IV) oxide, oxygen, alkaloids, how they are produced
tannins, gums, resins and acids.
Discuss how each of the excretory State three differences
1.7.3 perform experiment to products are removed from the plant between excretion in
demonstrate excretion in plants body. plants and animals.
REPRODUCTION 1.81 explain the concept of Reproduction in plants. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
reproduction in plants. reproduction in plants.
1.8.2 distinguish between Types of reproduction: Name the types of reproduction in plants.
asexual and sexual Asexual and sexual.
reproduction. Discuss the different types of reproduction in
1.8.3 describe the different Methods of vegetative Discuss how each method is carried out.
methods of vegetative reproduction/propagation.
reproduction/propagation Visit agricultural gardens etc. where students can
see how grafting and budding are done.
NOTE: Marcoting should be treated.
1.8.4 explain the advantages Importance of vegetative, - discuss the importance of vegetative
and disadvantages of reproduction/propagation in plants. reproduction/propagation.
in plants.
1.8.5 describe how parts of Structure of perennating organs (bulbs, Examine the structure/features on the How are the following
plants are modified for rhizomes, corms and suckers). perennating organs (bulbs, rhizomes, corms) adapted for
vegetative - draw and label the common examples of vegetative
reproduction/propagation. perennating organs (bulb e.g. onion, rhizomes Propagation?
e.g. ginger, corms e.g. cocoyam, sucker e.g. i. Bulb
plantain). ii. Rhizome
iii. corm
Discuss the structure/features in relation to
REPRODUCTION 1.8.6 identify the various parts Structure of flower parts. Collect and examine the following flowers:
of a flower. Flamboyant (Delonix), Pride of Barbados
(Caesalpinia), Rattle box (Crotalaria).
Draw and label the whole flower.
1.8.7 relate the structure of Structure and functions of parts of the Draw and label each part. Explain the functions
the floral parts to their flower. of the petals, sepals,
functions. Discuss the structure of parts of the flower in anthers and sigma to
relation to their functions. the flower.
1.8.8 determine and write the Floral formula. Examine different types of flowers and write the
floral formulae of named floral formula of each flower.
Note: Other terminologies used in describing
flowers should be stressed e.g. bisexual or
unisexual flowers (staminate, pistillate or
(carpellate), complete and incomplete flower, ,
essential and non-essential parts, monoecious and
dioecious plants, solitary and inflorescence flowers,
Note: Floral diagrams are not required.
1.8.9 explain the concept The concept of pollination. Types of Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
Pollination. pollination (cross and self pollination). pollination.
REPRODUCTION 1.8.10 explain how agents eg. Agents of pollination: Animals (insects, birds and Go out to observe animal agents pollinating Tabulate the
animal bats) and wind. flowers. differences between
agents (insects, birds, named wind-
bats) and wind bring List the agents they observed pollinating pollinated and named
about pollination. the insect-pollinated
flowers. flowers.
UNIT 8 (CONTD) The student will be able to: Let students: How are the following
seeds or fruits adapted
REPRODUCTION 1.8.15 me the agents of seed or Agents of seeds or fruit dispersal. Discuss the agents of seed and fruit for dispersal:
fruit dispersal. dispersal. Tridax fruit
Coconut fruit
Visit plants with matured fruits and Desmodium fruit
1.8.16 explain how different seeds Adaptation of seeds or fruits for observe how the seeds/fruits are Mango fruit
and fruits are adapted for dispersal. dispersed. Tecoma seed
dispersal. Examine, draw and label various seeds Balsam seed
and fruits. Crotalaria seed
Discuss how each type of seed/fruit is
Boerhavia fruit
List the agents responsible for
dispersal of seeds and fruits.
1.9.1 cut T.S of root and stem of Cutting transverse sections of root and Nurse bean seedlings for 8-10 days
SCIENTIFIC dicotyledonous plant. stem of a dicotyledonous plant. before the lesson.
INQUIRY SKILLS Note: use the root of a young bean Collect bean seedling and a young
seedling and the stem of Talinum or any Talinum plant.
herbaceous dicotyledonous plant. Cut thin sections of the root of bean
seedling and the stem of a young
Talinum plant.
Mount the sections under the
microscope. Draw what they see and
label it.
SCIENTIFIC 1.9.4 organize biological data and Organizing data and drawing of graph. Carry out experiment to test for starch in a
INQUIRY SKILLS draw a graph. Note: use the experiment on the effect of leaf based on instructions supplied by the
light intensity on the rate of teacher.
photosynthesis using pond weeds such
as Elodea or Ceratophyllum. Carry out an experiment to show the
effect of light intensity on the rate of
1.9.5 demonstrate the skills of Investigating the mineral elements maize Plot a graph of number of bubbles
observing and recording. plant needs for healthy growth. emerging per minute in relation to the
distance of the plant from the light source.
Note: Any biological experiment that will
involve observing could be used at the Form groups of not more than six
discretion of the teacher. members.
1.9.7 demonstrate the process skill Recording observations of differently Carry out an experiment to show the
of recording. treated transpiring leaves. effect of the various mineral elements on
Note: Use three leaves of the same the maize seedlings.
String the petioles such that they are Observe the seedling every two days and
equidistant from each other. record their observation for three weeks.
Smear Vaseline on
1. the abaxial surface Carry out experiment using yeast to show
2. adaxial surface and that in anaerobic respiration, carbon (IV)
on both surfaces. oxide is produced.
Record their observation.
Carry out experiment to show the surface
of the leaf that transpires faster.
Do periodic recording of their observation.
1.9.8 demonstrate the process skill 1. Measuring the growth of pollen Discuss their observations.
of measuring tubes
Carry out experiment to show how the
pollen tube grows in the style.
Measure the growth rate of the pollen
Discuss their findings.
General objectives: The student will:
1 appreciate the roles of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis as well as the importance of protein synthesis
2 recognize cell division as being part of the cell cycle and that cell division is the basis for growth and reproduction in living organism
3 understand how proteins from external sources (dietary proteins) are used for the synthesis of essential proteins within the body
NUCLEIC ACIDS 2.1.1 explain the term nucleic acid Nucleic acids. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of Name the types of nucleic
and name the types of nucleic acid. acids.
nucleic acids. Types of nucleic acids:
DNA and RNA. Discuss the types of nucleic acids and
differentiate between DNA and RNA.
Describe the Watson and
DNA STRUCTURE 2.2.1 describe the double helix Model of DNA structure by Watson and Examine a model of DNA. Crick model of DNA.
AND model of DNA structure. Crick.
REPLICATION, Describe the DNA in terms of
RNA nucleotides.
Draw the DNA structure with the correct
pairing of complementary bases.
2.2.2 outline the process of DNA DNA replication. Brainstorm to bring out an explanation of What is DNA replication?
replication. DNA. Replication. Outline the process of
Discuss the roles of the enzymes DNA DNA replication.
polymerase, helicase and ligase in
Discuss the mechanism of replication
using models or charts.
View recorded visuals of DNA.
2.2.3 outline the process of RNA RNA Transcription. View recorded visuals of RNA
transcription. transcription.
Practice RNA Transcription on paper.
SYNTHESIS 2.3.1 outline the process of protein Protein Synthesis Brainstorm to bring out the two steps A man needs keratin to
synthesis The roles of m-RNA, t-RNA, and r-RNA involved in protein synthesis. develop his hair that has
and ribosomes should be mentioned. been cut. Describe how he
Discuss each of the 2 steps in detail will be able to synthesis
using charts, drawings or pictures. the keratin in his body?
NOTE: Detail of the steps in each of the
two stages are not required
2.3.2 explain the importance of Importance of protein synthesis. Discuss the sources of the amino acids Name any two proteins
protein synthesis and give used to synthesize proteins in the synthesized by the human
some examples of the Note: (Consider also the functions of the human body. body and give their
proteins synthesized by proteins synthesized). functions.
humans. Identify some of the proteins which are
synthesized by humans.
CELL CYCLE 2.4.1 explain the term cell cycle. Cell cycle: Series of events that take place Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of What is the cell cycle?
in eukaryotic cells leading to their cell cycle.
replication or division.
2.4.2 outline the phases of the
cell cycle. Phases of the cell cycle: [Interphase: G1 S Discuss the phases of the cell cycle Make an annotated
G2 phases, Mitosis: M phase. using charts and diagrams. diagram to show the cell
(Karyokinesis and cytokinesis). cycle.
Make drawings to represent the cell
2.4.3 describe the process of The process of mitosis. Discuss the stages of mitosis Describe the process of
mitosis and its importance mitosis. What is the
Note: Mitosis is a part of the cell cycle i.e. Discuss the importance of mitosis. biological importance of
the M phase. mitosis?
2.4.4 describe the process of The process of meiosis Discuss the stages of meiosis Tabulate the differences
meiosis and its between mitosis and
importance meiosis
UNIT 5 The student will be able to: Brainstorm to bring out the meaning
Genetics of Genetics in relation to hereditary and
HEREDITY 2.5.1 explain the term genetics. variation.
What is the significance of
2.5.2 explain and define some Basic terms used in genetics e.g. gene, Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of a test cross?
terms used in genetics genotype, phenotype, dominant, basic terms in genetics.
with examples. recessive, allele, locus, test cross, back
cross, etc. Discuss structure of chromosomes.
2.5.4 state and explain Mendel's First and Second Laws Brainstorm to bring out the clear
st nd
Mendel‟s first and second understanding of Mendel‟s 1 and 2
laws of inheritance. laws.
2.5.5 explain how hybrids are Mendel‟s experiment s on monohybrid and Discuss the inheritance of a single pair Pea plants heterozygous
formed. dihybrid inheritance. and two pairs of contrasting for flower position and
characteristics up to the F2 generation. stem length (AaTt) are
allowed to self pollinate
and 400 of the resulting
seeds were planted.
UNIT 6 2.5.7 explain the term Gene Gene interactions: Discuss and come out with the meaning A man of blood group B
interaction and list various of gene interactions. married a woman of blood
VARIATION forms of gene interactions. group AB
Co-dominance, multiple alleles (ABO Brainstorm to bring out various types of i. Write the possible
blood group system, rhesus factor), gene interactions. genotypes of
polygenes (eg. Skin colour in humans)
Discuss each type of Gene interactions a. The man
with examples. b. The woman
c. The offspring
2.6.1 explain what variation is Variation Carry out the following activities to bring
out character differences among the
students such as tongue rolling, figure
prints, skin colour, height, hand clasping,
sex, ability to taste PTC paper etc.
2.6.2 distinguish between Continuous and discontinuous variation Classify different character traits into Distinguish between
continuous and continuous(e.g. skin colour, height, continuous and
discontinuous variation intelligence etc.) and discontinuous (e.g. discontinuous variation.
tongue rolling, hand clasping, A.B.O
blood groups sickle cell disease and
ability to taste PTC paper) variation.
Classify the following
2.6.3 distinguish between Heritable and non-heritable variations Explain that some variation is heritable characteristics as heritable
heritable and non- (e.g. tongue rolling, skin colour, sickle or non-heritable;
heritable variation. cell disease etc.) while others are non- i. Colour blindness
heritable (e.g. goiter river blindness ii. Scars
scars etc ). iii. Intelligence
iv. Goiter
v. River blindness
2.6.4 explain the causes of Causes of variation: Discuss the various causes of variation
variation and state their Environmental and and show relationship to their sources. Explain how the sickle cell
source. Genotypic (genetic) e.g.: disease arose out of gene
Crossing-over, NOTE: Mutation should include mutation.
Independent assortment chromosome abrasion and gene(point)
Random fusion of gametes mutation. Mention sickle cell disease as
Mutation an example of gene mutation.
2.6.6 explain the term Recombinant DNA technology Use digitized videos/CDs/audiovisuals to Explain how DNA test is
EVOLUTION Recombinant DNA explain genetic engineering. used to determine
technology and state paternity?
their applications. Discuss application of genetic
engineering in GM organs and foods,
gene therapy and the DNA test.
2.7.1 explain the term Evolution. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of
evolution. organic evolution.
2.7.2 list evidence in support Evidence for evolution: Discuss the evidence in support of Show how comparative
of evolution. Paleontology (fossil records), evolution. anatomy and embryology
Comparative biochemistry, geographical support the theory
distribution, Comparative anatomy & Discuss the evolutionary trends in plants evolution.
physiology, Comparative embryology, and animals( i.e. simple to complex
Systematics, evidence from computer forms and aquatic to terrestrial
simulation. adaptations)
Mention divergent and convergent
evolution under Comparative anatomy
2.7.3 describe the various Theories of evolution: Discuss various theories with emphasis Explain how Darwin‟s
theories of evolution. Lamarckism and Darwinism Theories. on that of Lamarck and Darwin. theory of natural selection
accounts for the long neck
Read and make presentations on the of giraffe.
theories of evolution.
SCIENTIFIC 2.8.1 prepare microscope slide of Preparation of squash of root tip of onion. Discuss stages of preparing microscope
INQUIRY SKILLS a squash of onion root tip. slide of a squash of root tip of onion.
2.8.2 handle the microscope to Using the microscope. Observe the slide under the microscope
view slides. and look out for stages of mitosis.
2.8.3 observe detail of structures Observing slides under high power of a Draw stages of mitosis they can identify
under the microscope. microscope. under the microscope.
2.8.4 observe stages of meiosis in Observing stages of Meiosis in plant and Examine prepared slides of a developing
plant and animal cells. animal cells. anther of a plant and a testis of a
grasshopper or any available insect
under the microscope.
2.8.5. design a model of the Model of the structure of a nucleotide. Use polystyrene spheres and broom
structure of a nucleotide. sticks to make models of nucleotides
with different nitrogenous bases purines:
(adenine and guanine); pyrimidines:
(cytosine and thymine/uracil).
1. appreciate water as a very important commodity which must be handled with care.
2. appreciate that water is the only source of fish and other useful aquatic products. It is also a medium for transmission of some
3. understand that, water is the basic raw materials for industries.
4. appreciate the use of micro-organisms in industries.
5. be aware that fuel can be generated from biological sources.
BIOLOGY AND 3.1.1 name some contaminants of Contamination of water. Carry out identification experiments to Show how you will
WATER INDUSTRY water. identify cations and anions in samples convince
of water.
3.1.2 identify polluted water by using The use of BOD in the measurement of Brainstorm to get the meaning of BOD. How would you use BOD
the Biological Oxygen Demand the level of organic pollution in water. to determine the level of
(BOD). Discuss how the BOD is determined. pollution in a water body
in your environment?
3.1.3 describe biological processes of Waste water treatment. Discuss processes such as cesspit
purifying sewage. activated sludge.
UNIT 2 The student will be able to: Let students:
BIOLOGY AND 3.2.1 explain why fish is an efficient Fish as an efficient converter of plankton Discuss the conversion of plankton into Why is fish considered
FISHING INDUSTRY converter of plankton into flesh. into flesh. flesh by fish. as an efficient converter
of plankton into flesh?
Note: fish is ectothermic and would not
3.2.2 describe ways of conserving need energy to warm the body.
fish stocks in water bodies.
Fish stock management. Brainstorm on ways of conserving fish Suggest methods by
stocks in water bodies. which fish stocks can be
3.2.3 explain the need for fish conserved. What role
farming. Fish Farming as a way of offsetting the Discuss the need for fish farming might a marine biologist
depletion of fish stock in natural water play in this?
3.2.4 list at least three each of
advantages and Advantages and Disadvantages of fish Brainstorm to bring out some
disadvantages of fish farming. farming. advantages and disadvantages of fish
UNIT 3 CONT’D The student will be able to: Let students:
FOOD INDUSTRY 3.3.4 identify categories of food Principal categories of food additives. Brainstorm to bring out types of food Name two types of
additives. additives they know. preserved food that you
Note Naturally occurring and artificial expect to contain
food additives. Discuss the use of food additives. antioxidant, two that may
contain emulsifiers and
two that may contain salt
used as a preservative.
3.3.5 explain the uses of some Health implications in the use of food Visit food vendors, confectionaries etc.
additives and their effect on additives. to find out the types of additives they
health. use and why.
BIOLOGY AND 3.4.1 explain the biological Biological principles underlying Discuss the biological principle that Explain the biological
AGRICULTURE principles upon which successful agriculture. optimum soil conditions supply principles by which
successful agriculture essential minerals, water and air for a) fertilizer;
depends. successful farming. b) pesticide;
c) selective
Discuss the biological principle that the breeding, and
quality of plants grown determines the d) irrigation
level of success of farming.
Can respectively
Discuss the biological principle that increase the productivity
reduction of competition increases or of crops.
determines the success of farming.
UNIT 4 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
BIOLOGY AND 3.4.3 explain the biological The use of pesticides to increase Discuss the biological importance of
AGRICULTURE importance of pesticides to agricultural productivity. pesticides to increase agricultural
boost agricultural productivity. productivity.
3.4.4 explain the biological principles Biological principles of animal Discuss the biological principle that
underlying successful animal husbandry. selective breeding, fecundity and
husbandry. resistance to disease underlie
successful animal breeding.
UNIT 5 3.5.1 explain the concept of The concept of biotechnology. Brainstorm to bring out the meaning of What do you understand
biotechnology. biotechnology. by the term
BIOTECHNOLOGY biotechnology?
3.5.2 name foods that are processed The use of micro-organisms in the Visit any food processing site that uses Describe the role played
using micro-organisms. manufacture of cheese, yoghurt, kenkey, micro-organisms in food processing. by named micro-
bread, butter. organisms in the
Investigate how the processing is done production of the
and make a presentation in class. following;
3.5.3 explain the role of micro- a) yoghurt
organisms in the production of Micro-organisms and liquor production. Visit any liquor production site that b) kenkey
alcoholic drinks and organic uses micro-organisms in liquor c) bread
acids. production. d) local gin
brewed from
Investigate how the production is palm wine
3.5.4 explain the role of microbes in Micro-organisms in the pharmaceutical carried out and make a presentation in
the pharmaceutical industry. industry. class.
Discuss the effect of microbes in the
production of some pharmaceutical
UNIT 5 (CONT’D) The student will be able to: Let students:
3.5.5 explain the role of microbes in Microbes in the tanning industry. Discuss the effect of microbes in the
the tanning industry. tanning industry.
3.5.6 state other uses of microbes. Microbes in mining. Read texts on microbial mining and
make a presentation in class.
BIOLOGICAL FUEL 3.6.1 explain the need for new Fuel from Biomass Discuss the need for the use of new
GENERATION sources of energy. Note: the use of biogas, use of green sources of energy.
crops to produce ethanol, the generation
of hydrogen gas from chloroplasts.